"7" -. 4 1 f.'t.?'!'!" 1 ' .-. - ... -...ij Good A.lv;rjer: - L.rft t ttiiu is to v: ... : . a : j.-iip.lh:j: B 15 I f Itl C. i .i, :Jif;r Proprietor. 'Excelsior" is Our Motto. Subset iptiwi Tict ii.oo Per Year. VOL. XXVI. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1910. NUMBER 48. m v: Wit ;y Trouble Makes You Eliserafclc. . t c voryo:ic knows of Dr. Kilmer's ..:-ivou., Vuvj great kidney, liver ami 1 i . i i ,. T i-- i able health restoring j properties, bwainp- -. cverv wish m r-. r ;i."5 co:;im;: rheunir.th'r.i, . pain ia the back, kiu- , j. v ; v.cys, liver, bladder J ( sirij an.-l every part of the . urinary passage. It corrects inability to ..tor and scfdilingpsin in passing it, - "'-s following; use of liquor, wine -'I overcomes that mmJensant :-'y o iieir;; e '.i-.-.pcllCil to go often i day, ..;v.l to get up rnanr during the :iic?!t. -.Ti-Uoot is not recommended for -vLhing but if you have kidney, livt . - 'or trouble, it will be found in: er ist dv vou need. It has been thor- v tested in private practice, and has l1 so successful that a special ar- .:ne-.it has been made by which all ..'is of this paper, who have not al y tried it, may have a sample pottle free by mail, also a book teliin e abort 3wa.iip-K.oot, and hov.- t ) v "..t if vou have kid- . -;.. . c r bladder trouble. tsfffgSlft? . v. v. ritin:uenti n ;i:S.S;2i2d ia this paper and i"-f"iH!!'.i;:i';i:3i''. J -.1 your address to -piri ivii'Uer Ow Co., liome ol ..:tinp-Uoot. ;.i;'.:.'.::itoti. r. Y. The regular fifty-cent .: i ).:-'-.'. ollar sizs bottles are sold by '.1 i".:-.:;.rists. Don't make any mistehe v.t r.-ietrd-ser the name, Swamp-Root, r. Kilmer's SwaniD-Root, and the cA &. rlr.giiainton, 1, . .,02 every bottle. '!.MOTT 1$. CLAUK ftKorney at Law l!..:ifj North (.orolino. A F.L'L 1'klTOHN, Ax roi-XKY at Law, Scotland Xeck, X. C. i'r .! s Anrwhere. V 1 1 VNS AND SUHGEONS, -:o:Ia:id Xeck, X. C. f 1 ". . ..n IV pot Street. DCXTTST. yjlA. 0LIif( up stub's in "White- Li;u;itinc;. ? '.ours f:-n:n '. to 1 o'clock ;-i n 2 tr) 5 o'clock. C ' riK: ':uL I-si:ianci5 Agent, ::'-.rlt.?vl Xc.ic. X. O. 2 i. A i -i. -S. JUL. -U. ScfJ.and Nock, N. C. Ky-.'s cxan-iififd free. Broken : s matched and fmmes repaired. A', 1 ;r-:i?f"j sirictly ca.sh. fin. R. L. SAVAGE OF ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. W:M h- in Scotland Neck, N. C, on tn thinl Wednesday of earrh month at the hotel to treat the diseases o; th F:,-y, Ear, Nose, Throat, and fit a. rr:NT. .-Gotland Neck, N. C. R. C. DUNN, Enfield. N. C. S. A. R. C DUNN, 'Attorneys vat Lvy Sc-itland Neck, North Carol! nr. Practice tojretr-cr in all matter. ex . ,jc those pertairihier to railroad !::;' -ee. Money loaned cn approv es! :-eearitv. Other Reasons Why you should buy your StIushss of us: 10. Our Atlas-Shur-Oa fin-- er- piece eye-glasses will stay r on iike KDe-itacle3 and combine p. style with comfort. H 11. We j-rrind our Toric lenses H curved in front of the eyeball jj t j increase the field of vision. VI. Our Kryptok or double U vision glasses are the most con 1 ve.iietit and best made. The t lo-.ver is practically invisible, uc.'l they not only are better ji than any other style, but look P better. I Tucker, Hall & Co., I 53 Granby St., Norfolk, Va. N Catalogue on Application. Everything tt Optical and Photographic, 1 ?yB 3 A feulv B 1 k 1 B U4S W 1 ! " fj i-j Why vou should buy your U The Commonwealths Great Prize Voting Contest. Exceptional Opportunities to Se cure a Handsome Prize. Full Details on Inside Pages. Send in Your Nomination at Once. Get Your Friends Interested. Do you want a handsome high grade Piano absolutely free ? Do you want a genuine Diamond Ring without expense of a cent to you? Do you want a beautiful Gold 7vratch? Of course you want one of these beautiful prizes, and The Common- j wealth wiil give you an opportunity i : '."! w.'Mirp ono The name and full description of the Piano will be printed with'n b few days, just as soon as arrange ments have been completed. There will be a number of other prizes, such as Diamond Rings and Gold Watches of considerable value, will be awarded to other young ladies, the full plan for awarding appearing on the inside pages of this issue. Do not wait or hesitate about sending in the name of some popular married or single lady whom you think is deserving of one of these valuable prizes. The list of prizes arranged fo The Commonwealth's Great Contest is the most elaborate ever inaugu rated in this section of the State. Read the rules of it below, then read about the prizes. Cut out the nomination blank and fill it out with your name or that of a friend. As soon as it is convenient for you to do so call at the office of the Con test Editor in The Commonwealth building, and he will tell you all tbout the competition and how yol can WIN. It doesn't cost anything to send ir a nomination, but don't go to tre trouble of nominating a lot of deac! ones just for fun. We want rea live, bona-fide, hustling contestants. Talk it over with the nominee before sending in the name. The nominator's name will posi tively not be made known unless their candidate wins one of the prizes, and then only after the con test is over. So don't ask. THE OPENING DAY. This is the opening day of the Great Contest. The first vote cou pon is printed in this issue. It is good for 100 votes, and from now until the close of the Contest the sheais in the hands of the many hundred readers of The Common wealth will be busy clipping votes for their friends. A LIMITED BALLOT. This coupon or ballot has a date limit, and must be deposited in the Contest Ballot Box located in The Commonwealth building before the date of expiration. The date on A 50-cent bottle of ilf'o Fmukinn p-iven in half-teaspoon closes four times a day, mixed in its -bottle, will last a yd old baby near ly - month and four bot tles over three months, and will malic the baby strong and well and will lay the foundation for a healthy, robust boy or girl. TOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS f ..wr and this d. for - . - r Vch lank contains a Gooa i-ucjt SCOTT & BOWNE. 409 Prl Street. N. Y. which the coupon expires is on the bottom of each ballot. The vote coupons issued on subscriptions as explained elsewhere do not have any limit and may be voted at any time. HOW TO ENTER. To enter the race clip the nomina tion blank and free coupon that ap pears to-day, fill in the name and address, bring it or mail it to The Commonwealth office, where it will be entered with the other candidates. Votes may be secured from any place, either in the territory of the Contest or outside. Only those re siding in the district, as outlined, will be eligible to compete, but the votes may be had from any place. Candidates living in one district are not barred from getting votes from any other district They may be se cured from any district, for any candidate. HOW VOTES ARE ALLOWED. A coupon will be printed in The Commonwealth which will be good for the number of votes indicated on the face of the ballot. These ballots must be clipped out and sent to the ballot box in The Commonwealth office before the expiration of the date printed thereon. The best way to secure votes, however, is by securing subscriptions to The Commonwealth. Votes are allowed cn subscriptions as outlined m the voting schedule printed be low. With each cash subscription of $1.00 or more, we will issue a cer tain number of votes according to the length of the subscription. The ertificate votes issued on each sub scription can be voted at any time luring the Contest (subject to the voting rules.) Votes will be issued on each pay ment both on old and new subscrib rs. Any person owing The Com nonweaith for subscription will be sued votes for any amount paid thereon more than $1.00. Parties living in one district are tot confined to voting for candidates n any district of the territory of the Contest. Condidatesand their friends may secure subscriptions anywhere nd votes will be allowed on all sub scriptions as shown elsewhere in this announcement. RULE GOVERNING THE CONTEST. Any white woman, married or single of good character can enter the contest, except, of course, em ployes of The Commonwealth, or any member of such employe's im mediate family. They do not have to be subscribers of The Common wealth in order to enter; all that is necessary is to send in their names and addresses. The Commonwealth reserves the right to reject the nom ination of any candidate. IN CASE OF A TIE. In case of a tie for any of the prizes offered in the Contest, the value of the prize or prizes thus tied for will be equally divided be tween the candidates who tie for same. BALLOTS BY MAIL. Coupons intended to be voted and sent by mail should be addressed to The Contest Manager of The Com monwealth, and all postage must be prepaid. CONTROVERSIES. All controversies which may arise will be settled by the Contest Mana ger and the management of The Commonwealth alone; and in accept ing the nomination each candidate accepts and contracts to abide by all decisions. THE JUDGES. The judges who will count the votes and award the prizes will be selected by The Commonwealth and the contestants. Any protest to the edibility of any of the candidates will not be considered if votes have been cast for the said candidate for a period of 30 days or longer. A GREAT CONTEST. This Contest is a big thing it is going to assume still vaster propor tions, and one might go on for col umns telling about it. But the watchword is "to work". But the party that gets started first has real advantage, so 'make up your mind to go in to win. Send in f nomination blank. It costs nothing. Then simply start out and get sub scriptions for The Commonwealth. ALL CANDIDATES TREATED ALIKE. The Contest will be conducted in s strict'y fair and impartial manner, and the fullest investigation is court ed at all times, asfuiing every one that everything is square and impar tial. No employe or member of h"s or her family will be allowed to compete, nor will any favors 1 e shown to all other candidates. The Contest Manager will assist, all can didates in any way possible, but in so doing will treat all alike. CONSOLIDATE DISTRICTS. The Commonwealth reserves the riuht to consolidate the two districts shHild the leaders have less than 50,000 votes by January 1st. The same number of prizes will be given in the consolidated districts as were to be given in the two districts which were consolidated, in the same as the prizes in the original districts were to be awarded. The Contest will close Tuesday, February 7th, at 9:00 p. m. One way to rrevenl Crime. It would be one of the surest pre ventives of public crime, were it known that the re.-pectable people of the town were not going to recog nize the grafter, the corrupt politi cal boss, the buyer of legislation, the advocate of race-track gambling, the presidents of corporations that vio-1 late every law, the despisers of the J marriage relationship. We have' been thinking hw especially effect- ive ostracism might be in these fre quent cases of marital infidelity and I divorce. Not long ago a great in dustrial magnate divorced his wife, who had shared his former povety and borne him children, to marry an actress. Suppose that every respec tadle family had ignored them, what a blow it would have been. For it was largely this craving for social distinction the woman was after. The minister who married them was ostracized, and it worked his repent ance. After his public confession of mistake he was heartily welcomed into their esteem. The other day a prominent man und woman, both of whom had been divorced, vvei e mar ried the day after the d vorce of one of them; the love-making, k was evi dent, had been done whi e one at least was married. Every respecta ble person simply absolutely ignore such people until they repent it would be one of the most potent remedies for the tanden plagamy so many are practising. And ministers and justices should be ostracized who continue such things. New York Evangelist. Judge Connor on State and Federal Courts. In charging the grand jury at the openkgof rhe November term of the Federal court here today, Juilge H. G. Connor treated with special emphasis the relations of the State and the Federal counts and declared his determination to maintain the very best of relations and co-operation. He declared especially against a practice that he has observed of United States commissioners and other Federal officers going into the State courts, especially the magis trates and police courts, and seek ing out cases to be hauled into the United States courts for trial after the defendants have already been dealt with in the State courts. He laid down as a rigid rule to be ob served in his court that no defend ant was to be prosecuted after he had been dealt with in the State courts. He insisted that officers of his court must keep this rule in mind in making up cases for the court over which he presides. Raleigh ! Special 22d. to Charlotte Observer. Get the Genutne Always. A substitute is a dangerous make shift especially in medicine. The . t-- 1 m vSy J3 jsmavellow package. Accept no I substitutes- Sold by all druggists. TOO GREAT FOOTBALL GAMES. Tcsar,!s r.f PbsIh Uitnrss Brtr.. Enthusiasm Runs Hi'jh. North Carolina came more near'y moving over into Virginia at Thanks giving day than at any time in the history of the two States, possibly never fo many Tar Eh els being at one time on Virginia soil as on that lay. What took them there wa in terest in co'lege athletics and'th spirit of pride the noie folks havf for their boys. NoriVdc and Kich m nd were the objective points anfi the North Cavolinaians v. ho wen! over to root for their b -ys found the Virginia spirit equally as strong for the home teams. Both cities w ere thronged with Carolinians and Vir ginians and there wa- ahapny ming ling ti-gfther of the two St ife-? w.t l "riendly rivalry ai to vvhiVi cov.Y. show the greatest etit'nuasia-m a;:; d'play the most penants. Colors of the respective colleges were in ev; clence everywhere, and in every im e?nahle shape. ThA.& !Y1. c He team of Nor;! Carolina met the V P. I t'ar" ' Virginia in Norfolk, and the T. r Heels came off winners in a sc ire of 5 to 3 after a beautiful gam?. The "armer boys always save the St .U-, and this victory nv ke' ther-i t hi campions of Southern college eMj: s. The teams of the University of North Carolina and University of Virginia played in Richmond The Tar Heel boys put up a fin" fight, vet they lst in a scoii 7 to 0. Whi; North Carolina hns a good Univer sity team, those familiar with tlu game could detect points at the must important parts of the cnUst. Greenville f"lt m'.?ch Hret in the University game, as one of her biys Mr. L. Ames BrTi, wa-? on the ; m. Gi tenvihe R fleet" r. 30 mn of success. The E. T. Whitehead Company fofo? ?. Rsmfdy !r Catarrh, Costs Kcthliig if ii F lis. When a mid '.cine effects a success ful treatment in a very large major ity of cases, and when we offer that medicine our own personal truamnteo that it will cost the user nothing if it does not comple ely relievo c i1 arrh, it is onlv rensonaUe that poo:)'--should bdieve us, or p. 1 vast put our claim to a practical te.-t wh n we take all the rssk. Tot-e :?re t acts which we want people t suuvsn tiete. We want them t try Rexa 1 Mucu-Tone, a medidne prepared from a prescription of a phys'c'ttn with whom catarrh was a specialty, and who has a record of ihirty yoar of enviable success to his record. We receive more good reports about Rexall Mucu-Tonf than v e - o of all other ca'arrh remedies s j!I in our store, snd if m re p.Ie only 'new wha'. a thoroughly '; en.'kf.U reT-dy Rexall Mu-u-Tone ', it wou'd be he only ca.arrh r- !iv- Wf would have an-- h rn i.t i for. Rexull Mucu-Tone is quickly -'-sorhed and hy its therapeutic effect tenis to disinfect and cfe-msethe en tit e mucous membraneous :rct. V destrov and remove the pa'astcs which ir jure 1 he membraneous tis sues, to soothe the irritation and heal the soreness, stop the mucous discharge, build up strong, hoalthy tissue and relieve the blood and sys tem of diseased matter. Its influence is toward stimulating the muco-cells, aiding digestion and improving nu trition until the whole borly vibrates with healthy activity. In a com paratively short time itb' mzs a' out a noticeab'e ra:n in weight. str iv.rdi" good color and fe !in. of buo;- oncy. We urge you to try Rexall Ivl ucu Tone, beginning a treatment to-day. At any. time vou are not satisfied, simply come and tell us and we will quickly return your money without question or quibble. We have Rex all Mucu-Tone in two sizes, 50 cents and $1.00. Remember you can obtain Rexall Remedies in Scotland Neck only at our store, The Rexall Store. E. T. Wnirehoad Company. Mr. Baldy Yes. Tommy, even the hairs 01 our heads are numbered. Tommy (glancing at his father's intellectual dome) Dpn't take much figgererin to get your number, does it, pa? Harpers Weekly. A Simple Safeguard hr Matters. Mrs- D. Gilkeson, 326 Ingles Ave., Youngstown, Ohio, gained wisdom by experience. "My little girl had a sevese co d and coughed almost - on tinuousiy. My sister recor-mended Foley's "Honey and Tar. The first dose I uave her relieved the inflam mation in her throat and as ter u.-ing only one bottle her throat and lunjrs were entirely free from inflamma tion. Since ihenl always keep a bot tle of Foley's Honey and Tar in the house. Accept no substitutes. Sold by all druggists. . V .v--;-vy ma Vf, Key?.! Cco'f Ec-I: Fells Kow to yldc for l&wef: i The Priest- Pm' rick, what do v.o think of t! e ' !:? Patrick Suiv, e Riviivncc, ph r do.s; it nu.ttor )h;i" I tink u l' IJIbUr? lie-..!, it d-.ii't nad..' iii.y tes-ta-nio-tiials. Foley's Ki.sm-y PPIs :ir. t r. a-oj n, (jijSc: : j1'... ; 11 1 r - tt-v r- i iv i' t!-e : :r v ...:ri : :: ilr ; a i -!..: .... I.', i v : ; .:,;., ir. "Ismarr.areaf fluroV" I. j .vif.- run.--. :.i-i'i 00 i : n dt ht," hv repii" I'y-'oj)-i 1, ;:; Ar;a r:c;i' cur .. V.v.v- j ' dock liiood il! LOi.-; C-iMJ'.K'lM )" I I sia every timo. it drivos out i:r.. u '.- 1 1 lies, t -Ties toe ra ! . 1 "n .: . j-r-' feet diio-'i' !"!, n-'iTi-n! v.oiL'Iit ai d 1 j good hat;.. ' ! T. . 1 r 1 . c ?v...!,, ( : (' ha'i ! ': ' a TV !'! I '.',1' . ; :;.V '.. aad m L ijoa'ment i die- !y , ough. : W1.1 so 1 ;.. n 2 :ie at nivdit 1- th- m :.'!. i- corsg!i '"' c; uo, 'rinvir.g -ho- d to tt. !.o s ho d. Carefu- motiterr, ko p F ! '- Uoruw ' and Trr in iho h-.a-o and j-iv;- i at toeh'S sign of d j g;-r. it ,'.v:v j no ouhiU'-. So d .; a'l d-it :gi,.;-s. Ify.-o! .v .t t !::'. '. col i: " n 1 I l'l v i. 1', !; ;l 0 I-ca vn 1 ; , reHr-e '. boea s its al 11 vs i "a-o iho music Ev i v r: iv: ;' I ( '! e'i o ; :o i' a' v- os. . 1 - ' i . ' i.-- 1- t. .. 1. ! Cht V. oh . 1 ' Uar!; 2 Vaiv.t loruTJU i I'kavk T. Ci..;:i:, Pre.-., .V .ntj f'p.irt'ires, J'otrs -rid d al 1 s in Sai-h, Doon; ard I! it (is; l.'u'ld s' IlM'd'A are; Plate and Window Class; Paints, Oils ; n Var nishes; Porch Columns find Stair Work. NORFOLK, -. - - VIRGINIA. MiW.Ci'l ified as txcditor ,f t!iv I x will arvi j tes'ame .t. or iomii i. v.o-u-i. deceased, v.-lrch v,as duly adi.iir- to p:ohai in the o.iic.- :i the c'.-rk of ihf .up-rior court of Halii't-y . U.. ..mr ,f f.. ,.U.- ' i . 1 1 . t. i iy:o ner.-.oy noiiiy aii iti.-,ons li u'j - ing claims ag dnst said tf stal or to present them to him duly verified at I their recovery. All persons ir.ciebt I ed to said estate will please settle at once. This 4th day of October, 1910. joN'ES Lee, Adm'r, 10-13-6t Terrapin. N. C. h;s residence in Ncsn county, near t, rr.rn ' " Bailev, N. C, with. a twelve months J j;.--, RI.OC from .he date of th-s rotkv, . r the eccrr. . X) ! ' " s-m.e ill be pva-k-d in Ucr thereof, comforw .-cr-.- yv,J TO All persons in.'eb.ed to him. sid corssts L-jcIuc'c cA V' testator, are hereby notified to make ths (fo-Acr'fCo ivc- BD.UU immeeiate payment. Knovn to the x;o;l-0 Vm This the 81st day of October, 1910. best corzzi cTcri- UV Tkcs. Wkstray, ners, which r-v:'.: : V Executor of the 'last will and testa- Q etyiish fzrrr.-:.1, K'tTof 1 ment of Wm. M. West ray, dee'd. wilh Lr, ty!' Rdminstraior's Notice. I ffQAN r II CORSETS Having qualified as admimstrator Co:i3LX Co., idusive Makert of Irvin IhMiklfv, necwisetl, 'tte 01 - . Ha !fx countv. N. C. thi. is to no- For L-.o ra ox lCo figure as tifyad p-r-n.,1 aving ckiimsaga'nst well as fcr thcr.o of medium or the est t l of Fi'd d'-ea--o i o. . libit slander form. them ti the ur-. h-i -igiiv 00 or be- fGIi &Ul iiY J. V. MADRY. fore th 1st dav of .Hn:mr: 1012. or s,.ii.,n,l V.-r-l- v n I T I 1 lift ( t. ; 1 lJVtt o . i.i A 'Jk "Y J '"T' . ' V C rocc r t c.f jc.r a-klrccr 173 K:i:J cf Cr -v;v I ' . ' ( t'. !t.:r f ' n si'. o:i : Kir.o. 1 a 1 1 y 00 jou :i' A n'" ;;; -t J)..y, th-.t 1 : ! ( ' .. i' ,1! civa- 1 1 o li.c:, play Sci.ll i .v v:;o no ,-. ..f 'iil;.!-'.y. !'... ''. . ;.'::.,:. si ! ' 'r. ''"."' tie tl1-1 ! t ! !. o. ;m(! . I 01 p-c- i:t- . 1 i. v y'.r" vit! r 'irni'ed, ' a i n -. ; . !i J vt'U( cs JilV ! .0 ::: 1 o.-ry. ':' : hh- 01 f.ir i tt. t rt- ;, tl . i!!r!t n oordiiiU C" of the s; 100, I am Yours to plo'-se, I!. -. CAI)(jCR. ' t f.i-t-. ! .ir! VII ........ 7- .o ! rv 'V Ihi.v oj- !:jolit v.c al't rrai.V to .'-M)ii!:iiobit' our fri'inls i)vf 1 1 1- I'ublif (I'1ht;i1! r n r CORSETS j Dnns cu. -j j advantage frArS& , Iho gracdul J '--v- ! Vt'- brinrj cut to Tr; 1 . 1 V. , f0rrn -r ccr. v' ; rsc any SJura &f perfection " -...... 3 , !n t.tt .rt rnralH. v ' ,.r!e Faijc to it-dtoro Orn ::.. ' -1 J"'l- Vou.hful Color. i.,(.rJw tu ''i n cum t bur lanuig. bnia ifi i"'U I W t lm.xirt 1 J. IS I riS I 111 : 1 I : Vi

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