Good Advertising Is to Businoss what Steam is to Machinery, that great propelling po vcr. This paper gives results. Use these column for mkr&c. An advertisement in this papor will reach a good class of people. E. E. MILLIARD, Editor and Proprietor. "Excelsior" is Our Motto. SiikscripJion Price il.CO Per Year. VOL. XXIV. ?Jew Seriei Vol. 11. 6-13 SCOTLAND NECK, N. G, THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1S03. NUMBER 23. If . . . - - -rn rr r rr -r w m . n Gfod Advertisers 'Ihsasasds Have Kidcsy Trouble and Never Suspect if. Irova?ncy of Kklney Disease. ?.'. t people do not realize the alarm i..g inert: ate and remarkable prevalencj 01 Kicinry disease. -S-TT? r-- Wl,il.l-ili,,!.. jorder's are the most common diseases that pre vail, they ar-. I 1 I J I i 1 patient and p!iy siciaiis, who ton tent thfmstcltwa Hi i.:n-trriin the (VicIj. while the ort'i- i-'Kil dt':Ti:.te undermines t'ac system. Wliat To Xo. Thtre is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Sv:ur.o-Uoot, the c;reut kidney remedy, '..'.ill- wry v. i;di in curing rheumatism, in the back, kidney?, liver, bladder i :kI every part of the ininarv passage. H corn-els inability to hold water i-id fraMhig pain in passing it, or bad cruets f'.illowhig vse of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant re ressity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many lines during thejpight. The niiid and !1k e:itraordu:iaryeiTect of Swamp-Root is t'-.o'! re.di'ed. 1 .stands the highest for it 3 wonderful card of the :nost dis t;es:'ing cast ?. If you need, a medicine v .-ii. ;!.! have the best. Sold bv drusr- i:- I.: n: .v-cenu one-dollar sizes v. i mav have ii-.- ifi; uar.imc bottle and a 1:k all ( fcK" a' .nt it. both sent free STrta bv n. Al. Address Dr. Kilmer d: Co., I'.ing writing mention this paper and don't make .any mistake, but remember the J'.:::::e. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and 'the address, Binglnuitofi, X. Y. R. MILLS Laxd Surveyor Scotland Neck, N. C. o-lt-tf! )R. J. P. WiNBERLEY, Physician and Surgeon, Scotland N"eck, X. C. Office on Depot Street. )R. A. C. LIVERMON, DENTIST. fe Office up stairs in White 'J '- rf head Building. Office hours from 9 to 1 o'clock and 2 to 5 o'clock. II W. NIXON, Refracting Optician, Watch Maker, Jeweler,- En graver, Scotland Neck, N. C. J MtBRYDE WEBB, j Attorney and Counselor at Law, 219-221 Atlantic Trust Building Norfolk, Va. Notary Public. Bell Phone 7G0 j gDWARD L TRAVIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Halifax, N. C. Money Loaned on Farm Lands 1LL H. JOSEY, General Insurance Agent, Scotland Neck, N. C. ?M I am prepared to serve my customers and the "Jf' public generally with the very best of fresh Beef, Pcrk, Sausage, &c. All orders filled promptly, and every customer's wants regarded. J. 13. HILL, Main St., next to Prince's Stables. l-2-2m op That Cold To cherkearlyroMsorGrippawtth Preventles ir.eans sure (Meat for Pneumonia. To stop a cola villi Pnivcntics is safcr than to let it run anrt De clilted to cure it afterwards. To be sure, rre vnnticsiviHcure even a deeply seated cold, bvx tikf-n curly at the sneeze stage they breaK. or hea-lnff these early colds. That surely better. That's why they are called Preventtoa. Preventicsare little Candy Cold Cures. No Quin ine, no physic, nothing sickenins. Nice for tna children and thoroughly safe too. If you leel chilly, if tou sneeze, if you ache all over, think of Preventies. Promptness may also save half your usual sickness. And don't forget your child. U therein Werishness. night or diwr. Herein prob ably lies Prevontics greatest efficiency, hold m 6e boxes' for the pocket, also in 2c boxes of 48 Prevc-utics. Insist on your druggists giving you ventics mmm parked i HA!H BALSAM KT5C??r-: tlll rijciej a hutumtit growth. l&il.S--SJSSii.fcVf Fail to Restore Ory fc-VK r-dKfi Hr.i - to is Youthful Color. li'Cf'sfif&VZiJ&'G'i'i Cunt nealp d:-6'-' hair ai'icz. r'hi!tfr ft.';, rm3t !.' cj. Uruj?gU; New Market. Pre THE EDITOR'S LEISURE HOURS. Observations of Passing Events. People who live in the country have many blessings that the townspeople never know about, and they are free from many Boys Id Vacation. puling fe.stins whif ;veish hef7ily with people in town. And one of these blessings is the wide-open fields which solve the question about what to do with boys in vacation. The country boy who goes to school or college for nine or ten months gets tired and worn down with his work as well as the town boy, if he does his duty well. And the country boy should have a few days after school closes in which to rest and catch up for lost sleep and the like; but when well rested there is no problem with father and moth er aboutwhat to do with him. The many things about the farm that need his attention and help employment; but the parents of the boy in town have to worry all through vacation about how to keep the boys busy and out mischief. In very truth it may be said that great is country life. A parent in Manchester, Va., pretty well loaded with books to Fifteen Pounds of Books. weighed fifteen pounds. The matter was brought to public at tention through a communication to the Richmond News-Leader, which made the following timely comment: "Isn't fifteen pounds of books rather a heavy dose for a growing boy or girl? Isn't it possible that in trying to meet the varying desires and diversified ambitions of parents the school authorities are over loading the minds, overtaxing the strength of children and dumping into their intellectual systems masses of matter which never will be digested or assimilated or made useful? The writer of the Manchester communication sends us a list of the books making up the fifteen pounds. It is a formidable one. Probably few grown and matured men and women with trained minds and fully developed bodies wrould care to tackle it for a six-month's course. Are we overfeeding? It is a complicated question, but one of tremendous importance." "It is an ill wind that blows nobody good," is an adage of long standing, and the Scientific American, while not quoting Decrease In Accidents the adage' draws conclusions that re- mind us of it. There has been consider abl3 decrease in the number of railroad accidents recently. Quoting from the Accident Bulletin of the Interstate Commerce Commission, the Scientific American says that during the last three months of 1907 out of a total number of 220 persons killed only 21 were passengers, as against 110 passengers killed in the preceeding three months and 180 killed during the corresponding quarter of 1906. The Scientific American thinks that while there has been improvement in the manner and system of handling passenger trains, the laying off of more than three hundred thousand freight cars by reason of the panic, had much to do with the decrease in railroad accidents. So many freight cars being thrown off the roads lessened the congestion, and with the laying off of the freight cars came the discharge of many employes, and of course the more efficient were retained in service, while the less efficient were dismissed. All these, things put together have caused the gratifying result of a great decrease in the number of railroad accidents, and so-we can draw some consolation from the panic, if it really has been a factor in this decrease" in the loss of human life. There is the further deduction. to be made, that if railroad travel is so mucli safer with fewer freight cars and" they manned by the more effi cient employes, the railroad authorities ought to see to it that a sufficient number of cars, both in freight and passenger ser vice, is kept in use, and that they are manned by competent and trustworthy crews. It is indeed gratifying to hear less of rail road disasters, and it is to be hoped that the present conditions will remain, and will even be improved. Passing along the street some days ago we observed several bunches of men sitting together quietly letting time slip by like . , . , ... the flowing stream, hastening on to do Habit of Doing Something. itg appointed work in supplying the world with water. But we thought how different it was with the time of those persons, as it flowed away, from the flowing stream. The stream of water has its appointed work, and by a law of nature does it, never stopping,never ceasing, but flowing on the while until it reaches its up and carried back to the clouds, falls in raindrops and flows on back to the ocean again, to do the same work over and over as long as the world shall stand. But the stream of time which we allow to flow by as we idly pay no heed to its passing never comes back, but its -opportunities are lost forever. There is a vast deal of time lost by some wno cannoc utilize it; out a iur vast(r dftal is lost bv those who could utilize it. Time is lost through habit, just as time and money are saved through habit. Every person is destined to be controlled by some habit, wheth er he wills it or not; but most people assent to the habits which control them. Nothing tells more effectually in one's life than the habit of saving time by doing something, unless it is the habit of losing time by doing nothing. Many a man nas De come fairly well educated and more than ordinarily useful through the habit of saving time and devoting a short while daily to reading and to study, while many with equal oppor- tunity and equal capacity nave nveu auu uieu ignwum '"p because they fell into the habit of losing time instead of saving it Many a man who began life in poverty has made a fairly good living and has left an estate to his family because he cul tivated the habit of saving time and devoting it to useful em ployment, while many others with equal and perhaps superior v,-tVi find Mnacitv have lived and died noor by failing to cultivate the habit of employing their time to-good Timft is a vaiuaDie camiai ana asset wiuuu iew rnnria nrAnprlv estimate. Youncr men and youne: women, boys and girls can do nothing better than to cultivate the wise habit of saving time by being constantly engaged in something worth while To be sure, we do not mean to say that people should never "take breath" and relax at all; but as most people know prettv well how to do this, there is no need of any particular suggestion for it. Time saving is a most important habit for all because as we learn to save the time and wisely employ it, we' are the more useful arid helpful in the world, both to our selves and to others. - One application of MahZan Pile Rem- j Sick Headache and Biliousness re edy, for all forms of piles, relieves pain, lieved at once with Rings Little Liver sooths, reduces inflammation, soreness Pills. A rosy complexion and clear and itching Price 50c. Guaranteed eyes result from their- use. Do not L ,w satisfaction. Sold by E. T. gripe or sicken. Good for all the fam- Whitehead Co.. . . furnish him full and complete observing that his child was and from school, through curi osity or for other reasons, weighed the books the child had to carry and they ocean reservoir, is tneuce laten . ily. Sold bv E. T. Whitehead Co. Dostroyers of Boys. (The American Boy.) To tell you that cigarette smoking is bad for you would be foolish. In the first place, that's preaching1, and I don't believe in preaching. In the second place, every boy knows that the cigarette is bad for him. I don't care to tell ycu what you already know. I want to tell you things that you don't know. So I am going to explain, as well as I can in a few words, why the cigarette is bad for you how its use makes a boy thin, pale, weak, and sickly why it helps to bring on consumption. In the first place, I am not going to tell you any "crank" stories about the drugged cigarette and all that. The fact is that cigarettes are not often drugged, and if they were, it couldn't be a worse drug than the drug in the tobacco itself the nico tine. That's not the point. Cigarette smoking is bad because it strikes at the very root of the life the breath ing. The more you breathe, the more you liva. The bigger, the more active the lungs, the stronger, healthier, more active, and beautiful is the person. To stop the breathing is to stop the life; to reduce the breathing capacity is to reduce the life. ! Everybody knows this: "No, thanks. No cigarettes. 1 have cut them out. I am in training, you know," is a frecuent remark among college men. If the cigarettes is bad for the maa in training, why is it not just as bad for the man not in training? It is and worst. Why? Well, in the first place let me tell you that thj lurgs cover an immense surface a surf;ce equal to the area of a floor of a large room; that this surface is wrinkled up, for the lungs are contained in a small space. Through this surface the blood pours out its poisons, and at the same time takes in the o:ygen, which is the greatest essential of life. Now, when you smoke a cigarette or breathe the air of smoky room, the smoke enters directly into the lungs. Smoke r. in reality nothing but a very fine charcoal dust; and when you inhale it this dust settles on the delicate membrance, covering the surface of the lungs. This de posit clogs up the surface of the lungs, and prevents both the escape of poison from the-blood and the en trance of the oxygen of the air into the blood. j Thus the cigarettes smoker is at once starved and poisoned starved for air and poisoned by the own breath. Is it tny wonder that he gets pale and thin and weak mental ly and physicidly? Is any wonder that he is a "consumptive boy?" It it any wonder that if he smokes to excess he dies. Among the better class of men and young men cigarette smoking is dy ing out. It isn't "good form," it certainly isn't good health. It is sil ly and unclean, and the habit will, with absolute certainty, injure the health and shorten the life of him who is addicted to it. , Tilings Tbat Me Worry Impossible. (Succtss Magazine.) Good robust health is a great ene my of - worry .j A good digestion, clear conscience, and sound sleep kill a lot of worry.. Worry is but one phasa of fear. and always thrives best in abnormal conditions. It cannot get much of a hold on a man' with a superb physi que, a man who lives a clean, sane life. It thrives on the weak those of vitality. Itis not a very difficult thing to make worry hipossible. Many peo ple make it impossible for most kinds of disease to get hold on them be cause they hive such strong disease resisting force. Disease always at tacks us at our weak point. The great desideratum is to keep one's physic!, mental, and moral standards so high that disease germs, the worry germ, the anxious germ cannot gain a footing in our brain. Our resisting power ought to be so great that it would be impossible for our enemies to gain an entrance in to the brain and body. To keep ourselves perfectly free from our worry enemies, everything we do must be sanely. No matter how honest we may be or how hard we may try to get on, if we are not sane in our eating, in our exercise, in our thinking, in our sleeping and living generally, we leave the door ouen to all sorts of trouble. ThereJ are a thousand enemies trying to find a door oDen by which they can gain entrance into our system and attack us at our vulnerable point. De Witt's" Little Early Risers, the famous little liver pills, are eold beE. T. Whitehead Co. HOW TO BUILD AND ISE S?LsT-LGG LHAG. Office of Public Roads gI !ne U. S. He partment of Agriculture Issues a Bulletin on tais Very Slspla Eoad Building Device. One of the latest publications is- J Agriculture treats the split-log drag, an implement which numerous ex periments have conclusively shown to be the greatest possible boon to keep earth roads smooth and passa ble. Because of its simplicity, its efficiency and its cheapness, both in construction and operation, it is des tined to come more and more into general use. With the drag proper ly built and its use well understood, the maintenace of earth roado be comes a simple and inexpensive mat ter. At the present time there are ap proximately 2,000,000 miles of earth roads in the United States. Some of the most important of these roads will eventually be improved with stone, gravel, and other material. Many others which are equally im portant cannot be so improved on account of lack of funds or suitable materials, while still others will not require such treatment because of the light traffic to which they are subjected. For these reasons the majority of our roads must be main tained as earth roads for many years to come. This must be done by in expensive methods and the split-log drag will be a powerful aid if econo my is the criterion demanded. In construction of this implement, care should be taken to make it s o light that one man can lift it with ease, a light drag responding more readily to various methods of hitel ing than a heavy one, as well as to ; the shifting of the position of the operator. The best material f split-log drag is a dry red cedar log, though red elm and walnut are ex cellent, and box elder, soft maple, or even willow are superior to oak, ash, or hickory. The log should be be tween 7 and 10 feet long and from 10 to 12 inches in diamtU r at thz butt end. It should be split careful ly as near the center as possible, and the heaviest the best slab chosen for the front. In the front slab 4 inches from the end which is to drag in rhe middle of the road bore a 2-inch hole which is to receive a cross stake. At a distance of 22 inches from the oth er end of the front slab, locate the center for another cro.?s stake. The hole for the middle stake will be on a line connecting and halfway be tween the two. Then place the back slab in position and from the end which is to drag in the middle of the road measure 20 inches for the cen ter of one cross stake and 6 inches from the other end ocate the center of the opposite stake. The hole for the center stake should be located halfway between the two. All these holes should be carefully bored per pendicular or at right angles to the face of the split log. If these directions are followed it will be found that when the holes of the front and back slabs are brought opposite each other, one end of the back slab will be 16 inches nearer the center of the roadway than the front one. That gives is what is known as "set back." The stakes, which are 30 inches long, will hold the slabs this distance apart. When the stakes have been firmly wedged into their sockets, a brace about 2 inches thick and 4 inches wide may be placed diagonally to them at the ditch end of the drag. A cleatea board is placed between the slabs and across the stakes for the driver to stand oh. By many it is deemed best to place a strip of iron along the lower face of the front slab for a cutting Llade and to prevent the drag from wear ing. The drag may be fastened to the doubletree by means of a trace chain. The chain should be wrap ped around the left-hard or rcar i stake and passed over the front slab, Raising the chain at this end of the slab permits the earth to drift past the face of the drag. The other end of the chain should be passed through a hole in the opposite end of the front slab and held by a pin passed through a link. For ordinary purposes, the hitch should be so made that the unloaded drag will follow the team at an an gle of about 45 degree. The team should be driven with one horse on either side of the right-hand wheel track,or rut the full length of the portion to be dragged, and made to "I suffered habitually from consti pation. .Doan's Regulets relieved .and strengthened the bowels, so that they have been regular ever since." A. E. Davis, grocer, Sulphur Springs, Tes; sued by the Office of Public Roads of ? KAKU ut liY ra,n' in sorae casc3 the United States Department ofhever, one draping every three rettirn in the same over the other half of the roadway. Such treatment will move the earth tc wai'ds the center of the roadway and raise it gradually above the sur rounding level. The best results have been obtain ed by dregginjr roads ones each way 1. 1 T or four week has besn found suffici ent to keep a road in good condition. When the soil is moist but not sticky the drag does its best work. As the soil in a field will bake if ploughed wet, so the road will bake if the drag is used on it when it is wet. If the roadway is full of hoh-s or badly rutted, the drag should be used once when the ground is soft and smshy. Thii is particularly ap- piicp.pie Detore a cold sped in winter, when it is possible to prepare the surface that it will freeze smooth. Not infrequently conditions are met which may be overcome by a slight change in the manner of hitch ing. Shortening the chain tendd to lift the front s:ab and make the cut ting slight, while a longer hitch causes the front to tink more deeply into the earth and act on tho princi ple of a plow. If a furrow of earth i3 to be mov ed, the doubletree should be attach ed close to a ditch end of the drag, and the driver should stand with one foot on the extreme forward end of the front slab. Conditions are so varied in differ ent localities, however, that it is qui e imposiibl-o to lay down spcili .' rules. Certain sections of a roadway will require more attention than oth ers, because of steep grades, wet weather springs, soil conditions, ex posure to sun and wind, washes, etc. There i.s one condition, however, ir sptcial attention should be i given. L!ay roads ur.uer nt hoggings frequently, become too it h in the renter. This may be ccrrectcd by dragging the earth to wards the center of the road twice, and away from it once. There is no question a3 to the economy of this road-making imple- i merit, either in first cost or in oper; -j tion. In cix counties in Kun. as in 1903 the cost of maintaining ordinary earth reads, without the aid cf the split-log drag, averaged $12 50 a mile. These figures were furnished bv Professor. W. C. Hoad. of the University of Kansas, who secured them from olfi.-ial records of the ' counties. Some figures furnished by F. P. Sanborn and R. H. Aishton, General Manager of the Chicago and North western Railroad, have revealed the wonders of this simple device. Mr. Mr. Sanborn said "the least expense per mile per annum for split-log dragging was $1.50, the greatest a little over $G. I have lived along this road all my life and never in 40 years have 1 seen it fieer from diifet and mud, despite the fact that dur ing the season we have experienced the extremes of weather conditions." The testimony of Mr. Aihton, is equally strong. Learning that a township in Iowa had been makir.g an investigation of thesplit-log drag and had been experimenting with it for a year on 28 miles of higway, he sent an agent to secure information. It was reported that although the town board had paid the cost of making the drags and of hiring m :-n ! to operate them, the total expense j for one year evercged but $i.40 a i mile, and the roads, were reported to have been "like a race track" the greater portion of the year. Be Natural. (Snow Hill Standard-Laconic.) Heaven help the man wh ) imagines he can dodge his enemies by trying to please everybody! If such an in dividual ever succeeds pass him over this way that we may have one lock at his mortal remains ere he vanishes away for surely this earth cannot be his abiding place. Now we do not infer that one should be g'.-ing j throu till 1113 W 'JL ll llJiW3 J mtw j beam3 to knock and thump his head against, disputing every man s opin ion, lighting and elbowing and crowd ing all who differ from him. That, again is another extreme. Other people have their opinions, so have you. Don't fall into the error of supposing they will respect you more for turning your coat every day, to match the color of theirs. Wear your own clothes in spite of wind and weather, storms and sunshine. It costs the irresolute ten times the j trouble to wind, and shuffle, and twist than it doe3 honest manly inde pendence to stand. Operation for piles will not be nec esary if you use Man Zan Pile Remedy. Pot mi. readv to Use. Guarantee! Price 50c.' Try it, Whitehead Co. Sold by E. T. rilTUKES. Originate;! Jn the Spinning of a Coin by Sir Jo!in Hcrschel. fSc:ectd.) Sir John Herschel after dinner in 1S26 asked his frknd, Charles Bab, how he would show both sides of a shilling at once. Babbage re plied by taking a shilling from hia pocket and holding it to a mirror. This did not satisfy Sir John, who set the shilling spinning upon the dinner table, at the same time point ing out that if the eye is placed, on a level with the rotatincr coin both sides can be seen at once. Babbage was so struck by the experiment that the next day he described it to a friend," Dr. Filson, who immediate ly made a working model. On one side of a disk was drawn a bird, on the other side an empty birdcage. When the card was revolved on a silk thread the bird appeared to be in the cage. This model showed the persistence cf vision upon which all moving pictures depend for their ef fect. The eye retains the image of the object seen for a fraction of a second after the object has been re moved. This model was called the thaumolrope. Next came the zoe trope, or wheel of life. A cylinder was perforated with a series of slots, and within the sylinder was placed a b ind of drawings of dancing men. O.i the apparatus being slowly ro t ded the figures seen through the slots appeared to be in motion. The first systematic photographs taken at regular intervals of men and ani mals were made by Muybridge in 1377. A nvm who is in pnfc 1 luultli, so he cmi t'.o ;m honot l:ty'8 work wlim tiivo.-snrv, l'ns iniuli for which ho .!i.i::l In-thankful. Mr. L. C. KodnerH i Ihiii-.i-l.toii, writes that he wan lot only unable to work, hut he couldn't sloop ovi-r to tii Ins own .-hop. Hx buttles of Foley' Kidney Cure, made a new man of him. JIc :-avs, "Success to I'oley'8 Kidney Cur..." K. T. Whitehead Co. Said the President to the Attorney Genera': "It's a wise man that know? when to cut his own Mellen." Baltimore Sun. If you will make inquiry it will be a revelation to you how ninny Miccumb to Kidney or b'add.-r trouble in one form or anoihvr. If tbo patient i.s not beyond medical aid, l'o.ey's Kidney Cure will cure. It never di.apiKiints. Sold by i: T. Whitehead Co. Congress is said to have talked much and done little an ideal situa tion, according to the Interests. Kansas City Journal. Sioni.ich tn.ubl. s nr;.-very common in thv Minntier time and you fdioiild not only be very cinfid nbout what von eil ju.-t now, but more than thi., you sbould be direful Hot to allow jour stomach to become disordered, and when the stomach pies wrong take Kodo!. This "r the best known preparation that is ollered to the jko to-day ;or dysp cia or indigestion or any st inacli trouble. Kodo! di- its all fx ds. It is pleasant to take. It is H.ld la re by K. T. Whitehead Co. It is getting so in Kentucky thtt een the man who attends to his own business rr.ust leave the State. Dal las News. To )!: minutes. anv pain, anjwhere in 'JO " I . I 4 f Tk simply take jut unu ui u,u' 1'm'c Pain Tab'cts. Pain meant eon;;, st ion Moot! pressure that is ail. Dr. Shoop's Headache or Pink Pain Tablets will quickly coax blood pressure away from pain centers. After that, pain is gone?. Headache, Nemal.uia, painful eriods with women, etc., p t instant help. '-0 Tablets, -'-V. S.Id by A. O. Peterson. It might be well to punish dyna miters by blowing them to bits with their own dreadful explosivePro vidence Journal. Weak women should try Dr. Shoop's Ni'-rht Cure. Hies:! soothing, heaung, siitHoptic suppositories go direct totbo seat of these weaknesses. My "Rook No. -1 Tor Women" contains lnnny valuable hints to women, and it m iree. Ask Dr. Mioop, nac me, vi., to inai! it. Ask the Doctor in strictest co'iti lence, any questions you winii an-wejed. soil by A. Dr. Snoop s .Niyht Cure is C. Peterson. Irrigation is enlarging the oases of t)vi Sahara de.sert. Nat uit; has provided the stomach with certain natiual fluids known an the digCKtivRjuices, and it is through these juices that the food we eat is act ed upon in such a way as to produce the rich, red blood that Hows through the v.eins of our body and thereby makes us strong, healthy and robust, and it is the weakening of these diges tive juices that destroys health. It is our own fault if we destroy our own health, and yet it is so easy for any one to put the stomach out of order. When you need to take something take it promptly, but take something you know is reliable something like Kodol For Dyspepsia and Indigestion. Ko dol is nleasant to take, it is reliable' and is guaranteed to give rebel. It w J sold l y E -T. Whitehead Co. . . A. a PETERSON,