I SKCTIOX I. Section 1 Parses 1 to 4. Pages I to 4. i :. -100RE, t&tor sad Manager. ! XXIV. New Scries Vol. 11.-6-18 Subscription Price il.OO Pci Year. NUMBER 50. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1908. 1 liK d ;OMMftWF A T T1HT - ...... "Excelsior" is Our Motto. A: YOU GET U? WITH A LAKE BACK ? - TrcBWcMikcs You Miserable. .: everybody who reads the new-- tuce to knovcf tho wonderful -ures made bv rv Kilmer's Swamp-Roc' I U th 3 groat kidney, live-.' ' Li ana biadder remciv J' 1 lsti-?- "at med: ca! triumph of i'r,;,,,.. ; i dentil century; Ch- L J': : f cvsred after years cf -: I - scientific r..?rarch t "1 ! t "'B Dr- KiJrr.pr, th.- env -K-.'-. " "est kidney and blad- ,:Tr. specialist, rd -:: -': '' . T'-;""3ofu! in promptly cvrir. - 7."cy.. t-ider, uri? eid trou Lyiasc, wif.ch 13 th; v 'rouble. wor. . K hner s Swamp-Root is r.- rec . - jj f or everything but if vou have H' cr cr o-addjr trouble it will be four . .. ojn.;c, i ; has be-.", i. j M in he v. L'i p.. in rr'v: : - :c, amorg the helpless too poor t0t.,- rebel and has proved so succcssf-I: V, '. o.-.rs that a special arrangement's "- r. made by v.-hicnal! readers of this r -v i . : rat already tried it, may havs a - e i'ott r -cnt tree oy ma:!. ;so a book ! rr.cw zczvA Swamp-Root and hrw to 1 : .- ut ifyou ha e kidney cr bladder trnnb'e" i :n v r":n :nc""ca reading this ger-arous I -r in th.s racer and -frv :.mtr -i. Co., 3:nr- J"-V -.to-. N. Y. Th ; cent ar.a i:r 3 are rold by i TTom? of Sft Knip-ait '.4. n, all gocd druvj:s'.3. mistake, but k Swani Un.,t, Dr, t, ami tho ahlre.--on everv bottle. :i t wal;e any r 1 h na'D w;,li i-. N. .1 !llt Y. P PAUL KITCMN Attokxhv at Law, Scotland Xock. X C. T ; t :c i-s Anv w i re . JLBION DUNN A TToi'V-IV AND C'oU.VSET.OIi AT Law, .iktn Xock. X". C. Piactic-'s wherever services ai'o requireu. m- J. p. wsmdesley, otlan l X co X. C. DEXTIST. 11' tairi in Wliite Eniidinij. ( ;.; hours from '. to 1 o'clock ami 1 to o o'clock. r. r : i u . a c t i x ; Optician, 'V'racii Maker, Jeweler, En graver, Scotland Neck, X. C. J4 McRRYDE V7EDB, A.rroiiXF.Y and Counselor at Law, 2'-!-22I Atlantic Trust Building Norfolk, Va. -'nrv ui,Hc. Dell Phone 700 !7W) L. TRAVIS, kv and Counselor at Law, Halifax, X. C. Loaned on Farm Land? pi H. J0SEY, '-' k k ; : a h Insukance Agent, Scotland Xeck, N. C. ..--i:.js--.w"- 1 1 rd Tt-antif-oi the hIr. L luxufinut prowh. a 3 Cwt 1 p rt: H -"ltJi! osey Undertakers' Supplies. Full and Complete Line. 3 Coffins and Caskets Burial Robes, Etc. hearse Service any Time N. B. Josey Company, Xeck. North Carolina Co Kid ney and Bladdar Right 7A Newsbov'a Merry Christmas Z. J. EDWARDS T WAS Christmas night awl Patsey Iliggins as '-stuck" that is, he had more papers than he could sell. With a small bundle under one arm and hands thrust deep in bis pockets he strolled up Broadway in the happy Christmas crowds. Through the diamond frortc : win- 1 ... . r t - - h T.ne lestav. lruls ho could see the 'If HI II Bra Tin' t li i . 1 1. ",u"u '""sums ina animated over their holiday banquets. He jingled a handful of pennies and nickels in his moi aud wondered how in the world a boy with a stock of unsold papers on his hands and only 22 cents with which to have hir, Christmas feast, keep him through the night and start him in business the next morninjr, had much chance to be so very happy. As h? plodded aimlessly across Forty-third street a bis? man, hulking of shoulder, lantern jawed and deep chested, lumbered out of a gam biiug house near by and swung into H read way. Grumbling about "hitting rac pretty hard" and "never had any luck in my life," he plowed his way across the sidewalk, lunging against any one whose path lay across his. He bowled through a line of mincinsr : men and women who blocked the side ; walk in fror.t of an all night res- taurant. scattering them like tnnin j and making no apologies. Blind to everything but his own ill luck, he no j ticcd nothing until he came upon a dis ! hoveled and boisterous man holding a newsboy and trying to take hi pt-T3 from him. pa- "What th' 'ell y' doin'?" growled the J e.amb'er, as he gave the unsteady ma a J a quick punch and tumbled him into a ptly of dirt, allowing the lad to dart out of harm's way, yelling in glee at the fallen tyrant. "V bis stiff." threatened tho gam bler, as he leaned over the man. "if y' pe p another wo-J I'll wring yer hesu i,ff. Oit up n.-w an go hume t' , ' t -. .. ..... yijv.'jl Y-rrt her t' git even," he commented, as he turned away. A few blocks further he heard a voice at his elbow: "Say. mister, I want t' thank y' fer helpin' me when that dude pinched me payers." "Run along, sonny; don't let it worry y' none." T want t give y a paper, mister." "Trot:" returned the other, curtly. "Please take a paper, mister." per sisted the lad, running along beside the man and holding out bis bundle, " 'cause, gee! we don't of 'en have folks help us like you done. I'm stuck to fcight, anyway, an' have got plenty to spare.' The gambler stood still and sniffed the air as if at that moment, for the first time, he had caught the infection of the Christmas atmosphere. "Pretty tough on some of you kids," he said. "Here, take this and go blow yourself," he added, as he pulled a greenback from his pociet, pressed it into the boy's hand and continued on his way. "I ain't askin' you fer money," called PatKey, tagging along in the man's wake. "1 jes' wanted t' give you a paper for helpin' me." The gambler made no reply, but walked on ail the faster. He had gone a block further and evidently thought himself rid of the bay, when the latter suddenly piped out again: "Please take yer money back, will yer " "Aw, beat it!" said the gambler, savagely. Patsey stopped. He watched the form of his big man fade into the darkness and tben looked at the crum pled greenback in his hands. "Gee, wouldn't dat mos'ly crimp yer?'' ho mused as he turned back into the canyon cf electric lights and head ed for a place where he knew he would find cranberry sauce, steamed dumplings and mince pie at newsboy rates. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup stop.) the cough by allaying inflamma tion ef f ho throat and lungs, and it drives the cold fmni the system by jrent.v moving me uoueis. like it for it taste nearly a in. i pie sugar. Sold by 10. head Co. Children s good as 1 White- Si ranker My friend why are you swtaring so? Cussity Why? Be cause of a bkuik fool of a doctor. I got some pills for a pain in my back, and the directions read "Take one a half hour before you feel the pain comming on" Judge. vL 3B Marked For Daalfc. "Tii roe years ago I was marked for d-at h. A grave-yard cough was team ing niv lungs to pieces. Doctors failed to heh. me, and hope bad when ,v btisband got Dr. Kw.- h Vw Ii coerv," savs.Mrs. A. C. , d.-ams, of r.,(. Kv ?'Tlie first doe helped me an.Umf.rovement kept on until I had gainVdr,S pounds in wtaght and my KLltl. was fully restored " This medi cine, holds the world's healmg reoo for -ough and colds and lung and throat diseases. It pre vents Jnemoni. bold under guarantee at fc. T. Wliito .eau Company's drug store. o0c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free. mm SIXTY-TWO TRUE BILLS. Going Alter Riybt the Riders In Ten nessee. Union City, Tenn., Dec. 2. The county grand jury today returned 02 true bills in the night riders cases, directing the clerk of the court to keep secret all names until the in dictments are recorded. The reason for secrecy is that a number of those indicted have not yet been arrested. JUDGE HOLDS OFFICERS GUILTY OF CONTEMPT. Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 2. Judge I T It a n - tT 7 f i- i 1 ' ,1 .. I minima u. iviauuews, in rne circuit court here, 'today surprised the State's attorney from Union City, who is here to secure the return to Obion county tf eight, men to an swer to indictments, charging them with murder, by holding that the sheriff, the attorneys and everyone in any way connected with the ser vice of capiases on the prisoners here, were guilty of contempt of this court. lie further stated that trie technical arrests made yesterday of the prisoners in jail were illegal. Attorney Hill argued that no con tempt had been intended and that no actual service was had on the orisoners, the return setting out that the demand of the capiases could not be complied with. The giant bees of India build honeycombes as high as 18 feet. Don't be a knocker be a booster. This is Worth Reading. Leo F. Z. lin-dd of Cx (Jibs'-.n I cured ... the lalu, X. V.. ;;t annoviii! coi( ore I ever had, 'alvc. I ap- with Btifkk n's Arnica. tux n tin.-: salve oil' ( a day lor tv.'ocays. vben every trace of the sore wasgoiio." iJ ' iN all sores. Sold under guarantee it E. T. Whitehead Co.'s druir ;tore. i V FfcKIM F YM& Scotland Neck Big Line $4.00 Rugs Handsome All-Wool Art Squares $5.48. Window Shades, all prices, nice Shades. Beautiful line of Pictures, genuine Water Colors, Pastels, etc. Brand new line of $1.50 Christy Pictures at 98c each. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF ROCKING CHAIRS VS., 'r 'if Medlin Double-deck Majestic Springs for Iron or Wooden Bedsteads, guaranteed not to sag. We also handle the famous Southern Cotton Oil Company's It Mattress, re We Can Furnish We've got lots of things here for you. Be sure to visit our store and let us show you what a grand col lection of Suitable Christmas Gifts we have for you, from which to select the one suitable for your purpose. SCOTLAND NECK FURNITURE A -itfr -Ctr Stt Tfl?7K'5i 'vzywK iv xv A Mean Poem. I met a queen Upon a thorne, And listened to Her plaintive moan. With slaves to run At every beck, She said che was A nervous wreck. I later met A magnate's wife. Who should have led A happy life. She told of woes. At least a peck, And said she was A nervous wreck. I met a cook And heard her wail, She had to tell The self-same tale. Each woman is A nervous wreck! Kansas City Journal. Cornstalk Paper Now a Success. Chemists of the Federal Agricul tural Department have at last dem onstrated that paper can be made successfully from cornstalks. The results also indicate that the paper can be produced 50 per cent, cheaper than it is made today from wood. This announcement will be the cause of much gratification to the American people, and especially to the farmers. A heavy drain on the f i rvi li i t'lmr.lir mow rill Ck avnr ni-rA I to oe reauceo, anua ueraanu ur a ; product that has often been a waste, j will be created. Many larmers will I ' be glad to sell their cornstlaks, espe-: ..... . , , . . i ciai.yif most of the fertilizing ma- j terial contaied in them can be re- j ,,,,,, , ., . v, , I turned to the land, and it is likely j that in the production of paper from BLrfkLdtf UI mm OF THE Furniture Comp'y, Something of Value Por All ! for $2.98 $5.00 Lace best in the world. Sold Your Home From Parlor to Kitchen. cornstalks a by-product containing much of the original plant food will be made. This latter should find its way back to the farm for manure, or as bedding for the live stock. Not Alone. The dean of a normal college, in a talk before the students body, was deploring the practice common among children of getting help in their lessons and the tendency among parents to give it too generously. As an illustration he told the follow ing incident. The mother of a small pupil in a Chicago school had struggle through the problem assigned for the child's next lesson and had finally obtained what appeared to be satisfactory re sults. The next day, when the little girl returned from school, the moth er, inquired, with some curiosity: "Were your problems correct, dear." "No, mamma," replied the child, "They were all worng." "All wrong?" repeated the amaz ed parent. "Oh, I'm so sorry." "Well, mamma, you don't need to be sorry," was the reply. "All the other mammans had thiers wrong, too." Youth's Companion. New York's Chinatown has a pop ulation of 5,000. Medicine That is Medicine. I have suffered a good deal with maUll malaria and stomach complaints, but ; I have now found a remedy that keeps me weil, and that remedy is iieetric Bitters; a me.licine that is medicine for stomach and liver troubles, and !or rnn down conditions." says W, O. Kiestlcr, of Halliday, Ark. Elect no Hitters purify nd epnch the blood, tone upthencrves,and impart vigor a nd energy to the weak. Your money wil! be refunded if it fails to help you. eOc ftt y T whitchead Company's drug store. filFT VJJ B B B Curtains for $3.98 on 90-day trial. COMPANY. Story of : an Army Christmas By Col.J. A. WATROUS, U.S.A. my most Christ- HAT was memorable mas? "The one which al ways lorries back to me when thinking over Christmas festivities comes rushing in at the head of the line is that of 1861', but in telling of it it . '!' be necessary to biing in the army, and I sup pose you do not want anything that reminds of war In a Christmas talk." From a number of IsM't.-. voices, childish and others, came? "Yes, yes; that is just what we want, a story about Christ mas in the army." "The motion prevails, and you shall have what you vote for a story of an army Christmas," said the veteran of ihree wars the civil, Spanish-American and the Philippine insurrection. "There were many troops in and about Manila in December, 1900. My temporary horn was with an Amer ican family that nau rented the lare, beautiful mansion on San St-bastian street occupied by a Spanish admiral before Commodore Dewey sailed up Manila bay and said: 'You may fire, Gridley, when ready.' "This patriotic man and his wife, a former Wisconsin teacher, planned a Christmas dinner and party. They in vited a dozen or more officers and their ladies. The dinner did not differ materially from most Christmas din ners, yet it reminded the diners of holiday events in fur off America, and the conversation soon turnM in that direction. "One little army lady began to tell about a home Christmas, its tree and the good cheer, when she was a small girl. 'No other Christmas had seemed quite so heavenly. I can see how love, ly that tree looked; I can hoar daddy's voice as he calld off the pres ent; can see mamma's smile as we children danced and chattered; i can see the happy gathering about 'he table Chris' mas-laden ; 1 can hear daddy's request for a blessing and and, well it was all so sweet and beau tiful. Before anolher Christmas came I hadn't any daddy.' "The little lady's handkerchief was not the only one that brushed away a tear. " 'Captain, this dinner reminds me of one our fathers have told us about.' "The captain was the son of a Wis consin soldier of the civil war, and the speaker a lieutenant, the sou of an other civil war veteran. " "Tell us about it,' said the wife of another captain. " 'Yes, we want that story,' said an old major of regulars, who had come down from the civil war. " 'It was after the battle of Fred ericksburg. Va., in 1862. Four tent mates, one of whom was my father, and another the father of the non tenant here, were remembered by their sweethearts. The four sweet hearts got up the nicest kind of a Christmas dinner did all of the cooking themselves and sent it to their soldier boys. Accompanyirg it was a good, fat letter from each of the girls to her particular soldier boy. They told us of the table they set in their small tent, of the coiTee they made, the comments as they ate the good things, of the four sweet girls, and how it was all enjoyed. Before "the war was over all of the boys won commissions and were wounded, two of them twice, yet all returned home and married the four girls. One of those girls was the best woman ever born, and the lieutenant here will say the same about another of the four.' " 'And I will bear the same testi mony as to another of those blessed sweethearts of 1862,' said the wife of the other captain. 'She was my mother. "'It is my turn to speak,' said tho old major. 'I was , one of the four to enjoy that Christmas dinner back of Stafford v Heights, in 18G2. The mother of my bairns was second to none of the four sweethearts.' "Then the four the captain, the lieutenant, the other captain's wife, and the old major left the table, formed fours, shook hands, laughed, congratulated, and had such a reunion as seldom occurs. "'Well, well, well, what a little bit of a world it is, anyway,' said the astonished hostess." Under the Mistletoe.' Toung .Tones was coming down the stairs A niglit not Ions a?o, And saw a figure in the hall Beneath the mifitlrtoe. He chuckled softly to himself. And said. "Now. here's a lark! Whoe'er it Is, I'll rreep hehinJ And kiss her In the dark!" H? did but on her face the Ii:M Fell suddenly aslant; He looked, and to his horror saw It was his maiden aunt! Kodol for Dyspepsia, indigestion, weak stomach, sour stomach, gas on the stomach, etc., is a combination of the natural digestive juices found in a healthy stomach with necessary vegeta ble acid, and is the only thing known today that will completely digest all kinds of food under any condition. It is guaranteed to give prompt relief from any form of stomach trouble. Take Kodol and be convinced. It will cure your dyspepsia. Sold by E. T. Whitehead Co. SSTifcl Q CKV00-CKOOOKOOCK0-0-0-00 Xmas Goods! A fresh and lim assort nn'rt of all kinds AppYs, Oranges, Malaga (J rapes. Fi's, Raisins, Nuts. etc. Fresh Oysters Daily g 6 Fine Pork Sausage, Ciro- g ceries of all kinds, Choice j Candies, Coca-Cola, Pepsi- 9 Cola, Ginger Ale, etc., in bottler.. MRS. THOS. F. GRAY 6 Old .lain St. Hotel Building. 0XKKKKOOO0O0XO00OOOOJ Largest and Best Equipped Plant in the State. Chas. Miller Walsh Qtiarrier and Manufacturer MONUMENTS, r Tombs aad Gravestones of Kvery Description. A'cio'lit piv;iil on nil diip i cuts. Snt'e !"lierv jriiiir Mitcetl. Write for designs .mil prices. Iron Fencings for C.'iiK'loiy ; H H 1 other jEjifc.: purposes a Specialtv. Pktkksbckq, Va. J. Y. SAVAGE, Agent, . H.Mau-T. Neck North Carolina WHEN IN TARB0R0 U&TZj Whether on husf- f.'i.'' ' Vtw-Vi noss or pleasure, pC''yoi. should make WS'h P'mt to call ff; ;., . ,--. r.t ourSludio and '".4k '3 ::-'e our Latest Cre- at ions in the Art of P.ho'.ojri'.'iphy. 'Aery day we are pleasing people ...i. i . ... y 'v v, no n.ive ncer if? t" before had a good f. .J-:-A Photograph of -J themselves by any ' vi other Pl.otogruph- V cr. ku:' er-tulo is a cmverient time to give us a trial 'vlnle vou are nice ly "rik'''l." S. R. Alley, M tin St., Ijrwin HniMing, Tdrloro, ft. (. EvcrytLing in Photography We Keep on Haail iiiriaS Cases! AH Kinds all the Time. Also Complete Undertakers' Outfit. Hearse Service any Time Day or nip-lit we are reatl.v to ai'con un oil ate our friends and the Public Generally. M. Hoffman & Bro. Scotland Neck North Carolina For Weak Kidneys Inflammation of the blad der, urinary troubles and backache use DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills eek's Trial For 25c E. C. DeWITT & CO. Chicago, III Sold by E. T. Whitehead Co. 1 A W

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