c ( "The mill will never grind with the water that is passed." THE MONEY YOU SPEND IS GONE. THE MONEY YOU SAVE is the RESERVE POW i:R to help you on to greater things or to keep you from misfortune. Determine to save a certain :iMiount each week, and place it with us on interest. You will be surprised at its growth. Try it ! The Scotland Neck Bank Pioneer Bank of Halifax Comity Scotland Neck, North Carolina INSURANCE! FIRE AND LIFE. Bernard Allsbrook, Fire Insurance. Residence Phone 121. Cash Grocery! A. B. COOK, Prop. L. R. CARTER BUILDING. Thursday, the 19th, I will sell the bfst 15c. Tomatoes at 90 cents per j dozen and best 10c. Tomatoes at 80 .nr; ' r An7m ' Special Announcements. FRENCH OPERA COFFEE AND j Tea, Corby's Washington Bread three ! time? a week, Huyler's Cocoa, Lip-! ton's Jelly Tablets, best Print But-, and Strip?, Naptha and Octagon Soao P "-vde'-s. Tin, Enamel and Iron ' Ware, fud line Hess Stock and Poul trv Powders, full line of Poultry Feed, fancv Cakes, Crackers, Fruits, pfr T fi .Tamps OUR SELF-SHARPEFING Shears supply a long felt want! Never work '". The more you use them the sharper they get. Oat lasc six or dinary pairs, cost less. Full size by mail, :")C. Satisfaction guaranteed r money returned. .Dept. M., Wil lart Manufacturing Company, 323 N. Howard St., Baltimore, Md. FOR SALE. MY PHOTOGRAPH business for sale, complete for trav eling from town to town. Reason tor selling, going west to engage m ' other buriness. Will teach purchas- j er the business. Call on or address, J. F. Oyer, Scotland Neck, N. C. j " -i i.- Mini- , WANTED ONE OR TWO YOKE of good oxen. Afply to The Com monwealth office. WANTED SECOND HAND bags and burlap any kind; any fiuantitv. anv where. Richmond Bae Company .Richmond, Va. 3-17-8t HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CAR of ceiling and flooring. N. B. Josey AN INTELLIGENT PERSON rnay earn $100 monthly correspond ing for newspapers. No canvassing. Send for particulars. - Press Syndi cate, 155373, Lockport, N. Y. f :iiii.j)kkx Teething. Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup has been used fifty years by millions of mothers for their chiMron while teething-, with perfect success. It s-i'jtho.s thechild, softens the gums, allays all pain; ciT'-.i wind colic, and is the best remedy for diar rh a. Sold by all Druggists in every part of the worM. e ?ure an(j ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twen-tv-five cents a bottle. ,10-21-lV Sarn and Stables Burned. Mr. D. A. Madry, who lives just out of town, lost his stables, barn and all his corn and feed by fire Thu rsday morning of last week. Mr. Madry got up about one o'clock to set the comet, and when he looked out he saw a small blaze bet in a moment it burst out all over the feed room. The team and buggies were barely saved. The cause of the fire is unknown, but is supposed to have been caused by rats or spontaneous combustion, as the feed room was filled with pea vines. The loss of building and feed is estimated at from $1,000 to $1,200, with $400 insurance. ome Alcohol Questions Is alcohol a tonic? No! Does it make the blood pure. No! Does it strengthen the nerves? No! Is Ayers jSarsaparillaa tonic?0 Yes! Does T"2?ifS& ! Yes! Does it strengthen the nerves? Yes! s 1 1 the.only tSarsaparOla entirely free from alcohol? Yes,! ask jyour J doctor about this non-alcoholic mediane1WJieapj S your confiHpnrP will hr rnmnlete. r a..,tC.. Lowell, Mas riiDallrnenl Dullwomenl Tkxd y oiien due to constftationj Yet thecurelssoeasv Aver sFUls. askw- THE HOUSE FOR tea: Do you drink Tea?, If so, why not buy it from us ? We have it Green, Black and Mixed, and the quality is good. Yours for good groceries and prompt de livery. J. W. ALLSBROOK. Telephone No. 81. Main Street. LOCAL NEWS. Items Gathered Prom the Town and Country. The big land sale Tuesday. Our farmers are planting peanuts this week. The infant child of Mr. Medford died Tuesday. Charlie The Percheron Stallion will be at VVoolard's stables for a few days longer. See him. The new machinery for the ice factory is being put in position. We will soon be getting home-made ice. The ladies of the Methdist church will serve ice cream and cake on the Graded School grounds after the closing exercises Tuesday night. The Commonwealth appears un der some difficulties this week, for the reason that one of our printers left us Thursday without cause or a moment's notice. The Scotland Neck Dramatic Club will go to Williamston to-night and present "Escaped From The Law." There is a rare treat in store for the Williamston people. Mr. W. G. Dixon, of Raleigh, died Monday morning. He was a brother-in-law of Mrs. Mary Cherry, of Scotland Neck, and has many other relatives in this community. Mr. C. H.James, father of Messrs. Roland and M. G. James and brother of Mrs. T. F. Whitley, of Scotland Neck, died at Wynne, Ark., Friday j night of last week after a short ill ness The cold weather the past week has done great damage to young crops and especially to cotton. others would do so but for the scarcity of seed. The music department of the graded school will be continued un der the efficient management of Mrs. W. R. Bond and-Miss Lizzie Hyman. This department of the graded school is doing good work. The first base ball team of Scotland Neck went over to Enfield Friday and defeated the team of that town by a score of 8 to 5. On Saturday the next size boys went to Enfield and were defeated by a score of 10 to 4 We invite the attention of our readers to the advertisement of Mr. H. H. Moore appearing in this issue. Mr. Moore has opened up a market in J. W. Gardner's old stand and is prepared to serve the town with nice beef, fresh nork. and sausage. He is going to leave no effort unturned to please the public. , The large candle that was display ed in the show window of E. T. Whitehead Company, burned 9 days 10 hours and 48 minutes. Mr. W. H. McDowell was the successful guesser, and Mr. O. J. Moore was his close second, having missed the time only two minutes. The scheme was quite a success and the drug store sold lots of soda water checks. Next Tuesday is gfbing to be a big day for Scotland Neck. At 10:30 o'clock the closing exercises of the graded school will take place and the Junior Order will present a Bible and flag to the school, and there will also be a sale of lots in the after noon. Mr. Raymond C. Dunn will deliver the literary address to the CoVi tVint nic-ht at 8 o'clock. The public is cordially invited to all the vw exercises. There was a fairly good audience at the Baptist church Wednesday night to hear the address by Dr. W. ti. Mr Master on Sabbath Observance The sneaker was introduced by Mr. R E Hilliard. who made a few re marks bv way of introduction. Mr. McMaster is an easy speaker and ap- q1h tn his audience to pay more attention to Sabbath observance. It is greatly to be hoped that the ad dress will do much good. GOOD GROCERIES PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. The Coming, Going and Whereabouts of Our People and Other folks. Mr. D. M. Prince spent a day in Goldsboro last week. Mr. O. G. Minshew, of Marion, S. C, was here Monday and Tuesday. Mr. C. L. Minshew, of " the State Farm near Tillery, was here Tues day. Miss Naomi Robertson, of Ports mouth, Va., is here on a visit to rel atives. Mrs. G. W. Gay, of Richmond, Va., is here on a visit to relatives and friends. Mr. A. P, Kitchin is visiting his brother, Dr. Thurman D. Kitchin, at Lumberton. Mrs. Steuart H. Smith has return ed home after a visit to relatives at Union Springs, Ala. Mr. Forrest Vaughan, of Norfolk, Va., arrived Monday to visit his mother and sister. Col. Jas. Alexander, of Buffalo Springs, Va., is visiting his sister, Mrs. Norfleet Smith. Messrs. Sam Hoffman and H. L. McDowell spent a day or two in Nor folk, Va., this week. Miss Katherine Robertson is at home from Enfield where she has been attending school. Dr. H. I. Clark spent several days this week with his daughter, Mrs. T. D. Kitchin at Lumberton. Rev. J. Edward Hoyle, a ministerial student at Wake Forest College, occupied the pulpit of the Baptist church Sunday morning and night. Mr. Hoyle is a very strong young preacher. Mr. J. Emmet Savage has resign ed his position of salesman for the N. B. Josey Co., and left for his old home in Edgecombe County Sunday. We understand that Mr. Savage will engage in business for himgelf either in Greenville or Zebulon. Rev. Robt. Carraway, of Tarboro, preached for the pastor, Rev. C. A. Jones, at the Methodist Church Sun day morning and at night pleasing both congregations. He preaches the old time gospel the kind we all need. Mr. Carraway was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Carter while here. Tbe Program. The program for the presentation of the flag ancLbible by the Jr. Or der to the Graded School next Tue day will be as follows: Song, "Carolina Carolina," by School. Prayer, by Rev, C. G. Bradley, Rector Trinity Church. Song, "Nearer My God to Thee," by the School. Presentation of Bible, by R. A. McFarland Pastor Baptist Church. Solo, by Miss Emily S. Biggs. Acceptance of Bible for School by E. E. Hilliard Chairman Board Trus tees. Song, "America," by the school Introduction of Speaker, by Hon Claude Kitchin. Address and Presentation of Flag, by Dr. Chas. E. Brewer, Past Grand Councillor. Wake Forest College, N. C. Son. "Red, White and Blue," by school. Acceptance of Flag, by Prof. Ash by W. Dunn, superintendent graded schools. Song, "Dixie," by the school. Raising Flag, by Annie Wilkinson, Gertrude Whitehead, Annie May Prince, Gertrude Kitchin. (Sur rounded by children whose fathers belong to the Junior Order.) Song, "Star Spangled Banner, by school during raising of flag. Benediction, by Rev. " Chas. I Jones, pastor Methodist church. Music and songs under the direc tion of Mrs. W. R. Bond and Miss Lizzie Hyman. The Atlantic Coast Realty Co., of Greenville, N. C. have purchased 10 acres of land from Mr. G. W. Bryan and are this week cutting it up into lots and will offer them for sale at public auction next Tuesday, 24th, inst, beginning at 2:30 o'clock. This T.r,rtv is in two blocks of the main part of town and are ideal lots. If you have never attended a sale of this kind you want to come to this one and hear two auctioneers sell the same lot in concert. A brass band will make music for the occa sion. See large advertisement on ! the front page of this issue. DAWSON D0T1INGS. The Farmers Blue Farmers Uciaa Organized Oilier News. Dawson, N. C, May 16. We were glad to see our old friend, W. E. Lawrence, from Enfield, a few days ago. He says Enfield is on the im proving list. The town lots sold so well we will go down and see the big lots sold at Scotland Neck the 24th and hear the band play. The farmers are looking blue owing to their cotton changing color this cool weather. Mr. Parker has improved the old John Lawrence farm wonderfully. He is looking for a good harvest and a high price this fall. We are very glad that we have a Farmers' Union organized here. Mr. Alfred Barnhill is president and Mr. Lemuel Barnhill is secretary and treasurer. They have about fifteen members and are still growing. Mr, Henry Chesson's little son died at Tillery last Friday morning at 9 o'clock and was burried Satur day afternoon at the old Lawrence hurrying ground here. He was seven years old. Was sick only about four or five hours with membranous croup. Our sympathy is with the bereaved parents. Miss Nannie Deberry is visiting at Tillery. Several around here expect to at tend the big Sunday School Conven tion this week at Washington, D. C. Among them are Miss Ella Stallings, Mr. W. H. Harrington, Mr. and Mrs. Revner Britt, and Mr. E. L. Deber ry. They anticipate a nice time at the Capitol, and will take in all the strange sights and beauties of the great city. We are glad to learn that Mr. P. C. Gregory, of Tillery, is improving so fast. He went to Hot Springs, Arkansas, last week. Messrs. L. E. Roebuck and C. W. White have charge of the Tillery mill now, and will run it this year. "Tom Thumb Wedding." Written for The Commonwealth. Hobgood, N. C, May 16. The Sunbeam Society of the Hobgood Baptist church, under the direction of Mrs. Ed. Ruffin, gave a very de lightful entertainment in the shape of a "Tom Thumb Wedding," on Friday evening, May 13th. The church was very tastefully decorated with evergreens and white roses. The bridal party entered the church to the strains of "Hearts and Flowers," skilfully executed by Miss Marian White, of Hobgood. First in the bridal march came the' ushers, Masters Frank Armstrong and Chauncey Leggett; the ushers were followed by the brides-maids and grooms-men,- Miss Jessie Bradley with Master Robert Shields, Miss Eva Kitchin White with Master Les- ie Long, and Miss Elizabeth White with Master Humber White; then came the flower girl, Mis3 Virginia White, who carried a basket of white and red roses; then came the bride, ittle Miss Virginia Wilson, upon the arm of her maid of honor, Miss Mary Hobbs Armstrong; they were met at the altar by the groom, Master Ralph Bradley, and his best man, Master William Herring, where the vows were taken by Master Hubert Jenkins. The bridal party left the church in reverse order. The bride and her maids were beautifully and tastefully dressed in white and car: ried bouquets of ferns and roses, while the groom and grooms-men wore black dress suits. After the wedding ice cream and cake were served on the lawn and quite a handsome sum was realized. Colored Scbool Closes. The colored graded school closed Friday night. The enrollment the past year has been larger than ever before and the average attendance higher. Thomas Shields and Carrie Powell, the teachers, who were re elected at the last meeting of the trustees, have been faithful and painstaking in their work and have done much good. The exercises Friday night were quite interesting; the pupils had been well drilled and knew their pieces well. Mr. Hilliard, chairman of the board of trustees delivered the certificate that was given, and made a few remarks. Mr. Ashby W. Dunn also made a brief talk. Spring Hill Commencement. The closing exercises of the Spring Hill school of whom Miss Bessie Hancock is teacher, will occur next Thursday night, May 26th., be ginning at 8:30. After the exercises Dr. A. S. Hrrrison, Supt. of Public Schools, of Halifax county, will address the school. The public is cordially invited to attend. r A touch of rheumatism, or a twinge of neuralgia, whatever the trouble is, Chamberlain's Liniment drives away the Dain at once and cures the com plaint auickly. First application gives relief. Sold by E. T. White head Company. Breathe t3 ,p V.'C to cure f! No stomach dosing breathe tfca pleasant, healing, gam-killing ail of Hyoraei, and cure I CATARRH, COUGHS, COLDS. CROUP, SORE THROAT. BRONCHITIS, ETC. CJ Complete outfit, including hard ruboer in haler, $ 1 .00, on money-back plan. Extra bottles, 50c. Druggists everywhere, and by t. T. Whitehead Company. Closing Exercises at Scotland Neck Graded School. Tuesday, May 24th., is commence ment day at the Scotland Neck Graded School. Tuesday morning, ai announced elsewhere in these columns, the Junior Order of Amer ican Mechanics will present a Bible and an American flag to th? school. Dr. Brewer, of Wake Forest, will make the presentation speech. (Full particulars in another column.) Tuesday evening, at half after eight o'clock the closing exercises will be held, at which time Mr. Raymond C. Dunn, of Enfield, will deliver the commencement address. The public is cordially invited. Messrs. Hardy Hardware Com pany have just received a stock cf the celebrated Carpenter-Morton Roofing. This Roofing is a veiy tough, elastic, rubber-like coating, which is guaranteed to last and wear for many years. It is cheaper than shingles, steel, or tin, and is much more durable. A little booklet, free, tells about it. The more you eat Quaker Oats the better your health will be. Practical experi ments with athletes show Quaker Oats to be the greatest strength maker. Packed in regular size pnekatres. and in her metically sealed tins tor hot climates. 56 New Market! Having bought out fplaw the market business of J. W. Gardner, 1 old stand on Main street, and shall keep on hand the very best beef, fresh pork, sausage, etc., and shall do my best to please the trade, giving all the time good weights and prompt attention to all orders. H. H. MOORE Scotland Neck, N. Carolina. Wanted To buy good beef cattle, country hams, eggs, chickens, etc., at the highest market price. YOU HAVE KEEN GUESSING HOW LOXCi I will be in Scotland Neck mak ing Photographs. I will relieve you of the sus pense by telling you JUST ONE WEEK MORE OYER'S CUTE STUDIO Main Street Hotel A F L Y E R A T ADVERTISING IN THIS PAPER IS NOT AN AEROPLANIC EXPERIMENT ! Our rates are right they let people know your goods and prices are right. Run a series of ads. in this paper. If results show, other con ditions being equal, speak to us or write us about a year's contract :: :: :: :: THAT PLAN NEVER LOST A MERCHANT ONE PENNY ! .-3 THjytglNY AY! As a pl ot; i ti.:t ar;n'n:-t rainy days .sivu as much as possible dm in- hi ijrht. days, and put it to work ill the Bank. Your Bank account will lw like a shelter in time of stress and storm. One cannot make too firm a decision to save. Let us be a help to you in making your money grow. 4 Per Cent. Ingres!, Corr-pcur.cled Quarterly, allowed in srivir&s DLPARTricrn. Planters & Commercial Bamk, Scotland Nkk, Kort Carolina. Claude Kitchin, President. O. J. IvIookk, CaAier. i;T.vm.isiii:n lwr.o. HOME LIPE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Old, Sfrono, Relis&e. :-: Assets, $23,626,0 1 5.63 WHY NOT h-.ive your WIFE or DEN1JFICIARY a "MONTHLY INCOME" take the place cf your salary or earning power when vou are Ltor.ej,? LET US SHOW YOU! Vc ha:,'xrtract A Kuialcr cf Good Agency Positions are Open in This State. Write U. NOR FLEET S. SMITH. State Apent, 101-5 Merchant!; N..titni:l H:ink lUiildintr. RALEIGH, N. C. If you wish to set aside a certain portion of your means, where it will be available for immediate use, open an account with thia bank. You will find no other arrangement more convenient, t per cent, interest paid in our Savings Department. B A VK O F K X F I F I, n ENFIELD, N. C. WARNING I 4 I Those who suffer from Headaches, Neuralgia, and (irippaehes, please take notice tlmt if they do not wish to be. relieved, don't use DUOM A LUIXE. At Fountains 5c, and in 10c, 25c. and 50c bottles, for ssle by f.. T. ?;iitcheo4 Company. A r ' -- 0 3 to 16 H. P. Mounted or stationary. No trouhle to start trnnhlo to kepn uo. Uses k-ss choline than other ermines. Letter cooling system. Sold on Letter terms at lower prices, and fully guaranteed. Send for Catalogue. h J. C0RDLE, Agent, Littleton, N. C. IS! -. m n ir The State Department at Ualeih has place KINK PKItf III Test Kami for the benefit of this section. 1 lie horse will spend alternate weeks this reason at the lest Farm and Scotland Neck. The Pee will be $10.00 in Advance. A rare opportunity to STOCK at little cost. P 3 H. FLORIST, Raleigh, North Carolina. Roses, Carnations. Violets and other cut flowers X in season. Shower and IMnin Roquets for wedding. Kloral designs and flowers for all occasions. I alms, Kerns all kinds of pot and outdoor bedding plants ? rniil 1 i n 1 1 plants. II. Sti;lnmi:tz, SAN1TRSY Spray Coir.peiiv5; I am agent for the F. J. Bob Su no tary Spray Company, manufacturers of Sanitary Spray Compounds, Ato mizers, etc. Several of these Spray ers are being u.-;ed in Scotland Neck j and are giving general satisfaction. Ihey are endorsed by health boards, school boards, police boards, hos pital institutions, merchants and in- I di victuals. ineir use win intm i diseases by keeping down the riui. I and destroying germs. For further information call on or write J. E. WoOLARl, Agent, Scotland Neck, N. C. foiixs Orino Laxative f9nJ&9VilPOV Si CONTI PAT tQ:i WOO Available ! t 4 Tiie Best Engine In The. World, THE STICKNEY No Has rk "N T"i I placed a :UON STALLION at Uic liccoi nhe IMIMIOVK YOUR KAItM J J ,1 I V i Mmmm 4 rionsi, naie.ii, v. REPAIR WORK! I pm tire pared to repair : '! Uimh of SFAVING MAOHiNKS. anv make. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Write or call tn m: at Scotland Neck, N. C. J. T. HARDY, Agent for Singer ond Wheder & Wilson . Sewing Machines. m- nir ll im worKi I am prepared to do all kinds of Tin and Slate Roofing, Guttering and Impair Work. At your service s any tin e and will go anywhere. y L. M. BARNES, 3-10-it Scotland Neck. N. .nviwi .i . i i 'mvns ami veiretuuie I "4 r i tt it si J! if ill