n. t.'"1 , f- ft I- I I li 1 i r ill l I II... inn I J mi HIS JOKE. "I used to be troubled with a weakness peculiar to k women," writes Airs. Anna Jones, of Kenny, III. for nearly a year, I could not walk, without holding my sides. I tried several different doctors, but I grew worse. Finally, our druggist advised Cardui Tor my complaint. I was so thin, my weight was 115. Now, I weigh 163, and I am never sick. I ride horseback as good as ever. 1 am in fine health at 52 years." The man's ionic We have thousands of such letters, and more are arriving daily. Such earnest testimony from those who have tried it, surely proves the great value of this vegeta ble,'ton:c medicine, for omen Lardui relieves women s suiiciijia, . 11 you arc a vvumau, L.aru'u iciicvtb vvuinv-ii o omiw't,) women up to health and strength. If you are a v give it a trial. It should help you, for it has helped a mil- ANSWER IT HONESTLY. Are the Statements of Scot land Neck Citizens Not More Reliable than Those of Utter Strangers? Tommy Marine news In the paper is all to the bad. - Pep Why, so? Tommy It said that this -was a bad year for whaling. LOOKING FOR BARGAINS. for Spei a good tonic. Try it! Your druggist sells it m Writ to- Ud-W Advlsorr Dept.. Chatirraoora Medidne Co.. Chattenoosa. Tena. M j Instructions, and 64-pase fccefc. -Home Treatment for Women, gent free. 158 , ic i CURED A BAD SPAVIN, g i'f. E. H. 177, Marion, N.C.. writes : " Mr horse had a very bad case of spavin and nothing did ar.y sood until I tried yovr Mustim Liniment. I rubbed the spavin iiX'CHiellUV '.Vita IJU J!JTmjcn. UliU iuuii na "iraurovement. I did this three or four 53 i times a clav and my horse was corapietcly I cured. It is sura to cure if properly used." M I FOR HORNET STINGS. Mr. S. J. Hudson, Mewbern, N.C. writes : "I have used Mexican Mustang Liai mentfor different nilini-ms and lizva found it c.n excellent litiitr.eiu. At one time my mare was badlv stuns bv hornets b'.;t your linimer.t quickly cured her. I iiave recom- 'r mended it to others hundreds of times." DIAMOND BRAN , kZZS?) ft.. 1 w AA :-"! I'l-.Ttfst for Ctn-CHKS-Tr.a-3 A . DIAIJUXIJ LiiA.ND riU." i-i T"V AS G01.0 rtctallio toxes, scaled vnui Blacvy j Ribbon. TAKS KO OTB8. Bny or Tw Jimpt iet cc-J f.k for rHI-CHEW-Kii ij DIA'ilt ni:.l?il PII.I.'', r twenty. -ear rr--srd.-d : s rf-t.Safett, Always Uc;iao.i ' I I I K She I thought Miss Bilyuns -va3 crnino' tn n-tcirrvr nn Tviio'lish Inrd SuLu fi.l. tJsiuOU!! ) Heshe was thinking about it, but EVhS fVJ!1''4 ! she found that she could get an lta.1- - I lan count mucn ensaper,. This is. a vital question. It is fraught wit i inttrest to Scot land Neck. It permits of only one answer. It cannot be evaded or ignored. A Scotland Neck citzen speaks here, Speaks for the welfare of Scotland Neck. . A citizen's statement is reliable. An utter stranger's doubtful. Horhe proof is the test p oo1. Mrs. T. F. Gray, E. Main St., Scotland Ne-k. N C. sas: " y experience with Doun's Kidney PUt has convinced ma that they are a remedy of merit. My back ax;d - ead ached severely ai.d I had rlizzy spalls an.J other symptoms of Kid- nay coniplairns. Finally I procured a supply of D"an's Kidney Fil.'s at E. T. Whitehead Co's., Drug store and it did not take them long- to co: -reet my trouble." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Fobter-Milburn Co., BulFalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan'c arid take no other. GOOD PLAN. ff9 i vv if, yi3 mm tl, 1 Willi WW lie Smashlt is an inventive genius. She In what way? He He lest his golf ball yesterday. feut went over the course with a snow ball, and froze out his opponent. -ii nflil'l'i'' ; " ii in -T"' " i : 1 E ? n ' 11 HfeifcHu.jt; 4 1 r i r POP WAS WISE. Hint for Mechanics. If two nuis are run on a bolt bo that the square sides face each other they will serve as a wrench in an emergency. Notice of Land Sale. By virtue of power vested in me by that deed of trust executed to me on the 7th day or" March, 1911 iby Alvin Til'erv. and which is of' record m iiantax county m oook Manv sufferers from rheumatism have been surpr'sed and delighted with the prompt relief attonted by applying Chamberlain's Liniment. 1NUL iUC laoc Ul iiicuuianoin m DODSON'S LIVER-TONE IN STEAD OF CALOMEL. Just as Sure Always Safe No Bad Effects Ever Follow This Pleas ant Tastinpr Liquid. As a remedy for a torpid liver cal omel has more than met its match in mi mm IT:.-, or? Kioto, 4 i -i 'ia?" ALCOHOL 3 PEIi CEXT. ANdc (aWc reparation CjrAs slmilati'iiJi!icFocfIan'JRLi!ufc tin5 t!ie Stomadis andBcvi-cis of Promo(esCigeslion,ntcciful ness and RestContaLisneitliff Opiuru-Marphiris rcrliscnl NOT NARCOTIC. Jhrfkui Seed' JlxJwaa Jifpsrmint - . rfhmSred Chmfctl Stfi.-ar Viintittpiit tttmr. A nir';ci Remeilv for Consnca ticii , Sou Storoach,Diarrhoca Wnrnis row -ulsloitslevensfi RcssatuiLoss of Sleep, j IcSbJ!2 Signature of NEW YORK. of - J'3 S"U! .0 Wiliis (aged seven) Say. pop, who's the best man at a wedding? Mr. Henpecli The preacher. ii i nit f y r . n ' v t H- Pit Tn8iI Exact Copy of Wrapper. etro eo.M. M DON'T BE BALD. Nearl A ny On i May Secure a Splen did Growth of Hair. We have a remedy that has aided 220. at !a-e 18. I shall sell to the y, r highest bidder for rash, at public b a!! requires unv internal treatment whatever. This liniment is tor sale Dodson's Liver-Tone. It does not i to grow hair and prevented bildnes auction, i-i the town of Scotland t Neck, N. ('., in fror . of Burrouffh hiks i-'.v.rd to Confins. Pittman-Weeler's Store, at 12:00 1 Soldiers deployed along the north- o'clock, that tract of lard lyinpr. be- j cm border of e Hows tone park have ivp- and situate in Halifax countv, j o P-re tl!eir riflc-s continually to keep ru Sir nf Kortii (irolina. Rr:l ! the thousands ci ell from leavlr.s the more fullv described as follows That trr.ct of land on which the said Alvin Tiliery now residea and : bounded by the lands of S. O. Pur-j grounds until the bunting is over. open season for Via and N. Children are much more likely to B. Josey, the Stamper contract contagious diseases whui CURES SWINNEY. 3 Mr. R. S. SJielton, Kill. N.C, write: " I used Mexican Mustang Liniment on n Tery va!uabl hor je f.r swiuncy and it cured it. Iflv.-avs keep it in tny stable and Tt cnntiiins m alcohol and so cannot vt siing in cases of opea vscunds or burns. Sooibcs and cools ut once. Just try it. and ana ny tne puonc man leaump;, tiiey have colds. Whooping couyh, torn Scotland Neck to Tarboro and (. diphtheria, scarlet fever and c-n-ein on the left hand sid of said SUmntion ?re dises-.ses that are often 1 For BURNS and BRUISES. Mr. W. V. CLf ton, Raleigh, N. C, writes : 'I Ueen a bottle of Mexican Mustang Liniment in my house continually for pen eral Hie. It is the linest tiling in the world 1" ir Cuts, Lurns and Bruises." 25e. 50c. '.a bottle at Drus & Ccn'l Storet road, and containing two acre?., more j contracted when the child has a cold, or k'?sv Date of sale: Saturday, That is why all medical authorities April 13th, 1912. j say beware of colds. For the quick 1 his 12th day ot i.Tarch, x'j12. j cure of colds you will find nothing S. A. DUNN, Trustee, j better than Chamberlain's Cough S. A. & R. C. Dunn, Attys. Remedy. It can always be depended : - - -jupon and is pleasant and safe to i taKe. For sale by ail dealers. Administrator's Notice. ill H. Josey Scotland Neck, N. C. I1NSURANCE of all kinds written. Why insure in companies that may wish to pay and can't? I represent . the strongest and most liberal companies in America. Life and Accident, Mutual Benefit and National. FIRE THE HOME, Assets ever SI million. THE CONTINENTAL. Assets over 21 million. THE PHILADELPHIA UNDERWRIT ERS. Asst3 over 24 million. THE FIDELITY-PHEN1X, Asjfta over 16 million. THE GLOBE AND RUTGERS. Assets over -3 million. Should you wish insurance of any kind see me. Will s?e that loss is paid, unless by fraud Having qualified as administrator j For t-aw and Order, of Mrs. Delzora Robertson deceas-i S'rickcn Pugilist Ki, police, stop ed. late of Halifax County, N. C.Jthis pparriris match; it's going to this is to notify all persons having"! 'enerate into a prize fight! Funch. claims against the estate cf the said j -deceased to exhibit them totheun-i 'n. Ti,nmac' FaIi;,. n;i ;n fatal dis- ed with ly for eight years." Mrs. L. Whiteaere, Buffa- !ash theliver on to perform its work at the cost of its strength. Calomel depends fcr it3 power upon excit'ng the liver to do more work, and often the liver is too wet k to stand such treatment, and you sre wo:e off than before. Dcdsorf s Liver-Tone cannot cause any of the dangerous effects that often follow the us- of calomel. x It is entirely vegelable and pleasant to the taste, and is suitable for childf n and grown people. Get a 50c. bottle at E. T. White head Company's under tHe guaran tee that if it doesn't satisfy you that it is a perfect substitute for calomel you get your money back. Broken Along the Highway. If good resolutions v;ere made of ylas3, v.hat a tremendous lot of tire Junctures there would be! Licrsignea on or oeiore tne tn uay . best remedy for that often or renruary iyio or ims notice ea?e-croup. Has been us win ue pieaneu in oar ot u:eir re- c,lt,Msa tn covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immed-1 0 j' y This the 28th day of February, 1912. i J. W. Robertson. Administrator. I A. Paul Kitchin, Atty. Adniir.istrator's Notice. Village Persona!. Anse Judson, our banter, had bo much tire expense on his automobile that he put cn four grindstones for wheel3 and hasn't had a puncture eince. Boston Globe. Having qualified as administrator Nineleen Kifes a Second . of the estate of the late George j without a jar, shock or disturbance, Clapp, this is to notify all persons ja the awful speed of our earth owing said estate to make immedi- j through space. We wonder at such ate payment to me, and ad persons j Paq,, r,f return's nnwrnpnt and sn holding claims against said estate j do those who take Dr. King's New will me same with me or our attor- j Life Pills. No griping, no distress Repels Attack cf Death. "Five years ago two doctors told me I had on'y two years to live." This startling statement was made by Stillman Green, Malachite, Col. "They told me I would die with con sumption. It was up to mo hen to try the best lung medicine, and I began to use Dr. King's New Dis covery. It was well I did, for to day I am working and believe I owe my life to this great throat and lung cure that has cheated the gi-ave of another victim." It's folly to suffer with coughs, colds or sore throat and lurg troubles now. Take the cure that's safest. Price 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottle free at E. T. Whitehead Company's. in 93 out of 100 cases where usee according to direction? for a reason able length of ime. That may see m like a strong statement it is, an we mean it to be, and no one should doubt it until they have put our claims to an actual test. We f:re ho c rt:;in Rexall "S3'' Hair Tonic v:i!l cura dandruff, pre vent baldness, stimulate the cali and hair roots, stop taking hair an grow new hair, that we personally give our positive guaiantei to re fund every penny paid n for if ir every inbtanc wbvre it dot-s not giv entire satisfaction to H e u-tr. Rexall "S3" Hair i nic is as plej s ant to me f..- cleuv spiing water. It is delight full'' perfumed, end d.e: not grease or u;n the r i-.'.r. Tv sizes, 50c. and $1.00. With ow guarantee back ot it, you eertainl. take no risk. Sold only at our sLr The Rexall Store. E. T. While head Company. QOOOOOO-OO-O-OOO OOOKKOO0KK'; Wholesale and Retail! MANUFACTURER OF PLOW BEAMS SINGLE-TREES FARM CARTS And Dealer in Harness, Wh i;-.-. W. A. BRANT?..'-. . Scotland Neck, . . . . - OOOOOOOOOOOOO KH)KK rv." T71 1 I Flovers ! fame's' Wivas. Few men would admit that their wives know enylhins about busineei.. but a grert ir.uy will follow their advice and then take all the credit for themselves. i One of the Joys of Friendship. It is the real joy of friendship that me may tbinlc out loud to a friend. ney duly verified, before Feb. 28th 1913, or this notice will be pleaded at bar of recovery. This Feb. 28th, 1912. A. Paul Kitchin, Admr. C. L. Staton, Atty. just thorough work that brings good health and fine feelings. 25c at E. T. Whitehead Company. 9 The Implement Co RICHMOND. VIRGINIA. have just issued a new and complete Farm Implement Catalog giving up-to-date in formation and prices of All Farm Implements, Com and Cotton Planters, Wheel andDiSk Cultivators, Dump and Farm Wagons, Engines, Threshers, Saw and Planing Mills, ' Metal and other Roofings, Buggies, Harness, Saddles, Barb Wire, Fencing, etc. Our prices are very reason able for first-class supplies. Correspondence solicited. Catalog mailed free on request Write for it.. Jlhc Implement Co 1302 E. Main St Richmond, Var Foley's OsikoIaxaiwe "Dr. Miles' Nervine Raised Me From the Grave"-M- T.yior This is a strong statement to make, but it is exactly what Mrs. Thomas Taylor, of Blum, Texas, said in expressing her opinion of this remedy. "Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine raised me from the grave and I have much confidence in it. I can never say enough for your grand medicines. If anyone had offered me $ 100.00 for the seeond bottle of Nervine that I used I would have said 'no indeed.' MRS. THOMAS TAYLOR, -Blum, Tex. Nervous exhaustion is a com mon occurence of modern life. The wear and tear on the nervous system is greater now than at any time since the world began. For sleeplessness, poor appetite and that "run down" feeling, nothing is so good as Dr. Miles' Nervine Your nerves are your life and lack of vital energy makes existence a misery. Dr. Miles' Nervine will tone up your nervous system. Ask any druggist. If the first bcttlo falls to benefit, your money is returned. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. Went Out of Life Together. M. and Mme. Varay, aged 81 and 79, both died of old age at Correze, France, the ether day. The date was ! ;he anniversary of both their birtli- iays. To MolhersAnd Others. You can use Bucklen's Arnica Salve to cure children of eczema, rashes, tetter, chafings, scaly and crusted humors, as well as their ac cidental injuries cut-, bruises, burns, etc., with perfect safety. Nothing else heals so quickly. For boils, ulcers, eld. running or fever sores or piles it. has no equal. 25c at E. T. Whitehead Company's It is strange how a man who sits or hour3 doubled over a touring car iteering wheel will strain his back if le handles a thcvel for five minutes. "Chamberlain's Coueh Remedy has won it3 great reputation and exten sive sale by its remarkable cures of coughs, colds and croup. It can be depended upon. - Try it. Sold by all dealers. Glorious Nevs comes from Dr. J. T.Curtiss, D wight Kan. He writes: "I not only hav cured bad cases of ecze 11a 1:1 mv patients with Electric B tters, bin also cured myself by th-m of th same disease. 1 feel surs they will benefit any case of eczema." This shows what thousands have proved, that Electric Bitters 13 a most effec tive blood purifier. It's an excel lent remedy for eczema tetter, falt rheum, ulcers, boils and running cores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, helps di gestion, builds up the strength. Price 50e. Satisfaction guaranteed by E. T. Whitehead Company. and Lilly of tin YalK-.v ; a so plain Pom quit's. Roses, ('ani;1, tions. Violets and ot:; i seasonable Flowers. l-M ova IL)'si-2iis;it shot t notice. All ovd-rs rreeivi pvompt attention. H. STEIN METZ FLORIST Raleigh, North Carolina. 1 C V By vii bv tl ri me i " . ; a' d : . pr'i-' of '-at I s'-T.': ,e'l f bidder nf ou'. 'i ..f Seo-b nd N- ' Mrc-, 0i'2. " f.ll .vin? d ; ivli:g. U " County of II North Carolirn. t Bounded by l! " House Movinq 1 Shit-Ids, A. A. V, ni? Wheel vvi. 1 leading from Spr son'.", aid cont: tin ' acres, more or same land thr.t Noah Biggs by W.A by that deed of 1 of the Registt r of i fax county in Fo! 1 and bv Nc.3h I':. Vrr forma onrl fnWlioi' ir--o ' VPVed to Hr.ndv 1 I am prepared to move jious s with or without chimneys. Reasonable Prices. tion, apply to R. V. KITCHIN, Scotland Neck, N. C. Daniel by that dee . office in Book 1S3 a! p This February 27":.. Albion I t To Break in New Shoes Always Use Allen's, Foot-Ease, the antiseptic powder. Ic prevents tightness and blis'ering, relieves Bunions, Swollen. Sweating, Tender feet. At. Drug gists, 25c. Sample mailed free. Ad dress, A. S. Plrnst-d, LeRoy, N. Y. "AO nm t? tr 'vt 'at '9 'S 'f '8 'Z M papiAip ifiusAa aq uBOilood rich, red, pure restores per Why Few Men Do. The desire to make good is only or sasionally keen enough to make a nan work overtime. btops itching instantly. Curesi piles, eczema, salt rheum, tetter, itch, hives, herpes, scabies Doan's Ointment. At any drug store. Daily Thought." The habit of viewing things cheer fully and of thinking about life" hope fully may be made to grow up iu us like any other habit. Smiles. For a mild, eisy action of the bowels, a single dose of Doan's Rep- uici& is tLuugn iteaiment c-uies habitual constipation. 25 cents a box. Ask your druggist or them. Fly's Keen Eyesight. It has been estimated that the tye of a fly can discern an object on-flve-millionth of an inch in d'arrter Heavy, impure blo d makfs . muddy, pimply complexion, bead aches, nausea, ind lifesMon. Thin blood makes yoi weak, pa'e, sickly. I Burdock Blood Bitters makes thp 11 '09 s Buoxspvip Auvm cs SBq Jaq -nmu a3ip3uis jaqo ou sn-Boaq sajn -uta 09 ojai pspiAip sba. jnoq eqx 'jnoH uj spuooas Xtxjg XqM To Kothers in This Town. Children who are delicate, feverish and cross will get immediate relief from Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children. They cleanse the stomach, act. on the liver, and are recommended for complaining chil dren. A pleasant remedy for worms. At all druggists, 25c. Sample free. Address, A. S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. feet health Life's Two Classes." The world is divided into two great Slasse3, yourself and other people, rhe latter is more numerous and the tormer more irnrortant. You judge a man not by what he promises to do, but by what he has done. That is the only test. Cham berlain's Cough -Remedy judged by this standard has no superior. Peo ple everywhere speak of it" in the highest terms of praise"! For saie by all dealers. . CO) 1 - 1 M TSj . X.L --ii Vihiii j ---T . - .- -- '. 1 M ess r ... I r i. K : t ' ' i: :: ; i,r:e :! U::; c'S .i;r.t.,l.'-' 1 V't I'.C' l-c ;n. Tit