n U Lll K HOUSE KOK. GOOD GROCERIES o , - : 1 PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. SB CAKES. The Coming, Going and Whereabouts of Our People and Other folks The weather is too hot to stand over the stove to bake Cakes $ these hot days, therefore we are trying at all times to keep on hand a good assortment of Cakes, both loose and in packages. Yours for business, J. W. ALLSBROOK. Clean, rrotcrcssive, Up-to-Date S 3 Phone No. 81 Where Orders are Filled Complete JUST RECEIVED! QA shipment of Holeproof Pure Silk Socks, 3 pair for $2.25, guaranteed for 3 months. JWe also have a line of Silk Socks at 25 and 50 cents per pair. JCome to see us, a cordial welcome extended to all. ALLSBROOK & BOYETTE, Special Announcements. WAN T ED TABLE BOARDERS. Young men preferred., Mrs. W. W. Tope. 5 or 6 descs "666" will cure any case of Chiils and Fever. Price, 25c. LOST.-A VALUABLE WHITE female setter with orange spots, -. ,eckle legs and long nose. Answers to the name of " Daisy V. Finder ipleae return to Spooner .Dunn, Scotland Neck, and get reward. I HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM the northern market where I bought a large Quantity cf goods for my rev store. Will get them all open -his week. Will offer some special bargains for next week to advertise r.'Hv store. As I bought safe. I have lots of goods to offer that are under the regular price. Come to sve us in our new store. Yours to serve J. W. Madry. LOCAL NEWS. Hems Gathered From the Town and Country. We had a very nice rain Monday night. Archie Taylor remembered the editor yesterday with some nice ripe psaches for which he has our thanks They were of the Mayflower variety The Oil Mill has finished their sei son's work and shut down for the summer. We understand the past season has been a very profitable one for the mill. Mr. J. D. Ray happened to the bad luck of sticking a nail in his foot one day last week. He was confined to his room several days and suffered much pain, but he is better now ONE CAR LOAD NOVA SCOTIA Lind Plaster just unloaded. Ed wards & Company. - FOR SALE. FORTY SHOAT3, barbecue size, also four milch cows fresh to the pail. Jno. B. Gray, tf ONE CAR LOAD NITRATE SODA on hand. Apply to your cotton and double the yield. Edwards & Co. 5 or 6 doses "686" will cure, any case of Chills and Fever. Price, 25c. ttttt T . T ,TNR T.A WNS AND FLAX ens at special prices. Edwards & Company. - TEST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD.' J-rs.Wi.-:sloV3 Soothing Svrcp has been r.-i-a for over SIXTY YEAKS by Miami .of -lOTIIERS for their CHILDREN Vv HILE T-I"niIXG, with TEKl-ECT bLCCEbb. It ,i)irrs the CHILD. SOFTENS the GLMS. AT t,ays all l'AIN ; CURES WIND COLIC, and "'- he best remedy for DIARRIKEA. It is ab- ' --iy h?-nless. lie stire and a?!; lor Mrs. V.-iJ-r's Soothing ssvru?." aod ke no other W.V.-J.. Tweutv-five cents a bottle. 5100 Reward, 103. The readers of this rPcr will be j.ira-cd to karn that there is at least .!.! dreaded disease that science has l'cen able to cure in all its stage?, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure i the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood' and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby dc t: ivinT the foundation of the disease, ;i::d giving the patient strength by l.;.:!.l';r nn the constitution and assist- ii. nature in doing its work, the proprietors have so much faith in its .rathe powers that they oft'er One II mdred Dollars for any case that it l :ls ta cure. Send for list of testimo nials. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Hold by druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Tills , for consti puion. - There will be children's day exer- cisk at the Methodist church Sun day night, beginning at 8 o'clock The children have been practicing for some time and a pleasing enter tainment is promised those who at tend. Everybody invited. How about a base ball team for Scotland Neck? There is some good material here and a very nice bal park could be arranged at the race track, which is in close touch to the town. If we are going to have a team this summer something must be done quick. Messrs. E. F. Allsbrook and S. E Bland will operate a moving picture show in Madry's opera house during the summer. The show will begin to-night (Thursday). Good shows and good order will be the motto of these young men. The admission is 10 cents to everybody. The one hundred dollars in gold in the front show window of Bur-roughs-Pittman-Wheeler Co's., store looks attractive to one jn passing. Read their advertisement on-our front page this week which tells you how they are going to give these dollars away. Offer is made to both white and colored customers alike. Mrs. F. A. Riff is visiting in Salis bury this week. Prof. Paul Q. Bryan visited Wake 'orest this week. Mr. Walter S. White, of Edenton, spent Sunday here. Miss Ida Rogerson, of Edenton, is visiting Mis3 Rebe Shields. -. Mrs. K. Jenkins, of Roanoke Rapids, was here Tuesday. Mrs. J. M. Morrisett is visiting her brother in Florida this week. Dr. A. C. Livermon spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Norfolk, Va. Mrs. Hattie Branch spent a day or two of the past week in Norfolk. Mrs. G. C. Weeks left Tuesday for PaforoKiirrr Va tn VISIT, a IeW ClaVS. HI j . . . - Little Virginia White, of Edenton, is visiting her grand-mother, Mrs. J. M. Leggett. Mr. E. B. Josey, of Tarboro, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Josey. Mrs. E, J. Proctor and little daughter, Ruth Gordon, are visiting relatives in Rocky Mount. Miss Annie Josey returned from Raleigh Monday, where she had been visiting for several days. Miss Lila Hancock has returned frhm Son f It Carolina where she has been for several months. Mr. Robert. Johnson, of Ports mouth, Va., has been among rela tives here the past week. Mr. Jack Riddick went to Green ville Tuesday to play ball for Green ville against Washington. Rev. and Mrs. C. G. Bradley left Wednesday of last week for Wades- boro where Mr. Bradley had recent- lvr jifrpnrpd the rectorshiD of the Episcopal church of that town. Mr W. E. Smith, general manager for the Cotton Oil and Ginning Co., left Sunday for New York where ht is thisuweek attending the annual meeting of the Seed Pressers Associ ation. The Government Cotton trop Report. Washington, June 2. The govern ment cotton crop report-issued to day shows the area planted to be 104.7 per cent of the area planted last year. This is equivalent to about 35,004,000 acres as compared with 33,418,400 acres last year, an increase of about 1,586,000 acres, or 4.7 per cent. The condition of the growing crop May 25th was 87.8 per cent, compared with 80.2 for the same date in 1910, and 80.9 average condition for the last ten years. - Palmyra News Haas. Palmyra, N. C, June 6. Mrs. Tom Council returned to Oak City after spending a few days with hei daughter, Mrs. W. L. Mizell. Mr. Sam Robinson, of Battlesboro, was in town on business Tuesday. , Mrs. C. L. Turner and sonEdward went to Rocky Mount Wednesday toi visit friends. Mr. Leroy Allsbrook, of Scotland Neck, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs T. C. Allsbrook Wednesday. Mrs. Beckwith returned to Green ville Tuesday after spending a few davs with Mrs L. J. Baker. Mr. L. J. Baker went to Norfolk Thursday on business. Miss Susie Roberson, of Scotlano Neck, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. A. C. Roberson. Mr. W. M. Peele went to Aulan- der Monday cn business. I under stand he will move his family there in a short while. Mr Rnhprt. Everett returned home from A. & M. College. Mr. Justus Everett. Jr.. of Green ville, spent Sunday with his parents Mr."J. A. Everett went to Chape Hill Monday on business. ' Makes Everything New. Uakes Home Baking Easy. rrVT '4 Absolutely Fur Tho only baktag pawctes made fswssa ?oya rspe Cream of Jsrfer CO ALUM.HG LIME PHOSPHATE No. Cordelia, not all sers are pillagers . pill d ispen Probablv the supreme human ac hievement is self mastery. AUTOMOBILES ! T IS SAID THAT "IF YOU WANT i fn (Tfi i-hprp rnrl pomp back with out trouble" go in an OVERLAND. More ana more uvii.KUrt.iNLO tre being sold every day. There are more OVERLANDS sold than my other American made car. Why is J Rev. O. M. Moore is here for the summer and will have charge of the mission work of the Scotland Neck Baptist church and will also act a assistant pastor to Rev. .0. L. Powers. Rev. J. A. Dailey and , little ionr Jamie, left Monday for Durham where Mr. Daily will sttend Trinitj College commencement and Jamn will go to Burlington to visit hit grand-mother. Messrs. G. H. Johnson, Dan Tay lor, W. H. Kitchin, E. H. Leggett, and Charlie Lawrence spent Satur day night and Sunday in Washing ton, N. C, making the trip in Mr. Legget's automobile. Memorial WiHiamlHHl, Colored. County Commissioners. i&cu Superintendents. The County Commissioners at their Monday meeting appointed road su perintendents for the various town chips of the caunty as follows: Brinkley ville E. L. Lee. Eutterwood J. VV. Crawley. Conoconara J. H. Darden. Enfield P. V. Randolph. Faucetts L. H. Dickens. Halifax Littleton J. E. Pepper. Palmyra R. H. White. Roseneath Moses Strickland. Roanoke Rapids Jno. L. Patter son. Scotland Neck I. H. Smith. Weld on A. H. Green. Thr mn-1 s in.rintendeats are re - required to meet the Commissioners X t heir July meeting and tile a Dona Old kitchen chairs, old furniture, old closets, old bureaus, when worn out maae new again tit x (.wi- ui to 20 cents with a can of either Home Finish Domestic Paint, Home Finish L. & M. Varnish, or Home Finish L. & M. Varnish Stain. - . Directions for use on each can. Anybody can use it. Get it from Hardy Hardware Company. 2 Th2 County Commissioners for Halifax County met in regular monthlv session at Halifax Monday. All members of the board present as follows: VV. R. Harvey, cnairman, b. P. Johnston, S. T. Thome, Jr., S. G. Whitfield and H. A. Edwards. Mr. A. T. Dickens was re-elected Superintendent of the chain gang at a salary of $60.00 per month. The Commissioners offered a re ward of $100.00 for the capture of William Lawrence, charged .with killing his wife near Weldon about two weeks ago. Ice Cream Supper. of $200 each. The Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist church will give an ice cream supper in the Bowers grove, on Main street, ; to-night (Thursday). The proceeds wiH- be applied to the The public i-cordially invited to nnhrnnize this ise cream supper and thereby haip the ladies in their ef forts to raise money. Willie Hill is asleep! He first saw the light of this beautiful world July 12th, 1869. He fell asleep May 26th, 1911. His days were 41 years, 10 months and 14 days.. He was married to Miss Ella Barnes " about 15 years. His wife and five child ren survive him, and fondly and af fpctionatelv cherish his memjory. He was a kind husband and father; an indhstrious and much respected citszen. For the good of humanity and for the general welfare he be came a master mason of Solid Rock Lodge, No. 177, F. & A. A. Masons, in November, 1906. He was loyal to the Rnlpcs and Regulations of the VllV .m.v-' - Craft, and left a gilt-edge masonic policy for his widow, worth $300. We loved him inexpressably. It seems that everybody,. as it were, spoke well of Willie Hill. We teel sorely bereaved because he left us so soon. But, on , reflection, we see that we would not be any rnore willing to loose him next year, nor the next, than now. So we yield to the inevitable present. "Bevond the sunset s radient glow, there is a brighter world we know," Beyond the sunset there he spends, delightful days that never end. ' " "Asleepin Jesus Blessed sleep." Ey A Brother. Corly's Bread -received every day during the week, with an ex tra shipment for Sat urday to supply our increased demand. We appreciate your trade and will do our best to please every customer. Better Butter, put up in four blocks to the pound. It will please you. Try it and see. OVERLAND MODEL 52 with root DOO this so? The 23.CC0 users made fair comparisons with other cars before they bought. They compared size ind stroke of engines, wheel base, -5iz3 of wheels, the finith and strictly up-to-date body and gear construc tion, convenience and ease of con trol, the powerful puliinrr qualities, etc , and decided that they get a better car ft-r the price than in any others. Ask the users of OVEL:- f.ANDS in and around Scotland Teck, also notice for yourself, how strong and quiet running they are. If you should hear any one "rock ii g'" the OVERLAND thank him for fVtr "pvorv nock is a boost." If you want a GOOD car, one thtt will yve little or no trouble, r-ne LnaL will run q;iiotly, and ktep running, get an OVERLAND. G. C. WEEKS AUTO CO., Scotland NecV, N. C. ! J. W. ROBERTSON & CO.; . Notice of Land Sale. By virtue of pjwer vested in R. H. Smith by a certain deed of tsust. execute 1 by ivey rar&er, wauii 10 duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Halifax cr-un-ty, Noith Carolina, in book 193, fct page 386, 1 will, as executor of R. H. Smith, on the 5th day of July, 1911, sell for cash, at public auction, to the highest bidder, hi the town of Scotland Neck, N. C, at 12 o'ch.ck M.. the following described real estate: Lot No. 16 and one half ol Lot No. 15, adjoining Lot No. 16, cn square "G" in the town cf H.bgocd, Halifax county, North Carolina, ac cording to the map of said town, said lots being on the north side of Com merce street of said town, fronting said stieet 48 feet and running back 120 feet. This the 2d day of June, 1911. Stuart Smith, ! Ex'r R. H. Smith. Dn Vmi Fee! This Wav? $Mr v u vt - Do yon feel all tired out ? JJo you someumes tW&S?r think you just can't work fftvay at your prore.- ifi'tZSr Bion or iraac) any iuujh . , " 7 ' 0 i titc, and lay awake at mncs dkbw , " ' n .r r-r. end vozr sioniach too? frias am- might as well put e step io '- r; " " ... you will. Dr. Piercc'o GolJea Mecical Discovery will make you a different iacividuel. It ? ill set your lazy l.ver it will keen that crrr - t.cstroycr c.uy. . Sonsost foothold in the form . VnStrb cough, bronchitis, cr bleed Uo crX V. PieTceT c-.re in 98 per cent, of all cases. U .J rCricc,Jple,Prtv tcf write him. His of Eufialo, N. Y., whose advice is given free p cA ''SS reat success has come from his wido expsnracs djaned pr a Don't be wheedled by t Tgoid." Dr. tutes for Dr. Pierce's medicines, reccn: 's.f J reScnt printed Pierce's medicines iire of kwn comfosi rio. - Their e .ery gv , their wrappers: Tvlade from . rotz hf.v;.ol. Rote 08 aiming drugs. World's Dispsasary Medit Aaascation, BXulo, IN. . - 1 Towa CcmraissioncFS. SPRING BRINGS S03E FEET HERE IS A POSITIVE CURE With the advent of warm weather comes foot troubles to thousands of people. The increased temperature and heaviness of the atmosphere causes swelling and excess perspiration. This bring3 on a series or iooi. troubles. The treatment given below will be wel comed with jcy by an "ar my of sufferers. It acts like magic. "Dissolve two tablespoonfuls of Galocide compound in a basin of hot water; soak the feet In this for full fifteen min utes, gently massaging the sore p?.rts. Less time will not give the desired results.) Repeat this' each night un til the cure is permanent." All sore ness disappears immediately. Corns and callouses can be peeled right off. Bunions aro reduced to normal and the inflammation drawn out. Sweaty and smelly feet, tender and swollen feet need but a few treatments. This Calocide Is a remarkable drug. For merly used only by doctors but any druggist now has it in stock or wiil quickly get it from his wholesale bouse. A -twenty-five cent package is claimed to cure the worst feet. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCK o assy Printioi M It's plain that all print ing is not good printing. It's graded. Just a little alteration sometimes will change the appearance of the entire job. Let us suggest the change in your next job and put it in the "classy" line. Printing is our business, and we want to show you how well we know it. Will you give us the opportu ty? We'll see. RntisfiPrl customers are our best representatives, and when you want job printing done let us make you one. THE COMMONWEALTH, 'Scotland Neck; North Carolina. ooxoo-ckkoook: o The new (old) board of town com missioners held their first meeting Monday night. -There were present, Mayor J. E. Shields, A. L. Purring ton,"tuart Smith, and Chas. A. ! Jones; absent, J. A. Kitchin. The first business was the election of A. L. Purrington clerk and Stuart Smith, treasurer, each to receive a salary of $100 per annum. Mr. G. H. Johnson was re-elected chief of police without opposition. , Messers. A. L. Purrington and Stuart Smith were appointed a street commitee and Messrs." J. A. Kitchin and Chas. A. Jones were named as a ditch commitee. . Messrs. Stuart Smith and Chas. A. Jones-vere appointed to put down a well in the end of town -near W. T. Hanchck Co's store,:'-, i v -' '. J . A kave Building covered over twenty years ago arc ' Bj" "r-- ..4.3rnairs Fireoroof btormproot ranowiuc :- . r,-T,Tu-r mpxai. ROOFING COMPANY - uumiuuni . , . OM nonu - . - .. We Appreciate Old friends AND . ' Welcome The Mew! per cent interest, compounded quarterly, allowed in our Savings Department. CALL TO SEE US. PLANTERS 8c COMMERCIAL BANK. Scotland Keck, N. C. Increased Yields mean .- -. - Increased Profits For - Top ressing Oats, Corn, Cotton, Truck and General Crops USE ONLY GENUINE o - . . Tp"Bresiiifl" " BEARING OUR TRADE MARK. (Don't be mish'd by imitations.) "CEREAL1TE" at less cost per ton than ''Sodn," using the same number of pounds per acre, gives equally as good, if not better, results than "..Soda." "CEREALITE" is packed in 200 pound bags, in good mechanical condition, does not stiffen the tend, and does not Evaporate. The crop gets it all. FOP. "CEREALITE" AND FULL INFORMATION REGARD ING IT, APPLY TO H. E. Brewer & Company, R?cky Mount. , N. C. Harrison Brothers & Company, V llliamston. N. WE Dreary, Halifax, N. C. J C. Moore & Brothers Company, Whi takers, N.C. It VV S?'sbury & Brothers, Hamilton, N. C. or HOME FERTILIZER AND CHEMICAL COMPANY Folk OwM::nr, and MANi;r.rri'R:::is. YES SIREE1 THOROUGH BRED TOBACCO a nn-irfpr nonnd nluff of suTe enough good chewing for 10 cents. Got 'em all beat easy. No excessive sweetening to hide the real to bacco taste. No spice to make your tongue sore. Just good, old time plug tobacco, with ii tiio imnrovements uo-to-date. CHEW IT AND PROVE IT at, our expense, the o0 ii! Cut out this ad. and mail to us with your name and address for attractive ttwittp oPFr r (-Viewers onlv. YdlowT' X WW w w w LIIPFERT SCALES CO., Winston-Salem, N. C. Horn. Hd Red1 I 'JgS Tost Office J THE BTL'1C W. L. DOUGLAS, the great Boston shoe a"uu!;nali former Governor of Massachusetts, first taved and banktd $G00 he fot for maklS Ind mending shoes. This v.as his start in business. Today he is worth m3ny millions. Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank. ... We pay liberal interest consistent with safetv-4 per cent, com pounded. ' V Tiik Scotland Nix k IJaxk. 'Pioneer Bank of llalifaxCounty. " : Scotland Neck, N. C.

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