4 XA'j.rtWmp ' - is- Good Advertisers MMOI . juinsss what. 8tctim is to : ; .it ry. h-.u j,rt-:i r proeliii5g , i.-r. Tli is paper gives resultfc. AM. An aavertibomeiii m thte uapo will reach a good class ot people. v2lY, diior and Proprietor. Excelsior" is Our Motto. Subscription Price $1.00 Per Year. L. XXV!. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1910. NUMBER 45. e -to WEAL j. in 1 1 i ii nii'B ;.:i3 esil Never buspect il Hcv.' To Find Out. : !-.-li!e or c ommon glass with youi I .! !;t it Pt.'ind tw.Tii V-frin-r linnro- ? ' a brick dust sedi- . "-r r'TTt ment. or settling (JS stringy or milk ;?V l U appearance of ter indicates an nu ll calthy condi tion of the kid neys ; too fre quent desire to pass it or pain in :'.rc also symptoms that tell vou icys and bladder are out of order i uUcution. Vvhni To Jo. : 's comfort in the knowlclr-3 so .-.-rred, l?irt Br. Kilmer's ot, uie r:v-at kidney remedy, .; -.ost every wish in correcting pain in the bach, kidneys, 'ALr and every part of the urinary . Corrects inability to hold water pain in passing it, or bad .lowing use of liquor, wine or 1 overcomes that unpleasant ne rf beiv: compelled to go often . the day, and to get up many e; the night. The mild and ,.:e effect of Swr.mpRoot is : .. ;d. It stands the highest be- remarkable ring prov ided a . . . (. .1 ... - J. J f aJiVili,a,i.,.-1'2i'l . . :. Sold bv :nrle bottle sent free .L-.n-.ur M Co. , E.ng nioi! this paper and Dr. Kihncr'G Swainn- ..:re?s 1 1 , iungiiaruton, ;oTT 15. Cl.AUK " orney at Law Korlh Carolina. M1TCHIN, i M'.NKY AT LAW, Scotland Neck, X. C. Av: v whore THE BIG DAY. Hon. A. L. Brooks, Albion Dunn and Congressman Claude Kitch in Make Speeches. BIG BARBECUE AND PLENTY OF DINNER. AND SuiiGEOXS, k! Neck, X. C. .AVUil'lOiln IVXTIST. up stairs in Whitn Building. 'r.i 0 to l o'clock - SU A Ni Ii i v. i , I s. c. frek. Broken ana I 'urtifs repireu rictlv cai-h. xn:int'd L. SAVAGE OF ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. i S!-.Mand Neck, N. C, on 1 Wt loesday of each montb . !1. r, Xoso, Throat, and fit X. c. R. C. PUXN. Enfield, N. C. ATTORNEYS -AT LiRW .s:c:-k, North Carolina t'-V' i.er in all matter? loaned on approv- i ''.lor.' mj -w rva , ; -e ia p? I'. I'LL MO?: RAM)IN.S Reported by E. E. Hilliard. Wednesday, 2nd inst, was Demo cratic rally day in Scotland Neck for four townships Scotland Neck, Conoconara, Roseneath and Palmyra. A thousand people gathered from all parts of this community to hear Democratic doctrine boldly and ably proclaimed by that masterful stump speaker, Hen. A. L. Brooks,, of Greensboro. Numerous flags and appropriate decorations graced the speakers' stand, around which gath ered a great number of ladies, a host of Halifax county's sturdy Demo crats and a regiment of school chil dren, three hundred strong, to hear party issues discussed. At 11 o'clock, Hon. Claude Kitch 5n, the able and popular Representa tive in Congress from the Second .lislrict, called the meeting to order and announced that the speaker of the day would be introduced by Mr A:;hby V. Dunn. In a few choice and appropriate remarks, Mr. Dunn gracefully introdu:ed the speaker, paying high tribute to his splendid type of pure Democracy, his able and unselfish service to the State and the good results of his patriotic endeavors. Mr. Brooks, in fitting terms, ac knowledged the compliments paid ' him by the brilliant young speaker who presented him to the great audience, and expressed his appreci ation of the opportunity to address Halifax Democrats. For nearly two hours he held the closest attention of the audience in a clear and able discussion of present political issues, showing the corruption and incon sistencies of the Republican party from the davs of carpet-bag rule to the present time. He declared that many of the things which the Demo cratic party has been advocating for a score of years are now acknowl edged by leading Republicans to be the safe-guards to our national pros perity. He discussed national issues with a clearness which interested jnd enlightened all who heard him, showing particularly the unfairness and imposition of a high tariff and how it imposes intolerable burdens ! upon the American people and show ing conclusively how the people can be relieved of the burdens only by the political policies advocated and maintained by the Democratic party. Turninc: from national affairs tc -ur State interests Mr. Brooks re hearsed many of the iniquities which were pressed upon our people by the Repuplican party when in power, and dealt sledge-hammer blows against the greed and perfidy of Marion Butler for accepting employ ment while United States Senator from this State by those who through him brought suit against North Carolina for the payment of bonds issued by a carpet-bag Legislature and later repudiated by the patriotic men who did such conspicuous ser vice to the State in declaring th . bonds fraudulent. He said that this man Marion Butler is now making efforts to bring the Republican party back into power and showed in ir resistable argument how Butler and his associates are unworthy to be trusted. He made a strong appeal for a united effort on the part of all Democrats to roll up a grand and splendid majority in the coming election, and declared that according to President Taf t's own estimate of the Republican party in this State, expressed in a speech in Greensboro two years ago has no suitable men to hold positions of trust in the ad ministration of our State govern ment. By apt illustrations and fitting anecdotes Mr. Brooks effectively em phasized the great issues which he Jiscussed and in perfection of sur passing eloquence closed his great uddress amid loud and long applause of his delighted audience. Hon. Claude Kitchin being called for said he would not make a speech himself, but would present a young man of splendid ability, and a true Democrat who would make a better speech than he could. He presented Mr. Albion Dunn, of Greenville, formerly of this place. Mr. Dunn was greeted with en thusastic applause by his many friends and admirers among whom he was reared, and with whom he has associated all his life until a few months ago. In a strong and clear speech he discussed Republican ini quity and rapacity and told much of the glorious record of Democracy. At the close of Mr. Dunn's eloquent address he was roundly applauded and his home people felt proud of him. Hon. Claude Kitchin being again called for, came forwrard and made a ringing and stirring speech, after the usual manner in which he ably discussed all political issues. Closing, Mr. Kitchin invited the great audi ence to a most bountiful barbecue which had been prepared in a near by grove, and all partook to satis faction of the splendid dinner which had been so well prepared. It was a great and stirring occas ion and the day's work will show great results in the election next vveek. Wfcit Width for Roads? NEWS FROM HALIFAX. why you should purchase vou? glasses of us: 7 are in the heart of !;.;? s'mpping district and li-.-nt to the oculists' of-y--u can leave your pre : ; wi'.h us and vouf will he ready when you i''r:hh..'d your other shop- Our Hoeo nose-piece ::!: e universal satisfac Knv othr on the rnar '!".t..s fK) out of 100 noses." On- r.tock is complete; vote ourselves to the re viticd business and your s wi:i receive our prompt it ion. icker, Hall & Co., Granby St., Norfolk, Va. Catalogue on Application. Everything ' h'iical and Photographic, NURSING MOTHERS show the beneficial ef fects of suit's Emulsion lef V B K w ill a very short time. It not only builds her up, but enriches the mother's milk and properly nour ishes the child. Nearly all mothers who nurse their children should take this splendid food tonic, not only to keep up their own strength but to properly nourish their children. FOR BY AIX PRISTS a this 6. tor out Discussing the merits of narrow roads as compared with wide ones, the Savannah News submits that if wide roads are constructed they will not be constructed because of the cost, and hence will soon dampen good roads enthusiasm with expen sive repairs. "The wiser plan," says our contemporary truly, "is to con struct roads that will be durable, and if this plan is adopted it will compel the building of narrow roads. If we are to have in all of the countries a system of good roads if we want the people to keep the roads in re pair w-hen constructed the narrow road will have to be adopted. The only objection to it is that accidents due to frightened horses are more likely to occur on narrow than on wide roads. There is some truth in that contention, but automobiles are becoming so common that it will be but a short time before horses will not be alarmed by them." Experience at home and observa tion in the e-ood roads countries of Europe have combined to produce a general conviction that most Ameri can roads are too wide. Narrower roads would be better constructed and more serviceable in every way. As Mecklenburg county learned long ago, the macadam strip should not exceed buggy width, with a dirt road mnninsr alongside. In bad weather all travel is upon the macadam and ha riirt marl is thus saved from v- nse or any other form of destruc t'tve wrear. In good weather travel i 1 , -, w i 1. flirt rnrl is very iaigi umi vt.., which, easier for beast, vehicle and man, not only serves this excellent mi r nose but saves the macadam un nPf.Parv wear. The width furnish- p:l bv the two roads together issuffi cient for convenient passing and for the frightened horses, which Ihe News has in mind. More width than this cometh simply of waste. It has been shown that not only is durabili ty thereby sacrificed, but that many thousands of acres are needlessly subtracted from American farms Charlotte Observer. Many Happenings and Visitors at the County Capitol. Halifax, N. C. Nov. 8th Rev. Walter J. Smith of the Thompson Orphanage and Training school, Charlotte, spent a day or two last week with Mr. and Mr3. J. H. Dur ham at their home, Cedarhurst farm. Mr. Smith is pleasantly remembered here, several years ago being Rector of St. Marks Episcopal church, and making many friends while here. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Travis return ed from a few weeks stay at Panacea Springs. Mr. Travis is very much improved, and is walking around town quietly shaking hands with his many friends to the de'ight of them all. Mrs. J. W. Hays of Elm City, has been spending a few days here with relatives. Mrs. L. G. Grady left Monday for Duplin county to visis her friends and relatives, and will be gone per haps several weeks. Mr. Fredrick Froelichis this week in Richmond visiting his family. Mr. George Stephenson, Jr., came Sunday to see his parents. George is looking well. Mr. G. A. Hux left for Baltimore Sunday to be gone a day or two and will buy some Christmas goods while there. Mr. Samuel Brown, and Master Graham Moore, of Weldon, were here Monday to see Mrs W. F. Cop pedge. Miss Frrnkie Drewry of L. F. Col lege, Littleton, spent the week-end with her father and grand-mother. Mr. Joseph Butts, Jr., of Rose mary, wras a welcome visitor here Sunday. Miss Parks of Rosemary, spent Sunday here very pleasantly with friends. Mr. John H. Fennct , Jr., of Rocky Mount, spent Sunday here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.Fenner. Mr. J. H. Batts and children spent Saturday and Sunday in Mount and Whitakers. Rocky CABBAGE WORM NOT POISONOUS. Examination by State Entomotoajst of Specimen From Wilmington. Recently a "cabbage snake" was found in a cabbage head at the homo of Mr. N. Humphrey, corner Fourth and Walnut streets, and he sent the specimen to Raleigh to be examined, report of which was received yester day f i om Mr. Franklin Sherman, Jr., State Entomologist, which was as follows: "Upon examination I find that this creature is commonly known as a cabbage snake. It is truly a kind of worm and not a snake and al though many examinations have been made of this creature both by chemist3 and biologists, no evidence of any form of poison has ever been found. The creature is quite often found in heads of cabbage and is sometimes found in the core of ap ples (usually, we believe, in apples which have already been injured by the common apple worm or codling moth and which have fallen to the ground). This species, or at least a worm very much like it, is some times found living in the bodies of grasshoppers, crickets and some other insects. Just how it gets into all the situations in which it is found is not always easy to un-Jerstand, but it is perhaps carried by the in sects which it attacks (grass-hoppers, crickets, etc.) and left in some of these situations. Although there has been a great deal written con cerning this so-called cabbage snake, it is, so far as we know, perfectly harmless to man and there is no oc casion for abandoning the use of cabbage as a table vegetable. It is, of course worth while to wash all such vegetables thoroughly before cooking." Wilmington Star. Austria's Visw of Pallor .1. ills, x cicjf uuiina': mm cun, ui , , . ,, ,. - , . T , , , ! Austrian government s ar-tion !n iranKimton, in. u., nave Deen nere some days to see the Normans. Miss Bessie Howerton who has been quite sick for some days, is out again. Rev. A. G. Wilcox filled his regu ar appointment Sunday morning and evening to the delight of his people. Rev. C. G. Bradley filled an ap pointment at St. Marks on Monday evening. There was quite an unfoitunate accident at House's lumber yard, four miles south of this place, on the A. C. L., Monday morning early- two darkies, Edward Pierce and Charlie Pittman being very badly hurt. It seems that both of them were standing on the track looking at the train shift cars, and failed to see several cars creeping up behind them, and were knocked' down be fore they were aware of danger. Dr. Furgerson went down to attend them, and said that Pierces arm wras broken, his ear injured, and was probably otherwise injured, and Pittman was badly hurt and would hardly recover. It may be that tne new theory of pellagra as caused by a biting gnat will finally prevail, or that some theory not yet pronounced will t-ke i its place, but meanwhile the tenacity of the corn theoiy is shown by the n- deavoring to stamp out the use of corn for human food. With this end in view, six government steam bak eries making rye bread have recent'y been established in the Tyrol region. Strict prohibitior,s nave been issir-e 1 against any one selling fo;d ma le from corn meal un'ess its nature is disclosed. The Hungarian govern ment has taken similar measures This is an extreme and doubtless un warranted course. We hpe that corn will some day be conclusively acquitted. Meanwhile, however, reasonable precautions against corn cured off the stalk or otherwise pos sibly infected are in order on the part of both government and indi viduals. Charlotte Observer. CURING CATARRH. The Jefferscnian. Accept Our Advice and Try This Rem edy at Our Risk. There is no excuse for half heart- edness in behalf of the temperance reform . There is no lack of light on the deadly influence of liquor on the health, the morals, the safety of the people; nor can it be excused if peo ple, knowing the deadly character of drink, keep on protecting it by their votes Central Christian Advocate. Catarrh is a diease of the mucous membrane. The mucous membrane is, one may say, the interior lining of the body. Catarrh therefore may exist in any part of the system. When the catarrhal poison attacks the mucous membrane, inflammation and congestion are produced and nature fails to throw off the accumu lated poisons. The organ which has been afflicted ceases to perform its proper function as nature intended it should. The result is complication upon complication, which may lead to other even more serious afflictions, We honestly believe Rexall Mucu Tone will do wonders towards over catarrh. It is made from the prescription of an eminent phy sician who made a long study of ca tarrh, and his great success with this remedy was an enviable one. We want you if you are a sufferer from catarrh in any form, to give Rexall Mucu-Tone a thorough trial. Use it with regularity and persist ency for a reasonable time, then if you are not satisfied, come back and tell us, and without question or for mality we will hand back to you every cent you paid us. This is cer tainly the fairest offer that any one could make and should attest our sincerity of purpose. It comes in - m c, nryA C1 Art O '"f s )il-. is J'J tenia aiiu vi-.vu. LSI Or, V xitMsf .rrt-'. w. w a .-.-.v..-- If Ims m properties I 1 ortant the Grape are . m transmiited of i ft- L IIS. fm H"nTjn7TT to the f ood. The food is thereby made more lsesuoie High Class Photographs ! I respectfully ennuunc to the citizens nt TILLER Y", and vicinity tha: I Invo located in T1LLERY, opposite the postofhee, where I am prepared to furnish any kind of picture known to the art. Cabinet Photos, per dozen $3.U' ! 18 00 Half Cabinet I'hntoa. per dozen SO CJuartr Cabinet, or Cards, dozen Post Cards. p?r dozt-n .; X) Mincttos. ifr dozen ' I'intr Pours, per dozen 2i, As my stay will lie limited, all who wish good pictures are requested to call early. Thanking you for past pat ronage and soliciting a continu ance of the same, I am Yours to please, H. F. BADGER. Clark Sash & Door Corporation Frank T. Clark, Pres., Manufactures, Jobbers and dealiers in Sash, Doors and Blinds; Builders Hardware; Plate and Window Glass; Paints, Oils and Var nishes; Porch Columns and Stair Work. NORFOLK, - - - VIRGINIA. GiHQHE3TERSPri.i.S lift S- Twenty to twenty-four pages per week. A national weekly magazine. Stands for the modern spirit of free and independent thought in politics and social life. Tom Watson, the man who com pelled the railroad companies to adopt" safety appliances, and made rural free delivery possible in this country, is the editor. It contains special articles and n uminating comments on every topic of current interest, and other de partments are a Woman's Page. Vet eran's Corner, Farm Department, Children's Club and the Sunny South Brotherhood . The JefTersonian is the insurgent of the South. Subscription price: $1.00 for 12 months. 50 cents for G months, Zo cents for 3 months. Cash prizes and liberal commis sions to agents. Premiums and special inducements to raisers of clubs. Specimen copies free on re quest. Address, The Jeffersonians, Thomson, Ga. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator of Irvin Brinkley, deceased, late of Halifax county, N. C, tins is to no tifyall persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fore the 1st day of January, 1912, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate wiH please settle at once. This 4th day of October, 1910. Jones Lee, Adm'r, 10-13-Gt Terrapin. N. C. DIAMOND BRAND Ak yr Irair1t for CHT-CHES-TKR'S A DIAMOND BRAND PILLS In RED nd Gold metallic boxes, sealed with BlueV7 Ribbon. Takb no otbii. Bar 7"r J Jtrr- mnd -k for CIII-Ch.TB V IM A M O I RUtKD PILLS, for twentT-BjO vein rr" irded as Best. Safest. Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TIM V. 1 Hit-It rurnvufUCDC worth bi un i iintnL tested F. Vk KM l 9 -m -w whho)MCKS! crtr K UG535 LgiC'.50&1.00 1 AKDAI.iTSKGTAS!D LUHGTROUbUSJ m .-- fir AMERICAN BEAUTY CORSETS bring out to advantage the graceful lines of one's form end cor rect any figure imperfection with perfect freedom and comfort. Theso corsets include all the desirable ideas Known to the worlds best corset desig ners, which results in a stylish garment with superb fitting Qualities. AMERICAN BEAUTY CORSETS Kala31azuo Co&skt Co., Exclusive Maker For the woman of large figure as well as for those of medium or slender form. FOR SALE BY J. W. MADRY, Scotland Neck, N. C. W4 to if 51 Ella Has Fred called on you with in the last day or two? Stella Yes, but why do you ask? Ella He told me only a few days T uraa thp nnlv Grirl that he i -. ,'omUr von can obtain it on'y , , u: A r,A t fnirf him to ffo ; nt-Thp Rpxall Store. L. 1. Wnite- nau. ever M&acu, ou ...... ; and get a reputation.-Puck. i head Company. Itch! Itch! Itch! Scratch! Scratch! Scratch! The more you scratch thi worse the itch. Try Doan't Oint ment. It cures piles, eczema, any skin itching. All druggists sell it. The primary class was discussing birds, and the teacher asked what birds remained in our climate ail the year round. Nearly every kind had beeh given, when little Daniel raised his hand. "Have you thought of one more?" his teacher asked. " Yes'm" he answered triumphant ly. "The stork." The Delineator. A Household Medicine. To be really valuable must show equally good results from each mem ber of the family using it. Foley's I Honey and Tar does just this, i Whether for children or grown per sons Foley's Honey and Tar is best and safest for all coughs and colds, Sold by all druggists. i Farmers, Are You Making All The Profit Possible? If you arc not it is time to get. out of the rut and boiu farming in a business, systematic way. Stop the leakage "sm a 11 leaks sink biff ships." No kind of business can prosper in this day and time with out system and intelligent management. The Farm Ledger is a new invention and was compiled for the purpose of instructing farmers, planters, stock men and fruit growers in systematic ac counting, legal methods, real estate transfers, etc. It compels the farmer to farm on a business basis. It has been used successfully by solid, hard-headed farmers and given high en dorsement. Try the system it teaches next year and see if you don't make more money. Salesmen are now in Halifax county an 1 will call on you. You can't alTord to miss them. THE COMPENDIUM COMPANY, Inc. F. M. DUNSTAN, Representative.