irf ; Si NATURE'S WSilNiNls. Sccrland NecU Pcgc im.s! Recognize t;:U Hceri It. . f f "" ' ! Put r. At '!' I vs you. :;:ce the liv y -e:iV...s. Ke u the color h unnea:tn i j, . . 1 .... ....... - .lJiiv.nnt . II inert" tllf siiiiii;-r uw i .-.t-nnnnii, ...n.nt ,,antv .v.mifnl. I .t.i,i1 X",.-1- ',l:ina Ac. It's time then to use Conn , ivxtney j i' " The other-God knows why he found Ill's, i ele s funeral. ' . . ..... , To ward oif Bright' disease and dia- j AH d Saturday Miff could talk No h s sanctuiea, . , . , J of nothing but the approaching af-it blundered on from dawn to LG.Wl S uu1" ,ir.u -i-v in i;ny Ibmeoek, niureh street, him, and she expected tnat on ivioti . i Kid X 'k, X. C, says : "I 'oaw's sv,e wouri be regaled with a full Fr many a temp ing tarn he tool uy l have pivan of the ar;;it- i a7,.ount of the funeral. But Miff j To be betrayed by sin; r , f;l I)!c flVn'l I I'-ilV'1 ISO llC--lta- ... , , In . - e u i l i- T :. r '.'I il'i.l-!itl;'lir li" I V" kill- :. r v-s ! a'i''I 1 a fi !'.::"'. t d- o vo'ul ('ivti"is wi.U Ii oiv V''iy .-vanty iUin'-inir. Jin '1 uaik ! !h- also added to ntv snU'-rintrs and ' thiie., I was "i lame llnr 1 could j i .ird.y g't. a'.'out. IlO:!-inj ! '"'in s Kidney i'ills hij;ldy roconuiK iided, T i ..noufdod to rzivi- them a trial and at oTur procTiaui a box. They r--lievcd t ae rains in mv oaelc, Oi.inveri'o iuc - - . , . - ..... i snd ricted as a tonic to my system. For .alehy all dealers. I'n.v oOcts. r ! f r-scml?cr the n?n;e-Dooa's;h1. said: . . . it ' . f.'IIE.M iN I '" Whether on busi- r- '."!-ness or pleasure, i: :"t?f ytu should make k, it a point to cal! v-i?'; . v-. 5 at our Studio and I ergency r i ' seeourLatcstCi-e-! "Sir," said the aspi: ant to military r.-iJ. '.-y. 04: A-t , .r i. t j 4 auons ni ti.e Ait!honors 'j snouhl resign! Pear-1 7:,, lof Photography. ! . wi.n. " ; Ur , Every day 'we aresna ! i s I n i,,,- ... .... 1 i j"j yiua;!!;,; i- t- o i c . . u i i . . .. rs vno nave netv - T' A.vl uf 1 1 . A fspi P h o t o g r a p h of themselves by any i other Photooranh- OLiici i. tii'ii er. Easter-tide is a convenient time . I to give us a trial while you are nice ly "rigged." S. R. Alley, fie 39 !l -uytJT ' lMain?t-'Lewi8Dui!(-inff-'ourselves rr-- - -; mv Vefr Taruoro, N. C. j "i" ' ETerytbinj m j ' Pboiograp!y j We Keep on K.nd Sinai utse AH Kinds all the Ti;ne. Also Complete Undertakers' Outfit. r earse Service any Time l ay or ni.lifc-wp nro rendv to aenominodate our friends' f:r)d the Public Generally. M. Hoffman & Bro. Scotland Xeek North Carolina Notice of JstTtA Salp. ti e on the 25th day of January, 1907, i and which is recorded in the Regis- J of February, 1909, in the town of Scotland Neck, N. C, at 12 o'clock njor , sell at public auction, for cash. to the highest bidder, the following described real estate, lying, being, situate in the county of Halifax and State of North Carolina, and more particularly described as fol lows: It being that six-room house a id lot in the town of Hobgood, N. , on the south side of Bay street, in Elock P, according to the map of s id town, and being the same house a id lot devised to the said M. E. Popkins by her husband, Eii Hop k ns, and being the same place where i.'rs. M. E. Hopkins now resides. This 27th day of January, 1908. Hugh Johnson, Trustee. S. A. Dunn, Atty. l-27-5t Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator oT B. F. Gray deceased, late of Hali fax county, N. C, this is to notify a 1 persons having clahns again3l the estate of said deceased to exhibit t; am to the undersigned on or be i re January 21st, 1910, or this no ti -e will be pleaded in bar of their rovery. All persons indebted to s: 'd estate will please make immedi aT '. payment. This January 21st 1909. Jno. B. Gkay, Administrator. ,B ' Kitchin & Smith, Attorneys. 1 l-6t. 4 ripur or rtmodel my kind of buiidinq ? Send -.1 for tur CATAL36Uf of buiidinq matariilj. sash. r4 dor. bknd. hirdwwt. innlels.pmfs.flus. 9a & electric futures itc. h FRANK T. CLARC4 CO,d ElibS3hdl370. H3RF0LK.VAJS ..... r - :Vr:sSSrF' VJrZ&km tt-r ot Deeds ohice ot Halifax coun- Never but once," answered the ! ' ' i h id, I will on Saturday, the 27th dav ov"r his face- 1 caarged a man 30 pi ! ! Too Previous. A Richmond woman has in ber ; I prr.nlov .1 little da. kev. Miff Cole, , One dny Mid" boc;;;ne ' cenfideuiia j and told bis mistress lie was "goin' j r. f!,n .t.iiforv t'pvt Snnitav " i "But, Uiii, thafs a long wl. You know it is more than five mues.' "Oh, missus, I ain't com to wane. , t jde. . , . HOW IS that, Miff ? lair. iX-OUUIIg ins imtucM cv I . . a . , . , . L.UIlfU UJ Willi -i lll'.-. lin.ia.n-.i'v i fr. - s. In answer to her inquiry he ! :3a,o: . , ! "I didn't go, missus. He am 1 1 deadyit. be.ected. Tt2 Dlqsiilcd Ccurse. An armv examiner once had a can- .... . , . , . l ! uidate Deiere mm wno appienny , ui -,,..,. 4.1, c;mni00 : question. At last the examiner lost w;th sarcastic em. Phasis, quitelost on the youth before j siir.nncp sir ! hAr. VO'J weie Si "-s ' - fQriin'n in nnmmailll OT il COIBiaKV L V. V. 14. ... - I V of infantry; that in your rear wa3 . : VI -1. ...... iUi IrV. I 4, noriinrliilnr I i before you stood the enemy, a hu- ,lr,rl Jp to each one of yours, i TTT, , . , - ,, What, sir, would you ao in tins em - a) ; The Uasesn I'iwl ' ' (Scottish Reformer.) I . . .i.i j. - . "Tho citmirmn that lia not. its I , . ; .!,,f.r fo wind n-tia novor vf np(ii. . t ' ' r J: ! pied by man," said Thomas Carlyle. F.4T mnn " coirl ! hnmoa I anv ii If we cannot find the ideal amid our , daily circumstances we shall never ; find it anywhere or foltow it. If we i feel no responsibility, no sense of : in thus failing to recot'r be uurieiv in urns ifc.iu.t, uury wnere we sianu, we conuemn ; what is really there. Young people ; of ten look for ideals and duties m ; the clouds, and miss the best of life j and truest of growth by their folly. Perhaps He Was. One pupil whispered to the next.! "Our teacher is a regular duffer." ! . - i ' i i l c : The professor, wno haa just put a ; question to the class,thought the boy : was framing a reply and said, "Come i mv lad, speak up. Perhaps you are j right. "-Pathfinder. i The Sltadcw ol Coining Events. You look so pale tmd thin. What's, got you "Work. From morning to night : and only a one-hour rest." i "How long have you been at it?" j "I begin tomorrow." A Crowd is Net oCispany. But little do men perceive what j solitude is, and how far it extendeth. for a crcwa is not; company; ana faces are but a gallery of pictures; and talk but a tinkling cymbal, where .1 i ti i n 1 uuwip. 4iiii iur or ' there is no love. Bacon s Essay on.,,, r , , n J i !'.. I . I ill c ten :! ( nmo.inv i i t T-i ' Friendship. liiiuiitiiii i:t;yuyuin.c. "Did you ever make a serious mis- take in a prescription?" ! J U T I diiMii, oiiu, uii, nuwiiKii: Hans Did you get him?" Flie- I gende Blatter. Real Kcssnn. "Grandpa, what makes a man al-j ways give a lady a diamond engage ment ring?" "The lady." Ladies' Home Jour nal. Mo?t cough cures are constipating, because they contain opiates, and you should he careful to take something that does not tend to constipate. You should take Kennedy' Laxative Cough Syrup. It not only allays in. lamina tion an 1 irritation ol" throat and lung?, but it drives out the cold from the sys tem by a free, yet gentle, action of the hoTvel-3 f1liiWlt-f!n hL-. t.ho nlnatamif f taste that is so nearly like maple sugar. Sold hy E. T. Whitehead Co. Only Possible Occassions "What would you do if a band of brigands should suddenly confront you?" "Light the gas if it was a dream, and talk to my neighbors if it was a comic opera." Washington Herald. "Suffered day and night the torment of itching piles. Nothing helped rne until I used Doan's Ointment. It cured me permanently." Hon John It. Garrett, Mayor, Girard, Ala. fonf4j fnr rt nroocrintinn m'jfttiH .t ; .-.,4..... c i", 4., .4 4. 4 .V.4. ., 1 I V M I j , ' l"1' " K N C 8 t 1 O ' P ' OC ' ' T 111 H ' w.? . c. ,.,-;,i i...f .1 , 4.4 i 4 lrt '. 1 4v.v, 4.s. at i o L.ocxvnoon, "aa',"'"'" , 4. ... .-,.i ,.uv . on ,...- seU at pUbhc auction, for cash, to - b'-and the ur.m to cause 1-;,,(. lhe highest bidder, the following TO Tilt: Pom!. : I cor.t uctt.l a .tnhhorn c! .1 1, described real estate, lying, being, . wr. es, th n d,v,!op d a oou-h that ar.fJ sittiate in the county of Halifax Elderly Aunt-I .suppose you won-in,k ' in"-!Iln -.!V;0' ro";or aud State of North Carolina, and dered. dear little Hans, why I left! 'Z'T " -rVLf. ? !re rartieularly described as fol- you so abruptly in the lane. I saw j Xin Xeu- !iseov, Two SGilJS. dreamed I saw souls set forth Both bearing ue. Ti.eir looks were bent on Heaven's ascent iet eacn tO'jK umereni. roaa--. The one chanced on a we!I-wcrn path had tred before. And runaing straight, soon reached j the gate Of rest forever more. ii i i t i Ti l tdl trip wnr'd hral died. i. .J- i .i . Ti.. i.jw ...., Yei always Imped to vii. And when iircti world's toils were oVr p,;nt c-,v..- an,i m ho rpiiwi ! ! Heaven's door i And crept in and last! j j And there wc;e some who wonaerea whv me iviasier snaKe n n:ame ner "" ,,:dr hli vv.-.i.-percu words "I w the way you came." o: . r. . rri.. " moment anv caiiing maxes a man a .(. i!A.", he has dignilled il and glorified - HAiM, r.C IlHii aigUii.-i: U UH !t - Henry ard Leectier. '"V- ' , melhmg io ao, smncthmg to love land fcornotnin to hepe for. Dr. , , , " 1 ". , Teacher askc-u her scnolars wr , onie very tor- sentences. One boy wrote: "Imprisonment for life." ju:i.iv40i -Driftwood. "Tliere gees the most talked about ... v,;, m,..r:iT. ' "V,s,. man in tnis comtnuriity. lou su - . .. . . . . prise me. Wno taiks about mm. F "He does."Chieago Tribune. J ..- rcadcr .g nQ goo Hecouldntread a thing from mine." .. prove him rQ Kansas City Times. v i -r-1 -r " i . , i Kmckner Did Jones lore control of his auto? rjoekcr Entirelv";" his cn3u?fer won't jet um n,e 5t at jjw'York Sun."" I A man that is young in years may ; be old in hours if he has lost no ' ; i time. Bacon. - Thi J . t;yi!' -f yVnr whf,i .i oa are j'-.o-t !:!:; ! . t jr.ave kionev or fll.,.J(icr u.(Wuu., v.-ith i-hcim:'t!m am! lheumi.iie pains ca.usc.i hy weak kid- Keys, iviays d-oirons. Cot )v l'fi ''-'y ntvi itiadder 1'd.s, w.-ak .'S "Sn. tlv White head Co. "How much arc those spectacles?" Tour dollars." "Pi! take a pair." "But you've i,iven me only I j know it, but I'm blind in one eve." Cleveland Leader. 1?H'i'''iti f?T" (In"! fn II UOlltllljlulA Itiiuu v. f U il to three doctors ; wa k.:pt in hod for five weeks. Ulood tuikm from a ,-pid- r).i? !)it0 ralli.od 1:1,!c. uc-en fi.vrc-s. to cover his leg. Tl; ' d..r!ors laii"d,then r T.uck!. n's .And.".'. Kaive co-apieteiy j cured me," write.-. John Washington, ; P'-iuevme, 'i. For ec:-m.-i, f oils, ourns and piles its Ruon-ei". 2-c. at ' ... nT vw V1 Ub u,at feel els, thinks, desires, and animates, lis somethintr celestial, divine, and consequently imperishable. A ris - 4n,ip " iCICiier 22.1.3 LCStr. VIZI It s'-enu-d to J. A. Si one, a civil war r... , , 1. in -r l..-,.'li ,--vi, ,,,!.. I .4,.- ""-" .. 1 " ' . ,r !',Xim' ,77', !':' ; ' '-V-. . and to p'wci:.. I m'umoma n, , nnnv - ' 1 1 - 1 .1. , wv m . uie.j. 00c. a n. ,T. 1 .00. 1 nai '.OUiO , uW ioi:t.a,l..-ea oy x.. 1. u,m, 1 ""J- Largest and Pest Equipped Plant in the State. Chas. Miller Walsh Quarrier and Mandf4-icturer MONUMENTS, Tombs and Gravestones of Every Description. ieitflit prt'iiuid on all eliip iitcntH. Safe delivery guar anteed. Write for 'designs aud prices. Iron Fencings for ggS Cemetery and o tl 1 vr.&gsssiX purposes a Specialty. Petersbup.g, Va. J. Y. SaVAGEaent, Scotland Neck North Carolina i : i -1 j 17 n i ti i i l,S7 i it pj M ? ' 'Pfe I - -4 NiWC SSS-!!ie-5t45 fl z g ? n i I:w'sstiie cur Keputau ig s t i i? si or, n it liCKSi , iiail C. Qy a I ?1 8 . ti r1 ,.. g i! 1'ie spert Opticians, h ' v g 53 Grail;Sr.,NOffo!H, Vfl. i j ?i ' S C1 - j i ICILL" OOOO j 3 a?:S QDTzE "-KR-LyUQ&tt 3 5 4- - 4. 5f X,yiri f,M T!a Si'-.-4 Pro 9 ! J Notice of Land 5-Ie. . .... ; , v - ' ,-tlt'"u Ui uusimaueioi ir'e on the first day of June, 1908, ! l'y IIasse11 Eell and wife, which deed j '.3 recorded in the Register of Deeds' r.fiice of Halifax county. North j Curolinn, in book 19.", at page 373. ! ! Til! hn ofni'loir 0"7i-t A C v,.u,-,,..,. ki-w ; Vu o-4. - CJ"J11.,i 4. ..' , ill ll.r: LOW II Oi OCOL- linmiir.-!nn" nf v ' 4-4. the corner of amn and thence along the Camp line IN . ,IS i V . 45 1-2 poles to a jioint in said! 1 yir, ,h. 70 XV V. n.l,. frt , ! ,,,,,-f n coltl lr ' Cuti.llin & IriV!ey, thence along . ..4.JV- VIA tUV vVV. OV'U fcVJ AllLiU4 ...' ! -v line S. 20 K. 42 1-2 to a corner, i-'t-. r,. XT r. i? r.-r 4.. v, : : l'.ci.l.u iv ii. oi lvj me ofgiinii u;.j, and containing fifteen acres, more or :ess. Tir.-' the 27th day of Jan., 1909. 1-20-ot s. A. Dunn. Trustee. Ssie ot Sersonal Property. By virtue of power vested in me by the law a? administrator of Ben jamin F. Gray, deceased, I will on the 20th day of February, 1909, sell for cash at public auction to the Idghest bidder in the town of Scot land Neck, North Carolina, the fol lowing described personal property, to-wit: 1 kitchen safe, 3 heaters, 1 new cook stove, 1 Acme harrow, 1 weeders, 1 buggy and harness, 1 di?c harrow, 3 wagons, 1 mowing machine, 1 ox cart, 2 iron edged cultivators, 1 one-horse w: gon, 3 carts, 2 guano distributors, hoes and shovels, 1 new-ground plow, 5 Wool avd harrows, 3 cotton planters, 12 cotton plows, 3 double plows, 12 turn plows, 2 peanut planters, plow harness, 8 sacks kainit, 5 sacks cot ton seed meal, 1 cow. John B. Gray, Administrator. January 30, 1909. 2-4-3t M ,(fW MlpfP. !: i f LHi7 JIV .1 ' A-P -A.y jivJ ; L Jl-v.--- i V yi 4 V If5 1 ACQE r. 'I Si if ! ) . Coopers .Ftv4. - !w Alf v ' 421. c MONIIMFNTS a - Vl: 1AY V & m - . . Send for Cata!o(juc. . O : oiiiime A In all First Class Varieties of Marble and Granite. . jsL-ellgeSi. OLOCifk iO til' OO&LiA. RETURN F Kemember, we pay N r "" As we employ no Agents the item of commissions is not j cluded'in our prices. This enables us to use a higher grade tiQ.iltlC CwOiXSi ' N of material and to finish it better than otherw ise. Is this " P worth considering? When in Norfolk call on us. flrwr.i n.-ii-ir,.! . , .-.f '-.-y .. You will find what you want; see and know what nv '-r' 1 i- fe p?f you are buying, and will get it quickly. ''" ' '" i.r- .-.- i' (K.taVdisho.l QO-0K-0-CK X 1? A You can get for I keep A!! Repair Work Done employed j $ V. A. BRANTLEY, I Q ic oooooooooooo oovovn.ovryr ! lowir-described being and sltua'v .n ;!. t m Pr .i4 4" 1 4 4 1. V 4 1 7 . I' ' ' V Tl. to- .1 1 'T j FLORIDA-GUI THIS WINTER? BOTH HAVE BEEN BROUGHT : WITHIN EASY REACH BY THE SPLENDID THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE OF THE ATLANTi C CPAS f il H E WRITE FOR RATES SCHEDULES. R!;SF.RVATICNS AND ILLUSTnATED BOOKLETS TO W. J. CRAiG T. C. WHITE PASS fl TS;nc MUD CZt: L PASS .1 A(.T Wilmington, n. c. I i. ; 1 ClXeOElf)R.TEI).) No Vacation. Enter Any Time. Individual : Instruction. ttS'l'exnlrtf 'Krph,lf;' r;!.FIly mid EK1M, i Vi i exPits. A school with a reputation Tim " ivi uiuaioue. Address KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Kaleish, North Carolina. Charlotte, North Carolina. fe-" . .0 of Raleigh - - - TlIK FPviaGHT t u r Raleigh, rs. C - . a iravestGnes the freight and guarantee safe delivery. The Couper MarbSc Works, ISls.) 159-1G:? Bank St., Norfolk, 00K-0HC0 T'r furn.i r ini.-.n:!.. T : vat ions. t'!c. cal1 ffi. one any time, them in stock. Promptly. Cest Workmen all the time. Scotland Keck, N. C. wiiv40RM0ND tfcSJ UL A DAY TO M ?V 4&ftfskN FORD -."v. s .-V;"-'?""'-' A" ,'.' KEY -Y v F.S-xS--V'd . - . "'1 c 1 I li.WAN; MTV? 'tLS: Savage Seeds Wo hnve in stork tli- !;.... iina: varieli. of news.. . if; f iTin-ii1 or ( 'im- S.vul lly ims. : (.'iovor S -i l. '! . (' Herds (irass $veu , i , 1v (irass, OrcJiavd (irass. v ',. . so hnndle ("rain. Iln v v' Feed, Kte. V.7r e Us f:r Price and Samples We m 11 the pi l !-( an ! ' (Jr.dn ami Cra-- S d ;io . country. (iuarante.' i i .-i : ' ! Htid prices as rea.--t.nah;. i ! house in ihe tratle. W' a if a lit la . ze ! . , f ' ! rown l-'eed ( i . :,. ; ' . I i Send Samples :.n i , oIl'.T tit 'iVt'l't'd ; ; n. r. Savssee: : -:.; d i i V II T!i BCSI !:Ui.a. . Ullll .suiivf.i nit; . . .1.-1. i. 4. 1 approval ol an our n; ' FINE TAILOR: e acino of ?ty!e ;. cf evervdeta tail. P !-fce' !.. ; ' ders. the most grp.ceft:! iapol put on lor u-oar,; UIIU fllllif Mllv l!l.4 ,'t for a destinctive ddV.-iv ? crowd, why bi,v k : iy : ing that xi-:t:r. it;.-', i ' slight difference in pne, ; make you Ciotldrg U.a" FIT.? v'i:i.l.? Come iii a:.'i prise you with our rev or... p. b. hzrtz. I en ;5 oO TO VIA in r-.l:i:oti Yi To reac.'i . 1 1 not hit v ; n in! Ir V o? r" A , illJUU, III., ' . l ; i ll , n r i 4 V IH-lCei .V;fMl HI' Pa--. !"! T. C Ce il' i .i ' Yihr 4t Safe of U r.. -. . . Ou.-v mi n::; ..: . i hv th-.v, ' . me by A. L V. . 1 ed in the il:. for Halifax c.- 0 1 -.14,4.. IV), 1 . I I Town ol i. l;..:.d ... . ; j day of Feb! ur.ry : . 1 j all the right, tislo. -..! i : L. White, beirg ;i divided interest, i.i : :. i Halifax and Stale of X .! to wit: Bounded bv the land flLeggett, Mrs. Nina I i. if r n.. ' vi iMiunie ... .' : Creek, pnd known as '.:" ; White Place," and or. Hundred acres, nvu-e ov Much valuable 1 imber i This January 18th. 1'.' l-2l-5t' Sale of Lsn i By virtue of power vt : j by that deed of trust ov. by Phiiip Bynum and w:;. . mini on the IStii d;iy o. i ; I'd'!."), aprl duly recorded ; of the Register of lKv;'- i County in Book 170 on l i j shall sell for cash to the 1 i der at Public action m t! .. Scotland Neck .-n Safuui.-v j day of Februaiv, 1: v '. ; : , i Noon, the following d'1-' estate, lying-, brim.-, a id i the Co"t.V of Halifax ; ' North Carolina, io wit: jiegmnmg at a pom v. Halifax road ev,., from Kehtikee Swnn - :- : Landing at a stake on tie of said road. th. i -c v.i j cock's line along the X : i ,041-11 iu;n i o-i,.-l J to a line described in a -. 1 ! from Noah Biggs to K. !.. i as a New Mr.ih." I ie. i'-, 'this Now Made Li. .'s ' 73-100 chair;: to a st.d,, ... n iiuu y 1U i ' i i v. i : P. Hancock's linoS ! i chains to the said ivid n . v ' kee Swamp to Sim h's ':-.... ; , along the red 39 1--' 1,1 4il-2E)7-U.0fhains t- ning and containing tbi. t ; '8-100 acres, more or le.-s. . ,.' the same tract of laud ti ; i :. ' veyed to the said Philip 1, 1 Noah Biggs and wife bv i- : ' r'' 1 cord in Halifax Count v. This January 27th. i'.Vd. . ? Alburn im l-28-5t. I'l'l!.1 I