; 1 ! ' i i 4 ... "VOl J . . . A RK l'UOTKCTKI) against the possibility of mi recorded payments if you remit by check. The check itself is the very best evidence that you have paid the bill. Make use of the sys tem by open ing an account at The Scotland Neck Dank. Pay every thing by check and you will bo surprised how all dis putes are . wiled. Business will run :i -'.oilier and the absence of wry about your cash will add t to your energy THE Scotland Neck Bank, Scotland Neck, N. C. Special Announcements. for Sale. Sweet Potato Sprouts, in eight v u-ieties, sing-le or mixed, one or all s,?, at about half the former price 7.") cents per thousand). Among J.o eight varieties that I have may U' mentioned the Vineless, Red, X irton, Queen and Haman Yams. Ine latter two made by estimate be : - . en 500 and 600 bushels per acre Hnt year. Persons in need of .-'i'fout: please see me before buying. .'"-! 0-::t Bennktt Allsp.rook. Notice. All persons are forbidden to fish in Sw.ith's Mil! Pond from date of ihls notice with seines, nets or other wise without permission under the penalty of the law. W. II. and J. L. Josey et als. i--3-4t. TOBACCO FLUES Give us your orders now for Tobacco Flues. Josey Hardware Co. 0-3-tf ' TOBACCO FLUES Give us your triers, now for Tobacco Flues. Josey Hardware Co. 6-8-tf .. , : i A tUiii VJWiU J J l L'.V-V-l Ki YV 11,11 initials "A. T. O." Liberal reward for i;s return to this office. 6-3-1 t. Tor Sale. 4 New Hich gr?.de Steiff Piano for sale at big Sacrifice. Write for terms and particulars. vv. 1. Herring, Hobgood, N. C. ; 6-3-4 t U FRESH CAKES Fig, Marshmal SfIo'.v, Vanilla, Chocolate, Pound, Fruit, H-'tc. received every week. J. w. Allsbrook. ON ICE -Fox River Butter and hest Full Cream Cheese received evorv weeic. J. W. Allsbrook. Y. Eliie Top Dressing. For Cotton and Corn. Nothing In-iter. Ammonia, 9.50; Avail. Phos. Acid. 3.00; Potash, 3. CO. Manufac tured by The Scotland Neck Guano company. i'opsi Cola on Ice. The best drink town. J. D. Ray & Co. V,"e have it lVpsi Cola on Ice. Al- '.v,;.;.-; on hand. J. D. Ray & Co. It' it's Pepsi Cola you wantcold i::d d'.'iicious vou'll find it here. J. D. Ray & Co. Wbo Can Beat It? l.-.i Friday, May 2Sth, Mr. J. S. -rule, a farmer in this section, f.-;ght several dozen large, ripe - '-lies to town which he sold to J. :i"rts.m & Co. Mr. DeBrulerais l peaches on his farm which is . I a fev7 miles from here. .-aches were as sweet and mel : one could wish them. In this ' ' 'rhood, so far as we know, no 1 -' have ever been marketed so - ' i f'.rc. I cllpse ci itie Moon Today. '! 7 reported that there will be a ' 1 ! --lipso of the moon tonight ' 1 "Kvdav. The following clipping '-' 1 ' ' r, from another paper: !' itii- section the rise of the moon v ;i! V- almost normal and the people ''': .' h the shadow of the earth ' ! s'eal over the lunar body. :nv the moon does not enter heart of the earth's shadow, ;f ' " ' : will not be a black eclipse. J i ' - .n, however, will be in the ::: shadow for over an hour, Un ; ; :.-lically the only light from in-1 . ;iV(,n,. vviij be tiat 0f the stars. f -!ipse of the sun will be wit r ' ''1 a fortnight later, on Thurs ''', -June 17, shortly before sunset ln" 'i-'ily elTect that it will have is to S"H the thickens to roost an hour r tw.j earlier. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. John Keel spent a day in Lit tleton last week. Mr. C. J. Shields spent one night in Weldon last week. Dr. I. E. Green, of Weldon, was a visitor in the city for a few hours last week. Misses Lila Hancock and Katherine Weeks spent a day in Sprincr 'Hill last week. Miss Bessie Hancock, who has been visiting friends in Halifax, returned Wednesday. Mr. J. E. Condrey, of Enfield, spent a day or two in the city during the past week. Mrs. C. A. Jones has returned from Thomasville, after a visit to relatives there. Rev. C. A. Jones has returned from Elm City where he went to conduct a protracted meeting. Miss Lucy Gray Edwards, after a visit to Miss Mary Gray, has return ed to her home in Tarboro. Dr. J. D. Hufham, of Creedmore, was a visitor in the city for a few days during the past week. Miss Willie Andrews spent a few days in Hamilton during the past week visiting Miss Eulala Perkins. Mr. Herbert Coughenour is home from Wake Forest College where, he has been in school the past session. Mr. Faull Fenner is home from Chapel Hill where he attended the State University during the past session. Miss Lena Leggett is visiting rela tives in Wilson. Mr. N. L. Stedman, of Halifax, was in the city one day this week. Mrs. Braswell, of Whitakers, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. L. R. Mills, Jr. Miss Mamie Brinkley left Monday for Plymouth where she has gone to visit friends. Miss Lois Covington, of Wadesbo ro, is here on a visit to Mrs. Charles Allen Jones. Mrs. Norfleet, after a visit to rela tives here, returned to her home in Lewiston last week. Miss Elise Vincent returned to her home in Greenville Monday after a visit to relatives here. Mr. Bruce Lewis, who has just graduated from the University of North Carolina is home. Mr. H. T. Clark has gone to Con cord to wait on one of his friends who is to be married there. Miss Katherine Staples, of Harris onburg, Va., is visiting Miss Sallie Baker at her home in Palmyra. Miss Sallie Baker is home from the Baptist University for Women where she graduated in elocution last week. Miss Katherine Futrell has return ed from Raleigh where she went to attend the B. U. W. Commencement. Miss Minnie Hopkins is home from the Oxford Seminary where she has been in school during the past nine months. Miss Estelle House, after a visit Miss Rebe Shields has returned to friends and relatives in Rocky j from Raleigh where she was a stu Mount and Robersonville, returned Friday. dent in St. Mary's during the past session. Miss Undine Futrell has returned Prof. C. W. Wilson has gone to from Raleigh where she graduated j Farmville where he meets a commit- last week at the for Women. Baptist University Miss Minnie Dunn has returned from Enfield where she taught in the Enfield Graded School during the past session. Miss Annie Dunn left Monday for Enfield where she has gone to visit at the heme of her brother, Mr. Raymond C. Dunn, Miss Kittie Foster has gone to Louisburg as a delegate to the Woman's Home Mission Society that is meeting there this week. Mr. Paul Bryan has returned from Oxford where he held the position of Principal of the Oxford Graded School during the past session. Miss Lula Peele, of Page's Mill, S. C, has been here for several days visiting at the homes of Miss Pauline Tillery and Mrs. J. N. Savage. Rev, Jesse McCarter, pastor of the Baptist church at Farmville, spent Saturday and Sunday here and preached in the Baptist church Sun day morning. Miss lone Dunn has returned from Greensboro where she was one of the teachers in the Training Department of the State Normal and Industrial College during the past session. Misses Pauline Tillery, Sallie May Josey, Hattie and Lizzie Leggett have returned from Raleigh where they were students in the Baptist University for women during the past session. tee to select a site on which to build a Baptist church, Mr. John W. Biount, of Wilson, a talented newspaper man of experi- ence, was a pleasant visitor to The Commonwealth Monday. Mrs. Marion F. Pope, who has been visiting Mrs. Annie Lawrence for several days, left Saturday for her home in Rocky Mount. Miss Rebecca Knight, one of the teachers in the Scotland Neck Grad ed Schools the past session, has re turned to her home in Mildred. Mrs. E. E. Hilliard and Mr. Henry Hilliard have returned from Raleigh where they went to attend the Com mencement exercises at B. U. W. Mrs. T. W. Tillery, who was here last week on account of the illness of her sister, Mrs. A. B. Goodloe, left Friday for her home in Edenton. Miss Elizabeth Futrell has return ed from Raleigh where she was one of the teachers in the music depart ment of the Baptist University for Women during the past session. The following gentlemen went to Halifax Monday to attend the spe cial term of court that is being held there at which Judge O. H. Guion, of New Bern, is presiding: Messsrs. Arthur Roberson, J. W. Landen, Albion Dunn, J. B. Jones, A. P. Kitchin, C. W. Dunn, Stuart Smith, W. E. Smith, Claude Kitchin, Sam A. Dunn, S. W. Staton, Will Robert son, R. W. House and Dr. J. E. Shields. U. D. C. Will Meet The U. D. C. will meet in the graded school building Thursday June 3rd, 3 p. m. Preached Friday Night Rev. W. S. Rhone, Presiding Elder of the Warrenton District, was here last week and preached in the Methodist church Friday night. Will Preach Sunday Rev. C G. Christian will preach at Nahala Church next Sunday morning and at the Methodist Church in Scotland Neck at 3:30 in the afternoon. Cooling the Town The hand some new ice wagon for the J. D. Stewart Ice Factory made its first rounds through the town Monday. It delivers ice at homes in the town at quite reasonable prices, which is indeed a great convenience. Attended Keiiukie Union The following persons went to Plymouth last week to attend the Kehukie Union at that place: Elder W. B. Strickland, Messrs. A. Strickland, J. T. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. W. R.House, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. House and per haps some others. Plymouth is a good town and those who go there on such occasions are hospitably en tertained. Annual Re-Union and Roll Call. The annua! re-union and roll call of the Scotland Neck Baptist church will occur on the first Sun day in June-June 6, 1909. It is earnestly desired that every mem ber attend. The public also is cor idially invited to be present. Sun- day, June 6th, will also be Rev. R. i A. McFarland's first anniversary as ! pastor of the church. Little Ethel Louise Jones. (Reported to The Commonwealth.) The many friends of Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Jones deeply sympathize with them in the death of their little daughter, Ethel Louise, which oc curred in their home Tuesday morn ing at three o'clock. Sick only a few days her death came as a shock. Not quite nine months did God leave her with them, but in that time she had entwined herself around their very hearts and lives; she was the "light" of that mothers heart. Their home is saddened wit sorrow now and their very heart-strings seem almost torn asunder. But they with unfaltering faith, know that God makes no mistakes, that what he does is for the best. "Some day we'll understand God's plans like lilies pure and white unfold, We must not tear the close shut leaves apart; Time will reveal the calyxes of Gold." The funeral services were conduct ed at the home by the Presiding Elder, W. S. Rone, Tuesday after noon at five o'clock, and the remains were interred in the Baptist Cemetery. LOT FOR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SE-L THE J. D. STEWART ICE FACTORY. CURED. Announcement to Customers and The Public Generally. Sunday Scbool Organized. Owing chiefly to the efforts of Mesdames O. F. Smith, Harper Alex ander, D. A. Madry, Stuart Smith, P. A. Rasberry and Miss Margaret Whitehead a deed for a lot upon which to build a Presbyterian church here has been secured. The lot was bought from Mr. R. H. Gray and is situated on Main street on the block on which Mr. Tom Powell's store and Mr. S. T. Wommack's house are lo cated. It is not known yet just when the church will be built. Some weeks ago the Presbyterians organized a Sunday School which has been held every Sunday since its or ganization in the Graded School Au ditorium. Thus far the attendance has been pleasing and those who or ganized the school have found much cause for hope and encouragement in their work. Party and Picnic. Thursday night, May 27th, at the home of Mrs. W. A. Dunn, the mem bers of the Sans Souci Club gave a party to the young ladies of the town. One interesting and en joyable feature of the occasion was a guessing contest. The answer to each question was the name of some county in the State. Mr. Charlie Dunn won the first prize, which was a box of Huyler's candy. This he presented to Miss Lula Peele, of Page's Mill, S. C, who is visiting Miss Pauline Tillery. The booby prize was won by Mr. Jack Riddick and Miss Stella Hoffman, who were partners in the contest. After the prizes had been present ed refreshments were served, after which the guests left for their homes, all declaring that they had spent a delightful evening. The following guests were present: Messrs. Richard, Charlie and Dan ford Josey, Jack Tiiddick, Allison McDowell, Sam Harrington, Frank Moore. Sam Kitchin, Charlie Dunn, Charlie Steptoe and Biggs Bryan; Misses Louise Futrell, Stella Hoffman, Katherine and Sadie Kitchin, Sallie Dunn and Miss Lula Peele. of Page's Mills, S. C. Beginning not later than next Monday, June 7th, The J. D. Stew art Ice Factory will issue certificates to customers (instead of tickets) worth one dollar each. These cer tificates will be redeemable at either of the local banks, less the amount due for ice. The ice wagon will make one trip daily on every street in town to sup ply customers with ice. It is im possible to say what hour the wagon will be on any particular street, but it will leave the factory at 7:30 every morning, beginning in Clarksville. A bell on the wagon will notify cus tomers of its approach. Any large amount will be deliver ed at any hour after the regular morning trip. Fountains, hotels, and refrigerators will be supplied every day before the regular trip. For the convenience of those who miss the wagon and to supply the small trade, arrangements will be made with some one on Main street to handle ice. It is the object of the proprietor to give the people good service, and in a short time things will be going smoothly. It is hoped that any error or seeming want of service will be overlooked, as it is impossible to give perfect service until everything is properly adjusted. Any amount less than one hundred pounds sold at 40 cents per hundred; one hundred pounds or more 33 1-3 cents per hundred. Any complaint or order call tele phone No. 36. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or iinieiTect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the intlamniation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be do- On Tuesday the Sans Souci Club ! stroyod forever; nine oaos out of ten gave a picnic at White's Mill Pond. The following were present: Messrs. Charlie Dunn, Sam Kitch in, Richard, Charlie and Danford Josey, Frank Moore, Gordon James, are caused by Catarrh, which is noth ing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by Jack Riddick, Charlie Steptoe, Eddie : catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Wollard, Allison McDowell, Robert j Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. Johnson and Jamie Tillery; Misses j F- J- Ciikxey & Co., Toledo, t). Josephine Tillery, Hattie White-! Sold by druggists, 75c hurst, Stella Hoffman, Estelle House, j Take Hall's Family Tills for consti Emma Purvis, Olivia Lawrence, j pat ion. Florrie Spivey, Katherine Hancock, ; " ' Katherine Kitchin. Louise Josev. cxookxk Kathleen Robertson, Cornelia Josey j 6 and Lula Peele. jX JlQY Misses Kathleen Tillery and Anna j Kitchin were chaperones. Wilson Branch of Scotland Neck Bap tist Church Grganizcd. I June Weddings Address Will Not be Delivered. Owing to unavoidable and unlook ed for circumstances the address on the life of Jefferson Davis will not be delivered today (Thursday) as announced in The Commonwealth last week. W. F. BUTTERWORTH, Commander Buck Kitchin Camp of U. C. V. Wednesday night, May 26th, the j Baptist church in conference receiv- j $ ed into its membership sixteen for-' 2 mer members of the Baptist church i 9 A. Tt T I 1 T i jl 'V at vvnson, ana unoer its watencare q seventeen others, all of whom had lost their membership from the church at Wilson under circumstan ces peculiar. Sunday night nine of the sixteen members, who were received into the membership of the Baptist church here, were present to receive the right hand of fellowship from the members of the church. After this had heen e-iven tho. church in 9 conference adopted the following ; resolutions: ! 1. That the Scotland Neck Bap-j tist church recognize all Baptists re- j ceived into its fellowship from Wil- j son county as a branch of the Scot land Neck Baptist church, said branch to be located at Wilson, N. C 2. That the members referred to above be and are hereby organized into a branch of the Scotland Neck Baptist church,by the recognition of brethren B. F. Briggs, W M. Moss, T. F. Pettus and E. C Blount as deacons, having heretofore been or dained, and having served in the ca pacity of deacons. 3. That brother T. F. Pettus be recognized as clerk of the Wilson branch of the Scotland Neck Baptist church. 4. That we herewith transmit copies of our church covenant. Signed by the Moderator and Clerk. Write for suggestions. If you know about what you'd like.tell us. If not, then say about what you'd like to pay. and let us tell vou what we think would please you. In either case, we will send goods on approval, paying the charges on whatever you buy, so you get the same prices as if in the store. We have many exclusive de signs in silverware and jewel ry, and in all departments, the greatest variety. AVIilTI-: TODAY. Paul-Gale-Greenwood Comi'y (i.t IM-Oi:.vn:i0 Jewelers and Silversmiths, Gran by St. fc City Hall Avenue, Xokfoi.k, Va. o oooooo oo-ooo o oooooooooooo c r4 h il Kwitcherkicken ! About vour OLD ICE CREAM FREEZER and buy one of those PO LARIS FREEZERS from Hardy Hardware Com pany. They are sever al years ahead of any Freezer made ! I ! 1 : 4 Hardy Hardware Co., - "The Hardware Hustlers," Scotland Neck, N. C. Union at Hobgood. The Fifth Sunday Union Meeting of the Roanoke Baptist Association was held at Hobgood last week, be ginning Friday morning and closing Sunday night. The meeting was fairly well at tended throughout, and the exercis es on Sunday were out of the ordi nary. Sunday was "Laymen's Day," a layman presiding over the meeting and every address being delivered by a layman. A half dozen addresses were delivered by laymen and tho day's work was pronounced by all who were present quite a success. Many have been the expressions of appreciation of the bounteous hospi tality furnished visitors by the peo ple of Hobgood. Sft'- '-j -s. BETTER THAN Spring Tonic "THE PURE FOOD STORE.' ing No. 78 i . i I When in need of anything ! in the Grocery Line. Our ! stock is complete and we are i anxious to serve. Orders by : telephone (No. 78) are de- 1 livered promptly. We also ; serve refreshing ice drinks. See Our Cakes and Candles ! J. ROBERTSON CO. TELEPHONE NO. 78. S2J A PAIR OF OUR GLASSES THEY STAY ON, TOO. (j Tucker, Hall & Co., The Expert Opticians, 53 Granby St., Norfolk, Va. n . . ..... ?s. gj catalogue on App!icalion. tickets! "THE PIANO WITH A SWEET TONE.' School Closed. Last Thursday night, May 27th, the closing exercises of the Spring ' Hill Public School, of which Miss; Bessie Hancock is teacher, were held in Spring Hill. The exercises, which were most interesting, were attend ed bv a larsre crowd. The year has been a successful j one, and the interest of the patrons j and friends of the school has increas-; ed considerably, owing to the efforts j and efficient management of the! teacher. 1 Shaw Pianos SHAW I'JANOS sire strictly liijr.li grade intrunu'nts, made and fiu:iranteod Iy and sold direct from maker to user. We own and operate the Shaw rhino factory in Baltimore. It is separate and apart from the Stielf Piano factory, hut thor oughly equipped for making high grade pianos. Prices of Shaw Pianos are lower than the Fticfi" pianos, on account of diii'crence in the eases; the mechanical parts K intr equal. Ask any Stic if agent or write us for " full particulars and prices. CHAS. M. STIEFF L C. STEELE, Mgr., 114 Granby St., Norfolk, Va. R. I. JONES, Representative. Scotland Neck. North Carolina. Flease mention this paper. On My Way -TO- H. B. GOLDSTEIN Merchant Tailor Where Perfect Fit is As sured. H. B. GOLDSTEIN, Washington, North Carolina. "THE HOME OF PURE DRUGS." IS YOUR System Suifering lie cause of Impure .... BLOOD? Then hin NOW to m.'tke tho blood PURE! T!w season when chronic Ma laria is most pn-val'-nt is jnst j In ginning, so mv is the time to j get the Jil.OOI) in condition to j light if. j Hot Springs Blood Remedy ! contain? certain sa!t- combined I with standard ov-anie remedies i employed in th" treatment of BLOOD and SKIN diseases. .1.(h Tin; r.'TT!.K. ' Whit-head'i Hair Tonic RentovM Dandruff E. T. Whitehead Co. DPPGOISTS, Scotkad Neck, North Carolina. ! The Official Piano Jametown Exposition. ! H. STEINMEZT, FLORIST, X IfcAi-rcioii, NoitTii Carolina. Roses, Cm-nations, Violets and other cut llowers in season. Shower and Plain Roquets for weddings. Floral designs and flowers for all occasions. Palms. Ferns, all kinds of pot and outdoor bedding plants and bulbs. .Magnolias, evergreens and vegctabli; X plants. II. Stkixmetz, Florist, Raleigh, X X I' 1 .. ! ! ? i r-i ; J 1 4; n Hi ! ; '!' 1 4 4 7; 1 4 '1 P.' ii ' r .1 I ii ;- i' t 1 ! V 11 f 1 1. ; 1 :: M. i ' ft V't v.? 1 j 1 'V 1 i , 1 - - t w Ji)