Hi 5 mm I GOWANS'1 "1 Kircgof Externals Is the one Standard prep aration universally and enthusiastically endorsed by Doctor, Druggist, Lay man. GOWANS Cures Pneumonia, Group, Colds, Coughs, i Pleurisy and all ailments caused from In flammation or Congestion. Gownns Preparation has on& of the largest and most satisfactory sales of any preparation carried in our stock. We consider it a wonderful success. THE MURRA Y DRUG CO., 1 ' Wholesale Druggists Columbia, S. C, July 11, l'Jlo BUY TO-DAY! HAVE IT IN THE HOME 3 All Dm!t. SI. 50c. 25c. , GOWAN MEDICAL CO.. DURHAM, N. C. 6inrtnttd. and momy refunded by your Druggist Often The Kidneys Ars ; Unhealthy Kidneys Kake Impure Blood. "Weak and unhealthy kidneys are re sponsible for much sickness and suficri ng, . - therefore, if kidney Bfk Yih&s trouble is permitted to && continue, Kcrior.s re SLtmte$iM cults are most likely to follow. our OLer organs may need at tention, but your kid revs most, because they do most and should have attention first. Therefore, when your kidnevs are weak or out of order, you can understand how quickly your en tire body is affected and how every organ seems to fail to do its duty. If you are siek or " feci badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. A trial will con !:ice you of its great merit. The mild and immediate effect of 3wa5up-RoQt, the great kidney and ladder remedy, is soon realized. It itands the highest because its remarkable liealth restoring properties have been proven in thousands of the most distress ing cases. If you need a medicine you mould have the best. ""o-w. Sold by druggists in W "THE HOME OF PURE DRUGS" Hurrah! Hurrah! School Days Again. And they find us better prepared than ever for 1 1 1 1 1 . . 9 tne scnooi cnnaren s . Supplies. ? A complete and classy line iJi,iauieij cuiiijjum tion books, ink; pencils, pens and erasers. Ask for the famous Blue Ribbon Tablet. ' Quality not quantity our motto. E. T. Whitehead Co. "The Rexall Store" '.ar sizes. You may ISS wSSJ 'iave a sample bottle ftii"spiKi by mail free, also afgjgggSg9 pampnlet telling J'OU Home olfcv.amp-liuot. how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Don't make any mis take, but remember the name, Swamp Root, find don't let a dealer sell you something in place of Swamp-Root if you do yon will be disappointed. KILLTHBCOUGH AHDCuRgTHELunes SiCE5oa$i.oo .1 TRIAl POTTLE FREE I? AND All THROAT AMD LUNG TROUBLES j GUARANTEED SATSFACTORlf L OR MONEY REFUNDED. Sale of House and Lot. By virture of power vested in me by that deed of trust executed to me n the 9th day of January. 1908, by Henry Pitt and his wife, Lou Pitt which deed of trust is recorded in -he Register of Deeds Office for HaMfax County in Book 193, at page 291, 1 will on Saturday the 4th day ,f March, 1911, at 12 o'clock, sell at public Auction, in the town of Scot land Neck, N. C, to the highest bidder, for cash, ithat house and lot described in said deed of trust, and lying, being and situate in the said town of Scotland Neck, N. C, and more particularly described as fol lows: Beginning at a point on the East side of Roanoke Street, according io the Mao of said town, to which reference is hereby made, 175 feet in a Northerly direction from the corner of Roanoke, and Thirteenth Streets, thence along Roanoke Streets in a Northerly direction fifty feet to Tom Sheilds corner, thence Eastward along Tom Shields .ine to the town ditch, thence along said ditch Southward fifty feet, thence parallel with thirteenth Street to Roanoke Street, the begin nine, being part of the land convey ed to Henry Pitt by deed recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Halifax County in Book 86. at page 503. This the 1st day of February, 1911. S. A. Dunn, Trustee. S. A. & R. C. Dunn, Attorneys. -Savings Bank j 0 Department of First National Bank of Tarboro. N. C. T c r f S rays live per cent, yo K) xora- poundect Quarterly. Three per cent (3 p) Com pounded Semi-Annually, on Checking Accounts. We make ' a specialty of banking by mail. P Capital, Surplus and Resources $155,000.00. Write H. H. Tay $ lor, Cash'r, or J. E. Morri.ett, Asst. Cash'r, Tarboro, N. C. We fteep on Hand Burial Cases! AO Kinds all the Time. aiso: Complete Undertakers' Outfit. Hearse Service any Time 1 Jay or night' we are ready to accommodate our friends and the Public Generally. M. Hoffman & Bro. Bcotland Neck North Carolina HOW TO CURE RHEUMATISM It Is Am Internal Disease And Re quires An Internal Remedy. The cause of rheumatism and kindred diseases Is an excess of uric acid in the blood. To cure this terrible disease this acid must be expelled and the system so regulated that, no more acid will ba formed in excessive quantities. Rheuma tism is an internal disease and require9 an internal remedy. RUBBING with Oils and Liniments WILL NOT CURB, affords only temporary relief at best, causes you to delay the proper treat ment, and allows the malady to get a firmer hold on you. Liniments may ease the pain, but they will no more cure Rheumatism than paint will change the fiber of rotten wood. Science has at last discovered a per fect and complete cure, which is called Eheumacide. Tested in hundreds of cases, it has effected the most marvelous cures; we believe it will cure you. Rheumacido gets at the joints from the inside, sweeps the poisons out of the system, tones up the stomaeh, regulates the liver and kidneys and makes you well all over. Rheumaeide strikes the root of the dis ease and removes its cause. This splen did remedy is sold by druggists and Coalers generally at 50c. and $1 a bottle. In Tablet form at 25c. and 50c. a package. Write to Bobbitt Chemical Co., Balti more, Md. Booklet free. Tablets sent by mail. FOR SALE BY E. TV WHITEHEAD COMPANY Scotland Neck, N. C. HE COPRCISED. - A Story John 3. Cough, ths Well Known Tempcrar.ca Lecturer, Told an Audience. jonn . tiougu. iue temperance lec turer, was uoteu as a siorj iimi. ;,uj his stories were always well suited to liis argument. W. A. Aiowry i:i His Recollections of a New iCiigiuiul KJu- cator recalls one or men.: Compromise, compromise! What does compromise mean r 1 will tell you. A colored man met a frieud oue day and said: ' "Sambo, Sambo, do you know dat toder night 1 was sorely tempted? You know 1 used to steal. Well, since I j'ined de church 1 stopped stealing. but you know Mr. Joiising's shoe store? Well, toder nhjht 1 was In dat shoe store, aud I looked ou Ue sum auu l se a pair of boots, jes' de uicest pair of boots jes' my size. No. 14. "Dere was de debil. and lie say, TaUe 'em. take 'em.' Den de Lord say. 'Let 'em alone; dat's stealiuY But 1 want ed dem boots; mine all out at de bot tom and sides. Dere was de debil and me. and we both say, 'Take em.' Uut de Lord say, "Pon't you take 'em; dats stealia'.' Now. dere was a clear ma jority of two against one. "Jes' den Mr. lousing be leeb de store, and he leeb me ail alone. Don de debil say. Take 'em quick and ske daddle.' 1 could take dem boots and chuck 'em under my coat and go right away an' Mr. Jonsiug would ueber know nottin' about it. But. bress de Lord, I 'stood de temptation! 1 com promised and took a pair of shoes Instead." SIGNALS OF DISTRESS. Scotland Neck People Should Know How to Kcad and Heed Them. HER The Sequel LOST COAT. Afternoon to a Ladies' Card Party. A number of women were putting on their wraps preparatory to going borne from an afternoon card party in the upper residence district of New York one afternoon last winter when a val uable fur coat belonging to one of them could not be found. There was, however, another fur coat of inferior quality In the dressing room, which 'the hostess said had evidently been left by mistake by the woman who h:d taken the other garment. The avaii.; able coat was taken away by the wo man whose wrap was missing in the hope that the mistake would be recti fied without much trouble. Several days passed, and no claim was made for the coat the guest had worn away from the house, and the woman took it to a dealer, where ber garment had been purchased, hoping that some mark on the substituted coat might be found by which the owner could be identified. The plan was successful, and. much to ber amazement, she discovered that the Inferior coat was the property of her card hostess. The "lost" ccat was found, and on Its return the matter was to be bushed up. but the promise of silence was evi dently poorly kept. No more invita tions for afternoon card parties have been issued from the house where the "mistake" was made. New Xork Trib une. Maori Women. Maori women of New Zealand know nothing about kissing. Nose rubbing Is their form of salutation, and when two friends meet they bold each other by their hands, bend their heads until their noses touch and then rub them gently from side to side. This form of greeting is not confined to the wom en, but is practiced by the men. They seldom meet without rubbing noses. In times of lamentation the Maori women will sit for hours with their noses touching and moan for the loss of some chief whom they have in all probability never seen. The loss of a brother or friend is enough to start them off for days, all . moaning and howling piteonsly." They are essen tially a sympathetic race, and the sor rows cf one are the sorrows of all. Sick kidneys give many signals cf distress. The secretions are dark, conia'n a sediment, ( Passages are frequent, scanty, painful. Backache is constant day and night, Headaches and dizzy spells are frequent. The weakened kidneys need quick help. Don't delay! Use a special kidnev remedy. Doau's Kidney Pills are for sick kuinevs. backache and urinary dis orders. J. H. Wallace, Sixth & Sycamore Sts., Weld-m, N. C, says: "I cun--ider Dean's Kidney P'A's a ven valuable Kidney medicine and dc aot h-si!a'e to give them my en dorsement. A kidney weaknes caused me much annoyance and jvhen I had ihe good fortune tc iear of Doan's Kidney Pills, I pro cured a supply. Their use relieved me promptly and I endorse them in return for the improvement they made." For sale by all dealers. Price 5G cents. Foster-Mil burn Company, Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no ot'ier. Hostess (anxious to make an effect on the new curate) Dear me. Janet, caok has surpassed herself in the bordf r round the pie! How did she doit? Janet Please, mum, she made it witM her false teeth- Trousers Tax In France. In France women are taxed from $10 to $12.50 a ycir for the privi lege of wearies men's trousers. Thi3, however, ces not accord to every woman willing to pay the tax th? right to don such garments. On the con 'trary, the government confers the right' only as a tribute to great merit, making it, in fact, a-eort of dacora-, tlon given to women as the ribbon of the Legion of Honor is given to men. The only women to whom has been granted the right to wear male attire were George Sand, Rosa Bonheur. Mnie. Diaulafoy, the Persian archae ologist, Mme. Foucalt and the sculp tors," Mesdames Fourreau and La Jean-ette. An Instance of the jealous care with ; which in France this right has been guarded was shown in the case of Mme. de Valsayre, the lady who, sortie years ago became so v;e':l known by reason of her propensity for fighting duels and her endeavors to get elected to the French assembly. Her petition to the governr cnt for tho rig'-it In question was r-fused time and time again. 9MJ ! For Inputs awl CM; Ths Kind Always Bears the -,V iw.r : mm Blind, Dizzy Spalls. Wilmington. N. C Mrs. Co-a 1. Ritter, writes from this place: "I used to have blind dizzy spells, ano weak cold spells went all over me. Different doctors could not tell mc what was wronir. After takir.e Uardui I am all right and in hettei nealth than for 10 years." Cai dnj s a remedy for women which has- been used by women for nearly a ifetime. It prevents the unnecess ary pairs of fen ale troubles, suci: -is headache, backache, dizziness i ragging dwn feelings, etc. Try ii Too Good to Waste. A churchgoer aud a bac kslider met on the hillside. The churchgoer was bound double quick for the church at the foot. The backslider, oddly enough. was going up. "Ill: You're going the wrong way!" called the churchgoer. The backslider yelled back, but his answer was lost. "Say." he demanded cf the church goer the next day, "did you bear what I said?" No." 'Well, It's too good to waste. Yon said 1 was going the wrong way. I said you seemed to be going downhill pretty fast yourself." New Xork Sun. Executor's Notice. Having qualified as executor un der the last will and testament of William Evans deceased, late of Halifax county, North Carolina, I hereby notify all persons having claims against the e-tate of said decedent to present them to me or to my attorneys Kitchin & Smith within one year from the date of this notice or said notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery: all persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settle ment. This Feb. 9th 1911. Thomas S. Evans. Executor - Raleigh, N. C. -000-CHK 00-0X00-0-0-0-9 A New Year Treat ! I have a nice line of Buggies finished and in show room, also a nice line of Harness just opened up, all for sale and for your comfort and pleasure. Looks, durability and style are all right and lully guaranteed. Don't JFail to Come to See Me Before You Buy. - Wl A. BRANTLEY Scotland Keck, . . . , . North Carolina OOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOi Gave Her Room. A gentleman who had a very large nose while walking m a street in Leeds the other day was subject to a few remarks about It. The height of Impudence, however, was reached when a woman stopped a few yard in front of him apparently to have a good look at it. The gentleman also stop ped and. taking hold of his nose with his finger and thumb, pushed it on one side and calmly said: "Now, then, missus, can you pass now?" She went on. London Tit-Bits. A Pair of Bulls. Here are a couple of Irish bulls. A eon of Erin, seeing a very tiny cof3n. exclaimed. "Is It possible that that coffiD was intended for any living crea ture?" An Irish judge thus addressed a prisoner, "You are to be hanged, and I hope it will prove a warning to you.' Hsd Him Treed. He had never fished before, and bis rod was new and shining with re splendent varnish. Faultlessly at tired, he was whipping a trout stream when, by some odd chance, he got a bite. A writer in Forest and Stream, who happened to come along, tells what occurred. The fisherman had hooked a one-pounder, from the way the line strained. He was not playing the fish at all. u'ith rod held straight ahead he was slowly and steadily reeling him in. How he managed to hold the fish was beyond me. Presently the firh was directly be low the end of the rod. Did he stop? Nc he kept cn reeling the fish in, r,nd just as I reached the water's edge, the fish's head touched the tip. The man even tried to pull him 'through the ring. Ju&t then he saw me standing on shore, waving my arms. He turned to me with a bewildered look and said: "What shall I do now?" "The only thing you can do now," I said, "is to climb up the pole after him." Simplified Spelling. "Why did you take EInora away from school, Aunt Mahaly?" a lady asked her cook one day. Aunt Ma haly sniffed scornfully. '"Cause de teacher ain't satisfac jticnary tuh me, Mis' Mally. What 5'ou reckon she tell dat chile yistiddy? She 'low dat IV spell four, when even .a Idjut 'ud know dat it spells ivy." Youth's Companion. 'St ft.; j"vrC".. :3.-:er HI 3- ALCOHOL 3 PElt CENT. Agc!ah!cFicparationforAs sirallaiiiig tiieFooctalRttliita lingtlic Stomachs alulljwclscr Prc?iro!csDi's,?3li.on.Chicrfu! ncss r.nl RestlontaLis nciihrr OpiuTu.Ma:pfii e ncr Miuaal. Not Nafi c otic. JZctpecrordDrSLZ'lXLrZCIEil JilxJcnno Signature iiitillLKiLlui I I 1. PWH Aperfect Remedy forCcmsnfa tion , Sour S torjach.Diantoa emlLoss or Sleep. . JfccSinute Signature of NEW YOI?iv. Yea s mm l Aw mm i J W M O & H 3 or n nv vm aww yl'J xis.t'r"' thc ccKTun coMriftr. new VOtK T.ITV. East Carolina Teachers Training Greeaville, Ncrlh Caroline. C S- v.. JPRING AND SUMMER COURSES FOR TEACHEHS ion Spring Term Tfrh 14th to May 20th Ten Weeks. Suir.rner Term Zv.nc ?tb lo Jv.'y Eight YVl1 The sim of this course is better to cnuip the teacher for hi:; v r!;. Tvxt-li.M.ks: Th s- us rl in ihe public chucls tf the Su.tr. Fur further information addves.-:, 1-20-lm RODT. H. V RIGHT. Vn-(iivti.iil Three blind mice! Three blind mice! They ail Kn after a fairrer's wife She was frrrnpd with a gun and a carving knife, But she jumpted on a chair and howled for her life At three blind mice! IIow to cure a cold id a Question in which many are interested just now. Chamberlain s Cough Remedy has won its great reputation and immense sale by its remarkable cure of colds. It can always he depended upon. For sale by all dealers. "Did you ever try the advice. "Think before you speak?" a girl lsked a young chap at an afternoon ea. "Oh, ye?, often!" he replied "And how did it work?" s,he asked. "I forgot what I was going to ay," he answered. You are probably aware that pneu monia always results from a coid. out you never htard of a cold result ing m pneumonia when Chamber lain's Cough Remedv was used. Why take the risk when this remedy may be had for a trifle? For sale by all dealers. Crawford in't it strange your wife hasn't spoken to you sine the night you cr.me home lute. Crabshaw I don't think fo. She said enough to ive then to last & month. Suffered day and night the tor ment of itching piles. Nothing help ed me until 1 used Doan s Ointment. It cured me permanently. Hon. -John K. Garrett, Mayor, Girard, Ala. "Son, I hear you have joined the coy hcout movement. "Yes, dad." "Well, s'pose you scout ahead and see if your mother is sitting up for me. No Backache or Kidney Pains. If you have pains in the back, uriny, bladder or kedney trouble, dizzines and lack of energy, try Mother tiray's AKUA1ATIC-LEAF, the pleasent herb remedy. As c bystem regulator it ha no equal At Druggists, or by mail, 25c. Ask to-day. SAMPLE FREE. Addre-s The Mother Gray Co.. Ls Rov. N Y. O, Beatrice! Beatrice George tried to kiss me last night, Muriel Why, what did you do? earnce i i sat ngnt aown on him! Minne-ha-ha. Afraid to Stay Alone. Cherry Valley, Ark. Mrs. Carrie Moore, of ' this place, says, "I was afraid to stay by myself, I had head ache nearly all the time; my heart would palpitate, and my vitality was very low. When I would lie down at night I had no hope of living until day. I tried Cardui, and now I feel better than I have for 5 years. I cannot praise Cardui enough for what it did." Are you a woman? Do you need a tonic? Try Cardui. the woman's tonic. Your druggist sells it. She I can't go walking today, I've nothing to wear. He Well er perhaps then ycu are wise in waning mi alter dark. Life Saved at Death's Door. "I never felt so near mv srrave. writes W. R. Patterson, of Welling ton, iex., as wnen airightful cough and lung trouble pulled me down to 100 pounds, in spite of doctor's treat ment for two years. My father. A, 1.". ... - motner ana two sisters aied of con a" J T 1 . suiiipuon, anu i am anve today is due solely to Dr. King's New Dis covery, which completely cured me. Now I weigh 187 pounds and have been well and strong for years." Quick, safe, sure, its the best remedv on earth for coughs, colds, larrippe. asthma, croup, and all throat and lung troubles. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by E. T. Whitehead Company. Imperishable. "Do jou think it is a wise thing to send a toy to college, Hints?' asked Riiipieton. "Doesn't he get out of touch with home influences?' "Not altouether," said JJinks. "He gets away from the home influences, but the 'touch' goes on forever." lip- yircott's. Artificial Beauty. One reason why women suppose the ;ien ore fooled by artificial beauty is that most of the men are too gallant not to pretend that they don't know the difference. Chicago Reccrd-Iler- Harsh physics react, weaken the bowels, cause chronic constipation. Doan's Regulets operate easily, tore the stomach, cure constipation. 25c Ask your druggist for them. Moniimeats' r I I ' ; - In till First Class Varieties of Marble and Grar.;t m the ibciii Rcmerr.bor, we pay the freight and guarantee '.f e i'-'.-h As v(. frr pioy no Ag'tT-ts the iurn of commi.-i-it ;s i . 1 . ..... ..... T'Ju. r.tilii(. . , i l z. 1.1. ii ljV i of material and to finish it better than othet wife. 1 You will l:r d wl at you want ; tee ai i I.ixav v.. you are buying, and will pet it quickly. Tiie Ccupcr Pfarfcle 7cr!;r, ' (rtnhlih.-l 1C9-K3 Rank St..? ci 'i :tc'fu ,vTM",.,.'7r.'.3- r.r, 11 1' tie m-w Now for your name on our list under ihe 1911 Subscription Offer. FT ElELf MMMK CWKS -and- THE COMMONWEALTH W ITH THESE you may order any cne o f the alternate free magazine elf Human Life, of Boston, Mass.; McCa'l 's Magazine, of New York, or S-. xvurauat, oi Auar.ta, ua., or "iaiics trom farmers to Farmers." a iG-mr- . . irm wisdom. Your choice of onlv o ne and both v - - 1 1 J A.CLL Tbe Trl-WeeMy CotssSMolion newsiest, cesr, origntesi ana oiggcs! newspaper. P-fVr Almcst a daily, yet at the price of a weekly wmlZ sw&li V T The Tri-Wcek Constitution presents, at one sweeping view th" whole -events. The news of the county, state, nation and the world is riven'm each con-.' sue. Each, week the departments of Farm and Farmers, Woman's Kinrdoni, . : Delivery, Poultry and others of wide interest, edited by experts, appeal direct!,- to to dressed. - If you want The Tri-Weekly Constitu tion stone, without anv clubbin- pf.'orr can Gret it at Gl.OO ner vear hv nrlrlrpccitirr Tl-irt r-...,-:. . tj . r j ...r i vuiisu LiiLiun. Tinnrrt i ,n i cim. Teouest,- giving with it the na mes and addresses f K- f 'lliQ fes&i&s;! Is ihe Paper For Rars! Free Deveiry Rcii': sent free on A f-ll-K -if A r fyf rr n. 1 ' . r " , "l ,wui uccp a k. l. U. route above the minimum ; required for daily mail .erv.ee. It is the gr eat news purveyor of the rk'eS out!' good in the guh states as on the Atlantic sc aboard. aiS?h TIls AOanto CoRsatoSSou, wc have Hzq sct- ' w... Hj-a. iiity tkactiiVT CittiS CliCCC C- he in the lian.l.s of every practical fanner voi, , 1 1 'l'0"'."' 01 "ti.rrn fr.rm k-.ow!,., sttntion under sa,a title and made oZ oi ZbZ l f T he artu-los h.-.ve all menro in Tr: be mailed to you i r, mediately upon wSpuftrff 'M "lslei,,lid far,R2rs' W () liUA'-A IjTFE. of TWn Mo ... people living in tha public eye now-tw t VI a"" ,n '"ff Ph7 ..ui ku snow snuietuiiig about. It 1-s lotJerg, StS? L .York, the nucen of the Home fashion 1 y. it 13 a'""? a3 not a dv.li to the mother and the Lomekeeper.' Its just what you want. fashion monthlies, v OUR GEEAT PROPOSITION - MondateX treeySnerd JEKLY CONSTITt'T one from the alternate frt 'ff' !! S.mA8 a Weck for on Tr, and your e!e,v alternate free of fere -,n f- c. S, -.. tin iui iOl. w. . - - uci ngnt on. combination to Don't" your miSS a CODV. Arlrl THE COMMONWEALTH, Scotland Neck. N. C.

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