V- 1 BHUM1IW ui-'. ! ' Seme women retain their beauty. to an advanced -j T:,, -r,v -.-1,.. -..iMVT.l'll'lv O-'lT! fifTQ fc-4 Irapidlv, for suffering k-ic: its lasting n:arks OBj. 1 i .;1 Nearlv all women suffer more or less with some : i form of female trouble. It . Oic-ild not be nerved. ..'1a;i -r, iwnf rr.i'rv-,:' r.t home bv takmsr tfis $ Cardui, as thousands of oilier women have don : Beffin at once and give Cardui a iair trial. r. WALL PAPER GOOD AS NEW Mixture That Absolutely Will Remove Every Exisilr: Trace of Dirt or Greaee. j kti rrr -W , -.fc.-.- "1 ft. -turn fcifTUj L ; e 1 It Wi ire i k : m : Fj N K M 3 J c5 III Eele Yeii . JlrS, Eat ie Thir!i--on, Core Vii III., ti'h-H Oardui and writes: T cnftoi.! with tVnifi'.- trembles. : nl was fr ?1C:L 1 coulu not stand 'A - ' . t, -w- i i -, . . .. 1.. "! 1. X. aitii mou ueau io ;cv. crk iuid a:u in ranch . . X T: 11 T 1 ; ...1 .. ; ,-3 on Iiiv it't'l. x'lUciiiv x u(.;;an in u.... mend. Xow I am able to do all n f I better health than I was before." Try it. T clean vnll t::!3;er. a writer gives tan following i'c ci; e:. Ton cents' vorta of oil 'oi r.:v;.j;5rr.is. one5 tcapcBr.tv.l itvcVfr.V:) of ; ;t'. i. two toa&i)0ov"als (oven full) of salt, ivid one quart of (old waters ix t lie cold water with the inp-rcdifiits. tlio:i add white lloiir until it is thick tnoush to drop from a spoon. Put in a covered rail, set in a kettle of boiling water, and cook un til done, stirring often. If it does not rtick to the hands when cool, it is done. Remove from the pail and di vide into "loavc-p," working each piece a while in the hand. Take out only what is needed, leaving the rest cov ered in the rail, to prevent the am lronia from evaporating. Taib the wall with a loaf, working the dirt into the dough. When very dirty, exchange for I a clean leaf. This removes dirt and I grease magically and leaves old paper ' as good as new when used carefully. MAKES GOOD LUXCHEON DISH 4-4 - I 11 'rer AT ALL BETJG STORES 1 ' 1 araticn Known as Spindled Oys ters May Be Relied on to P!e?.se Guests. A-- 1 5 51 i o ARE YOU A For half a dozen persons, two dozen i largo ovsters, two ounces of bacon and six small slices of tl.'a toapt should be j used. Six slender steel skewers are ' needed. Cut two dozen slices of the rr bacon as thin as wafers and fill the skewers with bacon and oysters, alter ed nafcly, running the skewer cross ly grained through the muscle of the oys Yi ter and stringing the bits of bacon by HANDICAPPED. Tins U Ti e Case With Many Scotland Neck People. "Too man- Scotland, Neck citizens are. .iai.. c :; r-cu vith a bad back. 1 . A .injc inte.'--i,y jwm causes c-vu i -misery, mak-ng1 work a burden and stooping and lift in.gr an impossibility. The back achos at night, preventing r-'frfuhinj- rtt and in the morning is sti.T and Inriic. Piasters and lini ments may reive reb'ef, but cannot reach tl:e ca :e. To eliminate the p uns and aches you must cure the kid neys. Doan's Kidney Pi!!.-; cure s:ck kid neys and cure them permanently. The folh.-vinrr statement should convince every Scolhnd Neck reader of their efficiency. J. Frank Powell, West Tarboro, Ev the Grace of God Alone No iron cnam. or outward force -out . , iho rntl out lririfl rOUlU I'Vii nj.ii!" of man to believe or to disb( he(U8 his own indefeasible light, that j.iu ment of his; he will reign rnd there by the crate of God alcae. Thomas Carlyle. Cultivate Ideal3. It is a cheering thing to meet young minds inspired by ideals. It is a de ligl tful pastime to give a quarter or an hour a day to a great poet. Have a little blank book and copy a quotation or two when you meet them. Newest Thief-Catcher. A recently invented thief-catcher for stores consists of a sysieva of levers, which will close doors from brhind a counter on pressing a pedal and at the same time ring an alarm outside the building. C, "Last spring I had an attack of La Grippe and after that I suftefed from packache and pains across my loins. Standing so much. I believe was the cause of my trouble, f I stooped or lifted, sharp pains darted through my body and I felt miserabie. I oan's Kidney Pills were final iy reco.utnended tome and J procured a box. I can say that they v;ave me more relief than any other remedy I had ever tried. Theueof one box rerioved all symptons of my trouble arid I have rot had a return attack. Dorm's Kidney Pi lis have certainly d. me me a great amoun; of .. T.if o,.1t plinn Trill Lo : ,.-,-,riio ?! ti m-srr t..iv th.- P.VPworK ir..od and I r.:ii pieased to recomrr-end Or, are you still pled'Ha ; still using moss-grown me Stop a minute and look 1 much have you Uw. by as you should have? S?-..-; now to do business in :i -y compare notes when li ; or best way t- put your ' j'ong in the same old track, hod- :md smtiquated ideas? over the past year. How keoping up with your affairs .!.. rvlake a re:-.ilut!un right vm.:i!.;e way next year and p is harvested next fa!i. The :! - buskn"-:-' besis is u ' across a baking pan and cook under ! gas or in a quick oven for five min I utes. Do not take the combination J- ! from the s-pindlos, but lay each one ! over a slice of toast. Pour over them it,, j the dripping from the baking pan, ( ' i and serve iininedia "y. :iem. For sale l y all dealers. Price CO cents. .'ter-Milburn Company, l?uual(. Ne v York, sole agents for the United States. Pern emlnr the name Doan's and take no other. Afternoon Tea Idea. At informal Sunday afternoon tea the latest idea is to have two punch fables and o.-.e tea table. The hit to USE .5-.? .Iw 2l.,i? 1 J. lias only the tea service and cups and saucers, and the cue that ijotirs stands beside it, and can chat in comfort wLIiout a strained neck. The dining A youmr man who had lo.-a his wise married his deceased wife's sister still in mourning. While on his hoi. eymoon, a friend of his, whom he tad not seen for along time, met him in a. i : iaurant. The friend, after being introduced to the bride, said Dearth of Great Actresses. Although acting is essentially a fem inine art, Englishwomen are making far less mark in it at the present time than in probably any other period of our theatrical history. Wo have no Mrs. Siddons. London Tailor. Old Thoughts May 3e New. A thought is often original, though you have uttered it a hundred times. It has come to you over a new route by an express train of associations. Ilclmes. . --lW!l!ill!L.;;,Hlw I jtirtK. mmm fa;!!!; i 1 ,1 IH : I . ..1. I M . I Introduce Method. "More time," is the usual exclama tion, even by those who have all the time there is. They should bethink themselves about more method, or else waste less time. W. H. Howe. Think It Over. When you avail yourself of an op portunity to get even with a man you furnish him with a desire to get b?.ck at you. It is a device for he all your transaeiiom mistakes, mi y;:i-; at mean a purchase, time, labor, wui r ; to use it. Let us k our salesmen when Tie . : ;y. or ry.1 RiXOitD f snuiil leaks, uisnutes. An investigation will li! rvnn a saving of :m the ..r.y you gin latere.-' e.; by reeing room is where the guests gather, the sympaineacaoi . drawing room being left for tete-a-tete. "Pmt w a are you in mourning fcr ard the hostess sees that, cheer is dis- I -hl boy' pensed freely fioni the kettle and the j "For my sister-in-law," was the Mowing bowl. The dining table is j dedicate reply. -Metropolitan Maga niade small fcr these occasions, and j.'-me. on it are placed the plates of goodie;-, Doan's Regulets cure constipation without griping, nausea, nor any weakening effect. Ask your druggist for them. 2o cents per box. "Son, how would you like to enter a re'ay event?" "Fine, dad. I was a star at relay events in college." "So Pve heard you say. Well, your ma is about ready to re-lay the car pets." Washington Herald. ,6 "11 fry ." rjti' fOfO-" fall ' I ft . k. :: 1 r1 m m v For Infer:-; ALCOHOL 3 PEK CENT. AMrjetaltlc Preparation ForAs similaling HicFoadarifJRcula t ing the S lomuchs anrLBowcIs of Promotes Dt$estion.Qcerfiil ness ar.d fcst.Ccntains ncitlier Opium-Morrdiiac nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. PlimjJdn Seed" jllxJmna Harm Sprii CaiifuU Swrrr Kuitunrcaiii'linT. Aperfect Remedy for Consfipa tion , Sour Stouiach.DiarrUoca Worms . Conu!sioi)s.revensh- ness aidLcss or Sleep. J racSiniite Siaamrc of NEW YOKK. The Kind VsJlg. Always hj-k' Bears the , Signature of Fi t U t ! Thirty m 'li . i 1 1 ' ! ' -.: I? 1 k. .V 1 : ""V w ' ft thi etNTtun CCMS . , , .. .c.f 1 L- . . i i..4',u bVinrl atl ' 1. Il f; The Compendiun:?. Company, (Inc.) F. M. DUNSTAK, Ruprcsenfativs. ,r ; K') that all may suit themselves. In a large room this method means more . .or less rambling, but it also means t' that the guests do not settle into little groups, and so give the impression to 7i ' a nv-coRier of a very '"cliquey" gath- lt : ering. u For any iains, from top to toe. "r v.i r.ny ct'us?, apply Dr. Thomas's ::ll ctic Oi'. Pains can't stay where t is used. Q-OOOOOOOOOOC-C" 0-0-QCKHD-0-CK5 V o o o o o 6 o 0 0 o o 'o A Mew T?1 ft I have a nice line of iu-.des tinislied and in shou room, also a ni(ie line .' Ilnrness just oened np, all for sale and for yonr conifort and pleasure. Looks, dura hility anl style are all rmlit and lull v narjinteed. Don't Poll to Ceme to See Tie Before You Buy. w a B4NTLE Scotland Neck North Carolina Cranberry Crm. Stew one quart of cranberries; while hot rub through sieve; measure half a pint and add 10 it one-half cup of g: an u laied suga r. Have a quarter of a box of gelatin r-j . soaked in a quarter of a cup of water X. j one hour; set the bowl over steam to V I dissolve the gelatin, then add the cran i." - berries. Turn it into an earthenware (J ' bowl, set in a pan of ice water and X j beat until it is perfectly cold and bo s'' j gins to thicken; then add half a cup 0 i of rich milk and beat again, and at Sj last add half a cup of whipped cream. Heat it thoroughly and turn info a . mold and sat on the ice to congeal O erve with whinpod cream and a few ' chopped almonds added. 6 I o If you tivow out a life line to a fedow in trouble don't handle it so clumsily that he will die of exhaustion before vor. :ot him to shore. Putting Quicksilver on Mirrors. Pour upon a sheet of tinfoil three drams of quicksilver frcison) to the square foot of foil, rub smartly wit' a piece of buckskin until the foil be comes brilliant. T,ay the glass upon a fiat table, face downward. Place the foil upon the glass, lay a sheet of ; paper over the foil and place upon it a block of wood or a piece of marble ! v''ith perfectly flat surface. ' Put $ upon it sufficient weight to press it "I bad been troubled with consti pati'm for two years and tried ail of ::h.; best phy'eiansin liristol, Tenn., irid thev could do nothing for me," writes 'Uv-n. E. Williams, Middle b ro, Ky. " ivo packages of Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets cured me." For sale by all dealers. "The professor says I am a person of extreme segnitude." "Is that a compliment or not?" "I'm goirg for the dictionarj' now.' W as h i r g t on Herald. Eacks Ch Sun; lliing new. "I'll never be without Dr. King's New Life Pills again," writes A. Schim.-e.ck, G17 Elm- St., Buffalo, N. Y. "They cured me of chronic con--tipation when all others failed." Unequaled for Biliousness, Jaundice, Indigestion, Headache, Chills, Mala ria and Debility. 25c at E. T. White head Company. Saved Fram A?,1ul HvzX How an appalling calamity in his family was prevented is told by A. D. McDonald, of Fayetteville, N. C. u. r . I). JV. o. Aly Sister had con- , ,. , .,- . . , , . . . sumption," he writes, "she was very ,u,, Im V11 -v,tJ1(l " 1;,J" ! s When sister's beau comes Sunday nights We always turn on all the lights, And pa and ma and sis and me We entertain the company. He sits across the room from sis Like this. Our bedtime's nine o'clock you know (I jus: pretend, but do n )t go) The lights they seem too stronjr for him And so they turn 'em awful dim, And he sits on thi couch with sis. Likethis. L li. Ilorton. Itching, bleeding, protruding or r-i it thin and pale, bail no appetite and seemed to grow weaker every day, as all remedies failed", till Dr. King's New Discovery was tried, and so completely cured her. that she has r ot been troubled with a cough since. Its the best medicine I ever saw or heard of ." For coughs, colds, la- j ,,i grippe, astama, croup, hemorrage .dl bronchial troubles, it has no equal. 50c. $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed bv E. T. Whitehead Co. cured. Druggists ali sed it. 0K0K0KK OOO COOKKCKK6 Wf-' i t,.H, .1-' Hie THE n n The WcrSd, STICKNEY 3 to 16 II. P. Mounted or stationarv. No trnnb'p to start Mn trouble to keep up. Uses less gasoline than other engines. Has netter cool m: system. Sold on better terms at lower prices, and 4 fully guat an teed. Send for Catalogue. H. J. C0RDLE, Agent, Littleton, N. C j down tight. Let it remain in this posi j tion a few hours. rThe foil will ad 0 here to the glass. 0 Rice Dumplings. v Ecil one cupful of rice until tender. I Wring from cold water squares of V j cheesecloth. Spread rice in the cen- I ter of each about one-half inch thick j? j and as large as a saucer. Lay on it K slices of apples that cook quickly. j Gather up the corners of the cloth and v; j tie in a ball. Drop them in boiling J water 'for ten minutes. Remove cheesecloth carefully and serve with cream and sugar. . . '5 N m E H. ST FLORIST, RaLKI(;II, CAIitJI.IXA. Hoses, Carnations. Violets and other cut flowers in season. Show-wand Plain Boquets for weddings. Floral designs and flowers for all occasions. Palms Ferns, all kinds of pot and outdoor bedding plants and bulbs. Magnolias, evergreens and ve-etable plants. H. Steinmetz, Florist, Paleih, N. "Our cook has been with us three months now." "How do you account for that?" " vio's reading a continued story in the magazine we subscribe to." Was h in gton Herald. You Hast Kcsd fills if you Waa! the Benefit. J. W. Greer. Greenwood, La., suf fered with a severe case of iumba ro. "The pains were so intense 1 was for ccd to hypodermic injections for relief. These attacks started with a pain in the small of my back which irrfdually became fairly paralyzing. My attention was attracted to Foley, s Kidney Remedy and I am glad to say after using this wonderful medi cine I am no longer bothered in any way by my old enemy lumbago." Baked Eggs. Drop one tablespoonful of butter in baking dish and set at the side of the fire until melted, add a tablespoonful of chopped parsley, a teasnoonfal of chopped onion, salt and penner and j, let heat for five minutes longer. Sr.-rin- i M I Kie eveniy over this three tablespoon- ? j fuls of grated cheese and break in ? I carefully half a dozen eggs. Place in S f" H Tint flt'ATI linti"! t"hfS ndi t no n-n t then send quickly to the table. Sold by all druggists. "What makes you think he bad been to a drinking party?" "He came home," sobbed the young wife, "wearing a phonograph horn for a hat." Louisville Courier Journal. Ecds Water's Trcubles. To many winter is a season of trouble. The frost bitten toes and finfers, chapped hands and lips chil blains, cold sores, red and rough shins, prove this. But such troubles fly before Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Atrial convinces. Greatest healer of Burns, Boils. Piles, Cuts, Sores, Eczema and Sprains. Only 23c at E. T. Whitehead Company. - "Are these lace handkerchiefs all linen?" asked the particular lady at the bargain counter. No, ma'am." replied the ultra honest clerk, "the open portions are not linen." Chicago News. fi'ants To Kelp Some One. For thirty years J. F. Boyer. of Fertile, Mo., needed help and couldnt find it. That's why he wants to help some one now. Suffering so long himself he feels for all distress from Backache, Nervousness, Loss of ap petite Lassitude and Kidney disord ers. He shows that Electric Bitters works wonders for such troubles "Five bottles," he writes, "wholly -uicu me emu now 1 am well and hearty" It's also positively guaran teed for Liver Troubles, Dyspepsia Blood Disorders, Female Complaints and Malaria. Try them, 50c at E. T Whitehead Company. "Di 1 you hear what happsned at Baglev's to-dav?" "No, what was it?" "He took down an old pist ol he had had about the house for years, and playfully snapped the tricgerat his wife, thinking it wasn t toided. "Good heavens!" "Weli it wasn't." New Wv.k Evening World. The quicker a old is gotten rid f the less the danger from pneumonia, and other serious di.-cases. Mr. P. w. L. llan, 01 Waverlv, V a., says: Every P evT L?. "At the ti::- I 1 Dr. Miles' IIe.;r; having sinkim; (-v days. My haixs ! get cold; I cr.'! breathe, and M : 1 gradually siaki : :. would be un: about me could :. .". vas life in rr.' ipells I vou!d bo v.:;.- v ticrvous, s-Icc;. ; appetite; had r.w.r:.' ;': head and heart. : the remedy a short disappeared an 1 ia r. :.' all the heart trorb' MRS. LIXli: . .. Soj 3d Ave. kv : . For twenty been constantly such letters as t! - . iiS 0 1 "I fitndy bebtv Chamberlain, s ' scarcely a localuv i: Courii Remedy to be absolutely the c. . e . t1. .., best preparation on the market for tates "crc .. colds. I have recommended it to nr. friends and they all r.gree with me Sold by all druggists. DIAMOND f$rfc"S GRAND one "who can :c merits of thi i: . cessful Heart K. i Dr. Miles' Heart F, ' ' r ' all druggists. If tl-c t -.: " ; benefit, your drucjj. t v. 1--j money. MILES MEDICAL CO., E'i. X If LADIES ! DIAMOND ltKANI) PILI.S in Kfd ndj Gold metallic boxes, scaled with Elue Ribbon. Tase no ninrn. Hyo?j,iUr W IJriiKf-lst and B.lt for rilI-rilj:.H.Tf.K S V DIA.MIM BliVJiK PI I.MS, for twcntf-fivG yer.rs regarded as Lest, Safest, A!w.-?ys Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS tried EVERYWHERE- 1 I' Irak tSrWZ Ht$r2j C? 'tvu-v jar r r r-r--,-'-'----! ' f!'J flti -t . . , ,' .""""7';"' rv."- - j cT:'" 1 For Stomach Trcu Laver ana ell c: It cures by ciu disestive orj;a::3 f. r" lateo the liver c?.drsz--" bowelsthe cr.!; v.-:-' chronic con?d:i"-:t.cn c:.: cured. Especiallyr -: for women a c " Clears blotched c : Pleasant i3 kv e. i- ' " , vvv; r V ; I fTFrlT&5Z - Delmonico Sweet Potatoes. One quart cold sweet potatoes cut in dice. Pour over one pint white sauce seasoned. Sprinkle over grated ehesse and cracker crumbs. Bake ia hot oven. mil Monume m O 8 nits ez uravesiones In all First Class Varieties of Marble and Granite. Largest Stock in tlie Sotitli. Remember, we pay the fi e.ght and guarantee safe delivery. As we employ no Agents the item of commissions is not in cluded in our prices. This enables us to use a higher otsHp of material and to finish it better than otherwise. Is this worth considering? When in Norfolk call onus. You will find what you want ; see and know what you are buying, and will get it quickly. The Couper Marble Works, (Established 1848.) 159-163 Bank St.. Norfolk, V. To Improve Roast. To improve a roast, known not to be very tender, let it steam one-haif hour in a pan with a half pint of water. U I EH Take Care: Remember that when your kidneys ai'e affected your life is in danger. M. Mayer, Rochester, N. Y., says: "My trouble started with a sharp shooting pain over my back which grew worse daily. I felt sluggish and tired, my kidney action was ir regular and infrequent. I started using Foley Kidney Pills. Each bose seemed to put new life and strength into me, and now I am completely cured and feel better and stronger than for years." Sold by all druggists. THINK OF ainu WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU. A Relief from pain that might otherwise cause you hours of agony. Tired oat muscles eased tip and made ready for another day's work. Lameness in the back and shoulders promptly cured and stiff joints limbered up. Burns, Scalds, Cuts and Mashes ren dered painless and quickly healed. Rheumatism, Lumbago and Sciatica robbed of their anguish and banished forever Ulcers, Old Sores and Open Wounds healed promptly and permanently. To!heTf-ir Wion of Mcxie rv Sen?.kiintil every ,;t:i AO guinea ana quiet; ine wl. fammic Penetrating power quTckK Tei?edy enables it m quickly and positively. 1 i 1. In all cases of Sprains, Bruises o ue rubbed in pcrsistenilv. blltl8 qualities of this d i - uocu0ia remedv .ni-. it e,u J AV sure. Prices 25c, 50c, $1.00 per bottle. Fui.brnDrani.u. LYON MFG. CO 41 to 45 s- Slh St, BROOKLYN, N V . ! ;' f I i