I? in I t 1 1 S ! 1 an j h t r8 I' f f -ft", iii I tH U I hi i I THE COMMONWEALTH. Published Every Thursday J. C. HAKDi, Editor p.atl Proprietor. Entered at the postoffice at Scotland Neck, N. C, as Socond-Chss Matter. Thursday, June 20, 1912. The "steam roller," properly adjusted, always does its work. The Loriraer case will come up be fore the Senate for a vote on July G. Col. Roosevelt now says that he is in favor of Woman Suffrage. What next? The State Convention endorsed Overman for voting against Lorimer and Simmons for voting for him. This looks like going two different ways at the same time. A Boston Professor has succeed in fasting for thirty days and a Boston Doctor applied the other day for permission to cease wearing clothes. The cost of living must be unusually high in Boston. There are 4,600 registered auto mobiles in North Carolina. Putting the average cost of these machines at $1,000 this number of machines represents an outlay of approximate ly $5,000,000. This is no indication of hard times or a scarcity of money. Col. Wade H. Harris becomes edi tor of the Charlotte Observer suc ceeding Deacon Hemphill. We con gratulate the Observer Company up on securing the services of Colonel Harris for he is one of she ablest editorial writers in the State. Here is wishing Brother Harris and the Observer much success. We are anxious to see renewed in terest in the building of a Confede rate monument in Scotland Neck. As was suggested by Mr. Ashby Dunn this monument ought to be located on the campus of the graded school. Let us all get to work and erect this monument during the coming twelve months. The Com monwealth stands ready to assist in any way it can. THE PEOPLE TO SPEAK. In regard to the Democratic State Convention passing the resolutions endorsing Senator Simmons the Kox boro Courier sizes up the situation as follows: "It is a strong platform that will meet with the hearty approbation of uie vuters ui tne uemocraac ucKet as far as the platform utterances . i? 1.1- .1 i- A 1 . are concerned but the bringing in of the senatorial question was unwise, and by all laws ot tairness and de cency should have ben left cut. There was strong opposition to the endorsing of Senator Simmons, not withstanding that Governor Kitch in's administration was also endors ed. This matter having been pre viously settled by the convention, that is to leave the matter to a pri mary and let the people say whether they endorse Senator Simmon's acts, it was decidedly unwise to bring the matter up in the convention. But the Hon. Cam. Morrison knew that the Simmons' men were in a majori ty in that convention, and he was just the kind of a politician which could not let any opportunity go by when he thought the advantage lay with his man, regardless of justice or right. ' But mark you this very act of the Simmons men will work to his hurt rather than to his good. We all know that every one, including Simmons' manager, has said this question was not to come up in the convention, and then to try to stifle public sentiment and make it appear that the democracy of North Caro lina was satisfied with the votes of Senator Simmons will only make those who are 'old line democrats' standing on the platform of pure de mocracy all the more alert. The en dorsement was a farce, pure and simple, for it endorsed both senators, when their votes have been exactly opposite. "But the people will be heard and on November 5th, will show that they have a will of their own and will register that will by giving Gov ernor Kitchin the biggest vote ever given any man in North Carolina." CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Our 4 Next Governor. HON. LOCKE CRAIG, of Ashevtlle. Opposed to Reciprocity. Representative Steenerson, oi Minnesota, does not favor reciproci ty. Neither do his constituents. Recently they sent to Senator Clapp, also from Minnesota, a petition ask ing for its repeal. Mr. Steenerson received a letter from the man who secured the signatures to the peti tion, saying that it had been sent to Senator Clapp and Mr. Steenerson could use the petition if he so de ciroii An ormortune moment ar rived in the House for Mr. Steener- son to present the petition and he hastened to Senator Clapp's office to get it. "There is no such petition here," declared the Senator's clerk. "The only thing we have from your cor respondent is a barrel of apples that we haven't opened." "Apples!" shouted Mr. Steenerson who was in a hurry to get back to the floor with the document. "No thing of the sort. That is a barrel of protests against reciprocity. Where upon Mr. Steenerson jump ed on the head of the barrel with both feet, scattered the papers, in which the document was wrapped, around the floor, secured the docu ment which was nearly two hundred feet long and rolled up on a stick like a map. He got back to the House Chamber in time to be recognized by the Speaker, where the petition was formally referred to the Committee on ways and Means. HawRins Case Eods in Acquittal. Asheville, June 12. The jury in the Hawkins case at 11:15 this morn ing filed into the Hendersonville court house and announced a verdict of not guilty rs to all the defendants in the case on all counts. It had been out since 8 o'clock last night. The verdict was agreed to early this morning, but Judge Fousheo was out riding, and it was sometime be fore the court convened. Tho ver dict was greeted with a great dem onstration by the people present. The defendants were Mr. and Mrs. A. M. McCali, George and Boney Bradley, Dan McCaU. Mrs. Lizzk Shaft and Mrs. Nora EritL e DFQWDSd ill Til" Kh'Sf. Rocky Mount, June 15. While in swimming in Tar river at 9:30 this morning, Roy Moore, the 1G year old son of Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Moore, was drowned when a pair of water wings on which he was floating sprung a leak and the air went cut. The young man was about middle way of the river and when the air went out oi tne wings, he was un able to save himself. Besides him self there were only three boys present, all of them smaller than the drowned boy and none were able to save him. Sifsngta cf Democratic Cacdidates. mm w - jgft Clark 514 Wilson 204 Underwood 84 Harmon 48 Marshall SO Baldwin 14 Burke 10 Unpledged 190 Total 1094 The South needs more livestock, but she does not need them badly enough to feed them on bought hay. Therefore, the growing of forage from legume crops and grasses be comes of great importance. The Progressive Farmer. Eors This ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any caae of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Chen-ey fe Co!, Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Wailing, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists, Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation. HALIFAX COUNIY EOABS. Good Work Done ft'itft Convicts Bui Not Systematically as Yet. The following communication by Mr. Jno. L. Patterson, of Roanoke Rapids, president of the Halifax County Good Roads Association, ap- reared in the Charlotte Daily Ub- enrvpr some davs aero, and we take the liberty of reproducing it here The article is as follows: "Good roads is a subject very dear to the writer, also, and he wishes it were possible for him to report more progress along this line in our wA0,ia0 c,rcfom nf workine- our county convicts on the roads, which is the only way tor counties to adopt if they want to Duiia im- proved highways at the lowest cost. labor shouW omy bo used for building the highways, or where there is a big rennir iob to be done. After the hiff'mrauQ arc luiilt. thev should be V , . , , maintainea uy section sa"s- . . i mi. "Our convict lorce nas duuc, m several localities in the county, a few miles of good sand-clay or grav- eled road, but as yet no systematic i.i i . .i cm a nnrx-1 VVOIK nas Veen uuuei laivcu, emu tun- .i v.; on Imnrnuprl euueiitijf uiciciiuv ""v road ot any consmeraDie lengui m Till lL I the county. "Out of the five hundred miles of public roads, we probably have, at points, as much as thirty miles im- o proved, sand-ciay and graveled road, and in other localities we have some fairly good dirt roads. "There was an attempt made last fall to have an election to decide whether the county should issue $300,000 of bonds for building trunk lines of improved highways through out the county. The attempt fail ed,, but we hope within the next twelve months to carry an election of this kind, which would insure us three hundred miles of improved,! gravel-surface roads, and put the county abreast of the more progres sive counties in the State which have already greatly improved their highways. "The projected 'All-Capital Higt way' passes through the upper part of our county and crosses the Roa noke river at our place, wdiere we have the best highway bridge across the Roanoke from Danville to the sea. Most of this highway through our county is n passable condition throughout the year, and a part of it is always in good condition. "In the opinion of the writer, the question of improved highways is the most important one that con fronts the American people to-day, and their adoption throughout t' country will do more towards re ducing the present high cost of liv- itig, and ;n tnat way subdue the po litical and labor unrest, than any other one influence. "The more one studies the ques t.ion, tfce more confident he becomes that the benefits of improved high ways are far-reaching and almost nity, county. State or Federal gov ernment has spent judiciously for building reads could not have been invested better. "Our association wishes that all the papers in this State were as wideawake to the issue as your esti mable paper; in which event, there would be a marked improvement in the building of roads, as the papers j oi a fctate nave a great mnuence in educating its people to the advant ages and necesities of such a move ment." A Card. To the Editor: We take this me thod of expressing our deep and heartfelt thanks to all those good friends and neighbors who were so kind and thoughtful of us and our dear daughter, Etta, during her re cent illness and death. We can never forget these minis trations of love and tender kindness es so bountifully showered upon us j by many willing hearts and hand3 We know that we shall never be able to show to each one our appreciation in full measure; but, we are humbly grateful to all, and this we would have you know. ( Sincerely, Mr. and Mrs. B. I. Allsbrook June 14, 1912. There is little chance for failure in the livestock business in the South if the feeds are produced on the farm. Don't get the livestock be fore the feeds have been grown. It is more profitable to sell feeds than to buy them at present prices. The Progressive Farmer. There is considerable testimony which indicates that, ditches not more than six feet deep can be dug1 with dynamite much more cheaply than in any other way. This may not be true in all cases, but it cer trinly is in stumpy or rocky lands. All who have ditches to dig should investigate dynamite and its possi bilities. The Progressive Farmer. Stork Partial to Tiir.er's Domicile. There seen:s io be an especial af Inlty between the stork and the faffi ly of Frank Bcrtofsld, a miner at Dickson City, Pa. 'In ten years the ird has brought 12 babies, including Jiree pairs of twiiis, and one ret of riplets. Ten cf the children are lives. Glsering In Dcses. Doctors are now studying the idea f sleer,inK for a sborter time and Dftener. By division of tbe hours of lppr new stimulus for worK is garaea and new energy both physical and mental must result. Harper's Week ly. STOMACH TROUBLES Cured Bv Vinol Here is Proof anl &go it gQt gQ bad T had to work j ha(1 tried various medi Cjne8 without relief, and was finally induced to try Vinol. After taking the J - WU - me work- Am rapidly gaining weio-hi- snfl strength." Edw. Nie- Lnn. it la tho rurative medicinal ele- " , nrnhinprl monfe thf cods livers, comDineu - - - - nrt .t cfTonc-tripniTia- nroDerties oi contained in Vinol which makes it so successful in restoring perfect digestion and at the same timn it hniifja ut the tired, over- f " ' worked and run-down system. m i,ftT Vinnl with the nn- derstanding that your money will be 11 J X UJ..tXi returned if it does not help you, For sale by E. T. Whitehead Co. TnE home of Pi rk Drcgs Expensive Looking Cut Glass. We know that the unusual articles in our stock show more for the money than other offer ings. Our large and well as sorted stock is YOUR UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY You begin to realize what our long buying experience means when you compare our values and prices with others. It is to your advantage, then, to buy your Wedding snd Birthday Gifts from us. Visit our store and see the many new novelties suitable for all purposes. A Complete Line of Jewelry. C. T. Whitehead CompV, DRUGGISTS, cannot be jitted hy mail. We ofter jou expert service at any of our four stores, where we have unexcelled facilities for handling promptly and satis factorily all kinds of optical work. Our men are skilled in every branch of the business, and as we use the finest quality of material, you are assured of complete satisfaction. Ansco Films & Cyko Paper are the best for amateur pho tographers. We are headquar ters for these supplies and shall be pleased to serve you. Write for any kind of catalogue you wish. Successor to TUCKER, HALL & CO. Opticians of The Best Sort 53 Granby Street, Norfolk. Richmond. Lynchburg. i SKSSHEITEESPiilS DIAMOND LADIES t Ask your IrnR(rkt for CHI-CHHS-TER'S IJIAMUflU BKANU fi.L,lH in KF.D and Gold metallic boxes, sealed with Blue Dmrrl.t and auk for CIII-CUKS-Tf-K 9 9IAHOND PILI.B, for twenty-fire years reg-arded as Best. Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TIME TRIED EVERYWHfil: tjj. House Moving! I am prepared to move houses with or without chimneys. Reasonable Prices. For terms and further informa tion, apply to R- V. KITCHIN, ir Nstland Neek, N. C. I GLASSES S K IS 5(MS BRAND i "ZZTZZ- Try U dy ar CURED A BAD SPAVIN. ET.i Sj Mr. B. H. Ivey, Marlon, N.C.. v.-rltos : R 53 ' My liorse lip.d n. very 1al case of piYiri find nothing did any pood until I tried voir fJ ffl Mustang Liniment. I rubbed the Fp.tvin H frequently with the liniment and roon f r.vs ;t iS "! improvement. I did this thr.c or fi.r.r fr, gjj times a day and my horse was cmj;lcti !y 2 S3 j'J Mr. S. J. Hudon, Ne wbern, M.C. write : E q "I have used Mexican Mustang Lini- tj gj tnenttor dmereut r.ilments and Juie iotir.u . Wit an excellent linimcrt. At one time my f5 mariwas badly stung hy horr.rts but yo:.r M pS liniment quickly cured her. I hare reeoru-f-jS mended it to others hundreds of times." jj $5 25c.50c.$l abottlc at Drug SiGcn'I.2fcrc yi I CURES SWINNEY. jf' y Mr. R. S. Sholton. HiiL N.C, rU-t: k1 "I wed Mexic.m M'.irtnr.ir T-hiims-rt on M a-vcry valunbk; horse ls.r s inney ami it f cured it. Inlways keep it in my stable anl w jei; thinkitthebest liniment lbrruljs.-indpnU." W& It contains no alcohol ant! so c.innr-t jjg stinf? in cases of open wounds or bums. fM Soothes and cor 'sat once. Just try it. fa f For BURNS and BRUISES. H Mr. W. V. Clifton, Raleigh. N. C. , write i -.a 1 I ... r.. "I keep a bottle of Mex-ean J.Tust?i I.i;iiment iu rav house continimilr for rvii- Ski fd ernl use. It is the hnest tlr.n,? in the world j pjj for Cuts, Burns and Bruises." 2Sc. M.r.r 1 s bcttle r.t Dn Ger.'l Clorpr. I The Ice Man! I desire to sive notice to the public that I will handle ICE this season from Stewart's Ice House and will appreci ate your patronapre. BUY 1UUK COUPON BOOK TO DAY. Careful attention i v en all orders. Yours for business, E. W. ST AXON, The Ice Man. ' Flowers ! Flowers ! Shower Bouquets of Hoses and Lilly of the t Valley; also plain Bou- quets. Roses, Carna- tions, Violets and other seasonable Flowers. Floral Designs at short notice. All orders receive prompt attention. H. STEIN METZ FLORIST Raleigh, North Carolina. j., tv iJ-'imMc'mn' inM4rt,aL'cr i.-.--J&MtfJ Blackberry time is here and we have the biggest stock of FRUIT JARS in town and the prices are right. Your orders for these goods will be ap preciated. Send them in. s For Luc ware "The Hardware Hustlers." Atlantic Coast lie I Kami fies the "Nation's (ianlen u' through the States of Virginia, North Carolina, Souih Carolina, : Georgia, and FlorMa. Four famous trains: Special" (January to April): "Florida an (iiau ijiniit-eu : i aiuietio iinniett : (;isi :..;v Florida. Mail". Dining Cars a hi carte j-'ervice. All .v.-.-- r through car service from New York to '";li I'm-. Tampa and Knights Key, connect iui;- vIih I I "J .177. k 4 I 1 sillies 10 ana lrom Havana. For beautifully illustrated booklets and " the "Furple Folder" address, NY. J.CRAIG, ' T. ('. NVIIIT Passenger Traffic Manajrcr, Genera! : Wii,mi;otox, N. C. I Decause i ar a onnn never needed Don't put on that We have local representatives almost every- jC'SZ irS" V.'here. Vmt if nnnp In locality, write us direct for prices and full particulars. CORTRIGHT R?ETAL ROOFING COMPANY 50 North 23d Street PhiJtduJuMa, ? Soja Beans. The largest-yielding and best of summer forage crops, also makes a splendid soil improver-lower in price than ww Peas this season. , y??3 Crop Special gives iull information about this valuable cron anrl n1a U all Seasonable Seeds: German MiHet, Sorghums, Cow Peas, Buckwheat, Ensflage Seed Corns, late Seed Potatoes, etc Write for Woods Crop Special giving prices and in teresting information. Mailed tree on request. - menmond, Va. lELJ."'1 "i0""1- "Wetchesi or photos and brie? deacription. tor FREC SEARCH ,nd Scn1!-cent stamp for NEW BOOKLET Mnfell,J'" tforntionr U IS? "u K D. SWIFT & CO. V303 Seventh St., WaVhington. D.C.J I iMfilllfl Coehdqew is V.Ji. "New York ninl !' Hl;ii in- X. A - .J,T"7 ...' mi Used in evcr-hcrcasir.n nu?.n,'uc: .1 f i s ine roots pec on o years .'go jy; . t i M J as nrw tn-rlav anrt hsvi :sr repairs. roof until you see them. A$t: vour Imrr.fA'.ati -ddfV.V ' ('.;. samples, 6 Seaside Excursior r, VIA THE ATLANTIC COAS itl" J TLe Staiida'J Rsilroi.d r:' " - u j WEEK-END R.ATS I For Saturday r..A : ' i; jnoon trains, Jum !' t" ' . J8th, inclusive. lin:i!'. l ' of tbe following ' 1 Wilmington, N. C, ar.srttsrs. For further inf.!::'' " local ticket nifcnt or ; l. v. . General l'as. cue r A;: Wihi.ivr: ' Sale of Land fo I have this dav le' ivi ' lowing1 described rvni ' fy the taxes due V.v Si:i:" Carolina and the ddinty i ' for the year 11)11, and ' ' estate so levied n .1 ' the court hou?e denr ir. Halifax. N. C. on 5l.-r.d::y day of July, 11H2, nl " 1 unles3 said taxes ;:n 1 j and PYTifTcsni fiHsintr ' Miv a. if'.i"! 'ill' tlt"' fiuirofi hv Invv niv n-'i ! I'V "'"A G. L. KNIGHT. . V:,. Brinkieyvi'l "U' "A; .1 C Cushwa. 671 acres, l-.' ' .: H W Shearin. Si acres, horn' vj. I II Parker. ICC, acre.-. !i',,;:, V'. FOKYSOEiNOiv mm 1