! '.','1- t-i ; --ah , - . " '!: 'A !! K:! IS!' -"i lii; ft '! 1? H a e g P "'2 i ": ii I !):? It ? 1 ii t - -1: 1 : Vi'l, ft?. i Cardni Cured M For nearly ten years, at of Treadway, Tenn., suffered eo,rc "At lact I nnV down Oa 4 Lb a y a v - c - could not sleep. I couldn't eat. I had pains all over. The doctors gave me up. I read that Cardui had helped so many, and I began to take I saved my life! Nov, I can SI . ll voti are veaK. tirea, ; i : ,.,ni1r j ' - inc pains i-ici.iui.ii rj w-wa backache, drajrgins-d.own or limbs, and other symptoms ot woman iy irouoie, you 1 should try Cardui, the woman's tonic. Prepared from per- fectlv harmless, vegetable ingredients, Laraui is tne dcci remedy for you to use, as it cdn do you nothing but good. It contains no dangerous druss. It has no bad after-effects, P Ask your druggist He sells Write to: La lies' Advisor Dept., C' let Special Infractions, cad C4-pass fco-X. House n oviR I am prepared to move houses with or without chimneys. Reasonable Prices. For terras and further informa tion, apply to R. V. KITCHIN, Scotland Neck. N. C. 31 H. Josei; Scotland Hcc';, N. C. INSURANCE o? aii hinds writ fen. Why insure in companies that may wish to pay and can't? 1 represent the strongest and mrst liberal companies in America. Life and Accident, Mutual Benefit and National. FIRE THE HOME, Assets over 31 million. THE CONTINENTAL. AsfU ovor 2-1 million. THE T' H I L A D E L P I IT A UNDERV.'EIT KIc. As?!.!s ovor i i nilliir. THE FIDELITY-PHENIX, Assets ovor Id million. THE GLOBE AND RTJTGET15, Assets over 5 million. Should you wish insurance of any kind see me. Will see that loss is paid, unless by fraud iv r t. 4 S 1 V v-! r-: - gtir.B.H.Ivey. Hi:ws, N.C., vr.-rU-s : Sj end nctitr,;f ciil ;n:y v,:-.: il L-:t-';.- be i'itai:si.i:!!r.K-iit. I ru!:ijct tl:e sr-a-E froueutiy.It!i Lle !!ai::irat f Kj fin irayrovctnenr. I r 1 ' -1 tub t2;;e f. (2 J t.'.ics a day and my !sora wn.-s c- v.-.U-U-iv 4 f!J cured. It is s;ir to cvra if t ' - :ly t:;..'!.'' -' fci) " " ri IFOR HORNET STINGS. I Mr. 3. J. Hudson, No'vL-em, W.C. :C. . "I have wsed Ivlcricr.n I.I:iri.arj Lin;, ii', it aa excellent lhi;:r.oi.T. A z o:-.e ti-.r.-,- j::v mr.re-.v.TS b--tllv sl.h- iy 'i erne Is but j n:V liniment .-jtiiekly tred h' r. I Ji.ive rernr.:- ?' mcndul '.I to other:; h'tivlrcds oi ti.iu-.-;." 25c. 50c. $1 abet Jc-at Drvs &Gca'iZtore? ?'J CURES SWINNEY. Mr. R. S. Shelton, II:!!, N.C., wKies: "I used Mexican Mast. T.ipi-nic-nt on $'1 a verv ; valuable horse C jr swinrey and it Pi cured it. I always kct p it in m v sLahio r.nd ii think it the best liniment for rubs r uO. jr.-iiis'' M It contains no alcohol nvtl sa cannot A Soothes and cools at oaco. Just try it. For BURNS and BRUISES. Mr. W. V. CHfton, Raleigh. N. C, write, : "I keep a tottle of Mexican M'lstane Liniment in my house eontir.uiillv fur trcn- eral use. It is the finest tiling in the voiid for Cuts, Hums and Bruises. 25c. 5C. fit a bottle nt Drua &. Gen'! Stores S Monumen . wi-Jir,-1.? .v-.-,- jiJ-v- 'In all First Class Varieties of Marble and Granite. Largest Stock in the South. Remember, we pay As we employ no Agents the item of commissions is not in cluded in our prices. This enables us to use a higher grade of material and to finish it better than otherwise. Is this EISSl 8Q I different times, Mrs. Mary Jinks N with womanly troubles. She p and thoitfrht I would dre. I Ni it, and it cured me. Cardui 1 do anything." Ft?1 R 0 b S M fi r . womans sonic i . u r tsr x rt r e I' wom - our, or suncr uum awy l ,,a : i Tim-i-irn curri ph. npr.nrsrViC t v.-lvh, feelings, pains m-crm, sicie, i:ip and recommends Cardui. j - ! - 1l".?ioo:P.;toc!!cin3 Co., Chsf.no-i. Tonn.. ; . c,ras ircatment .or women, smi irce. j .-i vJ .. :c.-, ai or 5-i Pari.? or.o cr ar.'i licr drragh ! ot.".?s:i!ra he; r. ii:-e for 1 lire o 'Jars, r. I;.;'; arti:. A Tro:i ",:. . :: . IT.: -... . A tcr look cyr'-u they haJ l.nd ! The Ca; t;Ii'.cr voi;r.R Ai-::tri;'.: ? threv hor r:'.:n vr-.s en- thot li'irscli self c;i!o l!:c nM.i ' " tciin? thr i f !-' tro. A v.-oti r.u c: ;;) lc-c-the fi ill, v. ho v.-fi.s 27, through t' Smzu Ecy an A lecturer befen nn's club raiscl i rhatfc corifidc-nco. .'i'Onist. urban vn 3 voico Yith e;n "I vciit'.no to as- sert,'' ho saiJ, "ihzt there isr.'t cr.e in this ar.diencft who realizes the im- Iortance of the ecu?ervh:g of our for- es,a. net one v.t.o nr.3 ever tior.c thing to prevent the flt ruction of cur forests." A smcli huy v.-lio had ac companied j'.is met her to the lecture interrupted in a 1 i:h, childish voice. "I once rhot a. wcotlpccl.er," lie said. SI "Jes-.'.f!, Lover :,iy Rcr.l." is 9 3 1 Irynin cro'-ri't which many tradition? Eory cnnv.oii i! v-i'h it cri.?in may i he l";'eu;h.ry. hat i? is i?o lea-; l eautt I ful. lis aiui.t)!-. C!:arlc-3 Wefl-.w. wa f I eittins at his ?c?l; by an open win dow when a bird purmcu iy a haws fi.ew in. TiiO b.''l v. as save. I, fnr thf hawk feared to f.iaw it. The inc; dent inspired V.'o-.lcy to write b'r' famous lines. I RICSSMONO, VIRGINIA, 1 have just issued a new and y U ccmplete Farm Implement H f Catalog giving up-to-date in- H formation and prices of i fill a. &ii Mi-.v"!! A 0 V.'Vili UUli VUtkUla 11 Wheel aad Bisk Cultivators, jj Di:mp and Farm Wagons, fj Esglaes, Threslicr ii Sav and ?hnW Mills, R !? Metal and other Eoo!Ings, gi59 iiaiiiesss, 5 Barb Wire, Fendag, etc, fi Our prices are very reason K aoie for first-claps U orrespono.ence so 5j Ca'aiog rrsanea rrac cn request (1 Write for it. 5 i20S EI. JV'oin 31., FJc'imor.d, Va. j Wood's Seods. 6 i The largest-yielding and g if, best cf summer forage crops, g also makes a splendid soil im- prcver lovcr in price than A -ov.-1 eas irxia season. M W ood3 Crop Specic.1 gives S full information about this jj y all Seasonable Seeds: I German Sorghnms, Ensilage Sssd Corns, LatQ Seed Potatoes etc, Write for W Special giving prices and in teresting information. Mailed free on request, T. W. WOOD & SONS, SEEDSMEN, - Richmond. Va. iravestoiies the freight and guarantee safe delivery. worth considering : Wnenm JNortolk call onus. You will find what you want ; see and know what you are buying, and will get it quickly.J The Couper Marble Works,! (Established 1 848. j31 59-1 63 Bank St., Norfolk, Va DAINTIES FOR FAMILY PICNIC ; Girr.pls Prepsrsticna That-WIM App;F i to the Appetites of Outdoor Fro!!cksr3. !ad Caga Boil hard as many egg3 as will bo "needed; chill them thor oughly in cold water. Shell, cut each lengthwise and scoop out the yolk. Maeh this np to n fine powder in a bowl and season with salt, olive oil, a little lemon juice or vinegar. If only adults are to eat the eggs a little cayenne and Worcestershire sav.ce will l-c an addition. Mix well, stuff the 3-cIk hack into whites, smooth eff top with a knife, and after putting the two halves together wrap in waxed paper. Cream may be used instead oi the oil for wotting the egg yelk. Grilled Meat Sandwiches Broil lean bacon slices, or Lam or salt pork, and put between them slices of gluten or graham bread, pared of crust. A ten der lettuce leaf ;ni agninst the bread will be a delicate addition to these substantia! eandwiches. With the same Lreads delicious fillings can be made with slices cf fresh tomato or cucumber cr tender lettuce, either of those mixed with mayonnaise. Salad lit Apple Bsskets Bright rat ing apples ave stoo-x-u out and filled with any salad mixture liked, the top of the ar-ple being afterward put on and fastened with toothpicks. There must not be enough dressing to run, although when fastened up light the apples hold their contents very neatly. DON T SHOCK YOUR LIVER WITH CALOMEL. Dodson's Tiver-Tone Persuades It to Work Naturally and Safely No Restriction of Habits or Diet, If you have a sick horse, you can not make him vork by beating him, and if you try it you are liable to ruin Iim forever. It's the same way with your liver. When it be comes torpid ard sluggish, you car take calomel and whip it into action, but the calomel will leave your body weaker and sicker than ever. Cal omel i.3 a very powerful chemical made from Mercury. A perfect substitute for calomel, that ha? all of its medicinal proper ties with none of its dangerous anc1 uncertain follow-ups, is Dodson'e Liver-Tone. E. T. Whitehead Co's. drug store sells Dodson's Liver-Tone with tht guarantee that if you don't find it a perfect substitute for calomel, this store will give you your money back. Dodson's Liuer-Tone is a true tonic for the liver, purely vegetable, and with such a pleasant taste that it li no trouble to get children to take it. It is absolutely impossible for it t do anj o ie any harm, bt causa i dimply persuades the liver to d vhxt it ought to do no mare am no-less. Pioneer Tobacco Growers. The original planters of fine tobacco in Honduras were Cubans, who brought their seed and methods of cur- ' irs.ir. and' with favorable noil, climnto. t prize in sev- cral international exhibit 1 aons; quanti- ; as Habana tobacco. Thee planters j became well to do and retired. Hap. (o'jghs 3R l il-rcak'i ";bs. Alter rt frightful cotifrhir. spell : man in Nec-nub, Wis., fuh tfrriblfc rsins in his si-!e ar.d hxs doctor foun-t-.vo ribs had bn broken. Whn.t rrony Dr. Kind's Now Discovoi vouiu nave suvvi nim 111 -I hir A few tea- iiu en aa n : supplies. jK'rHstentuso routs obstinate coujrh. j 1 i c i t e d. m I expels stubborii colds cr beals weak. .-ore lungs. "I tee! pUra it's a God s:r.d to humanity," writes Mrs. F'!T:e Morton, Colmril.'ia, Mo., "for I be-ii-ve 1 v.'ou'd have consumption lo b'y, if I bgd rot used this grrca' j-cmody." It's suaranfoed to nr.ti-.t and you can pot a free bottle, or ol cent or $1.00 size at 10. T. Whitehead Company's. E?;isna S'cin Law in Brazil. Curing a Routnwnrk inquest, in winch it v.-as f,ujiscefol that an old mnn had siipysed on a bannna skin, a juror said he had been in Brazil, and there it a policeman saw a person throAV a banana or orange skin on the roadway that person v.-as at once ar rested and fined or Rent to prison. London Daily Graphic. Here is Rc'ief f jr Wonien. Iv you have p-tins in tho back, Urin ary, Bladder or Kidney trouble, try Mother Gray's Aromatic Leaf, a pleasant herb remedy for women's dl-3 End a great system regulator. At druggists or by mail 50c, sample free e. A'Jdress, raotner Gray Com--.y, LeRoy, N. Y. piny Live Australian Freaks. A calf, somewhat of a freak of na ture, was born on T. G. Ware's farm at Liittle Akaroa, Australia, recently. It has five legs, the extra one work ing In a socket in the breastbone. The calf is thriving, and is strong and healthy. Another freak, a lamb, Is re ported to havo been born at riat Point Station. It has three ears and eight legs. It did not live. Cuds Hnnt for Rich Girl. Often the hunt for a rich wife ends when the man meets a woman that uses Electric Bitters. Her strong: nerves teil in a bright brain and even temper. Her peach-bloom com plexion and ruby lips result from her pure blood; her bright eyes from restful sleep; her elastic step from firm, free muscles, all telling of the health and strength Electric Bitters Kive a woman, and the freedom from indigestion, backache, headache, fainting and dizzy spells they pro mote. Everywhere they are wo man's favorite remedy. If weak or ailing try them. 50 cents at E. T. Whitehead Company's. WHAT'S THE REASON? Many Scotland Neck People in root Ilea Hi Without the Cause. in? There arc scores of people who drag out a miserable existence with out realizing the cause of their suf fering. Day after cay they are racked with backache and headache; suffer from nervou-nes.'-, dizziness, weakness, languor and depression. Likely the kidneys; have fallen be hind in their work of filtering1 the blood and that is the roo the root of the 1 t trouble. Look to your uianey., asic-t them in their work give them the help they need. You can v, iniir.r rpmedv than Do2n s 1 W . V I1U K. V . v .. Kidney Pii's. Below is a grateful testimony from in this locality. G. W. Tye, Cedi-r St. We'd n, N. say that I C... mvs- "! am. skd to s; have been benefited by Doan's Kid ney Pills. My kidneys gave me a ereat deal of trouble and I had pains through my loins. After taking Dean's Kidney Pills all these ach-s and pamr; disappeared and the trouble w::h my kidneys became a thing of the past." For snk' by all dealers. Price 50 een's Festcr-Miiburn Co., Puftalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Beauty Hint. Red elbows, cays the Evening Xews, are happily a thorn which may be re moved. Saw cf? the red elbows, roak them in a bleaching mixture cf un slaked l'?ne, steep them in carbolic acid, and tl ey will never trouble you aga-'n. Ccl-1 feet may be treated sim ilarly. There is ro real need of any one :)eing troubled with constipation. Chamberlain's Tablets wiil cause an ."irreeabls movement of the bowels vithout any unpleasant effect. Give them a trial . For sale by all dealers. Dt Form cf Prcyer. "When the hearts of men and wom ?n are f;lel with lteaven;y love, a pov.-pr which makes for righteousness constantly emanates from them. Those who pray withe their lives of fer the mo't effective prayer, even though they Co net utter a word.- Chauncey Giles. Soothes itching skin. Heals cuts r burns without a scar. Curs piles eczema, salt rheum, any itching. Oman's Ointment. Your druggist -ells it. Cyrdc Vcil Answered. A cynic once observed: "It doe;? net matter whom you take as a bride, be cause you always find out next dav ! that you have married sorro one else." To vhich every happy husband will ! confidently replj-: "It is better to love the real woman you have married than to marry the ideal girl you havo loved." Irmrrtfi we Jtm-di.v.T.? T" T 1 1 .-. i i e a ' ; a r I ; e . a torn a c i l eff"? Just :t olain f f.e of !'.:y liver. Eurdocl. teres liver and B!ood ri tiers stomach, promotes digestion, puri fies the 1 lord. It is very suiTri.-ung to find in the Charlotte Observer thi misquotation of an old phrase, "i: veryt.bin? was lovely and the goose was hanging high." This is the way the unin formed commonality have come to Trv Heel co:.u- rite it, but try they kniv.v belter. The right rcn detins i3 "the gocre honks blnh," as the wild goose r.( s v!:cu the wcath- line, cr, i;: ythir-rr is oil: cr words, when eve: lovely." Nashville JLianner. Each nsra of our live 3 Old peop should b.i i':t3 its joys. nappy, pv,a they wi!! bo if Chamberlain's Tab lets are taken to strengthen the di gestion and keep the bowels regular. These tablets are mild and gentle in their action and especially suitable Tor peop'o of middle ae and older. For sale by all dealers. Eye vatcr Before or After. "1 thonrht that in the fifteen year3 of my practice of medicine," said a physician, "I had answered almost every possible 'fool' question; but a new one was sprung on ine recently. A young man came in with an in flamed eye, for which I prescribed medicine to be dropped into the eye three times a clay. lie left the office, but returned in a few minutes, poked hi3 head in the doorwa5r, end asked 'Shall I drop ihis in the eye before meals cr after?'" Everybody's Mag- It is now well known that not more than one case of rheumatism in ten requires any internal treatment whatever. AH that is needed is a free application of Chamberlain's Liniment and massaging the parts at each application. Try it and see how quickly it will relieve the pain and soreness. Sold by all dealers. Curs for Dime Novel Reading. It was asked recently what could be done to stop boys from reading dime novels, and the reply of one ob server was: "Teach dime novels In the same way that you do English In the high schools and that will soon stop it." I know one or two young folks who will never read Scott, be cause Ivanhoe was taken up as a school subject. Use Allen's Pcot-Ease, the antiseptic powder to shake into the shoes. Makes tight or new shoes feel easy. Relieves painful, swollen tender, sweating, aching feet and takes the sting out of corns and bunions. Sold everywhere, 25c. Don't accept any substitute. Sam ple free. Address, Allen S. Olmsted iienoy, IN. jl. i WATER CAKE RECIPES DELICIOUS CONFECTIONS MADE WITHOUT MILK OR CREAM. Sponge Cakes Made With Hot Vatcr Familiar Example of Thi3 Kind cf Cooking Cookies and Spice are many delicious kinds or cake that may be prepared with water Instead of milk or cream, and in the absence of the latter ouch recipes are VPry useful. Hot vatcr sponge cakes are a familiar example of this kind. Recipes for black molasses cake ana cookies and also spice cakes rich with, fruit often call for hot or cold water. The following is a Washington plo that calls ior water instead of milk: i!ot ti-.rpft esres H?ht and fold a cup- lul of tilted powdered sugar through them, then fold in one cupful and a half of Hour, silted several times with a teaspoonful of soda and two of cream of tartar. Moisten the dotiga with two tablespoonfuls of cold water and flavor it with lemon extract. Bake in two layer tins r.fter greasing them with a little very pure fat. The house wife who offers this recipe does not use butter to grease her cake tins be cause of the slight salty quality in it, which she considers detrimental to the delicate quality of the cake. When the cake is baited let It stand in the tins, and when ccol Fplit open each layer, thus making fcur layers. Four layers of this kind will make a much softer and more delicate cako than if they had been baked in four layer tins, because there is not so much hard crust. Granulated sugar may be used in the cake if the powdered sugar is not at hand. For the cream filling mix a table spccnful of cornstarch with a little cold milk, just enough to dissolve it; then add an egg and beat the whole into half a pint of boiling milk, stir ring the milk rapidly to prevent curd ling. When all has become a smooth cutard, beat in half a cupful of sugar and a piece of butter the size or a wal nut. Spread the mixture, after flavor ing with lemon rind (grated), over three of the layers and then .place to gether in the usual way, with the fourth layer on top of all. This makes a moist and delicate loaf with four thin layers of the ake and three lay ers, almost equal in thickness, of the cream. The following is a recipe for a white cake with water instead of milk: Cream a liberal quarter of a cupful of butter with a cupful of sugar. Moisten it with half a cup of water and stir the whole into one cupful and a half of pastry fiour sifted several times with two teaspoonfuls of baking pow der. Fold in the whites of two egg5 whipped to a very stiff froth. To Remove Ink Stains. Ink stains on cotton, silk or woolen fabrics may bo removed with turpen tine by saturating the ppots for sev eral hours then rubbing out, leaving neither eoler nor texture injured; but I in the case of the cream cashmere coat which it is not desired to wash. it will be best for you to use salt and lemon juice. Told a pad of blotting prper beneath the Ftain, touch the spot with lemon juice, an-1 immediately put on fine salt; leave this for a time then brush off and treat again in the same way when the stain M ill be found very faint. Rub the nct application well into the fabric with a soi't clean cloth and the final traces will disappear. Touching tho stains lightly with ja veiie water or solution of chloride of lime will also bleach the ink, if of tho common kind, but must touch the tdained portion only. Sponge off light ly with a damp cloth and press when the stain is removed. Worth Knowing. Enameled ware which has become discolored can be elected with a paste made cf coarse salt and vinegar. Discolored cups and dishes used for baking can be made a? new by rub bing the brown stains with, a flannel dipped in whiting. Many families will really put up i with a squeaking hinge for weeks, when one application of machine oil or a little heated lard will result In per fect silenco. Valuable lace should be kept wrapped in blue paper. White paper is often bleached with chloride of lime, which injuriously affects any delicate fabric that lies against it any length, of time. Nice Meat Bails. Take a quantity of cold meat suffi cient ior a meai, scraps cr roasts or r fried beef that has become dry, run Ifitl through food chopper, season with salt i b'5 and pepper, nutmeg and. allspice; soak ii1- about one-third as much stale white bread in cold milk, press out. and mix ! with the meat. Add beaten egg, one 5 epg is enough for three persons, and 1 lump of butter size of a walnut; mix if: thoroughly and roll into balls: fry In ! hot lard. Pile in pyramid on a flat ! f$ u:au LU -J I VU. For Individual Pies. I use my muffin pans for making in dividual pies, lining each one with pastry, and proceed as for a large pie. They bake beautifully and look dainty when served individually. Woman's Home Companion. A Kitchen Hint. You who find it difficult to cut up a rough-skinned pumpkin will find the kitchen cr woocihouse saw tha m- convenient article for the purpose, as tj u BU1..n0r to tho sharpest knife and far les3 dangerous. A sprained ankle may as a rule be LU1 u. m irom three to tour days bv ' applying Chamberlain's Liniment! vniiT me aiaections with each bottle. For sale by all dealers. Wats, Elephant. The water elephant is a newly dfg. vere4 animal found in central Asfa. tf -en msurance-Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil. Stops the pain and heals the ists sell it. us- rr. ALCOHOL 3 PEK CLKT. AcgeLW? Preparation fcrAs similai the roofJaiu.'Regiila lin !Jie Siomacks andDaHdsof Promo!cs Dostion Cl;r end ness i.nd Rest JContali'.s rter Opiun.Mcrrhine norMirrsJ Not Nam c otic. jtix.Smn?. L'iiurtcnLS'i'i ifjrni Svtf Chrifcii il'pr . Ki'titrpetn Ihrrf. 991-7 Ancrferl Remstly fcT CorEfa tlon , Sour Siomach.DiCiTUcta Worms . Comxilsioiis.rcvcns:r ncssaitdLossorSLEIP. J m1' racSlr.mc Signature of It NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. i I Afloat . : SW 3I 1 i I iiUH It conquers Chilid, Fevers like magic. It pu and banishes thnt tired, 1 It puts new life into ; strong and well, able to o? vour life's work. It is guaranteed to do whr.t v. Chi!!"Ftvitr ii Ui TT,"Tl3-ir-TTtT . ' FEVERS : ' t .Vv toiHiti'.snt i , UfcW. I, money refunded if it i: At vour drug store 2I5c. Suffolk Drug L -coo-oo o-o cooo Wnoiesa&e ana 1,1 a I " U IV. CT f R K It O F PLOW BEAMS SINGLE-TREES FARM CARTS Ami Deah-r in JTnm'-s. "Whip. . ' W. A. BRANTLEY Scotland Xocl Xcr- o-c 000 00-00000 000 OO IP WW 1 tufa !y SJ&.wJud., Ljbn3 n mm .EL 1 ai Reduced Effective May 30 Substantial Reduction in A'l 5' Size 34x4 36x4 37x5 Nev Prices $33.25 43.75 54.00 The Superiority of Mschclin Tires h H : All Over The World. IN STOCK I1Y G. C. Weeks Motor 0: Scotland Neck, N. O - z : For Infant 1 !, Bears U: Signatur Of 9 ' t V "' r u. 13 tlQ c i :1l H Si Drive 1 :. condition: -I of your system v 3 0' Corpor PRICES Oi. - : 7'0