The Paris Gaulois says of Mr?. Longworth: ''Always graceful and enthusiastic, it is to her noble efforts that Mr. Taft's nomination is due." How nice! And how very French! New York World. G. B. Burhans TestlTlesTfter 4 Years. G. B. Burhans, of Carlisle Center, N. Y., writes: "About four years ago I wrote you otating that I had been entirely cured of a severe kidney trouble by taking less than two bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure. It entirely stopped the brick dust sediment, and pain and symptom1? of kidney disease disappeared. I am glad to say that I have never had a return of any of those eymptom3 during the four years that have elapsed and I am evidently cured 1o stay cured, and heartily recommend 1 'oley's Kidney Cure to any one suffer ing from kidnev or bladder trouble." r. T. Whitehead Co. Slow Waiter Have I ever been in the country, sir? No, sir. Why do you ask? Tired Customer I was just thinking how thrilling you'd find it to sit on the fence and watch the tortoises whiz by. Harper's Week ly. HERE IS RELIEF FOR WOMEN. If ycu have pains in the back, Urin ary, Bladder or Kidney trouble, and want a certain, pleasant herb cure for woman's ills, try Mother Gray's Australian-Leaf. It is a safe and never failing regulator. At Druggists' or by nail 50 cents. Sample package Free. Address, The Mother Gray Co., Lc Roy, N. Y: "What a sour old fellow Gotrox is. No body will ever be brighter or better at his living." "I don't know about that. Glum husbands make merry widows." Baltimore Ameri can. Tain will depart in exactly 20 min utes if one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets is taken. Pain anywhere, Re member! Pain alwas means conges tion, blood pressure nothing else. Headache is blood pressure ; toothache is blood pressure on the sensitive nerve. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets also called Pink Pain Tablets quickly and and safely coax this blood pressure away from paid centers. Painful per iods with women get instant relief. 20 Tablets 25c. Sold by A. C. Peter son. "I'm afraid there must be insanity in your family." "Why so?" "I hear that your daughter jilted the man who runs the elevator in your apartment house to marry a poet!" Young's Magazine. Farmers, mechanics, railroaders, la borer rely on Dr. Thomas' Eclcctric Oil. Takes the sting out of cuts, burns or bruises at once. Pain cannot stay where it is used. "Will ye accept a year's subscrip tion in advance?" "That depends, Peleg," answered the editor of the Plunkville Palladium. "What U it that ye want suppressed?" Kansas City Journal. Pinules for Backache, little golden plobules, easy and pleasant to take. Act directly on the kidneys purify the 1 'ood and invigorate the entire sys tem. Best for backache, lame back, kidneys and bladder. 30 days' trial $1.00. Guaranteed. Sold bv E. T. Whitehead Co. "Ain't your vaccination healed up yet?" asked Jimmy. "Naw," re plied Tommy. "Gee! don't it make vou feel bad?" "Naw, the doctor told mom 1 mustn't take a bath till it healed up." Philadelphia Press. There is one preparation known to day that will promptly help the stom ach. This is Kodol. Kodol digests nil classes of food, and it does it thor oughly, so that the use of 'Kodol for a time will without doubt help any one who has stomach disorders or stomach trouble. Take .Kodol today and con tinue it for the short time that is necessary to give you complete relief. Kodol is sold by E. T. Whitehead Co. "That man is simply crazy, about me." "Is he? Why not have him take something for it?" "I shall." "Indeed! What?" "Me." Nash ville American. This is what Hon. Jake Moore, State Warden of Georgia says of Kodol for Dyspepsia: "E. C. Da Witt & Co., Chicago, 111. Dear Sirs I have suffer ed more than twenty years from indi gestion. About eighteen months ago I had grown so much worse that I could not digest a crust of corn bread and could not retain anything on my stomach. 1 lost 25 pounds; in fact I made up my mind that I could not Jive but a short time, when a friend of mine recommended Kodol. I consent ed to try it to please him and was bet ter in one day. I now weigh more than I ever did in- my life and am in better health than for many years. Kodol did it. I keep a bottle con stantly, and write this hoping that humanity may be benefitted. Yours very truly, Jake C. Moore, Atlanta, Aug. 10, 1904." Sold byE.T. White head Co. . - ':::v;; Pains at the waist, back, front, or side, are nearly sure proof of female trouble. Some other signs are headache, pressing down pains, irregular functions, restless ness, cold limbs, nervousness, etc. These pains may be allayed, the system braced and the womanly functions regulated by the use of Mrs. Annie Hamilton, from the grave after three (3 ) doctors had tailed to help me. it is a gooa meuicine and I recommend it to ail suffering women." For sale at all druggists, m $1 bottles. - m m nmmri n tuj.. .... t . . ,s i.vh At-r..-tlitn:tnfm Rook for Woman. If you netsi Medical Ad- a . m mm . mmm SPEECHMAKIXG CANDIDATES. William Henry Harrison hie First Presidential Candidate on the Stump. (Boston Globe.) It was important to have for run ning mate to Mr. Taf t a spellbinder, insomuch as the President's heir is, on -the stump, no match for his probable opponent. Governor Guild would have proved ideal in this re spect. But Sherman is no amateur, and no doubt will be required to bear the brunt of the oratorical contest impending, for it is not unlikely that Mr. Taft, warned by his Memorial Day experiences, may choose to avoid formal speeches during the cam paign, as did his illustrious prede cessors, George Washington, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. The latter so the Federalists said, could not talk if he wanted to. Even when elected, instead of addressing Congress in person, as his prede cessors had done, he sent it a written message because, as his opponents charged, he was incapable of mak ing a speech. Neither Madison nor Monroe went on the stump, and John Quincy Adarns was so reluctant to make an appeal for vote3 that he even "re fused to contradict campaign slan ders about himself. No man was ever more bitterly assailed than andrew Jackson when he first ran for President. He was excoriated personally and abused politically, but, although, he doubt less would have liked to silence his slanderers with a pistol shot, he maintained a diginfied silence, so exalted was his opinion cf the office to which he aspired. During his sec ond campaign he was again bitterly assailed, but made no reply, leaving that task for his supporters. Van Buren, silent in two cam paigns, as candidate of the Demo crats, was also silent when he ran on the free soil ticket. According to Charles M. Harvy, of The St. Louis Globe-Democrat, the first candidate for President to appear on the stump was Wiliiam Henry Harrison. He is said to have been effectively humorous. Lincoln was one of his boomers, too, but had not then attained any distinction as a politician or orator. Harrison spoke in Dayton, Cleveland, Indian apolis and Vincennes. Polk kept in the background dur ing his canvass, and his opponent, refused many appeals to take the stump. He wrote letters, though, and one of them, that on Texan an nexation, cost him the prize he coveted. Heat prostrates the nerves. In the summer one needs a tonic to off-set the customary hot weather Nerve and Strength depression. You will feel bet ter within 48 hours after beginning to take such a remedy as Dr. Shoop's Restorative. It is surprising. Of course, you won't get entirely strong in a few days, but each day you can actually feel the improvement. That tired, lifeless, spiritless feeling will quickly depart when using the Restor ative. Dr. Shoop's liestorative will sharpen the falling appetite; it aids di gestion ; it will strengthen the weaken ed kidneys and heart by simply re building the worn-out nerves that these organs depend upon. Test it a few days and be convinced. Sold by A. C. Peterson. Mrs. Westend You'll not find me difficult to suit. Norah. Norah (the nev maid) I'm sure not, ma'am; I saw your husband as I came in, ma'am. Illustrated Bits. Health Coffee" is really the closest Coffee Imitation ever - yet produced. This clever Coffee Substitute was re cently produced by Dr. Shoop, of Ba cine, Wis. 2fot a grain of real Coffee in it either. Dr. Shoop's Health Cof fee is made from pure toasted grains, with malt, nuts, etc. Really it would fool an expert who might drink it for .Coffee. No 20 or 30 minutes tedious boiling. "JIade in a minute" sa3's the doctor. Sold by Howard Grocery Co. "This hot weather must bother you." "It does," answered the fat man. "It makes every scrawny dys peptic feel so sorry for me that he becomes annoying." Philadelphia Ledger. Was in Poor Healib for Tears. Ira W. Kelley, of Mansfield, Pa , writes: "I was in poor health for two years, suffering from kidney and blad der trouble, and spent considerable money consulting physicians without obtaining any marked benefit, but was cured hy Foley's Kidney Cure, and I desire to add my testimony that it may be the cause of restoring the health of others."- Refuse substitutes. E. T. Whitehead Co. of Stetsonville, Wis.; writes: Ladies Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co.. BRIAN THE SOURCE OF YOUTH. Maintain Its Activity and Preserve Suppleness of the Body. (Scrlbers Magazine.) Vital as is the physical side of con serving youth, however, its true fountain is in the brain. If we maintain activety of its cells it quick ens the circulation of the blood, the vital organs, gives light to the eyes, preserves the suppleness of the body, removes to a distance illness, age, death itself. Remember the lesson of the bi cycle, how the laboring man and the busy housikeeper, ready to drop from the day's work, would go for a spin and return, after an hour's ex ercise of those same weary leg mus cles, rested. Body ache is often nothing but brain rust. "lie looks much older than he is," said Von Moltke of a fellow-officer, "he has used his body more than his mind." Age was to the French wo man of the salons no excuse for dull ness. To the very last one must be pointed, animated, alert. Because an age has come when ordinarily the crust of custom begins to incase our free spirits is exactly the reason for keeping them elastic. One of the mo3rremarkable things in the career of Dr. Richard Storrs was that by far the greatest portion of that career was after he had pass ed the age of fifty. The Duke of Marlborough began his career as a great commander in 1702, when he was fifty-two years old. Lord Lynd hurst on the eve of his eighty-ninth birthday made a brilliant speech in Parliament. Sophocles wrote his masterpiece at eighty. Goethe fin ished "Faust" in his eighty-second year., Alfieri began Greek at forty seven, and at fifty -four mastered it. Mrs. Poizzie preserved her fine faculties, imagination and unexam pled vivacity to the end. On her eightieth birthday she gave a great ball, concert and supper in the public rooms at .Bath to over zuu persons and opened the ball herself. Old Lady Grey painted beautifully though she only began to be an artist when she was quite an old woman. She always went out sketching with . . . i tmrty-mne articles, which one ser vant called over at the door, another murmuring "Here" for each article, to make sure that nothing should be left behind. Pat Are ye engaged to Mike Dooley? Biddy Faith, an' I'm not. Are ye after wantin' me? Pat Not unless I can't git ye. Peola Advo cate. Don't think that piles can't be cured. Thousands of obstinate cases have been cured by Doan's Ointment. 50 cents at any drug store. The Indignant One The idea of 'im a-telling me 'ow children ought to be fed! Why, I've buried ten o' my own! The Tatler. Pinesalve Carboli.ed acts like a poul tice. Quick relief for bites and sting cf insects, chapped skin, cuts, burns and sores, tan and sunburn. Sold by E. T. Whitehead Co. "Whit makes Jones so economical these days?" "Someone gave him a pair or goggles, and now he's saving up for an automobile." Lippin cott's. JUST EXACTLY EIGHT. "E have used Dr. King's New Life Tills for several years, and find them just exactly right," says Mr. A. A. Felton, of Harrisville, N. Y. New Life Pills relieve without the least dis comfort. Best remedy for constipa tion, biliousness and malaria. 25c. at E. T. Whitehead Co.'sdrug store. FOR Neuralgia. Sciatica. Rheumatism. Backache. Pain inchest. Distress in stomach. Sleeplessness "Cardui saved me Chattanooga. Tenn. J-17 ANECDOTES OF TAFT. Little Stories Showing the Kindly Stfe cf the Big Candidate. (Brooklyn Eagle.) Mr. Taft's habit of using plain language to subordinates occasion ally got him into hot water when he was governor of the Philippines. One day he had occasion to take to task the officials of a province in which there had been considerable trouble. Shaking his finger at them he said angrily: "If you cannot keep better orden than you have been keeping, your heads will go off!" The horrified Filipinos shrank back in alarm and felt nervously at their throats. Mr. Taft could not re strain himself at their horror-stricken countenances, and burst into a hearty laugh. Then proceeded to explain that the term he had em ployed was only an Americanism, and that their official and not their phy sical heads were in danger. The Republican nominee is very, very human, and not entirely averse to the wile3 of flattery. A mother once called upon him to urge the granting of a commission for her son. asking him to wavie a slight physical obstacle to the appointment. His mental qualifications are so high that I am inclined to do as you ask," replied Mr. Taft. The mother, of course, was de lighted. In her ecstasy she ex claimed: "Oh, Mr. Secretary, you are not half as fat as they say you are." The Secretary smiled broadly. Alter that, ne saia your uoy Taft's father, who was a judge of the Superior Court in Cincinnatti' used to have a stock phrase about n:s ooy, vViiiiam Howard, it was "Mediocrity won't do for Willie." lie would reiterate this whenever opportunity presented. As there were three other sons, it would seem that some little jealousy might have been caused by the father's express ion cf preference, but as a matter of fact this was not the case. All the other boys were inclined to agree with this view of "Wiiiie," and one of them has spent thousands upon thousands of dollars to bring about his nomination. Quick Belief for Asthma Sufferers. Foley's Honey and Tar affords im - .i . i - i mediate reiit-i to astnma sunerers in the worst stages. If taken in time will effect a cure. E. T. Whitehead Co. Editor (in daily office) Say.Buck, have you read my last editorial? ' hope so," was the crusty reply. Minnehaha. Use DeWitt's Little Early Risers, pleasant nttie puis that are easy to take. Sold by E. T. Whitehead Co. "I can alway3 remember striking faces." Pat Begorra! ye'll niver wake to recollection av ye poke moine. Judge. Operation for piles will not be nec esary if you use Man Zan Tile llemetly. Put up readv to use. Guaranteed. Price ouc. Try it. Sold by E. T. Whitehead Co. "Pa, what's a metrical romance?" "Well, this month's gas bill is one." Philadelphia Inquirer. BEST THE WORLD AFFORDS. "It gives me unbounded pleasure to recommend Bucklen's Arnica Salve," says J. V'. Jenkins, of Chapel Hill, X. C. "I am convinced it's the best salve the world affords. It cured a felon on my thumb, and it never fails to heal every sore, burn or wound to which it is applied. 25c. at E. T. Whhitehead Co.'s drug store. FOR G lit ''ML LlS&tiag On Your Head. (William K. Ilaraby, in Kind Words.) Once soon after a circus had pass ed our way, all. the boys in the country school began industriously to learn to turn hand-springs. It was pretty easy for a part of us, but some of the fellows had a hard time J in learning. Among tho39 who al ways came down on their backs in stead of their feet was Johnnie Mar row. After two weeks of hard practice and constant failure, Johnnie con cluded that it was not his fault at ail, but that the ground wa3 too low. He was sure his arms were springy enough, but when he brought his hands down to the eround his head was so low that he had little chance to get his feet over in time to light right. Therefore, Johnnie decided to try an elevation, ne cnmDea into a wagon, took the end-gate out, and made a run; planning to put hu hands down within six inches of the end of the wagon bed, turn in the air, and light nearly on the ground with his feet. Instead, however, he missed the end of the wagon box about six inches and lit nearly on his head. After we had rubbed him and poured water on him until he came to, he sat up, felt the top of his head, and muttered: "Guess I knocked a little sense in to you, anyway." I have seen some fellows do like Johnnie mere ways than one. A fellow is not doing any good, and concludes that it is the town's fault. "I'm a bright boy," he thinks; "There's nothing wrong with me. The reason I am not doing anything is because the town is too little and dull." So. he takes a run and jumps mto a bier town ana lanas on nis head instead of hia feet. Every once in a while a fellow takes a notion that he is entirely too good to associate with the people around home. They are too plain and common to suit him; he is made of finer stuff. So he takes a run and jumps for the pool where he thinks all the big hsn swim, lie lights on his head, and his friends have to pull him out to keep him from drown ing. It is surely all right for a fellow to want to gat up higher; but he cannot do it by climbing into band wagons, crowing from high stnmps, and jumping into big towns. TT! r aii a finla V - - y-v 4- anything worth while it is safe for him to lay the blame on himself , and not on nis neighbors, the town, or his opportunities. Unless a fellow makes good where he lives, there is very little show for him anywhere else. The big doctors, the states men, the great preachers, the sue cessf ul merchants, nearly all started in little towns, and did so well they attracted attention and were called to the city. If you want to do anything, drill yourself until you can do it, instead of giving it up and laying the blame on your chances; then when you re ready to leap into a new place, you will light on your ieet instead of your head. "It's bound to come." ."What's bound to come?" "That statue of some modern hero in an automobile." Pittsburg Post. A Certain Cure for Aching Feet. Allen's Foot-EaseT a powder; cures Tired, Aching, Sweating, Swollen feet. I Sample sent Free, also sample of Foot- liase banitarjr Corn-Pad, a new inven tion. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, X. Y. None Better. If you seek to protect your wife and children by taking life insurance, you can find none better than the Union Central. Its premiums are lower than many of the other good companies and its dividends outclass them all. You can carry a good policy in the Union Central for from 6 to 20 cents per day, according to age. For information call on or write to E. 13. HlLLIARD, Scotland Neck, N. C. Take MB Hi of the Little Tablets and the Pain is $ i our 'ick? That's too bad ! We had no ticed it was looking pretty thin and rough of late, but naturally did not like to speak of it. By me way, Ayer's H5ir Vigor is a regular hair grower, a per fect hair tonic. The hair stops coming out, grows faster, keeps soft and smooth. Ayer's Hair Vigor cures sick hair, makes it strong and healthy. Tho best kind of a testimonial tnr niror cixtv years." IB1 m' 1 A ICada by J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Miw. I JU Also manafoturor or Iyer's SARSAPAKILLA. FILLS. CHERRY PECTORAL, "Breakus is looking for you. I think he is going to touch you for a half." "I hope it's a five?" "A five?" "Sure; I've got a half!" Chicago Daily Journal. IT CAN'T BE BEAT. The best of all teachers is experience. C. M. Harden, of Silver City, JSorth Carolina, says: "I find Electric Bit ters does all that claimed for it. tor atomach. Liver and Kidney troubles it can't be beat. I have tried it and find it a most excellent medicine." Mr Harden is right; it's the best of all medicines also for weakness, lame back, md all run down conditions. Best too for chills and malaria. Sold under guarantee at E. T. Whitehead Co.'s Irusr store. 50c. "Mamma, may I go out to play?" "No, dear; the children on the third iloor have the yard this afternoon." St. Louis Dispatch. BEADY RELIEF. I write to say I have suffered intense ly with womb trouble for several nonths and could get no relief from inv source until a' friend told me to ry Dr. Hardy Manning's "Ladies' belief," which I did and in a short ime it permanently cured me. It is a emarkabio remedy, and 1 leei it my luty to let others know where they can :ind an absolute cure for that horrible iiseasc of the womb. Mrs. B. C. ilamkt, Tarra-pin, X. C. Sold by Ceo. X. Mumphord, Tillery, X. C. 30 DAYS' TREATMENT FOR $1.03 Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. FOR ALL KIDNEY BLADDER TROUBLE, RHEUMATISM AND LUMBAGO iSKjT1 A dose at bed time usu ally relieves the most severe case before morning. ACKACHE PINEULE MEDICINE CO. CHICAGO. U. S. A. Sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. THE COLICS AND CURE the LUNGS r. King's WITH soouori? FOR rQUCHS PRICE vkisc I rial Bottle free! AND ALL THROAT AflDLUMG TROUBLES. I GUAR ANT13SD SATISFACTOBYg M onuments & bravesto lov, ibi ana 1G3 If you have Headache Try One They Relieve Pain Quickly, leaving no bad After-effects 25 25 Never Gone V v. , Ay'--! ----- DO YOU WANT A $1,0C0.C0 ACCIDFKT INSURANCE POLICY In one of the strongest companies la AtrerkM We will Issuo such a pclicy, paying yc.r fj $1,000.00 In caso of your death ty cci ':r.t. $7.50 por woelc in cas cf accidental i, ;-r" everyono who fnds us 3 rld yearly cts-n' to THE COTTON JOURNAL. This la t! -s representative cotton growers' paper. pub!i: - 1 . ri y weekly at Atlanta, La.. price one coiia? puj :t. Send in your subccr!ption and that cf cro cf ;. r friends, and receive The Cotton Jcurrj.1 frr''-,. year, nd tho THOUSAND DOLLAR ACCID:'!, POLICY, ago limit 5 years. ?vs$l,t0u.oo - ess of iln t J. If you e.nnct set one of your to 3ut-;c.-!1 , snd $1.50 for your subscription and ths Aic.i'.t!ii Policy. M1 thU Coupon today to THE COTTON JOURNAL, Atlanta, Ca. I enclose - for u ; : :h send me THE COTTON JOURNAL f-. ens y-,. and the Accident Icturcsc Policy (or Sl,S3C. Name Afe P. O ;tat To whom policy Is to te nadj rayaUo: HUDSON'S nglish Kitchen, id On American and European Plan. Established 1890. A nice Roast Beef Dinner tor 25c. Fish, Oysters and Crabs in season. We also have n few nicely furnished rooms' for our pa trons. 347 Main Street, ffcrfolk. Vo. Reeky ffer.tnin T3a ft.v :, A En?7 Medicine for Easy Tn-T.'n " 2r!a.s CbiacB Health w.l lUicrci Vr;.-. A Fictile f.-r Const ImtiO It'!:-. . : ; ' t K:.? Trouble. iVvpl.- s. I .) . ; :!tir-l. Brcnih. f'lr,"-irh E&v.-'... r : r. 1 H:T :'.;ari.-.?. lr'gU"kr M lin V !. i(.r;n, S cf-nf n ;oc. (Viiii'sm t i ; . bt..sim ;)sni C'-?vv, .'. i'!l'V.;i V, . or.f4 kuggets r.n:ir.y P Largest and Best Equip; Plant in the State. en Chas. Miller Walsh Quarrier and Manufacturer MONUMENTS, Tombs and Gravestones of Every Description. Freight prepaid on all liiji meuts. Safe delivery p..;r anteed. Write for designs and prices. Iron Fencings for jTT Cemetery and other j?x' purposes a Specialty. Petersburg:, Va. J. Y. SAVAGE, Agcr.f, Scotland Neck, North Carolina nzuzt'zs v,:ic:j ornery rAtt i We pay the Freight, and Guarantee Safe Delivery. Largest Stock in the South. Illustrated Catalogue Tree. The Couper Marble Worte, (Established 1818.) Bank Street, Norfolk, Virgi a. Doses Cents Sold in Bullc. '777?