Good Advertising u to Business what Steam k to Machinery, that great propelling jh o.i. This paper gives results. ..HARD, Editor and Proprietor. VOL. XXIV. New Series Vol. 11.-6-13 00 YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? iaccy Trouble Makes You Miserable. everybody who reads the news sure to know of the wonderfu rrs is cures made by Dr Kilmer s 5wamt-Rnr,i the treat kidnev. liv- n i .1 - iu, cuv. ii isxne great med: rr cai triumph of the nin- Htee ::l co' enth century; di- , covered after years c icmuic research t Dr. Kilmer, the err.i nent kidney and biad oer specialist: tnH e r :..-,e.iy success! al in promptly curb;;- n-.c uagiv, Muney, Diaaaer, urio acid trc - .vid Bright's Disease, which is the wor! r:v. i f kidney trouble. .. j uiiaiiiu-n,yui. IS not r- . r -i Jed for everything but if you have kid irer or bladder trouble it will be found t:;" remecy you need. It has been tested s- r .any ways, in hospital work, in nrlvat. among the helpless too rjoor to rmr. : ii'irf and has proved so successful ir 'i-.i'i - -ifo iViol fl e.-M.t,.l ........ . . i n made by which all readers of this papei .. bottle sent free by mail, also a book mere about Swamp-Root and how to . j i.oi ...y ii icu ii, may nave a 11 yu have kidney or bladder trouble. V. r.en writing mention reading this generou? c':.-r m this paper and ffcfty Kr.wn. N. Y. The UsSclJiftJ5l r.u:ar -.fry cent and Home or Bwamp-noot r;.-:!, a r sizes are sold by all good druggists. !' ii i. mah.f any mitfuiKe, out re rcM;i!'cr the name, Swamp Hoot, Dr- s swamp Root, and the add res Mii-ii.untDii, N. ., on every hot tic. JOHN M. COX, I'.vKnvTiiiXG ix Photography, Work Guaranteed. street, Scotland Neck. R. MILLS Laxd Surveyor Scotland Neck, 2s1". C. 5-14-tf f)R. J. P. WIMBERLEY, Physician and Surgeon, Scotland Neck, N. C. ' Office on Dcp.,t Street. D'A. A C LIVERMON, DENTIST. ' Office tip stairs in White- kXlXTJ head Building. Ofih-e hours from 9 to 1 o'clock and 2 to 5 o'clock. jj t W. NIXON, Refracting Optician, Watch Maker, Jeweler, En graver, Scotland Neck, N. C. J iicBRYDE WEBB, Attorney and Counselor at Law, 23 3-221 Atlantic Trust Building Norfolk, Va. Notary Public. Bell Phone 7G0 EDWARD L TRAVIS, i TTOIiXEY AND COUNSELOR AT Law, Halifax, N C. I orif y loaned on Farm Lands WHI I u incpv General Insurance Agent, Scotland Neck, N. C. PARKER'S HAIR OALSAM Clej".ei and leutifle the h3r. Promote ft luxuriant ffrowth. 3 sSBev:r Fails to Her.tero Grr.y: 'Zr'i'ri ii ai ? to its Youthful Co-op. res tr.&ln dincoH ft natr luiuig. iJ6-!r5f I am rNTOarorl fr, CffVP F-TV f'r""- - ' " r u: n ,.,,'fU th very best of fresh Beef, Pork, Sausage, &c. All orders filled promptly, and every customer s wants regarded. I. IX IXIJJU Main St., next to Prince's Stables. l-2-2m KlOTHrHmTnHl ' B ND (SURE THE LUNGS I WITH r. sy ng s sw uissovery FOR CSFS?3 oa urn ..OLDS Trial Bottle Free iii!J,HR0AT AND LONG TROUBLES QIXARA New Market. Ll "-vnvx itEFUNDED. The THERE IS MUCH TALK. Sometimes People Talk Just to "Kill Time." TALK IS NOT ALWAYS VERY CHEAP. (Kind Words.) Talk is our principal means of communication with others. If we want to express an opinion, we talk. If we want to get something that we have not, and sometimes if we wan i, 10 ria ourselves oi some thing that we have, we talk. If we i. i i . . want to persuade people to think as we do, or dissuade them from the views they hold, we talk. And sometimes, just to "kill time," we talk. And a lot of stuff that is pa3s ed off on us by the dignified name of conversation is the poorest sort of poor "talk." Usually folks talk with their ton gues, but sometimes we see people, deaf and dumb ones, and sometimes school boys and school cirls. talk with their hands. And I have heard of foiks who could talk with t.hpir eyes. At any rate in one way or an other, we all talk. You have doubtless heard some body say that "talk is cheap." That A .-. -.- i ucpcnua uii circumstances, in a atmse ii is. out in anotner it mav prove to be a very expensive pas time. It is easy for a boy to lean against a tree and talk about what he can do, while his hands are buried away down deep in his pockets His breath doesn't cost him anything, not even enough exertion for him to be sensible of it, end his tongue, jaws and VOcal cords work automatical ly. It is a different matter, though, if somebody or some event forces him to try to prove his assertions. 1 heard it said of a politician once that he would probably be elected if he wouldn't talk too much. After all, talk may not be the cheapest thing in the world. It is done on the credit system sometimes, and it is a long time before the bill comes in, but a man is likely to pay for his free use of words sooner or later. I make my living by talk; in fact, we might almost say that it is my life; and occasionally in the heat of pas sionate discourse I say something that costs a lot of time and words to try to explain. And then it may nev er be entirely set right. Talk is something that is hard to control. If a thought is expressed in written words there is something to which to refer to prove the state- Lflr.t. l,nr mn it ia snnlfPTi it muv be repeated, re-repeated and repeat- no-nin and sHtrhtlv chanced with each repetition until tne author oi it will not recognize it when it gets back to him. Did you ever read those interesting verses about Mrs B. telling Mrs. C. that Mrs. A. put too much of something in her tea? Then Mrs. C. told Mrs. D., and Mrs D. told Mrs. and on until it was actually said that Mrs. A. put whis key in her tea. Some good friend to Mrs. A. began to trace the report back from Mrs. M. through Mrs. L through Mrs. K., and so on till Mrs. R. was reached: and she declared fhlf crip had Onlv Said that MrS. A nut too much sugar in her tea: roor Mrs. A. almost lost ner reputation because of "talk I don't think that I need to point out the moral to this story. When I was a little fellow I used to hear a story that amused me very much; and since I am older and have r.rvfV.fnrr vprv similar, tne point in it has become more and more striking. It seems that a young man was calling on his best girl Topics for conversation were at a - t tn if appmprl that premium, w they 'had come to tne point wmuc nothing could be thought of about which to talk. After a long and em barrassing silence Sam ventured the assertion: "Sal, our sheeps eat mud.' B'Aw, go way Sam. Do they?" "Naw. I jes said that to make Commonw: SCOTLAND Now that sounds ridiculous, it is ridiculous, but isn't it, honestly, about as sensible as a good many conversations that we hear, and may be, take part in? People, old and young, wise and foolish, are alike guilty of frequently doing as Sam did, making the most nonsensical re marks about the most foolish things, all in a desperate effort to "make talk." It gets embarrassing, and tremendously so, to have nothing to Say, and yet feel under obligations to talk at any cost. Who of us has not been in just such a predica ment? When the time comes for us to give account for every idle word that we have spoken, what in the world i3 to become of us. At any rate the matter is deserving of considera tion. The reign of the Artistic. (Selected.) This is an age of decoration. One of the most striking features in the evolution of both the commercial and the social world during the last twenty-five years is the tremendous strides that have taken in the deve lopment of the artistic. Business houses which a quarter of a century ago were extremely plain and severe are now built and arranged with reference to attrac tivenessto the artistic as well as to useful. This tendency toward the decora tive toward embellishment is ap parent not only in the buildings themselves but also in the arrange ment of the merchandise. Our large department stores now are like great museums or art galleries in compari son with the stores of fifty years ago. Everything now muft be dis played and arranged to the best ad vantage. Effectiveness and taste are studied as never before. The modern policy is to make the best possible appearance. We see this decorative tendency especially illustrated in the evolution of the show-window. Artistic ex perts are paid large salaries to-day simply to dress windows so as to se cure the most attractive effect from the street point of view. In nearly all lines of endeavor we see this effort to appeal to the artis tic to the esthetic. What tremen dous strides the purely decorative has made in the publishing business! Our magazines are no longer severe pages of printed matter. Our books are oiten works oi art. it is no longer enough for an article or a book to be useful; it must be artistic, decorative; it must appeal to the eye. We are beginning to see that people are influenced more through the eye than through any other organ of the body. Think what an influence an artistic environment has in the serving of food! No matter how ugly we may be, if we go into a cheap restaurant where everything is coarse and un tidy, where there is not a thing to please the eye, but everything is plain and unattractive, we can not enjoy the meal. But take the same food into the Waldorf-Astoria or the St. Regis Hotel, New York, and serve it from tempting silverware and dainty china, on the fine, snowy linen, to the strains of harmonious music.and and amid a setting of rich tapestries and works of art, and that which was uninviting in the cheap restaur ant will not seem like the same food at all, because now it appeals to the eve. the mind, where before it aroused only a feeling of aversion. Hotel proprietors to-day know that their patronage depends very largely upon their ability to appeal strongly to the eye the esthetic. -to the sense of Kodol contains the same digestive juices that are found in an ordinary healthy stomach, and there is, there fore, no question but what any form of stomach trouble, Indigestion or Ner vous Dyspepsia, will yield readily, yet naturally, to a short treatment of Ko dol. Try it today on our guarantee Take it for a little while, as that is all you will need to take. Kodol digests what you eat and makes the stomach sweet. It i sold by E. T. Whitehead & Co. 'Excelsior" is Our Motto. NECK, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1908. My Hero. My hero walks with modest mien, With quiet, gentle tread And over all his noble deeds A tender grace is shed. And does my hero feats of war, Or valor, widely sung? Ann is his name of great renown, His breast with medals hung? No! His to cheer the dying one; To comfort the distressed; To whisper courage to the faint; Hope, to the one oppressed. He seeks no laud no laurel here, His mission is to bless, His conquest is the realm of self, His crown is righteousness. Mrs. Geo. T. Thompson Sanitation In the Home. (The Commoner.) Handkerchiefs used in cases of cold, catarrh, or throat or lung troubles should be washed by them selves, subjecting them to a disin fecting process. They should not be washed with other clothing until this be done. All white clothes should be boiled, if only as a sani tary measure, to kill germs and dis infect. A high degree of heat is necessary, and merely scalding will not do. All clothing worn next the skin should be boiled, or put through a disinfecting process, whether the wearer is diseased, or not. Many in fectious diseases are spread through the carelessness of those handling solid clothing. There are so many harmless disinfectants, which can be used with even colored clothing, that this should not be neglected. Every child should have its own handker chief, towel, and wash rag, as well as tooth brushes, comb and other toilet belongings. Soiled clothing should not be kept in the sleeping rooms of the house, and everything worn next the body, whether gar- mpnfs nr hpd rlntVi!nor Qhnnld Vo well aired and sunned frequently. Water standing in the bedroom pitch er over night, should not be used for drinking purposes, but if water must be kept at the bedside, cover it closely. Do not allow bedroom slops of any kind to stand in the bedrooms; empty, scald and wash everything used. Do not make up the beds too early in the day. Sun the bedding as often as possible, and all coverings should be left in the fresh air and sunshine, if only be tween windows or doors, for at least an hour or two, every morning, if the "bedroom smell" is not wanted. Burn all sweepings of the bedroom, or the living room especially, and it is a safe way to dispose of all dust and litter gathered about the prem ises. Let in as much fresh air as you think you can stand, "and then some," for nothing makes for good health more than the purity of the air we use while we sleep. Do not keep the house closed too closely in the day time, for much of the tired, or drowsy feeling comes from the breathing of spent, or poisoned air in closeehut rooins. Which Side? (Selected.) Riding on a train through a moun tain section of our country, recently, we were enthusiastic over the pano rama of beauty which spread out be fore our eyes. A great valley spread out below us. The leafing trees and the blossoming orchards, the mellow furrows and the velvet meadows, broken by the winding river, fram ed by a distant range of majestic hills, fringed with silver clouds, and all topped with perfect azure, form ed a perfect picture of nature at her best. We looked to the other side of the train, and behold! a great wall of obtruding rocks and earth gave suggestion of nothing but dirt and possible disaster. And i3 it not of ten so in life? We may see every thing beautiful and promising or shut off and disappointing. It is ac cording to our point of view. Get all the beautifuland hopeful views of life you possibly can. It will make you happier and more successful. FOREST FIRES. What Causes Them and Who Is Respon sible for Them? (Forest Service.) What starts those forest fires? This question has been asked over and over again this summer by read ers of the accounts of the destruc tive fires which have been raging in all parts of the country. Campers and locomotives, is the usual answer. Many of the other things which start blazes in the for est are forgotten. It is true that perhaps one-half to three-fourths of the forest fires do begin as a re result of the carelessness of some camper, or from sparks flying from locomotives, but there are a number of things which set the woods a-fire. A complete report of forest fires on the private forests of the country and their causes is not kept by any one. Uncle Sam, however, is most careful to account for the damage done by the blazes on his timberland under forest administration, aggre gating about 168,000,000 acres, and each year the total area burned over, the timberland burned over, the amount of timber destroyed and its value, the cost of fighting fires, and the causes of fires are carefully checked up. These reports are made at the end of the calendar year, and the announcement of this year's los ses will therefore not be known for more than two months. Last year's figures, however, give a good idea of the things which cause fires in forests. Of the l,o55 firop discovered on the National Forests ast year, all of which were checked by the rangers before they had burned over fourteen hundredthi- of one per cent, of the Natural For est area, camper3 caused 216, while railroads followed next with 273; I lighthi fife came next, with 17G; donkey engines used in lumbering operations, fourth, with 65; careless brush burning by homesteaders clearing land, 34; fires caused by in cendiaries and those set by herders and hunters, 80. For more than 400 of the fires the cause is not known. This is not strange when it is remembered that a fire may smolder for days, if the air is too thick to permit the smoke to be seen at a distance before it breaks out when fanned by a wind so as to re veal its presence to the watchful forest officer. While campers caused more fires than locomotives last year, there are many seasons when the railroads hold undisputed claim to first place". Forest fires started by both are mostly unnecessary.' If campers would exercise care In starting camp fires and bs sure that they are extinguished before they are left, and if railroad companies would use the mo3t modern and efficient spark arresters, it is reasonable to think that the annual forest fire loss could be reduced more than one-half. Lightning ranks third among the causes of fires, and of course, man has no greater responsibility in this case than to put the fire out as soon as possible after discovery. Careless brush burning by homesteaders and persons clearing land is said to be the cause of many of the fires which have started this year, particularly those which have swept- over the Lake States. The ranger force on many of the National Forests has been kept busy fighting fires which, if left to run unchecked, would have done incal culable damage. By quickening communication between important points through the construction of telephone lines, and building roads and trails, the National Forests have been made more accessible dur ing the past two years and fire fight ing has been greatly facilitated. Kennedy's Laxative Cougli Syrup not only heals irritation and allays in flammation, thereby stopping the cough, but it moves the bowels gently and in that way drives the cold from the system. Contains no opiates. . It is nleasant to take, and children especi- i ally like the taste, so nearly like maple 4 sugar. Seld by E. T. Wliitehead & Co. 6 Old Age Pension. (Good Housekeeping.) In a recent number of a popular magazine. Edward Everett Hale points out the fact that the best ef forts of friendly associations and societies, even with the help of the life insurance companies, must fall far short of even the money needed for losses through death or disease, and in the same article suggests a source from which a pension for the aged may be provided. lie aavs, in some states, the poll tax will do it; the poll tax every man has been pay ing to the stae ince his majority endows him with the right to return support from the state in the ex tremity of declining yearn, and will supply the money to meet the claim. The suggestion of old age pensions which he has persistently broached to the greatest of all "Lend-a-Hand" clubs, the states, we may be sure will not cease knocking at the door of public sympathy until the door is opened. Christendom began by opening its arnu: to the children, and its heart is turning tenderly, in those riper years, to the sufferings of des titute old peop!e, who are certrinly in some ways nearer the kingdom of heaven than are the children as, for instance, inpoint of time. ... It is interesting to read of the work being done in countries where the old-age pension is now beine carried. Premier Sodden and other support ers of the law, says: "It encourages a man to save, to know that the state will add something to his little ac cumulation: instead of the doppair which sees no use in self help, comes hope and a new energy." Moreover, these innovators of New England are not afraid to question whet her, from any true point cf poeial regard, it is thrift for a poor man, who' earn- ings are really not enough for his! a children's needs, to save money which has to be skimped somehow out of their bodies and minds or souls. "There are two ways of in ducing the people to be thrifty," says Mr. Reeves; "you may encour age them with the hope attaining to comfortj c you may frighten them with the alternative cf destitution. I attach more value to the efficacy of 1 hope." The report says that, thanks to the old-age pension, the aged tramp has disappeared from the highways of New Zealand. The idea is to prevent pauperism and en courage thrift by adding to the sav ings of the poor enough to keep them out of the pauper class. One need not be a saint nor a pauper in order to get relief; one may have property valued at $250, or an in come of $170 a year, and still receive the full allowance of $00 a year an English shilling a day. The idea is to prevent pauperism and encourage thrift. For those who have more property or more income, the allow ance by the state is decreased pro portionately until it disappears. Thus, to those who have $260 of in come, or $1600 worth cf prop erty, no pension is allowed Those who are criminals are barred; but not those who have been crim inals; one may hove committed the most heinous of crimes, if it happen ed twenty-five years ago, and still be forgiven, and a serious misde meanor of twelve years since will be overlooked. Minor matters, like drunkenness of more than five years ago, are passed by. To Extract a Splinter. (Woman's Home Companion.) When a splinter has been driven deep into the hand, it can be extract ed without pain by steam. Nearly fill a wide-mouthed bottle with hot water, place the injured part over the mouth of the bottle, and press tightly. The suction will draw the flesh down, and in a minute or two the steam will extricate the splinter and the inflammation will disappear. Bruises, scratches, sores and burns that other things have failed to -euro will heal quickly and completely when you use DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve. It is evieeially good for piles. Sold by E. T. Whitehead fc Co. Good Advertiser Use these columns for respite. An advertisement in this paper will reach a good class of people. Subscription Price $1.00 Per Year. NUMBER 44. HIDDEN DANGERS. Nature Gives Timely Warnings That no Scotland Neck Citi zen can Afford to Ignore. 1)AX(;FR SKLXAI. NO. 1 cornea from the kidney seeretions. The will v:i::i y,M when the kidneys are iek. Well kidnev? excrete a dear, amher lluid. Siek kidneys send out a thin, pale and foamy, or a tliiek, red, ill smellim: urine, full of M'diment and irregular of passage. DAXliKU SIOXAL NO. '2 eomes from the hack. aek pain., dull and heavy, or tdiarpe and acute, tell you of approach of dropsy, diahetet and lhiglit's disea-e.'s Kidney eure sick kidneys and cure them per manently. Here's Scotland Neck pr. x if : Mrs. .Toe Allshrook, living in Green wood st., Scotland Neck, X". O., nixys: "I siu'i'ered from a kidney weakness for some time. The secretions were high ly colored, very frequent in action, com pelling me to arise many times during the night, and causing me annovanee daring the day. I had seven; pains through my loins, and in v hack ached almost constantly. I was hardly ablet to do iny housework, and at times it really felt as if mv hack would break. I finally learned of Doan's Kidney Tills, procured a box, and am glad to say that it only required a short use to banish that backache. I have not suf fered any sign of kidney complaint since, and feel so much better in every way since using 1 Man's Kidney Pills, that I am glad to give them my re commendation. For sale bv all dealers. 1 rOe. Foster-Milbnrn Co.,ltulValo,Xev York, sule agents for the I'niteil States. Remember the name DOAN'S and take no other. Character and Destiny. Sow a thought, Reap an act ; Sow an act, Ueap a habit ; Sow a hnhit, Ilea j) fi character ; Sow a character, Heap a destiny. Selected. Pleasant, sure, easy, safe little liver VV'v'V .'r" '.v.V, Vf V.y rold bv L. I. Whitehead ,V ( o Pit's, are DeWitt's Little Larly Risers. "No, friend, I ain't no hobo, nor vag. I'm jest walkin' around !e world on a $1,000 bet." "I'm glad ye told me !al, pa!, fer I'm merely leadin' dis kind of a life to gather material fer a book on tramps, an' I was about to set yer down for a pro nounced type of a bum." Woman loves a clear, ro.y complex ion. liliido k PIood purifies the blood, clears the skin, restores ruddy, sound. health. Gertrude Coghlan recently told a good one of a very young friend of her? who had been whipped. "Now," said his mother, "tedl me why I pun- ished you?" "That's it," said John ny, you nrnrly pound the life out of me and now you don't even know why you did it." Young's Maga zine. Torturing rrcma spreads its burn ing area every day. I Ma it's Ointment quickly stops its steading, instantly m li"ves the itching, cures it permiiiiently. At any drug .-toiv. Mother -I am sorry to hear that Tommy Smith tied a kettle to a poor dog's tail. You wouldn't do such a thing woultl you? Bobby No, in deed, mother. Mother Why didn't you stop him, Bobby. Bobby I couldn't mother; I was holding the dog. Philadelphia Inquirer. DeWitt's Kidney and RIaddc r I'ills arc imequaled in eases of weak back, backaehe, inllammation of t he bladder, rheiimatie pains, and all urinary dis orders. They ar" antiseptic, and act promptlv. IMn't delay, for delays are dangerous. Oct DeWitt's Kidney and Madder Pills. Sold by E. T. White head fc Co. "Politeness costs nothing," said the man of ready-made wisdom. "I guess," answered Mr. Comrox'that you never had any experience with these cafe waiters who regulate their politeness by the size of the tip." Washington Star. Kow Is Your Digestion. Mrs. Mary Powling of No. 228 th Ave., San Francisco, recommends a remedy for stomach trouble. She .says: "Omtitud" for th'; wonderful effect of Electric Hitters in a case of acute indi gestion, prompts this testimonial'. I am fully convinced that for stomach and liver troubles Electric Hitters is thj best remedy on the market to-day." This great tonic and alterative medi cine invigorates the system, purifies the blood and is especially heljif ul in all forms of female weakness. 50c. at E. T. Wliitehead & Company's drug store. talk!"

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