The . Up-Building Of This Bank is due to the fact that we have ample capital and that we have adhered to a policy which has been conservative, yet along progressive lines. We offer to our customers modern facilities for the prompt and proper transaction of their financial affairs; ample vault and safe room for stor ing and safe-guarding of their money, notes, insurance poli cies and other valuable papers, and such liberality of treat ment as is consistent with pru dent banking. YOUR account is cordially solicited.! The Scotland Neck Bank Pioneer Bank of Halifax County Scotland Neck, North Carolina 50 Per Cent Off the regular premium for first five years given on The Jeffer son Standard New Ideal 20 Pay Life Policy. It will pay you to investigate. Bernard Allsbrook. Special Announcements. FARM LANDS TO RENT WILL lease for a term of three years dwell- ,' ing and other houses and cleared and except the land now occupied : by Andrew Savage, on the Ferrall place near Scotland Neck, N. C. Address offers to W. H. Milton. Ma rianna, Fla. 9-15-4t 50 BARRELS IRISH POTATOES in good sound condition $1.75 per barrell. J. B. Hall. 3t. WE HAVE A CAR OF 7J PER cent. Cotton Seed Meal for sale. Come quick. Bowers-White Lum ber Company. ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN start a mail order business at home. No canvassing. Be Y?UJ j own boss. Tells how. port, N. Y. Send for free booklet Heacock, A5272, Lock t es i PINE TIMBER FOR SALE.-ALL 0S"es" on,th cTpIetion ?.f Mr" of the pine timber eight inches in G- Hoffman s handsome residence, diameter and above, on the Ferrall ! It is going to be one of the most place at Scotland Neck, N. C, is for j modern equipped houses in this en sale. Address offers to W. H. Mil-1 tiro prtinn ton, Marianna, Fla. 9-15-4t Children Teethixg. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It Hcthes thechild, softens the gums, allays all pain; mres wind colic, and is the best remedy for diar rhoea. Sold by all Druggists in every part of the world. Be sure and ask for. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup." and take no other kind. Twenty-live cents a bottle. 10-21-1 v A Home Marriage. There was a quiet home marriage at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Edmunds, in Scotland Neck, on Wednesday, 14th inst., when Mr. Ernest F. Allsbrook and Miss Eron Allien Pope were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, Elder A. J. Moore, of Whitakers, officiating. There was present a large number of friends of the contracting parties, gathered to witness the ceremony. The Commonwealth joins their many friends in extending congratu lations and best wishes for a long and prosperous journey through life. Fertilizer From Tfce Air. It sounds good to hear from the Dukes that the Southern Power Com pany will at a near date produce fertilizer from the air, by an electro chemical process having already under construction, mammoth power plants for obtaining immediate re sults. The company announces that it has been working to this end since Hydro-electrical developments be came a verity. The result of this discovery is possibly the greatest boon that has heretofore fallen to the good luck of the farmer. And it is vouched for, the farmer may operate his own plant, producing fertilizer, practically at his door. The great results which may be obtained seem almost inestimable. High Point En terprise. T onic or Stimulant? There is an immense difference between a tonic and a stimulant. Up one day, way back the next; that's a stimulant. Steady progress day by day toward perfect health; that's a tonic. Ayer's Sarsaparilia is a tonic, -a strong tonic. The only Sarsaparilia entirely free from alcohol. Do not stimulate j) ne knows. Ask him. Do as he Constipation is the one great cause of sick-hcadache, biliousness, indigestion, bad breath, debility, nervousness. Has your doctor ever recommended Ayer's Pills to you? the ii o t: s k for good groceries - ,. A LITTLE TIME I We appreciate your business and we are working harder than ever to take care of your orders, but once and awhile it is impossible for us to send an order immediately; so we ask that you bear with us just a little while, and we assure you safe delivery. Corby's Bread Fresh every Monday, Wednesday.Friday And Saturday. J. W. ALLSBROOK. Telephone No. 81. Alain Street. LOCAL NEWS. terns Gathered From the Town and Country. To-day is the beginning of Fall. it is now time to begin preparing for winter. Send us that item of news and thereby help us to get out a better paper. ine nrst new cotton ot tne season was sold on our market Friday and brought 131 cents. We would appreciate your next order for job work. Prices and workmanship guaranteed. Rev. J. S. Wood will preach at the Methodist church to-night (Thurs day). The public cordially invited." It is either dust or mud one all the time on our streets. How long will the business men of the town stand for it? Some of our young men are be ginning to ship grapes to Winston Salem and other cities. Do vou catch the point? We are still compelled to remind our delinquents that we need what they owe us on subscription. Please send it to us right away. Crops are said to be coming in short, and especially is this true of cotton and peanuts. Both have a ,arge weed but fruit ig scarce The Thompson Orphanage Guild will hold a public meeting at the -Graded School auditorum Monday evening at 8:30 o'clock. The public cordially invited. The contractor, Mr. J. R. Askew, has Mrs. C. W. Dunn's residence at the north end of Church street about completed and she will move there at an early date. Mr. T. L. House brought us a sweet potato last week that weighed three pounds and fourteen ounces and measured around eighteen inch- Who can beat it? The workmen are making good j The cotten seed oil mill under new ; management is ready for the buying of seed and ginning cotton. They have an increase of capitol and will make the seed market lively. Further announcement next week. j We hope soon to hear the whistle ; of the Bowers-White Lumber Com I pany in our town. There is a plan j on foot to have this large plant re moved here. .Let it come, tor we need more enterprises with large pay-rolls. Our merchants have about all re turned from the northern markets and their stores are rapidly filling up with nice new goods. Watch our columns for the advertisement of the live, progressive merchants for the announcement of the merchants that want your trade bad enough to ask for it. The Four Pickerts will close a three nignts' engagement at the Madry opera house to-night (Wed nesday). This company has been coming here for years, and they have more than sustained their former high reputation on this visit. They give a high-class performance each night, and the crowds go away well pleased. Their closing bill for to night (Wednesday) is "Beyond Par don." Mrs. Tburman Kitchln Arrives. Mrs. Thurman Kitchin and her lit tle son arrived in the city yesterday afternoon from Scotland Neck to join Dr. Kitchin, who has been practicing in Raleigh for several months. At present they will be with Governor and Mrs. Kitchin at the Mansion. To Dr. and Mrs. Kitchin is extend ed a warm welcome by the people of Raleigh. News and Observer. unless your doctor says so. says. j.c.AycrCo.,LcvocU,Mass. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. The Coming, Going and Whereabouts of Our People and Other Polks. Dr. A. C. Livermon spent Tuesday at Roxobel. Miss Mildred Edwards is attending Meredith College. Mrs. A. L. Livermon is visiting at Roxobel this week. Mr. N. B. Josey has been out town on a busines trip this week. Mr. John Hatten, of New York City, is here on a visit to friends Mr. C. L. Burgess returned Mon day from a visit to relatives in En field. Sheriff J. A House, of Thelma. was nere tor a short while Thurs day. Mr. Chester Prince, of Norfolk, Va., is visiting his brother, Mr. D. M. Prince. Miss Lizzie Leggett, of Norfolk, is visiting at the home of Mr. J. G. Moore on Route No. 1. Mrs. Dixon, of Ayden, has been a pleasant visitor at the home of Mrs. C. F. Burroughs this week. Rev. C. G. Bradley went to Hali fax Sunday morning and conducted services at St. Mark's church. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Berry, of Ayden, visited their daughter, Mrs. C. F. Burroughs, the past week. Mr. T. M. Allsbrook, of Weldon. was here Sunday and Monday with his mother, Mrs. Annie Allsbrook. Rev. Asa P. Gray, a ministerial student at Wake Forest College, preached for the Scotland Neck Bap tist congregation Sunday morning and night. Mrs. R. E. Hancock returned from Asheville Friday, where she has been for some time with Mr. Hancock. She reports Mr. Hancock as doing fairly well, but it will be several weeks before he can return home. Pretly Marriage at Pert Norfolk. Mr. John f. Bush, of Portsmouth, Va., and Miss Dora Dean Allsbrook, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom mie Allsbrook, of Portsmouth, were united in marriage on September 8th, 1910, at 3:30 p. m., by Rev. Jacob, of the Port Norfolk Baptist church. The bride wore a gray suit with hat and gloves to match. The bridesmaid was Miss Effie Saunders, of Newport News, Va., and Mr. Paul Allsbrook, a brother of the bride, was best man. The bride is a very pretty and at tractive young lady. The groom is a very popular business man of Portsmouth. They went on a honeymoon to the groom's father's in North Carolina. Thev will reside on their return at 136 Rose street, Portsmouth, Va. Delayed Attention Costs Money. Your house wears out if not pain ted. It costs more to repair it than it costs to paint it. It don't cost much to paint with the L. & M. Paint, because 4 gallons of L. & M. Paint and 3 gallons of Linseed Oil makes seven gallons of ready-for-use paint at a cost of about $1.60 per gallon. You can mix yourself. Thirty-five years use in every part of the United States proves it. Atlan tic City & Pittsburgh Fence Tests, made by the Master Painters Asso ciation, prove it. Sold by Hardy Hardware Company. Death of Mrs. John H. Baker. Sarah Elizabeth Griffin, of Halifax county, N. C, was born March 3rd, 1848. In 1865 she was united in mar riage to Mr. John H. Baker. To this union there were eight children born, five girls, and three boys. Mrs.Baker has been confined to he r room for seven months. The writer was to' see her last week, talked with and prayed for her. She said that she was trusting the Saviour. Monday morning, Sept. 19, 1910, near six o'clock she surrendered, and fell into the chilly embrace cf death. Funeral services at the home. Her remains were laid to rest in the Bap tist cemetery. May the Lord comfort the bleeding hearts of five living chil dren, the husband", and sisters. Chas. A. Jones. A Card of Thanks. Roanoke Rapids,Sept.20.-Mr.and Mrs. W. S. Hockaday desire to thank the good people of Roanake Rapids for their many kindnesses in the sick ness and death of their daughter, Mary. NEW ENTERPRISES FOR SCOTLAND NECK. There is a Plan on Foot to Build a Railroad to The River. A BIG SAW MILL TO MOVE TO TOWN. We are pleased to record this week that Scotland Neck is soon to have another enterprise that will mean much to the business interest of the town. The Bowers-While Lumber Com pany has bought a large tract 'of timber across Roanoke river and will soon begin the work of cutting it out. In order to get at this timber the lumber company will have to build about four miles of track. Mr. W. H. White, representing the Bowers-White Lumber Company, said to the merchants and business men of Scotland Neck that if they would furnish $2,000, or-build two miles of road, he would locate his plant here and give the town the ad vantages of the large pay-roll. A meeting of the Merchants Asso ciation was held Thursday night and enough money pledged to secure the road and plant. The plan, as we understand it, is to build a six-mile road to some point on Roanoke river, possibly to Smith's landing, on W. E. Smith's farm, where the logs will be brought across the river and then to the saw mill in Scotland Neck. This move is going to mean much for our town and community. Be sides adding a pay-roll it will soon open a freight line from Norfolk that will lower our freight rates ma terially. This can be done by the Norfolk Southern railroad extend ing their steamboats on up Roanoke river from Plymouth. We are anxious to see these enter prises carried through, and The Commonwealth, with its shoulder to the wheel of progress, stands ready to push. Let everybody get busy and talk and work for the town, and we will not only secure the saw mill and six miles of independent railroad, but we will soon add several other new enterprises that will help the town and everybody here. Mission Conference on Methods. The Woman's Missionary Union in conjunction with the Mission Confer ence, embracing the Tv River, Cho wan, West Chowan, Flat River and Roanoke Associations meets in Will- iamston Sept. 27th, 28th, 29th. This Conference will be conducted by the foremost mission leaders of our State. It is earnestly requested that every Missionary Society in the Roanoke Association send a delegate. Please notify Mrs. J. D. Biggs, Jr., Williamston, N. C, at once that en tertainment may be provided. "Can be depended upon" is an ex- n l t i 1 1 pression we all HKe to near, ana when it is used in connection with Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy it means that it never fails to cure diarrhoea. disen tery or bowel complaints. It is plea sant to take and equally valuable for children and adults. Sold by E. T. Whitehead Co. "Slip's a horrid child." said 6-vear old Elsie; "she's forever wishing she was a boy." 'Well." renhed Kittv. also six. "1 sure wish I was. too. Of course, hut she wishes it out loud so the bovs can hear her." Catholic Standard and Time. Kw'sThis? We offer One Hundred Dollars Kc- Tv.'ird for anv case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Ohkxkv & Co., Toledo, O. We. the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially il.le to carry ont any obligations made ,v liJj tirm. WalJinsr. Kinnan & Marvin,, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken mter , , n n. 1,1,1 nallv, acting unx-cuy ujiuu iiwi md mucous surinces of the system, restimonials sent free. Trice, 75e er bottle. Sold by all druggists, Take Hall's Family Tills fir con stipation. Wood's Trade Mark Farm Seeds are best qualities obtainable. Our NEW FALL CAT LOG gives the fullest in formation about all seeds for FALL SOWING. Grasses and Clovers, Vetches, Alfalfa, Crimson Clover, Seed Wheat, Oats, Rye, Barley, etc Catalogue mailed free on re quest. Write for it and prices of any seeds required. T. n. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. NO REASON FOR DOUBT. Statement of Facts Hacked by a Strong Guarantee. We guarantee complete relief to all sufferers from constipation. In every case where we fail we will supply our medicine free. Rexall Orderlies are a gentle, ef fective, dependable and safe bowel regulator, strengthener and tonic. They re-establish nature's functions in a quiet, easy way. They do not cause any inconvenience, griping or nausea. They are so pleasant to take and work so easily that they may be taken by any one at any time. They thoroughly tone up t! o whole system to healthy activity. Rexall Orderlies are unsurpassable and ideal for the use of children, old folks. and delicate persons. We can not too highly recommend them to all sufferers from any form of con stipation and its attendant evils. Two sizes, 10c. and 25c. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies in this community only at pur store The Rexall Store. E. T. Whitehead Company. Wflen Merit Kins. When the medicine you take cure: your disease, tones up your system and makes you feel better, stronger and more vigorous than before. That is what Foley's Kidney Pills do for you, in all cases of backache, head ache, nervousness, loss of appetite, sleepness, and general weakness t hat is caused by any disorder of ihe kid neys or bladder. Sold by all Drug gists. Cj DEFORE ordering MAGAZINES get our El Ej big clubbing catalogue and special of- fl U fers and save NONEY. U SOUTHERN SUBSCRIPTION AGENCY, A Postal Card will do. Raleigh, N. C. For Sale at a Bargain. One 60-saw Winship Gin with feed er and condenser, in good running order. Reason for selling, have closed one gin. Shields' Commissary, 9-15-tf Scotland Neck, N. C. posted : All the lands formerly owned by The North Carolina Lumber Con' pany, against hunting, fishing, or tret passing of any k'nd. Halifax Land Co. S. F. Dunn, Agent. hii World I am prepared to do all kinds of Tin and Slate Roofing, Guttering and Repair Work. At your services any time and will go anywhere. L. M. BARNES, 3-10-4t Scotland Neck. N. C. 1869-1910. Wilscn Allsbrook, Corner of Minth and Main Streets. The same old man At the same old stand. Don't forget when you can't find WHAT YOU WANT, CALL ON ME. Wilson ASlsfrrook, Scotland Neck, N. C. High Class Photographs ! I respectfully announce to the citizens of Scotland Neck and-vicinity that I have located in Scotland Neck opposite the postofF.ce, where I am prepared to furnish any kind of picture known to the art. Cabinet Photo?, per dozen ?3.00 to SS.OO Half Cabinet Photos, per dozen 2..r,il Quarter Cabinet, or Cards, dozen 2.00 PostCards. per drzen l.fjO Minettes, per dozen 75 Ping Pong.;, per dozen 25 As my stay will be limited, all who wish good pictures are requested to call early. Thanking you for past pat ronage and soliciting a continu ance of the same, I am Yours to please, U. P, BADGER. HCLllSTEr.3 Rcs-ry fountain Tea Kuggets A Easy Kedioine for Easy People. Brings Golden Health and Sone-red Vigor. A sweifle for Constipation. In'lipestion, IJv: nnl KMnev Troubles. Piir-pl-1. F.cmh, Imnnrs Uiocd, Bad Breath. Slurrarish Bowels, and BackacTle. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in tal. it form, Sri cents a box. Oonuins made by IIollisteh Drho Company, Madison, Wis E0LDLM NUGGETS TCK SALLCIV PE0PI P Peaveh. Board t takes the place of lalfc, platter and val!-r'-rc' in every type cf bn::r'i.-,rj uw AVLK I3 0ARD Clark Sash & Door Corporation Frank T. Clark, Pres. All kinds of Building Material, write us for prices. NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. Your Banking NO MATTER HOW SMALL, NO MATTER HOW LARGE, The Planters & Commercial Bank WILL GIVE IT PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION. 4 Per Cent, interest (compounded quarterly) allowed in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Claude Kitchin, President. Burroughs-Pittman-Wheeler Co. (Successors to N. D. Josey Company's Undertaking ttusinoss.) Coffins Caskets. A Complete Line of Undertaker's Supplies. t HEARSE SERVICE AT ANY TIME. Burroughs-Pittman-Wheeler Co., Scotland Neck, N. C 9 Always Available ! If you wish to set, asid ii certain portion of your means, when; it will bo available for immediate use, open an account with this bank. You will find no other arrangement more convenient. 1 per cent, interest paid in our Savings Department. 13 A IST Iv O F E X F I F L, I) ENFIELD, N. C. DOOOOOO CKOKOKOCKK00OCK0O0MK CIAS. 1. COMMISSION 36 Roanoke Dock, All classes of produce so hi on commission. Checks sent day of sale. Comparisons invited. Refer to nt.inn:il Kn.nk or and Merchants and Farmers Hank, of Portsmouth, Va. C0-(X0 CK0000000000 WHO IS YOUR DOCTOR? Your doctor don't seek money and does study to preserve your health. We are paint doctors and study to make paints that pro serve your homes and beautify them. Our L. & M. Taint has done it for thirty-five years on inoro than two million American homes. Besides it costs only about $1.00 per gallon, because .'i i;m1 Ions of pure Linseed Oil needs to bo mixed with 4 gallons of L. & M. Paint, thereby making 7 gallons of the best paint in tlx? world. Anybody can mix it in two minutes. Longman & Martinez, Paint Manufacturers, New York. Sold by Hardy Hardware Company. ointments & Gravestones In all First Class Varieties of Marble and Granite. Largest Stock in the South. Remember, we pay tfce ' As we employ no Agems gjj 1 cluded in our prices, i his enables us to use a higher grade of material and to finish it better than otherwise. Is this w H. STEINM o o o FLORIST, Raleigh, Xoutii Carolina. Hoses, Carnations, Violets and other cut flowers in season. Shower and Plain I'oquets for weddings. Floral designs and flowers for all occasions. Palms, Ferns, all kinds of pot and outdoor bedding plants and bulbs. Magnolias, evergreens and vegetable plants. H. Steixmetz, Fiorist, Raleigh, X. C. v $ j East Carolina j Teachers' Training School. A state school organized for and maintained one definite purpose : Training young men and women for teaching. The regular session opens Tuesday, September 13, 1010. For catalogue and informa tion, address ROP.T. II. WRIGHT, Pres., 7-14-3m O. J. Moore, Cashier. Burial Robes. R9BHTIS0N MERCHANT Norfolk, Virginia nm men-p. .orinIlc. c p freight and guarantee safe delivei y. the item of commissions is not in worth considering 7 When in Norfolk call on us. You will find what you want ; see and know what you are buying, and will get it quickly. The Couper Marble Works, (Established 1848.") 159-1G3 Bank St.. Norfolk. V. 0 (ireenvillo. N. C ETZ

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