Good Advertisers . Use these ooluinno fur results. An advertiomeiit in this paper will re.uh a good class f people. ommonw: iJu-ukh w hat Steam i to lV. that groat piopelling , per gives results. iditor md Proprieier. Excelsior" is Our Motto. Subscription Price $1.00 Per Year. NUMBER 49 -.. r SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1909. 4& c iEALTH w ;:r,5:i . iv n iiiJ ov5 SfO REWARD OF POLITENESS. R'' 'do tfesbaeJ by OYer-Woik h!-u-s Make Impure Bioo-.'. unhealthy kidneys are re sickness and suffering , , therefore, it' kkine. ' 0 t.ouljle is permitted t. -Oil--" )i continue, ferious re s'-nits are most likei to follow. Your other organs may need at tention, but j our kid -ys most, becaust thev do most and should have attention . zX. Therefore, when u---: v.--ak or out of order, -,v .nul !i - quickly your en . .';'(. - to i a:ul liov.' every organ u its duty. or " feel 1,," begic "re it kidney renicuy, Dr. va.i-v.-I?.t. A trkil will con ,n iU;!;re:U merit. ! a:i.l i'lttiieuiate effect of ocl, the great kidney and .;:i'.-:lv, is suon realized. It ;.i:;hi-t because it? remarkable ri?!. properties have been L .r.: .-. '.:; 'h" the most distress- I: von need a medicine you it free, el.o a I; t telilU? VOU Home o 1 awauip-Koot. :li;u out if you have kidney or r tt'HiMe. Mention this paper writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., niton. N. V. Pon't make any mis ::t remember the name, Swamp iivl don't let a dealer sell you ;;::g in place of Swamp-Root if u wi.l ue (li?appoiuteu. ! Not Always Wfcal is Expected by Those Who Fce!i5 Soora. PAUL KITCHIN, Attorney at Law, Scotland Neck, X. C. Practices Anywhere. piTl P. W1MBERLEY, Physician and Surgeon, Scotland Neck, N. C. Oiiko ou Depot Street. p. A. C. LI VERNON. DENTIST. Office up stairs in White ' bead Building. Oitice hours from 9 to 1 o'clock and 2 to 5 o'clock. I McBRYDE WEBB, -Vttorxey and Counselor at Lav. . 21'.i--J21 Atlantic Trust Building Norfolk, Va. Notary Public. Bell Phone 760 "Sometimes," said Mr. Mac Whackleton, "w entertain angels unawares, and, then again, some times we entertain people who turr out to be far from angels, as witness l what may happen to us when we try to be civil to somebody in a ; street car. ! "Here are two persons sitting comfortably side by side with ample i room, the two occupying the space ; of about two persons and a half, and ' and then in comes another passenger j who stands up in front of these two, ! holding on by a strap. Then pres ! enlly these two move along a little a I way from each other, making a lit i tie space between, enough to give the newcomer room to sit down on i the edge of the seat, making not the j most comfortable sitting place in the j world, but one better than none. ! "The new comer, he or she, as the ea?emay be, accepts the seat thus offered and for a minute or two sits in it quietly, well forward, without crowding or incommoding the two persons who had thus been polite, and then the stranger begins crowd ing back until he has wedged him self in between the two persons who had made room for him and got his back against the back of the seat, now making the situation uncomfort able for all three. But the new comer has not yet got through with what he has set out to do. "Now he manages to get one shoul der in back of the shoulder of the person sitting at one side of him, so displacing that person, and then the newcomer gradually but firmly in serts his other shoulder back of the shoulder of the person on the other ide and dislodges him from his seat nfl- with tlifl result that now the person for whom room had been made sits with his or her, as the case mav be, shoulders both back against the back of the seat, thus occupying full seat space, while the two ire now both forced forward and made to sit uncomfortably on the edge ol the seat. "It is occurrences like this that .nake us slow to entertain people, be- j Tbe Fiddle in the Choir. The Evening Day. North Carolina can boast of one editor who has the right sort of mu- in Vilu o-mi1 Win nnmp is Arebi- cause they make us so doubtful as to ! dald Johnson and he presides over 1 ill ..1 m.v t n.. . I - 1 t T wnattney win turn out to De. iNew j Uhanty ana unuaren. tie is an au- ;ork Sun. imirer a devotee of the fiddle, known in polite society as the violin, and he wants more of the fiddle in the e.hoir. He aerrees with David The Heart of a Friend. "Broken friendship," says a wri ter in an exchange, "like china, may be reDaired. but the break will al The bright star in the west there j nights is Venus, the brightest of all the planets. It is the nearest to us j of all the planets. It is the nearest ' to us ofeill the heavenly bodies ex cept the moon. It it nearly the size of the earth, benig 7,700 miles in d: ameter. Its density is about the same as the earth's, slightly greater. that the Lord should be praised on There are signs of an atmosphere, stringed instruments, and if he had but thei-e cannot be much. It is al- his way and could secure them, he ways presents the same side to the . .. .... . t And it is a bit of real j would have a dozen fiddles in the sun and, it shows to us phases like ways snow. truth and wisdom. Friendship is a precious thing too precious a trea sure to be carelessly DroKen or choir of the church at which he wor- shins. "Sineers." he says, "know the value of the violin skillfully thrown away. The world handles ! played and the wonderful help it gDWMD L. TRAVIS, attorney and counselor at Law, Halifax, N. C. .Money Loaned on Farm Lands Vfll H. JOSEY, General Insurance Agent, Scotland Neck, N. C. 1 PARKER'S igy'frgd HAIR BALSAM i V-at fc'.i Tfils to Bestore Cray' -v , V-r s'3-Viii- to its Yeu-.thf-il- Color. the word "friend" lightly; its real true, deeper meaning is forgotten and the acquaintance of an hour or the chance comer is designated by the term which in itself bears a wealth of meaning. Your friend is the one who appreciates you your faults as well as your virtues who understands and sympathizes with your defeats and victories, your aims and ideals, your joys and temp tations, your hopes and disappoint ments, as no one else does or can. It is your friend to whom you turn for counsel, for comfort, for praise; he may not be as learned as some or as wise as others, but it suffices that he understands you, and even his quiet listening gives strength and re newed courage' Blessed is the man or woman into whose life has come the beauty and power of such friend ship. Prize it well. Do all in your power to keep such a friendship un broken. Avoid the break, for when it somes it cannot be easily mended, and the jarring note mass the har mony symphony. It is not alone a question of forgiviness; that may be full and complete. It is the hurt in the heart that will not readily heal and the confidence that will not fully come back! The Pilgrim. that of the moon. It presents a smooth surface, across which are irrpcmlar and peculiar markings. It r.pvpr seems to cross the sky. hke renders. We reioice to see the king Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, because of instruments coming into its own. it is between the earth ana tne sun I .... . . For manv vears it has been in the It will rise higher in the sky unti. hemrl r,f tbe rlevil because of the Dec. 2. and then sink slowly to the prejudice of good people against its west, and thereafter rise above the use. Whv is it not lust as consistent sun as a morning star to tear out the floors of our houses Venus is the planet of love, and and adont sawdust because ball- there is no sight anywhere that rooms must have floors? Our col- so starts the tender emotions as that 1 mnmon ara moornif vincr Ibe rf Vfrm3 Rllt if this should not violin in the music course, and our happen, gazing at the beautiful orb ... . . , , eirls are learning to master this for a tew moments taKes one s muu- delightf ul instrument. It seems a ghts so far from earth that he feels nitv that a bright girl who has pre- that there is an upper world, indeed, rerl berself to tilav a violin is 1 and that it is very fair. Umo State W sva. w m I - sometimes rudely denied the Journal rlnaiire she could and would ffive the congregation by some brother A Crazy Man S Humor. who has no more music in his sou 1 than a mule has." That is coming Some tine ago a man at Ypsilanti, "If wishes were horses " "What's the use? There would be still o-reater oDDortunities for losing nnw n iuu seai., w imv- .i.i . D . . - persons who had politely made way j money. "-Montgomery Advertiser The central committee on census work appointed by the local authori ties to draw plans for the taking of the federal district, has completed arrangements for making an accur- U1CU1 w I ' J - - d LC CZllIi:Cil; ' i 111- JliHUkVtLUU' -' ' it pretty strong, but our good bro- Mich., became crazed on the subject the cap;tai amj outlying towns an ai : 4-n -,ioli-fr it bv tbe Vivrmntiom aTid wfls sent on a 1 1 .1 j... uiw is iuucu k.j , - j i ui j jiivi.o... i anu nas ueciueu lo uuijuuk. ii vmn .Royal Baking Powder Is the greatest of time and labor savers to trie pastry cook. Economizes flour, butter and eggs and makes the food digestible and healthful Makes most healthful loed No alum no lime phosphctes The onlv baking nowder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar TAKING CENSUS OF MEXICO. President Diaz and Other Men ct Prom inence Will Help in VVcrk. was sent on a j u 4w.;fiP,i nrmoint reluctant admission that "if the ha- Michigan Central tram to an asyium. die makes some good brother to off- When the conductor asked for tick- end no fiddle should de played," for ets the crazy man began telling 01 "harmony is necessary outside as his hypnotic powers. well as within the choir." Here is "I'll hypnotize you," he said. a noble soul willing to surrender its "Fire away," replied the conduc- appeciation of the fiddle rather than tor. give some oia rooster cause 10 reuei Q man maje several passes be- A Young Naturalist. The little hoy was looking at a fly trap -one of those green, woven wire, sugar-loaf shaped affairs into which the flies crawl at the bottom, and from which, they never find any way of oseape. It was half full of the buzzing inserts, and others stil' were entering. "I've found out cni' thing al out Hies, anyhow," he said. "What U tlrnt. I5. nny?" aaked his mother. "I've found that they don't know e'""" .. - t i; against this appearance 01 woriui- f , conductor's face. ness in tne cnurcn. viiynow, uc , . , ,, w nt n hint, to other "Now you are hypnotized," pbnrrmions of the fiddle. He has said. sowed the seed, as it were, even if fhe conductor looked the part he does glance asKant at uie cu8 best he could ot tne crop. ne nas lunicu fiddle and passed it along to those who can play it tne siy sinner. Charlotte Chronicle. nent persons in every town to take ..i.i t,a ,u!ciiiit r.f I how to talk to each enner. any names being left off the lists. "How do you know that. In former years it has been the ex- "1 n't you suppose those on perience of census takers that a the msule of that trap know that large majority of the natives refu,-, they're caught and car ,t get out? ed to give the names of all the mem-'f oourse they do And if they bers of their household for fear that ;couM talk tu one another, lon t you they might be recruited in the army. ; 1'!" (l ic.iuie .., ... . L, ti iii 4 J onto b- to jro awav and not try to get The government has decided to . "T-1 v nZn appoint prominent pers.ns ,s census in? Of course they would, rhey tlL in order that the actual mini-', -v-uhln't b.? mean enough to want "You are a conductor." the hypnc-iber of inhabitants of the republic ; their friends to be trappoi just nc- t oimi v. uiiij'-io- he as a. is. Wk &k f yUUUU w w w w w w v w w --r Q O O O O O T'S FURNITURE OR m IF m S tttt m o n o " YOU NEED THE O - o ...OUR... I 1 GLASSES.! Scotland Neck furniture Comp'y Can supply you in Up-to-Date Styles and Lowest Prices. We have some SPECIAL VALUES in the following : 2-inch Post I5ri?s lseds tuat m sell for $25.00, our pneo $19.00 Make All the World Seem 1 Rl 4 1GH lt--K o.inoh Post, White Enamel Beds, worth $15.00, at $12.50 O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o tist said. "That's right," replied the victim. "You're a good conductor," went on the hypnotist. "Right again," said the conductor. "You don't smoke, drink or swear V 1 A at passengers. You are nonest. You turn in all tickets and money you collect from passengers. I n fact you do not steal a cent." "That's right," asserted the con ductor. The hypnotist eyed him a moment, then said: "What an awful fix you'd be m if left you in this condition!" Kan sas City Star. Atlantic Waterway More Important Than Panama. We Guarantee our FELT MATTRESS at $12.50 equal to any $15.00 felt Mattress, g Made to Suit YOUR EYES. Tucker, Hall & Co., The Expert Opticians, 53 Granbv St., Norfolk, Va. Catalogue on Application. $23J0r7',SU. $7.00 Rockers and Dining Room Suits at Attractive Prices. : 7, a a I Fvamine The W. J. Loth Stove Company's Stoves Doublo (linns Door TQ QQ ExandeCg7s. They are all Guaranteed. Wardrobe ;.t $J.WV o o o o o The Atlantic Deeper Waterways movement is Drogressing with an ear nestness of purpose and intelligence of zeal that leaves no room for doubt r,f its final success. It means a great deal both in a commercial and a military sense, and m our judge ment its accomplishment will be worth very much more to the coun trv than the auixotical and costly Panama Canal experiment. Internal waterways development, conducted on a errand national scale, will tre mendously enhance the wealth, hap piness and power of the people ot the United States, and put this nat inn unapproachably ahead of all oth .V". ' ovnatinns of the earth. Unlike the Panama experiment, the work is en tirely feasible, and the money expen- it will remain in this cour- UCU VI 1 - - - - tr in ceaseless reproductive poten tialitv. Public sentiment is behind it, and Congress should lose no time in loosening the national purse strings in its behalf and support Petersburg Index-Appeal. may be secured within a close mar-o-in of accuracy. President Diaz will personally take the census of the block on the north side of Calle de Cadena, where he lives; members 01 me camm-i win perform a similar duty in their re spective neighborhoods; the arch bishop of Mexico will take the cen sus of population in his own quarters and an effort will be made to have all prominent citizens accept the ap pointment for their neighborhoods generally in order that confidence may be inspired among the natives and the figures may be as accurate as possible. But in interior Mexico an uphill task is in store for the authorities, and the majority is bent upon thwart- intr the census work, being formed of illiterate peons and farm laborers who are still afraid of compulsory. military service.- Mexican Herald cause they were, ion. Tin- next time o:ie of the children -:it li cold. :ie jt something that will p:-oni'lly :md freely but gently move the how i !s. In that way the cold will ;it on-'f he driven out of the system. Kennedy".-: laxative Cough Syrup moves the LoweN j.iointly and freely, yet gently, and the same time heals ir ritation and .-top- the cough. It is '-pi-eially good fur children. Sold by I. T. Whitehead .. "P.e patient, old man Remember Job." "Job he hanged -he never had to hear a taunting feminine voice say, 'The line is busy.' "Montgomery Advertiser. A sprained ankle will usually disable the injured person tor three or tour weeks. This is due to lack ot proper treatment. When Chamherlain's Lin iment is applied rt cure may bet (1 ctcd in throe or four days. Thi liniment i one of the best and nio.-t remarkable preparations in use. Sold by P.. 1. Whitehead Co. "The motto of our party is, the rascals out!' "Well, I guess your party turned out more rascals than other."- Cleveland Leader. Turn has any Here is Relief lor Women. If you have pains in the back, urina ry. Madder or kidney trouble, and want aeeitiin, pVa-ant herb cure for woman's ills, try Mother Cray's Aus-tialian-l.e:;l. It is a safe and never failing regulator. At druggists or by mail "o ct -. Sample package H;i I . AiMr. ss, The Mother (lia 1eUoy, New York. Farmer Smallseed Listen to this, Llviry. This paper says that they have found in It.i'.ian prisons the pet rified remains of some of the pris oners. His Wife - Do tell! Them be them hardened criminals we hear about.- - Harper's Weekly. mus o o HOLltSTER-3 Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Easy H6dioiaa for Busy Peoplo. Ericga Golden Health and fienewed Vigor. A, s,?T-mc for Constipation, Indigestion, Live '"'ue7 Troubles, l'imr.les. Eczema, Impure ' ' ''7. Breath, Klurji'jh Bowels, Headache -;.nf ki-orm. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in teb- '-'i-iii, 35 cwits a box. Genuine made by Sl' duster Drug Company, Madison, Wis COLDtN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Our Couches, Book Cases, and Floor Coverings cannot be excelled for the price. In fact we have everything for the home g at Lowest Prices. All Suits reduced 1 0 per cent. Yours for business, o o o o o Sc otland Neck Furniture Comp'y a o D THE HOME OUTFITTERS. 00000000000000000000000000000000000 Big Trees in Mexico A cypress tree near Oaxaca, Mex ico, is believed to be the largest in circumference of any in the world. It measures 104 feet around the trunk at a height of 130 feet, and 27 people holding hands can just reacn around it. The tree has stood for many cen nart of its trunk has com- l,UlIV,-, " X - menced to decay from sheer old gge. One person of a statistical turn oi mind has estimated that the tree and its branches must weign some- i:w i fon tons. Wild wonu tiling jin-c -i,""- Magazine. Health depends, as nature shows, More on the interior than most sup pose. Keep your system from impurities free, By using Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. E. T. Whitehead Co. Woman's Friend Nearly all women suffer at times from female ailments. Some women Buffer more acutely and more constantly than others. But whether you have . . - ft A 1 little pain or whetner you suner intensely, you should take Wine of Cardm and get reliei. Cardui is a safe, natural medicine, for women, prepared scientifically from harmless vegetable in gredients. It acts easily on the female organs and gives strength and tone to the whole system. JAKE E All o) u J 3a The Woman's Tonic Hfv VomftWallaeo. of Sansrer.' Tex., tried Cardui. She writes: i"Cardui'has done more for me than I can describe. Last spring I txraa 5ilrpn -critb female inflammation and consulted a doctor, but to Sno avail, so I took Cardui, and inside of three day.:, was able to do my housework. Since men my irouuie nas ncci- le.mut-u. ij xu AT ALL DRUG STORES i