if . ;1 :f - if? u : "I - .'Si; 'Mi is' m ? --i d A iff, t Ml 14 m 1 It ill jri 631 III ri 1i 61 If''1 5 SI S iSi!! ill Hi! 1.31 i i mi Nil hi j TCI s (3 u H? a Li-. , rV.J urged to follow the P their sisters and take l minora!, non-intoxicating medicine for women. It p is for sick, weak ladies, with sick female organs. M ... 11? as tiki- It Wffl 4 It is a genuine, curative medicine, that builds Pinro tho female svstem and relieves female pain. 1 A Mrs. M.A.St. Clair, of Eskdale, W. Va., writes: "Before taking Cardui, I had given up all hope rrcttmg well. " I had suffered for 3 years with my ff 'deft side and was confined to my bed, so I took Cardui, and now Cardui has about cured my female trouble." 13 m AT ALL DRUG- STORES i-fc--i h 0 ViLUiUL !i.:J Li lVpr.Ialicn Has X t Man i 1 Ivory rcrly-:: J!o('S in;. HI. I County, a v i't'.:.;o of f. fifty ink:'.l-i: MS. li"" tioas, i:1'-:' v, ' - tLat in proportion to it fi:n:i.-':v.l Fc:ie:;.I ! ,1 :ri then : -r r..:.rv i-hw, si:; in :i:f- 1 to tv Cn ; r.-.-' a rii'i;' wf re Col. T7.. H. iiaanueJ t':c 1"!. Mcnro;. or ,' Thirty-iLir.l U oi;e o! tiit Col. Mi'ch'. "i. niaiuloil the s r F l'.C ivM'T, T. ! r f ty -. i:; Ccf V.o rcr: Co!. : ri e i r I . Cr i.i l'f- I ;,3 of, i- or;"!'" v Ik;.:. 1 o- '-y i'a iv. : fire J i! r. - . ' n . t i : . roll,-! c;k-; r lo. - - - i ' ' . :V U.'-l' the o I it Swept Over Rlznr.ra. r :: i to cabiinity tun t i ; - j f i . I bis because a c;i ivi- t iitn:.ui !::iii. - t::t rivcrS v.v;i'h: wing nppies and t'a-ti r current. Natures warnings are kind. Tiiat dull pain or r:i-b'j in the buck warn- on the kidneys m-ed at tention if ou would escap" fatrd mala- ! dit..- Dii:;v. Di ibcti's o.-iw lubl's (lis ease. Take Electric Dittcr--at once and s'-; i.aekaeiie liy and ail yniir oesr leet j: return. "After ionj: suflerinjr from weak kid. nej 5 and lame back, one .fl.O.) bottle w iiolly (rued ino," writes.. !t. Bliuikensbij), o; Beik, Teini. Only ."tie at E. T Whitehead Co. First American Financier I have no p't'enes with the people who go to Monte Carlo and drop all their money. Second Ditto Neither have Why can't they patronize home in dus tries and drop it at Yvab Sneei? T ., , , ,- ,. , dustries and drop it at Philadelphia Record. IJell That youn Dr. Wikon calls on the little Widow Black every d?y. Nell Sf;e must be very iil. Bell No, very precty. -Kansas City Journal. The Best Fertilizers for Corn That the yield of corn from the average farm can be greatly in creased by intelligent and liberal fertilization has been repeatedly demonstrated. Large crops of good corn result from preparing the land well, using the right kind and quantity of fertilizer, good seed and proper cultivation. Virginia- Carolina Fertilizers will greatly " increase your yield per acre " of corn or any other crop. In some cases remarkable results have been obtained. Mr. C. W. Caruthcrs of Sumpter County, Fla., writes: "Words cannot express the value of your fertilizer. It is really so far ahead of other companies' goods, that it would not pay anyone to use other brands, were they given free and put in the field. I can prove what I say to be a fact. I made a test on five acres. I used on one half the land your fertilizer and on the other half another company's fertil izer, same grade ; the land received the same cultivation every time. kept a correct account of the amount of money I got off each half and I rot $J00 more from the land on which fused Virginia Carolina Fertilizer than I d d off the other half. I got four times as much torn from the land on wkich I used your fertilizer? Write today to nearest office of the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company for a free copy of the new 1909 Farmers' Year-Book or Almanac, full of the most valuable and unprejudiced information for planters and farmers; or ask your fertilizer dealer for a copy. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. Sales Offices Richmond, Va. Norfolk, Va. Columbia. S. C. Atlanta. Ga, Savannah, Ga. Memphis, Tenn. 27 LNWinia ,-J.,-... UUL iiuifii.li ni nil in i iuuiu ft ACQ example of thousands of Cardui. Cardui is a non- J27 Help You 1"' TfliT imi "HtA- (iate im! ' t-xi-la m:i il t-.-inyrry comp"ser t his emit:. "How i dure you, sir, charaete: ize rn; n.u-ic ;;!SV!'ti havi-?" "I don't under? yr. you," demurs the critic. ''You i;ai that my rhnp-?jy impromptu was i tu..f!" ''Burn tune! Oh, r?:.. .y...-i ii iv i.d, I bai-1 no such thi g! I -.-.id it was a vagrant melody. "-J..!-o. Policeman (to loiterer) -Now. th'-'n, what are you doinf? here? Loi terer Wht are you a-doing hetv? poi iceman Can't you see. I'md-'iny m v duty. Loiterer An' can't you v- I'm a-makirir the duty for you -.It)? -Philadelphia Inquirer. I. She How could you tell papa th; t - I vo'.t v. ere up every morning in t i rn t i ste the sun rii--e vnen you don't jeer, up tiil S? He-That's all right. ! The sun rises until noon, doesn't it? :o i 'Joston Transcript. Admiring Friend And do you ' tie those lovely verses whenever .ie spirit moves you? Poet Nope; ',e i the landlord threatens to! icveland Leader. Wi fie Several men I rejected an- ; now wealthier than you. i Hubby That's why they are.- - I Milwaukee News. s ; Wiicn Bubbers Beceme Necessary n : j j ;':idyour shoos pincli, Allen's Foot o I' io, a IJigyikT, to he shaken into th h Inios is jut th'i thing to use. Try it if'r n'akinj? in Xew Shoes. Sold eve rywhere, -oc. Sample free. Address. Allen S. Olmsted. Le Roy, N. Y. Don't accent any substitute. Sunday School Teacher What was Adam's punishment for eating the forbidden fruit, Johnnie? Johnnie (confidently) He had to marry Eve! --Life. Words to Freeza the SguI. Your son lias consumption. - ' 'Your son lias consumption. His c-aso is hopelefs." These appalling words were spoken to (Jeo. E. Elevens. v. lading merchant in Springfield, N.C. b y tv o expert doctors one a lung spe cialist Then was shown the wonder fid power of Dr. King's New Discovery. '"After three weeks use," writes Mr. leevens, "be was as well as ever. I i would not take all the money in the i world for what it did for my boy." Jn- fallible for coughs and colds, it is the r-a test, niret cure uf desperate Lung ,, . t. f A. . , , i o. Guarantee satisfaction. Trial bot- j tie free. Clerk Mrs. Van Aster complains that her photograph;? don't look like . her. Photographer Complains! She ouht to be grateful. New York i Herald. Sales Ofices Durham. N.C. Charleston, S C Baltimore, Md. Columbus, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Shreveport, La. J Fertiii-rbit - Carolinal! 9P- p. Gen. Ccrbln Says One of Them Can Ix More Harm Than All the Men. Cincinnati, Ohio. "One fool wo man can make more trouble in an army post than all the officers and m.-n." said Gen. H. C. Corbin, former A tjutant Genwial U. S A., disu.ssing the Hains murder case. Gen. Corbin had been asked for his opinion of the sensational stories of orgies at Fort Hamilton, N. Y., as told in the supposed letters of Mrs. Hains to her husband. "But Mrs. Hains says the letters are forgeries," was the reply. "Such thinrs as are described as occurring at Fort Hamilton were un known in my time in the army, an i 1 left i. o ily a year an a half a--V srij the General. "It spems incredi ble that sch things Could happen, panici larly at Fort Hamilton, right under the eye of the Inspector Gen eral, right under the shadow of de partment headquarters, right under the nose of the municipal police. "D..t o :e fool woman can mrke more trouble in an army pest t nn all the oTicers and men. We .an . cn'-rol the latter, but we cannot ontrol the woman. There were sev eral such cases in my time, and we iiad to get rid of the officers in order to get rid of the women. I had one such case out in the Philippines, and I had to pursue the only course open to me. 'It Is my wife's fault,' said the officer when before me. "'No doubt,' I replied; 'but we can't control her and you can't con trol her, but we can control you.' "He resigned. This Hains case is distressing. I understood the mar riage was unhappy all the way through. But those letters, they don't seem as letters natural for a wife to write to her husband. They look more like letters manufactured for the purpose of creating sympa thy, and, perhaps, furnishing a pos sible Incentive to insanity, temporary or otherwise." CXKISSED BABY PROTECTED. Microbe-Laden Adults Not Permitted to Spread Germs to Child. London, England. An "unkissed" baby boy is one of the remarkable citizens of Bradford, in Yorkshire. His parents hold strict views on the hygienic raising of children, and have framed a set of rules for visi tors who come to see the baby, so as to guard the precious heir from con tact with microbe?laden adults. Displayed conspicuously on the walls of this unique infant's home the following injunctions: "Don't kiss the baby. "Don't handle the baby unless your hands are very, very clean. "Dcri't bring baby's face close to your own or to your hair. "Don't allow baby to touch your face or hair. "Don't talk, breathe, whistle, blow, cough or sneeze into baby's face. We want him to live. "Don't use your handkerchief to baby's hands, face or mouth. "To some these rules will appear comical or stupid, but they are not written as a joke or without thought. Therefore any pert-on infringing these rules after having read them will incur our extreme displeasure." MICROBES AND MEAT EATERS. Prof. Mctchntkcff Warns Against In dulgence in Fleshy Food. Paris, France. Dyspeptics, gouty and rheumatic men and sufferers from diabetes are scientifically warn ed by Professor Metchnikoff that the present popular idea on the danger of eating much flesh is well founded. He reports that the human intes tine encloses "putrefying" microbes of at least three classes. One of them, discovered by an American savant, produces violent toxines. The Fceond, of Belgum origin, is as pois onous, but its toxines act less ener getically than that of the American discovered microbe. This also is the case with the third microbe which was discovered by an English bac teriologist. REGICIDE'S WILL FOUND. Assassin of Carlos Bequeathed His Chitii-c His Name and Compassion. Lisbon Portugal. The will of Manuel Silva Buissa the man ..ho assassinated King Carlos, has been discovered in this city. It was writ ten evidently in anticipation of his death, and gives instructions as to how his children "were to be notified of lu's deiriiiS. He tvid lis had no property to leave L-i.-i children other than "my name, ray resnect, and -.y corr.yas Eion for those who suffer. I beg that my el i hire n be brought up In the principle of liberty, equality, an I fraternity, f :r -.vV.iili they will soon become r-rrhans." FsL-c Te ';. Armor Plate. L'elinssrpvM e. Y;. A great chance for avevtisirs is presented to a den tal man here whose faU-s teeth saved the lifo of Isaac Gprcr.kle, of Middle Creek towr.sMp, Sr.yj'ir County. A glancing bullst, shoe by a rabbit hu;:ter, punctured Sprenkle's lower lip, and would have penetrated the rorf of his mouth had not its momen tum been r-rrested by striking a stout set of false teeth. R ..;. i icO Sl.-i'ses In 100 Mhrctea. ; Go. The annual meet in? t"f llorss Swappers' Assocla ticr. e. : r. hoM. in Americr.s, oe hun gtl: I- c i sos fcr-ins swr.ppct in as muy i ,;-.iV!t53. More i'ir;i a dozea 1 Had dysiepsia or indigestion for years. No appetite, and what I did eat distressed me terribly. Burdock Blood Bitters cured me." J. II. Walk er, Hnnbury, Ohio. Teacher Now, Willie, how many months has 28 days? Willie Wise All of them. St. Louis Times. Never can tell when you'll rpash a finger or suffer a cut. bruise, burn or scald. Be prepared Dr. Thomas' Ec leetric Oil instantly relieves the pain quickly cures the wound. mm V. . " : ',..V 5 -, mmmm the south mmmk -mm, 1 oyster Guano The Lover I love the true, the rood, the beautiful. The Cynic Three girls? Harper's 8 zar. In Texas they have to give ten lays' notice before getting married. Fine law. Lot of fellows wish they'd aken ten days' time to think it over before Louisville H-r -1 i. "Why does a romance always end vith the marriage of the happy .air?" "Because reah'ties confront them henceforth. The next question is vhether to board or keep house." Lou'sville Courier-Journal. Constipation causes headache, nau ea, dizziness, languor, heart palpita tion. Drastic physics gripe, sicken, weaken the bowels and don't cure. Doan's Regulets acts gently and cure constipation. 25 cents. Ask your Mother Why, Ethel, you musn't e sad on your birthday. What is it. Ethel Well, Tommy'll be 8 next nonth, and then he'll be a year old than me again, and I've tried so lard to catch him up. Punch. DON'T EXPERIMENT. You will Make no Mistake if You follow this ftdvice. Never neglect your kidneys. If you have pain in the back, urinary lisorders, dizziness and nervousness it's ime to act find no time to experiment. '"hose are all symptoms of kidney trou le, ami yon should seek a remedy vhich is known to cure the kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills is the remedy to ise. No need to experiment. It has ured many stubborn casses in this icinity. fan Scotland Neck residents demand urther proof than that contained in re following testimonial: Jos. Savage, Church St., Tarboro, N , says: "Frr some time my kidneys vcre disordered, the passages of the eeretions being fcsmty and at times tjiiuml. I had severe pains across my oins. If I stooped suddenly, sharp r wir.ges caught me across my back and it such tinn s I could hardly straighten. fter using a number of remedies with ut relief, I procured Doan's Kidney i'ills. Thejr banished the aches and ;auis in my back and regulated the onssages of the kidney secretions. I tm pleased to recommend Doan's Kid ney Pills in return for the benefit I 'nave derived from them." For sale by all dealers. Price 50cts. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, ole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. fei; WHEN IN I TARBORO yu should make &&&&t:m it a point to call t&'&ft, ,,et at our Studio and sec uui uaicai Kjl c- ISVN :Te:fi ations in the Art of Photography. Every day we are pleasin people who have never before had a good Photograph of themselves by any other Photograph er. Easter-tide is a convenient time to give us a trial while you are nice ly "rigged." S. R. Alley, j $PP ! 1 Main St. Lewis Building. Tarboro, N. C " Eyerythbj in Photography m repair or remodel any kind cf buMma, ? Sand for aur tATAlO&U of buildinq materials, sash, doors, blind, hardware, minlels.pafflis.alau. fas & tlecirk futures &c. a Eitablishcdlftu. HORFCLK.VA.I a THE STANDARD FERTILIZERS OF THE SOUTH Company, Norfolk, Va 1 5LVO -vr ! Coopers of Raleigh $ MONUMENTS Mte Pay The Freight Send for Catalogue. Monuments & Gravestone: A In all First Class Varieties of Marble and Granite. ILargest Stock in the South. Remember, we pay i eluded in our prices. This enables us to use a hieher grad y of material and to finish it better than otherwise. Is thi.- j WHY NOT TAKE A TRIP TO 4 FLORIDA-CUBA . H. X IS THIS WINTER? BOTH HAVE BEEN BROUGHT WITHIN EASY REACH BY THE SPLENDID THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE OF THE WRITE FOR RATES SCHEDULES. RESERVATIONS AND ILLUSTRATED BOOKLETS TO W. J. CRAIG nwnc Mca. T. C. WHITE CEN-l PASS ACT. WILMINGTON. N. C. XIIMRKUK A 1 siapag npfa Ininj jre ajBg jo j uirjou r.oX rjsoi jj jfippSjtl Zt fi Oeffetomejju; sjna iou saop ; j ye JO 5Af3 isoia atp et eitii- tuot3ng jbij saojcI O) J9QMi lStyO XUQ JO B )SOD JO USIUjrtj JtA Pfnba ou wcawp jappejg pn Asup' Joj Raleigh, N. C. the freight and guarantee safe delivery worth considering? When in Norfolk call on us You will find what you want ; see and know wha you are buying, and will get it quickly. The Couper Marble Works, (Established 1813.) 159-163 Bank St.. Norfolk, W WJ ?o" 1 W li KEY WPSTg55 Kodlo! For indigestion Our Guarantee Coupon If, after using i oo botile of k,u.,l, u can honestly ssy It bas not bennfau-d m., we will refund your money. Try Koad tixi.iyon tbia guarantee. I ill out and sign the r.i.uw. ing. present it to tho dealer at the t.-ne rf purchase. It it fails to satisfy you return O bottle to the dealer from whom you bought u, and we will refund your money. Town ' . Stato Sign here- tat'l his Out- Digests WhatYouEat And Makes the Stomach Sweet B. C DaWITT CO.. Cblcauto, in. Largest and Best Kquipped Chas. Miller Walsh Quarrier and Manufa-cfu-fr MONUMENTS, 1-, Tombs and Graveslner. of Every Description. YfMprht irepai(l on nil sliip ii ents. Safe delivery nii;ir nntPfd. Write for dosiutis md prices. Iron Fencings for Cemetery and )tlieri:ic5"' purposes a Specialty. Petersburg, Va. J. Y. SAVAGE, Afjrnl, Scotland Neck Norh Carolina We Do All Kinds OF MACHINERY REPAIRING I 1 3 And Iron and Brass Foim-j dry Work. Sell Engines, Boilers, Saw Mi!;-,-carry a full line of Mill Fupplit.-. "i Prompt Skijvk i:. Raleigh Iron Works Company, 120 West St., Raleigh, N. C. Savage Seeds We have in stock the follow ing varieties of new seed Mirh as German or Crimson Clover, Seed Rye, Seed Oats, Old Fih ion Clover Seed, Tinntli Herds Grass Seed, Ky. 1-nie Grass, Orchard Grass We il o handle Grain, liny. Mill Feed, Etc. Write Us for Prices and Samples We sell the purot and l-'t-t Sm d irain a iul Grass Seed iomi i:i ii - in n try. Gnarant e cpi:dity ;s ' u jirieos a ri'a.snal)li' as any ctl 'i Hiuse in tho trade. We are also I a re1 buyers if line;" Irown Peeil Grain and Grass Srn!-. nd Samplt'8 and we will make .. tier delivered at yeur stntkm. M. R. Savage & Son, Richmond, Va. l(V15-tim We Keep on Hen! Burial Cases ! All Kinds all the Tinie. Also Complete Undertakers' Outfit. Hearse Serv'ce anyThrA7 la.v tr niirlit we fire r: ! r HM)Tprti(id;ite our tfi'inl and the liIU- (.ennilly M. Hoffman cS: Bro. "Scotland Nwk North (';irdin:- Executors' Notice. Having qualified a.- executors of S. II. Strickland deceased, late of the County of Halifax and Slate of Mrth Carolina, this is to notify a 1 1 nersnns having claims against sai l deceased to exhibit them to the un ersiVnd executors n nr before the 23rd day if February, 1910. or this otice will he p'eaded in bar of th-ir covery. All persona idebted to -id estate will please make prompt -ttlment. This the 23rd day of Februr y. '009. Rufus W. Strickland. Moses Stricklano. Kxtcutors. 5am A. Dunn, Attorney. 2-25 6t