Comm God Advertising Good Advertisers Uue theee column for HTV ls f,, Bn.i!..-j! what Steam is to iu j,.::iovy; t!nc pat propelling power, Tuns pa,er gives results. ua TT Tj An advertisement na thi pa will reach a good class ol people. V. C. MOOilC, Icltiilor and Manager. 'Excelsior" is Our Motto. Subscription Price $1.00 Per Year. VOL. XXIV. New S'-rlesVo!. 11.-6-18 SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1903. NUMBER 52. ' TFIFr r TV "TTTTT T"T7 "S. TT d A U A Women us Weil as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. . llidnsy trouble preys i;pon ihe mind, dis- jns ambition; beauty, vijoi and cheerfulness soon ri:'j,rpe'r vhen the kid neys are oat cf order ' or diseased. Kidney trouble has V 5-fe bc.'nrne so crevaler.i "S y that it is net urtoo , . !' for a child to I 'V.V be born .: fc.fiiicteci '.vit'i weak kid-!-- ncys. If tlift chili urir.- C '-K' i'.er too f i'rsT, if th; ";!ds the flc-sIT or if, vhen the chile an as vhsn it shc.U be abb to -.troi f.c ra.-.-a;e. n is vet affticted with i., cenc it. cause o: i d:f:'iciiily .i i;:d:iy t. i ' should be towards bie and the firsi treatment oi t ;se important organs. Thi? unpleasant t- -uble is due to a diseased condition cf the i- '.neys and bladder and net to a habit as r..5t people suppose. omen as weil rr.en as e. made mis e uble with kidney and bladder trouble, iird both need the same great remedy "!"..s mild and the imiedia'e effect oi S-v2mr:RGoi is scon realized. It is sole i- it. cent and one dollar frrJKStf sLss. You "ay have ajjljfill. f- e. aiSO tei)- Homo oi Swavip Root. ir. all about it. including many of the thousands cf tsstimcr.ial letters receiver fr-.-.-n sufferers cured. In vri'irg Dr. Kilmc; Co.. Eir.ghamicn, 4. Y., bz sure anr ' this traper. Oon't make any Tnistake, but ro 'si. .,nhor the name, Swamp Root, Dr C: liner-- wainp Hoot, and the suMres .V.-;u-i:;iiirm. X. Y., on everv bottle. TLBiON DUNN Attokxev and Counselor at Law. Scotland Xeck, N. C. Practices wherever services are required. J. P. WIMBERLEY, Physician and Surgeon,, Scotland Ieck, X. C. Orfieo on Depot Street. DENTIST. ggggk Oflloe tip -f airs in White .jrr?r-' I,.';!;- udiue, 03ice hours from 9 to 1 o'clock and 2 to 5 o'clock. $m W. NIXON, Refracting Optician, "Watch .Maker, Jeweler, Et; Scotland Xeck, N. C. J ncBRYDE WEBS, Attorney and Counselor at Laay, 219-221 Atlantic Trust Bmldincr Norfolk, Va, Notary Public. Bell Phone 7Cf DWflRD L TRAVIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Halifax, N. C. Money Loaned on Farm Lands !LL H. J0SEY, General Insurance Agent. Scotland Neck, N. C. iosey Undertakers' Supplies. Full and Complete Line. . A A A Coffins and Caskets Burial Robes. Etc. Hearse Service any Time N. B. Josey Company, Scotland Neck. Nortli Carolina 1- r?-T ""oAssif'SoVo 1 t-m m v'A rf ;.vSPJTf mau beaut ificg the hair, j A? hA Promotu s luxuriant powth. 1 f ''iV . . Jfi Hai- to its Youthful Color. I Cures scalp tfijrasM ft hsir fa!!:ug. I Co A Send in Your Subscription to The Commonwealth. Don't wait to be called upon. EOlETsmSMYCORE fakes Kidneys and Bladder Right 1ft AN fed V H DIRT ROADS. How They Are Kept in Good Condi tion in Sections of Missouri. There are three tools that are being used in Missouri in keening the dirt roads ia good conditiou, the grader, the drag and the harrow, writes a cor respondent of the Farmers' Voice. The grader, costing from $200 to $500, is used in rollins: uu the roada. Thi ; la I 4 , r i ' ' L lt abL' suouia oe none, in j i"m 11 mo ir-,-i are gvaaed in the fall they get terribly cut up by the travel after the rains in the late fall and some rimes become almost impassable. To say the least, they are miserably rough. Vi'hen graded in th spring the roads get bad enough in the winter and spring, and it is only of late year3 that farmers have learnl the use of the drag and harrow in putting them in good condition again. The road drag is easily constructed by means of two timbers of split logs from eight to ten feet in length and about the size of heavy fence posts. They may be fastened together with oak cross pieces or by round spokes extending from the holes in one piece to those in the other. Good chains can be fastened to the pieces to which the double tree can be attached. If the drag is extra heavy, two teams may be used by hitching one at each e:id. When dragging the road one team should be kept a little ahead of the other, so as to pull the dirt toward the middle of the road. It is a good idea to have a sharp cutting blade o: si eel on the underside of the front timber If this extends about half an inch below the edge of the timber and slants forward it will help wonder fully in cutting off the rough points in the road. The drag, though simple, is a great invention. It is a power for leveling the roads in winter just after a dry f veeze or in the early spring when the roads begin to dry. By running the drag over the road, ruts and horse tracks will be easily filled. If they contain water, it will run out and away, then the road3 will soon be in good condition. The common field harrow, while not SO eon d 2S tliA rlrno- ia .tio'n.u htI -"Vo. quently for leveling roads. Best re sults are obtained by using the harrow v hen the roads are rough, but dry. It acts as a leveler, but not as a grader, by raking off the clods and bumps, pulverizing them and filling the de pressions. The neighbors in a community, with the use of the drag and harrow, have no trouble keeping the roads about their farms in very good condition during most of the year. Of course ihere are times in rainy seasons when the roads must be let alone. REVERSIBLE SLED. It Is Easy to Load, and Easy from Which to Dump Load. Here Is a sled that will work either side up, and from either end. It is handy for hauling stones or other heavy material, as it can be over Self-Dumping Sled. turned and the load left where de sired. If necessary, it can be drawn from either end, and will save a lot of extra lifting in unloading the material. DO HAULING NOW. Get Such Work Out of the Way Before Ground Gets in Bad Shape. With the old plan of managing the farm there was always much hauling to do iu the winter and in all kinds of weather. I have learned one thing about hauling, says a writer in Farm and Home, and that is it pays to do it when the ground is solid. There is much feeding to be done during the winter. Generally the hay is stacked in the field at harvest time and hauled to the feed racks as need ed. I have learned to haul and stack in the rack at harvest time. This takes a little longer, but saves time in the end and extra hauling. I do my hauling, as far as possible, when I have firm footing for the horses. Trying to haul loads when the ground is soft has made more balky horses than any other cause. I believe, at any rate, this is a good time to bring out the balk in them if there is any. If you want to save horses, do the hauling when they can do it easiest and it will be easiest for you at the same time. Easily Made Vinegar. We make If- to 12 gallons fine ap pie vinegar every year. As soon as apples come, we take the parings anri put tbem in a six-gallon stone jar ar.d tamp them with a potato masher till they are pretty well bruised, then pour water over them till covered. We continue to put the parings in till they have been in a week or more, then we strain out the parings and pour the cider into a keg and repeat the operation till one keg is full. We then lay an old piece of cotton cloth over the bung and let nature do the rest. In two months we have a keg of the finest kind of vinegar. First-Class Job Work done at this office . PRUNING SHRUBS. Judgment in the Work Is an Essential Factor. No two shrubs or varieties of shrubs should be pruned in the same man ner. One important object in prun ing is to keep down the growth i.f superfluous wood. Another is to kep the shrub in such a shape that it wlil be attractive. In old times it was thought that pruning should be in the direction of the artificial, and shrubs of all varieties were trimmed in the sane general manner.. The re sult was a mass of shrubs all trimmed in about the same general manner. The artificial effect was not in ac cordance with what is now considered good -taste in landscape gardening, and the natural tendency of the shrubs Is r.ow considered. Every shrub has its own habit of growth, and this should be encouraged. It is not desirable to have one variety of shrubs look like another variety cf entirely different nature of growth. Shrubs should be pruned a little each year rather than a great deal in any one year. The cutting off of com paratively large branches is as detri mental to a shrub as the cutting off of a big limb is to a tree. The prun ing should be so given that the shrub will become more graceful from year to year. This means taste on the part of the pruner. This is a limi tation that cannot be escaped. If the pruner has not that indefinite thing we call good taste, his pruning work will not be good, but for this fault there is no remedy, unless it be the securing of a pruner that has taste. KEEP THE CELLAR COOL. How to Manage When the Apples Have Been Stored. After the apples are in the cellar, that place should be kept as cold as it is possible to keep it without reducing the temperature below the freez ing point. With a little care the win dows of the cellar can be so adjusted as to let the cold air pour in during all the night and then shut the cellar and keep in the air during the day. Even if the temperature outside of the cellar is below freezing, the ad justment of the cellar windows can be such that the volume of inflowing cold air can be only enough to keep down the general temperature to be- j low 40 degrees. This is low enough for several varieties of apples. In ' fact, a few onitf soft varfotioc- ea to keep better near 40 than near 30, though the data on this point are not yet extensive. The barrels in which the apples are stored should be headed and kept in a dry part of the cellar. Many farm ers leave their barrels of apples un headed, with the result that the air is constantly drawing the moisture out of the apples. This is now recog nized as detrimental to the long keep ing of the apples. PENETRATION OF ROOTS. Depth to Which Roots of a Peach Tree Were Found to Have Gone. This illustration shows the depth to which the roots of peach trees will sometimes go in search of water. TK number: represent Deep This design was made at the Arizona station, where the roots of a peach tree were followed to the depths in dicated. It also shows that a root system may be much larger than the tree supported by the roots. Fertilize Liberally. Orchards should be fertilized liber ally in order to keep up the fertility of the soil. Mineral as well as vegetable fertilization is necessary because ca crop of apples removes much more potash from the soil than does wheat. It requires large quantities of both vegetable and mineral matters to pro duce trees. Unleached wood ashes are excellent and if potash is used in the muriate form from 200 to 300 pounds to the acre should be sown broadcast among the trees. Pull Out the Stumps. To get rid of large stumps get a straight tree 25 to 30 feet long and 12 to 18 inches at the butt. Get a strong chain, the stronger the bet tor. Attach a good yoke of cattle to the small end of the lever and draw it to the stump. Pass your big chain around a large root and the lever at the same time about three feet from the butt. Fasten the chain tightly and start the team, driving in a cir cle. See how easily the stump will twist out. A small stump will come out whole, but large ones will usually split in two or three pieces. These can be piled and burned after d; y ing a short time. Don't break your New Year resolutions. Mm ff! at J7 H HORTICUIIUME STORING SWEET POTATOES. A Suitable Building and Good Care Are Requisite to Success. If possible dig the potatoes on a sunshiny day. Leave them in the windrow till afternoon, then remove them to the dry house and place them on the racks. Care sho.ild be taken that they do not teach on the rack. A house 40x"00 fee: v-;,i hr.iri 1 000 bushels, rhe rack? s .ould be five inches apart all art ua the "fcr.-jse as shown in the cut. If the potatoes are small you can have the racks iearer together. The objec'i is not to have the potatoes touch. They always go through a sweat, and will soon decay if they touch each other. The stove should be in the center of the building. Keep a moderate fire until they are thoroughly dry, then Modern Sweet Potato House. remove from the racks and pack in boxes or bins. Put in a layer of shavings, then a layer of potatoes so they will not touch, then enough shav ings to cover them well and so oil un til you have packed them all. Then remove to a place r.ecure from frost. If you have a dry cellar they can be placed in it. The essential thing in keeping sweet potatoes is dryness. If you wish to keep just a few you can dry them and wrap them in pa per separately and lay in a box. AVTien ready to ship pack in venti lated barrels. Fill the barrels round ing full, put cover cn and screw on the top so there will be no chance for the potatoes to move in the barrel. They are Dacked in the barrels just as you wouid pack apples for ship ping. COLOR AND FLAVOR IN APPLES. Apples irons ou'tlvated Orchards Bring Best Price. It is claimed by seme that apples from uncultivated orchards are more highly colored, havft a , high flavor, are firmer and keep betier. On the other hand, these apples are usually smaller, and statistics recent ly compiled by the Cornell university show that the apples from cultivated orchards sold for a slightly higher price per bushel duriug the past five years than did those from the or chards that were not cultivated. That is to say, the extra bizp. of the ppples from the cultivated orchards more than compensated for whatever differ ence in color, flavor or firmness there may have been. ORCHARD NOTES. In the adoption of the box as a ship ping package, Pacific coast apple growers are leading other parts of the country and those growers obtain good prices for their fruit. .j, lf the trash and decayed fruit M not removed, the "left overs" of slugs, borers and other animated orchard pests, which are preparing to go into winter quarters, will be on hand next spring lively and ready for business. It is usually a safe plan to beware of the traveling orchard doctor who offers for sale farm and county "rights" to make and use his "killem all" nostrums. If there is merit in his commodity he can reach the fruit growers in a better and more honor able way. After Hardy Orange Tree, Experiments are bctns made by bot anists In the employ of the United States department of agriculture with a view to creating an orange tree that will withstand cold weather and thrive in the latitude of the northern states. If the experiment proves to be suc cessful orange groves may be grown in parts of Missouri, Kansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky and Virgiuia. The plan is to cross the citrus tree of the south, which produces the table or ange, with the hardy citrus tf ee of the north, which bears the bitter, unedible orange. The botanists express con fidence in their ability to accomplish the cross. Cultivation of Garden. Few gardeners fully realize the im portance of cultivation in connection with garden crops. Cultivation should never cease while crops are develop ing. The general feeling in this re gard is that it is too much work. Planting that is properly done will permit of the cultivation being done with horse power, thus facilitating the work of cultivation. Instruments suit able for small vegetable cultivation can be purchased to be worked with horse power, and effective cultivation will bring ample returns for all time spent at it and all work done. Spray for Scale. In order to get rid of the San Jose scale it is well to spray both in the fall and in the spring. Where the scale Is bad they are so encrusted on the branches as to be four or live deep, consequently only the tops receive the benefit of the spray. It is, therefore, advisable to give a second spraying. In the fall the scale are loss resistant than in the spring. , Start the New Year jrifchtby payW mg wnat you ow. - AUTOMOBILES ON FARM. They Are Coming to Fill a Place of Real Utility. Automobiles have been a feature at the state fairs this year, as an addi tion to the machinery exhibits. So marked has been the display that nearly all reporters for the agricul tural press have commented upon the pr'--sr-:c5 of the automobiles designed 'V-: :i:;:i use ia their resumes of the f..irs. There a reason to believe tl c atrrr-K hi is coming to be a live i proposition as a farmer's conveyance for general road woik where extreme weight-carrying power does not enter into the problem, declares Prairie Farmer. Automobiles, for instance, are seemingly being put to various uses by farmers on the coast. After discussing the usefulness of the motor tar, the Pacific Rural Press sums up the probable expense as follows: "The expense of upkeep in some cars has been reduced until to-day a man can operate a car, spending less for oil and gasoline than the cost of feeding a horse. The car is a matter of expense only when in actual opera tion, and while in operation its road capacity is at least four times that of a horse-driven vehicle. As for repairs, if the car is given reasonable care and attention, they should be little in excess of the cost, of shoeing and repairs on harness, etc. tn point of operating knowledge, even where this is not simple enough, the farmer has a great advantage, as he is of necessity more of a mechanic than ihe city man." Few reasonable persons will look forward to the time of seeing the au tomobile drive the farm horse out of business, but there is a strong possi bility that the motor car will ultimate ly share a portion cf the road work of the farm horse. ROAD DRAG OF RAILROAD RAILS. Made from Five-Foot Strips and Practically Indestructible. Is Two pieces of railroad iron five feet long are required to make the road drag shown in the accompanying illus tration, says the Prairie Farmer. Drill holes in each end of these irons and Drag frem Railroad Rails. bolt them with iron rods 1 feet apart on one end, and two feet on the other. Hitch a hofs to each end of this drag and drive the narrow end toward the ditch every time. This brings the dirt to the center of the road. By spiking a plank through the center one can ride on the drag. Drag the roads after rain as soon as the mud stiffens. FARMERS AND IMPROVED ROADS. Success of the Latter Movement De pends Upon the Farmed. In an address before the Good Roads! convention at Buffalo, N. Y., a few days ago, the Hoii. N. J. Bach elder, master of the National Grange, put the good roads situation in a nut shel when he observed: "It 13 true that all industrial inter ests are affected by the nature and condition of the roads over which the products of our farms are transported to market, but it is the farmers who suffer ihont from the inferior roads which constitute so large a percentage of the road system of the United States. And I am confident that it is to the farmers that we must look as the active force and influence that will secure the enactment of the legislation needed to bring about that improve ment in road conditions that we all desire." That is right, exclaims the Prairie Farmer. It is to the farmer that tho public must look ior the solution. When he becomes thoroughly satisfied the road question will be settled right. THE ROAD DRAG. Advantages Which Are Gained from Its Use. The advantages to be gained from the persistent use of a road drag may be summarized as follows: 1. The maintenance of a smooth, serviceable earth road free from ruts and mudholes. 2. Obtaining such a road surface with the expenditure of very little money and labor in comparison with the money and labor required for oth er methods. 3. The reduction of mud in wet weather, and of dust in dry weather. There are also several minor bene fits gained from the use of a road drag, besides the great advantages which always accrue from the formation of improved highways, of which may be mentioned the banishments of weeds and grass from the dragged portion of the road. Tell the Children the Why. Little children like to see, under stand, and enjoy farm operations and the working of farm machinery. Al low them to see these things and ex plain their workings. Make them feel that all parts of farming is fun to you, and it will be to them. They will grow to love the occupation. , The Neglected Garden. A neglected garden is an eyesore on a p5rm and next to a c.ilapiuated and weed-smcthered road fence. Subscribe to The Commonwealth during 1909. t'. n-p WHEAT BRAN FOR COWS. Character of the Feed from Different Mills Varies Considerably. Letters received at the station In dicate that in some parts of Michigan a prejudice exists against roller proc ess wheat bran, says Prof. Smith of the Michigan station. Some farm ers prefer finely ground bran, are prejudiced in fa;v,r ut . i samples. The p" d-n- -r .. Is not unifc?--:- v tome samples ?.--. . : -. with the br. germ is fou.:.; . :. - as a senaratp tiv-r.mii.i t et some light on the relation of the com position of bran to Its physical ap pearance, 14 samples were ana lyzed, some of them from roller mills, some from burr stone mills, some from mills of large capacity and oth ers from smaller establishments. The per cent, of protein varied from 14.32 per cent, in the bvan of a roller proc ess mill with an nnual output of 1,200 tons to ID per cent, iu first grade roller process brans from one of the immense mills in Minneapolis. Lit tle variation was found In the com position of extremely coarse bran and the finer articles. The chemist says on this topic: "The two extremes, the very coarse and the very fine, are of much the same composition, while neither shows the best sample so far as feeding properties are concerned. The medium grades generally show a better analysis than cither of the extremes. Theoretically the bran pro duced by the roller process should be more valuable than that produced by burr stones, as in one the germ, which is rich in fat, is separated out with the flour, and in the other this part goes into the bran. The roller process brans are all perceptibly higher in protein than are those of the burr stone process. It is not so much the amount of starch present in the bran, as the amount of protein and fat that Is of consideration to the feeder. The end for which the millers are constantly working in the milling pro cess, the most complete separation of the starch possible and the needs of the consumer of the bran, a food rich in protein and fat, are identical. The new milling process, instead of supply ing the feeder with an inferior grade of feeding stuffs, furnishes him with one much superior to that supplied by the old process." CONCRETE ICE HOUSES. Structure Which Will Prove Economl. j cal Tor 'Dairy Farm. On dairy farms where a permanent ice house is desired, a concrete struc ture will prove economical. The first cost is slightly greater than where wood is used, but the ability of the concrete to stand constant dampness on the inside makes it more desirable. As shown In the sketch taken from Farm and Home, the building should An Everlasting lee House. have an opening extending from sur face of the outside ground almost to the gable, which will allow ice to he put in. A small window for ventilation should be placed at the lop of each gable. The walls of this house may be constructed double by inserting a mold between the forms when the con crete ls poured. Two three-inch walls with a two-inch air space will serve best. The roof may also be made of concrete by laying forms for rafters and reinforcing it with light iron rods. DAIRYING IN WINTER. Good Barn. Good Feed and .Fresh Water Necessary to Success. . Calves dropped in September and October are most desirable because they thrive better at the start and can quickly be converted into veal at a time when "baby meat" is at the high est price. Another advantage ls the cow will go dry at a time of the year when flies are bad and when the weather is warmest. To make winter dairying a success it is necessary that the cows have a comfortable barn and plenty of good feed and fresh water. In the winter the farmer or dairyman can give the cows more attention than during the summer months, says the Jonrnal of Agriculture, and In spare time improvements may be made in the stables and outhouses. The fall cow can start into the winter in good condition and with proper attention can be kept in shape all winter. Cows that milk heavily should be fed freely from the silo. It will be found that if calves are kept for breeding the win ter calf will do better than the one born in the heat of summer when flies are bad and grass is short. In the summer raise plenty of feed of all kinds for winter and when the cows finally are placed in winter quarters make them comfortable and they will yield milk in the exact proportion in which they are housed and fed. Calves may be given skim milk with grain and hay. Dairying Pays the Year Round. Dairying is often referred to as the Harvest that never ends. This Is cor rect, if the cows are good milkers; if they arc not, it ends soon after it com mences. The Australian gum trees grows to a height of 415 feet Largest and Best Eqttippad Plant in the State. Chas. Miller Walsh Quarrier and Manufacturer . . . i autet d. V-rile Ki Cleocin and prices. Iron Fencings for y&K Lemetery and other purposes a Specialty. Peterskuro, Va. J. Y. SAVAGE, Agent, Scotland Neck North Carolina WHEN IN TARB0R0 Whether on busi ness or pleasure, you should make it a point to call at our Studio and see our Latest Cre ations in the Art of Photufrraphy. Every day we are pleasing people who have never before had a jrood Photograph of themselves by any other Photograph er. Easter-tide is a convenient time to give us a trial while you are nice 'y "rigged." S. R. Alley, A .in PL. Lewis Ki.ildiru-.. Tarborn, N. I. .'.very.!. ing n PIotot(rp, Burial Cases! A" V ? ?? .. "? J.U"il:r.;iKtT.5 . He nearseoervsce arv jurat: f -.! .ire .11' 'ill t it i lf ! i 1 14 If- i ml Uu Puldii- 'iiiiHf.illv M. Hoffman & Bro. Scotland Neck North Carolina Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup Relieves Colds by working them out of Ihe system through a copious and healthy action of the bowels. Relieves coughs by Cleansing tho mucous membranes of the throat, chest and bronchial tubes. "As pleasant to the taste as Maple Sugar" Children Like lb For BACKACHE WEAK KIDNEYS Try EeWltti Kidnej and Bladder Pills-Sure and Safi Sold by E. T. Whitehead Co. Stranger My friend why are you swearing so? Cussity Why? Be cause of a blank fool of a doctor. I got some pills for a pain in my back, and the directions read "Take one a half hour before you feel the pain comming on" Judge. It requires a proper coriibiu;itin of certain sicid with natural digentive juices to erfect a dyHpepsiaeuro. And that is what Kodol is a perfect diges ter that digests all the food 'you ent. If you will take Kndol for a litttle while you will no longer have indigestion. You then couldn't have indigestion. How could you have indigestion if your t r.d w n- to Hz'- 1 ICoihil d'frt. all you eat. Ii is pV-.-n.t t.o t;i!:e, net-t promptly. by K. T. Wli h' Company. Don't forget to write it "1909." n