i i !. S ( f. "i t f ; 'i r ! " ) 1 i ll i, 5 M THE CMTvIONWEALTH. E. HILlilAItD Editor Published Every Thursday. Hntrr'1. at the ;ril ":: at !eothml Neck X. C. as Po.-o:vl-Cl: Mtitt'-r. Thursday, June 11, 1008. Publisher's Announcement. It is a settled point in newspaper ethic that editors and publishers are not responsible for the views of correspondents, and the puluie.-ition cf a communication does not mean that the editor or publisher endorse the commui.icatiou. I hk Commonwealth adheres to these general pr:ci- plt'S. Hon. D. M. Furches. former ly Associates Justice of the Su preme Court, died at his home in Statesville Monday, June 8. Ife had been more or less prom inent in the Republican party but never an ardent politician. The high price of corn and hay this season has had good effect on some farmers, let us hope; for the acreage in corn seems to be a good deal larger than usual, and this is the only way to make farming a safe and profitable business. Governor R. B. Glenn has been asked to second the nom ination of W. J. Bryan in the National Democratic Conven tion in Denver. Governor Glenn can do it as well as any admirer Mr. Bryan has in the United States and the friends j - of both hope lie wiu do it. . . . - i President George T. Winston, of the A. & M. College at Ral eigh, offered his resignation some days ago. His resigna tion was a surprise to the peo ple of the State and many re gret to lose liis service at that great institution. His success or has not yet been chosen. As the time comes on apace! in most of the counties for nom inating men for various ofuees, it behooves the citizens of the esis ougnt 10 ue m ine nanris of such men from township constable to Governor. The News and Observer ob served some da3's ago that "dark horse" talk concerning the'nominee for Governor by the North Carolina State Dem ocratic Convention is not pop ular. It thinks that Messrs. - Home, .Kitchin and Craig have made such a stroncr rnnv-iooi biiunir c dii ass : that it is not at all probable any other man will be thought of in the convention. A merchant who does a good business, but not a large busi ness, said this week that these dull times are caused by the lack of home supplies Hp sruM that people trenernllv hv to buy their meat, bread, hay and ! other supplies for their homes and farms, and only the larger merchants and those who sell on time can carry such trade well. And every word he said was true. To a man who said that busi ness is too dull to advertise we replied that dull times to a business man should have the same effect that grass 'has on the farmer. When the farmer sees that his crop is suffering by reason of the presence of grass he puts forth all the more energy to change the condi tions. So when a merchant finds that his business is suf fering by reason of the absence : of customers, he should go to w.. in earnest to change con-1 ditions by becoming a live and j p3rsistent advertiser Halifax Faces. (Cor. to The Common wcaHh.) . Halifax, N. O, June 9, 1903. Miss Susie Mountcastle, who has been teaching The Halifax High School here this year, returned to her home in Emporia last week. Joe Butts, Jr., was here Sunday visiting his people. Miss Lucy Butts has been spend ing several day3 in Weldon this week. Miss Susie Gilliam has returned home for her vacation after teach ing several months in Henderson. Mrs. W. H. Hays, Miss . May Bell andMaster James have returned to their home in Elm City. Mr. E. L. Travis is spending this week in Asheville, as a delegate to the Convention of "The Order of the Eastern Star." Rev. A. G. Willcox preached here on Sunday morning, but had to go home in the afternoon because of the illness of a son. QfnfA nvr.r.r,., .nrn )a n ,,,0 .,r,, i leiT CJb I 3C1 OPCll OlieieU IOli J. ml. 1 :!:,.. . 1 J ! - ...... .1 , 1- 1 m-iMiuut. na-iicwu : . . 0 , , . ' woras i 1 v uR i, nouiiuy, vviiiiL a ui uitu ; mains were cmveyea 10 ms nome men in whom the people have sJle n? .fVlfl'Vlo?! f ' I spirit of forgiveness and of hope in ! and placed in the family cemetery. . rni ' J, . , , at reallv low irices a ot old, ; , z, confidence. The state s inter- i tl r. would hn.ve been a ! the future! With such ieauers to T, F. C. CUT IT OUT. The Raleigh News and Ob- server and the Charlotte Oo-, server took very opposite views..,. fll f the hun-! - it They have a perfect i ing rrb t tn rliffpr in their opinions rignt to Uinei in men ypiulUilL ; onrl wa : Llxiu n ; aOOlll SUCH ct iimuci, . - i ohr.nr. th J ftfftatOI flOKeOIMllU ....nu r-.f i-h.u r.tvt'. .T : rOWCU3. IN. Kj.. uwu i, iiici jtnvsuv v..--- - !Q it'll 1.1 ttilillVCICOl "' ' . , T j . 1 for Governor of Georgia, the j Tvon Davh Tbi- year the trib-' r.oke on Wednesday ir.gnt, June 4th, 'cimrlcrte Observer rejoioing at paili to the loader of tbv Lo:-t i very sud donly. 1 he young inan hi i . . c . . l i i . i !...., i,.-.-: s-.nn :n pviw.-iii-'lv r.rx;r health xcr , (Governor nun s aeiecti uuu . ;aus-3 i-jciact o .::ivv.; i,ct-i -; i t ' the News and Observer deplor-: by fresher and deeper U.ve them ever ; about ayeur and nad teen a con-. make that part of it no affair of Q(mi or ours, but we can not quite , gemre in thfi he&rt excuse the Charlotte Observer . gouth for its editorial profanity, j a contemporary quotes an extract With thousands of others in j from the jast speech of President North Carolina, we have long j Jefferson Davis. We wish to repro admired the ability of that good ciuce the quotation, for it holds- a newspaper, but we submit that j lesson for us of this generation: it went a 'word or two too far J "The faces I see before me are in its editorial utterances of June 5th. We recently heard a great and good man in a pub lic address declare that people ought to be very careful how they use certain words, and 'hell" was one of them. We can not think that the Observer would like often to use such ex pressions as it did Friday in ' which occurred the word i which the good man we have referred to said we ought to avoid. WORD FOR HOME MARKETS. Sometimes the saving that I after his career of defeat and sor distance lends enchantment to ! row, these words bear double mean- the vieAv" has more truth in it r . . . rni. .. r, ; man we suppose, im ioji'Jw - ing editorial observations by the .Norfolk Landmark timely and mean a great deal: "An interesting phenomenon i is the destruction, by orders i from health boards, of immense quantities of strawberries and j other perishable food in North- j era cities where he cmmis- 7 sion merchants have been Un-; able to sell overstock at ! even quart two or three cents u 'Is it not possible that if these profit to the farmer instead of the heavy loss which he has ' sustained in his eagerness to ! play for high prices in the ; North? How many times have' j strawberries been offered at re- j tail at a price as low as rive j cents a quart around here this ! Season? j "Similarly, we note that hun-! dreds of thousands of pounds j of American meats are being i shipped back from Europe, be- j cause the forfio-n liinrlcots i . , i f . - : ovprsrorlcpd ann tn American ; market yields better returns. I The business of despising the j local market to play for the outside market may be over done." A GREATER DEVELOPMENT. North Carolina has already ' taken Place in the front rank as one of the most Progressive btates in the South. But there are still greater developments just ahe'ad of us. Ranking amongst the first in the number of cotton mills, it will soon be a leader in this in dustry; and there is every rea son why such should be the case. We raise a considerable quantity of cotton, the climate is fine, farm products are plen tiful and so mill nrtfinU nnn live reasonably cheat,, nnd ! other things enter into the con- x,., r . . v ditions which make it -possible ! and probable for a greater de velopment. The settling of the liquor ques- : tion bv popular vntp. is figure largely in bringing about greater development. There j will no longer be the opportun- ity for laboring men so inclin-1 or! "f r O V r tn rl a!h n 1 ,r. wov wwb earn - i ings at some convenient nlno for the purchase of liquor, and 1-.-."- i ! ,v uuu,u.,uu ,WS ueeil UC- I customed to waste his own earnings and a part of the earn ings of his family will now be able to live better by using his money for the comfort of his family instead of throwing it away- at a bar-room. This will bring about an era of better prosperity 'which will impress people of capital outside of the State; and so investment by outside capital will be in creased. The outlook for larger and better develpment is indeed flattering, and those of our people now in active life who live another decade will see North Carolina a greater and better and more prosperous State. JeJicrscp. Dst!s' Advice. (Charlotte News.) , -r ceiebrations ; u:vciuf, UliUUS"""1' ... ; before. The day was observe-u a it never was oeiore. ine ooulh ... , j jj t,v. - rr-1 n I- , i not lorgec its nonoreu utau. Daui..u ....1., ----- . , , i i i u.,4. i;tl avail TTo Tiraa r n,, those of young men. Had not you been this I would not have appeared alone in a defense of my Southland, but. for love of her I break my silence and speak to you. The past is dead; let it bury its dead, its hopes and aspirations. Before you lies the future of golden endeavor, full of national glory before which the world will stand amazed. Let me beseech you to lay aside all rancor and all bitter sectional feeling and take your place in the ranks of those who will bring about conciliation out of which will be shed a re-united country." Nobler sentiment was never ex pressed. And coming from Davis, . Such sentiment could only i - -v r f ' - r TV,T,.ri cw I'll r . 1 M , J 1 1 , , . . . - - liom a great, neari, iui uur i iilm, mere idle words. ! The man who had lost all uron ' .x,ich bis hpnrt. was hent: who had ' suffered the stings cf abuse from j myriad tongues; whose motives had ; been misinterpreted and too often ; wilfully misrepresented; for whom remained only a cup of sorrow and regrets, and who, in the face of all, j coa!a pom'- te minus oi young men; 11 ! r . to the future; who could preach the j I doctrine of love and fellowship with j his former enemies, was indeed of 1 noble mould What infinite patnos these I bear the standard against odds, and later to give such advice in defeat, ; is it strange that the South fought as it did, or that it has prospered so s;nce the great struggle? " MGSt rrofltsbls ACICS. (Westminster Gazette.) The possibilities of profitable gar- denine: in England are exemplified Dy an acre of land cultivated on the French tem of extensive culture, , . . which, in the last completed vear is . . . . ' said to have gelded 625 pounds m ross. returns. This probably constitutes a record for England, the nearest approach known to the writer being an acre of land, the property of a seedsman on the Great Western line between Lon don and Oxford, which has yielded hi one year flower seeds to the value of 270 pounds. In Samona 60 pounds to 80 pounds is the average yield an acre of land planted in cocoa; in Georgia 80 pounds worth of egg-plants have been picked from a single acre, and pine-apple farms in the West Indies often pay as much as 100 pounds an acre. Such yields as these, however, are trivial compared with that of an acre of vineyard in the Moselle wine grow ing district which was sold afew years ago for nearly 24,000 pounds, and which produces a crop worth ?.50Q pounds.; jr with that acre of Hand in Tibet on which grows the I sacred "tree of a thousand images," the leaves of which yield an annual revenue exceeding 3,000 pounds. Drowned in a Mud Hole. New Bern."' t c" " June 8 -The two-vea,o!d er of Alderman E. T. Hollowell was drowned in a hole ab?ut 3:30 Sunday after- ! noon. The little one wandered awav aRdfellintoa(litchfiflyyardsfro the hn-p wHr.ro iva rofr ,.JO I into a ditch fitly yards from use. where th wator was about thirty inches deep. She had been missed not longer than fifteen rninntoa ivKon hr so,l, out, but she was dead when found, ScqcgI Closing. CCcr. to The Commonwealth.) On Wednesday afternoon Mav 27, at the home of Mrs. P. E. While; Mrs. C. F. White served cream to her school children, patrons, and some friends. It marked thetilosing of a well attended seven months school. Cake and cream were in abundance and all pronounced it a most enjoyable occasion. Saye Yoar Bank Account? Have your-painter use the L. & M. PURE PAINT, because L. & M. guarantee the L. & M. PAINT, and thus guarantee your painter's work; it's double insurance. 4 gallons L. & M. Paint and -3 gallons linseed oil, make 7 gallons paint at cost of $1.20 per gallon. Hardy Hdwe. Co., Scotland Neck. R. H. Salsbury & Bros.; .Hamilton, N. C. L. & M. Paint Agents. Desui cf Young Sr. Filzpstrfck. (Cor. to The Comjnorwealth.) Halifax, N. C, June 8, 1908. Sir. James Fitzpatrick, son of Mr; and Mrs. Nicholas titzpatnck, ot wtHf.v. (-.oi --'.or'.rio miii'ii lime .j.j i- j.:. . .- - or, r,-,r.r,r in nTivamt nf relief for brought to Halifax about two months ago to be under the special care of Dr. II. B. Furgerson, who did all in his power to bring about satisfactory results'. He was sur rounded by loving relatives and friends, who united in their" efforts to alleviate suffering, while his mother was constantly by him to hear the slightest whisper and to en courage all she could. All had hope that his condition was improving gradually, but surely. The deceased had attained his 24th year. He pos sessed in a large measure those ad mirable qualities that go far toward making the life what it should be. Having a bright and bouyant nature, it was only natural that he clung to the hope of health eventually. It was presumed that he was on the sure road to final recovery, and no one expected the end would come so suddenly and unepectedly. God knows what is best for each of us, and while "we see through a gia?s darkly," and fail to compre hend that these providential work ings of His wil' seem to us as chas tisement, yet, thev must be to us lessons of admonition, and should create within us incentives for a higher, better life here, that there mav be that complete fullness of ;;r- rpalirl intbp iiffi to .-nmp. There are left a father and mother, several sisters and one brother. To these we offer our sincere sympathy, and commend them to Him who is able to solace the heart, with His balm of love and to give needed 1 i t Ji1. f grace ana stiengin in inis nour oi need. The remains were placed in the Catholic Church, Father O'Brien i conducted the funeral rites on Sun- dad morning. From there the re- Kr. 3. . Aisop. (Ei:1-?M rrcgrress.) The death of Mr. S. S. Alsop at his home here, which occurred at aboift 8 o'clock Sunday night, was quite a heck to the community, notwithstanding his death was mo mentarily expected. He had been in bad health tor nearly a year and a part of the time his condition was if critical; however, he was able to be down town the first of last week. On Friday he was taken very ill and continued so until his death. Mr.. Al sop wis aboht 64 years old and well known throughout Halifax and adjoining counties. He came to Enfield about 40 years ago from Fredericksburg, Va. and had lived here ever since, being actively en gaged in the practice of law, and for several years the editor of the Ledger, which discontinued last De cember on account of his health. He was married twice, his first wife be ing Miss Pattie Burnett, who died about 1880, and ais second marriage was about four years ago to Miss Tempie Battle of Nash county. He is survived by his widow and a son, Mr. S. B. Alsop, of Mortimer, arfd a daughter, Mrs. G. G. O'Neill, of Ashville. The funeral services were held in the Baptist church, of which he was a member, and were .conducted by the pastor, the Kev. C. G. Lowe as sisted by Revs. Tr. Mercer, of Rocky Mount; Rogers,' of Whitakers; and J. E. Holden, of the M. E. Church here. His remains were laid to rest in Elmwood Cemetery at 5 o'clock Tuesday evening, Dawson Items. (Correspondenco to The Commonwealth.) The crops in this section are look ing fine. We have had some good seasons and the larmers are very much encouraged this year. Mr. Ernest Lawrence, of Weldon, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. j John D. Lawrence, for a few days. Miss Katie Weeks, from Scotland Neck, is visiting relatives and friends at Dawson. We are sorry to learn that our friend, Mr. Lynn Branch, rural car rier from Enfield, is very sick with fever. A very worthy colored man, John Whitaker, had the misfortune to lose a fine mule Sunday. Another mule kicked it. We attended the burial services at Crowells Sunday afternoon of Mr. James Fitzpatrick, son of Mr. N. Fitzpatrick. He was buried with Catholic ceremonies, which were quite a new observation to a good many. Mr. Bradford Cook gave us a fine Sunday-school lecture Sunday morn ing. His subject was "Religion and Reform." He handled it well. . . T 1 1 II ! 1 T star.tsearcneriorneaii.il. rama About CcnvenUons. (Graham Gleaner.) Mnsr. of us are so poorly informed that we conclude whatever custom or thing now exists is just as it has ever been, and are not mindful of the fact that things grow. Just now, as convention is a word, familiar to everybody the following facts from an authority on public topics will be of interest: The national convention is an out growth of state conventions. The first party convention to nominate a governor was held in Pennsylvania in 1S08. The plan extended to other States, and was quite generally adapted in the early thirties. An drew Jackson decided that the easi est way to secure the nomination of Martin Van Buren as his successor was to call a national Democratic convention, made up of delegates who were in favor of his candidate. He was not certain that he could ac complish the result he sought in the old way. Accordingly, a presiden tial convention was called in 1836. Jockson's lieutenants did thieir work well, and Van Buren was nominated. A national convention had been held in 1832 to indorse the previous nom ination of Jackson by various states, and to nominate a Vice-President. But the Van Buren convention of 1836 was the first of the madern type. A Basket Picnic. (Cor. to The Commonwealth.) Hobgood, N. C, June 9, 1908. On next Friday there will be a basket picnic at the school-house in this place, given under the auspices of the Sunday schools. Everybody is cordially invited to attend. In the afternoon the following program will be rendered by hve little girls. These children have gotten up this program as a means of filling some mite boxes, given out at the Baptist Sunday School, on Sunday the 31st of March. These boxes are for the Children's Day ex ercise. They will charge a small admission and serve cream and cake after wards. PROGRMME. Song Meet me on the Warpath Class of five. Recitation Confused Katherine White. Recitation Dreadful Epedemic Sadie Harrell. Recitation Stalely verses-Helene White. Song Raise your Hands Class. Recitation The plaintive kettle Barian White. Dialogue Who made all things Class. Vocal Solo Not half has ever been told Helene, White. Rectitation A dreadful quarrel Hazel Armstrong. Recitation Lest another stumble Helene White. Song My old Kentucky Home Class. Recitation Katharine's pig Hazel Armstrong. Vocal Solo When the Bluebirds nest again Marian White. Recitation The dead kitten Marian White. Vocal Solo In the neighborhood of Love Hazel Aamstrong. Agents Wanted. 11x20 Crayon Portraits, frames 10 cents and up, sheet pictures one cent each. You can make 400 per cent profit or $36.00 per week. Catalogue and Samples Free. Frank W. Wil liams Company, 1208 W. Taylor St., Chicago, 111. I Yt mend n. mm Write at once for Booklet ond Sam ple Contract. Address, E. P. MUELLER, Norfolk, Virgin,.-, M 1? J 1 Cures CoughrCoMs, CYt.Zf fl ZiandLuneTrouM c.::"P' La GnPPe. Asthma. - . rrgrgTcaKi Planters & Commercial Bank, Scotland Neck, The management of this Careful, Conservative, NOW IS THE TIME TO SAVE a part of your income. 4 PER CENT. INTEREST (Compounded Qur- A terly) allowed in our Savings Department. SHOPPING DONE FOR" Out of Town FOLKS! & Piano N.B.JoseyCo Undertakers' Supplies. Full and Complete Line. r ISVt A A A A m Coffins and Caskets Burial Robes, Etc. Hearse Service any Time N. B. Josey Company, Scotland Neck, North Carolina WHEN IN Ifcsi TARB0R0 Whether on busi ness or pleasure, you should make it a point to call at our Studio and see our Latest Cre ations in the Art of Photography. Every day we are pleasing people who "have never before had a good Photograph of themselves by any other Photograph er. Easter-tide is a convenient time to give us a trial while you are nice ly "rigged." S. R. Alley, Main St., Lewis Building, s-oiL I2ti!rrt Ererythiiig in Photography for our lATUD-W f hT.7rf.- ' ' J. J" - m.ici mis. assn, Josri.blindj.hrdrt.mntel.piintj.qli us ft flttfric fixtuns fce. m9 It. & 2 R V'U-U I EstablishedlSTB. K3F.FPLR VA JL.H. -WHT- f 1 J iTnlr ' k m vr7"WaV.7I :C JUS C J Wa i H.a,IBnn i Oofourspcc,a,c,rottf,r,,s.lo . Clre!ifF nnJ M. T" irw uoi aim iviusi CCOnomica Hnrsf Une Dealer Wantprl m it:fll0Winff Nrth Carolina "crchants h n; vnn t nl si -.1 Lenoir; 0 P Hav M b- , r?n00se- Newton; Lenoir I-eH Q I P. Wright & So" fea C VVi'k, -: ; A Roxobel; Boykin Growrv 'wli M ??shV' Jonesbcro; George 11. 0 I . oyKm grocery Co., Wilson; Wiggins Grocery Co., Wilsen. p f Used also at The y ... C i State Hospital, at Raleigh, N. C. f.AM -uo,, ocotiand Neck, North Carolina. institution aims to cenr'...- ; a Legitimate Shess I Just as well as if you purchaser) jj ' yourself. Clothing, Dry C,hU, j Hats, Groceries, in fact am tlr nr that ' ' may need, will have our pevsoi-i " a J and lowest prices. All quustier ;-h,'rf'j'' I ly answered and samples sent when nco j sary. Address with stamp, v j; STANDARD PURCHASING COWAN", Room 2, 370 Main Street, Nif.,'k, Virj'a, Write us for anything- you want, IV. n, , or Home and Buirpry. 'I i 6-l-lm N arket! ew WE HAVE OPENK!)irir-t.(V. Market in the hitchh-St,!". Building third door fp,n V,i'. Grocery Store, and wil! rr(. Beef, Pork, Mutton. 1';-,,. t :;,;.,; and Eggs, at the Lowest Possible Prices. Will be pleased to wm- v p.,;,. lie and guarantee pr.ti-ii ;.-iiVt:,-and courteous treatment. A MQNEY-MAfiER YV?. A(NT$ "THE OLD WOSLD AMD !l"S WAYS' I1Y- William Jennings Brya 576 Imperial Octavo Pjfjts. 2'i! Sup; -j Engravings from Phofcrref.hs tnVn bv to. Bryan. Recounting his trip arcui:.! : ( visits to all nations, lircmi. i written. Most suppe-.'v.! - !' ' tion. FOUR EDITION'S m ; agent's harvest. Write at o:,r. and "Agent's Outfit." ACJKXT'S Ol-Tl'IT I'll l - . ( ..... r.v.. Address. THE THOMPSON PU3., CO., 5-21-4 t l, Lcu'j. We Keep on Hand I All Kinds all the Tiirc. Also Complete Undertakers' Outfit. Hoarse Service any Tims Day or night wo are y': to accommodiito mir tVii-n. and the Public (i-n. nil M. Hoffman & Bro. Scotland eek 'North Ou-mi"-. nf V A vjjrtSi w a . anrl rn W.A l'. V, , M.i Fvn, T... buy in car-load lots a, r,, " - $ ' CONTAINSjS HAR?.TiUL DRIJOS Th roat "The Cenuiiu- i t '' North Carolina Beria! Cases! SS4v-$ "- 4. - ' j t 6

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