I be Hi If, .2. lis lilt If- L-tl: .K 535 5 STSa.5. ::'; ; w. ! H ALCOHOL 3 i'EU CENT. A gc- (isble Pri'paraiton forAs siiTii! ? ing the FocdaMRegula n'ng Hi? Sioisaclis andCwclscf ProroofcsDkesiionJCiieeifuM nsss u rid IfesiXoiUains neiLto i Opiuiu.McrpIiine norMiucrdJ NotNarcotjc. I JfeapeofOUDaKSTHrmmi ihtijkm Stcd jlx.Senna lipr'tmhit -Hi Carbonate Soaa lii.ni Sepd CforHkrt Srnr-r . tiuilrrsreen'i'lsrrit. Ancrfcci Retnedv for Corisfipa- Hon , Sour Sioraach.Diarrhoca "VVormsX civra!fions.rcvensu- ness end Loss of Sleep. wmMM 1W3 I TAX OS CAKTiiiVALS. Ailwrcey Csaeral BickeH Holds Tiiat ! Ifesy Are Kd Exempt, j CURE YOUR KIDNEYS. No ?e ;d to Take Any Further Risk. Business Girl as a Wife. For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the SignatuH of 3 rt.u In v i-or Over racSiiuilc Stature of NEW YOI?K. .M2p Gaaranleea ur-oartw i-caon. Exact Copy of Wrapper. set a I 6r5 S4 hirlf Jear ix : THE CENTAUR COMMNY. KCl YORK CITY, M ihfi ILL'S SS 63 There is considerable local inter- j e.-1 in an opinion just rendered by j Attorney General T. W. Bickett on : the meaning of Section 30 of the Revenue Act relating to the exemp tion from taxation of exhibitions or entertainments given for the benefit of religious, charitable or education al objects. According to his con struction street carnivals by paid companies do not come within the meaning of the section, although a portion of the proceeds are to go to ward ehiiiKable institutions. . He says that the statute does not con template exemption except where those giving and participating in the entertainment are to receive no pe cuniary compensation, and that if a carnival company is hired to give the entertainment, then, primarily, it is for the benefit of the carnival com pany, and that it is a .speculative question as to whether religion, charity or education will ever de rive any benefit from the show. Heretofore a contrary opinion has prevailed and the carnival companies when showing under the auspices of some local organization have been exempted from taxation. In making the ruling Attorney General Bickett tckes occasion to cast a fling at the average carnival that is going about the country set ting up under the auspices of fra ternal orders ard similar organiza tions. He says: "The kind of ex hibition handed out to the public by the average carnival company is ex cruciatingly insipid, only virile when vicious a sort of saw dust baby with hookworms in its toes." The ruling as to tax was at the request of State Treasurer Lacy. Wilmington Star. YVhv will onliiiue to ui j j ; i V' i the u;'oiiics of kMney fouiplaiiit, bat-k-ad.o, urinary disorders, laniene.s,liead aclics languor, why allow tliemselvcs to bcfonio chronic invalids, when a certain cure is offered them? Doan's Xidiiey I'ills is tlie remedy to use because it gives to the kidneys the help they need to perform their work. If you have any, even one, of the symptoms of kidney diseases, cure yourself now, before diabetes, dropsy, or Crldit's disease sets in. Can Scot laud Xeck residents demand more con vincing proof than the following. A. A. Tyson, 1-4 Lexington Sreett, Rocky Mount.. X. C, says: "I feel it my duty to recommend Doan's Kid ney fills, as I found them to be a val uable remedy for kidney trouble. For years my kidneys were disordered and the frequent passages of the .secretions oblige.! ne to arise ."evera! times dur ing the night. I also had pains across my I--ins and was bothered by :i con stant.. du!i backache. Having hoard ;ibout IVan's Kidney Pills, I decided to try tliim and procured a supply. I Lad taken them but a short time when i could lvuice their bonciici.d effects nd thu i iie iuv.g.d I continued their ise until cured." For sale by nil dealers. Trice f,0 ents. Fo.-trr-MiHurn Co.. Ihi'Talo, S'ew York, sole agents for the Liuted states. Kemember the name Doan's and ake r.o other. r.r ! Cfed-kir diseacr3 has no equal- We I v -,i r o case of any oil er water to m Li'.eia is the most ?.gf:v of il! ti ft k ?-.'-r!.-W J .-.:Vg or &aie By all Mineral water Dealer?.; URIC as" rss ? . Sydnor SAVE W OFK. w ony Rfloney Mary Dark circles under the eyes indicate a sluggish circulation, torpid liver and kidneys, llollister's Kooky Mountain Tea and exercis will make you well beautiful. .'" cents, Te,-. or rablets. E. T. Vv'lntenead Co. Goodman Guzzler What ails you curvy loon? Why disturbeth lie yc peace: The Landiard Oh, he hath some fool notions which he calleth simpli fied spelling. What t ami; ye ox man who would spell dogge d-o-g Puek. Do not be deceived by rnserupulons imitators who would have you believe that the imitation pills are as good as DAVitt's Kidney and Bladder Fills. There isn't anything last as goon as these wonderful pills for the relief of backache, weak back, inflammation of the bladder, urinary disorders and all kidney complaints. Any one can take DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Fills as directed in perfect confidence of good results. Sold by E. T. Whitehead Co. Honesty is the best policy," she sighed, softly. Whereupon he stole a kiss. Later she admitted that there are excep tions to all rules. Detroit Free Press. A Hurry-Up Call suick: mi Jjruggist ijuieic: , box of Bueklen's Arnica Salve Here's a quarter For the love of Mose-, hur ry'. Baby's burned himself, terribly Johnnie cut his foot with the axe Mamie's scalded Pa can't -walk i'ron piles Billie has boils and my eornr ache. She got it and soon cured al the family. Its the greatest healer on earth. Soul by E. T. Whitehead Co. BY USING A STOVER Gasoline Engine, MADE RIGHT ! SOLD RIGHT! SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE. Pomp 8c Well Co., GenersS Agents, Richmond, Virginia. "That wealthy old fellow is a queer chap." "How so?" "Never claims he was happier when he was poor. Alway says he's happier now." Kansas City Journa' She would make the best sort, be cause she knows the worries tnat beset a man in business. She understands the value cf money, having had to work for her self. She has probably learned to dress neatly and carefully, without extravagance. She knows by exppenence the worker's need of a quiet, restful home at the day's end. She has learned in her business career the necessity of system in all work. She knows the unfairness of load ing the busines3 person down with household errands. She knows how easy it is to be de tained at the office, and therefore won't fuss if dinner is kept waiting. She knows that there srebiggfr things in the universe than the tri fling little personal things that hap pen to her each day. Her own experience has taught her that it is only in a cheerful, peaceful home, lit by the light of love, that the worker can f.nd strength and refreshment to start each day's toil anew. The United Presbyterian. Baby won't suffer five minutes with cr..ui) if you apply Dr. Thomas' FcIcl- ... .... vi... :.. v tne on at once, jr aci m.-- iu;e.,ie. The question was asked in a party of children which character they lik ed best in Bunyan's "Pilgrim Prog ress." One replied, "I like Cutis tain best"; another said, "I like Chtistiana best because she took the little ones along with her." Stl. Avv-oi 51 oa PF -soI iirjca ujn-ja.i Xq oojj aas oq ip.w siikl ssoqi jo xcq pq.i B puo raeqr oitlw oouo b c saiuoip jop -pr;q put; Xoapn qi:.'.v pjpuyu drj j3tU uopidsns ':uo oq o.v'jq oqv. ucu:oA pu3 urr.t titr.vv fill 'oScourj 'oj r pr.Y.eci -) 'n on oi jJj arj suon-jJ3 .Vi.'i;".;.TJfv, g t't.v, kMv.-v- vviii A . f ' 1 1 ! y tuoaa.Cii orj TIOU.l Sk.v Xnvj i.jiipoJt! 'o-1: ( VOt poj.-l. ... puu V;qn.n ; L-JJS. 03 i.:;; v. .:::. . jo sl '4i M ' . TIDUTITTT.tCiI V jo f?aoi;iuoo rtor. ; ; ;r Aiqoycnw.! F'.; ,.-. j aoppxj;:i I'tu Xj;;,-.:; J.lAJt ptll! .1 e.'l- poscosjp p'J iv. i -daiXs uP) 103 i-'-io : , tt!;o-iuo.-A Tojj) ycv.. -SSOi)FJ 'iM.l JS.Ctr .!( -Ot'.tO.!)X.I "T) E t!:'' M": 5 qp.v3 patJ ?Aim'i .: jj.wq Ut gupjil ii'.ii. .. ; j3 Su!)n.vao';o ;;i!nv. ; putj pnou )t!'i) -p-jq p:n FXoupjj ; : ut puy -o XjoS.nq . -oi o.,n Jr-qqv.qq jv.: Xunf.i 'X03 Jioqij,. ; .oiit!3 ri Xpoq pm: p:i; atoq) )cq) OA.iueq u i uniO.w 3u:jejjns '.:.,; A Successful Young Mail. No character of the Old Testament appeals to the modern spirit as Joseph does, He was successful in every sphere. As a slave in the house of Potiphar, one of the high officials of the Egyptian court, he became steward of the household when less than twenty years of age, nd he was so much trusted that 'otiphar took no account of what was going on, but left everything to Joseph. When cast into prison through no fait of Ins, he soon be- o:-!Tie the actual keeper of the prison, and the jailer trusted him so fully that he did not even trouble himself to knowh how affairs were eonduet- . When he became prime minister of Egypt, Pharoah also put every thing into his hands. He had the ing's signet ring, which was equiv alent to sn unlimited number of signatures, authorizing everything he did in the name of the king. In werything he was the practical ruler of Egypt. "Only in the throne will I be greater than thou," said Pharaoh uompuo3 jptfl jo osnr3 sip SuLciii on: siijx CQ i-A1 " E. T. Wldtehead Cr.mpary. INGHAM SCHOOL 1793 1910 KOK 1 1". YKAKS l...v hvn li.en .ri- nr. 'l f..r 1 'il I I ;K m I f .t I I i I . u ho MI.N at THE BINCHAM SCHOOL.. II .;: Plateau. rcuniation M 1 1.1 1 Ai: f r l i. i.im: l.-i :m i i" frniri i.th. r tclionl not r."-eivel. A V i C 1 O tl S 1 HflZine e-cliidod by plfl f honor. I.un:li'l t Jt. r A.l.lrcsn Clil.. K. ISIM.IIAV.. Suet . It. K. 1' copers of Raleigh v A great investment absolutely safe, brings returns that nothing else can; giving surplus earning power; securing comfort and health in declining years. That what Hollister's F.ocky Mountain Tea does. .'." cents Tea or Tablets. E. T. Whitehead Co. In your temptations run to the promises; they be our Lord's branch es hanging over the water, that our Lord's silly, half-drowred children may take a grip of them; if you let that grip go, you will fail to the trround .Sam u el Rutherford . Of all the fruits the; m land. J hat grow o; hu.-h or I would give up the most choicest ones For llollister's Itocky Mountain Tea. E. T. Whitehead Co. Mayme I want you to meet my finace. He's everything that's nice. Edythe I'm vo glad, dear. I id ways said that people should marry their opposite, you know. Boston Herald. P iV o NU 1 IV! Yr. Pay T211: Fui'ight Send for Catalogue. In all First Class Varieties of Mm bio :; Si. I Largest Stock in the 1 r:'A R(;memb-r, we ray the freight and guamr f'r' t As we employ no Agei ts the i'.em of com-. j Y eluded in our prices. Tins eniades us t- u-v- ; p I of material and to tm;?h it better uv,v. o-.e-g J-- .. . worth considering? When in Nor h ',;:-.-. You will fird wliat yon want: s o vou pre buvinrr. and v. id ux-t it ;.,: T!ie Coy per Ma Die 7 CE'iblishe l ISI-O loO-l(5 ' . ' ' " v -; :--! C? f- -, -, ? . . t KT,' . DeWitt's Little Early Biscrs, the That is to say, Pharaoh safe, sure, easy, gentle liver pills. The retained the show and state of roy- ! original Caiboli.d Witch Hazel Salve alty. but Joseph had the power. In j is DeWitt's. The name is plainly all human historv there are but two ! stamped on every box. It is good for cuts, burns, bruises, boils, seres and sunburn but it is especially good for Files. Sold by E. T. Wldtehead Co. ;v'-si"i ness or pleasure, 'Ji0f you should make f0i"'i il a Fint to call ps&ti at our Studio and feV ,,S,'SS b see our Latest Cre- r',N -H -l 0?rt ?r trio Avi ations in the Art of Pnotogiaphy. Every day we nre e wmimmmmfM ressir or remodel any kind of btilMaa ? Sr.d tvl I for car tTAl30K of buiidinq materials, sash. A doevj. blinds, hardware, mantels. pair.Ts.qlass. qas Ik & eleciric fixtures &c. S Established :E7f. K3riF2in.V.gSj w4 60 YEARS' I.- 1 I On Our Way A. Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. -TO- r. n Design Anyone sending a sketoh mid dpscrlplion may quickly ascertain our opinHm free whether an invention 18 probably patent abi. Communica tions strictly confidential. HANOBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing putents. Patents taken tliroueh Mumi & Co. receive tptcial notice, without charge, lu the Scientific Jimerican. A handsomely illustrated weekly. I.nrcept cir culation of any scientltlo Journal. Terma, ?3 a year: four nMnths, IL Sold Vt all newsdealers. MUNN&Go.36,Broadw New York Branch OPlce. 626 F 8L, Washington. 1). C. H. B. GOLDSTEIN I Merchant Tailor r Where Perfect Fit is As sured. H. B. GOLDSTEIN, Washington, North Carolina. The Road to Success has many obstructions, but none so desperate as poor health. Success to day demands health, but Electric Fit ters is the greatest health giver the world has ever known. It compels per fect action of the stomach. liver, kid neys, bowels, purifies and enriches the blood, and tones and invigorat s the whole system. Vigorous body and keen brain follow their use. You can't a (Tort to slight Electric Bitters if weak, nin-down or sickly. Only -10c. Guar anteed by E. T. Wldtehead Co. "Boy, have you seen a valuable hat pin? I can't find it anywhere." "Which way was the pin headed, ma'am?" Cleveland Plain Dealer. parallels to the career of this young man Joseph. Alexander the Great, and William Pitt the younger, also came to full power and moulded the destinies of the world when less than thirty years of age. Alexander conquered all the known world of his time and shaped the destinies of i 'f'-:;i.:-".il Whether on busi- day. William Pitt, the younger, Prime Minister of England, was the greatest master of parliamentary government the world ever saw. Of the history of his life, it is said that it is the history of England and of the whole civilized world in his time. The Egypt of Joseph's day I was the most enlightened, the rich- j est and the most powerful nation of j the age, and as its prime minister, j Joseph wes the greatest man of his time and ruled the world of his time ! as Alexander did the known world of his age, and Pitt the civilized world of his day. These three young men, about thirty years of age, Al exander, Joseph and Pitt, stand in human history in a class by them selves as the most successful and most powerful young men of history. The Watchman. 7': - Every day we - ' '' jg pleasing p e o p 1 C- V''vho l'-ave neve Niglit oq Bald Mountain. On a lonely night Alex. Benton, of Fort Edward, N. Y., climbed Bald Mountain to the home of a neighbor, tortured by asthma, bent on curing him with Dr. King's New Discovery, that had cured himself of asthma. This wonderful medicine soon relieved and quickly cured his neighbor. Enter it cured his son's wife of a severe lung trouble. Millions believe its the great est Throat and Lung cure on earth. Cough, Colds, Croud, llemmorrhages and Sore Lungs are surely cured by it. Best fcr Hay Fever, Grip and Whoop ing Cough. 50c and $1.00. Tri d bot tle free. Guaranteed by E. T. White head Co. a oetore nau a good W fb! P h o t o r a p h of themselves bv ary V V other Photo'n-anh- I T V r5 mi I er. Easter-: ide is a convenient time to give us a trial while you are nice ly rigged." S. R. Alley, HPPJ , Main St., Lewis UuiWing QimVmr Tartcro, N. C Eery thing ia PLotograplij Doan's Ointment cured me of ec.c ma that had annoyed me a long time, i r.i . . " II.... M i. lie cure was i ci jmu.h.i;! . i V,'. Matthew?, Comrms-ioner Ibcr iJJ t-iatisiiC!?, ivugusia, .m'. We heep c;n Hand at ie. 13 ? Magistrate Can't you live with! t?rvnv linAanil without, fi frh T.i T. C ? El- I deriy Lady Not happily, yer honor. I KlUQS Eli tllC MilwauKee feentmei. Take care of your stomach. Let Kodol digest all the food you eat, for that is what Kodol does. Every table spoonful of Kodol digests 2 1-4 pounds of food. Try it to-day. It is guaran teed relievo you are your money back. Sold by E. T. Whitehead Co. Maud Would you marry a widow er? Dolly No, I wouldn't. Tho isnie. Also Compete Undertakers' Outfit. He arse Service any Time man I marry I am going to tame my-; L ;-v 01 niiit we are readv seif . Illustrated Bits. in fiot'oin in ry1 o c: i jiind the Public Generally. Go With a Rush. ThetieniaiHltortnatwoniieruuMoni-i JJ C or ach Liver ai;d Kidney cure, Dr. King's ' 1T1. ilOrriIlS.Il CVT New Life Fills is astounding E. T. j Ul U. Whithead Co. say they never saw the j Scotland Neck I7ortli rnmlinn tu LoPiiusfi tliev imverfnil to x urta Carolina ji - - cure Sour Stomach, Constipation, Tndi gestion, BilHousness, Jaundice, Sick FOP Headache PSIb.c Headache, Chills and Malaria. Only' . Di5'V LTtiU0113"55 loc. E. T. Whitehead Co. ! HUX'S KITCEi -! ? Next Door to S. A. L. Ticket Office, Wesson. N. S h '.J '...'. : I U luLSLiXUl Full Dinner 50c. Hot f.nd Cold g Lunches. A First-Cars Dining Uoom for I.ad!c-.? c:: Laciy Clerks in AHendance. Gooc! Neds nt F ! ! 4 o4 ' fa WHY NOT TAKE A TRIP. TO ym?2T2&J : 4V3crf.(ip a:. v. f .. - THIS WINTER? BGTH HAVE BEEN BROUGHT WiTHSM EASY REACH BY THE SPLENDID THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE OF THE ATLAHTiCCOASTLiHE WRITE rOR RATES SCHEDULES. RESERVATIONS ANO ILLUSTRATED BOOKLETS T3 W. J. CRAIG T. C. WHITC f ASS'H TRAFFIC KM CCN'l. PAVi'U VILMitNGTCN, N. C. V v -J - ! ' .x.ia i" - 37. PETcF . FT. MYM EAST CAROLINA 1 eachers9 Training Sc Established and maint ainod by tbo Slate t". men and women who wis.h to unlifv tbeiii - profession of teaching. I'.uildins atul oquii'i ' -f modern. Sanitation jicrfect. SESSION OPIiNS OCTOBER 5t;i, iOOJ? TT For prospectus and information, add a -ss KIGHT, President, Greenville, X. C. i. ! H. STEIN ME2"! I FLORIST, J Ralihgii, Noktii Carolina- . Hoses, Carnations, Violets and other nit ; ; iVi ri ' "ower anu J'lain isocjuets lor v ; l;loral designs and flowers for all oceasioi- l'erns all kinds of pot and outdoor heddi: -- i1; and bulbs. Magnolias, evergreens ami ,: plants. IT. Stkixmi't? Tri.T.;c iob.;.vi, V . . I ' i ' i li I i. A - f -. CMnLY RISERS - m-j i x IUII.M, J l 1 l I 1 I ,

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