t-r. 1 1 E let m If :Jy.' ... If: f ; . . m PS:!i h a i .a e& ?s as tr-? si 3 L-as&ijyJ ;5aj: 3 1 vrV ALCOiiOL J?EK CENT. iGaaandRefttt simiu! ting die StiWHchs andBowebf Promotes Digestion.Chcerfu!: necs a?4 Rest.Contains ncilter Opiirru-Morphiiic norMacral: NOT IS AM C OTIC. JtecipeefOldDr.SSttnj'inma. lmpka Sicd jthtSmnn fifpcrmmt -Hi CurlwnaleSida Sutpr ' h'atieirjrein i'lunr. Anm-fart Remsdv for Conslipa tioh , Sour Si:)iach,Diarrhoci Worms .Ccaralsioiis.rcvcrisa- ness are! Loss of Sleep. J Facsimile Signature of NEW YOPK. feOuwrsxtcei under the Fooda Exact Copy of Wrapper, 'A & 5? V. Vi iTLJ j w. Per Infanta &nd Children. e.! tit k say The Kind You AIwa Bears Signature Havi isht the - vj For Over Thirty Years MIRACLE NOT TO EE DENIED Rabbi Enjoyed Laugh on Skeptic Who Had Thought to Put Him "In a Hole." A story Is told of Rabbi Wklrewitz, who is well known cn the East side. A recently arrived skeptic and cynic came to see him ence with a "case intended to put the reverend gentle man "up a tree." He called cn the rabbi at his residence on Hor.ry street and begged to be healed and consoled. "I suffer,", said the skeptic, "from two maladies. I have a great weak ness i cannot tll the truth, and that hurts my soul terribly. And I have lost the sense of taste in my mouth; something is wrcag with my tongue. Mr. Widrewitz studied the man a moment, seemed to be perplexed, and said: "Come again to-morrow. It is a difficult case. I shall have to re flect upon it. If God Willi, I shall be able to help you." When the patient returned next day the rabbi brought forth a pill he had prepared, told the doubly afflicted man to open bis mouth and shoved it in. The pill was of considerable size. Scarcely had the patint allowed it to dissolve somewhat in his mouth than he began to spit, with an expression of the greatest disgust and exclaimed: "What do you mean? That's tar and sulphur and kerosene you gave me. Do you want to poison me? Phui!" "Well, what are yon making so much noise about?" laughed the rab bi, with great heartiness. "Hasn't God performed a miracle? You have told the truth it is really tar and sulphur and kerosene. And you have actually recovered the sense of taste in vour mouth!" New York Press. IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS. Dnn'l mistake tbe Cause of Your Troubles. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW TO CITY. t i w mi m ii!M.rfn iiitinir " - We heep on Hand Burial Cases ! All Kinds all the Time. Also Complete Undertakers' Outfit. Hearse Service any Time Day or night we are read y to accommodate our friends and the Public Generally. M. Hoffman & Bro. Scotland Neck North Carolina Regulate he Bowels o-v LINN'S LUNCH ROOM I AND RESTAURANT 0 No3. 16, 18, 20, Granby St. i w7 I'rompi service : v ? Popular Prices! q The Place That's Different NORFOLK, VA. Co Til Undertakers' dies. Full and Complete Line. Supp!! "I have been troubled with constipation for several years, and have tried a rreat many- kinds of pills, as well as medicine from the doctor. Nothing seemed to help me until I be gan taking Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills. I found the little pills very effective, and I am thankful that at last I have a reliable remedy." MRS. F. M. DUNKIN, LeRoy, Ills. Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills simply cause the bowels to move in a normal manner, and with out the griping effects of cathar tics and purgatives. That's why they are so universally used by women and children. The longer they are taken the less are needed. Natural conditions gradually being restored. Sold by druggists everywhere. If first package does not benefit, your druggist will return your money. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. Obliging the Lady. "I see you've got au automobile," said Citiman. "I thought you swore you'd never buy one." "Yes, I did say that once," replied Subbubs, "but our new cook insisted that we must get one because her r.hnvM. i sn far away from our house." Chamberlain's Coush Kemedv never disappoints those who use it f. r obsti p.iite couiihs. colds and irritations of the throat and lungs. It stands un rivnled as a remedy for all throat and lung diseases. Sold by E. T. White head Company. "Gee! Isn't he done with that speech yet?" "Yes, he's been done for 20 min utes, but heaven only knows when he'll stop talkine:." Cleveland Loa der. Simple Eeraedy for LaGrippe LaGrippe coughs are dangerous, a: they frequently develop into pneumo nia. Foley's Honey and Tar not only stops the cough, but heals and strength ens the lungs so that no serious results need be feared. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar contains no harmful drugs and is in a yellow package .old by all Druggists. win. For Stomach Trouble, Sluggish Liver and Habitual Constipation. It cures by aiding ail of the digestive organs gently stimu lates the liver and regulates the bowels the only way that chronic constipation can be cured. Especiallyrecommended for women and children. Clears blotched complexions. Pleasant to take. Rtfuse substitutes. Many people never suspect their kidneys. If suffering from a lame, weak or aching back they think that it is only a muscular weakness; when urinary trouble sets in they think it will soon correct itself. AM so it is with all the other symptons of kidney disorders. That is jutt where the danger lies. You must cure these troubles or they may lead to diabetes or Bright's disease. The best remedy to use is Doan's Kidney Pills. It cures all ills which are caused by veak or diseased kidneys. Residents of this vicinity are constantly testify ing to permanent cures. John G. Latham, 907 Cotanch St., Greenville, N. C, says: Doan s Kidney Pills in my case far surpasseo any other kidney remedy I had pre-; viously tried. For some' time my kidneys were disordered, the secre tions from these organs being too frequent and painful in passage. When I read of Doan's Kidney Pills, I was so much impressed that I pro cured a box and began their use. They went directly to the seat of my trouble and gave me relief in a short time. My kidneys were soon restored to their normal condition and I felt better in every way." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Company, Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. LITTLE MONEY IN OSTRICHES Australian Raisers of Beautifully Feathered Birds Get Small Re turns for Their Work. The first attempt to raise ostriches in Australia was &&de by a Mr. Mal ccm, who in 1880 brought 1C0 yours birds from South Africa to Soutn Aus tralia. In the following year the i:ar liuniert of South Australia enacted a law which started to the hrxt person who should exhibit 250 ostriches more than one year old about 2,400 acrea of land suitable for ostrich farming. The conditions were satisfied by the South Australian Ostrich Company, which was founded in 1886 with a cap ital of $75,000. The company received land near Port Augusta on Spencer bay, but in spite of this assistance the company has never paid a divi dend, although it now possesses 1,100 ostriches, all of which were imported from South Africa. There is a sun larger ostrich farm on the shore of Lake Albert, and smaller farms are scattered through the colony. In New South Wales ostrich farm ing was first attempted in 1897, by Barracluff, who imported six pairs of ostriches from northern Africa, and now possesses 84 birds. Queensland and Victoria possess only small ostrich farms, which have not produced very encouraging re sults. In all there are now about 2,000 ostriches in Australia. The in ferior feathers are used at home and the more valuable ones are exported, chiefly to Germany. Scientific American. Women Suffer Agonies from Diseased Kidne 1 "Suffered day and night the toi ment of itching piles. Nothing helpe me until I used Doan's Ointment. It c ured me permanently." Hon. Join a. Garrett, Mayor, Girard, Ala. "I thought you told me these lot.' w ould double in value in two years, and here's a man offering me exactly what I gave for them." "Yes; but you forget you gave twice as much as they were worth." Judge. Accidents will happen, but the best regulated families keep Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil for sure emergencies. Ii subdues the pain ami heals the hurt. Egyptologist Here is a papyrus on which the characters are so badly traced that they are indecipherable. How shall you class it? Keeper of Museum Oh, I shall just call it a doctor's prescription in the time of Pharoah. Pele Mele. Best for coughs and colds is Kenne dy's Laxative Cough Syrup. Itmov the bowels freely yet gently and there by drives the cold from the system. It stops the cough. Children like it pleasant to take. Sold by E. T. Whitehead Company. Every Wcman Will 68 Interested. There has recently been discovered an aromatic, pleasant herb cure for womans ills, called Mother Gray's AUSTRALIAN-LEAF. It is the only certain regulator. Cures female weak nesses and Backache, Kidney, Bladder and Urinary troubles. At all Drug gists or by mail oO cents. Sample FREE. Address, The Mother Gray Co., Le Roy, X. Y. When a novelist writes a master piece, its sequal is seldom its equal. Kansas City times. It is a dangerous thing to take a cough medicine containing opiates that merely stifle your cough instead of curing it. Foley's Honey and Tar loosens and cures the cough and ex pels the poisonous germs, thu-spreven tir.g pneumonia and consumption. Re fuse substitutes and take only the gen uine Foley's Honey and Tar in the yellow package. Sold by all Drugnists. About the hardest thing in this world for a man to do is to have a mean disposition without exercising it. Dallas News. PRC.iir.or.i3 Fellows a lold but never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar, which stops the cough heals the lungs, and expels the cold from your system. Sold by all Drug gists. "She talks twice as much as the other girls I know." "Yes She has a double chin." Cleveland Leader. "Ah, sir, we enjoy your sermons, remarked an old lady to a new cu rate. "They are so instructive. We never knew what sin was until you came to the parish. The Sacred Heart Review. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is not a common, every-day cough mixture. It is a meritorious remedy for all th troublesome and dangerous complica tions resulting from cold in the head. threat, chest or lungs. Sold by E. T Whitehead Company. "Yes, my poor brother was killet by savages." "Indeed! In South Africa?" "No colletre." Boston Trans enpt. Builds up waste tissue, promotes aj petite, improves digestion, induces re freshing sleep, giving renewed strengti and health. That's what Hollistcr Rocky Mountain Tea will do. Jus what you need now. E. T. White head Co. He Bings is heartily opposed t the tipping habit. Never will give tips for anything. She Yes, I've noticed he doesn' even tip his hat. Baltimore Ameri can. A healthy man is king in his own right; an unhealthy man is an unhap py slave. Burdock Blood Bitters builds up sound health keeps you well. She (at the art exhibition) How can you tell the masterpieces? He By the price tags on them. Chicago Daily News. Coffins and Caskets Burial Robes, Etc, Hearse Service any Time N. B. Josey Company, Scotland Neck. North Carolina mM.anre&-&J !'. and ailtrrdat aiid umimmsi CUA0a4ATEO SATSFACTOPy Of? AfOMY KErtfAfDSO. WHEN IN TARB0R0 Whether on busi- ne3s or pleasure. tlkfp9 you should make i- -.113 .-if- jmv Cin.Krt r,-.l at uui uiuuiu ciiiu see our Latest Cre ations in the Art of Photography. Every day we are pleasing people who have never before had a good Photograph of themselves by any other Photograph er. Easter-tide is a convenient time to give us a trial while you are nice ly "rigged." S. R. Alley, Main St., Lewis Building Tarboro, N. f . Everything in Photography H ( PI? "Well, Effie, dear, I hope you've been a little mother to your brother while I've been out?" "Oh, yes, I have. I've smacked him quite a lot." London Opinion, During the long, dreary winter months mothers become tired, worn out, can't eat, sleep or work. Hollis ter's Rockv Mountain Tea is the great est blessing for mothers. Makes them bappy, healthy and strong. E. T. Whitehead Co. KOUiSTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medioina for Bnsy Pople. Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. A, 5r.,ciflc ,or Constipation, Indigestion, Livs ?.?" ?"ine7 Troubles. Pimplea. Eczema, Impure blorxl, Bad Breath. Rtutrsish Bowels, Headachf ind Backache. It's Bonlcy Mountain Tea in tab t form, 85 cents a box. Genuine made by t-li.;str Druo Compakv, Madison, Wis EOLOfcN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE A man and woman accidently touched each other's feet under the table. "Secret telegraphy," said he. "Communion of souls," said she. Judge. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a very valuable medicine for throat and lung troubles, quickly relieves and cures painful breathing and a danger ously sounding cough which indicates congested lungs. Sold by E. T. Whitehead Company. Mistress There, Emma, that's how the glasses should go. New Maid Yes'm. yes. You see, I've never lived in a drinking family before. London Punch. Brave Fire Laddies often receive severe burns, putting out fires, then use Bucklen's Arnica Salve and forget them. It soon drives out pain. For Burns, Scalds, Cuts and Bruises it's earth's greatest healer. Quickly cures Skin Eruptions, Old Sores, Boils, Ulcers, Felons; best Pile cure made. Relief is instant. 25c at E. T. Whitehead Company. Don't trifle with Kidney and Blad der trouble. Take De Witt's Kidnej- and Bladder Fills as directed and you will at once notice satisfactory results. De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Fills are antiseptic, healing and soothing. Be suie to get De Witt's Kidney and Blad der Pills when you ask for them. Re fuse substitutes and imitations. Look for the name on the package. Sold by E. T. Whitehead Company. The long indoor life of winter make tbe blood weak, the system easily cat ches cold and desease. Hollistcr' Rocky Mountain Tea is the grcates winter remedy; prevents colds and di ease : keeps you well all winter. cents. Tea or Tablets. E. T. White head Co. IKS '-a r.';tr . . SPECIAL OFFER Kmde to bnlld Hew BnnlnrM. A trial Trill V". make you our permanent customer. v.-.- PtiZe Collection luuN IT varieties ;It- 11 tbe finest : Turnip. 7 splendid : Union. 8 best varie ties i 10 Bprln-.flowrinf Bulbs 66 Varieties lB U. CARANTEED TO PLAS. , Yrlte to-day; Mention this Paper. ! SEHD 10 CENTS ', to covsr poitag una packm uia recviva this lassie , inztracTiT-e, nennuiui eeea ana i'lnnt Hook. , I a tells ail boct tns isess vsrictia of SMdi. Pir. etc. t mm And Most Women Do This Not Known Real Cause of tiieir Condition rr-i -, ctiffr'n" Vti!a2n I . --.'J ' i; j t have been led to behove that tneir misery of mind ard body entire ly due to "ills of their eex." U:;n.nly tke kidneys and bladder cro re sponsibleor largely fo. An.t .;i such cases, tfco kidneys aru! bol der are the organs, that need sud must have attention. Those toriuriag, enervating elclt headaches,' dragging pain3 in back, groin and limbs, bloating and swell ing of the extremities, extreme nervousness or hysteria, listlcss E6ss and constant tired, worn-out feeling are almost certain symp toms of disordered and diseased kidnevs, bladder and liver. DeWitt's Kidney end Bladder Pills have, in thousands of cases, been demonstrated es remarkably beneficial in all such conditions of female organism afiord;rg the most prompt relief and permanent benefit. As an illustration of what these Pills will do, Mrs. P. M. Bray of Columbus, Ga., writes that she was very ill with kidney trouble, and that she is now well and that these Pills are what cured her. They are very pleasant to take, and can in no case, produce any deleterious effects upon the system as syrupy, alcoholic, liquid prep J lUv-Ji dZf. Ws. b; .. ; arr.ticns ci rr-t to do. e. o. Dcv;nt & c ( : want every rr.an cr.ti v have the least susi ' -, : r.ro afflicted with l.i ' ..- . der dlaearcs to at . r.nd a trial box i : ; be sent free by r.Uuu 1. paid. Do it to-day. '. v. E. T. Whitehead Company. 'TP H. STEINME1 FLORIST, Raleigh, North Carolina Roses, Carnations, Violets ami other nn in season. Shower ami Plain iloqm'ts for w Floral designs and llowers for all oeasions. Ferns, all kinds of wot and outdoor hedilin nnd bulbs. Maanolias. evemreens mid vi plants. H. Steixmetz, Florist, Jlalt ili. X. i'. H A Til 7-. Zg n --I "j i I have a nice line of Hnfiies finislicl and in room, also a nice line of Harness just ;.. up, all for sale and for your comfort .:. pleasure. Looks, durability and styi -are all rijxlit and lully iiuaranbvd. Don'! Tail to Come fo Sec Me Defcre W. A. BRANTLEY Scotland Neck, .... North (';,:; i-i 6KK000-0-0- OOOOOCOO OOC C ooooooooooooooooooo oooooc ooooooo o-oooo-cc CIAS. J I-" - 'I A . . COMPfSSSSON MERCHANT 36 Roanoke Dock, Norfolk, Yin,:! liefer lv permission to I). N. Stephenson ' . Pendleton, N. C: (J. T. Brown, Kelford, N. ' Conner & Chappell, Itieh Square, N. (-.; F. M. To . i Boykin, Va. 0-0CK000C00H3 0 : '- GravestoEt kj repair or remodel iny kind of building, f Send W for aur (ATiLOtJi f b-jilu'inq mslerisls. each. Si doors, blini;. hrdr.-re. mantels. paints, qlass. qas oi eicciric rixTurt s Ate. i csUbiishediara. rcrpdlsv.va.bs6I onumenis In all First Class Varieties of Marble and (Irani! Largest Stock in tlie Scut Remember, we pay the frc-'pht nnd rrurntrtee rvf-. s we ciiip'oy n Aden's the item of commioi-ior.s ' : eluded in our prices. This enables us to use a hijrh r of material and to finish it better than otherwise. ! worm considering r wnen m Norfolk e:.: ' You will find what you want; sec and lv v you arc buying-, and will get it quickly. The Couper Marble Works, (EstablislicdlS-18.rl59-lC3 Bank St.. K . THINK. OF Mexicsum Munstan Linimeit AND WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU. Relief from pain that might otherwise cause you hours of agony. Tired out muscles eased up and made ready for another day's work. Lameness in the back and shoulders promptly cured and stiff joints limbered up. Burns, Scalds, Cuts and Mashes ren dered painless and quickly healed. Rheumatism, Lumbago and Sciatica robbed of their anguish and banished forever Ulcers, Old Sores and Open Wounds healed promptly and permanently. The first application of Mexican Mr tang Liniment subdues the pain b.i-'i: continues its work until every quivci J r.c nerve is soothed and quieted. The great penetrating power of famous remedy enables it to do quickly and positively. ' nes11 MeS-f Sprafns mses or Lr Prices 25c 50c, $1.00 per bottle. For..br.nDrwuu. LYON MFG. CO 41 ac e r- , 41 to 45 So- 5th St, BROOKLYN, XX :i . 1 1

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