1 1 1 1 (If j if 1 i U r 1 M '4 1 1 1 . I I f i .!' 4 V t i ! t THE TOMMO JIWEALTH. Published Every Thursday BY J. C. JIAI?IY, Editor anil Proprietor. Entered at the post-office at Scotland Neck, N. C, aa Second-Class Matter. Thursday, June 27, 191! Taft and Roosevelt were both nomimated, one by the regulars and the other by the irregulars. If the Democrats are wise in their selection of a caneidate at Baltimore this week why success is assured the nominee. The electoral college this year will have 490 votes, therefore it will take 246 votes to elect a president. North Carolina has 12 votes. Former Congressman Richmond Pearson will have charge of the or ganization of the new Roosevelt par ty in North Carolina. Evelyn Thaw cornes to the front again and says she is opposed to her husband beine: given his freedom for the reason that she is afraid of him. The next session of the North Carolina Good Roads Association will meet in Charlotte the first of August. We hope Halifax county will send a good large delegation to the meeting. All the North Carolina Congress men have been renominated. Only one had opposition, that one being Congressman Godwin, of the sixth districr, who was opposed by N. A. Sinclair. The Senatorial fight in South Car olina has opened in earnest. Sena tor Ben Tillman is being opposed for re-election by N. B. Dail and V. Jasper Talbert. Tillman is in poor health, but he is going to 1? hard to defeat. The Henderson Gold Leaf speaks a truth when it says: "The reason why so many business men are not exaetlyjsure that adver tising pays, may be because they ne ver do enough of it to make a fail test. Against their doubts is pitted the successful experience in adver tising of the best business men in the world who have thoroughly tried it out and no longer have doubts on the subject. To succeed in this day and time it is necessary to herewith a pretty good sized auger." A LESSON FOR BOYS. The following from the Spartan burg Journal is copied with the hope that it may be of some benefit to our boys who are just home from college: "Several days ago The Journal had a suggestion to boys and their par ents as to work during the long va cation. Dawdling around slot ma chines and tobacco stands for three months will offset all the good les sons they learned at school. Doing nothing is only a little above a vi cious life. It is not the money boys make, but the habit of work which is valuable. Of course boys whose fathers have means can get places. Their fathers can find or make them. But it is the poorer boys who need the work and the work helps them. Give them a lift if you can. They have the making of men in them. For twelve years Wendell Sooy, a newsboy, stood at the entrance to Fairmount Park in Philadelphia. Through all sorts of weather he was there for business. He saved all. the coins he could spare from his scanty requirements for food and clothing. Selling papers day after day was only incidental to his higher aim. He wanted to go to college and never for a moment did he lose sight of that purpose. He expects to begin his college education at the fall term of the m University, of Pennsylvania. In the twelve years he has accumu lated $2,600, which he thinks will be enough to give him a four years' course. Such a boy as that will be worth much more to the country than a classmate who ha.g money to spend for the gratification of all his wants. Look out for those poor boys who work with a high aim. Give them a chance. They will make men worth something." Use Allen's Toot-Ease, the antiseptic powder to shake into the shoes. Makes tight or new shoes feel easy. Relieves painful, swollen tender, sweating, aching feet and takes the sting out of corns and bunions. Sold everywhere, 25c. Don't accept any substitute. Sam ple free. Address, Allen S. Olmsted. LeRoy, N. Y. $10,003 GIFT TO ORPHANAGE. Hps. K. J. Jackson, ci Kinsfon, Donates Sp'rnLid Farm. Mrs. M. J. Jr.ckson, one of the best-known women in Kinston, has donated to the North Carolina Meth odist Orphanage at Raleigh, a farm in Greene county, 'containing 278 acres, ?nd said to be worth ?10,000. The details of the transfer have al ready .been made. The Kinston Frtv? Press contains the following with regard to the donor and gift: "The Methodist Orphanage at Ral eigh is the beneficiary of a gift made to-day by Mrs. M. J. Jackson, one of Kinston's best-known citizens. Mrs. Jackson has conveyed her Greene county farm to Messrs. H. H. Grain ger and Y. T. Ormond in trust, the farm to be sold by the 15th of No vember next, and the proceeds to be turned over to the trustees of the Methodist Orphanage. The farm is thought to be- worth $10,0C0. "The money thus realized is to be spent in the erection on the Orphan age grounds of a dormitory for girls. This will meet an acute want now felt at the Orphanage. The trustees need a girls' building to meet a de mand such as is filled by the boys' dormitory already erected. "The farm wh'c'i Mrs. Jackson has given to the Orphanage consists of 273 acres of the most valuable land in Greene county. It is situ ated a half mile from Hookerton, and four miles from Glenfield, on the Kinston-Snow Kill railroad. It is on the public road leading to Kinston and off into the Fields sec tion, and. as noted, within easy reaoh of two railroads the East Carolina road at Hookerton and the Kinston-Snow Hill road. Fuiiy one hundred acres of the farm consists of woodland never cut over. It con tains much valuable timber. The farm is especially well adapted to the culture of tobacco, though cot ton, corn, etc., are grown with great success. "The gift has been accepted by the Orphanage trustees, and the proper technieal arrangements were made Wednesday afternoon in this city at a conference between Mrs. Jackson, the donor, the trustees for the dona tion, Messrs. Grainger and Ormond, Supt. J. N. Cole, of the Orphange, and Judge William R. Ailen, a mem ber of the board of trustees of the Orphanage." Raleigh Times. Protracted Meeting et .Rosemary. Eoscmarj, N. C, June 21. The pastor, Rev. Wm. Towe, was ably assisted in n protracted 'meeting at Rosemary Methodist church by Rev. E. C. Glenn, of Greensboro, begin ning the 8th cf this month and closed Sunday night, the 16th. About 40 accessions to the Methodist church and several united with the other churches of this place. The Chris tians were greatly revived and much good was the result of the mcetinfr. Mr. Glenn is truly a strong gospel preacher and a revivalist as well. May the Lord bless him in his great work. Rev. J. M. Millard, a young Prec- byterian preacher of Littleton, who has not yet completed his theologi cal course at Union Seminary of Richmond, preaches every fourth Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock in the Rosemary Baptist church and at 8:30 o'clock in the Roanoke Rapids Baptist church.. This young minis ter is a very fine preacher and is rapidly winning the friendship of the good people of this place. U. S. GoverniRRRt Approves BalcR. On last Monday a model 23 Buick motor car was delivered to Col. Spen cer Crosby, of the department of war at Washington, to be used by the inspector of buildings and grouods on his daily trips. The government invited all the leading manufacturers of cars priced from $900 to $2,000 to submit a car m competition to a committee of expert mechanical men. These ca: s were driven to the designed place and the drivers dismiseori Tho v. animation was then made with no representative of anv of the enrs present. Motor fnr mntnr cVmff f- shaft, bolt for bolt, the cars were ccmpared, tested and appraised by the government exnprts O no Vivr one the cars were eliminated until but one remained. It was the Buick. Of the 17 or 18 cars submitted the Buick alone stcod the rigid test of quality and construction upon which the examination was based. This car was at once turnnd over to the government for immediate service. u. Li. w eeks Motor Car Co. Bow's Tnis ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh thnt. rnr, not be cured ly Hall's Catarrh Cure. x . J . Jn exey & Co. , Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 1" years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all lmsiness transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by bis firm. Wnidinrr k'innnn ,Cr Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, umo. J ball's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting diroctlv rnion t.hn l.lnnd and mucous surfaces of tlie st-srem Testimonials 8ent free. Price. 75c per bottle.- Sold by ail druggists, Take Hall's Familv Pills for con stipation. WILMINGTON WAS SELECTED. lle State Merchants Association Elect Oiiicers and Adjourn. Raleigh, June 20. The North Car lina Merchants Association, after selecting Wilmington as the next place of meeting and electing officers, adjourned this afternoon. The busi ness was rushed through so that the necessity for a night session was ob viated. From the eleven places suggested for the next convention Wilmington emerged a victor this afternoon, the choice being made on the second ballot. Morehead City came next highest with Salisbury third. The selection was made unanimous?. Raleigh, Gre'ensboro, Durham, Ashe ville, Salisbury, Wadesboro, Fayette ville and New Berne ofi'ered the As sociation the best they had, but the nnq politicians from the east carried off the honors. Officers were elected as follows: President, Joe Garibaldi, of. Char lotte; vice-preside'nt, C. II. Munson, of Wilmington; secretary, C. G. Creighton, of Charlotte; : treasurer, Samuel Burton, of Asheville. Dsatn of Ll!!ie Mary l ewis CHristlsn. Caledonia Farm, June 25. The friends of Captain and Mrs. C. N. Christian will regret to learn of the death of their infant daughter, Mary Lewis, which occurred at their home, on Caledonia Farm, Saturday morning, June 22, at 12:30 o'clock. Born May 2G, 1912. Dr. F. M. Register, the family physician, with all bis medical skill, failed to stem the tide of the disease, arid the little one passed into the great ieyond at the time mentioned. Throughout her short little life she was guarded with a mother's and father's tender care, but her feeble little form was unable to bat tle with the ravagesof disease. The remains were taken to Mocks vi'le Saturday, accompanied by Cap tain Christian and son, Cephas, where they were interred in the beautiful Rose Cemetery, where they sleep beside the tomb of her sainted grandmother. Death with his sickle keen, reaped this flower, transplanting it in the Garden of P&radice, sheltered and guared with His care. The gentle and pure soul of this child of the Covenant, went forth as peacefully into the great beyond, an if she had but f.-d!en asleep upon the bosom of her loving Jesus. Her parents are left with sore hearts, and their eyes are bathed in tears. Your eyes are dimmed with weeping For your darling who is gone, But she'll greet you in youthful beauty When a few short years have flown. R. N. M. REMEMBER YOUR LAST DOSE OF CALOMEL. You Trobably Recall the After-Effects of the Calomel More Than You Do the Sickness You Took It for. You don't have to go through this again. Next time your liver gets sluggish and inactive, we suggest that you go to E. T. Whitehead Go's., drugstore for a bottle of Dodson's Liver-Tone, a vegetable liquid that will start your liver as surely as calomel ever did and with none of the after-effects of calomel. It is absolutely harm less bth to children and adults and demands no restriction of habit or diet. E. T. Whitehead Co., guarantees Dodson's Liver-Tone to take the place of calomel, and will refund your money if it fails in your case. Enjoyable Picnic at Spring Oil!. Reported to The Commonwealth. A few days ago, a most enjoyable pic-nic was given at "Lake Lilley" by Mr. F. A. Lilley, a prominent young farmer of Spring Hill, com plimentary to Miss Erma Shields, the popular school teacher, who dur ing the past season has made a host of friends around this frisky little village. There were . about twenty couples present, who drove over from Spring Hill in buggies and au tomobiles. The happy-go-lucky pic-nicers abandoned the lake about 8 o'clock in the evening and returned to the Roy Pope auditorium, where they trod the light fantastic until the "we sma' hours." Many difty figures were led by Mr. S. B. Kitchin, Jr., dancing with Miss Louise Darden, both of Scotland Neck. The leaders were ably assisted by Mr. Roy Pope and Miss Daisy Hinlock, of Franklin, Ky. Music was furnished by the Sook Jones Symphony Orchestra, of Scotland Neck. The chaperones were Mrs. T. II. Riddick, Mrs. P. T. Darden and Mrs. J. Archie Sloane. CASTOR I A For Infant 8 and Children. Ths Kind You Have Always Bought Bears .the Signature of COULD NOT JLEEP BIGHTS IN SAXO SALVE. "I cw'fererl from a severe skin af fection so I could not sleep nights. I was almost crazy with itching. I would scratch and almost tear myseir to pieces. I tried a great many reme dies without relief. When I saw Saxo Salve advertised I deciaed to try it and one tube entirely cured me. I recommend it wherever I go. A. U. Morgan, Rndicott, N. Y Many persons around here snirer eo much from eczema that they can not sieen at night. Saxo Salve stops the terrible itching- and soothes and heals the eruptions. In all iir.ds of eczema, salt rheum, tetter barbers itch, etc., Saxo Salva h?s wonderful healins power because itV-nc'rates tho ekin pores and de stroys tie germs at the very seat of the disease. We give back your money if Saxo Salvo does not help you. - For sale by II T. Whitehead Co. THK IIOMK OF PI KK Rnrcs" S nsoensive LOQ&mg Cut Glass. We know that the unusual I article.-; in our stock show more for the money than otner orrer ings. Our large and well as sorted stock is YOUR UNIQUE OPPORTUiNSTY You begin to realize what our long buying experience means when you compare our values and prices with others. It is to your advantage, then, to buy your Wedding end Birthday Gifts from us. Visit our store and see the many new novelties suitable for all purposes. : A Complete Line of Jewelry. ) C. T. Whitehead Compty DHIJGG5ST5, 3 - cannot be fitted by mail. We offer you expert service at any oi our four stores, where we 1 have unexcelled facilities for 4 handling promptly and satis fy factorily all kinds of optical work. Our men are skilled in 4 every branch of the business, and as we use the finest quality $ of material, you are assured of complete satisfaction. Ansco Films & Cyko Paper are the best for amateur cho- f tographers. We are hendnnor. N ,;i ters for these supplies and h shall he pleaspd to serve you. N VVi i te for any kind of catalogue H you wish. 11 Saccessore to TUCKER, HALL & CO. Q Opticians of The Best Sort 1 53 Granby Street, Rj Norfolk. Iticciosd. Lyncfcburg. P THE NORTH CAROLINA College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts , The State's Industrial College Four-year courses in Agriculture; in Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering; in Industrial Chemis try, in Cotton Manufacturing and Dyeing. Two-year courses in Me chanic Arts and in Textile Art. One year and two-year courses in Agri culture. These courses are both practical and scientific. Examina tions for admission are held by the County Superintendent at all county seats on July 11th. For Catalog address The Registuar, West Raleigh, N. C. Seaside Excursion Fares VIA THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE The Standard Railroad of Tbe South week-end rates For Saturday and Sunday fore noo trams, June 1st to September of thi f nS1V? 1,r?,lted t0 midnight ot the following Monday. Wilmington, N. C, and return, $5.00 lJ-?r-fwther infrmation call on local ticket agent or address T. C. WHITE, General Passenger Agent, . Wilmington, N.C. MuEYSKBDNEYPniS on Bamachc Kioncvxano Qlaooeq i r4 ksS m 1 t. fob. b m t w bv a iw K . w as- m S CAR LOAD v 9 Hi iP i Mr w jt ' OV r fis I oA- I l& i islm oil H sits 1 ' These Goooclso m i-oi I Hardy H f tfc.-j.JMlUI-' I"--" ' "" J - -1- - ' It. "4 xzillkM. ' I I Ljil J tin in., I I We invito you to compare onf .1.200 OVER- icVljun LAND with any otlier car on the market to-day. M ' I I Comj)are size of motor, stroke of motor, wlieel base, jVoi'i'V I size of v.-heely. etc.. and yon will se tliat von ;ire et- h! H J? Lllifi ilUUUl WJJilt tilt? "Jtllt'l il'IIUU IMiVIW VUll MJI Mi f " H n;r00 to 1,000. We only have a, few more'OVER- ' "v(i S p LANDS to draw from this vear. If von want an H H OVERLAND act quick, or they w ill all he one. I We have already sold our allotment of IHJICKS. i j 3 hut can get a few' more models from the State Trans- 1 ! , - "4 fer Station, but they are going fast, so if you want a llTTfiTJ- vfin ii-'ill .rli. ln A ; Lin. , (111. Li i.,x .. i-,,, 41. i i- .mjiic. j-uu miu', nit- uuii A is tin (..ir i nar nas & U the reputation for strength and long wearing-qualities gj S ft H T- B ! 0 iiitomooiie We expect soon to improve our facilities for An- j! tomobile Repairing, and our repair cla rtmnit will t be in charm? of a competent man . c: 111 Villt'lj-V ,4. V . J IV. t. 111 T 1. J 1 J jiemeinuer uiai we carry o oiiy stock of Automo bile Supplies of all kinds. Teb i)hono us and spc if we cannot supplj your wants. G. C. Weeks Filoior Car Company, Scotland Neck, North Carolina. Burroughs-PittmaB-Wheeler Co. ULtCMUls LU - Josey uompany s Undertaking Busir.css.) ASS. Coffins Caskets. 0 6 A Complete Line of UlAkjc itKVILt Burroughs-Pitrman-Wheefer Wood's Seeds. oja Beans. The largest-yielding and best of summer forage crops, also makes a splendid soil improver-lower in price than ow Feas this season. Wood VCrop Special gives full information about this valuable crop and also about all reasonable Seeds: German Millet, Sorghums, Cow Peas, Buckwheat, Ensilage Seed Corns, late Seed Potatoes, etc. Write for Woods Crop opecial mvincr nnVo i . teresting information. Mailed tree on reonosf i 7. W. WOOD & SONS, m SEEDSMEN. - Richmond, Va. ouse Moving! I am prepared to move houses with or without chimneys. Reasonable Prices. on" to""1 fUfther inf o R. V. KITCHIN, Scotland Neck, N. C. CAR LOAD 11 1 Fl ardware "The Hardware Hustlers.' lllfl . nvj 11 .1 4-. 1... . ' . iii TiTTi,r" - j ! i iepamg 111(111. . . . H 'A in $ I 0 $ Burial Robes. Undertaker's Supplies. AT ANY TIMF Co., Scotland Neck, N. C. Sah of Land for Taxe?. I have this day levied o- the fo' lowing described real pstate to -j.it fy the tax-.s dae the State of NVrth Carolina and tho county of T!alif.-x ir the year 1911, and the sai 1 iva' estate so levied on will be foM rt the court house door in the town of ; Halifax N. C. on Monday, the 1st I day of July, 11)12. at 12 o'clock m., . unless said taxes and lepral charprs j and expenses arising f rorn the fai' ure to pay same within the time rr quired by law are paid by that date, j G. L. KNIGHT, Tax Col. : , , Brinkleyville Township. Vt w Sfhw 0,71 acres hnmo .$47.-ir, i 1 W -Shearin, SG acres, home 8.31 V ?rkr 106 acres home 14.13 Luanda Solomon, 23 a., home 2.91 r"D''!A.,lK?1" ennyripht. obt.incd or no M ixu.Mii-l.ii.iV oi una report on ..n .ccntWan,P f"r NEW BOOKLET o",;fe.Pate"t 'fo'"''- It "ll lp"I; D. SWIFT & CO. 303 Seventh St., Washinotcn. D. C.j FqiES0M0lIYE feft Stomach TRoustt .ndSSirSSf ,1 J 9.4 7 i E HS i.l ft-? f t i: - qll-? i V fA , - T "1 23c. 50c. V 31 m B CURT: a ..i ......I Fj n tctv v.i. i' vll I n I II. ' tltink it tin-! It cVl:r.-. ftiiifriti c:is. i HiHtthcs md c - if 1 i- TV. T-"l'-. For BURN.:- Mr.W.V.CIif-.or "I lioi-n a i T.iuiiiK'iit '.";',' ' rritl It IS for Cuts, Hunt- ... : Ujy ' fj CUR' ' ur.ir.n.::. . 3 .-i-i.i i M Mn.-t.i-:-: II:' i E. B . pa U 25c.53c.$lalot!U , ' ': Hi it I' 1

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