i 4: Ai-2 : inn tj:cted -wrv .it-' i r 13 n gainst the possibility of un record e d payments if you remit by cheek. The check itself is the very best evidence that you have paid the bill. Make use of the sys tem by open ing an account at The Scotland Neck Dank. Pay every thing by cheek and you will bo surprised how all dis putes are i voided. Business will run another and the absence of w 'Liy abont your cash will add ;i lot it' .y our energy. THE Scotland Neck Bank, Scotland Neck, N. C. Special Announcements. V V V SI For Sale. Sweet Potato Sprouts, in eight irk'ties, single or mixed, one or all inds. at about half the former price "" cents per thousand). Among f .-io'nt. varieties that I have mav mentioned the Vineless. Red. nvton, (Jueen ana llaman lams ;c latter two made bv estimate be veen 500 and i00 bushels per acre -t vear. iersens in need oi routs i;lea?e see me before buying 1 (.)-:! t lSENN'ETT ALLSBROOK. Nolice. All vevsons are forbidden to fish In .vnith s i.li.i I end from date of this notice with seines, nets or other wise without permission under the penalty of the law. W. H. and J. L. Josey et als. r-.f!-4t. GOOD THINGS TO CAT! In these hot days when you are at your wits end to know what to cook, can't we help you a little by suggesting something probably suggesting the very thing you were wanting, if you had only thought of it? Se if we can't: Genuine Old Virginia Fish Roe, in one pound cans, a splendid breakfast; New Fat Mackerel; New Roe Herrings; Argo Salmon, in one pound cans, very fine; Kingan's Pork Sausage, in two pound cans, always fresh; California Lemons; Cling Peaches, packed in heavy syrup; Delicious Pineapple Chunks, in pound cans. J. W. ALLSBROOK. We Deliver Goods Promptly. Telephone No. 81. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. J. D. Stewart went to Norfolk Tuesday. Mr. R. II. White, of Hobgood.wss iere Friday. Mr. S. J. Everett, of Williamston, was here Sunday. Trof. L. R. Mills left Monday for his home in Wake Forest. Mrs. J. D. Stewart left Tuesday for Hertford to visit relatives. Miss Will Andrews left Monday for Sanford, S. C, to visit friends. Mrs. S. J. Everett, of Williamston, is visiting her mother, Mrs. M. A. Shields. TOBACCO FLUES Give us your orders now for Tobacco Flues. Josey Hardware Co. G-3-tf lOHACCO FLUES Give us your :.. rs now for Tobacco Flues. Josey Hardware Co. (5-3-tf ! A ST -Plain Gold Bracelet with :rtiu!s "A. T. O." Liberal reward l' r its return to this office. 6-3-lt. Per bale. New High grade SteifT Piano for sale at big Sacrifice. Write for terms and particulars. Vv. Is. HERRING, Hobgood, N. C. i-.'i-U FRESH CAKES Fig, Marshmal uv, Vanilla, Chocolate, Pound, Fruit, lie. received everv week. J. W. Allsbrook. ON ICE Fox River Butter and k-x Full Cream Cheese received everv week. J. W. Allsbrook. K. Elite Top Dressing. For Cotton and Corn. Nothing hetUT. Ammonia, 9.:0: Avail. Phos - T. 00: Potash. .'J.F.O. Manufac t:;ied hy The Scotland Neck Guano Company. i'ensi Cola on Ice. The best drink in town. J. D. Ray & Co. We have it- Pepsi Cola on Ice. Al was on hand. J. D. Ray & Co. Miss Lena Leggett, who has been isiting relatives in Wilson, returned Monday. Miss Sallie Neal is here from Ken fcuckey to visit her father, Major J. LS. Neal. Mrs. Summers, of Norfolk, Va., has been visiting Mrs. W. L. Ilarrell during the past week. Mrs. T. W. Fenner has returned from Raleigh, where sho has been visiting for several weeks. Miss Virginia Pendleton, of Ox- cord, is visiting at the home of her incle, Mr. Julian Pendleton. Mr. Jamie Tillery, after spending a day or two with his people last week, returned to Edenton Friday. Miss Annie Josey is home from iathage where she taught in the Gathage Graded School the past session. Mr. W. P. Vaughan and Miss Pat- Lie Vaughan, of Tarboro, spent Wed nesday at the home of Mrs. A. Mc Dowell. Mr. T. B. Wheeler left last week to travel for several days in the in terests of the Scotland Neck Guano Company. Mr. C. T. Lawrence, of Washing ton, was here Saturday visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs. Annie Lawrence. j Miss Kittie Foster has returned from Louisburg where she went to ; attend the meeting of the Woman's ; Home Mission. Mrs. R. I. Jones has returned from Weldon, where she went to attend j the burial of her great-grand-father, Mr. W. T. Whitfield. Mrs. R. V. Smith and daughters, Misses Katherine and Rosa Codd, of Norfolk, Va., are here on a visit to relatives and friends. Miss Nannie Smith is home from Rocky Mount where she has been teaching in the Rocky Mount Graded School during the past session. Miss Lula Peele, after a visit at the homes of Miss Pauline Tillery and Mrs. J. N. Savage, returned to her home in Page's Mill, S. C. Mon day. Dr. J. M. Baker, of Tarboro, was here Sunday in consultation with Dr. Wimberley for Mr. H. P. Alex ander, who has been quite ill for some days. Mr. Frank Moore spent a day in Halifax last week. Miss Emily Pender, of Tarboro, is visiting Miss Lizzie Hyman. Dr. John D. Biggs, of Williamston, j was a visitor in the city Saturday. Mr. William McDowell is visiting the family of Governor Kitchin in Raleigh. Mr. R. S. Neal, of Washington, was in the city for a short while Tuesday. Miss Dorthy Vann, of Raleigh, has been visiting Miss Louise Josey for several days. Miss Pattie Vaughan, who has been visiting friends in Halifax, re turned Friday. Miss Mamie Brinkley, who has been visiting friends in Plymouth, returned Saturday. Mrs. P. A. Rasberry has returned from Weldon where she went to vis it Mrs. T. W. Russell. Interesting Meeting of U. C. V. Thursday afternoon, June 3rd, the United Confederate Veterans held their regular meeting in the Hall of the Buck Kitchin Camp. The meet ing, though not so well attended as usual on account of the inclemency of the weather, was a most interest ing one. Commander Butterworth after calling attention to the fact that Thursday, June 3rd was the one hundred and first anniversary of the birth of Jefferson Davis made a few timely and appropriate remarks con cerning the life of that great man. At the conclusion of his remarks he called upon Prof. R. L. Mills to make further comment upon the life of this man, Jefferson Davis, whom the Southern people called to preside over their Southland during such a stormy and troublous period. Prof. Mills said in substance that posterity, as it had done in the cases of Paul, the Apostle, Bunyan, Crom well and Lee.would do justice to the name of Jefferson Davis, and place him in that position he so well de serves to occupy, the position of an honest, able, duty-loving, patriotic man, a man who loved the Union, but finally left it, not because he loved the Union less, but because he loved right more. Prof. Mills' remarks were most in teresting and enjoyable and added much to the pleasure of the occas ion. The next meeting will be held in July at which time a speaker will address the camp on the life of Gen eral Ramseur. Deafness Cannot be lured I fSSiSS by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal rondition. hearine will be ue- stroved forever : nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is noth ing but an innamed condition oi the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for nnv rasp, nf Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, U. Sold by druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. 3 If it's Pepsi Cola you want-cold un-l delicious you'll find it here. J. D. Ray & Co. Mr. Claiborne Smith left Monday for Raleigh where he has gone to visit Mr. George Strong. Mr. and Mrs. John Howard, of Battleboro, were here for a few days iast week visiting relatives. Mr. Joe Vanlandingham, after a visit to relatives in the neighbor hood, has returned to Raleigh. Mrs. R.George Shackell, with Master Aubrey Shackell, left Tues day for their home in Greenville, Miss. Mrs. Robert Hodgin has returned to her home in Greensboro, after a visit to her sister, Mrs. W. L. Ilar rell. Mrs. A. M. Riddick spent Tuesday night in Weldon with her niece, Mrs. Shackell, who was on her way to Mississippi. Mrs. C. Hyman and Master Jim mie Flemming returned from Hob good Monday where they went to visit relatives. Miss Lois Covington, who has been visiting Mrs. Chas. Allen Jones for several days, left Tuesday for her home in Wadesboro. Mrs. C. F. White spent Sunday in town visiting her mother and sister, Mrs. Laura Applewhite and Miss Mary K. Applewhite. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Tyler were here last week on their way to Roxo bel from Macon where they had been visiting for seveal days. Mrs. Charles Anthony Beck and her little daughter, Nannie Paull, with Mrs. Nannie Paull Cotten, have returned to their home in Wilming ton, Del., after a visit of several days to relatives here. Mrs. Laura Applewhite and her daughter, Miss Mary K. Applewhite, who is in charge of the Normal De partment of Meredith College, Ral cich. have come to Scotland Neck to spend the summer. They have rooms in the home of Prof. C. W. Wilson at the graded school. Their many friends are glad to greet them. Children's Day Exercises. Sunday afternoon at half after four o'clock very interesting Chil dren's Day exercises were held in the Baptist church. Only the children of the Primary Department of the Sunday-school, of which Mrs. J. A Pittman is Superintendent took part They had been thoroughly drilled, knew their pieces and rendered them well. Miss Emily Biggs assisted in get ting up the exercises. After the exercises were over, Mr. Charlie Shields, Assistant Superin tendent of the Sunday-school, hand ed out to several members of the Cradle Roll certificates of promotion to the Infant Class. This ended the afternoon's interesting and enjoy able program. To Address Caracas and Philatneas. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC For June Weddings Write for suggestions. If you know about what you'd like.tell us. If not, then say about what you'd like to pay, and let us tell vou what we think would please you. In either case, we will send goods on approval, paying the charges on whatever you buy, so you get the same prices as if in the store. We have many exclusive de signs in silverware and jewel ry, and in all departments, the greatest variety. M'KITK TODAY. Paul-Gale-Greenwood Comy (ixconroKATEn) Jewelers and Silversmiths, Granby St. & City Hall Avenue, Norfolk, Va. oooooooooooooooooooooooooo "THE PIANO WITH A SWEET TONE." Tuesday night, June 15th, Luther McCrary Tesh, field secretary of the World-Wide Baraca Union, will ad dress the members of the Baraca and Philathea classes in the Scot land Neck Baptist church on the subject of Baraca and Philathea work. The public is cordially invit ed to be present. The programs of the Baraca Union Convention that is to meet in Ashe ville June 19-23, at the First Baptist and First Presbyterian churches, have been issued. One of the fea tures of the afternoon program Monday, June 21st, is an address by Prof. C. W. Wilson, his subject be ing "State Unions." A Gypsy Tea. A Card ot Thanks. ne f: an it: r;r tr : To the kind people of Scotland ek: Wife and I wish to extend our :art felt thanks to the very kind ends who came to our assistance ! comfort in our great ailliction, ! he sickness and death of our darl- baby, Ethel Louise. Should a I I 1 - 1 .-4- ..nl-IH V --rv Ck WTd uu earner aoout jul uuui ';.st to be able in some way to ren .some assistance. May the God all grace bless and sustain you all. Truly your servant, Chas. A. Jones. New Family in Town. Mr. W. 0. Futrell and family, of Aulander, have moved to this town, and are living in one of Mrs. Fannie Stern's houses on Church street. Annual Roll-Call and Re-Union. Shaw Pianos SHAW PIANOS arc strictly high grade instruments, made and guaranteed by us, and sold direct from maker to user. We own and operate the Shaw Piano factory in Baltimore. It is separate and apart from the Stierl' Piano factory, hut thor oughly equipped for making high grade pianos. Prices of Shaw Pianos are lower than the St ieff pianos, on account of difl'erence in the cases ; the mechanical parts be st equal. Ask any Stieff agent or write for full particulars ana in us prices. CHAS. M. STIEFF L. C. STEELE, Mgr., 114 Granby St., Norfolk, Va. R. 1. JONES, Representative. Scotland Neck, North Carolina. Please mention this paper. The Official Piano Jamertown Exposition. Sunday, which was Rev. R. A. McFarland's first anniversary as pastor of the Scotland Neck Baptist tiuauv Rains Manv people say S church, there occured at that church X lun - - - ; ' that they have perhaps never seen j the annuai roll-call and re-union, such heavy rains as fell in this com- pastors repcrt of the year's munity Thursday and Friday of last j June week. They were especially neavy , Tuesday afternoon under the auspices of the Sans Souci Club, a most delightful Gypsy tea at Smith's Mill-pond was given to the young ladies of the town. The following were present: Mr. Charlie Josey with Miss Kathleen Robertson; Mr. Richard Josey with Miss Sallie Dunn; Mr. Charlie Dunn with Miss Olivia Lawrence; Mr. Jack Riddick with Miss Cornelia Josey; Mr. Allison McDowell with Miss Stella Hoffman; Mr. Frank Moore with Miss Josephine Tillery. Misses Anna Kitchin and Kathleen Tillery were the chaperons. They were accompanied by Messrs. Dan- ford Josey and Biggs Bryan, mem bers of the Club. Teachers Re-Elected. 00K0K0K0K00KKX Pretty Went to Halifax Monday. in the Dawson section. Baptizing at Smith's Mill-Pond. .Last Thursday afternoon at Smith's mill-pond Elder A. J. Moore, of Whitakers. baptized Mrs. R. Geo. Shackell into the full fellowship of Kehukee Primitive Baptist church. 1st, 1909, was also read. School Reception. T'tiu following gentlemen went to 1 1 ! if ax Monday, some to attend court an 1 others to make their protest be fore the County Commissioners gainst the erection of a forty thous and dollar court house: Messrs. Claud. -j Kitchin. R. L. Hardy, J. L. .'oy, N. B. Josey, Ashby W. Dunn, Amos Cherry, I. H. Smith, C. W. Dunn, J. B. Edwards, E. T. White head, W. H. Josey, G. W. Bryan, C. J. Shields, Albion Dunn.J. II. Speed, Vv'. F. Butterworth, G. Moore, W. L Staten, Jas. Cotten, J. S. Bowers. A. P. Kitchin, R. V. Kitchin, B. L Allsbrook, W. P. Darden, J. E P.wers,Charlie Smith.E. E. Hilliard, W. E. Smith, J. P. Futrell, Major J. b. Neal and Dr. R. M. Johnson. (Reported to The Commonwealth.) On Friday afternoon May 28th, Mrs.-C. F. White, assisted by the ladies of the neighborhood, gave an Mr Ben Weaver Hurt Late j jnformal reception to her entire Monday afternoon while Mr. B. F. school at the pleasant country home unnvor uns unloading a car ot tele phone poles, one of the poles rolled That's The Kind We Do. Letter Heads ! Note Heads! Bill Heads! of Mrs. P. E. White. pleasantly on his foot, hurting and brusing it ! gpent, the children playing game vprvhadlv. He suffered consittera-. interspersed with conversation, bly Monday night and Tuesday, but j pretty music, etc. is "all right today except for his foot Ice cream and cake were served being somewhat sore and stiff. The , jn abundance to about fifty persons. injury was only a slight one. Altogether it vas a very enjoyaDie Nw Pump and Piping-A new occasion and will long be remember n nd Ling in place of the old !ed by the children who were fortu- pump and PiP-PuaT1(, 11Tlsatis- i ,fo mmwh r.n he present. which gave veiy-,-,- " r ".- , D , " The trustees of the Scotland Neck Graded School held a meeting Mon day night in the office of the Scot land Neck Bank and re-elected Prof. C. W. Wilson Superintendent of the school, and all the former teachers to teach the respective grades they taught the past session. The Teachers and the respective grades they teach are as follows: Miss Nannie Guy, of Marion, Prin cipal of the school, and teacher of 8th and 9th crrades;Miss Anna Clark, 7th grade; Miss Annie Dunn, 6th irrade: Mis&Eleanor Smith,5th grade; o ' . Miss Lena Leggett, 4th grade; Miss Pattie Thome, of Littleton, 3rd grade; Miss Rebecca Knight, of Mil dred, 2nd grade; and Miss Mary ri. Smith, 1st grade. Envelope.1 Statements! Business Cards! Invitations! Posters, etc. ! Anything in Printing At Lowest Prices ! LET US PRINT FOR U. THE COMMONWEALTH, Scotland Neck, North Carolina. 0000XX00000000 wnrv service, iiasaaueu muwi the improvement of the "deep well on Main street and has made it much rofor thfirefrom. Ine anf;Mn been so put in as to remain fixed and solid when it is being used, and thus the great in- The school room being so small, no attempt was made to have public closintr exercises; but as Dr. Harris on has promised to try to have our school house enlarged, and better equipped, we hope to be able to have Little Jessie Marks. A BIG DISPLAY r0f Peering Ideal Mowers & Rakes The Mower That w The Farmer Knows The Simplest, Most Durable, Lightest Draft Machine on the Market. Call and let us explain the MANY MERITS of the Deering. Hardy Hardware Co., "The Hardware Hustlers Scotland Neck, N. C. 1 Tax Notice. I will sell at the court house door in the town of Halifax, N. C, the following described real estate for first Monday in July, being the 5th day of July, 1909: James Allen, l town 101, iax auu cost, $2.G0. , . ! G. B. Blackburn, 50 acres land near Crowells, tax cost, $1.57. Cullifer Hines, town lot, tax and cost, $2.41 ! M. H. Clarke, town lot, residence, tax and cost, $11.31. D. C. Fenner, town lot, residence, tax and cost. $8.77. W. E. Williams' estate. 200 acres land near Crowells, tax and cost, $10.40. , . . . Cherry Cheek, 50 acres of land near Halifax, tax and cost, $5.18. Dallas Johnston, 50 acres land near Halifax, tax and cost, $5.00. U. H. Daniel, Tax Col. Halifax Township. 6-10-4t "THE PURE POOD STORE." Ring Wo. 78 When in need of anything j in the Grocery Line. Our stock is complete and we are anxious to serve. Orders by telephone (No. 78) are de I livered promptly. We also serve refreshing ice drinks. See Our Cakes and Candies ! J. ROBERTSON CO. TELEPHONE NO. 78. s,Y0U CANNOT,GETJ NEW; lEYES But You Can Get New GLASSES ER0M Tucker, Hall & Co., The Expert Opticians, 53 Granby St., Norfolk, Va. Catalogue on Application. "THE HOME OF PURE DRUGS." On My Way TO H. B. GOLDSTEIN Merchant Tailor Where Perfect Fit is Assured. H. B. GOLDSTEIN, Washington. North Carolina.! IS YOUR System Suffering Be cause of Impure .... BLOOD? Then begin NOW to make the blood PURE! Tin; K'iisdn fliroiiic Ma laria . is ni't prevalent i j"t lginiiin, so now j.s tin: time to get tlm !I.O(I in eoivlition to liditit. ! " i Hot Springs Blood Remedy j eoiitains eertam i-alU eomlinel with statxlanl oranie remedies eniplo-('l in the treatment of j BLOOD and .SKIN disease. I $1.00 TlIK HoTTI.K. Wbiteliead'i Hair Tonic Remoe Dandruff E. T. Whitehead Co. DRUGGISTS, Scotland Neck, North Carolina. is being usea, am . equippeu, we uvyc "' - convenience that one was put to in , entertainments, concerts, etc., an St not Pnt in the new. other schoo, year Mondav afternoon at five o'clock the remains of little Jessie Marks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marks, who died at the home of her narents in Middlesex a few days aero, were interred in the Baptist cemetery. The burial services were 1 conducted by Rev. C. A. Jones. THE NORTH CAROLINA College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. The State's college for voca tional training. Courses in Agriculture and Horticulture; in Civil, Electrical and Mechan ical Engineering; in Cotton Milling and Dyeing; m Indus trial Chemistry. Why not fit yourself for life by taking one these courses? Address. D. v. - . , , ... . l HILL, President, west nai- . 4 H. STEI NMEZT, ! FLORIST, : Raleigh, North Carolina. H eigh, N. C. 6-10-12t Hoses, Carnations, Violet and other cut flowers J in season.' Shower and Plnin IJoqneta for t . , i .. ,wi flMt-orc fr nl nft-nsions. laims, z lorai ue Ku i . Lwi.iintf nl.intK I TVrns all kinds oi pou ami uuiuum , - - I and bulbs. Magnolias evergreens plants. H. Stkinmetz, Horist, KaWili, .V 11 i 1 i 1: ! .: ! 1! 1 JVM ' t 'i f '. A in .4 :'. .c 'I I .m, i i in M 1 It i! h 4l r v Ml ii