od Advertising U0 Commonw: Good Advertiser Use these columns for re&ulta. Is to Btuijiesii what Steam ie to Machinery, that great propelling power. This paper gives results. H M An advertisement ki this paper will reach a good class of people. v. C. MOORE, Editor and Manager. 'Excelsior" is Our Motto. Subscription Price $1.00 Per Year. VOL. XXIV. New Serie.Vol. 11.-6-18 SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1908. NUMBER 48. EAL Over -Work Weakens Your Kidneys. ' ?tiea:ttiy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. the blood in your body passes through kidneys once every three minutes. The kidneys are your oiooa purmers, they til i" me waste or impurities in the blood. V.;-. If they are sick or out cf order, they fail to do meir work. Pains, aches and rheu matism come from ex cess ot uric acid in the Diooa, due to neglected v..:.:;y ttoub.s causes quick cr unsteady lt , l . uiaM -" ieei as thoutrl . r.ij. r.euu trouble, tecausa the heart it . ;:-.v rxu.g in pumping thick, kidney : : c.ood tr.rough veins and arteri to be considered that only urinary !?s were to be traced to the kidneys, . r:v..i.uucrn science proves that nearly uiccs nave ineir begin- . y i.i kidney trouble. .: ;.u are sick you can make no mistake . - f.'-s- sectoring your kidnevs. The miH , i the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's .vamp-KOCt, the great kidney remedy ii . m rei'iied. It stands the highest for its .T.dorful cures cf the mcst distressing cases i.r. i :s sou on us merits Ly a'.l druggists in fifty cr.t and one-dollar siz e. Yo i may have a y-rr.p.e Dome cy ma-.i Ilomo cf 8. f:e. also pamphlet telling you how to find c t i: you have kidney or blaader trouble. Mcr.-.icn this paper when writing Dr. Kilmc i- Co ;1, i Binghamton. N. Y. t make any mistake, but tr- . '-M'.l'or the name, Swamp Root, Dr. ym r's Swamp Root, and the addres vjumton, X. Y., on every bottle. PAUL KITCHIN Attorney at Law, Scotland Xeck, X. C. Practices Anywhere. a. JILBION DUNN ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT Law, - 11 Xeck, X. C P'tc "ever irvices are required. )L J. P. W1MBERLEY, Physician and Surgeon, Scotland Xeck, X. C. Oflke on Depot Street. A. C. LIVERMON. DEXTIST. OiTu-e up stairs in White ' ":;fff bead Building. lOiac.' liours from 9 to 1 o'clock and 2 to 5 o'clock. Ij, W. NIXON, Refracting Optician, fWutch Maker, Jeweler, En graver, Scotland Xeck, X. C. fcBRYDC WEBB, 1 jAiTORNny and Counselor at Law, 210-221 Atlantic Trust Building Norfolk, Va. X.-tarv Public. Bell Phone 760 EDWARD L. TRAVIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Halifax, X. C. Monf-y Loaned on Farm Lands ylLl H. J0SEY, General Insurance Agent, Scotland Xeck, X. C. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM l'' 71eaei and bruitiriea tn nir. ..i?-,-. .fc5Ml'romet luxuriant gruwui. ''. -. Hal? to ita Youthful Color. ') .v3l Cures ':lp dimtt ft bir UiinJ. Usiderfakers' Supplies. Full and Complete Line. Coffins and Caskets Burial Robes, Etc. Hearse Service any Time N. B. Josey Company, is Scotl M Neck, Xorth Carolina uvub!e EBJoseyCo ESKIDHEYC011B Kiy and Bladdsr Rl8ht "It Was Not Me." Henry M. Flagler and S. c. T. Dodd should have the credit. . . . I am sure it was not me. John D. Rockefeller. (New York World.) "It was not ME!" John D.! John D.! I wish you had not said it. A literary fellow, too! It makes me quite ashamed you! You were perplexed, No doubt, and vexed At Kellogg's tantalizing: But from your lips Such horrid slips Are painful and surprising. Fie! fie! oh, fie! "It was not I" Would have been as emphatic. But oh, John D.! "It was not me" of Had no place in your attic I would not care A bit, I swear, Were you not literary; But since you've willed To join OUR guild, Of slips you must be wary. Your autobi ography I Will read when I can buy it: But if I see "It was not me" Writ there, I'll scarify it. I'm well aware A billionaire Has power, but by jingo! You've got to pause At grammar's laws; You shall respect our lingo! N A. J. Toe Sower of the Cotton Gin. Many years ago a poor Yale stu dent, who had a tendency to con sumption, was living in South Caro lina, in the home of the widow of Gen. Nathaniel Greene. While there he met some Southern planters who were bemoaning the fact that the chief profit of the cotton industry was lost, because no machine had yet been invented which could sep arate the cotton seeds from 'the cot ton. Young Eli Whitney, for that was the Yale student's name, went to work and labored on month in and month out. He perfected the cotton gin, but before he could get a patent upon the invention, the barn in which he had his workshop was broken open, and the machine was stolen, and his ideas were patented by other men. Eli Whit ney, the man who has made millions of dollars for the South, the man who has doubled and quadrupled and infinitely increased the earning capacity of the Southern plantations poor Eli Whitney himself never got a dollar from his cotton gins, save the poor pittance of $50,000 granted him by" the legislature of South Carolina. Like Robert Ful ton with his steam boat, like Morse with his telegraph wires, like George Stepenson with his locomotive, like R. A. Holden, the agronomist, and Burbank, the wizard of flowers ana vegetables, these men have been seed planters. They have made mil lions of dollars for other men; but like Aggassiz they have not had time to make money for themselves. "One man soweth, and another reapeth." One generation plants the seeds of the industrial world and another generation reaps the harvest. The Christian Herald. Dc Witt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve has many imitators. ne a one original, and the name DeWitt is on every box. Best salve tor burns, scratches and hurts, n "J""""' good for piles. Sold by Ki. vv mw- hcad Company. Barber How was the last shave? - Patron Captital. My wife cut her new blouse by the diagram on my face. Philadelphia Inquirer. A" Dangerous Operation the removal of the appendix by a Burgeon. JNo one wnu New Life Pills is ever subjected to this frightful ordeal. They work so quietly you don't feel them. They cure con-ti: Ration, headache, biliousness and ma laria. 25c at E. T. Whitehead Co. a drug store. ,- " THANKSGIVING FOOTBALL Carolinians go up Against Virginians at Norfolk and Richmond. Over twenty-five thousand people witnessed the two Carolina football games in Virginia Thanksgiving day. NORFOLK GAME. Before a crowd of twelve thous and spectators, A. & M. defeated V. P. I. today 6 to 5. The game was one of the fiercest ever seen on a Southern gridiron. All day trains poured into Nor folk from Carolina and' Virginia towns until the crowd at the game was estimated at twelve thousand Two-thirds of the crowd were"Down numers ana wavea tne red and TT ft 1 i . i a white banners most enthusiastically The weather was ideal, being per haps slightly warm for the best kind of football game. The A. & M special train from Raleigh, Composed of twelve cars filled to overflowing reached here at 1 p. m. About 300 students headed by the magnificent cadet band, paraded the streets of Norfolk and wound up at the Fair fax hotel with a street concert. Governor Glenn and party from Raleigh arrived on the special, and after luncheon at the Fairfax, oc cupied a box at the game in the mid dle section and were most interested spectators. Governor Glenn warmly congratu iaieu me Doys aiter tne game on such a manly, fair and clean game he said that he was prouder than ever that he was a Tar Heel and from a State that could produce such brawn and brain. RICHMOND GAME. In the presence of about twelve thousand enthusiastic supporters of the riv?l universities, Virginia won the victory over .Carolina by the overwhelming score of 31 to 0 in the great Thanksgiving football game played on the Broad Street Park gridiron this afternoon. Five touch downs, four goals and one safety tell the story of the score. Virginia's fast and fierce backfield was too much for the men of the white and blue, but though it was from the first apparent that the orange and blue would triumph, the plucky Tar Heels never let up one ioto on the fierceness of their play. Indeed they showed up far better in the sec ond half than in the first half, while in the second Virginia scored only six points and those were added by a pure stroke of luck that let Staun ton through the line with almost a clear field between him and the goal ine. There was the usual enthusiastic crowd present, and the field was a solid mass of color. News and Ob server. Vessel Sunk. New York, Nov. 26. In the. thick of a fog off Sandy Hook today the stout steel freighter Georgiac, of the White Star line, rammed and sank the lightly laden Panama steamer, Finance, outward bound with eighty- five passengers, the finance going down within ten minutes, carrying to their death three of her passen gers and one of the crew. The rest of the passengers, who included nineteen women and fourteen child ren, as well as others of the crew were rescued by boats the Georgiac. The freighter was not damaged. Nearly everybody knows DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the best pills made. Tlrey are Sinall, pleasant, sure Little Liver pills. Sold by E. T. White- lead Company. Cotton is Bringing a Better Price ! qSend in your subscription to THE COMMON WEALTH. !We need the money. fYour dollar will greatly help us to give you a BETTER PAPER. CJDon't wait to be called upon--come right along. V. C. MOORE, Editor & Manager, THE COMMONWEALTH. EXCITING SCENES. Brought About In Prison Association by Charges ol Cruel Punishment in Pennsylvania Reformatory. Richmond, Va., Nov. 28. Charges of cruel and unusual punishment, in flicted upon prisioners in the indus trial reformatory at Huntingdon, Pa., precipitated an exciting scene at today's session of the American Prison Association. D. Sulzberger, member of the State Prison Society of Pennsylvania, made the allega tions and admitted they were based only on statements on former prison ers. I . K. ratton. general superin tendent of the reformatory, resent ed the charges and a dozen delegates challenged Mr. Sulzberger's spurces of information. The association fin ally tabled a resolution offered by Mr. Sulzberger, looking to an inquiry into the system of publishment for refractory prisoners iu penitentiaries and reform schools. . Getting Good Measure. "I like to get good measure, in everything even inliappiness," said one, laughingly. "I think it is only one's right to have the full pint or pound asked for, and to try to get it, no matter what the thing is." She was a living example of how to go about this getting of good measure in happiness. She had a definite working rule to go by, too a rule which she put into three divi sions, it was a rule of Christian living in everyday thing"?, a working out of what is too of ten left to theory. First of all, she practiced self con trol and that alone is a large factor in the making of a Mint, To hold one's tongue or temper in the time of little or big temptation to be serene, and keep sweet, though the domestic or business heavens fall wim irritating suddenness this is something of what self-control means. And it is not a bit easy; but, oh, so worth while to try for. Then she was a busy womarrr She put her energies into intelligent work, rather than wasting them in frivolous pastime or pleasure. Out of the work she made to come the third part of the rule. That was the constant development of her best faculties, that she might do in creasingly better work in her chosen line. Apd so she lived "happy ever after she began to follow her rule. Some one has put the thought like this: "When all other roads to happiness have been tried and failed these three: Self-control, intelligent work, and the constant development of one's best f actulties will . . . bring as . . . lasting content as earth affords." Selected. Thanksgiving Debate. Victory in the debate Thursday night between Wake Forest College and Randolph-Macon College, of Ashland, Virginia, was won by Wake Forest, whose representatives dem onstrated that they had successfully earned how to present these in an eloquent manner. Each of the de baters showed that they had splen didly prepared for the contest. The subject of the debate was, 'Resolved, That Injunctions Ought to be Allowed as a Means .Prevent ing Strikes," and in this the affirma tive view was presentented by Ran- dolp-Macon, and the negative by Wake Forest. The young collegians spoke with force and power, and though it was on "home ground" for Wake Forest, the applause show ed that B.andplp-Macon had many admirers here. Medicine That is Medicine. I have suffered a good deal with malaria and stomach complaints, but I have now found a remedy that keeps me well, and that remedy is Electric Bitters; a medicine that i3 medicine for stomach and liver troubles, and for run down conditions," says W. C. Kieatler, of Halliday, Ark. Electric Bitters purify and enrich the blood, tone up the nerves, and impart vigor and energy to the weak. Your money will be refunded if it fails to help you. 50c at E. T. Whitehead Company's drug store. Dear," whispered the eloping lover, "what shall we do with the rope ladder? We shouldn't leave it hanging there." "Oh, that's all right," replied the coy damsel. "Pa said he'd pull it up again so we couldn'fget back." Catholic Standard and Times. Every case of backache, weak back, bladder inflammation and rheumatic pains is dangerous if neglected, for such troubles are nearly always due to weak kidneys.TakeDeWitt'sKidney andBlad- der Pills.They are antiseptic and soothe pain quickly. Insist upon Devitt s Kidney and Bladder Tills, liegular size 50c. Sold here by E. T. White head Company. An interview with the Kaiser had been suppressed. "Good," said the yellow corres pondents "Fine! Now we can put anything we want into that inter view." Immediately they all got busy. Philadelphia Ledger. The New Orleans cotton exchange has adopted resolutions asking abo lition of duty pn jute bagging, which amounts to nine cents a bale. Claim ed it is direct tax on cotton industry of the South for the benefit of a few manufacturers. Eat all the good food you like. Quit dieting. You don't have to diet to cure dyspepsia. Iu fact you can not cure dyspepsia or indigestion that way, but rather you must add strength to the weak stomach by takfng something that will digest the food which the stomach enn not digest. Kodol is the only thing known today that will do this, for Kodol is made of natural di gestive juices found in a healthy stom ach, and it digests all food completely, Kodol is pleasant to take, and is guar anteed to give relief in any case of vhitehead Compflny. Teacher Who was it supported the world upon his shoulders? Tommy Atlas, sir. Teacher Who supported Atlas? Tommy The book doesn't say, but I 'spect his wife" did: Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup stops the cough by allaying inflamma tion of the throat and lungs, and it drives the cold from the system by gently moving the bowels. Children like it for it taste nearly as good as maple sugar. Sold by E. T. White head Co. The Middle Ages invented woman. In ancient Greece women had no standing at all. Plato knew noth ing of thejiotion that woman might make man happy. Reich. Tbis Is Worth Beading. Leo F. Zelinski, of GS Gibson. St., Buffalo, N. Y., says: I cured the most annoying eold sore I ever had, with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. I ap plied this salve once a day for two days, when every trace of the sore was gone." Heals all sores. Sold under guarantee at E. T. Whitehead Co.'b drug store. Uncle Hi Well, Jephthah, when air you a-goin' ter fix that fence along the creek? Jephthah Holler Why, I'm waitin' till Clarence comes home irom college, x see, he's takin' fencing lessons there, and probably he kin put me on ter a new wrinkle or two." Kodol for Dyspepsia, indigestion, weak stomach, sour stomach, gas on the stomach, etc., is a combination of the natural digestive juices found in a healthy stomach with necessary vegeta ble acids, and is the only thing known today that will completely digest all kinds of food under any condition. It i . t p is guaranteed to give prompt renei from any form of stomach trouble. Take Kodol and be convinced. It will cure your dyspepsia. Sold by E. T. Whitehead Co. "You are a pretty sharp boy .Tom my." "Well, I'd ought to be. Pa takes me out in the woodshed and strops me three or four times a week." Harper's Weekly. Harked For Death. "Three years ago I was marked for death. A grave-yard cough was tear ing my lungs to pieces. Doctors failed to help me, and hope had fled, when my husband got Dr. King's New Dis covery," says Mrs. A. C. Williams, of Bac, Ky. "The first dose helped me and improvement kept on until I had gained 58 pounds in weight and my health was fully restored." This medi cine holds the world's healing record for congh and colds and lung and throat diseases. It prevents pneumonia. Sold under .guarantee at E. T. Whitehead Compa ny-s drug store. 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Monuments & Gravestones In all First Class Varieties of Marble and Granite. Largest Stock in the South. Remember, we pay the freight and guarantee safe delivery. As we employ no Agents the item of commissions is not in cluded in our prices. This enables us to use a higher grade of material and to finish it better than otherwise. Is this Savage Seeds We have in stock the follow ing varieties of new seed such as German or Crimson Clover, Seed Rye, Seed Oats, Old Fash ion Clover Seed, Timothy, Herds Grass Seed, Ky. Blue Grass, Orchard Grass. We al so handle Grain, Hay, Mill Feed, Etc. Write Us for Prices and Samples We sell the purest and best Seed Grain and Grass Seed grown in this country. Guarantee quality as good and prices as reasonable as any other house in the trade. We are also large buyers of Home- Grown Seed Grain and Grass Seeds. Send Samples and we will make you offer delivered at your station. N. R. Savage & Son, Richmond, Va. 10-15-6m repstr or rsmodel sry Kind of buddinq ? Sand for our CATALOGUE Oi' buildinq matoriols. oash. doors. Hinds, hirtlwart. Rint:l3.pnf, !:. gat It electric futures tc. Z3 Washed !57H StCrFCLK.VAsdl WHEN IN TARRORO Whether on busi ness or pleasure, you should make it a point to call at our Studio and see our Latest Cre ations in the Art of Photography. Every day we are pleasing people who have never before had a good Photograph of themselves by any other Photograph er. Easter-tide is a convenient time to give us a trial while you are nice ly "rigged." S. R. Alley, HffPPir7 , ' "Tj Main St, Lewis BuilJinfir, (nam cfih r i Tarboro, N. C Everything in Photography Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup Relieves Colds by working them out of the system through a copious and healthy action of the bowels. Relieves coughs by cleansing tha mucous membranes of the throat, chest and bronchial tubes. 'As pleasant to the taste as Maple Sugar" Children Like It For BACKACHE WEAK KIDNEYS Try DeWitt's Kidnej and Eladdor Pills-Sure and Safe Sold by E. T. Whitehead Co. Notice of Laud Sale. Whereas the bid of the former sale having been raised on the below described land; by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Halifax county, rendered on the fifth day of March, 1907, in the cause entitled, A. L. Pope, Mrs. Clare Pope and others, Ex Parte, the same being a proceeding to sell land for partition, we will, on the 21st day of Decem ber 1908, at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, at the Court House door in liaiitax, b&LOj ine following described tract of land, to-wit: That tract of land in Cono conara Township Halifax County, N. C, known as the "Fannie Pope" land containing 6bb acres more or less, bounded by the lands of V. W. Land, Kelly Weeks,- J. E. Fitzpat rick, J. J. Barns, The North Caroli na Lumber Co., and others. Survey and plot of same can be seen at A. Paul Kitchin's office. John H. Kerr, A. Paul Kitchin, ll-19-4t Commissioners. ,m,J tofff.t-r" worth considering? When in Norfolk call onus. You will find what you want ; see and know what you are buying, and will get it quickly. The Coupcr Marble Works, (Established 1818.) 159-1G3 Bank St., Norfolk, Va Hupgoar's English Kitchen, On American and European Plan. Established 1890. A nice Roast Beef Dinner lor 25c. Fish, Oysters and Crabs in season. We also have a few nicely furnished rooms for our pa trons. 347 Mala Street, Norfolk, Va. EC ILL the COUCH AND CURE the LUNCS WITH R" Sfirr.O"4 EJ . a few , its J 817 osssGvery rnafe -ih rarer. n Jb (i nn &bUS Trial Bottle free THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. I GUARANTEED I ' SATISFACTORY! MONEY REFUNDED. Largest and Best Equipped riant in the State. Chas. Miller Walsh Quarrier and Manufacturer MONUMENTS, Tombs and Gravestones of Every Description. reiht prepaid on all ship ments. Safe delivery guar anteed. Writ'3 for designs and prices. Iron Fencings for $j?irX'f Cemetery and otherS purposes a Specialty. Petersburg, Va. J. Y. SAVAGC, Agent, Scotland Neck North Carolina We Keep on Hand Burial Cases! All Kinds all the Time. Also Complete Undertakers' Outfit. Hearse Service any Time Day or night we are ready to accommodate our friends and the Public Generally. M. Hoffman & Bro. Scotland Neck North Carolina Notice. ALL PERSONS are hereby for bidden to hunt with gun or dog on the following described tract of land in Halifax county, and in Pal myra township, under penalty of the law, to-wit: That tract of land lying on Roan oke river and known as the "J. Davis Reed'ar.d. and bounded on the east by the run of Roanoke river, and on the south by said river, and adjoin ing the lands of Claude Kitchin, 'W. W. Kitchin and J. P. Futrell, and others, and contains several hundred acres. This November 12th, 1908. THE REED GUN CLUB, J. E. Lewis, ll-19-4t President. E AND ALL loa J Hill' ' 1 V" T'i 27 .Vl-.MJIHI ""J

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