I I !!0U..! nij.i.;f , ::. , Vv'-ar;; t ii n it s i: O C E R IE S If It's Too Hot to Cook iwn why not have YOUR EATING DESIRES FILLED AT OUR STORE? Wo have the Best line of Canned Meats in town, the Best letter, the Best Tea, and we receive FRESH EVERY DAY BREAD ! BOLLS FROM THE CORBY BAKERY. J. W. ALLSBROOFC j V,o Thank You for Your Trade. Telephone Number Eighty-One. t PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. The Coming, Going and Whereabouts or Our People and Other folks. ITS, i nump-efy-Thump ? absolutely harmless headache remedy. Quick, Sni'e. Pleasant. So harmless children can take it oMy. (Inod for nournlo-in, t00. ft V on r orm tains. For sale by E. T. Whitehead 10c, i.. and ."Oe. bottle? "o.. Scotland Neck. N. C. 2 Mrs. J. E. Lewis visited in Tarboro the past week. Miss Mary Pittman is visiting in larDoro this week. Congressman Claude Kitchin was at home several days the past week. Miss Bessie Cherry is attending the teachers institute in Weldon this week. Rev. O. A. Moore, of Roanoke Ra pids, was here Monday night with friends. Mrs. R. P. Byrd is visiting rela tives and friends at Buie's Creek and Fayetteville. COMING NEXT WEEK. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The i e Leave II to LOCAL NEWS. o Decide cr or not it is to your t to come here for your hings this summer. We ii o ccme and see what is th( GaJhcrcC from the Town end Country. I he season for picnics has arrived. Take a day off and attend th i -...Li .1 1 finest showing h new furnishings ever T: here, and then decide Monday New Neckwear. : popular long narrow -ii ind are shown here races. We are waiting for the first cotton bloom. The condition of the crops is improving. The Board of Education meets The oil mill has closed down for variety of attractive the summer. and colors. Ex 1 f ceilent :., 25c, 50c. ll Lik V. tractive leathers in white, i tan and other popular $ 5, v. e 3'.e snowing ':': - . : 'r.i':5 at 7 -a? nrs 'icr lisvJcrH'car. ':cr yov; prefer shirts : -T5 or nerfect f.l'un ... . el wui nna just The town ordinance against selling i ocuy ougnt to be enforced. The County Commissinnora v. , n m meet in regular monthly session Monday. The rnces are going to be fast and exciting. Come if you want to en joy the day. Tuly 4th is generally observed as f a r.endny, so let everybody come to f (no yorvc -. .1. Come to the races next Thursday, uy -nil. x big time is promised everybody that comes. Mr. Gus Hoffman, of Roanoke, Va., visited his brothers, Messrs. M and S. Hoffman. Mr. J. W. Blythe has returned from Oriental where he attended the funeral of his uncle. Mrs. Kate Dunn is visiting her daughter, Mrs. John D. Biggs, Jr m vyiiuamston this week. Mrs. Geo. Smith, of Kinston. is " ? 1 a. visaing ner sisters, Mrs. W. N. Step roe ana Mrs. s. B. Kitchin. Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Riff SDen Tuesday night in Louisburg.Jreturn- ing home Wednesday afternoon. Misses Annie McDowell and Eve lyn Kitchin are guests at the Govern or s mansion in Raleigh this week. Misses Irene and Gertrude White head have returned home after a pleasant visit to relatives at Roanoke Rapids. Mr. J. Bruce Futrell, of Winston- Salem, spent several days the past week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs J. P. Futrell. Original James Adams' Show. Now Known as tbe jaraden show. Planters & Commercial We are informed by Mr. Haraden Bank that: s5nro tfio bVimtt Vi u i I w w.v uuv n ,i utcume so o i nr . . .. lv under hi, mao u- L tocu"naecK, in.u., at the close - ... ...uuctguucui. tie iias spared neither pains nor money to make it the biggest and best attrac- Loans and discounts ."..$107,831 06 tion of today showing at popular Overdrafts l 21s; w prices, ine company is larger and r urniture and fixtures 2,011.03 better than ever, carrying 2 cars and from banks &bankers 15,112.07 30 people, al! stars in his or her re- ld XIZTZT IS W spective line. Some of the best tal- Silver coin, etc man ems oDtamaoie are now carried with national bank notes 1,052.00 this company, some of the old favo- Total $199 (540 05 rites retained and numerous new liabilities A . . I y-l . . ones, ivn array such as has never capital stock paid in $ 15,000.00 Detore been carried by an attraction naiviclea prohts 4,492.12 of this kind. Dividends unpaid 010.00 The Martyne sisters, Nora and CaThTeV'scteeksouistaV S Saf ....?129,040.05 at r.cre in crccc I- - atctoSI.UO. Messrs. A. McDowell and G. Hoff man left Sunday for Baltimore, Md.. to attend the National Democratic convention. Mr. H. B. Jones has as his guests this week, his mother, Mrs. Jones, and her daughter, Miss Mary Jones, of Edenton. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Moore are spending the week at Ocean View and other points around Norfolk en joying the sea breeze. Messrs. Chas. J. Shields and Hugh Johnson are attending the sixteenth annual convention of the World- iwers has improved the i Wide Baraca-Philathea Union in ses- spnep.raaee of his residence by giv-1 sion at Norfolk this week. irir if 3. f'P:Ah mni- nf n-iinf I j Messrs. G. C. Weeks, J. E. Wool- e are anxious to ao your job ard, J. T. Johnson, and Charlie pnntinc-. Our prices are reasonable. Woolard went to Weldon Thursday ot last week and returned with Mr. Woolard's new Buick car. Dottie, the clever singing and danc- Tnni inc tPflm tViot Viae mnnlxrA nnKl n. , . , . . " --cv.c,vrU appiause ocate ot iNorth Carolina ) in some of the largest theatres of County of Halifax. ' ss- this country and abroad. Miss Dot- J' - J- Moore, Cashier of the tie also plays' many leading parts ve"nAm?iu bmk do solemnly manLthr' " to W?2&& manner that meets the approval of and belief. O. J. Moore everyone. Miss May me Carlos as . . Cashier. character lady is far beyond the or- Subscribed and sworn to before dinary and comes in for prominent me-11113 of June, 1912. mention rendering some very pleas- Notarv Public ing balads and international dances Correct Attest: Ollie Hamilton portraying the Jake as s- A- Dunn, usual is exceptionally clever, as Jake Stuart Smith, j he is th hoot- aver u: j.- Directors. ..w ,.uv ,, iu ace uiiii ia 10 . lau&n- Report of The Coxnrrrox ok The Rivards performance on the THE SCOTLAND NECK BANK trh!iZ;l0be,hdeath d6fyinf' S0Ul Attlad Xeck, N. C, at the tnrniing, and hair raising feat is of business June 14, l'ti" marvelous. After many difficult - hksot-rpep feats the act is brought to a close bv Lonns jmmf. " ' .ort on, - rolling a solid ball up and down an Overdrafts ' ' "'' 71V.'. incline stairway while standing up- Stocks, Bonds, etc., o,5oo!oo right on the ball During the week demand loans i;?,ioo,(o the Revards will also be seen on the Z A,Y aml bnnkeM a'r2- revolving ladder, trapeze, mysterious Silver coin".'.'.!".'.'''"'" r'tt cabinet and others too numerous to National bank notes, etc... 4.io!um) mention. Mr. K. P. Carlos in feats Total.. n-f cfnn rt-f U 1,-1 1 I ".ii8ui auu uitiancing neavy uaiulitiks. weights, also a correct imitation of ety Oeposit Boxes FOR RENT! We beg to announce that we now have installed in our vault Safety Deposit Boxes for the convenience of our custo mers and friends in filing and retaining valuable papers. Call at the bank and let us explain fully. PLANTERS 8c COMMERCIAL BANK. Scotland Neck, N. C. We have a big supply of hot weather goods on hand. Come in and let us sell you and help you keep cool. 9 UltS Several horses from a distance are Iready at the training stables ready S. B -ur. .j. Aimourscements. THE LADIES will have their Ai r Sale in Mrs. Bowers' ;?:, from 'J:30 a. m. to i orkmrin.ship guaranteed. -vlr. E. S. Parker has moved here fronvNcvv Berne and occupies the house next to the Episcopal church. Mr. R. I. Jones occupies. the resi- oence in the Clarksville end of town recently vacated by Mr. Stuart Smith. WE HANDLE THE ! Mr- Vv ll- Holland brought the We paitor pome nice apples and peaches re in cr-r load ht? r.u1: it l. free A u ton from Vv-a-1 Tuesday, for which he hn n,ir i.'ii: do t'' f T.'-vts ivz ;f t ihrr ! same amount of ;vlv '-e-;ae prices of Josey Hardware wi'1! thank?. t apt. i. V. Tillery now has cliarge of the Standard Oil wagon, Mr. R. V. Kitchin having given - up the position. . CHILLS & FEVER; liver better than ca!o- Al.E -NICK CFLERY AND :!it-. J. Y. Savage. WE ARE TO-DAY UN of Anchor Brand Rock 'ctrrels. This Lime has 'If to be the best Lime ever .vJand Neck. Josey Hard- YOU WANT A CADIL i'ord Automobile apply to :-a., Enfield, N. C. : Y-TISM WILL CURE YOU T M D. REGULAR MILK Daily deliveries. Jno. 1-4-tf Sapper et Ko&good. requested to announce " will be an ice cream Eobgood Thursday night, lil of the carpet fund of d'urch of that town. Mr. W. E. Bowers has recently sold the standing timber on his plan tation for :?7.",000. This Is consider ed a very valuable body of timber. The county teachers' institute is being held at Weldon this week. The institute is being conducted by Prof. Everett and County Supt. A. S. Harrison and others. We understand plans are on foot for a big saw mill for Scotland Neck and a railroad running from Ed wards Ferry near Tillery. Let the mill and railroad both come for we need them. The building and loan association has made a very nice start. Some thing over eight hundred shares has been sold and it will not be long be fore the number reaches one thous and. The office hours of the Secre tary are from 3 to 6 o'clock at the Mayor's ofTice. Mr. and Mrs. Albion Dunn, Miss Lucile Cobb, and Mr. Forbes, of Greenville, spent Sunday with Mrs. Kate Dunn. They made the trip in Mr. Dunn's handsome Overland car. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. S. L. Ward, of Bethel, visited relatives here from Saturday until Monday. Mrs. Ward is known to our people as Mrs Carrie Whitehurst. She and Mr. Ward were married some weeks ago. They were receiving the congratulations of their friends while here. Mr. E. T. Whitehead left Monday afternoon for Waynesville, N. C, to attend the annual session of the North Carolina Pharmaceutical As sociation in session in that beautiful mountain town this week. Mr. Whitehead has the honor to be pres dent of the association this year. Pic-Niced aTWhiie's Mill. a 1 j , I -yMvti nuva ip InMF (HI the old time darkey, Uncle Remus. Surplus fund io',-,,, 4.1 l .. ATT 1- , . . " uuiuie me war, ana otners equallv u 11(11 vhicci proms, etc 3.V ni as pleasing as the above. The Com- Bills Payal,e ::o,ooo.oo pany carries a concert band under Si':"; :124.n7 the leadeiship of Prof, uarl Neel. ft,,hw,pwir.nnw.n,i.. also Orchestra under the direction Accrued inst. due depositors, LtiOn'oo of Prof. Sheigart. Popular and Total JM'w.W-.M classical selections rendered during State of North Carolina) the program, not a slow moment County of Halifax Order nnd hicrlmct cQTirl?.i L Harper Alexander. Jr.. r.mliW raUty U the n,otto of this company. SfZKll&S Change of program each night, to the best of my knowledge nndbelk-f. bears ior au, one matinee Saturday j. .harper Alexander, Jr., Cnslner, afternoon. Admission at night to Subscribed and sworn to before mo' all 10 cents, matinee, children, 5 and thlS 24th dayTof Jl,n' J?2' 10 cents. Tyler V)"EEiTi'- t,, . , Notary Public. Iftis show will be in Scotland Neck Correct Attest : Frank P. Shields, one week, beginning Monday night. K Jr Jolmson, X. B. Josey, Directors.' July 1st. .$2,000.00 dividend paid since last statement. For Lad ne lies an en 3 i A Delightful Social Event. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Bank of Hobgood, In another column appears the an nual announcement of the Agricultu ral and Mechanical College. This College is doing a splendid work for the industries of the State. Its grad uates are in demand at good silaries and are found in all walks of indus trial life. Young men who desire to ,"tii 1 f i 1 "! jn iv, (.0l,ntry, wi'l 1 nt themselves ior useiui anu remu-h.v.-e (he "De"n Creek" I ncrative service cannot do better v, on-,;W!. r,f Pt-nF 1 than to miorm themselves aoout tnis College. Notice. la-'lics of the Round A merry party of the younger set pic-niced at White's Mill, Scotland Neck's famous resort, Wednesday of last week, under command of Charlie Elliott Steptoe (the only "step") as master of ceremonies. They had a gay time from early morn until late in the afternoon, when the storm forced them to break camp and return home. It was a great occasion, and the bountiful dinner prepared by the young ladies attending was more than tempting, and was served ia. the most genuinely pic-nic style. The "master" was ably assisted by Mrs. Percy Johnson and Misses Mary White, Helen Billiard and Hattie Leggett as chaperones. (Reported for The Commonwealth.) The most delightful of the sum mer's social events was the June at Hobgood, N. C, at the close of rarry given oy trie San Souci Club business June 14. 1912. last Thursday evening at the beauti- resources. ful home of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Loans and discounts $20,005.67 Coleman in North Clarksville. The Ranking house 1,700.00 joy seekers began to pour in about Furniture and fixtures... 413.32 nine o'clock and by ten the entire GoTdfcX.k.S&b.ankerS 13' throng was seated around Rook ta- Silver coin, etc li:i!41 bles where they found entertain- National bank notes, etc.. 674 loo ment in the popular game until Total $3(5,707.98 Professor Sook Jones drove up with liabilities. his orchestra. The tables were then Capital stock paid in S 5.000.00 pushed aside and the "litrht. f antes. Surplus tund 200.00 tie was trod- ti.! the refreshments KSSfittt were served, which consisted of Deposits subject to check 24,652 39 dainty nuis, ana DricKs or cream, uashr s checks outstan g.. 365.00 which carried out the color scheme Total $36,707.98 of the club, old gold and purple. State of North Carolina e After the refreshments each vouno- County of Halifax. ( ss swain betook himself and his r. . L E- P- Hyman, cashier of the L: 1. x . above-named bank, do solemnly specuve oener-nau 10 some remote swear that the above statement is corner, wnere oniy tne "uid Moon" true to the best of my knowledge looked on and listened to the sweet and belief. E. P. Hyman, nothings, that were doubtless being 0 , ., , . Cashier. Mcrwi Jr,t th t Subscribed and sworn to before " , tr 1 "fJ ; me tnis 21st da-V of June, 1912. Mohair Suits for men, all kinds of thin Dress Goods, light weight Underwear for everybody, Straw Hats, all kinds of Low Cut Shoes, special good value in White Oxfords. Let m serve you. Burrghn-Pittnan-Wkelcr Co., Evenbody's SJcrc, Sectoral Keck, N. C. n n B I M G H A M ffir.v t ua r4.1virnil Boy. fflr c HKnn rir pronoimr,,! the t'EST br 1 SO t!,V- . T u "nd Safety Erinkley-Parks. fiU"';cers ii.'h come to the hall 10th, 11th and 12th '"I play for them Friday :' from 9:15 p. m . Excciiiive UomiBiltee to Msct. The County Democratic Executive I coir-rnilloo is called to meet at Hali- Mr. C. W. Brinkley and Miss Mary Parks, both of Tillery, came to Scotland Neck on the 4:38 train Sun day afternoon and went at once to the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Gay, where they were united in marriage, Rev. N. C. Yearby, pastor of the Methodist church, officiating. We extend congratulations and best wishes for a long and prosper- i ous married life. Vell worth the money! I fax Monday, July 1st, to fix a date! il verdict of every for holding county primaries for the j Rev. Albert New to Preach. ii. ... -. n ti T 11 Ml v.no buys Campbell's i purpose of making jicminations fori Kcv. AiDen incw, ui nuu,. i: lor Ktainirifr and vnr- .r.nnftr and lrlnt vo niHfM nr.d at- ' COnaUCC Services HI- Ailing " x.- ....... . . V . - tending to such other business as Sunday morning and evening, ine may come before the committee. public is cordially invited to attend A full attendance of the committee both services and hear Mr. New is earnestly desired. preach. oudwork, Chairs. ipplied. Dries hard. Josey Hardware Co., Gwendolyn, Madge, Ruth, and the rest of those adorable daughters of Eve present. The hour of twelve came only too soon, for there were many who would have been tickled to remain in the shadows of this hospitable home till "Chanticleer," with his shrill "cuckoo," pierced the stillnes of the cold gray dawn. It was with the greatest of reluc tance that each couple departed, but even in this, they found pleasure in unanimously declaring their host ess one to be long remembered in the royal reception which she tend ered to each individual present. Those present were: Charlie Step toe with Miss Dorothy Pierce, of York City, Mills Kitchin with Miss Gwendolyn Grasstalk. of Paducah, Ky., S. B. Kitchin, Jr., with MiVs Louise Darden, Gavin Hyman with Miss Lucile Kitchin, Henry Hilliard with Miss Gertrude Kitchin, Herman Bryan with Miss Minnie Mills, of Wake Forest, Jack Riddick with Miss Katherine Kitchin, Norfleet McDowell with Miss Jennie Dunn, Clarence Parks with Miss Hilda Hancock, Willie Dunn with Miss Lu cile Leggett. Claiborne Smith with Miss Laura Clark, Joe Riddick with Miss Rulh Sloane. of Miama, Fla., Allison McDowell with Miss Madge Poindexter, of Seneca, N. Y., Hu bert Riddick with Miss Sue Dunn, John Edwards with Miss Missoura Purvis, Marvin Hardy with Miss Lillian Harrell, Hinton Dunn with Miss Dorothy Dunn, John Josey with Niss Ruby Darden, Roland James with Miss Lydia Josey. David Bryant with Miss Elszabeth Brewer, of Danville, Va., Alwyn Darden with Miss Elsie French, of Topeka, Cal. W. N. Herring. Notary Public. Correct Attest: W. G. Hedgepetii, S. D. Bradley, Directors. REPORT OF THE Bank of Enfield ENFIELD, N. C. At the clo3e of business on the 1 Ifh day of June, 1912. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $213,805.64 Overdrafts 708.30 Banking house 5,000.00 Furniture and fixtures.... 1,500.00 Other real estate 1.000.00 Cash and due from banks 62,902.09 Total $2&(,o:j(j.03 liabilities. Capital stock $ 10,000.00 Surplus 35,000 00 Undivided profits 2,406.80 Unearned discounts 2.721.95 Due depositors 1.009.00 Quart'ly div. July 1st 400.00 Deposi ts 234,507.22 Total $286,036.03 I, Ivey Watson, cashier of the ! above-named bank, do solemnly ' swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. . Ivey Watson. Cashier. State of North Carolina ) County of Halifax 5 v Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 20th day of June, 1912. J. W. Whitakek, Notary Public. Correct Attest: Geo. B Curtis, R. C Dunn, C. E. McGwigan, DirecfoTsI MR"' FARMER! I An npplien Turn ot JOSKYS TOP DRKKSKR would ;1 k mi t !oul!'' your yikl of Co! ton an-i Corn. josfovs top m-s the ytnlk a. h 'aU'iy ;uid vigorous irrowtli. JOKY' TOP iIii:s.Si:Hv.iliiin v lit thtf t liuMini:' of Cot ton Square iiixl I'olls. JOEYSTOP DKKSSKIt will as sist Nature in tin1 opening of Cotton. JOSKY'STOP J)Iti:SSi:i will m store yellow and drowned Cotton to its natural eolor. JOSKY'STOP DIU'XSHK is eom posed ol Qiiiek and Last in.j Materia1. Analysis 0.00 per cent Ammonia, 1.00 Potash. Ask your merchant for .JOSKY'S TOP DKES.SIOi:. Scotland Neck Guano Company Scotland Neck, North Carolina. FiREPROOFU Stonn-proof, too, fcecauw tliey interlock and overlap in such vajr that the finest driving snow or rin carnot jfl under them. Best roof or country buildi-is, bacasue they're safe from all the element. They'll last 3 long cs the building, and never aeed repair. 7 We have locI reprKKrtativas almost evnry where, but ii roae in your imatediate looe'iiy, writo us direct for (sample, prices and full particulars. CORTRIGHT METAL ROOFING COMPANY a pww?5wa?Pat

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