Good Advertisers IK, A I JTM . - j Use these column! for result!.' An advertisement in this paper will reach a good class of people. Subscription Price $1.00 Per Year. J. C HARDY, Editor and Proprietor. "Excelsior" is Our Motto. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1911. NUMBER 3. VOL. XXVII. Good Advertising Is to Business what Steam ia to Machinery, that great propelling power. 'I his paper gives results. Dunn & Dunn Attorneys-at-LaA, Scotland Neck, North Carolina. MONEY TO LOAN. Elliott C Clark Attorney at Law Halifax, North Carolina. ja PAUL KITCHIN, Attorney at Law, Scotland Neck, N. C. Practices Anywhere. S. A. DUNN, Scotland Neck, N. C. R. C. DUNN, Enfield, N. C. S. A. & R. C DUNN, Attorneys at Law Scotland Neck, North Carolina. Practice together in all matters except those pertaining to railroad practice. Money loaned on approv ed security. Thirty Special Ballots to be Awarded Contestants Within the Next Week. THE OFFER IS FAIR TO ALL. Details of This Grand Oifer Printed on Anoth er Page. The Opportunity for New Can didates to Head the List. DR. J. P. WIMBERLEY, Physician and Surgeon, Scotland Neck, N. C. Office on Depot Street. Dr. O. F. Smith Physician and Surgeon Office in Planters & Commercial Bank Building Scotland Neck. N. C. J)R. R. L. SAVAGE OF ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. Will be in Scotland Neck, N. C, on the third Wednesday of each month at the hotel to treat the diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, and lit glasses. jj)R. A. C. L1VERMGN, DENTIST. P Office up stairs in White rjtS& head Building. Office hours from 9 to 1 o'clock and 2 to 5 o'clock. F. A. RIFF, oraciAX Scotland Neck, N. C. Eves examined free. Broken lenses matched and frames repaired All glasses strictly cash. W. E. MARKS & BRQ Scotland Neck, N. C. We do all kinds of lathe and ma chine work. reDair enerines and boil ers and run a general repair shoo. Horse-shoeing a specialty. WITH The New Year we have increased our facilities for grinding quickly and accurately all kinds of lenses furnishing any style of frame or nose-piece you may desire. Bring us your oculist's pre scription for satisfaction. Success ore to Tucker, Hall & Co. X Opticians of The Best Sort 53 Granby Street, NORFOLK. RICHMOND. ROANOKE. HIGHEST SctP. BRAND AS' -ra Gi-A A Great Chance Now THE CURSE OF THE TENANT SYSTEM. iividual Hustlers. How the Credit-Made Cotton of tba Renter Holds Down Prices. A 500,000 Special ballot and twen- desirous of getting one of the prizes tv-nine other snecial ballots will be a chance to lead the whole contest given to candidates in The Common wealth's Great Prize Contest, who turns in the greatest amount of money on subscriptions durirg the week commencing Jan. 19th and ending Jan. 25th at 8 p. m. Full details printed elsewhere. The above is a brief outline of the fourth special offer of The Common wealth's Contest which is announc ed today. Just think of a special ballot good for 500,000 which will be given the candidate who turns in the largest amount of money on subscriptions daring this offer. Then to the per son who turns in the next highest will be given a bsliot for 490,000 votes; the next ballot for 480,000 and so down the list. There will be thirty special ballots. The highest one as stated will be for 500,000 votes and each of the other twenty nine will be decreased in value 10,000 votes. Therefore the candidate who turns in the thirtieth (or least amount of money) will be given a ballot good for only 210,000. The?e ballots are given additional to the regular.sehedule votes, which will, be issued as heretofore. offer fair to all. by the end of the week. It is even po5ible that those in the lead today may be nearer the bottom of the list than the top by the end of the week unless they work diligently and vigorously. interest intense. Interest in the contest is intense. Everybody is watching the paper to see how the candidates stand from day to day. All apparently are will ing to help one cr another of the candidates with their subscriptions if their favorite candidates were to request their assistance. Candidates will find it an easy matter to secure subscriptions and thousands of votes this week if they go around to see their friends and acquaintances and ask them to help them with a subscription. At present no one has a lead that cannot be overcome and the decis ion as to the winners will rest upon the efforts put forth during the next few days. In our experience there has never been a prettier race for first honors and none where the candidates gen erally speaking were s-o close togeth er.. Contestants should put all their spare time to the work of securing STANDING OF CONTESTANTS. We read and hear much advice given as to the importance of the Southern farmers raising their home supplies. It is absolutely important that they do this to obtain success. but it can not be done' with the prcs- town e"t tenant system, bmce the prin cipal laborers for the Southern farmers are the negroes, let us DISTRICT NO. 1. Embracing Scotland Neck and township. SCOTLAND NECK. Miss Margaret Bowers....... 123,687 briefly consider the negro as a lab " Nanniii T.nmh 123.0501 " Tna f!hPrrv 122 225 orer. without discussing the race " Alene Pope . 120,275 problem. " fiprrrnH Whitehead 118 750 P " Will Andrews..... 117,825 be solved. How.' btmply by pay- " Estelle House... 86,425 fog them wages and having them " Kathleen Tillery 72,900 conform to your orders as is the " Mary H. Smith.. 66,900 case with the employes of the bank- Mrs. G. W. Bryan 115,525 J. H. Allsbrook 97,425 DISTRICT NO. 2. Embracing all territory outside of Scotland Neck township. SCOTLAND NECK R. F. D. Miss Fannie S. Joyner, 2.... 108,612 Lydia House, 2 .. 105,045 er, merchant ana an wno conauct business upon business principles. We can never have intensive and ex tensive and prosperous farming as long as we advance land, team and all other supplies to irresponsible and incompetent laborers. The tenant system has proven a dismal Annie House, 2 99,474 faimre to the Southern land-owners Fannie Newsom, 1 71,150 , .... - " Bertie Dickens, 1 63,850 as the run-down condition of our This offer is as fair to one as it is 1 subscriptions, for the one that you ! . i i . t to the other. It is entirely different ! could have got but didn t may oe from any other offer and can in no the deciding one. way be compared with them. This I Leave nothing to chance and get offer means that all must work hard I your friends to help. And don't be during the six days. In fact in a backward about asking for subscrip- contest of any kind it is necessary j tions. There is nothing humiliat f or those who expect to win to ; ing about it. Everybody is inter- "Veev everlastingly at it." This of-1 ested in the contest and all are eager ter means that those may regain their lost lumping into the behind you ground by fight hard this week and win one of the big ballots and place themselves among the leaders. In fact this offer cannot be over looked by any of the candidates. If you already have a bunch of votes in reserve you should bear in mind that you cannot afford to let some weaker -candidate win this 500,000 ballot or one of the other big bal lots. You not only lose the special ballot but your competitor has gain ed not only the special ballot over you but the regular votes as well. If you expect to win in this contest vou must work every day from now until the end of the contest. By this it is meant that you must take up all of your spare time in the in terest of the contest. A CHANGE IN POSITIONS FOSSIELE. This offer gives the candidates who are at the bottom of the list an opportunity to advance to the front ranks by Wednesday. It gives a NURSING MOTHERS show the fects of beneficial ef- Seotfe Emulsion DIAMOND TADTES 1 i.v l,rta for CHI-CHHS-' DIAMOND IiRAND FILLS ill Red Gor.D metallic boxes, seaiea wiui . . tr ITf.r!lII.".R.T years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD-BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE 7 TOR'S A Ens v POSTED : All the lands formerly owned by The North Carolina Lumber Com nanv. against hunting, fishing, or trespassing of any kind. Halifax Land Co. S. F.Dunn, Agent in a very short time. It not only builds her up, but enriches the mother s milk and properly nour ishes the child. Nearly all mothers who nurse their children should take this splendid food tonic, not only to keep up their own strength but to properly nourish their children. FOB S.LE BY ALL DRUGGISTS to help someone. They will help you if you show an interest in your self. The best way to do is to ask everybody. Spare no effort. Just set your teeth and "I will win a Drize." That is the only kind of a girl that will get there. DON'T COUNT ON PROMISES. 'A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." The contestants should not be satisfied with promises of subscriptions but should get the sub scnntions at once. A man means well when he promises to help but when the time comes along for him to fulfil his promise it is often the case that something turns up to pre vent him. TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. Have you joined the booster? It is time to sret busy if you exoect to have some real fun out of this con test. It's fun to pick a candidate who vou think will win. and then turn in and try to make her a win ner. Save your coupons and see that your subscription is paid and your votes given to your favorite friends and getting them to sub scribe for The Commonwealth and cast their votes for your candidate Show them how much they can help you by paying their subscrip tions before Jan. 25 at 8 p. m. Tell j them that until then a yearly sub-' sci iption counts one point toward a 500,000 extra ballot. Be a booster. You will enjoy the contest as much as some of the candidates. If you can be of assistance to some worthy contestant. TO OUTSIDE CANDIDATES. You will l ave until 8 o'clock Wed nesday night Jan. 25th to count on the 500,000 ballot offer. Any letter containing subscriptions mailed be fore 8 p. m. Wednesday will count. Ask your postrr aster when he changes his date stamp. Lelia House, 2... 82,475 Lila Whitehead, 2 71,200 ENFIELD R. F. D. Miss Mary Barnhill, 1 63,700 HOBGOOD. Miss Marian White... 112.450 Kate Joyner 109,675 Myrtie Cox 3,100 SPEED. Miss Margaret Knight 77,250 Willie Dickens 54,000 WHITAKERS. Miss Lula Weaver.... 79,300 Ruth Bell 61.450 Irma Carlisle 59,375 BRINKLEYVILLE. Miss Hattie Boyd 62,400 Nellie Boseman 61,975 TILLERY. Miss Jennie Seawell.... 69,200 - Juiii.CLJihem.V: 61,600 Bessie Parks 51,750 WELDON. Miss Emma Purnell 71,500 May Cheek 69,700 Ruth Barkley 68,800 Pearl Harris 65,200 Mary Mabry 49,200 large farms testifies.' The tenant works on a certainty, for he is receiving advances that you are making on an uncertainty. He and his mule, with his management, do not produce the crop upon SO acres that should be produced upon fifteen acres. He must plant pea nuts and cotton to pay the merchant that you have endorsed to for hay, corn and meat at a high price, and Ailene Allsbrook.'.!'.'.'.'.". 5S60G ?lut the market with his cotton and peanuts tor two months ot tne year. He has worked upon your land and capital, while the speculator has watched conditions and named prices both ways for what he buys and sells. The negro race is a kindiy dispos ed people, but we all know that they must be kept under restraint. Their labor, or any other commodity that they have, commands the cash, and yet our land-owners are advancing twelve long months ahead of their work which is often done in a slip shod manner. They are a shifting people and with their poor manage ment and large bills often leave the land-owner much worse off than they found him. With few exceptions, the man with 68,775 no capital should work tor wgges, whether he is employed by the mer chant, factory or farmer. Let him prove that he is capable and worthy 50,250 of using another's capital before il is advanced tc him. The wcrthy man can do this in any line of busi ness and the unworthy one should only be entitled to what his offorts It i3 absurd to advance $300 per year to a $100 man, and yet we know that this is often done Slack management does not mean prosperity for either , employer or employes. It is not pleasant to ac knowledge, but we Southern land owners are very gulible and are al- Johnson. Bessie Dixon.. 47,300 41,275 Ssutbern Boys To Have Exhibit at Col umbus Corn ExpositiOD. Washingion, Jan. 13 "The 100 boys in the Southern States who have raised the best corn crop during the past year will be given an opportun ity to exhibit ten ears ?ach at the National Corn Exposition to be held at Columbus, Ohio, January 30th to February 11th," said Dr. Clarence Owens, Commissioner of Agricul ture Immigration of the Southern Commercial Congress, in a recent interview, 'There are 46000 boys belonging to the "Corn Clubs" in the Southern States, and the Southern Commercial Congress, co-operating with the United States Department of Agri culture, will pay for the transporta tion of exhibits of the most succes- ful boy "corn raisers" to the Exposi tion grounds. The selection of the hibits"vill be done by the county and state agents of the Farm Demon stration Work of the Department of Agriculture. We hope to bring to gether exhibits from 100 acres whose total output was 12,000 bushels'. "The boy's corn clubs throughout the South had wonderful success last 1 1v - A Tf A 1 year, ana ur. a. ivnapp, oi uie DeDaDtment of Agriculture who is directly in charge of Farm Demon stration work, anticipates even bet ter results next year. "Believing in the tremendous and wonderful resource of the South, the Southern Commercial Congress is actively co-operating with the United States Department of Agri culture in disseminating correct in formation, and is watching very care fully the publication of bulletins which may be of value to the South ern farmer, so that they may be brought to his attention immediate ly upon publication. The Depart ment has recently issued two valu able bulletins. No. 415 "Corn and Corn Raising," and No. 416, "Seed Corn," which maybe had upon appli cation to our Washington office." Dr. Owens is now making a trip through the Southern States, visiting each Governor, -regarding a state committees of fifteen business men to represent the at the great meet ing of the Souahern Commercial Congress to be held in Atlanta, March, 8, 9 and 10. Governor Mann of Virginia, Governor Glasscock of West Virginia, and Gov. Wilson of Kentucky are each heading such committeesr NEWS FROM HALIFAX. RINGWOOD. Miss Pattie Williams ROSEMARY. Miss Margaret Speight 51,500 1 49,800 1 58,700 Fannie Hart. Mrs. Willie Froelich SPRING HILL Miss Irene Parks HALIFAX. Miss Mary Norman 67,300 produce " Annie Belle uicsens... do.zuu " Leona Shaw 51,600 " Alice Hale 39,800 AURELIAN SPRINGS. Miss Alice Pepper 41,200 " Annie Cook 38,200 LITTLETON R. F. D. PALMYRA. Miss Hattie Everett 55,937 " Olivia Early 46,275 ROANOKE RAPIDS. Miss Mabel Taylor 41,600 " Annie Smith 39,400 " Rainey 37,400 " Nellie Price 37,000 " Gertrude Wicker 34,200 PURE RICH BLOOD. E. T. IVMlehead Company Sell a Per scripUon Thst Means Vigor, Vim, Vitality. Miss Miss Maude Isles '53.0C0 lowing our laborers to dictate how they will or not work. What is the remedy? Let the ten ant go, raise stock, buy modern ma chinery, make one acre produce ce much as your tenant produced or two or three,' and sell, if you can, every acre of land that you cannot control or utilize to an advantage. Observe these few simple rules and then if you have some surplus money . i i i j j i or lana ana you want, vo . uew m futures on cotton or peanuts, buy "spots" in paying cash for your la bor to make them and when the speculator wants to buy, let him buy from you and not from your mer chant who has been advancing to your tenant, the peanuts are net yours or his either. Thay belong to the merchant, and he is only inter ested to the amount of his claim. If any of our readers, Mr. Editor know howthe land-owner can make money from the tenant system, have them to speak out and tell how it can be done and they will prove ENFIELD. Katherine Matthews. Kate Condrev ".. Beatrice Whitehead.. KELFORD. 58,600 49,800 r 45,650 Miss Fannie Boome 48.600 s; Send 10c., name of paper and this ad. for onr benutitul Savings Bunk and Child's Sketoh-Book. Lach bank contains a Good Luck Penny. SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St. New York A bust of Senator Matt W. Ran som has been daced in the rotunda of the capitol by the State Historical Commision. That is the only pnhlic recognition the people of the State nave given the memory of tne man whose defence of the South m Lon gress during the reconstruction pe riod, forms one of the pravest and most fearless records made ty a Southern statesman. Charlotte Chronicle Ella Taylor Judy Harrell Ethel Stephenson Amanda Browne 41,200 43,100 39,800 32,000 112,800 HAMILTON. Miss Eulala Perkins OAK CITY. Miss Hettie Johnston 68,450 TARBORO. Miss Gussie Harrell 68,250 " Laura Powell 57,200 LITTLETON. Miss Kate Maguire " Carrie Helen Moore... " Ellen Mitchell 55,600 " Margaret Lewis 52,900 " Sadie Underwood.. " MarvSnruill 38,250 Ruby Vinson 31,400 Bunn 28,600 W. G. Coppersmith.... 30,975 69,4r0 public benef actors. - 69,400 Pumpkin, Va. -C. P. Grizzard, Because MI-O-NA causes the blood to get better and more nourishment it is at all times a valuable tonic. It puts vigor into the muscles, clears up the improperly nourished brain and makes strong nerves that will stand the severest test. Men who feel that their vitality is slipping away; that the vain and energy that they formerly put into all their work is lacking; that ambi tious impulses and clever ideas do not come as they use tc are the kind of men that need MI-O-NA; Besides being a peerless remedy for indigestion MI-O-NA is a most pronounced tonic. If you have that blue disconcentea eling through the day and pass restless night?, trying unsuccessfully tn t.-t. a refreshire sleep, take a monthV, treatment of MI-O-NA stomach tablets, and bring the sun shine into; your life. MI-O-NA costs but 50 cents at L. T. Whitehead Company and drug riQ pvp-vw'hpre. Guaranteed to cuTe 'TLaigestion ynT immediately relieve jrll stomach misery, or money back. Readers of The Commonwealth should bear in mind that nothing will set the stomach l ight so quicklv aS-MI-O-NA tablets. Take one after a hearty meal, and youteeed have no fear of stomach distress. A free trial treatment of MI-O-NA stomach tablets will be sent to any address free on request, address Booth's Mi-o-na, Buffalo, N. Y. Items ol Interest Reported From Ike County Capitol Halifax, N. C Jan. 17 For the past few days the County capitol has been a little quiet. The year 1910 is now a thing of the past, the new year in comparative infancy, so for as the mistakes, missteps, failures and follies of the past are concerned we can do nothing to change any of them now, but much can be done to ward avoiding repetition of the same things again this year and we should. Why not? Why' are the bright new years riven us, if not for the improving of our individ ual character, and through us lend improvement to the community in which our lot is cast? Our aspira tions should ever be to make each year of our life better, far better than the last, and there is no good reason why we should not, and no excuse why we cannot. There have been a few sick ones in our town for some little time, one of these is Frank Stephenson, who is much better than last week. Rev. C. G. Bradley filled the pulpit of St. Marks church Sunday morn ing and evening. The sermons were impressive and showed preparation and thoughsf ulness for the needs of church members. Your 'correspondent spent a few days last week in the hustling town of Rocky Mount. x Miss Jennie Sewell, of Tillery, and Miss Julia Rhem, of near Tillery, have for several days been . visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Stedman. Miss Florence Fenner is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wallace Paterson, at Chapel Hill.' Mrs. Thos. Jenkins returned to her home at Rosemary Sunday, after spending a few days with the Misses Butts. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Butts, of Rosemary, were visitors here Sunday at the home of Mrs. Butts' parents. Mr. J. H. Batts spent Sunday in Whitakers with his mother and father. Mr. W. D.Wilcox spent Sunday in Weldon with friends. Mrs. B. A. Mabry and Miss Margar et, of Norfolk are here this week with relatives. Mrs. N. A. Willcox has returned home after several weeks stay in New York with her son Mr. W. D. Faucett. Miss Esther Howerton has been in Rocky Mount some days with her sister, Mrs. John Blount. Mr. H. W. Gowen is home from a business trip of several days in the Southern States. Josephene Gowen has returned from a visit to Rocky Mount. Miss Mary Lou King, of Rocky Mount, visited her aunt Mrs. Cop pedge, last week. Mrs. Jane Tillery and little one will return one day this week from Richmond where they have been since before Christmas. Mrs. Dcatn In Roaring Fire May not result from the work of firebugs, but often severe burns are caused that make a quick need for Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the quick est, surest cure for burns, wounds, bruises, boils, sores. It subdues in flammation. It kills pain. It soothes and heals. Drives off skin eruptions, ulcers or piles. Only 25c at E. T. Whitehead Company. . Afraid to Stay Alons. Cherry Valley, Ark. Mrs. Carrie Moore, of this place, say?, 1 was afraid to stay by myself, I had head ache nearly all the time; my heart would palpitate, and my vitality was very low. When I would lie down at night I had no hope of living dav. I tried Cardui, aid now "S'pose my face is dirty," said the office boy in the elevator, what business is it of yours? You ain't my dad." "No," replied the elevator man, "but I am bringing you up." Bos ton Transcript. ' He I wish I had money enough to travel; I wouden't be here. She Woudn't that be delightful! Boton Telegraph. Many Mtfrcii zxz SlcKly. Mother Gray's Swept Powders for Children Break up Colds in 24 hours, relieve Feverisbneps. Headache, Stomach Trouloea, Teething Disor ders, and Destroy Worms. At all druggists, 25c. Sample mailed f ree. Address, Alien S. Clmstead, Le Roy, N. Y. "We live in the asre of marvels." "It is indeed wonrlfrfui how imt y i 1 Itod better than I have for 5 years, j P", ExpS " I cannot praise Car lui trough for j what it did." Are you a woman: Do you need atonic? Try Cardui, the woman's tonic. Your druggist sells it. v . Everybody,s friend Dr. Thomas's Electic Oil. Cure" toothache, ear ach, sore throat. Heals cuts, bruises, scalds. Stops any pain. Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Orer-WeiL Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood Weak and unhealthy kidneys are re sponsible for much sicknesi and su fieri njr. tnereiure, u itiuucy trouble is pemiitte! to continue, ecriou3 re sults crc inort likely . to follow. Your other organs m&y need at tention, but your kid neys inort, because they do most and should have attention first. Therefore, vfhen your kidneys are weak cr out of order, you can understand how quickly your en tire body is' affected and how ercry organ seems to fail to do its duty. If you are sick or feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. A trial will con vince you of its great merit. The mild and immediate effect of Swamp-Root, the great kidney and bladder remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest because its remarkable health restoring properties ha-e been proven in thousands of the most distress ing cases. If you need A medicine you should have tae nest. Sold by druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle J by mail free, also a oamohlet telline VOU h t wmHwi how to find out if you haT. kidaky or bladder trouble. : Mention this' paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Don't make any mis take, but remember the name, Swamp Root, and don't let a dealer 6ell yon something in place of Swamp-Root if you do you will be disappointed.