, f I"' t1 H : M . - : 1 1 ,;v- i,:! m if, :! ' r.s : ' '' r1. '. r 1 i ft f ft 5 III .4 ill If 1 ra1 iiiii fcc- " raic 1 fRF I 4-' 3 11 a & & es ALCOHOL 3 PEli CtsfT AVegelaWe Rvpoa'f onFr is simi!aingii;cFoo2!5'Re'4u!a ling Use S;or.iachs aniLOoHcIsof Prorccies Dlgcslionn-ecifiJ-ru?ss and ResLConlainsncito Opiuru.Morphiiie norIiiicrdl, Not Nam co tic. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the gnature SCENTING T!!E BLUEFISH '2 JcedpevroJdPcSMTLWtKmt ultx.denmt JtxAe Si's t iiseSivd JJUarLmwIeSaJa Worm Seed -Clarified S:.vr' . halayrmi tluyir. Apenecl Remedy for CcmsFipa- "VVorras .Comiilsions .feverish nessanuLcssorSLSER j Fac Siniilc Signaftire of I tM&20 , Cuarastteed under t!e Ion Exact Copy cf Wrapper, oienature yi.lJ 1 f 13 ?t ku. I I. IT J For Over .s. ininy tears THE CCNTAUR COMPANY. MEW YORK CITY. Valuable Information from the Vise Skipper for a Party Out Fishing. "Ah!" said the skipper out Tv!th a party blucfishing, turning his face to windward as he spoke and at the same time throwing the wheel over and bringing the boat up and putting her off on the other tack, "I smell them! iou smell them?" said a member of the party in the boat. "Do you mean to teli me you can smell the fish?" "Why, certainly," said the skipper, as he got another little pull on the sheet, "or you can smell where they are, -which amounts to the same thing. "You see," the skipper continued, "the bluefish is a voracious feeder very voracious; he will eat about a million of the little fishes that you find around so plentiful in the -water, put there apparently for the bigger fish to feed on, and when he has gorged himself on about a million, more or less, of these little fishes the bluefish -will settle down on the bot tom and there disgorge them, and thi3 disgorged food, oily, floats up to the surface, and that you can smell, and it means bluefish; and I can smell them now, sure." And so the skipper got an inch more of the sheet and peered ahead and kept her a-going with every nch drawing:, just a-hummine- and a-boiling, keen on the scent. And did the party come up with the bluefish and catch lots of them? A boatload of fish? Keep hauling them in till they all got tired of Ashing? W ell, that as a once celebrated English writer has so aptly remarked that is another story; scenting blue fish and catching them being two quite different things. It WOMEN OMY Mm What a Heap ot Happiness It Would Bring to Scotland Neck Homes. DRESS SUIT FOR A Interesting Information Given the Groom to the Shrinking Bride. CHURCH by FTarr! to do housework with an achiner back. Bring-s you hours of misery at lei sure or at work. If women only knew the cause that B -.ck-ich'1 n-iins come from sick 'Twoultl ?ave much needless woe. Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kid neys. Scotland Neck people endorse this Mrs. Joe Allsbrook, Ninth St Gotland Neck, N. C. says: "I suf fered from a kidney weakness for sometime. The kidney secretions were highly colored, too frequent in passage and caused me great annoy ance. I also had sever e pains through my loins and my back ached almost onstantly. I was hardly able to do my housework and at times it really felt as if my back would break. I linally learned of Doan's Kidney Pills and am clad to sav that a. short Kse banished the backache. I have lot sufFeied from any symptom of kidney complaint since and feel so nuch better in every way since us-N.g- Doan's Kidney F'ills that I am -lnd to give them my recommenda tion." br sale by all dealers. Price 50 ents. Foster-Mil burn Company. iiffalo, New York, sole agents for he United States. Remembor the name Doan's ind take no other. Going Up. A cranky school teacher of Lynn Once sat on the point of a pynn. She arose with a shriek, And whin she could spiek Said: "Don't ever do that agyn!" Houston Post. Women Suffer A JLi. Fifty Buscels or a Bale Per Acre. iroro. uisqbg And Most Women Do Ileal Cause cf These poor, suffering vo:n.:i have been led to believe that ti. :r misery of mind and body is cntiro- cir C In Human Nature Uuder Fire" in Success Magazine. Will Irwin tells I bey were on their honeymoon he, the following story rr HeeS x? Tut tThe r f the de- miss none of the sights as they rode stryed fean Francisco. Few build down Broadway, New York, in an ms really went down, and those open car one hot night, so he called were old brick structures of flimsv aiicuuuu iu v a.nuus DOiiiis or in- 1 Hi! 1 . I 1 r. 1 1 1 . i 1' r . v-r, t.-'t oi cost a case of . EfS&i&m RIO iseases has no equal. any oi l!'",t S-'-uckhom Lithia is the most active of all cn ll.e ki'Jnevs. For Sale by ail Mineral Water Dealers. IJS3 1 CiJC: .'...(.1 .J,t or terest in a very loud voles nnii with elaborate gesticulation. His ideas, however, were rather hazy as to loca tion, and she looked in vain, at his so licitation, for the Metropolitan tower clock on the Flatiron building, al though she assured him timidly that she had seen it. Then the conductor, at Fourteenth street, volunteered "This is Herald square, where the new Pennsylvania station is to be." After this startling information, given in all seriousness, passengers were even more amazed to hear the bridegroom saying: "Just a minute now and we come to Grace street." "Grace street?" she asked. "What's that?" "Oh, that's a big church, where all the swells go. Here it is now as the stately outline of the church came in view end would you believe it? You can't get in without a dress suit'" T f n-iio 1 . I. . . 1 , . . a.a vulli ieai regret mat an in- workmanship, or wooden houses half rotted by acre. In the second storv ot such a building slept a middle. aged couple. The house settled gen tly forward, and out went the bed. all standing, onto the sidewalk. The wife Sf,rantr out of bed on one side, and regarded her husband on the other. "Well," she said, "this will teach you to wear a nightshirt in future." "My c-lili,! was burned terribly about the f.xc, ni'i-k and clirst. I nn.,i;D,i Dr. Thomas' Eclec tric Oil. The pain j cea.-:el and the child sank into a rest ful sloop." Mrs. Xancy M. Hanson, Hamburg, N. Y. "I have succeeded in eretting my land up to a yield of 50 bushels of corn or a bale of cotton per acre and now I am going to add some convenience to my home, such as, telephone, water works, etc.," said a Cleveland county Farmers' Union man the other day. By a well de vised system of rotation, sowing soil improving crops and deep plowing, it does not take many years to bring land up to a degree of fer tility that will produce 50 bushels of corn or a bale of cotton per acie. and no farmer should be satisfied with les3 yield than this. The secret of success is soil improvement. The wise farmer makes his money by investments in the soil, by spend ing money to improve the soil. Some young farmfrs who have adopted the new way are making as much corn on two acres as their fathers made on a two horse farm. By all means spend your money to improve your soil and keep on spending it till you reach a yield that will make farming easy and life on the farm worth living. Let the minimum be "Fifty Bushels or a Bale Per Acre." Union Farmer. jy uue to ins ortnoir sck. l.-.u-hy the kidneys and bladuer :ire 10 eponsible or largely so. And iu euch cases, the kidneys end blad der are the organs, that need and must have attention. Those torturing, enervatinjr sick headaches, dragging pains in back, groin and limbs, bloating and swell ing of the extremities, extreme nervousness or hysteria, listless ness and constant tired, worn-out feeling are almost certain symp toms of disordered and diseased kidneys, bladder and liver. DeWitt's Kidney and Eladder Pills have, in thousands of cases. ceen demonstrated as remarkably beneficial In all such conditions of female organism afford,! 11s the most prompt relief and permanent benefit. As an illustration cf what these Pills will do, Mrs. P. M. Uray of Columbus, Ga., writes that she was very ill with kidney trouble, and that she is now well and that these Pills arc what cured her. They are very pleasant to tal: and can in ro case, rrodu?9 nnv deleterious effects upon the (- ten as syrupy, alcoholic, liquid' prcp- .- . r S .1 1 !?!'?!'. I il i "' '-i.Y . Ji TS ". ii . . .'. i-.r-:'T.s : .' r. v. i? .. T.T.at eve :y i.-r.n . hsvo 1I j n . - - paid. Do it to -cL:y, E. T. Whitehead Teddy, after having a drink of plain soda water, was asked how he liked it. "Not very well," he replied. "It tastes too much as though my foot had gone to asleep In my mouth. Success Magazine. China is now going in for a strong army and navy. Who knows but she may yet be demanding the open door in the United States? Boston Herald. He How did your father come to guess that we were engaged? She Why, the ga3 bill was only half as large as usual. St. Louis Times. We Ttcej) vai ha. ni Burial Cas All Kinds all the Time. Also Complete Undertakers' Outfit. .'.:.';s-r.!. ; ; :- i?r tiv'.-. :. ":r.i.-trator ' . i-asod, late r.t' if, ill persons ! vaid estate rre J. present s-'nirii? t r. Hth. day of O t . wil! be p!".(i' ; covery. Ati fair! ;.-t:itt- will : fi ,- : v.-. 1 T 1 1.3 am i: Hearse Service any Time ! ))ny or inht vp aro r ro nccommotlatc our tV! I I. . The man who can run a newspa per to suit everybody has gone to terested listener had to signal for the heaven lonjr ago, says The Laurens car to stop. S. C. Advertispr Mnt . . . - v k.'v, iui any man who tries it will lose what reli gion he may have and all chances of ever getting to heaven. Those news paper men now in heaven were from among the ones who conducted their paper to suit themselves and did not Polishing by Hot Air. The marvels of friction are infinite The use of the sand blast for polish ing metals is quite a recent invention, and now it is followed by that of a blast of simple hot air. Tt to th0 v-Q. The old, old story, told time with out number, and rencatod ov.-r ,,.,1 )er again for the last 80 years, hut it s always a welcome story to those in search of health. Thero is nothing in -m . the world that cures coughs and colds ! Iljj as quickly as Chamberlain's Cough M F-Wft ,P, p ... Scotland Xffk Xorth r..,,,!,; liemedy. Sold by E. Company. T. Whitehead Monuments LINN'S LUNCH ROOM AND RESTAURANT O Nos. 10, 18. 20. Granhv St. Prompt Service! Popular Prices! O The PIace That's Different NORFOLK, VA. N.B.JoseyCo Undertakers Supplies. Full and Complete Line. i K ! , i yyy. 9'W ' ' I . WHEN IN TARB0R0 &$$&A Whether .on busi- you should mal-e it a point to call at our Studio and "f m sge our Latest Cje F 1. . rZ-i & ations in tlio irt ot Ph.otoorranhv. 3 j... - . - ' S i 2 ljvt-J. ay we are M who iave riever u. ;;uuu rhfltnoTunh tM themselves by any ouier rnotograph er. Easter-tide is a convenient time to give us a trial wnneyou are nice ly rigged." S. R. Alley, Main St., Lewis Building Tarboro, N. C. EyeryttiDg in Photography ThTHLllf0"!115118 p?wer- bother about the kickers.-Charlotte ux: ucaieu are placed Obqprver in u rrt o irnt . . 1 . -w ... iu eniriiugai machine driven at a very high speed and heat ed air is blown from a pipe through the basket. A high polish is thus pro duced very rapidly. Nickel plated articles that have be come tarnished are made bright in a few minutes. Wet metal fresh from the bath needs no preliminary drying for the current of air dries and pol ishes at the same moment. It is onlv necessary to so pack the articles that Come any on icacueb tuem on all sides. xoums companion. "Tf m'wifV We're sorry if you've tried other i remedies ana they tailed. As a last report try Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. It's a simple remedy, but it'? worked worked wonders, made mil lions well and happy. Purifies the blood, makes flesh and muscle, cloan- es your system. K. T. Whitehead Mrs. Gayboy I don't object to your staying late at the club occa sionally; but remember, there is a limit to everything. Mr. Gayboy (feeling in his empty pockets) There wasn't any to-night, my dear. St. Louis Times. awake I'll shav: 'M'dear, bought y' some c'sath'- An Awkward Compliment. mums chrvsthnm! MOvtKnmf. An In cnar.it.wT, . 1 ... 1, ... . w - V ill L.lll ft 1 1 1 fi 1 I : ' 1 1 ' tj Kf I n ITftT YTCSei " Coffins and Caskets Burial Robes, Etc. Hearse Service any Time N. B. Josey Company, Scotland Neck. North Carolina P1H g FRANEt T: Ti E3H EsfaWrsSrH'1?!: f- 44jt 60 YEARS .EXPERIENCE incidents of famous national encamp- "I remember a little Japanese who attended one of our banquets" he said, smiling, "and a queer compli ment that he paid to a colonel's wife I sat between the two and the lady said across me: " 'Mr. Takashira, you compress the ladies' feet in your country, dou't you?" " 'Oh, no, madam: that is a Ohinpoo custom,' said the Japanese. 'We Jap anese allow our ladies' feet to grow to uivir iuu size. jTot that ' "And he bowed and hissed in the polite Japanese way: " 'Not that they could hope to rival yours, madam!'" Modem Society. Russia Now Has Woman Lawyer. Dr. Katherine Fleischer has just been admitted to the bar in Russia and will practice her profession in St Petersburg. She is the first woman lawyer in the czar's dominions, and she passed the final examinations with high honors. She met with much op position when she first announced her intention of studying law. Prejudice was strong, even from influential members of her sex. She persisted in her ambition against all ohstnni00 however, and came out triumphant It is her hope to fight the legal battles of women, and she seeks them espe cially as clients. Dr. Fleischer is an ardent suffragette and predicts sh win live to see women sitting in thp duma. s are roses." Life. Croup is most poevalent during the dry cold weather of the early winter months. Parents of young children should be prepared for it. All that is needed is a bottle of Chamberlain oiign jxemedy. Many mothers never without it in tl eir homes and it has never disappointed them. Sold by l-J. T. Whitehead Co. "Go it, Bryan! Go it, Tillman!" advises The Norfolk T.nnHmo tllUl . But with thp soft pedal on, kindly. Washington Herald. Ind . Many school children suffer from constipation, which is often the cause 01 seeming stupidity at lessons. Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are an ideal medicine to give a child, for they are mild and gentle in their effect, and will cure even chronic con stipation. Sold by E. T. Whitehead Connmnv. Don't use haih physics. The rcac- noii weakens tne bowels, leads to chronic conspiration. (Jet Doan' Itegulets. They operate easily, tone tlio stomach, cure constipation. "Why does that man look so un happy?" "He married for money." "Does marrying for money bring unhappiness?" "It did in this case the girl was disinherited when her people heard about it." Montgomery Advertiser. Can't look well, eat well or feel well with impure blood feeding your bodv Keep the blood pure with Burdock Blood Bitters. Eat simply, take cxer- Li---, Keep clean, and you will have long hie. In all First Class Varieties of Miii-M- ; : Largest Stock in the Remember, we nav ihp frphrht 1 As we emnlov no A font". 1 he ; eluded in our prices. This rnabii s u M of material and to finish H'f" lf l- , . ? . 1 . . . . 11 'I "vim 1 oji.iujci H';.'; . vi : - 1 ; You will find whai v, u; ' you are buying, and w:!i The Onipcr f s .... U'.st.iblish:.,! ISI-O, 1", )! .r;i: m Hi w L fej WHY NOT TAKE A TRIP TO S-; -'; hi . Teacher (to dull pupil in mathe matics) You should be ashamed of yourself. Why at your age George Washington was a surveyor. Pupil Yes, sir; and at your age he was Persident of the United States. Boston Transcript. A current item reminds us that the inventer of roller skates came to America in 1760. He must be dead -ind therefore safe by this time New York Tribune. For Headache. Giisousness EARLY RISERS Trade Marks Designs CnoVDIAure M, L'JZl?1? a 8kch and description may onlekly ascertain our opinion free w leiher in Invention s probably patentable. Coram fnlrn v. J.??: . ?e9t aFency for seeuriiisr patents. Patents taken tbrouch Munn & Co"receiVe tptrtal notice, without cliaree. lu the recel Scientific Jftiericaw. A handsomely lllnstrated weekly. I.areent clr ciilntion of any soientiUo lournul Terms 13 ill ' (2th"1- Soiabyall newsdealers! MpN & Co.36,Bro"y. New York Braiich omce. 626 F 8t WasblnSto" D. c. morning's Miss Knox There's a scandalous story about her in thii "Howler." Miss Goodart But you can't be lieve anything you read in that paper. Miss Knox I can if I want to.! Pick-Me-Up.- EUEVES WHEN OTHERS FAIL9 Why get up in the morning feeling blue, Worry others and worry you ; Here's a secret between you and me, Better take Rocky Mountain Tea. E. T, Whitehead Company. Kills Her Foe of 20 Years. "The most merciless enemy I had for 20 years," declares Mrs. James Duncan, of Haynesville, Me., "was Dyspepsia. I suffered intensely after eating or drinking and could scarcely sleep. After many remedies had failed and several doctors gave me up, I tried Electric Bitters, which cured me com pletely. Now I can eat anything. I am 70 years old and am overjoyed to get my health and strength back again. For indigestion, loss of appe tite, kidney trouble, lame back, female complaints, it's unequaled. Only 50c at E. T. Whitehead Company's. Young Girls are Victims of headache, as well as older women, but all get quick relief and prompt cure from Dr. King's New Life Pills, the world's best remedy f,jr sick and nervous headaches. They make pure blood, and strong nerves, and build up your health. Try them. 25c at E. Whitehead Company's. "Rubber playing cards Great in vention." "What good are they?" f"un,eedn;tloseme from rXT, i a , an get a P'ank and play bndore in the surf V.i. u ton Herald. THIS WINTER? BOTH HAVE BEEN BROUGHT WITHIN EASY REACH BY THE SPLENDID THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE OF THE MAC COAST IM WRITE FOR RATES SCHEDULES. RESERVATIONS AND ILLUSTRATED BOOKLETS TO V. "T f . v r y.t5-iw3i.-.' II s'.Jr'.CRAlG T. C. WHITE j I "SS " TRAf FIC thVM CEN I PASS ACT- I I WILMINGTON, N. C. j FT. r.V.'Lh ',4 T. C. WHITE GEN l PASS M ACT. WILMINGTON, N. C. l'h"' Vs"' HA.V'AM Forced Into Exile. Wm. Upchurch, of Glen Oak, Okla was an exile from home. Mountain air, he thought, would cure a frightful lung-racking cough that defied all 'cmc,ues Ior two years. After e,v months he returned, death dnwnn.,1.:" ir ' . Auen 1 egan to ue Dr. King I , . vi e writes, "and after "R,us blx DOtt1 I am as well as ever " It saves thousands yearly from despe rate lung diseases. Infallible for coughs and colds, it dispels hoarse ness and sore thmt , ... ures trrin bronchitis, hemorrhages. asthL' oup whooping cough. 50c and I l i T Guara"teed by E. T. Whitehead Company. mitm-msrs'-r MADE III: fe SOf n V SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CAT A L )'.'' Sydnor Pumo & W!l C- Gcncral A9ents, Rk.hK,(;z : : 'it ' '"a f ) I . ) )

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