t t I The i Up-Building Of This Bank is due to the fact that we have ample capital and that we have adhered to a policy which has been conservative, yet along j i r. x re s s i v e lines. We offer to our customers modern facilities for the prompt and proper transaction of their financial affairs; ample vault and safe room for stor in;: and safeguarding of their money, notes, insurance poli cies and other valuable papers, and such liberality of treat ment as is consistent with pru .lent banking. YOUR account is cordially s-.:': cited .5 Tile Scotland Keck Bank Pioneer Bank of Halifax County -o.dand Neck, North Carolina I 50 Per Cent Off ( the regular premium for first five years given on The JefTer- sun Standard New Ideal 20 Pay Life Policy. It will pay you V) :n esuyaie. t i Bernard ftUsbrook. Special Announcements. JUST PUT IN OUR STOCK A fu'l line of Varnish Stains. Desira ble colors. Prices right. Edwards Company. JUST RECEIVED NEW SEWING .Machines in Drop-Head and Cabinet -tyles. Tin-year written guarantee ;vith each Machine. Prices lowest. Edward-; & Company. CAP. LOAD OF COOK STOVES. Hardy Hardware Company. CAR LOAD OF COOK STOVES. Hardv Hardware Company. CAR LOAD OF COOK STOVES. Ifardy Hardware Company. WE HAVE A CAR OF 7i PER CtT.t. Cotton Seed Meal for sale. Vrn? ."ick. Dowers-White Lum- '-.' ' "!; . a iv. ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN start a mail order business at hc.i-. No canvassing. Be your own boss. Send for free booklet. Te:!s how. Heacock, A5272, Lock Vk X. Y. CAR LOAD OF COOK STOVES Hardy Hardware Company. AN INTELLIGENT PERSON mr.y earn -?100 monthly correspond ing for newspapers. No canvassing. S-end for particulars. Press Syndi cate, B5373, Lockport, N. Y. , W ANTE D COSMOPOLITAN Magazine requires the services of a representative in Scotland Neck to lok after subscription renewals and to extend circulation by special met hods which have proved unusually successful. Salary and commission. Previous experience desirable but not essential. Whole time or spare time. Address, with referenecs, H. C. Campbell, Cosmopolitan Mag azine, 1789 Broadway, New York City. CiUI.DIlES TEETHING. . 'Vin ,'o-v'n Son'hi'ur Syrup has been used 'j ' v i.fty years by millions of mothers for their c'.H i.vn whik- tethin.T. with perfect success. It th!:hiM. softens the jrums, allays all pain; - !: ! .. -imi eo!ie. and is the bnst remedy for diar "' . Sold by ail Druzgif.la in every part of t . j . f,-' j. i-ure and ask for "Mr.. Wir.s'.ow's K '''rim:( Svrup," and take no other kind. Twen-lv-. . (-ert :. jJ0tt!e. 10-21-lv Grzdud The Scotland Neck Graded Scoool id begin its fall session next Mon- jth. Trie faculty is as Superinten Jlark, Prin- THE HOUSE FOR GOOD GROCER IE crabs: We have just received a CASE OF McMENAMIN'S FRESH DEVILED CRABS. With each can of Crabs we give you a box of Shells FREE. FRESH CAKES and CRACKERS arrive every day. Don't f orget CORBY'S BREAD and FOX RIVER BUTTER. J. W. ALLSBROOK. Telephone No. 81. Main Street. A DELIGHTFUL DANCE. Some Local Items. It has heen wet this week. will meet County commissioners at Halifax Monday. to- We enter the first fall month day. Send us your next order for job printing. We will give you good mate rial and at a reasonable price. As we went to press last week E E. Powell was being tried in Halifax court for selling whiskey in Scotland Neck. Judge Furgerson gave Pow ell 30 davs in iail unon payment of all the cost. Prof. J. B. Aiken conducted ser vices at the Methodist church Sun day morning. There was no service at night the congregation attended the last service by Mr. McFarland at the Baptist church. Our printer made us say last week that Mr. R. J. Madry would make over 6 bales of cotton to the acre, when in fact we intended saving more than a bale to the acre. The joke has been on the editor. That advertising pays goes with out saying. The Josey Hardware Company tells us that they have sold quite a number of gasoline En gines that were advertisd in these columns the past two weeks. It was very rainy and wet Sunday night, yet an appreciative audience greeted Rev. R. A. McFarland at the Baptist church to hear his last sermon. Two persons vere received into the church by baptism. Mr. Claibourne Smith has resign ed his position with the E. T. White head Co. and will attend theWarren on high school this fall. Mr. Edward Woolard is filling the position made ;acant by the resignation of Mr. Smith. Af ter'finishing the criminal dock et last week court adjourned until Monday when the civil docket was taken up. The grand jury found a true bill in the Minshew case, but it villi not come up for trial before the November term of court. Mr. L. Waxman, cf Baltimore, Md., under the firm name of The Baltimore Underselling Store is now pening up in the E. W. Staton store on Main streets, a nice stock of ladies and Men's ready-to-wear goods, such as clothing, shoes hats ladies suits, waists and jackets. Read Mr. Waxman's large advertisement '.n another column and then visit his 5tore. 3oarding Department cf the Scotland Neck Graded School. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. The Coming, Going and Whereabouts of Our People and Other Polks. !hy. Sept. Jesse Buxton Aiken, uVit; Miss Anna Barrow TVachfirs of Hitrh School Depart in? nt Miss Annie Merrian Josey, j for meals, etc Miss Anna Barrow Clark, Jesse t5ux ton Aiken. First Grade Miss Mary Herbert Si-nith. Second Grade Miss Eleanor Stu art Smith. Third Grade Miss Rebecca Hill Shields. Fourth Grade Miss Bessie A. Hancock. Fifth Grade Miss Anna Maria Kitchin. Sixth Grade Miss Annie Elizabeth Dunn. Seventh Grade Miss Annie Mer ) inn Jo.-.ey. Fighth, Ninth and Tenth Grades Mi-o Anna Barrow Clark, assisted by Superintendent. .. Music Mrs. W. R. Bond, Miss Elizabeth W. Hyman, teachers. There seems to be a general de mand for a regularly established hoarding department at the Scotland Neck graded school that will give che boys and girls of the county an opportunity to make use of the ad vantages offered at this school. The superintendent is not in a position to take boarders; but realizing that parents who send their childern away from home to school want them to be under the authority of some re sponsible person, he has decided to take the boys into his home and has arranged for table board for them nt a convenient p'ace. There is room for 16 boys in the superintendants Home and boys placed in his care will be looked after by him personally as o their habits, hours of study, hours Arrangements can be made to se cure board and lodging.for girls in private families. The superintend ent will be glad to co-operate with the patrons of the school who live outside of the district in making the best arrangement possible for their sons and daughters. Any one hav ing boys or girls to send off to school should investigate the advantages offered by the Scotland Neck graded school before deciding where to send ti cm . The superintendent will be in his office every day and will be glad to see or correspond with any one who is interested. J. B. Aiken, Supt. ot a Drop of Alcohol f What is a "tonic"? A medicine that increases the strengtn 'or tone of the whole system. What is an "alterative"? a medicine mat aivci -,,ul,w j "V o healthy action. Name the best "tonic and alterative t Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the only Sarsaparilla entirely free, from alcohol. Ask vour own doctor all about it. Never take a medicine doctors cannot endorse. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. VVilhout daily action oi the bowels poisonous products us? f.V1" syt?" e impure blood, biliousness, headache. Ask your doctor about Ayer s Pills for constipation. Mrs. R. F. Coleman visited in Wei don this week. miss Eleanor Smith is visiting in Rocky Mt., this week. mrsJNorneet Smith left for her home in Raleigh Tuesday. T IT T-r t -- - ivir. narry L,ee McDowell is visit ing at Winston-Salem this week. Mr. George Strong has returned to Raleigh after a visit to relatives here. Miss Rebecca Smith left Tuesday for Raleigh when she will visit relatives. Mr and Mrs. W. T. Butterworth are spending sometime at Buffalo Springs. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Josey are spending sometime at Buffalo Springs. Master Perry Tadlock, of Windsor, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Walter tlancock. Mrs. SalJie H. Strong and daugh ter returned to their home in Ral eigh Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Marks spent several days the past week with rela tives at Whitakers. Mr. Sam Strickland left Wednes lay for Richmond, Va., to accept a position in a shoe store. Miss Lillian Bristow, of Ports mouth, Va., is visiting relatives and friends here this week. Mr. J. B. Edwards left Monday for Baltimore and New York to buy goods for Edwards &Co. Mr. R. F. Coleman was called to Daisy, Va., several days ago on a?- ount of the illness of his father. Mr. John L. Hooker is in the northern markets this week buying fall goods for W. T. Hancock Co. Miss Marguerite Higgs, of Green ville came Saturday to visit her grand-mother, Mrs. M. A. Shields. Mr. R. H. Smith left Tuesday for Raleigh to spend a few days before returning to his work in Richmond, Va. Mrs. J. P. Wimberley and Miss Nina Wells returned Tuesday after spending some days with relatives near Rocky Mount. Mr. T. R. Walker.Jr., of Littleton, was here Thursday in the interest of the Merchants Journal and Com merce, of Lynchburg. Miss Clara Pope, of Spring Hill, and Misses Barbara and Willie Ed wards, of Rocky Mount, visited Miss Viola Edwards, last week. Mr. Solon Vaughan, of Ports mouth, Va., visited his sister, Mrs. II. T, Hancock, last week. He was accompanied by Mr. Eddie Glover. Miss Helen M. Prescott, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. C. G. Bradley, left Wednesday for Rich mond and from there she will go to Washington, D. C. to visit relatives. Mr. Albion Dunn, of Greenville, was a pleasant visitor hre several days of the past week. Mr. Dunn tells us that he likes his new home and that Greenville is a growing and prosperous town. Mrs. A. McDowell has returned from Sarah Leigh Hospital at Nor folk, Va., where she underwent an operation some weeks ago. Mrs. McDowell is yet very weak, but otherwise is getting along very well. Gov. and Mrs. W. W, Kitchin and children returned to Raleigh Thurs day after spending two weeks with Mrs. Maria Kitchin and other rela tives. Mrs. Kitchin continues to improve and is now able to go to the dining room for her meals. Messrs. B. F. and Jas. M. Tillery, Dr. R. M. Johnson, G. W. Bryan, G. K. Moore, Bal four and Lonnie Dunn, A. B. White, Walter Hancock, E. A. Lilley, F. P. Shields and all his over seers are among those from this sec tion that are attending the farmers' convention in Raleigh this week. Rev. R. A. McFarland and family left Tuesday for Suffolk, Va., where Mr. McFarland enters upon his work as pastor of the first Baptist church of that city. The going away of of these people is cause for general regret. Mr. McFarland was not on ly very popular with his own congre gation, but was loved by all who came in contact with him. The Iroquois German Club gave its August german Tuesday night in Madry 's opera house. Excellent music was furnished by Forbes' Or chestra, of Washington, N. C. Mr. H. T. Clark, in his usual grace ful style, led many new and intricate figures. These, with such a large crowd, showed Mr. Clark's ability as a leader. Ihe following couples participa ted: H. T. Clark with Miss Helen Lamb, of Henderson; W. H. Mc Dowell with Miss Anna Clark; A. W. Darden with Miss Nannie Smith; A. B. Hili with Miss Annie Fenner; Peter Shields with Miss Stella Hoff man; L. L. Cherry with Miss Cor nelia Josey; J. W. Cotton with Miss Hattie Leggett; Chas. Lamb with Miss Rebe Shields; Julian A. Pitt rnan with Miss Estelle House; Dr. J. . Shields with Miss Burgwyn, ot Jackson; Surry Dunn with Miss Emma Purvis; Gavin Flyman with Wiss Lucile Kitchin; Mills Kitchin with Miss Mary Lamb; Claibourn Smith with Miss Laura Clark; S. B. Kitchin, Jr., with Miss Ruby Dar den; Robert Dunn with Miss Nannie Shields; W. H. Kitchin with Miss Lucile Leggett; Irwin Clark with Miss Mattie Josev; C. H. Herring with Miss Nannie Lamb. A New Enterprise. We are pleased to record a new firm and new business for Scotland Neck. The style of the firm is the j G. C. Weeks Auto Co., and they will handle the Overland Automobiles. This is a well known automobile. It is a light running machine, simple in construction and easy to adjust. A sample of these machines will be on exhibition at the store of the Josey Hardware Co., in the next few days. Hsrmony for Dress. 1 5 NO MATTER HOW SMALL, NO MATTER HOW LARGE, PLANTERS 6c COMMERCIAL i Bank ( WILL GIVE IT PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION. 4 Per Cent, interest (compoun led quarterly) allowed in our A beautiful woman also studies the harmony of painting a well kept home; takes care to have the hoir- : painted with paint that will continue to look bright, clean and fresh look-; ing. The L. & M. never becomes dingy, because only chemically pure colors are used; only the finest White lead: only the puresf Linseed Oil; only expert pasnt-makers pro duce it with machinery a thousand gallons at a time. Contrast this with the costly and crude production of White Lead Paint made by hand labor with a stick in a pot a few gallons at a time. L. & M. is sold by Hardy Hardware Co. 4 DEPARTMENT 0. J. Moore, Car.hu r. j Claude Kitchin, President. POSTED : I All the lands formerly owned by j Tin Work! The North Carolina Lumber Com pany, against hunting, fishing, or trespassing of any kind. Halifax Land Co. I am prepared to do all kinds of jTin and Slate Roofing, Guttering j and Repair Work. At your services j any time and will go anywhere. L. M. BARNES, S. F. Dunn. Agent. ; 3-10-4t Scotlard Neck, N. C. . fji n 11 Jl Sato SISi OEEp Watch the opening of UNDERSELLING STOi a! the stand States ssi Scotland Neck, THE BALTIMORE E, which will be open recently - occupied by E. W. on or about MM With a complete new stock of Ladies' and Men's Ready-to-Wear Goods, such as Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Ladies' and Hen's Purnishinas, Ladies' Soils, Skirts, Waists and Jackets; also a full line of Children's Clothing. A Special Line of Boy's and Misses' SciiooB Siioes ! Our aim is to give you the BEST MERCHANDISE for the LEAST v t i r nd see our LOW PKlChb. Uur Honesty and Square MONEY. Come arouna an Dealing will one and all. make Drop you once our customer, always our customer. Hope to see you, whether you buy or not, and let's get acquainted. in L. WAXMAN, Proprietor. ' The Commonwealth LPrint, StjMdek. C. mt Underselling Store,. Scotland Neck, N. C. 0 EB32S 9 1 3 i t V 4