0 4 0 jk.-Jim in i iiniwwii ii mmiiT"i Y oiiiii r t Read what Cardui did for Miss Myria Engler, of Faribault, Minn. Site says: "Let me tell you how much good Cardui has done me. As a young girl, I always had to suffer so much with all kind of pain. Sometimes, I was so weak that "I could harc'-y stand on ray feet I got a bottle of Cardui, at the druc store, and as soon as I had taken a few doses, I began to feel better. Today, I feel as well as anyone can." KS IAKOU 1 WomanTonic Are you a woman? Then you are subject to a large number of troubles and irregularities, peculiar to women, which, in time, often lead to more serious trouble. A tonic Is needed to help you over the hard places, to relieve weakness, headache, and other unnecessary palna, the stens of weak nerves and over-work. For a tonic, take Cardui, the woman's tonic You will never regret it, for it will certain1y help you. Ask your druggist about it. He knows. He sells It WW' to- Ladles' Advisory Dept., C!i5ttnoqga Medicine Co.. CbattfnoogO. Ttnn .- AC iiJ?Z? and 64-caee Look. " Home Treatment lorWofflW," wrffret J we fteep on Hand : owiai cases m A IS I' J -.11 T;.J? Also Complete Undertakers' Outfit. i arse Service any Time lay or ui?ht we are ready to nec'omrnodate our friends ami the Public Generally. M. Hoffman & Bro. Scotl.-md Iseok Morth Carolina f1 xi '-'-S.A' I BHrroeghs - Pitiman 1 -' (Successors to N. B. Josey Company's Undertaking Business.) xM mm. 6 n r I aSketS'l RbeS' A Complete Line "of Undertaker's Supplies. J HEARSE SERVICE B irrouGs-PSItnion-Wheeler : 1 3 W i iy qf brMiclielin and all Inn i IN STOCK BY G. C. Weeks Motor Car Comp'y Scotland Neck, N. L. immeiits & iV In all First ('lass Varieties of Marble and Granite. Largest Stock in the South. Remember, we av the f-ffl As we employ no Agents M eluded m -ur prices, I of material and to finish it better than otherwise. Is this i .-v. n;;nr.9 wru xt rn. n 1E-J r? (Established ..T. .--..-T-ii'm in Worne The Mr. Saw Mill Man ! : i j ii, j? xi.i 7 oest results irum mat piece of timber you are ! cutting LET US SELL IT f7Vl WITT Write us and get our J prices ! L B. Walker & Co. : Cash Lumber Buyers, Office No. 10. $ - Virginia. - Wheeier Co, AT ANYTIME. Co., Scotland Neck, N. C. a, Banal . fin ini. .U N1 Tubes other Envelopes The majority of motor' ists throughout the world are satisfied users of i Michelin Inner Tubes. They are the best judges. Ash them. Look far Mm sign Gravestones freight and cuarantee safe delivprv. the item of commissions is not in- inis enables us to use a hieher erade on leading I i wvjii.il vuusiuciiug ; tTlicil in iuij.ui& Call UH US. You will find what you want; see and know what you are buying, and will get it quickly. The Co u per Marble Works, 1848.) 159-163 Bank St., Norfolk, Va ICKING A Present Dlatt Br Douglas Halloch HEN Harry Piatt and that girl friend of the , Greens (I forget her name) were married, it was one of those my-goodness - gracious-just-think-of-that af- faira, with no one in on the secret except the suburban minister who tied the knot, the cab man who drive them out there and the girl from the minister's kitchen, who was a witness, and left a thumb-print of grease on the certificate (she was frying doughnuts at the time) and the minister's wife (at least the name was the same). Let's see, where was I? Oh, yes, when the Platts were mar ried, it being that kind of a wedding, there was no chance to send them a wedding gift as I would have liked to do, or to have done, (whichever is proper, or grammatical, though I'm sure I can never tell which) . But Mr. Piatt is one of the nicest men in the office, that is, he was before this happened. So I felt we ought to do something for him, just to show our good will and, anyhow, we've dug down for others we thought much less of, so why shouldn't we for him? But the wedding was over, without in vitations, or even a reception, and they were housekeeping before we knew it. So what could we do? Well, just then Christmas came along not just then but two months after the wedding. They were mar ried October 29, so it wasn't quite two months, but that's close enough. When Christmas came along, that is, just before it came along, I sug gested that we make up a purse and give them a sort of delayed wedding present, just to show our good will. Every body thought it wna a snlendid idea, that, is, of course, except Mr. Piatt, whom, of course, I didn't con cult. So I got up a subscription paper and went to everybody in the office (except Mr. Piatt, of course). I got $26.60, including ten cents from the janitor, who wasn't expected to give anything but wanted to give some thing, which shows just how popular Mr. Piatt was with everyone in the building, when a janitor even would chip in. Christmas shopping is hard enough, goodness knows, when you do it for yourself; but when you do it for a stock company capitalized at $26.60, with 28 stockholders, with 28 different kinds of ideas and tastes, then Christ mas shopping rises above a mere an noyance to the dignity of a real trou ble. And that's what I was up against. I thought it would be nice to get an expression of opinion. So I went around one morning and asked for ideas. But I couldn't get a word. No body could think of anything. I couldn't myself. At noon I went out and looked. I walked miles. I priced, then I went back to the office. You should have seen my desk. Honest, you would have thought some one had turned in a gen eral alarm. They couldn't wait for me to get back. There they were 28 of them, (that is, 27, or 28 with me). They all had suggestions, and they were all different. The head book keeper thought an arm chair would be nice. (He stands up all day). The collec tor thought a ram coat would be best, while Miss Jones suggested a dress pattern They all said, of course, that they left it entirely to me; and then each went away sadly, as much as to say that he hoped woman t De so foolish as to buy any of those other things that the otners cad pro posed The next day I looked again. But either a thing was too expensive or I would have money left. It is remark able how few things there are in the world you can buy for $26.60, no more, no less. And then I saw It. It was in a de partment store, and marked down from $50 to $26.60! There it was, to a cent! A great, big, glittering, mag nificent Punch Bowl! Nobody had thought, of that! But, to make sure, I sent the sales ticket with it and told the Platts they could exchange the punch bowl, if they wished, for something they liked better. - And what do you suppose those Platts did? ,In January they traded in that mag; nificent punch bowl for three tons of coall (Copyright, 1S1U We wish to call your attention to the fact that most infectious dis eases such as whooping cough, diph theria and scarlet fever are contract ed when the child has a cold. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy will quick ly cure a cold and greatly lessen the danger of contracting these diseases. This remedy is famous for its cures of colds. It contains no opium or other narcotic and may be given to a child with implicit confidence. I Sold by all dealers. THROW OUT THE LINE. , Give the Kidneys Help and Many Scotland Neck Peo ple Will be Happier. "Throw out the Life Line" - The kidneys need help. The're overworked can't get the poison filtered out of the blood. They're getting worse every day. Will you help them? Doan's Kidney Pills have brought thousands of kidney sufferers back from the verge of despair. J. T. D. Rawlings, Second St., Weldon, N. C, says: "You are welcome to use my name as a refer ence for the merits of Doan's Kid ney Pills as I have tested this remedy and have found that it is reliable. I had backaches and pains through my kidneys and was bothered by ir regular passages of the kidney se cretions. I finally got Doan's Kid ney Pills and it was not long before they gave me entire relief." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Mrs. Flatt Alice cannot seemHo master that difficult piece of music. She's been trying all the afternoon. Mrs. Nextdore Yes, indeed she has been. Exchange: WHATAILSYOU? MI-O-NA Stomach Tablets are guaranteed by E.T. Whitehead Co., to end indigestion or any stomach distress, or money back. They re lieve upset stomachs in five minutes. MI-O-NA for belching of gas. MI-O-NA for distress after eating. MI-O-NA for foul breath. MI-O-NA for biliousness. MI-O-NA to wake up the liver. MI-O-NA for heartburn. MI-O-NA for sick headache. MI-O-NA for nervous dyspepsia. Ml-O-NA for night sweats. MI-O-NA for sleeplessness. MI-O-NA for bad nreams. MI-O-NA for sea sickness. MI-O-NA after a banquet. MI-O-NA for vomiting of preg nancy. Makes rich, pure blood puts gin ger vigor, vim vitality into tne whole body. Fifty cents a large box at E. T. Whitehead Company and druggists everywhere. A lazy liver leads to chronic dys pepsia and constipation weakens the whole system. Dean's Regulets 25 cents per box) correct the liver, tone the stomach, cure constipation. IMrs. Howard And so two of your sons are boy scouts; Where do they do most of their reconnoitering? Mrs. Coward In our refrigerator. Life. If you are troubled with chronic constipation, the mild and gentle ef fect of Chamberlain s Tablets makes them especially suited to your case. For sale by all dealers. "George says he "loves that little curl over your right ear." "I'm glad to know that, I was just about to hang it on the other side." Kansas City Journal. Cures babv's croup. Willie's daily cuts and bruises, mama's sore throat. grandma s lameness Dr. Thomas E:ectic Oil the great household remedy. Bill How's his business going? Jill Like clockwork. Bill why I heard he'dfailed, Sohehas. They've just wound up his business. Yon kers Statesman. Ends Winter's Troubles. To many, winter is a season of trouble. The frost-bitten toes and fingers, chapped hands and lips, chilblain's, cold sores, red and rough skins, prove this. But such troubles fly before Bucklen's Arnica Salve. A trial convinces. Greatest healer of Burns, Boils, Piles," Cuts, Sores, Bruises, Eczema and Sprains. Only 25c at E. T. Whitehead Company. "My dear, you spend too much money in false hair. Look at your puffs. She "And you spend too much in cigars. Look at your puffs' Baltimore American. A Terrible Blunder to neglect liver trouble. " Never do it. Take Dr. King's New Life Pills on the first sign of constipation, bil iousness or inactive bowels and pre vent virulent indigestion, jaudice or gall stones. They regulate liver, stomach and bowels and build up your health. Only 25c at E. T. Whitehead Company. Doctor I must forbid all brain work. Poet May I not write some verses? Doctor Oh, certainly! Christian Intelligence. Saved His Wife's Life. "My wife would have been in her grave today," wriies O. H. Brywn, of Muscadine, Ala., "if it had not been for Dr. King's New Discovery. She was down in her bed, not able to get up without help. She had a severe bronchial trouble and a dread ful cough. I got her a bottle of Dr" King's New Discovery, and she soon began to mend, and was well in a short time." Infallible for coughs and colds, its the most reliable rem edyon earth for desperate lung trouble, hemorrhages, lagrippe, as thma, hay fever croup and whoon ing cough. 50c. $1.00. Trial bottK MW Christmas retting By EUGENIA RABBAS O I am a heartless flirt, who doesn't understand the meaning of the word love, am I, - Mr. William Dunning?" stormed Marjorie all to herself, 'in answer to the final decree of rage and defiance which that gentleman hurled at her by means of a vigorous slam of the front door. "I believe he would have shaken me, if he hadn't rushed out In time to prevent himself from doing it," she continued, the ever ready dimples venturing out of their hiding places, but she banished them severely. "I'll never, never forgive him, even though he asks me to, which of course, he won't! And he calls me stubborn!" Next morning Marjorie was tremen dously busy wrapping up dainty little parcels, for the next day was Christ mas, and her many friends must be remembered, in spite of quarrels and Billy. Still, shr seemed very much preoc cupied over her work, and quite sud denly she threw aside the piece of holly she had been toying with, and fairly flew to the telephone. In answer to her . impatient sum mons, she was quickly connected with Brown & Co.'s book store. "Have you sent out those books that were order ed for Mr. William Dunning?" she ask ed anxiously. The answer evidently pleased her, for she breathed a sigh of relief. "That's all right; I'm glad you haven't, for I have changed my mind about them. Please cancel the order." Marjorie hung up the receiver with an air of triumph. "There, I'm glad I thought of that! Billy would have construed a Christmas present into an abject apology," she said, her indig nation rising at the very thought of such a thing. But when she went back to her par cels and picked up the little twig of holly she had intended tucking away into one of them, her face softened. "I know that Isn't the right kind of a Christmas spirit to have, but I can't have Billy thinking that I am admit ting I was wrong, when I know I wasn't," she argued with herself. The joyous ringing of Christmas bells and merry shouts of her younger sisters and brothers, when they dis covered their stockings the next morn ing, only served to emphasize her de pression. "Billy never loved me; If he really and truly did he never could trat mo like this," she told hersetf as she stood looking with unseeing eyes at the snowy Christmas world. Just then a young man, fairly tear ing around the corner, arrested her at tention. It was no less a person than Billy himself who was coming, post haste, to see her. Marjorie looked at him in won der. What had come over Billy? Why this sudden contrition, when, she admitted it now for the first time, even to herself she had been greatly, if not altogether, to blame for their quarrel. "O, Billy, I am so glad you came." Billy took some little time to empha size his appreciation of her welcome. then "Glad I came? Why wouldn't I come, dear?" he asked. "Because vou vnvod unless I apologized," Marjorie explain ed miscmevousiy. "You didn't think Vd ho and unforgiving as to ignore your dear mue peace oiToring? I brought one of the books with me to read something to you," he told her, and diving into his pocket he produced a little copy of "Romeo and Juliet." Marjorie was surprised for a second, then it flashed over her what it all meant. Brown & Co. had forgotten to cancel her order and Billy had re ceived the books. Billy had construed her sending them ints a humble plea for forgiveness. He most probably wouldn't have come at all if it hadn't been for that. She stiffened visibly and all her love was swallowed up in a wave of rebel lious pride. "You are mistaken," she commenced coldly, but Billy interrupted her Here, I have found it. "'My bounty Is as boundless as the sea. My love as deep, the more I give to thee. "The more I have, for both are in finite he was reading, and the simple beauty of the lines awoke something m Marjorie stronger than pride or re seulmcnt and she only smiied when added tenderly: ' My Christmas "ig to you, dear." 6 siSL1 Itch-Scratch! Scratch! bcratchl The more you scratch th worse the itch y ntch the ment It cures piles, eczema, any skl" itching. All druggists sell it rirKf .nJohnnie (very stendn16' ,my eye,ids woj't AmnuSantP l0"ger- Jo"l anddfn5? petite iui U. OICCiJ souncny and en Joy life, use Burdock Blood Bitters the great svshpm t; r".,l?rs vv,.,iv. oiju uunaer i -4 EH KK! if ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT.' r . . . n I .vegetable if eparauonlbrAs sirailating theRrodanditeguta tingllie Stomachs andBowelsof Promolcs Di rfestion,ChpcifiiI nessandRest.Contatasiiei!ircr Opiuni.Morphiiu nor Mineral Not Narcotic. jooidiksML'iirmisa. LA:- "VIM I .W III I Willi! m ftmpiin Sced jttx.Sear.il flppermint -iiiCarioaukSma iZemStrir Oatifirii Si:.yrrr hi&yreeo t'brnr. IP Aperfcct Remedy for Consfifia- vn-k!rmnW?i nir.rr!;.V3 WormsjCoiTvalsionsJevcrisIi nessarulLOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of CO V NEW' YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. OOO Wholesale ill 11 iisji gggj.fig If! I MANUFACTURER OI-' PLOW BEAMS SINGLE-TREES FARM CARTS And Dealer in Harness, "NVIi i . '- . W. A. BRANTLEY Scotland Neck, . . . . XorMi r OOOOOO c. c. COBB. ros. Cobb So. States Phone 435 BROKERS ' Members of New York and Norfolk Cotton E.-.di-tnj." of Chicago Board of Trade ami New York Sio. ', Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Qrmi Special attention given to telegraphic and ph--no : of all orders reported promptly. Anv infonnniivr. -I markets will be gladly furnished at ar y time. i'riv;:V.- s all principal exchanges. Correspondence solicited. 101 Plume Street. Will H. Josey Scotland Neck, N. C. INSURANCE of all kinds written. Why insure in companies that may wish to pay and can't? I represent the strongest and most liberal companies in America. Life and AcrMiint ( Mutual Benefit and National! FIRE THE HOME. Assets over CI million. THE CONTINENTAL. Assets over 21 million. THE PHILADELPHIA UNDERWRIT ERS, Assets over 24 million THE FIDELITY-PIIENIX. Assets over lt million. THE GLOBE AND RUTGERS. Assets over 5 million. Should you wish insurance of anv kind see me. Will see that loss is paid, unless by fraud ! Now is The Time To start to boautify- illP vftliv vnvl Ktt ixl-..,4- ing- out Rome Bulbs of ilyacmtlis, Tulips, Daf fodills, etc , for sprino; blooming. I have a largo collection of these Bulbs, also Bulbs for house blooming. Low prices. H. STEIN METZ FLORIST I Raleigh, North Carolina. t House Moving! Reasonable Prices. tionrappTyTo fUrther informa- R.V.KITCHIN, bcotland Neck, N. C. For Infante r.d yv"' ' Ths Kind vWg Always ' Bears the signature r of Thirty Yean 0 L) 4 tf . r r ' . i OO-OOOO-O-O C-G-OC) and Ret III I 0 5 v 0 0 A V ft OOOCO O C O ;i k a ivi i. .: v h Ii Nr.rrci':. Vi: 10-C If 13 l'-f CURED A oA;; cs;a Mr.3.H.:.e.Msic-..N " My l.orste li.ul .i v ;; nnd nothincr 'liil r.v.y Mustanc J.iniiin-nt. ' frequently with tl;o 1- an impr.vcinc-it. ; times n riav nwl nr ! cured. It is sine t. . -t - v M $Pi a n u v i FOR H0RX1 iT M Mr. S. J. UuJion, NcLt . , "I have usetl M'.- mentfor diCilVt:'. . - it na cxecUcut linii... maivwus li.ui'y si .- 1 T liniment tukkiy t .i: ! '' mended it to o; .c '!.,;. 25c50c.$lbotl!c:a: ! i ' fVlsjjjJCSBSsJSS rV CURES Mr. R. S. Shellon, Ii i. 'I used Mexico: ' a very valiialiU- )..; - cured il. Juhv;v:t l.e ' thinkit tli -l.-si iiiii.J"- It contain no fiv Ftinsrin case '' Soothes and d" ''s::t r i For BURNS and ulS jj ;ie; Mr. W.V. Clifton. Ralei,;! "I Veep u battle "f Liniment in my Imu. ' cr.-il use. It in the i:r. t t for Cuts, Burns and t " 25c..rO.f taliortl-.R: Or- foiey's mm0 f tale sSon ! 1! mmmm a x

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