ft 1- ft p.: a it. ;0 1 'v ; to If St If is 1 ;i '1 P II 84 ft' if; If IS , 1 U is; IS: I i i ' " II - .1? Hndicine That is Medicine. "I h;io .-ulli r'l :i good ileal with ilariii and r toniiich complaints, hut ,..xv row found .t n-medy that keeps . v,o!l. at;- that lvuvdy is Klo trie cr-; :i medicine t''.t is medicine ; .-toinmli mu.1 Hvor t!'ou'l., ;'ir.l for ',: I'nii'htions." t-'ays A . L. ..,:. , f thiliidav, Ark. Href no r1ji'H;:'v ;it;I ennen mo mchi, BEARS ARE HARD DRINKERS i:vil !';!!!. 'All the hoars of y I liavo over of liji tho nerve am' imparl vigomnd sj;y to til - - w ak. inn: money will . ,1 ii' it lails to help you. ."0e. !;. T. Whitehead Company's drug t.1.4 kids ai'nt hid a bath this week, j litres holes in every stocking, i And Mildred's hair is full of snars, ; And Pauline looks real shocking, i And yet we're having lots o fun, A hammin, round the eily, ' i use ma' she can't look after us, She's out on a committee. Washington! . C.) Post. . , It requires a projer toiobi tuition of ; , rt; in acids with natural digest ve j iocs to perfect a dyspepsia euro. And ; . i.ti is what Kodol is a orfect diges- j i that digests ail the food you eat. , . u will take Kouol lor a litttle while , ,M will no longer have indigestion. : i .i .hen couldn't have indigestion. : .w could yuu have indigestion if your : .! were t digest? Kodol digests all ' .,u ,.at. It is pleasant to take, acts . ...windy, hold by K. T. Whitehead ! ' -.lnpany. i Largest and Best Equipped j Plant in the State. ; "has. Miiier Walsh 5 Quarrier and Manufacturer 4 3, Tcmbs aad Gravestones MONUMENTS, of Every Description. 'lYi.U-hl Ol'OpJli'i Oliall fc-liip- ; uu-otl. Write ioi- drsign. ; sivi prices, Iron Fencings fr t,?g$ i-iuHovy nnl otlierJfe itrposes a S P E c I alt i. PETr.KSBUKO, Va. J. Y. SSVAGE, Rgcnr, f- .'o4lnd Xeek Xorh Carolina WHEN IN TARBORO Whether on busi ness or pleasure, you should make it a point to call at our Studio and see our Latent Cre ations in the Art of Photography. Every day we are pleasing people who have never before had a good Photograph of themselves by any other Photograph er. Easter-tide is a convenient time to give us a trial while you are nice ly "rigged." S. R. Alfey, Mair. St., Lewis V ji!dinr, Tarboro, N. t. Everything in Photography ptahis th Tiaiigor, Me.-IN-iioLisi ot Co.; kn'.ii," pa M V Jhuilley. "f.-ei -.s if llicy c.mnc! dvi up for tho winter until after Uspj h.vf hud a protract "1 drunk from eating crab apples that have stayed on tho trees cold nights until ttiey were frozen clear through and then hung out and (hawed in the sunlight and repeated tho operation until fer mentation sot in cad the sweet older has lurried to a good imitation of old Med ford rum. '"Of course a hear that Is real fat, so fat that" his eyes are closing up and making him blind, will stagger away to some old Idowndown and hide away under the protecting trunk of a rotting tree and go off' into its snooze without any sleeping potion; but an average- hear that is young and active seems to dread go ing to -sleep for six months on a stretch, and puts it off as long a'3 it can and gets drunk and blunders away to tho nearest hiding place and drops off to sleep in an intoxicated stupor. "It is too had to have a respecta ble young bear that has passed the summer in picking and eating ber ries, and that has put on its la?t la j' er of fat from gathering aiul eating mellow windfalls in the autumn or chards, get into the habit of drinking liquor. 'An overdose of hard cider made from fermented apple juice has the same effect on bears -that it does on men, and makes them careless of their own welfare and quarrelsome and generally disagreeable. "I wish the Maine prohibitory law rould g' t at those ungathered apples and put s slop to drunken refcs among bears but I fear the re form movement will arrive too lata to do anv good to the bears. T have killed two promising youn because of their weakness for stron lnnk. and I may secure two or three more, though I am ashamed of my conduct." J Mm 0- :....: .vi, ... . Saw' l&.:x&?;?' " 4 mi i ts si y i I It A - 1 s VTRRj t V . c . . . H THE s lit ! FERTliHEES OF T THE SOUTH -- - - o?Rpin ff3 v I u s7fi ieT Savage Seeds We liave in stock the follo'v ino; "varieties of now seed such .as (Jemian or Crimson Clover. 1 Seed 3iyo, Seed Oats, Oid Fa-h-; ion Clover Seed,. Timothy, i i Herds Grass Seed, Ky. Lhu ! Grass, Orchard Grass. We al jso handle Grain, Ilav, -Mill i Feed, Etc. " " Write Us for Prices and Samples We sell the purest and )ot Seed (iHiin ,anl C!rass Seed grown in this country. (iuarantee quality as good and prices as reasonable as any other house in the trade. We are also largo buyers of Home Grown eod (irain aiul (imss Se ls. tSend Samples and we will make you ofl'er delivered at ycur station. N. R. Savage & Son, Richmond, Va. 10-15-;m Sip f ; X & (1 v ' ! THE that stri BEST REFLECTION oa li-.o (;.(' anfl v' 'ir r::-tomer 9 ro ISTEl?ED 3 s S" a re f a Norfolk Va. Bad Oil in FtftKOiRne. Land Sale. (Wilson Cur. to the News mid Observer.) Posted ! This is to notify all persons that they are positively forbidden to set steel traps or hunt with gun or dog on my land, formerly owned by my mother, the late Mrs. P. J. Madry. Any one caught tresspassing on this land will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. l-7-3t - " K. J. Maury. approved of ad FINE TAILORING is, the iicjv.o every dot: r.f style and li tVt fectly-iittif. ; dui ore, .1 A 1 .. . I I ut-i too n-ost. gracei in cun laj)el put on for use and st- ; and entire suit that s-jx-ak: tor a dcftmetuf: crowd. Why b.iv ing that NKVKK Mi; slight diireretioo make you C!e ; ' FITS WIII.L? ( ; i prise you with i ; 1 ;' us, P. B. MERTZ, - Ui 6ti i' - :; R rifu r c r?T.i; ; -jt hi f-r o r e.T '.jC'.: f. It tied, .c ImU.-fi 1 . -!i-f;b Tosborh :r.,c Wilson, N. C, Jan. ff. A farmer! By virtue of power vested in me was here yesterday from Edgecombe ' bv Viat, DfceT(l of4 TrU3t, ex?-catt;d to bears county, vvao says just before prohd)!-: H(,rt,n -on the nrst day of March, onuments tion went into elicct lie bought a bar rel of whiskey for his own usa. For the past few days, he says his house has been besieged bv parties who .iiKO!TA.vr r ashioxs. Surostins for Aviator's li-opor Ap partl .lust Issued. London. England. Fashions for a---rop!aning already claim the atten- lt'MJ, recorded in the Office of the Px;r:ster of Deeds for Halifax County, in Poole 177, at page 407. 1 bhail sell for cash at Public Auction in the Town of Scotland Neck at 12 ! -j i i it $ , A that it seems to be a hard matter to convince some people that he is not allowed to dispose of what he has lien of London outfitters. The fol- paid for. He says for several night? lowing suggestions for an aeroplan ist's outfit have been given by a We-.t End maker of motor clothes. "The aeroplanist should wear a gaberdine coat with a thick fleecy 'lining to keep out the cold. Over that he might have a loose and thick overcoat, buttoning very high around the neck. For lining, opossum fur vould be the ideal thing, and tha gloves might also be lined with the same fur. "For leg-covering a pair of hreei hc-s of the same material as the cirat; and these, to keep out the old, should be. tightly laced below the knees. Thick stockings with fur lined gaiters over thm should keep the wearer's feet warm. "For head covering the cap sup plied to Arctic expeditions would suit the aeroplanist. It is a knitted wooly can covered with (doth with epr flaps and flaps which could ba pulled ont at will on either tide of the face to protect it against the wind." offered almost any price for it. He o'clock on Wednesday Feburary 3rd, says he is a law-abiding citizen, but j the following described parcel j of real estate, lying, being; and situ-1 ate in the County of Halifax and; State of North Carolina, to-wit: Beginning on the nath which di vides the lards of J. M. Tillery and 4 Strickland, and which leads from from the Main Street of the Town of Scotland Neck to the A. C. L. Railroad, at William T. Hill's corner, thence a southerly direction along William T. Hill's Line a straight line 105 yards to A. Strickland's line, a takc, thence in a westerly direction -i straight line 46 1-3 yards to a stake, dience in a northerly direction a straight lino 105 yards to said path, r.her.ce along said path in an easterly direction a straight line 40 1-3 yards to the beginning. This January 2nd, 1909. Albion Dunn, 1-7-It Trustee. past he has found it impossible to get any sleep for the constant rap pings at his door, asking him to let them have some of the liquor, for all kinds of imaginable ailments that some members of the applicants' family are affected with. He say ; that he is even afraid to leave hii home, fearing that the besotted : wretches who might apply, would dc harm to some members of his family. "I know what Pll do," said he, "I.k go back home and turn the lastdro of the stuff into the ditch and swea; never to take another drop." N 535" rz I G -A, a Mini a fin -T r. . S IS M f materia I When You Wish e! tfs 3 fmr.bi !--- air fell It- , - 'A EE U S . Si rX. I k r n fi ii i ilULAOdCdl; ll El I Investigate our Reputation. ( H- M i rm . we Gra Lves In all First Class Varieties of Marble and Grant i- Largest Stock in the Som Remember, we pay the freight and guarantee safe d ' r As we emP'y no Agents the , item or comnnssions is U eluded in our prices. Ihis enables us to use a higher . v.i.u(.u in ii .11. . i i aim iu liiiihii ii otHior man otnerwi.se. ! worth considering? When in Norfolk call You will find what you want : ste and know l- T i . K - 'ers rii' ,f3L you etie uuvinu. ani win uet it uickiv. i tie coupcr mmc vons, pT'lrXiiP' (Itahlished 18I -.) 159-103 Pank St. Noi'fo Marked For I Sale, "Three voars nno ( was marked for death. A & rave-yard eoucdi was tear ing mv liv.ms to pieces, iwtors failed to lieii) me. )C'jueii CO We lieep on Hand i unai Lases ; MAC CItACKLX IS Villi MAKitlAGK Critji.sos fi". i.':,sor for Calling It Suicide .-f Love. Chicago. College professors who promulgate new and startling the ories on marriage and divorce are do nonnoed as scnsatioii-monfrors and seekers after notoriety by Chancellor MacCracken of New York University in a letter to a Caieagoan who form erly was a student of New York Uni versity. Professor XTacCracken scores Pro fessor Edward D. Monroe of Leland Stanford University for his pessimis tic conception of the marriage rela tion in America and t?kes him to trsk for cssertins in a recent lecture uu; !Oj0 nail lo. il, woen nd -i,t Dr. King's New Dis mays Airs. A. 0. Williams, o: ' ; Tin: first do-o helped me mv hii 1 coverv." Ihio, Ky and i;uroer:H'!it kot on until I hail gained 5S pounds in weight and my health was fully restored. ' ' This medi cine holds tho world's healing record for cough and eoiu and iung and throa; dbea.-vs. It prevents pneumonia. Sold under guara.ntee at K. T. Whitehead Company's drug fctoro. "Uo. and -fl.00. Trial bottle five. li.iir i; very diy. Jl-The r.aiber Y sirt The Victim It ought to be. from (ieorgia. Clcvf'-md i'lain T I'n. der. Every case of backache, weak back, bladder ini'ammatiuii and pains is u:ngr-rotis u negi. rheumatic r, .before a woman's club in Chicago j troubles are nearly always duo to weak that marriage, was the silk in the United States. I A Kinds aS! the Time. Also Complete Undertakers' Outfit. - xr-v Gi'XJLo;icAfi theoky. ide of love ; kidncys.Ta ke I oWht V Kid noy juul Dhvl -i der P;i!.. They are antisejitie and goodie pain nuickiy. insist unm ivyni I hearse Service any Time ! 1 -jy or night we are ready t Rccommoflate our i'ricjids 4- i.l the Tublic Generally. M. Hoffman & Bro. f- otland Neck North Carolina Scientist ATrihes SurJ.-.co Morr.ir!? on Glaciers t: Accretions. Xew Haven, Conn. In his le"c tuie in the Stillman course at Yale Professor Penck, of Berlin, advanced the theory, new to geologists in this country, that the surface moraines of glaciers are formed of accumula tion:) of rock and debris a.ken from the bottom, during its course-in the higher levels and not. as has been Kidney and P.ladder Pills, size ."');'. Sold here by ii. T head Company. Hegulap White- ' 'Impulsive itisanity" is tho epigram on which, tho Urdus brother? arc being defended. What is ,le!:be:-ate insanity. There is little but th-- pi! eji. left the oitchforl," ?.y virtue of power vested in me t!:t Deed of Trust Executed to by Clauds B. Jackson on the 20th y of August, 1907, and duly re . -ltd in the Office of the Register Deeds for Halifax County ip Book F.t page 397, I shall p,ell for cash Public auction in the r.own of Scot d ITeck at 12:30 P. M., on Satur . , the 30th day of January 1909. following described parcel of ' c.date, lying, being, and situate he town of Scotland Neck, Coun of Halifax and Slate of North -oiina, to-wit: -ituate in that part of said town, own as East Scotland Neck, and ng Lots Nos. 5 and G on Block 101 irdirig to the plat- of said East tU.nd Neck, recorded in the Office Register .of Deeds for Halifax r.y in Book 134 on page 169. and ,c- phe same lota of land that. vo- voed to the said Claude R. Jack by Geo. C. Harrell and wife by d of record in said County. - i hi3 December olst, 1908. Albion Dunn, 3-7-4t. Trustee. o rr d c- o 1 a k d. ti r- ir t C b a S o C fa ce d supposed, by rocks dropping fFom above. upon the upper r.urfaoe. By a series of diagrcms and photo graphs Professor Penrk shewed Tl By virtue of power vested in me by that Deed of Trust executed to nit; by Joshua Smith on the Gth day of October, 1900, and recorded in the Of lice of the Register of Deeds for Halifax County in Book 130 at page 1o9. 1 shall for cash to the high est binder at Public auction in the Town of Scotland Neck at 12 O'clock Saturday, January 30th, 1909, the following described parcel of real estate, lying, being, and situate in the County of Halifax and State of North Carolina to-wit: That tract or parcel of land lying on the South side of the New Road leading from Scotland Neck to Pal myra. and adjoining the lands of Jim Smith, Henry Smith, Alex Law rence, Henry James, and others, and for pirticuka- description reference is made to a deed made to the said J.'hua Smith by W. H. Jose and wife on the 0th day of October, 1900, ond recorded in "Halifax County, the :.?.?d tract containing eight an 65-100 acres. This December 31st, 1908. Albion Dunn, 1-7- 4 1 . Trustee. Notice of Land Sale. i;s is jn.. you are mo- ihe Cii-e of the yepr when i !il. 1 to oont-aet a seve- : re cold, and you :-!: '. ! !dway have Kennedy's laxative Cough vrup lso I handv. snoot :!!v for tho hihii . Jt that the medial and surface moraines (tastes noarlv n good as mapie -."'gar. con.o from the late.al. instead o I If tirea the co'd bv ueni iv moving 1 he bowels through its la and at the same tone it is soothing lok throat irritation, th-reny siopjung ihi cough. Sold b K. T. Wbiteliead Co. vire versa, legists. the theory held by geo- OO-Foot Staik of Harley. Garfield, Va:di.-The largest stark of barley, sacked and then piled up, ever known in tho history of the West was made near this place, the result of a dctt-rn. imd pool by. the farmers to hold thtir grain untiT such a time as the market price was enough to warrant them to sell at a profit. Tho stack of grain was nine ty feet high .and much labor was ex penned in order that the grain might piled in such a manner to enable the whole to be covered with tarpaulins. Why sacrifice the dren to that of a do; For health and happhies.-, IX; Witt's Little Early Risers smai!,gent!e,easy, pleasant lit t lo liver pills, tho best made. Sold by E. T. Whitehead Co. California seems determined to do something for Ilobson. Yon may eat all the pood sensible food you like if you will let Kodol di gest it. for you. Don't worry about dy spepsia or indigestion, for worry only tends to make you more nervous. Be sides you don't have to worry any more about what you eat, because Ko dol for Dyspepsia and Indigestion will digest any and all food at any and all times. Kodol is guaranteed to give prompt relief. Sold by E. T. White head Co. -x ' A great many people have kidney and Bladder trouble, mainly duo to neglect of the occassional pains in the back, slight rheumatic pains, urinary disorders, etc. Delay in such oases is dangerous. Take DoWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills. They are for weak back, backache, rheumatic pains and all kidney and bladder trouble. Sooth ing and ant isepitie. Regular size 50c. Sold by E. T. Whitehead Co. By virtve of power vested in me by a certain mortgage which is duly recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for Halifax County, North Carolina, in Book 109, at Page 300, I will on the 13th day of February, 1909, sell for Cash, at Public Auc tion, to the highest bidder, in the town of Scotland Neck, N. C. at 1? o'clock M., the following descrcr o Real Estate: That tract of land ly ing and being in Halifax County, North Carolina, and bounded as fol lows, to-wit: Lying above Webb's Old Mill Pond, and beginning at a -..-.-.rtll l-.i,.-w .n fl-,y-. TtTill til 4- U r . -1 . Piti soothing IojlH sfd P,9th S. 4 1-4 E 5,02 a, iiiui lo a large pine on uie eata side of said path, thence 3 37 E. 10. 74 chains to a persimmon tree on Lees Meadow path, -thence along said path 24.1:3 chains to a white oak on the east side of path nenr Lees Meadow Branch, thence up the, vari ous courses of said branch to the mouth, of a small branch near a cor ner bleek ginrij thence S. 10 3-4 E., 35.S0 chains to the beginning, con taining 05 9 10 acres, more or less. This the 12 day of January, 1909. J. B. Edwards, 1-1 4-4t Mortgagee. b-Fcdom of 11- Subscribe, WEALTH. to The Common- 1 KILLthe COUGH Iand CURE the LUP'GS WITH ma ROUGHS VII t Send us your order for Job Print ing. - PRICE rOlDb Trial Bottle Free ! A.Vr ALL TKRCAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. I GUARANTEED SATISFACTOR1 OK MONEY REFUNDED. Tucker, Hall & Co., The Expert Opthians, 53 Granby St., Norfolk, Va. Catalogue on Application. iL Next Door fo S. A. L. Ticker Office, Wcldsn. W. C. I nVQTFPQf Served on Short Notice, Any Style. AVQTrr Q U 1 13 1 CliO 1 Full Dinner 50c. Hot and Cold vifc3i-f.; Lunches. A First-Class Dining I loom for Ladies: and C ; , Lady Clerks in RftendaRce. Good Meals af A!! ; : ! C0000K0-0- ooo Land Sale. By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain mortgage deed, executed and delivered by George K. Moore and wife, Julia F. Moore, to J. Frank Brinkley. on the 30th day of Jany. 1908, and duly recorded in the Register of Deeds office of Halifax County, North Carolina, in Book 193, page 476, the. undersigned will expose to public sale in the town of Scotland Neck, N. C, to the high est bidder on Tuesday February 9th, 1909, at 12 o'clock M, the following described Real Estate: One lot near the corporate limits of the town of Scotland Neck, and beginning on the public road leading out of Scotland Neck towards Spring Hill at a large Water Oak on the old line of Dr. A. S. Hall, thence with saidjine S. S9 1-2 E. to the Railroad; thence down the Railroad Pne 200 feet to a stake; thence S. 89 1-4 364 feet to the public road aforesaid; thence up said road in a Northerly direction 202 feet to tho beginning. Containing one and one half acres. Also one parcel or ti act of land situate in IlalifaCounty, being that tract of Jand conveyed to said George K. Moore bv J. W. Leggett, Execu tor of William Hodges, by deed of record in the office of the Register of Deed of Halifax County in "Book 157. page 33, to which reference is made, and bounded by the lands of A. J. Whitehead, Jesse DeBrule, George K. Moore and others. Con taining sixty acres, more or leas. Said land being sold to satisfy said mortgage deed. Terms of sale cash. This the 6th day of Jany. 1909. J. Fkank Brinkley, h, Mortgagee. F. G. James & Son, Attv. Greenville, N. C. l-14-4t Notice of Sale. Acting in pursuance of that power conferred upon me as Executor of of the Will of the late Bettie V. Johnson, of the County of Halifax and State of North Carolina, which will is of record in the Clerk's Office at Halifax, I will offer for sale at Public Auction in the Town of Hob good, N. C, on Saturday, the Gth day of February, 1909, at 12 o'clock Noon, to the highest bidder, the fol lowing described Real Estate, lying, being, and situate in the town of Hobgood, N. C, and being on the corner of Commerce and Bay streets and on east side of the A C. L. tract Ihis property is in a very desirable part of the town. The house con sists of Five Rooms and is conveni ently arranged. Term nf cnin I rnv t . uiv vuoii. The right to reserve all bids is here 1 by reserved. This the 1st day of January, 1909. i r x r J-A- White, j Executor of Bettie V. Johnson, f S. A. Dunn, Atty. i74t uggy n orient: You can get enn any 1:it:o, for I keep them in stock. All Ecpair Work Done Promptly. Ccsr employed ell the lime. ? W. A. BRANTLEY, Scotland Neck, 0 o 0 6 0 ,s o V C c c. i. V 0 N C it w WHY v .. . j.. . ., NOT TAKE A TRIP., TO KlCntr THIS WINTER? BOTH HAVE BEEN BROUGHT WITHIN EASY REACH BY THE SPLENDID THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE CFTHE ATLAHTI C E PAST Li H E WRITE FCR RATES SCHEDULES. RESERVATIONS AND ILLUSTRATED BOOKLETS T3 W. J. CRAIG ASSH TRAFFIC Mr.B T. C. WHITE (.EN'L PA&S H A(.i WILMINGTON. M. C. mi:. s r. psn tizi k V:- v d r i. fiuiu.s v ; t , ,- - : i, -r i. L i H AVA MAWV ; - - HI. ClM OUl'OK.MKI).) No Vacation. Enter Am Time. Individual Insfr : Shorthand, Uook-Kpcpinjr, IVlirnphv :ind K; -- taught by exports. A school with a imputation. '; oldest, largest and best equipped busings i-ollem i" Garoliniuns. Write lor catalogue. Address KING'S BUSINESS COLLVAiK, Raleigh, North Carolina. Charlotte, North C.-iiv!i:'-

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