We Co-Operate With Our Patrons! We take special pride and ! interest in helping our custo mers build up and increase THEIR business. An in creased business for them means a larger business for us. We help them in every way we can every way con sistent with safe, sound bank ing and the full protection of the funds left in our care loan them money, help them with advice regarding invest ments, help them in establish ing a larger credit, and in many other ways. Wouldn't this assistance be useful to ycu ? If not now, a little later? Why not start an account with us NOW and protect your future? Come in and talk with us about it. The Scotland Neck Bank, Scotland Neck, N. C. J 'Attention is Called to the ad ; vertisement of the State University at Chapel Hill. That institution has ! done great work for North Carolina, ; is under strong and able managers ; and ranks with the best institutions ! of the country. j Roseneath 80 Wet. In the elec ; tion returns two weeks ago it was : printed m these columns that the ; vote on prohibition there was "wet" 1 60, "dry" 17. The u res were j given to us wrong. They should ; have been "wet" 80, "dry" 17. ! Some Damage by Hail. Last i Thursday afternoon there was quite I a heavy rain and hail storm in this j community. The rain wet the lands so thoroughly farmers plowed little more until Mondav. The hail was not very heavy, but did some damage. INSTALLATION OF PASTOB. A Welcome to Rev. R. A. McFarland. j We Call Attention to an adver I tisement of Littleton College and j Central Academy which will be found ; in this issue of this paper. Littleton ! Coxlege has had during the past year 1 a patronage of 285 pupils, 258 of whom were boarding pupils. Cen- tral Academy is a very successful school of great promise and is one of the kind so much needed in every state in the union. We know of no educational work that is more de sirable than this kind. A Wcriliy Institution. Miss Belle Thomason, solicitor for the North Carolina Children's Home i Society, at Greensboro, was in Scot : land Neck Monday, taking contribu- tions from various persons. The in- We have arranged to have a ! stit"tion is non-sectarian, is support- Special Announcements. State Convention at Charlotte. Pullman Car leave here at 4:10 p. m.f June 22d, via Goldsboro, ar riving Charlotte without change at 10:45 a. m.t the 23d. Berths $2.00. Book same now with me. D. M. PRINCE. Valuable Dog Lost. Black and white Begal Hound of vory small size with a sat in each era-, .crocs by name of "Little Jack." Pie finder will be rewarded. C il-lt A. Spooner Dunn. "cash FURNITURE SALE. At "Lout half price, now going on. N. B. Josev Co. ed by voluntary contribution and is doing a good work for homeless chil dren. There is yet no permanent home for the children that are taken, but they are boarded in various places I until homes can be secureed for i hem. In this way many children are cared for and good homes are j secured for them. j It is a worthy work and showed j appeal to the philanthropy of every one. Scotland Keck Vs Roanoke Rapids. tiring us al! your Chickens J. D. Ray & Co TABLES Go cents each. N. B. Josey Co. Laundry. I am agent for the Troy and Mon ti'.'ellf' Laundry. Laundry sent off every Wednesday and all work guar anteed. Dyeing and pressing a spec ially. Send your. Laundry to Ed wards & Co's, store or phone me and I will call for it. John B. Edwards, Jr. ALL LITTLE GIRLS CAN have their doli skirts plaited free from now to Aug. 1st. Skirts must not be over 3 yds. long or 15 inches wide. Ash by B. Pyle, 315 N. 5th. St., Richmond, Va. j On last Tuesday evening a most I exciting game of base ball was play- and j ed here between Scotland Neck and I Roanoke Rapids, the score being 6 to 3 in favor of Roanoke Rapids, j Five errors were made by Scot j land Neck during the game and ex actly the same were made by Roa noke Rapids. Battery for Roanoke Rapids.Churn ; and Armstrong; for Scotland Neck, Holmes, Josey and Kitchin. Hits off of Armstrong, 4; off of Holmes, 5; off of Kitchin, 2. Two were given bases by Roanoke Rapids and two by Scotland Neck. Birthday Party. Cnicfiens and Eggs. to buy Chickens and J. D. Ray & Co. IRON COTS with Mattress $2.25. N. B. Josey Co. We want Eggs. Ice Cream s 2 to- 7 p. m, Hotel. See Cream. rved every r-t -tf Corner Main Street Mrs. A. Nicholas Friday evening, June 5th, there was a birthday party of considerable interest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. LaFrage. All invited guests ; had been furnished with tiny bags in which to place as many pennies as they were years old. All were j served with cream and cake and it j was a fortunate and happy season for the younger people and the chil I dren, and for the guests, who great- day from j ly enjoyed the occasion together. The proceeds of the party were for the benefit of the Methodist church, and amounted to about $45. METAL WASH STANDS at 65 cents. N. B. Josey Co. ! BED SPRINGS $1.25 each. N. B. Josey Co. We pay highest prices for chick ens and eggs. J. D. Ray & Co. Cut Prices in Summer Cloth ing. Mr. Askew at Home. Mr. John R. Askew wjio was as saulted about four weeks ago by Manuel Lloyd, a colored man, re turned from the Pittman hospital in j Tarboro Monday. He was taken to ! the hospital in a few hours after he was assaulted and has been in the ! hospital ever since until Monday. : He was unconscious for quite a while ! after he was taken to the hospital, We are now selling our summer clothing in men's and boys' suits, men's blue serge and alpaca coats but he has regained consciousness and light pants at greatly reduced j and seems on the way t0 rec0very. prices. 'Come early while you can! I day and is still getting along as well : as could be expected. Last Sunday was a day of special interest to the Baptist denomination of Scotland Neck and of general in terest to the people of the town and community. It' was a day set apart by the Baptist church for the instal lation of the new pastor, Rev. R. A. McFarland, who came from 'the Southern Baptist Theologieal Semi nary at Louisville, Ky. Rev. R. T. Vann, president of the Baptist University for Women in Raleigh, was to preach at 11 o'clock, but by reason of a wreck on the Sea board railroad he could not get to Scotland Neck, and Rev. M. L. Kes ler, general manager of the Baptist orphanage at Thomasville, who was to speak at 10 o'clock was given the 11 o'clock hour. He ,made a most interesting address concerning the great and good institution over which he presides, giving information about it that was not generally known. One thing he stated was of special interest that the new infir mary building in course of erection there will be the best and most com plete of its kind in the South. Mr. Kesler resigned the pastorate of the Baptist church here four years ago to accept a pastorate in Morganton. In about a year he was elected general manager of the or phanage and has done a great and good work there for the homeless and helpless poor children of the State. At 8:60 at night the installation services were held. Dr. J. D. Huf ham, who was pastor of the church from 1877 to 1892, presided over the meeting, and extended a welcome to the new pastor in the name of the church and its interests. Dr. Huf ham gave some interesting statistics concerning the history of the church to which the new pastor has been called -and predicted larger and more far reaching work for the fu ture. Rev. H. A. Willis, pastor of the Baptist church in Weldon, extended a welcome to the new Dastor. He welcomed Hm to the State and to the Association in which he is to labor. Rev. C. A. Jones, pastor of the Methodist church here, in the name of his church and his congregation extended a welcome to the new pas tor. Rev. C. G. Christian, the Presby terian minister, also extended a wel come to the new pastor in the name of the Presbyterian church. These words of welcome were well received and expressed the best of feelings in Christian fellowship. In a brief but most well timed re sponse, which was spoken of by mani as a gem, Rev. R. A. McFarland ex pressed high appreciation of all thatx had been said and assured the large audience that he had come to Scot land Neck in the hope of being help ful to the people as a christian citi zen and with only one purpose, that of serving the cause of righteousness in the discharge of his duty as a faithful Minister of the gospel. The exercises were interspersed with appropriate hymns, and at the conclusion Mr. McFarland pronounc ed the benediction and the people went away with most pleasing im pressions of the new pastor of the Baptist church. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. The Coming, Going and Whereabouts or Our People end Other Toiks. of E. on Send Your Name. l-e lifted. Edwards & Co. Lamps for Sale. Three Hanging Lamps at a bar gain. Mrs. E. E. Hilliarp. CANVASS COTS 75 cents each. N. B. Josey Co. Ice ! Ice ! fee ! I shall keep Ice all the time in the Jo -icy Building next to Whitley's Grocery Store. Sunday hours 8 to Scon "Penned.' J a, m. 6 to 7 p. m., for the present, j , Tll,i, rw. i J. X J. A JL lUm IRON BEDSTEADS $1.65 each. N. B. Jdsey Co. Wan Jed Customers to take a limited quan tity of MILK EVERY DAY. Mrs. E. E. Hilliard. The Tarboro Southerner of 5th said: "Wilson R. Perry, the young man from Auburn, who was until re cently employed as express mes senger between Wilmington and Rocky Mount, was sentenced to one year in the State prison, Thursday Perry passed a forged check on the Rocky Mount Savings Bank, last Saturday and was arrested in attempting to board a train for Petersburg." See our low cut Shoes and Slippers before buying. N. B. Josey. Once more we call attention to all who send to this paper news items, obituaries or anything for publica tion, that the name of the author must acrompany such communica tions. We do not especially care to publish the name of the person who sends the item, but we desire to know it. Sometimes a well written obituary which we desire to print . comes to the office without any one's name except perhaps "Friend." Such was the case last week and through the high regard we have for the bereaved family we broke the rule and printed it. But we can not do it again. W7e must adhere to the rule. We are glad to get news items and wish people would send more of them, but in each case the name of the writer must accompany the com munication or we cannot publish it. Just write your name on a slip and drop it in with the communication, and it will be all right. We will not publish your name if you do not wish it published, but we must know who sends the news. We cannot break this rule again. rirmk.'s for Uackacho, little golden InLulfs, f.isv and ileasant to take. A1 directly on the kidneys purify the i l''fi'.l and invigorate the entire sys- titn. p,c.st for backache, lame back, kidneys and bladder. .30 days' trial 1.0O. Guaranteed. Sold by E. T. "'bitehead Co. - . 2v The effect of Scoff J Emulsion on thin, 4 pale children is magical. 4jj It makes them plump, rosy, active, happy. SJ It contains Cod Liver Oil, Hypophosphites X and Glycerine, to make fat, blood and bone, 2 and so put together that it is easily digested X by little folk. X ALL DRUGGISTS BOC. AND $1.00; I Mr. W. F. Lips:omb, of Williams ton, was here this week. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Salsbury, Hamilton, were here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dawsons, spent Sunday in town. Messrs. Josh Roberson and Ferd Harrison spent Sunday in Hamilton. Misses Anna Mills and Gertrude Kitchin went to Wake Forest last week. Mrs. J. C. Williford, formerly of Norfolk, is visiting Mrs. T. B. Wheeler. Mrs. J. E. Wilkerson, of Belhaven, came up some days ago on a visit to relatives. Messrs. Sam A. Dunn and J. Lewis went to Enfield Monday business. Miss Birdie Savage, who has been visiting ner sister, Mrs. J. E. Wilk erson in Belhaven, returned home Saturday. Miss Helen Hilliard spent some days with Miss Sallie Baker in Pal myra last week. Mrs. J. D. Biggs, of Williamston, came Wednesday to visit her mother, Mrs. Kate Dunn. Misses Nannie Shields and Kather- ine Kitchin went to Hobgood and returned Monday. Mr. J. E. Condreyand other mem bers of his family, of Enfield, were here some days ago. Miss Rebe Shields has returned from Raleigh where she has been in school at St. Mary's. Mr. J. S. Bowers, who had been away on business for four weeks, re turned home Friday. Mr. Paul Bryan, who has been on a tour with Wake Forest Glee Club since his graduation two weeks ago, returned home Tuesday. Mr. Jesse B. Brewer, of Pulaski, Va., was here Sunday, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Josey. Mrs. G. H. Johnson returned from Washington some days ago. She spent Monday in Hobgood. Mr. H. W. Mixon and family left Monday to visit Mr. Mixon's home people in Washington, N. C. - Miss lone Dunn, who is a teacher in the Greensboro State Normal, is home for the summer vacation. Mr. and Mr3. L. T. Vaughan, and little son, of Nashville, came over Saturday on a visit to relatives. Mr. R. C. Lassiter. of Weldon, spent Sunday night here the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hancock. Messrs. Leland and W. H. Kitchin went to Greenville some days ago to hear Hon. W. W. Kitchin speak. Prof. C. W. Wilson attended the meeting of the Roanoke Union in Rocky Mount May 30th and 31st.' Mr. Paul H. Rasberry, of Wil mington, was here last week to see his sister, Mrs. Norwood Savage. Master Paul Arrington, of Enfield, came some days ago to visit his sis ters, Mesdames Taylor, Tillery and Hawkins. Mrs. Justice, who had been here on a visit to her sister, Mrs. T. B. Wheeler, returned to her home in Franklinton Friday. Mr. W. L. Vaughan came up from Washington Saturday and spent Sun day with his home people. His many friends here were glad to see him. Miss Sallie Baker, of Palmyra, should have been included in the list of those who came home last week from the Baptist University for Women. JEFFERSON DAVIS' BIRTHDAY. Prof. Wilson's Fine Address. On Wednesday evening, June 3rd, under the auspices of the local chap ter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, there were exercises in the graded school auditorium to cel- I Al I I T.I Holliday ofi nuncreatn anniver sary vi me oirmaay oi jenercon Davis. The following interesting musical programme was rendered with Miss Lizzie Hyman at the piano: 1. - Chorus Ben Bolt. 2. Vocal Solo Sing me a Song of the Sunny South Miss Emily Biggs. 3. Male Quartet Old Kentucky Home. 4. Chorus Swanee River. 5. Male Quartet Tenting on the Old Camp Ground. 6. Chorus Bonny Blue Flag. PROF. WILSON'S ADDRESS. Mr. E. E. Hilliard presented to the large audience Prof. C. W. Wil son, superintendent of Scotland Neck graded schools, who delivered a most interesting and unique address on the life of Jefferson pavis. He spoke out of the ordinary, leaving off shoulder straps, swords and spurs, which are so often dwelt upon by those who deliver eulogies on warriors and soldiers, and spoke of the personal life of the great man He divided the life into four periods. the child life and school davs. the military life, the private life and the public life. Many incidents of these periods of Mr. Davis' life were re cited, which threw a clear light on his character. The address was highly instructive and altogether pleasing, and all who heard it congratulate the Daughters of the Confederacy on their choice in a speaker for the occasion, and many were the expressions of appre ciation on all sides. After the delightful exercises were over cream and cake were served for the benefit of a fund which is to be used in the erection of a monument on the school campus to the Confed erate soldiers. I 25c. Have You Seen It? 25c. 1 1 I 1 1 V NOT, we want you to ?ee our 25-CENT 1 DISPLAY OF ENAMELED STEEL WARE. See it in our window as you pass. Nothing like it EVER OFFERED HERE ALL ARE FIRST QUALITY GOODS. 25c. HARDY HARDWARE CO., The Hardware Hustlers'," ScotlanJ Keel, N. C. 25c. Spring Hill Hems. Master Julian Riddick, who had been on a visit here some time re turned to his home at Spring Hill Friday, accompanied by Master Joe Riddick. Misses Anna Clark, Kate Whita kers, Laura Clark and Mattie Josey left Monday for Washington, D. C-, where they will spend a few days sight-seeing. Mrs. C. Anthony Beck and her lit tle daughter, Nannie, left Monday on her return home to Wilmington, Del. She was accompanied by her mother. Mrs. N. P. Cotten. Rev. R. A. McFarland and family came Thursday, and were the guests of Mr. N. Biggs some days while plac ing their furniture in the Baptist parsonage preparatory to keeping house. Capt. W. R. Bond attended the commencement at Chapel Hill. He had not been to the University since his graduation in 1861 and it is need less to say that he had a good time and greatly enjoyed it. Mr. George S. Bryan, midshipman in the United States Navy, came home some days ago on sick leave. He has not been very well for some time and has ome home to rest a while. His friends all extend him a cordial greeting. (Cor. to The Commonwealth.) Mr. Willie Moore, of Tillery, spent Sunday here the guest of Mr. J. T. Riddick. Mr. M. P. Darden was in town Sunday. Misses Antoinette and Ethel Pope, of Weldon, are visiting Miss Irene Parks this week. Miss Laura Riddick returned home from Dardens last week. She was accompanied by her cousin, Miss Minnie Riddick. Mrs. J. T. Riddick visited friends in Scotland Neck Sunday. Miss Ella Lilley returned home Sunday after a visit to her sister, Mrs. W. H. Medford. ' Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Ray, of Scot land Neck, visited Mr. E. A. Lilley Sunday. The young people here attended the commencement at Tillery Mon day night. Miss Katie Weeks, of Scotland Neck, is visiting Miss Bettie Parks this week. Miss Selma and Mr. W. H. Twis dale attended church at Scotland Neck Sunday. Mr. P. A. Riddick visited friends in Tillery Sunday. Mr. E. L. Twisdale attended church at Scotlrnd Neck Sunday. Mr. Ernest Applewhite was in town Saturday. Mr. W. E. Fleming,' of Norfleet, spent r few hours here Sunday afternoon. LITTLETON FEMALE COLLEGE. One of the most successful and best equipped boarding schools in the South with hot water heat, electric lights and other modern improvements. 25S boarding pupils last year. 27th annual session will begin September 16th, 1908. For catalogue address, J. M. RHODES, Fresident, Littleton. N. C. fVnfral Arsffpmv A high-grade Preparatory School for VCiuai ntoucuij, boys and young men, with industrial and agricultural equipment. Located on 700-acre farm one mile from Littleton College and under thnanagement of the same Board of Trustees. For new, illustrated catalogue address, J. B. AIKEN, Principal, Littleton, N. C. 6-1?-3m Don't Neglect Your Eyes.Eyes Examined Free "TT"1 YOUR HEAD ACHES YOUR EYES ACHE YOUR EYES WATER YOUR EYES BURN YOK EYES TiRE YOUR GLASSES DON'T FIT , YOU NEED NEW GLASSES DR. G. H. LEVY, CONSULT 370 Main Street, Norfolk, Va Broken Lenses Duplicated at Once. Frames Repaired. Q-KK000KKKK0 OCKKKK000000? O 8 Yon Weed a Boggy ! PERHAPS YOU ALSO NEED A Cart or Wagon! If so you need not go away from home. We make them here under guarantee. All Repair Work Done Promptly. Best Workmen employed all the time. W. A. BRANTLEY, Scotland Neck, N. C. 6000000000000 OOOOOOOOO OOOO Trim Your S;rip.g Hat Wifh Knife Plaiting! THE LATEST FAD. Fix Up the Weils. Editor The Commonwealth: I want to suggest to the town com missioners of Scotland Neck through your paper that they have that old broken iron pump taken out of the well in front of the drug store and put in a good cumcumber pump fo the public can get water out of that well. It seems to be good wattr and very convenient for the public but of little or no service for the lack of a good pump. The wells out of order on Main street is no new thing and they should be fixed up, I be lieve, or filled up. What do we have officers for and why do we pay town taxes if such important things as the public wells can not be kept in order? What would we do in case of fire? It's a wonder to me that the insur ance companies don't call in their policies. ' J. D. Ray. . ' There is more Catarrh in this sec tion of the country than all other dig eases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incura ble. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and pre scribed local remedies, -and by con stantly failing to cure with local treaf ment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitu tional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only" constitutional cure on the mar ket. It is taken 'internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directlyon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testi monials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's pation. Family Pills for consti- Asliby B. Pyle, 315 N. Fifth St., Richmond, Va. Accordion, Sun and Knife Plaiting "Pinking end Button Covering. Kennedy's Laxative ongh Syrup Relieves Colds by working them cut of ihe system through a copious and healthy action of the bowels. Relieves coughs by cleansing the mucous membranes of the throat, chest and bronchial tubes. "As pleasant to the taste es Maple Sugar" Children Like It For BACKACHE WEAK KIDNEYS Try OaWitt's Kldnej and Bladfor Fills Sure and Safe GREAT Firemen's Tournament, Wilmington, N C. - June 16-19 Inclusive. Reel and IIook-and-Ladder races daily, also steamer contests. The thrilling scenic production of FIGHTING THE PLANES" EACH NIGHT. The Atlantic Coast Link offers exceeding low rates on June 13th, 14th and 15th and for morning trains of the 16th, with final limit June 22nd. For individuals $5.55 and for Firemen and Brass Bands in parties of ten or more on one ticket $3.95 per capit.i. This oilers a chance to visit Wrightsville and Carolina Beaches and enjoy a dip in the ocean. For any information address, T. C. White, G. P. A. VV. J. Crak;, P. T. M. 6-4-2t Wilmington, N. C. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 17H9-100H HEAD of the STATE'S EDUCATIONAL STSTEM DEPARTMENTS College, Engineering, Graduate, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. None Belter. If you seek to protect your wife and children by taking lif t insurance, vou an find none belter than the Union Central. Its premiums are lower than many of the other good companies and its dividends outclass them all. You can carry a good policy in the Union-Central for from 6 to 20 cents per day, according to ?ge. For information call on or write to E. E. Hilliard, Scotland Neck, N. C. Library conlains 48,000 volumes. New water works, electric lights, central heating system. New dormitories, gymnasium, Y. M. C. A. building, library. 790 Students. 92 in Faculty. Tha Fall Term begins Sept. 7, 1903. Address Francis P. Venable, President. Chapel Hill, N. C. 6-ll-5t Notice. We as owners of Smith's Mill Pond forbid all persons to fish in said Pond of tener than once a week. We also ask them not to catch any for sale and only a liberal mess for family. We do this for the good of the fish and fishermen. W. H. White, J. L." Josey, 6-4-2t Will H. Josey. RINGS DYSPEPSIA TABLETS Reliav Indigestion and Btomaeh Trouble.