SEED ONL - - j . . . t v n T O TT ATT CHRISTMAS i onAiiU v I,,,;.!',- rf Christmas eroods the novt ten uays. a large slock. 1 . . '. . l- l;.ncj Pan the old ana voung. marvc uui re headquarters ior oaout iaus. j. w. iviaury. BUYYOUR CHRISTMAS TOYS im Edwards & Co. WANTED MEN TO HANDLE A ;1 paying line. Exclusive tern- Brown Urotners company, e-ter, New York. f II H ' U S K FOR GOOD GROCERIES LOCAL NEWS. Good 'things for Christmas. , inns ia almost here and we have loaded up on Annies , r,, i xv.o.wo, aira, i uues, veiery, cranberries irtrr., t:-;nes. Fancy Cakes, and a mighty nice line of Candy be ! Z , ur ::!-e; complete stock of Fancy Groceries. We are after uiiine?? l.nru;iwov Hum, v. vail U WC SCIVC YOU. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING IN GROCERIES: J. W. ALLSBROOK. L'p-to-Date Phon eNo. 81 je. i Will' Where Orders are Filled Complete J Suitable Gifts for Christmas ! Holeproof Silk Socks, 3 pairs for $2.00, put up in attractive as Boxes. silk. Mufllers in pretty shades at all prices. A very suitable Christmas Gift. Also a good line of Phoenix Mufflers at 25 and 50c Silk Handkerchiefs, initials and plain, at 25 and 5Gc each. Our Christmas Line of Ties and Scarfs are now on display. Nice Line of Men's Kid Gloves at $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00. Traveling Bags and Suit Cases. A neat and attractive line at Remember our store when making your Christmas purchases. We'iiik v.e can neip uu iu buivu me oiiiisLiiias vjih proDiem. ALLSBROOK & BOYETTE, Cordial W elcome to ah. jyien s ana isoys' uutntters. Special Announcements. AT AN WEEK BE Phone S3. Box 303. t mrMTX-n TTP OTTR i . 1 . . .1 - fnll n -rwl .riinvps boons inis weeiv. van .ke you: PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. The Coming, Going and Whereabouts of Our People and Other folks. Edwards & Co. FTY SUITS MEN'S CLOTH p,f.,j stuck and first class, at a ;nr of 2o per cent. Lan anu ex- ine them. tawaras x to. INSURANCE ON COTTON AND muts written at reasonable rates. me before insuring them. Losse3 justed promptly. Bernard Alls- AX0THER HANDSOME LINE Ladies' Coat Suits just arrived. them before purchasing. Edwards & Co. UST RECEIVED A BIG LOT OF .beroid Roofing, Tar Paper Kooi and Galvanized Roofing. Ask trices. h,awaras & to. NOTICE. -ALL WOOD SOLD m mv wagon is S4.00 per cord, ;h on delivery. C. J. Davenport. 0 TO ALLSBROOK & BOY- s f.'.r a uair of uants made to .; m-asuve absolutely FREE. 'ILL SAVE YOU 25 PER CENT our Fail Suit Clothes, Men's or s Trv us. Edwards & Co. Y RESIDENCE FOR SALE .ainir.g nine rooms, good Well of :er (recently analyzed) Srables good Garden on lot. Will sell on ' terms. Apply to Mrs. W. A. ;hhv J Neck, N. C. W. Dunn, Scot- Mr. W. N. Alexander spent Sun day in Tarboro with friends. Prof. L. R. Mills returned from Wake Forest Sunday afternoon. Mr. C. II 7 n, of Portsmouth, Va., was here several days last week. Mr. Pevton Keel has returned I from Hookerton where he has been building stores. Mrs. Geo. W. Bryan and Mrs. C. F. Burroughs spent Friday and Sat urday of last week in Norfolk. Mr. J. W. Madry has been in Bal timore this week buying an extra large stock of Christmas goods. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Harrison, of Whitakers, were here Thursday night, returning from their bridal tour. Mrs. Etta Purvis returned from Portsmouth, Va., Friday where she had been visiting her sister, Mrs. C. H. Bell. Prof. J. B. Aiken spent Sunday in Littleton, returning home Monday accompanied by Mrs. Aiken, who spent the week with her father and sisters in that town. Mr. Frank P. Shields was called to Valdosta, Ga., Tuesday night by a telegram announcing the death of Lee S. Shields, formerly of thu town. Mr. Shields has many relati ves and friends here who will be pained to learn of his death. Governor W. W. Kitchin delivered an address before the graded school in Tarboro Friday night. Governor Kitchin came over to Scotland Neck after the speaking and spent the night, returning to Raleigh Satur day mo rning. ONE 'feet LOAD CAR rence on nty in our yard PITTSBURG the road. Also Prices right. Edwards & Co. GIVE US A TRTAL ON COOK ves, Ranges, Hot Blast Heaters lVv'ood Heaters. Edwards & Co. Items Gathered From the Town and Country. And the children are counting days. the Have you done your' Christmas shopping? How about selling fire works in town this Christmas? The Movers. 1 M. During Let us spell it Christmas this time and not Xmas. Our farmers are workinsr hard to finish threshing peanuts and picking cotton before the Christmas holidays. Read the advertisements in The Commonwealth this week. Some real Christmas bargains are offered the public. The fire alarm was sounded Fri day morning about 2:30 o'clock but it turned out to be a false aiarm there was no fire. The new pastor. Rev. N. C. Yearby, filled his appointment at. the Meth odist church Sunday morning and night and pleased his congregation. Rev. N. H. Shepherd, of Stanton- burg, occupied the pulpit of the Baptist church Sunday morning and night, preaching to good congre gations. HoytVA Bunch of Keys" drew a representative audience to Madrys opera house Thursday night of last week. The play was pronounced very good. We are sending out statements to our delinquent subscribers and urge each one to respond promptly for we need the money to settle our ob ligations. Let us hear from you promptly." The G. C. Weeks Auto Company- sold their demonstration car to Mr. Thos. Staten last week. They sent an order for another car by wire and it is expected to arrive within the next few days. The Overland cars surely sell. Sheriff J. A. House, of Halifax county, come to Raleigh Saturday, bringing Ed Suggs and W. II. Tillcry. both colored, to begin terms of three years each in the State's prison for the crime of murder in the sec ond degree. Raleigh News and Ob server, Dec. 8th. For the next few weeks we have many subscriptions that will expire those that were put on during our contest a year ago. We do not want to lose a single one of them, but if there should be a single one that wishes the paper discontinued to their address, they will confer a favor by notifying us. Miss Annie Ballard, daughter of Mr. Joe Ballard, formerly of this town, but now living near Hamilton, died Wednesday morning after a short illness. The interment will take place at the old family burying ground this afternoon (Thursday) at 3 o'clock. Mis3 Ballard was rear ed in Scotland Neck and left here about fifteen years ago. She has many relatives here who will be erieved to hear of her death. We sympathize with her bereaved fami ly in their sorrow and affliction. the past week there has been right much changing of resi dences by our town people. We note the following: Mr. W. A. Brantley changes to the small Stern house next to Mr. J. S. Bower3 on church street and Mr. Norman Howard takes the house vacated by Mr. Brantley on the corner of Church and 12th streets. Mr. B. S Courtney will move to the house vacated by Mr. Howard the first of the year. Dr. Thurman D. Kitchin has va cated the Morrisett house on 12th street and the editor has moved, there. Mr. W. A. Walston has moved to the house vacated by the editor. - Elder W. F. Staten has recently traded the Prince place with Mr. A. Paul Kitchin for his place occupied by Mr. W. A. Walston and moved there, while Mr. Kitchin and Dr. Kitchin will occupy the Prince place until Jan. 1st when Dr. Kitchin goes to the house now occupied by Mr. L. R, Carter. We understand there is to be still more moving the first of the new year. A Cern Growing lltats. The work of converting North Carolina into a great corn growing- State has been fairly launched through the medium of the boys' corn clubs. The report of Director Parker shows that the farmers of this state have never known what they could do in the way of raising corn. The average production per acre for the fifty prize winners of these corn club boys, was 106.24 bushels. One of them raised as high as 235 1-2 bushels. There seems to be no doubt about this latter record for Mr. Parker says: "The yield was so large I took the precaution to send down and have the corn re weighed about a month after it was first measured. This was done in the presence of several witnesses. It was found that after the corn had dried out there was stiil 195.8 7 bushels of corn that tested by analy sis 12.21 degrees moisture. I regard this the largest crop of corn ever grown on an acre of land in this or any other State." The indications are that next year we shall ?e won ders in corn growing in North Caro lina. Charlotte Chronicle. REPnaT or inn condsteon or the PLANTERS & COMMERCIAL BANK!1 FIRE WORKS ! SCOTLAND NECK, M. C. At the. Close of Business December 5lh, 1911. KESOlTvCE?. LIABILITIES. Loans and discounts $9?,S0r.12 Capital' stock .1" 000.00 Overdrafts 391.52 Undivided profits, etc -1.090.91 Furniture and fixture. 2,50S.9.1 Bills payal.le 000.00 Due from hanks and bankers 2o,ttOi.SO Deposits 10l,f,.v4: Cash item? 4(V3.on Cash in vault 3,1)73.91 S Wc have complete line of Fiie Works suitable for your Cnristmns enjoyment. J t Our line of Candle. App!:3. OriP'-e-?, Nuts, vrti?. , h trF.dv fi-i your ,n. $ FruU ar.;! Patina Cake. Total $12s.749.37 Total $!2.749.::7 . ..,.... i hi GrcteruT. both ITEAvi State of North Carolina County of Halifax. ... r.Nvrv we cap sunplv f I, t). .1. Moore, cafhier ok the at-ove-nanicit (tank, uo eou mniy Mvcar tlat'v T thp nl-iove statement is true to the hot of mv knowledge and belief. O. J. MOOHE, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to hef'.iv mo Correct Attest: this 12th day of December. l'Jll. S. A. Prxx, Tylep. B. Wii-eeekr Ptcaut Smith, Notary Public. ' " Directors. your wants promplly. Framed Pictures. Kay He Were Bis Rsi In Church.' To illustrate the "offishness" of some churches, Rev. John Timothy "No," said the man," "I have been at lending thU church regularly nearly two years and no one has nvev Rnnkpn tn mp in nil thnt time. Prnnp nnstnr of the Fourth Bantisl I T inri- tVinno-Vi T wnnlrl mv but church, speaking at the First Pres- J on my head this morning .to see if it byterian church recently, told a ! -m!d serve as an introduction to I . , . , i some one. I am glad to meet you. story of a man who sat througn the j Chicago Tribune, service one Sunday morning wear-; " ' 1 11 . inghashat. j r.EST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD.' When requested to by r.n usher he mrs.wi.-slovs soothing syrup has beta removed his usher after w had worn the WV are handling some beau- t tiful Framed Picture?, suitn- ble for Christmas rrescnls. Every time yon ;'.per,d i'2.00 Z in cash vt our store and for 49 o ,. o cents you get one 01 these Picture. -They are really worth $1.00. . 1 t X J. W. ROBERTSON & CO.; I The (irccen Pirm. t NTED TO LOOK Halifax and a ;- Iiau vvum Liic iitiu puiijvi. .... j i8 the best remedy for DIARRMCuA. It n rli- i jutfii. luuiui' . ""'-y V. vs merelv abentminded ne-i-! -"'y Be sure and ai for -Mr.?. sjon. Address Trie Victor Oil Lorn gece " Ul1 th" Spany, Cleveland, Ohio. 1 P.hrt&frm ! Cliristmas ! 0 V' It ccmPS onlv once a vear. and it always suggests PRESEN I S for friends and relatives. A & " sensible gift for daily use is a constant token of friendship. i If we Give Wise! fiie Pleasure will be Mutual $ Thouahtfulness is ever appreciated. You can find -USEFUL .things at our store for you Gift K V a bilious When vou have give Chamberlain's Tablet They are excellent. For s dealers. attack a tri'cl. e by ait WANTED MANAGER FOR 12 Horse Farm. Must be fully capable to handle labor and keep ec iartn books. Prefer married man with small family, but can use single man. When replying give age, experience. references, state wnat you know bout farm macninery, engines. peanut pickers, gins etc., and nalary exneeted. Can begin now or Jan. i. If you maa'i business, write at. once. Box 303, Scotland Neck. N. C. too numerous to attempt to enumerate. Just co:uo am! s We will Suggest a Pew for Your Consider a lion A Washincn Eur-T, or a Nice Busry Robe, or a Nice Set oS Harness; a Majestic Range, . & cr a Good Cook Stove; a Diamond Edge or Keen Kutter Razor; a set of Nice Knives and CABRMiR PLANTS ALL POP- ular and Seasonable kinds ready for transplanting, bend me your orders 100, 15 cents 1000, $1.25. Geo. W. Bryan, Scotland Neck, JN. U. l CABBAGE PLANTS Radi&in Rays. Judge Ward Resigns. ANOTHER LOT OF LADIES' M Misses' Furs to arrive this week. 1 and see them Edwards & Co. TEN DOZEN MEN'S & YOUTHS' ana t.) cent Ties now at S9c. All ws. Edwards & Co. BIG LINE OF FTTRMTTTTRE IN Suites. Cherrv Suites. Louneres. jenports. Hat Racks, Sideboards, Divans, etc. Low prices Oak Da ioeker and easy terms. Edwards & Co. ac bile eur R Will nou heln n nnnr nnfort.un- mortal, sir?" "What can I do Oh, sir, I would gladly ate :or you? r?Pt one of your cast-off automO' -s. u you would throw in a chaut and a few gallons of gasoline." Gingham Age-Herald. Elizabeth City, Dec. 11 Judge Georee Ward will tomorrow forward to Governor Kitchin his resignation j as judge of the Superior court from the First J udicial district, the same to become effective December 31. At a meeting of the Elizabeth City Bar association this afternoon, Maj. W. C. Rodman, of Washington, N. C, was endorsed for the judgeship. Judge Ward's action was prompt ed by continued ill health following several attacks of vertigo during tne year. During his seven years of ser vice Judge Ward has won much dis tinction by his impartial and able decisions and fearless stands on pub lic questions of interest and impor tance His host of friends through out the state will learn of his resign ation with deepest regret. . ;,f the suffering, the No one but a woman can xou iv , who carry despair! and the .fap-jtacj ftJeTdlrs and a aaiiy Duroen 01 m"'" - , . . , nrns that are derangements of the delicate ana entered com distinctlv feminine. The tortures so brave.y eadur.a The earth travels in its orbit round the sun 19 miles a second. The sun itself, like alLthe other stars, has its own proper motion through space. Some authorities have cal culated its speed at 12 miles a sec ond. A few stars move more slowly than this, others much mere rapidly. Arcturus maintains a speed of not less than 100 miles a second, and the star called "Groombridge 1830" travels 150 miles in the same brief time. But the speeds of the heavenly bodies are slow compared with the motions of the tiniest known par ticles of matter. The sun would seem to stand still could we compare its velocity with that of the radium " These radiations are pro duced by successive explosions of tiny groups of the tiny atoms ot radium. The "alpha rays," being themselves infinitesimal fragments nf matter, are thrown out while a velocity of perhaps 12,000 miles a j second. The "beta rays" travel still faster. In the emanations of this wonder ful radium we find the highest known speed of matter in motion. At 15 000 miles a second it would than two seconds Millions of Thoroughbred Frost Proof Cabbage Plants Foil Sale: - Following varieties: Jersey Wakefield, Charleston Wake field, Succession and Large Late Drum Head. Tnis selec tion should give you continuous headings through the scaon. Prepared for shipment in lets from 1,000 to 10,000 at $1.25 per thousand; over 10,000 SI. 00 per thousand f. o. b. Greenville, N. C. Can supply orders any size. Count and satisfaction guaranteed . L. C. ARTHUR, Greenville, N. C. f T X Forks, or Silver Spoons, of Nice Chafjag Dish; a Good Shot Gun, or a Good Riffle. 3 See our Catalogue this week. - 1 (v w H R - - (T m. m n ... r "it I ! Pioneer Hardware Dealers, - - - - ttofiara hccK, ixorm oium.a. S' . r: A sT Ok I'v " IS 9. 3t a a m m o 9 In order to close out our lua 1 owi w. .u w..-.-i, m . .... .i i. . 1 4.1 TK c? nre :3 & soecial mducements to tnosc wno nceu uni. 1 made in the very latest styles and made to fit. Gall and ex- $ amine our stock ana get our prices. faVp little more """ q nnrtiele of matter to travel an uisimcuy ieminmc. . f" . . pletcly upset the nerves if long contf nositive cure for the way round the earth. Look at . 1 - -. . ll J s.n. vour watch and note me uurauuu .x T-i- rra-u-nt-it Prescription is u weakness and disase of the fenua.r.e or&ani-m. IT MAKES WEAK WOflEN STRONG, SICK WOMEN WELL. .r i,A ennthf n nai:!. It aJlavs inflammatory tc-J3 ulceraH -y"' It tones and buiid and motherhood have nothing to lionet n reives. .It bi "a dealers sen -i -- A-11-' . . , ' ' . . 1 vtiu a ' . - f ol cures. ' a non-secrct, non-alcoholic and has a rcocr;. ot w-w res. J,J Neighbors. They probably know o! ne o. m - Q " -t home, send 21 ons-cent stamps to ! " " . r1-o-e iHitttrated 2;a!''J T yo a f-ce cooy ci '''?Cl peoer covers., fcn Medical Adviser-rcvit. up-ict.M.- p J? Buffalo, N.Y. cloth-binding, 31 etampc. AMrw UJ two seconds; then imagine that in a chariot drawn by "alpha rays" you v heen round the world. There v,QWlv time in two seconds for you to think the journey. ThP hie-hest measured speed, how ler is not the speed of matter, but -the speed of that ethreic vibration which we call light. And Jignt trav els at the rate of 186,000 miles a second. -Youth's Companion. f "I Suffered Years With My Back." Backache resulting from weak kidneys, a bad cold or other cause, usually renders the suiierer unnc for work and often results in per manent disability. "I suffered for years with my back, or kidney trouble, and have tried a number of remedies from different physicians. More than a year ago, one of our local druggists induced me to try Dr. files' Anti-Paisi Pills r.A offpr mint? them some three months I found a decided improve ment in my kidneys, and I am gtaa to say that I hope soon to be fuby restored to health." J. P. Allen, Ex-Judge City Court, Glasgow, ivy. ' As long as pain is present in any b. hndv rest is impossible and the system becoming weakened is exposed to any iorm oi uisc-c lu which the sufferer may be inched. Df. files' Anti Psin Pills by steadying the irritated nerve centers, make refreshing sleep pos sible, thereby enabling the body to recover lest strength. As aremedy for pain of any description JJr. Miles' Anti-Fain Pills are unsur passed. Sold by all druggists under a guar antee assuring the return ot the price of the first box if no benefit resuUs. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. !i we i i i - . m j ii i a i rw. rv Ann at i immrfmm m r tease iuu: We hiwc a few Suits and Overcoats for men and boys gj 1 hnnrnins in V L U i- .,,- '-i-.V O 1 TM -.'M ,111 irl.ll 'I VV. ,jvnv ' -j. LliflL VL -ll v.- . viw Li --. w.. f3 :.?.!; i-fi 1 this line. Let us show you and make you prices on them. re i our jj We have a general line from which to make jour selec- tions for Fail and Christmas trading. Soiyic real bargains in g n j f.,-of thpv nre vours lor tne asking. ja every ,uc-pjuuuum,.uiU . - y W. T. HANCOCK COMPANY it THE STORE FOR REAL BARGAINS SCOTLAND NECK. NORTH CAROLINA

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