4 31 I: J-1 II 1 4. 'PS' J: Si Mi 4- -1 mm: ft 1 2 .If "JC V :kV' . '"If' .. T-, .' k 1 - t. -lit. 4 . 4 4M Often The Kidneys firs YeaReoed fcy Orer-WoiL Unhealthy Kidneys Kake Impure Bloca. Weak end unhealthy kidneys ere re sponsible fcr much sickness and suffering, uiereiore, n i-uny mble is permittea to ljyi suit i continue, serious re- )3i-& suits arc most hlieiy to follow. Your other organs may need at tention, but your kid neys inoct, because they do most and fhould have attention first. Therefore, when yo'.ir kidnevs arc v.eak or out of order, you can understand how quickly your en tire body in aiTcctcd and how every organ seems to fail to do its duty. If you are cick or " feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot. A trial will con vince yon of it3 great merit. The iniiJ. and immediate effect of Sra-ap-Root, the great kidney and bladder remedy, is" soon realized. It stands the highest because its remarkable health restoring properties have been proven i:i thousands of the most distress ins? cases. If vou need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in fi ftv-cent and one-dol lar sizes. You may VZSZZmiwiLwinlSES. have a sample bottle &jM5KS bv mail free, aiso a pamphlet telling JTOn Home ol swamp-Root. how to find ont 'if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghf.mton, X. Y. Don't make any mis take, but romcmberJ.he name, Swamp Root, and don't let a dealer sell you something in rlace of Swamp-Root if you do you will he disappointed. School Days Again. And they find ns better prepared than ever for the school children's Supplies. A complete and classy line of, tablet composi tion books, ink; ppiicils, pens and erasers. Ask for the famous lllue Ribbon Tablet. Quality not quantity our motto. E. T. Whitehead Co. "The Rsxell Siore" We heep on Handj una! Cases! A!i Kinds all the Time. Also Complete Undertakers' Outfit. Hearse Service any Time Bay or night we are ready to accommodate our friends and the Public Generally. M. Hoffman & Bro. Scotland -Neck North Carolina "I Suffered Years With My Pack." Backache resulting from weak kidneys, a bad cold or other cause, usually renders the sufferer unfit for work a"rW often results in per manent disability. -I . suffered for years with my back, or kidney trouble and have .tried a number of remedies from different physicians. - More than a year ago, one of our local druggists induced me to try Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain PilJs 'and after using them some three months I found a decided improve ment in my kidneys, and I am glad to say that I hone soon to be fully restored to health." J. P. Allen, Ex-Judge City Court, Glasgow, Ky. As long as pain is present in any part of the body rest is impossible and'the system becoming weakened Is exposed to any form of disease to which the sufferer may be inclined. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills by ''steadying the irritated nerve centers, make refreshing sleep pos sible, thereby enabling the body to recover lost strength. As a remedy for pain of any description Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills are unsur passed. - r Sold by all druggists under a guar antee assuring the return of the price of the first box If no benefit results. . MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Jnd. "THJ3 IIOMK OF I'UI4K lRl'C3S" ,., : - - . ' 3 LIVE STOCK. . DEVICE 'FOR DRESSING HOGS. Frame is. Made Similar to That Used in Derrick for Hay. An excellent method of constructing a hog scaling and hanging outfit is, first, put up three poles 18 feet long, making a derrick similar to one some times used for stacking hay. To do the scalding use a pair of tackle blocks, setting a barrel or scalding vat under the center of the poles and doing the lifting with the tackle. A platform for scraping is of course nec essary. The next step is to set up a revolv ing or turning pole with two cross arms, as shown in the cut. The cross arms should be mortised in, and held firmly in place by bolts, the bottom Keg Dressing Device, of the pole should have an iron pin driven into it, and a hole bored in the crosspiece at the bottom, into which the pin fits, to hold the pole in place as it is turned. A bole is also bored in the upright pole high enough to in sert a stick of hardwood or iron bar to turn the pole so that the arms above swing under the derrick and out again as the hogs are dressed and hung thereon. -The dressed carcass is 'lowered onto one of tle arms from the derrick, the tackle removed, and the hog swung around out of the way. In this way four hogs "are killed, the last one can be left hanging cn the tackle. Selecting Breeding Ewes. See to it that the ewes for breed ing purposes are not thin and emaci ated, for "if one has passed through the feeding season and is in this con ditign there must be something wrong with her. Make sure that there are no broken mouthed or aged ones in your flock; neither should the ewe be too fat. A good frame is essential for the producing of healthy progeny. The open market is the best place to se lect your stock, unless some neighbor can accommodate you with a surplus from his flock. The beginner should never select his ewes without lftlving along a competent judge of sheep who will advise with him as to selections. Sheep Good Property Now. . . Our sheepmen seem -to be feeling good almost everywhere. Good prices for wool, a strong demand for finish ed mutton and away up figures for feeders, along with the present high tariff duties agreed to for some year3 to come, all tend to give stability and promise to a business that is all too apt to be affected by little thing3. Sheepmen can confidently go ahead cow, laying a good foundation to their tmsiness, confident that they cannot make a mistake in putting good money into good rams and good feed and care into the whole flock. The outlook is certainly the best ill around that it has been for years. Horse Sense. A temper under control is an in valuable asset to the stockman. Feeding heavy at night doesn't wake up for a light feed in the morn ing. Feed regularly. Many good horses are ruined by be ing brought in too hot and allowed to stand in a strong draught. The colt which is handled right and carefully trained will never have to be broken, in the sense that word is so often used. Whenever possible clean the horse outside the stables so that the same dirt and germs cannot get on them again. ' Disposing of Old Horses. - It is a much-mooted question as to. what should be done with the old horses. The veriest horse crank alive would hardly advocate keeping all of them, but in the nSme of ordinary, every-day humanity don't keep the faithful friends until past their useful ness, and then let them go for a song to some huckster: Feed for Growing Hogs. Growing pigs require different feed from fattening hogs, though nearly as much of it. A pig should have food that stimulates growth, bone, flesh and muscle forming foods richer In protein than in fats. Milk, shorts, peas, oats and-clover with a slight allowance of corn make a good pig or shoat ration. ! Wisconsin's greatest hog man tells of carrying 60 hogs through the sea son on 10 acres of good clover without grain. They gained little Tn weight but considerable in frame and would have done better witha little grain. Afraid to Stay Alone. . Cherry Valley, Ark. Mrs. Carrie Moore, of this place,, says, "I was afraid to stay by myself, I had head ache nearly all the time; my , heart would palpitate, and. my vitality was very low. When I would lie down at night 1 had no hope of living until day. I tried Cardui, and5 now I feel better than I have for 5 years. I cannot praise Cardui- enough for what it did." Are you a woman? Do you need a tonic? Try Cardui, the wemapa tonic. Your druggist sells it. ' , -"--r WHEN HER BACK ACHES. A Woman Finds, all Her En ergy and Ambition Slipping Away. Scotland Teck women know how the aches and pains that come when the kidneys fail make li.e a burden. Backache, hip pains, headache, dizzy spells, distressing urinary troubles, all tell of sick kidneys and warn you of the stealthy approach of diabetes, dropsy and Bright's disease. Doan's Kidney Pills are for these disorders. Here's proof of their merit in- a Scotland Neck woman's words: Mrs. T. F. Gray, E. Main Street, Scotland Neck, N. C, says: "My experience with Doan's Kidney Pills has convinced me that they are a remedy of merit. My back and head ached severely and I had dizzy spells and other symptoms of kidney complaint. Finally I procured a supply of Doan's Kidney Pills from E. T. Whitehead Company's drug store and it did not take them long to correct rriy trouble." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. "1 tolled and tolled a million time," Said th6 church bell with a sigh, "And though I'm now a century old, Of all the times that 1 have told, I never told a lie." Judge. Saved Her Own Life. Lebanon Jet., Ky. Mrs Minnie Lamb, of this place, says, " I believe I would have been dead by now, had it not been for Cardui. I haven't had one of those bad spells since I com menced to use your medicine." Cardui is a specific medicine for the ills that women suffer. Cardui is made from harmless vegetable in gredients. It is a safe reliable med icine, successfully used by suffering women for more than fifty years. Try it to day. For sale by all drug gists. ' Wife '(excitedly) If you go on like this I shall certainly lose my temper. Husband No danger, my dear. A thing of that size isn't easily lost. Commercial Bulletin. Wins tight For Life. It was a long and bloody battle for life that was waged by James B. Mershon, of Newark, N. J., of which he writes, V'l had lost much blood from hemorrhages, and was very weak and rundown. For eight months I was unable to work. Death seemed close at my heels, when I be gan, three .weeks ago, to use Dr. King's New Discovery., But it has helped me greatly. It is domg all that you claim." For weak, sore lungs, ofcs inate coughs, stubborn colds, hoarseness, la grippe, asthma, hay-fever or any throat or lung trouble its supreme. 50c & $1.00. Trial bottle free, Guaranteed by E. T. Whitehead Co. Chesterfield told how he got his reputation. "I was polite to an um pire,' he said. Herewith they saw courtesy could do no, more New York Sun. . A Charming Woman is one who is lovely in face, form nnd and temper. But its hard for a woman to. be charming without health, "A weak, sickly woman will be nervous and irritable. . Constipa tion and kidney poisons show in pim ples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. But Electric Bitters always prove a godsend to women who want health, beauty and friends. They regulate Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, purify the blood; give strong nerves, bright eyes, pure breath, smooth, velvety skin, lovely complexion and perfect health. Try them. 50c at E. T. Whitehead Co. "This is a great poem. You must have been thinking of something in spiring when you wrote it." "I was. I was thinking of the installment man." Pittsburg Post. A Dreadful Wound i from a knife, gun, tin can, rusty nail, fireworks, or of any other na ture, demands prompt treatment with Bucklen's Arnica Salve to pre vent blood poison or gangrener Its the quickest.surest healer, for all such wounds asalsofor Burns, Boils, Sores Skin Eruptions, Eczema 'Chap ped Hands, Corns or Piles. 25c at E. T. Whitehead Co. Mr. Newcome Does keeping boarders pay? Mrs. Hashleigh ft doesn't pay unless they do. Boston Transcript. Here is Relief for Women. If you have pafns in the back", urinary? bladder or kidney trouble try Mother Gray's Aromatic Leaf, a pleasant herb remedy for women's ills and a great system regulator. Ikt druggists' or by mail, 50c, sam ple free. Address, Mother Gray Company, LeRoy, N. Y. '. ' "I dreamed last nighft; that I had perfected an airship!" "And when you awqke?" "1 was on the floor." Washington Herald . ' The uniform success that fias at tended the use of Chamberlain's Col ic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has made it a favorite everywhere. It can always be depended upon. For sale by all dealers. Fair - First-Aider (of ambulance class) I say. what's the poison for which you give an epidemic? Punch. Feel languid, weak, run-down? Headache? , Stomach-"off"? Just a plaip case of lazy liver. .Burdock Blood Bitterstones liver and stomach promotes digestion, : purifies the blood. '.- . V-'" , ) - " A "Sit" that "Bores Square' Holes. ' Bits for boring square holes have been on' the market for years, but they are adapted for use only in cut tiE? into wood. The tool bores a round hole, while at the" same ti-Tie it cuts ont the corners with a cutfr, which is fed into the hole without turning. Obviously, such a tool will not work in metals, and yet square holes have a wide use in machinery for keys, wrenches, hand 'wheels, etc. The present method of making square holes in metals is either , to punch them iu or cast them, or to drill a round hole and then work it up into the right form with a slotter or shap er. A tool for boring square holes in rretals as easily and almost as quick- Detail cf the New Tool and Diagram Showing Its Operation. ' t iy as a round hole can be bored has recently been devised by Carl Philgus, a German inventor. As described in the Scientific American, the body of the drill has the form, in cross sec tion, of a spherical triangle. The tri; angle is made up of equal arcs, each struck from the intersection of the other two arc3 as a centre. Such a triangle will alawys touch the four side3 of a circumscribed square; and as the triangle is turned, the corners of the triangle will move in a rec tangular path, following the sides of the square. The "Law's Delay. "I understand that you called on the plaintiff, Mr. -Barnes. Is that so?" questioned I,awycr Fuller, now Chief Justice. "Yes," answered the witness. "What did he say?" next demanded Fniler. The attorney for the defense jump ed to his feet and. objected that the conversation could not be admitted la the evidence. A half-hour's argument followed, and the judges retired to their private room to consider the point. An hour later the judges filed into the court room and announced that Mr. Fuller might put his question. "Well, what did the plaintiff say, Mr. Barnes?" "He weren't at home, sir," came the answer without a tremor. Success Magazine. - Is Ueaner Than farpei. Paint your floor around the border of the room with L. & M. Floor Paint. Costs about 50 cents. It gives a bright varnished finish. Dover the center of the room with your home made carpet rug. Looks splendid. Get it from Hardy Hardware Com pany. .. .Soothes itching skin. Heals cuts or burns without a scar. Cures piles, eczema, salt rheum, any itch; ing. Doan's Nintment. Your drug gist sells it. The only one whose way seems to be getting easier in this world is the transgressor. Puck. Cheapest accident insurance Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil. Stops the pain and heals the wound. All drug gist sell it. ' Willis Bump has an elegant home, hasn't he? Gillis Yes; it has all the comforts of traveling' Puck. "I suffered habitualy from consti pation. Doan's Regulets relieved and strengthened the bowels, so that they have been regular ever since." A. E. Davjs, grocer, Sulphur Springs, Texas. ' ' Even if a man will write - a letter to his wife he can't find a postage stamp to put on it. The woman of today who has good health, -good tember good sense, bright eyes and a lovely.com plexion, the result of correct living and gocd digestion, wins the admiration of the world. If your digestion is faulty Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will correct it. For sale by all dealers. The Only reason most of us don't waste any more money than we do is we haven't it to waste. There is one medecine that every family should be provided with and especially during the- summer months; 'viz, Chamberlain'g Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost certain to be needed. It costs but a quarter. Can you afford to be without it. For sale by all dealers. ' ' .' What a. girl really knows about the way to treat a proposal of marriage she never learned from her mother. Use Allen'sToot-Ease, rT- the antiseptic powder to shake Into the shoes. Makes tight or new shoes feel easy. Relieves painful, swollen, tender, sweating, aching feet and takes the sting out of corns and bunions. Sold everywhere, 25c. Don't-accept any substitute. Sam ple free. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, LeKoy; p. x. The Upright Mao. The man of life upright. - Whose guiltless heart is iree From all dishonest "Seeds, Or thought ot vanity. The man whose silent days - In harmless joy are spent, Whom hopes cannot delude 1 1 A. Nor f orrow discontent. The man needs neither towers Nnr armor for defense, Nor secret vaults to fly From thunder s violence. He only can behold With nnaff i ierhted eves The horrors of the deep And terrors of the skies. Thus, scorning all the cares That fate or tortune brings, He makes the heaven his book. His wisdom heavenly tmngs; Good thoughts his only friends, His wealth a well-spent age, The earth his sober inn And quiet pilgrimage. -; Thomas Campion. Hew An Etiiicr Would Do It. The editor of the Burlington Junc tion Post goes on record as follows: "At this writing we have no desire to leave this vale-of tears and hurl ourselves upon Abraham's bosom, but if we should desire to do so, , we wouldn'trlean up against a loaded gun and then pull the trigger, as many do. Neither would we eat a solid meal of rough-cn-rats, blow out the gas, drink concentrated lye, sil down in the lap of a buzsaw, smoke cigarettes, or call a Kentuckian a liar or a pcor judge of whiskey. W e would simply get out an edition of our paper in which we would strive to the best of our ability to print the plain, square-toed truth as we understand it, and then calmly await the end." WOMAN'S STOMACH It Causes Much Misery if not Kept in Condition. ' t Many women who would not I oler-" ate anything but a scrupulously clean kitchen continue day in and, day out to suffer from an unclean stomach, where food ferments, 'turns sour and becomes pptrid. It is just as easy for a woman to keep her stomach clean, as to keep her kitchen clean; in fact it is much easier, and doe3 not require hours of toil. - One or two Mi o-na stomach lab lets after each meal will in a short time thoroughly clean and renovate the most distressed stomach. They will do more; they will put strength and energy into -the wa'ls of the stomach, and cause the juices of di gestion to flow freely, so that all food will promptly digest. Women; keep your stomach clean and free from fermenting food,-and you will find that other ailments such as nausea, biliousness, sick headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, constipation 2nd palpitation of the heart will disappear. E. T. Whitehead Company and. druggists everywhere sell Mi-o-na stomach tablets for only 50 cents a large box. They are guaranteed to cure - indigestion or any stomach trouble, or money back. They stop belching of gas and after dinner distress in five minutes. Give them a fair trial; they won't disappoint you. One vyoman writes: "I had been bohered for eight years with gas, belching and bloat ing of the stomach. MI-O-NA cured me." The fellow who is working only for the salary he expects does not earn what he gets. . - Paint Lick sick Lady. Paint Lick, Ky. Mrs. Mary Free man, of this place says: "Before I commenced to take Cardui, 1 suffer ed so much from womanly trouble, "I was-so weak that I was down on mv back nearlv all the tini Pai-n; has done mejnore good than any medicine I ever took in my life." You need not be afraid to take Car dui.. It is no new experiment. Com posed of gentle acting, herb ingre dients, it has been found to safely relieve headache, backache and simi lar female troubles. Try it for your troubles. Whooping cough is not dangerous whenthe cough is kept loose and ex pectoration easy, by giving Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. It has been used in many epidemics of this dis ease with perfect success. For sale by. all dealers. Teacher Tell me! How do you prove that the earth is roupd? Dull But Smart Pupil I never said it was Puck. - It is worse than useless to take anv medicines internally for muscular or chronic rheumatism. ' Alt that is needed is a free application of Chamberlain's Liniment. For sale by all dealers. ' - - Knicker Are you afraid to cro homejn the d.ark? Bocker-No- I'm muih more afraid when mv de leaves the light burning -Juglfe Work Wilfsoon start after you take Dr. Kine-' Mom t "Jid energy to the Uole wstem PtS &em- .0nl E.T.SSriShS5. ALCOHOL 1PEB Age(al)leR-eparationfer;s-stmtla l ing t!rc Footfantf Regula ting Hie Stomachs aKdJb'cwclsof Promotes DigesfioihCheerful- tmr! and Rpstrnntainsneil!ff OpiuaiJ-lorphine norJfeaij NOT NARCOTIC. JhnjJtm St:A jUx-Semm MseSttii i-larbvnctvSda ) tSirJ C jiuTetf Sujrr ttintctpem tiarer. AnfrfrrrRfmpdv forCflTlsRiia Hon , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Wnrm;.ConvulsioiisJexnsii ncss sadLoss of Sleep. J racSka'e Signature of wm NEW YORK. m iipji.mvtecd under theFboow - Esact Copy of Wrapper. Burroushs-Pittman-WLee (Successors to N. B. Josey Company's Undertaking 1! Comns Caskets. A Complete Line of- Undertaker's HEARSE SERVICE IT ANY TIML Barroiighs-Pilfman-VhecJer Co., Sccitend 11 OOOOOO LT lew i 5 A-F I have a nice line of Busies finishrd ami i f , room, also a nica lino of HnrnoFw just c; ; up) all for sale ami for your coiTil'orl . pleasure. Looks, durability and .sly! are all l ight and Jully guaranteed. Don't. Tail to Come to Sec Me Before Yc: : W. A. BRANTLEY Scotland Neck, . ' . - . . North C;;n OOOO OOOOOOOO Beautify Your Yard with some blooming plants. We have a line stock of all kinds of spring bedding plants, such as Scar let Sago, J'etuhms, Cohas, Cnunas, Heli-' otropes, and inanv others Fino -vntil ties of Chrysanthe mums. Vines for the Veranda. Hi Steinmetz, x Florist, - r- Raleigh, N. C. Are You Going to Build? You will need Sash, Doors and Blinds, Porch Columns, Hardware; l'int; etc. ' Claris Sash & boor Corporation Frank T. ClAiwT Pres." NORFOLK. - vittmia ..Parker's7 Monuments - In all First-lass V;n4,-; Ju.'. , (Largest Stock in the S of material and to finish jt-better than otlvi . 1 " '3.-iiHi'i,;il.'tJ.,nf yy,.. mi mi ilMTn 'TtiT"ii iTirrn i .1a, ... For Infants ami. The Kind V Always Bears tlio ignatmre of ' ft J 1 t-J -1 KB V. t I II 1, v . t f n S r KK-COOOO- -'EFTr3 h Li A 4 L ear ire;: A : V I. V ' f V V ; C ! ... r KrOOOOK-' ii M S I am prepared t with or without chimr. . Reasonable F. For .terms and fur'.' lion, apply to- - R. V. Ki - ' Scotlr.n'l -w Awn ra crarrT-: i L yCRj.r r.r; ft,,- t j atoutHbiitly. 26 tm cxpn rnll .of intent infommti'n. i' lortimo. " . READ PACES K ' for patent. ntv ttvil.i v. r i liEJs .jf lis c. t3 PATCTJT LAV' oeventa St., Wast,:. ' r it' A' : (. f lip mm v & 'iGiravesf' You i Tunnel When in Ndf.v! you are fcuying, and-vvill get it qvhUy. The CoupefMarble Wcrtw (ta'bl!hpi! 159-163 Bank St.. I - i-. V.

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