If It's Groceries NW lioad- if '? i fOIl Iv nuick. 1 Don't r H ii. irnuure but 'CU ri.AU mili; rU!. Jno. i- i-i'i I with StiiCi 0: 01 tne ! ;ke was se--;-- i-r would i nf,'ohe",v of . C.' We-l-. ' h nvej r- i n. r'lindod Mori-x riot: V." . 1 ..- to find r. ;f -,-.1 vf- r . rd it -.vns soon i It wa-; only lit !ie on the vrA'- pare i.'-T w-'.' ;?.ci:eu ttor. seed meal, r.pany is estimated and is partially ire is unknown, ;i- been caused :ribust:on in the the co'urerl teach .nty will bo held at v.car Fno-ld from .h inciusive. Dr. -.'n1.y ; uperinten " ('Ihcial notice to :-!-o"s rotify them ?!v to at- ;-'V will i.-e in the Stale !if-v csmai-t :od when I-' j lie -"uIt. : m 1 1 1 i , . 1 i , : i c;iu bo ! n .- ti ti'cd to its ::n;r will l.c (!(;- c;r--,; jp( ,f tell :, V. . I i: i; i! I 'tion noth jf the .,(' 1 V ' i I I ' ' ' - 1 : :.,H'!' ,J:1" -i transacted in i ; i ' I ; . j lit. -.. 1 ( o. I). ""i'.V i'ill for consti- :i i; s r. i' o i. g o o r o it o c e ii i e s , tho pares.1 and the freshest on the market, and when vo ir orders here you may rest satisfied that they will be r .ful attention and delivered to you promptly. When you no.-- :hhk o: Telephone No. 81, and tell us your wants . i lie ret. Try it and let us prove it. X J. W. ALLSBROOK. i . V:'U for Your Trade. Telephone Number Eighty-One. Z Feel That mn-ety-ThumD ? Ciooii tor Neuralgia. iiio:iai..oixii:. 'u. 10c, 2")C. and 50c. bottles, y r. T. Whitehead Company. Scotland Neck, N. C. 3 "'" you want may be jcone i you delay. Our stock was ;.!-ire. '"Ut it i diminishing unusually fast because of . ...lly low price-;. Make vour SELECTIONS at once if . ;vt a choice SUIT for LITTLE MONEY. , free pir of Panfs Wihi Even Suit. AJ.T.SmtOOK. i BOYETTi; : to All. Men's and Boys' Outfitters. LOCAL NEWS. Herns Gathered From the Town and Country. Rub-My-Tism will cure you. 2oc. Littleton will soon have electric iitrkts. j he races stai o'clock. promptly at one The race track has been put in the c-rv best condition. i j There are several fast horses here ! f.v the race 3 todav. Mac. G. Strickland reports ;:on e.o-mis on me 29tn. The board of education was in 'T-'-iar session at Halifax Mondav. cur; chills and fever; it acts I cn the liver better than calomel. 25c. j Farmers tell us that we are hav- j m,; luu Kiuca i am njt tiie gouu oi j the crops. j Mr. .Bonnet Allsbrook sent the j'-or winv nirf o-veen envn Tupsrlnv ity primary oeen 11. And?r- called and we mr.y now expect poli rviturdny tics to wc rm u and gradually get r. (r. ( ! iivc-Iy durin-r'thc next fortv days. d' j .ir. at. TMIerv rent a fresh col ion bloom Monday morning and s.;iid that ve ousrht to have let him k:T'-.v befoi e that we wanted a bloom. All the .stores and business houses so clossc! today on account oi its '-iny " l?p;al holiday and in order to i'.-i? evevy'oody a chance to see the r-thodist Sunday school will .hildrens dav services at the o'Siirv church next i night. A very interest in'..-; program is being pre- i re plant f The chain gang will go to Ccnoco- tra townshio alter August 1st. The gang has been working in En held township the past several months. The f.rst cotton, blooms were re ported by Messrs. W. T. Vanlanding harn, of the Euttervvorth farm on Roanoke river, and Joe J. Pittman, of the Furrington Farm, on Friday, June 2th. Quite a company of young people onjoyed a gypsy tea at the country home of Mr. C. W. Albertson Thurs day evening of last weak. The oc casion was one of the most enjoyable of the season. Mr. VY. 1. Daniel, of Henderson, and M!. Mary E. Bovvers were mar ried at the home of the bride's fathc-r, Mr. W. E. Bowers, eight miles south of Littleton, on Wend es day, June 2th, Rev. J. .P. Bowers, of Combria, Va., a brother of the bride, performing the ceremony. The C. F. Haraden tent show is tractin-r large crowds this week I ! and from what we hear everybody I i is well pleased with the entertain-1 ' inonts .;iven. The price is 10 cents. J '1 1 There will be a special matinee f or j 1. ! ladies and children Saturday after-1 iv.on at " o'clock, admission 5 and i 10 cents. j . The county commissioners were in regular monthly session at Halifax j Monday. All members of the board j were presem;. xr.e jui u. W n , Fu!i.irf:d DolIiT-s -gust court was drawn ana oaiwue i ' '.- (ciiiiHod iiy of that ordy routine busin TIk board will meetlVr; rrTT' r it At hh- next iViontiay to receive me iux iiht; anu ,:t;u i;i:. u m. ! .. . .. ..1..:..4 . PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. The Coming, Going and Whereabouts of Our People and Other Folks. Mr. C. A. Jones spent Friday in Norfolk, Va. Miss Verna Holloway, of Enfield, is visiting Miss Mary White this week. Mr. and Mrs. Peyton Keel came up from Kinston Saturday and spent Sunday at home. Mrs. S. F. Dunn and daughter, Miss Elizabeth, are spending some time at Ocean View. Mr. E. C. Gray, of Littleton, was here Sunday to see his grandmother, Mrs. Mary E. Gray. Mr. W. F. Joyner and Miss Eliza beth Futrell spent Sunday in Weldon on a visit to friends. Misses Florence and Mary Grant Spivey. of Lewiston, are visiting Mrs. Florence Hancock. Mrs. M. P. Alston, of Portsmouth, Va., is visiting her sons, Messrs. C. A. and R. I. Jones, this week. Mr. Noah Biggs is attending the annual meeting of the trustees of the Baptist Orphanage at Thomas ville this week. Rev. Albei t New, of Weldon, was here Sunday and conducted services t.at Trinity church, preaching two in teresting sermons. Dr. A. C. Livermon left Wednes day for Raleigh to attend the annual session of the North Carolina Dental Associaton. Dr. Livermon expects to return home Saturday. Mrs. Annie Hancock and daugh ter, Miss Katherine, returned Fri day from South Hill. Va., where Mrs. Hancock has been engaged in the millinery business the past sea son. Misses Hazel Weeks, of Edge combe county, and Margaret Jack son, of Drum Hill, N. C, and Mrs. A. L. Alexander, of Plymouth, are visiting the family of Mr. J. H. Hopkins. Rev. Chas. A. Jones, of Belhaven, was a pleasant visitor to Scotland Neck several days last week. Mr. Jones preached to his former con gregation at the Methodist church Wednesday night. Among those that attended the Skewarkey Union at Robersonville Saturday and Sunday we note the following: Elder and Mrs. W. B. Strickland, A. Strickland, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. House, M. D. Allsbrook, Mrs. W. T. Vaughan, Mrs. A. M. Riddick, Miss Estelle House, Misses Strickland, and Brit Andrews. They all returned Monday morning and report a delightful time. Race Horses From Norfolk. A car of race horses was received here yesterday from Norfolk and will be in the races today. These horses added to what weVe already here assures us some good races the best ever seen in the State. Come if you want to see ?ome speedy work on the track. Mr. Ltd lit Won Coming. Mr. N. B. Broughton, of Raleigh, one of the greatest Sunday school workers in this State,will be hereSun day and address the Baraca class of the Baptist church. There is a treat in store for those who attend for Mr. Broughton is an interesting speaker. Hear him. Mr. Everett For The Legislature. We note that the name of Mr. Justus Everett, of Martin county, is being mentioned as a suitable man to represent that county in the legis lature of 1913, and we want to enter endorsement for him and do hope that the good people of his county will send him to Raleigh to make laws for them. Mr. Everett is an extensive farmer and a man of good business judgement. Jurors far August Court. The following names' have been drawn by the County Commissioners to serve as jurors for the August term of Halifax Superior Court: 1st week. E. L. Savage, G. W. Clark, W. E. Harris, Jas. H. Collins, Jr., J. E. Shields, T. B. Wheeler, C. B. Bobbitt, D. B. Hamill. W. L. Furgerson, W. E. Bishop, L. Wals ton, J. E. Hancock. Clee Vaughan, Geo. R. Bennett, H. L. Haswell, E. N. House, Eugene .jonnston, l,. n. Allen. W. E. Bowers, Jr., W. R. Holdford. S. F. Patterson, C. H. Hale, D. J. Milikin, J. W. Adkins, J. M. McMurry, L. W. Ayers, G. W. Fulghum, J. N. Savage, ilugli Bloomer, S. Myers, T. C. Williams, R W Partin, J. E. Hawkins, J. O. " l n - . JrtA Appiewnne, - , i tin - .n. VV;eekWnit Nevib W. T. Hu- Dickens, Walter Robin- : .-on J. V. Powers, C. W. Dickens rp - r.,rvV,o J T l ook. i. iN. T T n j.nK W. B or. Ej. Ij. iiCC, J. . , , , rP:1,.,.T mm Rill. Strickiana, vv. u. xt COUNTY PRIMARY CALLED. Executive Committee Names August 15th as the Date to Name County and Legislative Nominees. The Democratic County Executive Committee met at Halifax Monday for the purpose of naming a date for holding the county primary to nominate county officers and a legis lative ticket. Vice-chairman W. T. Clements presided and Dr. J. E. Shields was asked to act as secre tary. A roll call showed all the townships represented except Fau cetts and Roanoke Rapids. After discussing the matter, Thursday, August 15th was agreed upon as the date for holding said primary. The committee made the registration fee for members of the legislature, Register of deeds, treas urer, and sheriff $20.00 each; county commissioners, coroner, surveyor, and township officers $2.00 each. All candidates are required by the primary law to file notice of their candidacy with the clerk of the su perior court with the fee for such office. The managers or poll holders for the primary was named for the va rious precincts of the county as follows: Brinkleyville W. G. Vinson, F. M. Taylor, G. S. Sledge. Butterwood J. G. Baniel, A. E. Carter, J. R. Liles. Conoconora N. Fitzpatrick, J. O. Applewhite, J. S. Riddick. Enfield Richard Pettitt, J. R. Powers, L. H. Whitaker. Faucetts W. M. Morecock, L. K. Dickens, J. B. Dickens. Halifax R. W. Carter, D. J. Mil ikin, C. H. Hale. Kehukee W. N. Herring, A. L. Burnett, E. C. Ruffin. Littleton B. D. Hamill, J. W. King, W. H. Johnston. Palmyra C. A. Harrison, E. R. Ausbon, R. E. Roberson. Roseneath R. L. Bradley, J. M. Downing, M. S. Strickland. Roanoke Rapids W. S. Hockaday, Hannibal Sheann. Scotland Neck C. T. Lawrence, C. L. McDowell, G. Lamb. Weldon D. E. Stainback, Bruce Harris, Sam Brown. Mr. Riff to Go to Louisburg. Mr. F. A. Riff and wife, of Scot land Neck, were in Louisburg the past week selecting a location to open an up-to-date jewelry and watch re pairing business. Mr. Riff is an ex pert jeweler and watch maker, hav ing served many years at the busi ness under some of the leading jew elers in this and other States from whom he bears many excellant com mendations. They secured tempo rary room at Howell & Bunn's fur niture store and will arrange to open up by August 1st, when they will come to Louisburg to locate. Louisburg is sorely in need of a dug iness of this kind and their perma nent arrival here will be welcomed by all. See their announcement in another column for further infor mation. Louisburg Times. Mr. Riff has been associated with the E. T. Whitehead company the past three years in the management of their jewelry and watch repairing business and has given the very best satisfactson. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Riff wish for them great success in their new home. Berry-Sosser. Castalia, June 29. The home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Rosser, near Essex, Halifax county, was, on June 26, the scene of a pretty home wedding The bridal party entered the spa cious parlor to the strains of Lohen grin's wedding march. First came little Mildred Thornton with her smaller sister, cousin of the bride, bearing the ring on a silver platter laden with moss. Then came the bride attired in a beautiful tan tra veling suit, hat and gloves to match leaning upon the arm of her sister, Miss Mary Winf red Rosser, of Essex; followed by the groom leaning upon the arm of Mr. Perkins Taylor, of Aurelian Springs. Rev. W. O. Ros ser, brother of the bride, performed the ceremony in a very tender and beautiful manner, assisted by Rev. G. W. May, of Castalia. Immediately after the ceremony the bride and groom left for Norfolk and other cities further north on their bridal tour. The groom is a prominent young lawyer of Bakersville. The bride is one of Halifax county's most pop ular young ladie3. The guests from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Thornton and children, from Littleton; Mrs. J. J. Thornton and Perkins Taylor, of Au relian Springs; Rev. and Mrs. W. U. Rosser, from Spring H';Pe- Mr. and Mrs. Walter O Berry wnl be at home to their friends at Bak ersville, N. C. afterJuly5 The South needs more livestock, but she does not need taem badly enough to feed them on bougnt hay. Therefore, the growing of forage from lugume crops and grasses be comes of great importance The Progressive Farmer. C66 cures chills and fever; it acts on the liver better than calomel. 25c. PIC-NSC AT BELL'S SCHOOL HOUSE. A Most Delightful Occasion That Will Long bo Remeiabsred. Reported for The Cotr.mor.weahli. Last Friday at what is familiarly known as Bell's School House a pic nic was given by the young men of the community and the surrounding country in honor of Misses Lelia House and Kate Joyner, just on the eve of their departure for the sum mer school of the East Carolina Teachers Training Schook - The day was perfect, the place ideal, the occasion most successful and enjoyable. The sun rose early in a clear, blue sky, caressing the whole country.' with its generous and genial brightness, giving every promise of a beautiful and glorious day. Ere he had run far in his course, numerous friends of the guests of honor were wending their way to their journey's end, toward the scene of their delightful antici pation. From far and near, through devious paths and changing scenes, o'er hill and vale, through, alternate light and shade, they came, all with one object in view, one purpose in mind, one heart to enjoy the many pleasures they knew the day would offer. Maids and matrons arrayed in all the height of summer fashion, displaying all the colors that would greet the eye at the most popular summer resorts, gathered under the wide spreading trees that graced and beautified the particular locali ty, and with them gathered men, young and old; for the time, the place, and the girl were all at "Bell's," and where she was want ing they were not. The morning hours were spent in friendly greetings, good-natured ca jolorie, conversations intensified and otherwise, and so pleasant were they that the noon hour arrived while yet the happy crowd was unaware of its approach. Mrs. J. A. Staton was the mistress of ceremonies, and too much cannot be said in prah:e of the graceful and delightful manner in which she presided over the table. The dinner was appetizing rnd vivi fying, as bountiful as either, enjoy able beyond all measure. There was nothing wanting, yet when it was all over there was little left. The afternoon hours were filled with music and dancing. Music, was furnished by the famous Edgecombe String Band, led by its noted leader, Professor Lucius LeRoy. Every body participated in the dancing r.nd the hours were ail too short that passed ere the sun went down and the dancing had reared and the music hushed. Night threw its mantel of darkness over what had been the seene of so much light, laughter and mirth, silence usurped the throne of sound, yet in the hearts of those who had gone linger ed still the memory of what had been, brightening their live.-, with its sweet impressions, and in the ears of their imagination lingered the sweet music that had thrilled with its melody and rhylhm. The day will long be remembered. Many a time and oft will those who enjoyed it in fancy wander back to the scene of so much pleasure, and live over again the joys tiiat were theirs, the new experiences that added zest to life, and think with thankfulness of the friendship? that were made. In their fancy will they wander there. The owl with his discordant notes may fill the air with something other than m?lody. the whippcrwiU may sound his plain tive call, never wearying, though in vain he waits for an answer that comes not. but those in their fancy wandering will hear only the sounds of harmony and melody that beat upon their ears that happy day; in their mind's eye will they see only the sights that gladdened their hearts, and in their hearts v.'id they feel again that peaceful content ment, that quiet enjoyment, that had their thrones their Yesterfriday. CHILD MOTHER GAYS SAXO SAUVL" MADE HE 3 WELL, "My little girl sufferer! v:!th C2ema on her hand3 for nearly a year and reading about Faxo Salve one day I bought a tube and found it helped her. After using two tubes my baby's hands are entirely well." Mrs. E. P. Hock, 224 E. 17ta streot, Con:ic-' ville, Ind. In all forms of eczema, and all oth er crusted or scaly humors and erup tions, Saxo Salve allays tbe itching at once, and penetrates the rores of the skin, reaching the very roots of the disease with its germ-destroying, healing power and soon banishes tho eruption, leaving the skin sciooili and unscarred. V.'e sell Saxo Salve on a positive guarantee for all sorts of skin affec tions. If it does not give satisfaction you get your money back. Try it. For sale by E. T. Whitehead Co. Fcr Ss!e. Six room dwelling, cut houses and five (5) lots located on Roanoke Street, $2,000.00. Cash or easy terms. H. W. Mixon, Henderson, N. C. E?cr a boo S '. 3 E!i ! We will cure jour 'in-. l' stouJini;, and accoit whatever yon tlurk orr iicr vice was worth, aftrr you're cur. i:. isEWGAL BALES CU., Jacksonville, Fla. Make Hay While The Sun Shines. Thrift bewail with Civilization. It began when moil found it mvossury to provide for to-morrow a wjll as to-day. Thrift or Tinio, compounding interest on Savings Deposits, is thrift of Money. The little Capital a man has stored up is always a source of increasing power, and lie can look the world boldly in the face. Many million people in the United States take advantage of Savings Hanks' assistance. Accept our Hank's protection lor your savings. PLANTERS oc COMMERCIAL BANK. ScctlSiid Keel:, N. C. R yil tl p 3 If! III! I PS We have a big supply of hot weather goods on hand. Come in and let us sell you and help you keep cool. H r 3 F4 For Ladies o rice Mohair Suits for men, all kinds of thin Dress Goods, light weight Underwear for everybody, Straw Hats, all kinds of Low Cut Shoes, special good value in White Oxfords. Let us serve you. Bnri'Giiriis-Pittean-Vheeler Co., Everybody's Shore, . - A1 i R WNCnAH I heod tor 119 years. Our Gradwtn Ket Civti inal? the CoMcee hey-iitt.-n.I, North and South. Ventilation, Sanitation and Safatv r ft? Against Hi-e Pronounced tho BEST by ISO d.jrtora and by every visitinir ParanC pi v'.t Av.japrc astj of 23 pounds te-m of entran. encrcntuateaour Clknat. Fara and Cm I of Fwpda. Military, t-j htip in r.iakins Men vt Boys. Box 73 A An nimiirntion of JOSHY'S TOP D.UiySrJi would ,-ibont, double your yield of Cotton nnd Corn. .JOEY'S TOP DKKSSKIl iv-s tic .t;)ik t hwtthy nnd vigorous rowili. .JOSKY'S TOP DUKSSKRwillpi-o-v; :;t tin1 r-lu-duin.'.;- of Cotton Squares nnd I Soils. .IO;si:YSTOP DKKSSKH will as sist Xiitui o in tlic opening of Cotton. .lOWKY'S TOP DUEiSSKU will re st ore yellow and drowned l.'oltou to its natural color. .jOSin'V; TOP DUESSKIl is com posed oi Quick and Lasting Materials. Analysis 9.00 per cent Ammonia, 1.00 Potash. Ask your merchant for JOSLY'S TOP DKISKP. o -i i u . . . leonaiM weca mm T. TJicy intericcT: z.r.d overlap cac'i ctb'Er in such a way that the hardest driving rain cr snow cannct sift under them. Won't pulsate or rattle in wind-storms. They're also fire-proof, will List as long as the building, arvJ. never need repairs. We have local representatives almoit everywhere, but if none in your immediate locality, write us direct for sampler, prices and full particulars. CORTSICHT METAL ROOFING COMPANY 50 Morth 23d Gtrest Philadelphia, Pa. MOT nits and Men p Scotland Neck, N. I. ft X R r1 n uuano company, North Carolina. D.UU. s. B. R. Crawley, J. B. Parker. Iwub-My-Tism will cure you. 2oc. upy,