THE COMMONWEALTH. Published Every Thursday BY J. C. Hardy, Editor Entered at the postoffice at Scotland Neck, N. C, as Second-Class Matter. Thursday, October 20, 1910. Democratic Ticket. For Chief Justice Supreme Court: WALTER CLARK, of Wake County. For Associate Justices Supreme Court: PLATT D. WALKER, of Mecklenburg County. WM. R. ALLEN, of Wayne County. For Corporation Commissioners: H. C. BROWN, of Wake County. W. T. LEE, of Haywood County. For Superior Court Judge 2nd Dis trict: R. B. PEEBLES, of Northampton County. For Solicitor 2nd District: J. H. KERR, of Warren County. For Congress 2nd District: CLAUDE KITCHIN, of Halifax County. Democratic Speaking. Governor W. W. Kitchin will address the people of Halifax county at Enfield on October 21st, at 2 o'clock p. m., and at Roanoke Rapids October 22nd, at 7:30 p. m. Let every voter that can possibly do so hear Governor Kitchin discuss the issues of the day. NEWS FROM HALIFAX. County Ticket. For Senator: A. PAUL KITCHIN. For House of Representatives: P. N. STAINBACK. W. T. CLEMENT. For Sheriff: J. A. HOUSE. For Clerk Superior Court: S. M. GARY. For Register of Deeds: J. H. NORMAN. For Treasurer: J. E. BOWERS. For Coroner: H. W. ROWE. For County Commissioners: W. R. HARVEY. S. P. JOHNSTON. S. T. THORNE, JR. S. G. WHITFIELD. H. A. EDWARDS. Adjutant General Jos. F. Arm field, head of the North Carolina National Guard, died at his home in Statesville Wednesday, Oct. 12th., after an illness of two weeks. It is very important that every voter in North Carolina go to the rlls on November the 8th and cast a ballot for good goverment and a gainst Butler and his bonds, boodle &c. Let the white people wake up and put down Butler and his schemes. Every body get busy from now until the night of the election and Butler and all his crowd will be defeated. Personal Paragraphs. An Approach ing Marriage. Halifax, N. C, Oct. 13 Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Travis went to Panacea Springs on Tuesday to spend several days. Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Duke, of Rocky Mount, spent a day here last week with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Mer chant. Mrs. I. G. Shaw returned last Saturday from Tarboro, where she had been visiting kinspeople. Elder A. J. Moore, of Whitakers, r n visitor here last Friday. He was on his way to Scotland Neck. Mesdames George A. Hux and Van Warren spent Tuesday in En field. Mrs. E. A. Mabry and littleTlaugh- ter Margaret, of Norfolk, are here this week to see relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Sterling M. Gary and Miss Nannie spent last Saturday in Richmond. M. Ferrall McMahon, a clever Richmondite, spent Saturday here shaking hands with friends. Miss Delia Weller, of Norfolk, is here this week to see her brother, J . L. Weller. Miss Margaret Stephenson is spending this week in Rocky Mount with relatives. Mr. Hankins, of Richmond, was a caller here Tuesday on business. Mr. W. E. Fenner, of Rocky Mount, spent Monday here with his parents. Rev. C. G. Bradley filled his regu lar appointment at St. Marks Sun day morning and evening. Cards have been sent out to friends which read as follows: "Mrs. George Gilliam invites you to be present at the marriage of her daughter, Susan Clarv. to Mr. Walter Dawson Bur- 7 well, on Thursday afternoon, the twenty-seventh of October, nineteen hundred and ten, at four of the clock, St. Marks Church, Halifax, North Carolina." Miss Gilliam is among1 the most attractive young ladies of our town, and has a large circle of friends and acquaintances all over the State. Mr. Burwell is a very prominent business man of Henderson. SEE THAT YOU ARE REGISTERED. To the Democratic Voters of Halifax County. , Rpcristration closes Saturday, Oct. 29th, 1910. See that your name is ... . i i on the book, or you will not oe aDie to vote in the most important elect ion since 1898. Tf vnn have become of age since June 1st, 1910, or will become of age on or before Election Day, JNov. tn, and are otherwise qualified you can register and vote without x having paid Poll Tax. I. E. Green. Acting Chr'm. Ex. Com. Halifax Co. The Salisbury Watchman speaks a whole truth when it says: "When vou tackle a man for what he owes you, then you learn the stuff of which he is made. The Republicans of the Fourth South Carolina District have nomi nated Thomas Briar, colored, for Congress to oppose Jos. T. Johnson, the nominee of the Democratic party. Mother What are you crying for, Bertie? Bertie Tommy hurt me. Mother How did he hurt you? Bertie I was going to hit him, and he ducked his head so's I hit the wall, Boo-hoo! Tit-Bits. We are publishing this week the full Democratic ticket as will be presented to the voters of Halifax cunlr at the general election to be held on Tuesday, the 8th day of Nov ember. The ticket is deserving of our full and hearty support. The party presenting this ticket stands for what is clear and decent in the management of our public affairs and above all are against Butler and bonds. Let us give the ticket an almost unanmious vote in Halifax county. Opera House Monday Night Oct. SI Engagement Extraordinary ! THE 1 ROYAL MYSTICS In Marvelous Manifestations of Mys tery and Magic, Music and Merriment. 4 THE ROYALS 4 Assisted by a Clever Company of Vaudeville Artists, INCLUDING ALI THE HINDU An Aeroplane to be Here Monday. The registration books are now open and it is very important that your name should be on the book before you can vote On the 8th of November. This is by far the most important election held since the amendment was carried. Mari ion Butler is making the fight of his lte against the white goverment of North Caroline and if he should be successful why we may just as well look out for boodle and bonds. Let every white man do his duty on el ection day and Butler's plans will be defeated. There will only two tickets be fore the voters of Halifax county for county offices at the election to be held on Tuesday, November the 8th, and these will be the Democratic and Republican tickets. The Demo cratic was noiiiinated by a primary of the people on the 18th of August. Every man that voted in that prim ary is in honor bound to support the nominees of that primary and we be lieve they are going to do so almost to atnan. The ticket is a very strong one and deserves our support. The Republicans have a full county ticket and are at work quietly trying to increase their former vote and there by strengthening and helping Butler and his crowd. Shall we let them do so? No. Then let every self-re specting white man get busy and get out a full vote for the Derm cratic ticket on election dav. Don't wait for the other fellow but get busy and do your full duty.for your county and state. The "Royals" will appear at Mad ry's opera house Monday, October 24th, for one night only, in their varied entertainment of the myste rious as exemplified by the so-called mystics, conjurors, slight-of-hand and spiritualistic mediums, cabinet manifestations that puzzle the mind and touch the realm of the supernatural. The Levitation Mystery, defying the laws of gravitation, the human body floating in mid-air, without visible means of support. The celebrated Hindu Basket Trick, and numerous other illusions performed by the Hindu, Ali, will be given. Madam Royal will answer your unspoken questions by the process of mental telegraphy, and Prof Royal will mystify and utterly de ceive you with his card and money tricks. The performance will be inter spersed with many novel comedy tricks. An excellent company of vaudeville artists support the Four Royals, making this one of the most entertaining attractions that ever visited this place. ine noyais carry with tnem a full size aeroplane, which will , be shown free of charge out of doors in front of the theatre on the day or evening of their performance, weather permitting. It is between twenty-five and thirty feet in length and fully equipped for practical flight. C ASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tht Rind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of "THE PIANO WITH A SWEET TONE. The Children's Party! Many a children's party has really been a failure because there was no one who could play the piano or any other in strument, and the young peo ple soon tired of games and wanted to dance. Children love to visit homes where there's a Stieff Player-Piano for a little dance can be had anv time, for all members of the family can play it. You buy it from the maker, at his price, with his guaranteee which means something. CHAS. M. STIEFF L. C. STEELE, Mgr., 114 Granby St., Norfolk, Va. R. I. JONES, Representative. Scotland, North Carolina. Please mention this paper. The Official fiano Jamestown Exposition. Executor's Notice. Having qualified as executor under the last will and testament of Ade laide Evans Smith, deceased, late of Halifax county, North Carolina, I hereby notify all persons having claims against the estatQ of said de cedent to present them to me for payment on or before the 8th day of September, 1911, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settle ment. This 8th day 'of September, 1910. A. L. Smith, 9-8-6t Executor. DON'T BE "DECOYED" INTO BUYING SOME CHEAP GUN OR SPORTING GOODS. OR HARDWARE. INSTEAD. COME TO THE STORE THAT IS KNOWN TO CARRY THE BEST. WE TAKE PLEASURE IN SHOWING OUR GOODS TO THOSE WHO COME IN. WE STAND BEHIND EVERYTHING WE SELL. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT? Hardy Hardware Compy "THE IIARDWARK ULSTLEIW r ORIENTAL MAGICIAN. Don't miss the Free Exhibition of a full sized AEROPLANE. Prices 50c, 35c, 25c. No Higher POSTED! My tract of land known as the Edwards Farm, in Scotland Neck township, is posted against hunting with dog or gun, under the pains and penalties of the law. J. H. Medford. Oct. 14, 1910. , 10-20-2t S3 PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleansei and beantifie the hail. Promote! a luxuriant growth. Nevfr Fails to Restore Gray Cures ralp ditrares & hair falling. gQe.apd gl.OUat Drugging AMERICAN BEAUTY CORSETS bring out to advantage the graceful lines of one's form and cor. rect any figure imperfection with perfect freedom and comfort. These corsets include all the desirable ideas Known to the worlds best corset desig ners, which results in a stylish garment with superb fitting qualities. AMERICAN BEAUTY CORSETS Kalamazoo Corset Co., Exclusive Makers For the woman of large figure as well as for those of medium or slender form. FOR SALE BY J. W. MADRY, Scotland Neck, N". C D DEFORE ordering MAGAZINES get our big clubbing catalogue and special of fers and save NONEY. SOUTHERN SUBSCRIPTION AGENCY. ' A Postal Card will do. Raleigh, N. C D fteWalPoint 1M 1 Fjysjj Ifteain BIOBM Saturday, Oct m r Five Silver Dollars to the person holding Card nearest the time the clock stops will be given away every Saturday at 3:00 P. M., for twelve consecutive weeks. Time Cards will be given every customer with each fifty Cent Cash Purchase. Ask for the Time Card. Si To consider when buying a heater is the draft. Exhaustive tests prove that the down-draft as it is developed in the cele brated WILSON DOWN DRAFT HEATER is the only form that insures perfect combustion at a mini mum of fuel expense. Furnishes twice the heat from half the amount of fuel used, because all gas generated is burned. Ia other heaters it escapes into the chimney. , Consider this fuel economy in buying. THESE WELL KNOWN HEATERS ARE FOR SALE BY Josey Hardware GompaIny, Pioneer Hardware Dealers, Scotland Neck, N. C. Special and Attractive Pr On Our Entire Stock During the Contest. Ready-Made Dresses FOR CHILDREN. Large and Complete Line, Prices ranging from 49 cents up to $5.00. Big Line Children's Sweaters, Prices fron 49c. to $1.49. BIG ASSORTMENT OF SHOES FOR EVERYBODY. liv Ladies' Tailor-Made Coat Suits, Complete Line of Lad Prices from $12.50 to $35.00. 1 fl-Jr? Prices from $2.49 to $15.00. We are displaying the Largest and Prettiest Lin nf I jTm ;T7 , n ; t1. mmm.,n;tv tl! . l V?e L.adle Dress Goods ever shown a Buy your goods at our store, get vonr T; nj TT" o'clock everv Saturday afternoon- Silver Dollars. Keen vour Tim., r"J"y 'a tne 'y Card an IT -""Igwev are good all the time. on hand at 3:00 d secure the nve Scotland T. HANCOCK COMPANY,

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