! DOWN to the bottom of thingswhat good reason can you give for not bank ing your cash! Is your safe any stronger than that ol -i i - - . v- ... i V' The Scotland Neck Bank? Of course not. Is sending away cur rency as safe f as making a check? Cer- j tainly not. j it as cheap to j send money in j i the old wav.' The answer is Why then do vou not Xo." open an account and secure the benefits? THE Scotland Neck Bank, Scotland Neck, N. C. Special Announcements. Sweet Potatoes. 100 Bushels of Sweet Potatr riant incs; also good lot of sweet po tatoes for table use. B. F. TlLLERY, r,-18-4t Scotland Neck, N. C OUR DETROIT VAPOR STOVE. have arrived. Call and see them. Josey Hdwe. Co. NOTICE Head L'jrht will be ii town ail next week. Those wishing ' L- service will please let me know a! !ice. W. II. JOSEY. " ANOTHER CAR OF ANCHOR j Lime now being' unloaded. ! Josey Hdwe. Co. j (iood Advice to Chicken Raisers ; Send me one dollar ($1.00) wit! j nit- name and add red. and I will ! 'end you a full recceipt for the pre- ition of chicken gapes, and lice on j c-iiickeiis. I am sixty-four years old. ' : ' 1 have had a good deal of exper-i-n'-y with chickens. No trick, no 1 1 ro i it r.n. aig, try it. 1 win send receipt e. Yours truly, II. L. James, Hobgood, N. C. -1 l-3t vV - ait; headquarters on Candies : i G-nfections. J. D. Ray & Co. WE HAVE ON EXHIBITION A'l 'jr store a peanut hu'ier for hulling x y. at:uts to plant. Call and see it. Josey I1iwe. Co. S;je i'Ur new line of Spring" Dres Goods and Ladies' Low Cut Shoes. N. B. Josey Co. We sell everything' we sell cheap. us this week. J. D. Rav & Co. Rock Lime For Sole. Parties wishing to buy Rock Lime for Agricultural purposes will do wtA'l to see me before buying. .,- 1r R. J. Maury, ocotiauu iMecK., in. Try Peosi Cola when vou want a -.d drink."' J. D. Ray & Co. Would be glad for our customers haul their Guano, we need stor ri room. N. B. Josey Co. Fu;l line of Fancy Groceries. We v.i vuit vou on these goods. J. D. Ray & Co. You should use Scotland Neck i Favorite Cotton Seed Meal Guano, i We will save you money on Shirts, I Pants and Overalls. Try us on these ' goods. J. D. Ray & Co. j Cotton Seed Hulls for sale. N. B. Josey Co. DON'T FORGET THE SPECIAL I SALE AT W. T. HANCOCK COM-; 1. NY'S THIS WEEK. j Jo-.n-s Cotton Seed Meal Tobacco! G'J-;."..') is what you should use. j ' 1 '" '.hit of Spring Clothing well, J y : . -co thrn. ! N. B. Josey Co. j WiUnn's Chapter U. 8. C. (ll"l' 3-t-d to The Commonwealth.) TiiM c was a very interesting busi rvv , meeting of the children's chap t ' f the U. D. C. at the residence "f Mrs. Archibald McDowell, Friday r-.fl.-i noon. March the 2Gth. The t'i i n;" was called to order oy us i to order by nt and was opened . t -r 1 T- ? by L (' ng the Lord s rrayer in con- i en followed the roll call and utes of the preceding meet- Mli al questions of importance -: r. -, one of special inter- g the naming of the chapter. '.cnieu mat Tnename vener 1 1.1 . . l t t T ! - is snouid De given to it. t all business had been attend deiicious refreshments were 1 and the meeting was ad journ- v. it a the hone of having another ! s'i.-h enihusiastic gathering at the r ( vi m f:v,, ! r . j ffiasi ana Bazaar. - j T! following invitation has ben ' " iv. yl at this office: j 1 hi' public is cordially invited to attt-n.l a "feast and bazaar" to be j driven by the Ladies Aid Society at 1 Whitakers, Friday afternoon and! eveninir. April 2nd, for the benefit ' nt the Baptist church. ! PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. The Coming, Going and Whereabouts of Our People and Other folks. Dr. O. F. Smith went to Halifax Tuesday. Mr. G. W. Bryan went to Halifax Tuesday. Mr. Balfour Dunn went to Tillery last week. Hon. E. L. Travis, of Halifax, was here Monday. Mr. R. S. Neal, of Washington, was here last week. Mrs. Shaw, of Raleigh, is here on a visit to Miss Rebecca Smith. Mesdames R. J Mauney and Theo House spent Saturday in Tarboro. Mrs. B. Slade, of Hamilton, is here on a visit to Mrs. W. T. Tyler. Mrs. Annie White, of Jackson, is here on a visit to Mrs. Tom Hancock. Mrs. C. D. Andrews, of Parmele, has been here on a visit to Mrs. Lula Cook. Miss Nannie Gary, of Halifax, soent Wednesday with Mrs. T. W. Fenner. Miss Lila Hancock, after a stay of some days in Baltimore, returned Saturday. Mrs. R. J. Shields, of Hobgood, .vas here Tuesday having some den ial work done. Miss Mabel Vaughan has been vis iting relatives in Nashville for the j past several days. Mr. John Walston, of Conetoe.was here Monday on a visit to his son, Mr. W. A. Walston. Mrs. A. C. Peterson left Saturday 'or Gold Point, where she has gone to visit her brother. Mrs. R. H. White, of Hobgood. spent the day here Monday on a vis t to Mrs. R. H. Gray. Miss Mary Shaw, of Washington, soent Sunday here on a visit to Miss Olivia Lawrence. Mrs. J. D. Week returned from j Falkland Saturday after a visit of j several days to relatives. ! Miss Lena Smith returned from ! Halifax, Friday where she has been j ma visit to Mrs. J. H. Durham. Miss Anna Kitchin has returned j .'mm Halifax where she went on a visit to Mis3 Ruby Sater. Rev. Huske, of Greenville, will i ireach tonight (Wednesday) in the Trinity Episcopal church. j 'Miss Emma Tillery, of Manchester, i Va.. was here for a dav last week on i visit to Miss Anna Kitchin. j Mrs. D. H. James, of Enfield. -pent Mondav night here on a visit I to her son, Mr. Jasper James. ' ?. T rT i- n j I rues-it.. x.ueiL uiay anu uls j Bracy, of Rocky Mount, spent a few j lays here during the past week. 1 Miss Pattie Vaughan. who has ; been teaching school it Pitt county i for several months, has returned. Miss Florine Calloway, after a vis . it. of several weeks to Mrs. L. C. svage, returned to her home Tues i day. t Mrs. Annie Lawrence returned j : Saturday from Roanoke Rapids, i where she has been on a nisit to rel-! ; atives. Miss Frances Hart, of Roanoke, Rapids, has been here during the oust week on a visit to Miss Kathleen ; Tillery. Miss Naomi Robertson left Mon lay for Norfolk where she has gone to take a position in the Sarah Leigh Hospital. Mrs. A. C. Roberson and daughter, ' Miss Susie, spent a few days in Tar- horo dnring the past week on a visit to relatives. Miss Beatrice Andrews, after a visit to Miss Katherine Weeks, re turned to her home in Roanoke Rap ids Wednesday. Miss Sue Kitchin, who has been here for several days on a visit to relatives, returned to ner home m i Raleigh Saturday. j Mr. Robert Josey, who is in school at Wake Forest College, was here a few days during the past week on a visit to his people. Miss Kathleen Tillery, who has been visiting friends in Roanoke Rapids, Weldon and Rocky Mount, for several weeks, has returned. Mrs. Turner Allsbrook took her little son, Jessie, who has been un able to walk for sometime, to the hospital to be treated Wednesday. Slables Burned. Tuesday night, between nine and ten o'clock, the stables of Mr. R. V. Kitchin. who lives just beyond Gall berry, were burned. After discov ering that the stables were on fire, he barely had time to save his team and carts. All his feed stuff was lost. The fire originated in the fodder inft ;t ;a t hmiffht hut it: is nnt. knnwn from what cause it originated. Palmyra Locals. (Cor. to The Commonwealth.) Mrs. L J. Baker, who has been I quite ill recently, is rapidly improv ing. I Paul Holland was a business visitor at Scotland Neck Saturday. Miss Emma Allsbrook is visiting rfhirives near h?re this week. Miss Rriirhfsev Savage returned w r;- the week-end with relatives. L. J. Baker returned Friday from Raleigh, where he went to vis-it his (auehter, Miss Sallie Baker, who is a student at the Baptist University. Jno. W. House spent Sunday in Tarboro. Paul Vaughan spent Sunday with home people in Scotland Neck. Quite a number of people have had great success fishing in Roanoke River within the last week. Colored Marriage William Moore, a worthy and deserving col ored man, of this place, was married Wednesday morning to Vinie An thony. New Residence Being Erected. Mr. S. A. Dunn is having a hand some residence erected on Roanoke Street, opposite the home of Mr. J. B. Edwards. Revival Meeting in Methodist CHURCH. Beginning Sunday, April 1th, a revival meeting will be con ducted in the Methodist church by Rev. B. C. Thompson, of Warren ton. Won the Potato Race. The po tato race at the skating rink Fri day night was won by Master Jim mie Lawrence. About fifteen con testants entered the race for the prize, which was the privilege of ten nights free skating. Gone to Henderson Mr. David Williams,who for the past few years, has occupied a position in the Jewel ry Department of E. T. Whitehead Co., as assistant to Mr. H. W. Mix on, left Monday for Henderson where he will make his future home. He is a clever young man, and while here won many friends who wish for him the best of success in his new home. Delightful Meeting Round Tabie Club. (Reported to The Commonwealth.) Mrs. Claude Kitchin was the charming hostess of the Round Table Club at her home Tuesday afternoon, from 4 to 6. The beautiful home was made still more attractive by the quantities of exquisite cut flow ers that greeted the eye everywhere. After all the members had an swered to the roll-call, the business before the club was called up. There were several matters that called forth discussions, and after these had been dispatched, the essay for the after noon was read by Mrs. R. C. Josey. Her subject was "The Development of The English Novel," and a more splendid and interesting paper it would be hard to find, and it was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. Mrs. T. W. Fenner then read se lections from the earliest novels to more recent times showing the dif ference in style then and into what it has gradually developed. The readings were well given and so en joyable. The guests were invited into the dining-room where delightful re freshments of cream and cake were served. The cream was in the shape j of the Easter lilies especially appro-j priate to the Easter-Tide so "near at hand. The table was very dainty, j with a centerpiece in the form of a j pyramid of pink hyacinths. Around this were scattered bowls of pansies. The young ladies serving in the dining-room were Misses Sadie, Kathar ine, Gertrude Kitchin and Annie Maria McDowell. Mrs. Kitchin was assisted in look ing after the welfare of her guests by Mesdames S. B. Kitchin and Luther Mills, and Miss Anna Mills. Those present were Mesdames G. S. White, R. C. Josey, G. Hoffman, W. H. Josey, J. E. Bowers, A. Mc Dowell, C. W. Albertson, W. R. Bond, T. W. Fenner. Misses Addie Smith, Lena Leggett, Rebecca Knight.Mary H. and Eleanor Smith. The invited guests were Misses Ramsy, Emily Nelson, Mrs Stuart Smith and Mrs Shaw. The next meeting will be with Mrs. T. W. Fenner. Beware of Gictmeots for Calarrn that Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on pre scriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufac tured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O , contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys tem. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure 3011 get the genuine. It i3 taken internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testi monials free. Sold by all Druggists, 7-5c. Take Hall's Family Fills for consti pation - The Implement Co., RICHMOND, VA. It is very important both for effective and economical Vfork to procure The best of FARM ISP1MNTS Our New Descriptive Catalog just issued tells all about the best time and labor-saving machinery. It is one of the best and most m tercstinf Implement Catalogs is tued. Mailed free on request Wa arc also headquarters for Farm Wagons, Buggies, Barb Wire. Fencing, . V-Crimp and other Roof ing, Gasoline Engines, Saw and Planing Mills "Write for prices and catalogs. The Implement Co., 1302 Main St - Richmond, Va. Concert Tour Singing Class From Ox lord Orpbange. The management of the Oxford Orphan Ayslum announces that, ac cording to present plans, the Singing Class of 1909 will enter upon its eastern tour on Tuesday, April, 6th. This first trip will close before the Saint John's Day celebration at Ox ford in June. Near the last of July the second or western tour will be gin. About 325 of the orphan children of North Carolina are now receiving the benefits of this efficient institu tion at Oxford. Since it was estab lished in 1872 about 2.500 boys and girls have been under its care. The beneficial results of such work are great beyond measure. The concerts of the children are of high order and worthy of hearty support. The concert class represents a cause in North Carolina that the people should gladly lend their aid to. The orphans' homes throughout the State are doing a noble and efficient work, and we commend this enter prise of the Oxford Orphan Asylum, and all enterprises of like nature.and bespeak for them a large patronage. Daughters to Meet. The Daughters of the Confederacy will hold an important meeting in the Hall of the Buck Kitchin Camp today (Thursday) at half after four o'clock. De Witt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve is very good for chapped hands, cuts, burns or bruises, scratches, for it penetrates the skin and it heals quick ly, but it is especially good for piles. It is sold here by E. T. Whitehead Co. IN OUR New Quarters Next to W. T. Hancock Com pany, where we are show ing a complete line of FURNITURE AND House Furnishing Goods See our lino of MAT TING before buying. We lay Matting with out charge. Scotland Neck Furniture Company. 3-4-tf On My Way TO H. B. GOLDSTEIN Merchant Tailor Where Perfect Fit is As sured. H. B. GOLDSTEIN, Washington, North Carolina. Saie of Lend. Bv virtue of power vested in me by the laws of the State of North Carolina as executor of VV. A. Dunn, Trustee, in that deed of trust exe cuted to him bv Bryant Smith and wife on the 18th day of May, 1904, of record in the office of Register of Deeds for Halifax County in Book 1Ar on na 513. T shall sell for cash at Public auction in the Town of Scotland Neck to the highest bidder on Saturday the 1st day of May.1909, at 12 O'clock Noon, the following described parcel of real estate.lying, being, and situate in the County of Halifax and State of North Carolina, to wit: Beginning in White's Mill, Shields' enrnpr. thence with Shields' line N. 88 E to a corner pine to which Shields' wire fence is f astened.thence S 18 E 20 1-2 poles, thence S 76 1-2 W to the run of the Mill Swamp, thence along the mill-run to the be ginning, and containing fifty acres, more or less, and being the same land that was conveyed to the said Bryant Smith by J. B. Edwards and George Johnson on the 24th day of March, 1904, to which reference is made. This March 29. 1909. Noah Biggs, Executor, of W. A. Dunn. Trustee. Albion Dunn. Att'y. ., 4-l-5t, WE ARE W 1 n sJll i l KB Pi &m A Tobacc Csisaii COLUMBIA GUANO CO. J S NORFOLK, VA. P Soda Fountain j Our Soda Fountain ! has arrived and been I installed. i ! We invite you to call and inspect it. Our aim will be to serve good drinks, and we solicit a part of your 1 I patronage. ! Yours for good service. J. W. Allsbrook. "THE HOME OF PURE DRUGS." THE TOILET TABLE OF THE WELL GROOMED WOMAN is most carefully thought for and bought for at E. T. White head Co's Drug Store. A woman's complexion is her most priceless heritage and she should shield it and guard it eternally. The proper care of the complexion requires a great many toilet helps which our store all uie supplies in Scotland Neck. We give this important department of our business a great deal of care and study, and it is our proud boast that we carry one cf the most com plete assortments of Imported and American toilet goods to be found in Eastern Carolina. This is not an idle boast but an absolute f act.the truth of which can be quickly ascertained by a careful examination of our stock. Whitehead s Hair Tonic Cures Dandruff. E. T. Whitehead Co. DRUGftiSTS, 1 1 Scotland Heck, North Carolina. We Grind Our Own Lenses! Complete optical workshop on the premises. Tucker. Hall & Co., I The Expert Opticians, g 53 Granbv St., Norfolk, Va. Catalogue on Application. tj 0 J i m..yV' .V;. ;..V,c : . THE FERTILIZER Si :HAT NEVER RlllSIliii ipy .vijBEi &;j&v-.'y v--.':Mv--"f--fl feM fern 5 u;a.;.rv'i STRIBUTOR S2S TIMF ' Now is tin? tinn' to gi'X renly to sow votir fertilizoi-s. Wo bavo on our lloor some of tlio leading- inak.s of Distributors, such as the McWHORTER. h i REX. K. P. COLE. Call or write for prices on these imjh meats. Wo can suit you. Hardy Hardware Co., 1 M m "The Hardware Hustlers," ARMERS! To Increase Your Yield Forty Per Cent Plant Simpkhis Prolific Cotton. Till: lV FIFTi:i:X DAYS. Seed for Sale by Chas. J. Shields Direct from the Origina tor, W. A. Simpkins. SIMPKINS PliOLHTC Till: KAKMHST OF AI-I.. Fayeteville, Arkansas, Feb. 16, IW.K Mr. W. A. Simpkins, Raleigh, N. C. . Dear Sir: I am writing to you regard 1 tig cotton seed; Simpkins 1 10 Iiic variety. In our variety test at the six substations and at our home station it averaged first. It ranked first at two of the experiment stations and third at two of them and averaged first out of 28 varieties tried. We are very much pleased with it. We will continue our variety work again this year and will use some of your seed in it. We will be glad to give tiiis variety such commendation as it deserves in our annual report next year. Very truly yours, Martin Nki-ox, Agronomist. A supply of these Seed, sacked, ready for delivery now on hand. Write, 'phene cr see 3-!-Jt I H. STEIN METZ,! FLORIST, Kaij:ic;ii, North Cahomna. Hoses, Carnations. Violets and other cut llowors in season.' Shower and -1 1 it . I loral (lesions ana nowers ior an umiMuiiN 1 tiiu.-. Ferns, all kinds of pot and outdoor bedding jtlants and bulbs. Magnolias, everieens and veo-etnble ,Jnn(! Tt Kti.-ivm f.tz. Florist, lbiieii!). X. C1. i . ' ; C': : Vs; ; V, .- V f - 1 y""l .'. Scotland Nctk, N. t. 9 ClIAS. .1. SIIIKJ.DS. JMain Hm plots for weddings. . . . ..11 ... ...I...... IKIikw.

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