.. : !l ill, c-i : r-- "Women. Yovn and tired from overwork, need a M tonic. That feeling ot weakness or helplessness will pi f.lnot leave you of itself, lou should take Wine 01 Cardui, that effectual remedy for the ailments and j weaknesses of women. Thousands of women have P tried Cardui and write enthusiastically Hie great I benefit it has heen to them. Trv it don : neriinent use this reliable, eft-tried medicine. 3 m 4 31 TCI J 33 Kl M Jlrs. l.ena Hare, of 1'icrco, .Mar, tried uaruui ana anerwiuu i i 7T0tc: "I was a sufferer from sorts of female trouble, had Kl nnin in niv s!i1r nn1 !,-! nnnld i f'oit. 1i:iJ shortness of breahl. .1 pain in my side and leers, could n- i f!ccr, Lad shortness ot orcatn. 4 I suffered for years, until mv Lu;md insisted ' my trying a Cardui. The first bottle eaxc mo rdicf and now 1 am almost well." U Try Cardui. 'Twill help you, AT ALI DRUG STORES ST c - S 1 5 52-,. -tat. There is no belter v.vy u to sve and expense than bv insuring yo-ir children's he Warm floors in the Iirc, which is the children's play house in w!lcft ar' 2-;;u; Uv. vhcai using Ccle'a Original Hot Blast Heater, The steel h-m n:l It--; nor-structicn allows the heat to be radiated to the fio.-rkecr-i:-.r:i 7,'-:;rm during ihe coldest weather. 9 VU" .5. , S H 5 3 '.j ! 3. i 3. IS sr X St; Cic2.n3.r-t tasist to Care Fes -:gn:te, iiaru Coal, Crushed Coke, Uil.j w;vji. wu.-...j Wood and Cobs. Users cf coal nv.:st remcnil r that the ordinary heater is a big care to occrr.te. That its Cinc-ke and ashes entail dust ing, curtain washing and carpc i sweeping. Think then of the case cf cperatico and the cleai..-i.ncs3 of Cole's Hot Blast. Cole's Kct Diasi has a guaranteed smcie-proof feed door open the feed deov and the r e -. rent of air draws the smoke directly across the top of stove to the stove pipe away from the opening. Contrast this simple, cleanly feed with the side door in an ordinary heater. The side door used on other stoves permits escape of ditty smoke, unpleasant gas, and accumulated sect drops from it. 11 you overfill a side door stove, cca! falls to the fleer. And note this, you cannot make a side door heater air-tiht an everlasting advantage in favor cx Cole's Hot Blast which is air-tight and guaranteed to remain so always. No fires to build the fire is never cut in this remarkable heater fro:-?, fail until laken down in the spring. Better seicci ens tee;-y surely it is the heater you need a LS rt rr! 4 r. jf 1 tiUB VIY A Dry Military Camp. By a telegram from Pine Camp it is learned that the most perfect or der is preserved under the command of General Frederick Dent Grant. Not one drunken soldier has been seen during the entire encampment, nor is there any record of disorderly conduct. General Grant has taken a special precaution to warn the men and protect them against the polluting influence of the liquor traffic. Two hip-pocket venders of whiskey were doing a thriving busi ness near the edge of the camp for a few hours, when word of their ac tivity reached headquaters and Gen eral Grant called upon Sheriff Bogart to arrest and lock up both of the men. General Grant gave out a statement of his experience with the workings of the army canteen law at the encampment. Among other things it says: "When I say I think the canteen is better left out of the army, I believe I am taking the cor rect view. Take this camp for ex ample. Many persons have the idea that because there is no way under the present law for a soldier to get liquor within camp limits, dives and low saloons about the outskirts of the camp must thrive. Such is not the case, as I have taken case to learn. The other night I made a round of all the grogshops, and I found that wherever there were cus tomers they were generally civilians Wherever I found a soldier he was almost always a militiaman, and not a regular. This may be partly due to the fact that payday had passed and most of the troops had spent all their money; but I do not think that is the whole reasc: The fact that a good many of these places have irone out of business purely because they could not get customers enough hows that my inference is correct.'' General Grant, it will be remember ed, rode at the head of a procession of jO.OOO people in Chicago, wearing his military uniform, in a demon stration against the saloons, and has been one of the most potential ad vo :ate3 of temperance reform in the United States. Christian Herald. NATURE TELLS YOU As Many a Scotland Neck Headers Know Too Well. When the kidneys are sick, Nature tells you ail about it. The urine is nature's calendar. Infrequent or too frequent action; Any urinary trouble tells of kidney 1 ins. Doan's Kidney Pills cure all kidney ills. Scotland Neck people testify to this. Miss Lucy Hancock, Church St., Scotland Neck, N.C., says: "Doan's Kidney Pills have proven of the greatest value to me and consequent ly T havfi no hesitation in recom mending them. My kidneys were badly disordered and I was bothered by a frequent desire to pass the kid ney secretions. Dull, nagging back ache also added to my suffering and at times, I was so lame that I could hardly get about. Hearing Doan's Kidney Pills highly recommended, I concluded to give them a trial and at once procured a box. They relieved the pains in my back, corrected the annoyance from the kidney secretions and acted as a tonic to my system." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Company, Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. To Mark Jackson's Blrlnplace, Mr T.i1v W. Lonsr. of Charlotte, writes Mr. J. L. Rodman that the Daughters of the American Revolu tion expect to have a nice monument erected and unveiled at the Andrew Jackson birthplace, six miles south west of Waxhaw, at a very early date, The contract for the monu ment was placed some time ago, and it will be ready early in nevt month, probally about the seventh. The date of the unveiling has not yet been fixed, but it will be announced rightsoon. This will be gratifying news to the people of this entire community and we should get to gether at once and arrange to make the unveiling a worthy and memor able occasion. Watch tor tne an nouncement of the date of the un veiling, probably within the next week or two, and let everybody in the community turn out with baskets full of good things to eat and make it a great picnic occasion, yuue a large party from Charlotte will be present at the unveiling ceremonies. Waxhaw Enterprise. f.18 t'?2er ih a fiepu t.:.Uon. ioir-8 iUl 'are tomp y, "rjj- Acccrcino to "The Hardware Hustlers." Size and sb To feel strong, have good appetite ind digestion, sleep soundly and en joy life, use Burdock Blood Bitters, J'-c great system tonic and builder. Mother 1 gave you a nickel yes terday to be good, and to-day you .-ti e just as bad as you can be. Willie Yes, ma; I'm trying to show you that you got your money's vorth yesterday. Boston Tran--cript. Mr. Otto Paul, Milwaukee, Wis , -ays Foley's Honey and Tar is still nore than the best. He writes us, "All those that bought it think it is the best for coughs and colds they -:ver had and I think it is still mere than the best. Our baby had a bad cold and it cured him in one day. Please accept thar.l-s." Sold by all druggists. "Miss Amy you have the young professor; he's your scholastic lover. You have Scadsworth; he's your rich !over. i ou nave btrongiy; ne s your athletic lover, and you have Gush leigh, your sentimental lover. Where do I come in?" "Oh, George, you're too late to classify." Chicago Tribune. "Did I not give you a piece of pie just yesterday?" "You did mum." "Well I am surprised to see jrou back here so soon." "I didn't eat it mum." Houston Post. A lazy liver leads to chronic dys pepsia and constipation weaken the whole system. Doan's Regulet (25 cents per box) correct the liver tone the stomach, cure constipation "What do they meam by scot free?" "Why he'll give the library if you furnish the sie." Pittsburg Post. Cures baby's croup, Willie's daily outs and bruises, mama s sore throat, -aandma's lameness Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil the great household remedy. "I'm the victim of a system," ex claimed the gloomv man. "What system?" "My own. I have dyspepsia half the time. Washington Star. Disgusted Fisherman (empting his bait into the stream) Hanged ill 11 wait on you any longer! Here! Help v ourselves. Life. t 4 f-"V wgvsw:. 'v-'.y " '.) 4. The Best Engine In The World, THE STICKNEY (iASOLINK KXGINIS. Will Promote Beauiy. Wompti desiring beauty get won h-rful help from Bucklen's Arnica Saive. It banishes pimples, skin eruptions, sores r.nd boils. It makes the skin soft and velvety. It glori ies the face. Cures sore eyes, cold wres, cracked lips, chapped hands. Best for burns, scalds, fever sores, ut?, bruises and piles. 25c. at E. r. Whitehead Company s. Feels Good To Farmers. The KLid You Have Always Bought, nn& wliUh I ; tcjh in use ior over r. ..- v r..;-. ,jv ana lias iecn j.iatiavr.i., sonal supervision Inec K of l.r; AlloTST Jo onotolor ivoy 'J. All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd" Just-a s-g.. p Experiments that trido witli a:id enda: r 11 c : Infants and Cliildren Experience ai-..iist 2: , , !i(u. What is CASTOR'.: Castoria is a harmless substitute for Ovt-r r goric, Drops and Soothing Synxps. it is iM contains neither Opium, Morphine r.or nW-.v nubstance. Its age is its guarantee. It h : tr. and allays Fcvcrishncss. It curen Diarrh ea Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures ( and Flatulency. It assimilates tho rood, r--.Stomach and Uo-.vels, giving healthy aud iiali:.-.-Tho Children's Panacea Tho 3Iotaerj xucu !. ' will TORI A Bears the Signature of The Farmers Union in this section is now laying plans to sow the big gest crop of wheat and oats this fall that has been sown in a long time. The farmers as a general rule are highly pleased with the returns from iheir sowing last year so much so in fact that they are determined to go at it on a more extensive scale this year. It feels good to them to have their own bread at home and not have to buy it at the prevailing high prices. And the fact that Waxhaw is to have a good roller milling plant in operation before this time next year is no small incentive to farmers in this territory to sow a good crop of wheat this fall and make all their bread at home. All of this points plainly to a better day for our far mers just ahead, and every man who has the best interests in his commu nity at heart will rejoice to see it come. Waxhaw Enterprise. -'AYS lie Kind You Haie Always Bong In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC CENTAUR eeiDMN, TT tHUA TtCT, HtW YO eiTV. 2 Irritable Proprietor of Dry Goods Store Why did you let that lady leave the store without selling her something? Clerk She wanted a pat-asol that would cover her hat. Woman's Home Companion. "What are you doing with the crutch?" "Taking it home for my little boy." "What happened to him?" "While he was bringing home the mail a Sunday paper fell on his leg." Youngstown Telegram. "I've had four divorces, and yet society fails to notice me." "You must do something original. Suppose you re marry each of your divorced husbands, taken in turn." Exchange. Good Results Always Follow. The use of Foley's Kidney Pills. They are upbuilding, strengthening and soothing. Tonic inaction, quick in results. Sold by all druggists. Dressed in "Black and Yellow." Not "Football Colors" but the colors of the carton containing Fo ley's Honey and Tar the best and safest cough remedy for all coughs and colds. Do not accept a substi tute but see that you get the genuine ! Foley's Honey and Tar in a yellow 3 to 16 H. P. Mounted or stationary. No trouble to start. No trouble to keep up. Uses less gasoline than other engines. Has better eof-nr systeir. bold on l etter terms at lov fuliy guaranteed. Send for Catalogue. wer prices, and SI. J. (ORDLE, Agenf, Liitieion, N. C. V 4 t 4 H N M ETZ, FLORIST, LIaijuioii, North Cakolina. IJnOALi I 1Ol'Tiri-f ini- Allr- . J II lyiiuiiHiviiin, t uiiii LIltT Till; IlOH'l'l'S in season. Miowcr and Flam Boqiits for weddings. Floral designs and flowers for all occasions. Palms! Ferns, ail kinds of pot and outdoor bedding plants and bulbs. Magnolias, evergreens and veoetnlih plants. II. Stei.vmetz, Florist, lialeigh, N. C i KexametiiylsRcSaSrainiKe. Is the name of a German Chemical, one of the many valuable ingredients of Foley's Kidney Remedy. Ilex amethylenetetramine is recognized by medical text books and authorities as a uric 3cid solvent and anti-septic for the urine. Take Foley's Kidney Remedy promptly at the first sign of kidney trouble and avoid a serious malady. Sold by all druggists. Groom What's vour father sroinar to give us for a wedding present? Bride - A big check, darling. Groom Then the ceremony must take place at 2 p. rn. instead of 3. Bride But why? Groom The banks close at 3. - Cleveland Leader. Both Speedy and Effective. This indicates the action of Foley's Kidney Pills as S, Parson, Battle Creek, Mich, illustrates: "I have been afflicted with a severe case of kidney and bladder trouble for which I found no relief until I used Foley's Kidney fills, these cured mo en tirely of all my ailments. I was troubled with backache add severe shooting pains with annying urinary irregularities, the srerdv use of Foley's Kidney Pills rid me dntireb cf all my former troubles. They have my highest recommendation." Sold by all druggists. snail Women Vote? If they did, millions would vote Dr. King's New Life Pills the true remedy for women. For banishing dull, fagged feelings, backache or neadache, constipation, dispelling colds, imparting appetite and toning up the svstem, they're unequaled. Easy, safe,, sure. 25c. at E. T. Whitehead Company's. C-0HKOCH-0- 0-0000-0-0-0-Q rt - I have a nice line of Busies finished and in show room, also a nice line of Harness just opened up, all for sale and for your comfort and pleasure. Looks, durability and style are all right and iully guaranteed. Don't Fail to Come to See Me Before You Buy. W. A. BRANTLEY Scotland Neck North Carolina 6000000000000 KKKKKKK000) Try Cobb won it, butitwasmighty near a tie. Columbia State. Saves an Iowa Man's Life. ihe very grave seemed to yawn before Robert Madsen, of West Bur lington, Iowa, when, after seven week3 in the hospital, four of the best physicians gave him up. Then was shown him the marvelous cura tive power of Electric Bitters. For, after eight months of frightful suf fering from liver trouble and yellow jaundice, gettinsr no help from other remedies or doctors, five bottles of this matchless medicine completely cured him. It's positively guaran teed for Stomach, Liver or Kidney troubles, and never disappoints. Only 50c. at E. T. Whitehead Company's. UPSET STOMACH Causes Sick Headache, Nervousness, Dizziness and Biliousness. E. T. Whitehead Company guaran tees MI-O-NA stomach tablets to cure upset stomach or any case of indigestion, or money back. And a large box costs but 50 cents. There is no remedy on earth so good for 95 per cent of the ailments of the stomach as the prescription known the world over as MI-O-NA. MI-O-NA stops the misery of a distressed stomach in five minutes. It gives instant aid and comfort to sour or gassy stomahes. It stops heartburn and heaviness promptly. But MI-O-NA stomach tablets do not stop at relief they are guaran- . , , " ... 1 carton with black letters. SjM by niiu nicy uu cuic,uiu 11 juu cuuiu i oil Hrnp-rristS iook tnrougn a iew rnousanas testi monials that come to us from former dyspeptics telling of the maruelous curative value of MI-Q-NA stomach tablets you would be just as enthu siastic as we are. If you are out of sorts and the stom ach is the cause, get a fifty cent box of MI-O-NA to-day. In 24 hours you will feel more cheerful; in a week the sunshine will again come into your life; in two weeks you will be able to eat anything you want, will sleep peacefully and will be vigorous and full of energy. Don't hesitate to try MI-O-NA: they never disappoint. Sometimes the simplest stomach' trouble causes misery of the entire body. MI-O-NA will set your stomach right in a day. Sold by E. T. Whitehead Company and druggists everywhere Pains or Cramps "I carry Dr. .M -Pills with me a!! for aches and : ' -nothing equals ; '. used them for :v headache, and ; : hark, and in evcrv perfect satifacii HEXUY ''.'RLE' i " Tain comes fv-: nerves. It may "' part of the Ikvu there is wcakin ! ' upon the nerve-. Dr. Anti-PrJr. rills A fellow should never marry a girl till they've tried t' pick out wall paper together. Kin Hubbard in New York Globe. We heep on Hand Burial Cases ! Relieve pain, uh j ralgiac, rheumatic. ache, stoniacho. ; ovarian pains. Druggists everywhr first package fall to b "-" gist will return you." ; .-y MILES MEDICAL CC . Z , yo.r f All Kinds all the Time. Also Complete Undertakers' Outfit. Hearse Service any Time Lay or night we are ready to accommodate our friends and the Public Generally. M. Hoffman & Bro. Scotland Neck North Carolina - a a For Stomach Troulb, i r - i uu:fiii .n-'ii-a-- uvcr aiiu i ich-jjh Ah VU4 WkJ S J digestive organs ;; '--U In as -Vi n li.ror r':' rC -1--S " lULC J fc.AW AAV W ..... bowels the cr.ly way chronic const ipr.:i tn c:3 cured. Especially"-:-rT' .L for women a Clears Pleasant to tak:. r: blotched :!ex::: FOLSY'Slir "Jones is such an impulsive fel low; he can't stay in the same place more than a few minutes," he told her. HWhy don't you bring him with you some night?" she answered, looking at the clock. Buffalo Express. Not Sorry for Blunder. "If my friends hadn't blundered in thinking I was a doomed victim of consumption, I might not now be alive," writes D. T. Sanders, of Harrodsburg, Ky., "but for years they saw every attempt to cure a lung-racking cough fail. At last I tried Dr. King's New Discovery. The effect was wonderful. It soon stopped the cough and I am now in better health than 1 have had for years." This wonderful life-saver is an unrivaled remedy for coughs, colds, lagrippe, asthma, croup, hem orrhages, whoopingr cough or weak lungs. 50c, $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by E, T. White head Company. THINK OF Mexicsmn Mxtustomig' Limime AND WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU. t! l! 14. Relief from pain that might otherwise cause y ou hours of agony. Tired out muscles eased up and made ready for another day's work. Lameness in the back and shoulders promptly cured and stiff joints limbered up. Burns, Scalds, Cuts and Mashes ren dered painless and quickly healed. Rheumatism, Lumbago and Sciatica robbed of their anguish and banished forever Ulcers, Old Sores and Open Wounds healed promptly and permanently. Prices 25c, 50c, $1.00 per bottle. F, ol The first application of Mexican tang Liniment subdues the pain continues its work until every m;h nerve is soothed and quieted. f The great penetrating power lamous remedy enables it to qmcKiy and positively. In all cases of Sprains. Bruises or nJfss- Mexican Mustang Lim.;Kni should be rubbed in persistently. Th le h sure. Mtiv '.::t li thi till? persisteni the antiseptic qualities of this oM v in Die nousehold remedy make it safe am "J LYN MFG. CO. 41 45 So. 5th St, BROOKLYN, N.Y, 11