. --i ! Good Advertising is !o Business what Steam is to Machinery, that great propelling pu ,r. This pa; r gives results. -. . . Good Advertisers ON WEALTH Dae these columns for result. An advertisement in this paper will reach a good class of people. J. C. HiaDY,iiJop anil Proprietor. 'Excelsior" is Our Mo! Jo. Subscription Price $1.00 Per Year. VOL. XXVI. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1910. NUMBER 8. - 4 ' v. - - r 5 t, i fro Hi'J Weakened ty Over-WorL I Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood, Vv-.-!; ami unhealthy kidneys are re luiisi i )k- i'or nii-.cli sickness and'sufierhig. thcrciorc, if kid iic tor.tion, !nt your kid- jic-ys; most, because tl'cy do most and Fkcukl have attention f.i'-'t. Therefore, when weak or out of order, -VI ur iiiii.ievs von car. urs.Ierr.i.::i i now qtucKiy your en- I,-.-,. FF t' j :. 4-,.l " fXJX''i- eoutimic, -serious rc-- fitltri are most likely , - ) J A --''j.' :! to follow. Your other iV.;'r:7rVQ I'il crnaas inav need at- " u t':c :-o.ly i 3 affected and how every organ c. to r id to do its tlutv. If you are dek or ;' feel badly," be.dn trdu!:. the great kidney remedy, Dr. J Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot. A trial will con- fc vmce von oi its irreat merit. The tnlld and immediate effect of f-'.vav5jp-:OOt, the great kidney and 1 ladder remedy, is soon realized. It -..iivu the highest because its remarkable 3;.. '.lui restoring properties have been :,)'::! i s thousands of the most distress ing c . .. It von need a medicine vou Rii'-r.;.i Ji.:ve the best. .... f t-c-,, i i v t: racists in 5ESH2E&SS55 J fi ty-ceut at ...l it fc,,niut.ii Huraa You mav SSs2SS:S:SS22s 1 a samnle bottle jfHsS35S5SSaBSja & V im-i.l'et tcliillij VOU ' I loan; omMtJo! 1. .. .-. .! .....":( , .1--! ; i. w l ) liii.i out u you nave Kidney or 'a Kidder trouble. Mention this paper rv'Kii v."rit:;ur to )". Kilmer fit Co B1 nliaaitou, X. Y. Don't make any mis- .-. ta.ee, but remember the name, Swamp jvimi.. i'liu ii-in l it i a dealer sell vou : f vnethlii'? in place of Swamp-Root if i on oo Vici will be !isappoiuted. 'j. A. PA KITCHiN, Attorney at Law. Scotland Xeck, X, Practices Anywhere. . C )RS. SMITH & WIM3i:RLEY, Physicians and Surgeons, Scotland Neck, N. C. Office on Depot Street. R. A. C LIVERNON, DENTIST. Jk Office up stairs in White-v-?a1.VY1 head Building. Office hours from 0 to 1 o'clock and 2 to o o'clock. gDWARD L TRSViS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Halifax, X. 0. Money Loaned on Farm Lands WiLf. n mpv 7 General Insurance Agent, Scotland Neck, N. C. i r.TcD. P.OYE. --3" CLAUDE J. DICKENS. ROWE & DICKENS Scotland Neck, N. C. Contractors for Brick, Rock 'i'id nil kinds of Mason Work. j Satisfaction guaranteed both as ff 1 ) prie and workmanship. ! n H H P.I Sre Your Eyes V Don't trust them to ii)ory ground lenses if you yjilue them. Our lenses are the best that an be bought. Tucker, Hall & Co., The Expert Opticians, 53 Granby St., Norfolk, Va. Catalogue oa Application. Mail Orders promptly at tended to. MASS 3ALSAE.1 . ?..?'..! f!'anjcs aiiil teautne the tiai&i foi'll'r.y.tx .j A luxuriant growth. i.c; r V&ilo to Bsstoso Gray' H.ni. to js Yot-.tUIul Color. I -i" j-A Cures srli. !i.srngfla fr. hnir tuiiuiij. POSTED : All the lands formerly owned by The North Carolina Lumber Com Piny, against hunting, fishing, or trespassing of any kind. S. F. DUNN, Agent 11-18-tf for Dr. H. H. Fries. People Will Talk. We may get through this world, but 'twill be very slow, If we listen to all what is said as we go We'll be worried and fretted and kept in a stew. For meddlesome tongues must have something to do; For people will talk, you know. If quiet and modest you'll have it presumed, That your humble position is only assumed. You're a wolf in sheep's clothing or else you're a fool; But don't get excited, keep perfect ly cool For people will talk, you know. If generous and noble, they'll vent out their spleen, You'll hear some loud hints that you're selfish and mean; If upright or honest and fair as the day, They'll call you a rogue in a sly sneaking way For people will talk, you know. A.nd then if you show the least bold ness of heart. Or slight inclination to take your own part, They will call you an upstart, con ceited and vain; But keep straight ahead, don't stop to explain For people wiil talk, you know. f threadbare your coat or old-fash ioned your hat, ' You're ahead of your means, or your i tailor is unpaid, But mind your own business, there's j naught to be said; 1 For people will talk, you know. i i It a lellow Dut enanee to uonvorso with a girl, I How the gossips will talk and their, scandal unfurl, fhey 11 canvas your wants or talk of ! your means, And declare you are engaged to a chit in her teens, i For people will talk, you know. Tney'll talk fine before you, but then i at your back, Of venon and slander there's never i a lack j How kind and polite in all that they say! j But bitter as gall when you are out ; of the way For people will talk, you know. fhe best way to do is to do as you please i i f 1 Ml tmih mmii i -r waii rtliiTii Ana Tin 1 1 i k I then be at ease; Of cousre you 11 meet with all sorts ' , , oi aDuse, 3ut don't think to stop them, it isn't any use v.'Ui liKZKJIJiSZ Will bain, jvu nnu y . t XCl anKe-; Do you know that croup can be pre- j en ted? Give Chamberlain's Cough ! iemedy as soon as the child becomes loarse or even after the croupy cough j npears and will prevent the attack. It ; 3 also a certain cure for croup and has j lever been known to fail. Sold by E. j Whitehead Company. j -: ! The Layman's Missionary Conven- tion held at Greensboro recently , Some, of coruse, will take notice of , ah " a useiuius win tnat j be to those who are unfamiliar And hint very strong that you can't ;with tb-8 conditions, but who pay your way; , mav he attracted to these see- But don't get excited whatever they ' tions by the opportunities say j which they offer for fruit grow- For people will talk, you know. ing. The hints are also applica f you dress in the fashion, don't hie to other sections made up think to escape, j of hill and valley and where For they all criticise then in differ- j soil and other natural condi- ent shape, j tions may be similar. was a great meeting. Tnere were al value of stock, implements, build numbers of prominent men from all ( ings, etc., should not be considered denominations present and they worked in perfect harmony and good feeling. We believe this Layman's Movement is going to do much to-: ward bringing about the very best feeling among the Christian people of our fair land and cause them to vork harder for the evangelization of the world. Aids The great success of Dr. Pierce'3 Gcldert Medical Dis covery in curing weak stomachs, wasted bodies, weak lungs, nd obstinate and lingering coughs, is based oa the recognition of the fundamental truth that "Goldea Medical Discovery" supplies Nature with body-building, tissue-repairing, muscle-making materials, in con densed and concentrated form. With this help Nature supplies ths necessary strength to the stomach to digest food, build up the body and thereby throw off lingering obstinate coughs. The "Discovery" rs-establishes the digestive and nutritive organs in sound health, purifies n4 rnrirha the hlood. and nourishes the nerves m sbort establishes sound vigorous health. IS your dealer otters something " iust as good," it is probably better FOR HIM -it pays better. Sat you are tkinhinU oi the curs not the profit, so there's nothing ' iast as good" for you. Say so. Dr. Fierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, in Plain English; or, Med icine Simplified, 1008 pages, over 700 illustrations, newly revised P-t-date Edition, paper-bound, sent for 21 one-cent amps to cover cost of maxhng only. Cloth-bound, 61 stamps. AQcress FRUIT GROWlNTi IN THE SOUTH. Subject oi Interesting Bulletin by De partment ot Agriculture. The Carolinas and in fact most of the States alon Blue Ridge mountains have, of recent years taken wonderful strides in fruit growing. Fruit growing in these regions, how ever, is only slightly developed in comparison with the possi bilities which exist in this di rection. The methods of orch ard management are common ly faulty and not productive of the best results which the nat ural advantages make possible. Notwithstanding these condi tions, large quantities of excel lent fruit, but principally ap ples, are grown in some portions of these regions. Realizing the problem that many orchardists will find con fronting them, the department of Agriculture has published a bulletin entitled "Orchard Fruits in the Piedmont and Blue Ridge Regions of the South Atlantic States," and while the information supplied therein will doubtless prove of value to prospective planters of orchards who already reside in these regions, it is expected K.i4. .44. ,,J?..l :n There appears to be no doub t but that the succes8 of fruit vin in the Blue RM , . , , , , , ,. , L , 1 , to the fact that the orchards .i ,.v,oitUVn,i side of thpi nnmprniis VnnL whi,w.tli, . .m . , , . . y. tect the trees from winter kill ing or hold back the buds un til all danger of spring frosts has passed. News. -Greenville (S. C.) Penitentiary Report. Superintendant J. J. Laughing- house today submitted to Governor Kitchin the annual report of the pen- itentiary for the year ending Decem ber 31. He took charge of the pris on the 7th of last April, finding then ! $60,650 to its credit, to this being tl'Vw, Vt' added the balance on the peanut crop Af iqaq 71 Uyr . , ' - , , - , from the sale of old and condemned I horses and mules, $5,062. The dis i bursements from April 7 to Dec. 21 ! totaled $139,038. The present man- , i 7 i r-1 i costing $12,095, for use on the State farm near Halifax. It has built at one part of the farm a stable for 33 mules, also a large DuilOing tor a hospital, kitchin and dining room and commissary, these costing $3,000 each, and on another part of the farm has built a stable of the same size and a building for women, these costing $3,000 each. The sum of $2,000 has been expended on improv- ed farm implements. Tnis addition- an expense like feed and provisions which are consumed, but may very properly be counted as assets and per- manent improvements, which will be very valuable and more than pay for themselves in producing the next crop and others and in protecting the live stock, implements and machm- ery. A special from Raleigh. ur. v . i., -. The Young Man That Wins. The following editorial from a recent issue of The News and Observer should point a moral to the young man who thinks success will come to him through the poolroom, the gam bler's den, watching the clock or hunting an easy job; and who scoffs at the young man who reverences those things which his mother taught him to reverence God and religion. "When the will of the late Mrs. F. P. Tucker was read, and it was learned that Mr. Cary K. Durfey was named with Judge Womack as executor and trus te?, not a few people asked: "Who is Durfey?" Most busi ness men in Raleigh knew him, but there were people in Raleigh who had never heard of the quiet young man who for sev eral years had been employed by Mrs. Tucker to transact her business. He had lived in Ral eiarh only ten years and Mrs. Tucker never heard of him un til a few years ago. She found him clean of life, honest, will ing, capable. He won her full confidence in his capacity and in his integrity and she gave him a trust that the richest man in Raleigh would have felt it an honor to receive. The estate is worth nearly a million doll ars and it is to be held in trust. That this unknown young man should have been entrusted with equal power with Judge Womack in so important a mat ter contains a moral. Mr. Durfey owes his success to his industry, integrity and good sense. While other young men, enjoying what the world calls superior advantages, were spending the time in loafing, playing pool, and pleasure, young Mr. Durfey won a place and a confidence mat gives mm a position among Raleigh's most trusted leaders. The road to success lies along the path trod by this young man. It is proper to state that when he came to Raleigh, he became a regular attendant upon Sunday school and church, and was as unostentatious in his religious life as in his business. That is the type of 3roung men the world needs and when such young men have capacity, there is always promotion for them." New York's Tremecdous Debt. The annual report of the Comptroller of New York city shows that the municipal debt on October 31 last -was over a billion dollars. The exact a raount. according to the Comp troller's figures was $1,010,712, 478. New York has never been content with anything short of "the biggest," and this ambi tion is fully gratified by the proportions of its funded debt. It is probably bigger than the debt of any other city in the world. It exceeds by a hundred million dollars the interestbear ing debt of the United States. It is larger than the great sum that Germany extorted from France and which was expect ed to cripple the Empire for years. It is bigger than the imperial debt of Germany. The annual interest on it at 4 per cent is 810,000,000 a sum probably greater than the cost of governing in any city in A merica, and nearly double the net amount of the funded debt of Baltimore. The size of this debt is preposterous, and it is increased year by year. There is a clause in the Constitution of the State of New Y'ork which limits the debt of any city to 10 per cent ot the assessment of real estate. This limit was pass ed by New York city long ago, and the constant effort has been to "jack" up the assessments in order to justify the debt and the increase which takes place year by year. Pav day must come some time," and New York city is put ting upon posterity a burden which will be intolerable. Baltimore Sun. DID POWELL MARRY HIS OWN DAUGHTER? A Case of Extraordinary Complications in Supreme Court. One of the most remarkable cases ever tried in the courts of North Carolina was argued , on appeal, in the Supreme Court yesterday. The appeal is decketed as the State against Powell, and comes up from Halifax county, and was argued by Attorney Gen eral Bickett for the State and Senator E. L. Travis, of Hali fax, for the defendant. There was but one exception in the taking of the appeal, and that was whether certain evi dence that was admitted by the court below was competent. The grand jury found the stat uary indictment applicable to the case, against Powell, upon the charge of having married his own daughter. The defendant denied the charge, and based his defense on the allegation that his pres ent wife is not his child. The mother (now deceased) of the woman he married had been married before she became Mrs. Powell, and the defendant claims that his present wife is the offspring of this former marriage and not his own child, as is alleged. The main question which call ed for settlement in the Supe rior Court was, "Who was the paternal parent of ths existing Mrs. Powell?" Powell had been married pre viously, as well as his second wife, the mother (.admittedly) of his present (third) wife. Powell's chief efforts were to prove that his present wife was the child of his second wife by a previous husband. This he did not succeed in do- ing to tho eatiofu,otion o tho jury, which convicted him The judge sentenced Powel to 18 months imprisonment. Pending the appeal (on the one exception noted above) Powell is at home under bond. The case is a most extraordi nary one, to say the least. The "child" is not wise enough to settle the question, because she evidently does not know her own father. Raleigh News and Observer. The famous little liver pills are De Witt's Little Early Risers. They are afe, sure, gentle and easy to take. When you ask for De Witt's Corbolized Witch Hazel Salve, refuse to accept a substitute or imitation. Do Witt's Car bolized Witch Hazel Salve is good for anything when you need a salve, and it is especi illy good for piles. Sold by E. T. Whitehead Company. A few days after a farmer had sold a pig to a neighbor he chanced t ) pass the neighbor's place, where ha saw their little boy sitting on the ede of the pigpen watching its new occupant. "How d'ye do, Johnny," said he; "how's your pig to-day? "Oh, pretty well, thank you," re plied the boy. "How's all your folks?" Wasp. R A YEAR Meat Milk Butter Ezcs Vegetables-. . . . 300 lbs. . ...240qts. , . . . 100 lbs. . ... 27 dot, 500 lbs. This represents a fair ra tion for a man for a year. But some people eat and eat and grow thinner. This msans a defective digestion unsuitable food. A large size botile of equals in nourishing proper ties ten pounds of meat Your physician can tell you how it does it. FOR SALE BY ALL DKtiaGlSTS Send I0c nr.ms of paper and this ad. frr tmr benutifal Savings Bunk and Child'. Sketch-Book. ach. bank contains a Good Luck Penny. 6C09T & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St. New York Scott's Emulsion Makes the f ool of maximum quality at minimum cost General Lee. It makes little difference whether Robert E. Lee's statue is placed in the Hall of Fame or not. It matters little that Cromwell's statue was for years refused an official place in Eng lish public buildings. It matters little that Cato died while in arms against constituted auth ority. History does not care whether England considers Washington a patriot or a trait or. Lee wrote his name across the heavens indelibly. He carv ed it at tho 1sm of Fame's own statue at Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. He wrote it on the brow of Peace at Appomattox. He traced it in every brick of that institution which he di rected in the years after the war. No blot has ever touched his memory. From the moment that he entered West Point to the day when he journeyed gently to "that undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveler returns," his record, his character and his life were an inspiration. Charleston News-Courier. Strange how many people there are in the world who could hold down the other man's job so much better than does the other man himself. For in stance, did you ever, in your life, see a man who could not run a newspaper better than it was being run? Of course, it is about the same with all profes sions but it does seem that there are more finished and ex pert newspaper men in the county than any other variety of the genus homo, if we are to judge by their own opinions of their own particular capa bilities. Rockingham Post. A few minutes delay in treating some cases of croup, even the length of time it takes to go for a doctor often proves dangerous. The safest way is to keep Chamberlain's cough Remedy in the house, and at the fir t indica tion of croup give the child a dose. Pleasant to take and always cures. Sold by E. T. Whitehead Co. Embarrassed Preadher (reading the first chapter of Jonah, and mak ing the best of the seventeenth verse) "And the Lord prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah; and Jonah was m the er a and Jonah was in the er And the Lord prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah; and Jonah was in the society of the fish three days and three nights." Life. Sore Lungs and Raw Langs. Most people know the feeling, and the miserable state of ill health it in dicates. All people should know that Foley's Honey and Tar, the greatest throat and lung remedy, will quickly cure the soreness and cough and restore a normal condition. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar. Sold by E. T. White head Company. -1. -.7rTr,rt-Jil3FV J..1. IVa-jiw. Friendship. Nothing delights the mind so much as true and sweet friendship. What a blessing it is when there are hearts pre pared for you in which every secret rests securely, whose knowledge you fear less than your own, whose conversation calms your anxieties, whose opinion aids your plan, whose mirth dispels your sorrow, whose very sight delights you. Seneca. "Dr. Thomas' EWtic Oil is the ImH remedy for that often fatal disease croup. Has Iktii used with micrepx in our family for fight years." Mrs. L. Whiteacro, BuH-ilo, N. Y. "Oh, dear, I'm afraid I shall soon be the centre of a great scandal." "What's the trouble?" "I inadvertently slighted a poet yesterday." Detroit Free Press. Stops itching instantly. Chips pilen, eczema, salt, rheum, tetter, itch, hives, herjM'H, scabies Doan's Ointment. At any drug store. Lover Of coure, darling, our en gagement must be kept private for awhile. The Girl Oh, yes, dear. I've told every one not to say a word. Illus trated Bits. More people are taking Foley'fl Kid ney Remedy every year. It is consid ered the most effective remedy for all kidney and bladder troubles that med ical science can devise. Koley'a Kid ney Remedy corrects irregularities, builds up the system, and restores lost vitali; y. Sold by K. T. Whitehead Co. Scott I always thought it waa rough on Adam to rob him of his rib. Mott Yes; but, on the other hand, it was the making of Eve. Boston Transcript. Rowells clogged, sick headache, no fun is it? Why not have that happy face, red cheeks that come with good digestion, llollister's Rocky Mountain Tea makes the bowels work regularly, natural, makes you feel like new. Take it to-night. E. T. Whitehead Co. "lias your wife a good memory?" "I should say she has. I borrowed $1 from her six weeks ago and she hasn't forgotten it yet." Detroit Free Press. People easily constipated dread the winter. Nothing but hard, course men!'. No fruits, no vegetables to k-.p tin- .-tomarh ai-tive. Your 1 .-t relief, your greatest friend now is IIol lister's Rocky Mountain Tea, tin world's tonic physic. Doit to-night. E. T. WhiU head Company. He I dreamed last night I pro posed to a pretty girl. She And what was my answer? Comic Cuts. If you will just take Kodol now and then you need not fear or hesitate to eat all the good food that you want, for Kodol will digest whatever you e;it. Kodol is for weak and sour stoma' h. Kodol is pleasant to take, and it is guaranteed to give relief at once. Sold by E. T. Whitehead Co. 13

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