9 a s ti "I used to be troubled women," writes Mrs. Anna Jones, c Kenny, III- For nearly a year, I could not walk, without holding my sides, pi I trieu seveiiii uiiieitiii uutiuis, our drujzsrist advised C thin, my weight wj never sick. I ride horseback fine hoalth at 52 years." i: 1 la E9 .1s 81 '. R 9 We have thousands of arriving daily. Such earnest testimony from -those who have tried it, surely proves the great value cf this vegeta ble, tonic medicine, for women. . women up to heatth and strength, it you are a woman, give it a trial. It should help you, for it has helped a mil Hon others. It is made from pure, harmless, herb mgredi- M ents which act promptly and surely on the womanly organs. d It is a good tonic Try it! Your druggist sells it $A VttlWHl wwv. v ' Write to: LvJies' Adviser Dspt.. Chat' noes i Medicine Co.. Cwttjncosa. Tcnn.. -1 te&llnstmcimji. and 64-Suit- fcooU. "Hm.w Trwtewnt for Worn V sent fre. J 55 f Norfolk Southern RAILROAD I I Route of "The Night Express" i Route of "The Now shnri Lin iironri Hastens taroima DIRECT NINE BETWEEN Norfolk, Raieigli, New Berne, Gosboro Via Washington, Kin?tn, Groenvillo, Farmvllic, Wilson, to Points North and South Electric Lighted Puiiman Sleeping and Fast Schedules : Bet Service Double Daily Express Service B. L. Bugg. TrafTic Manager, Norfolk, Vc. W. W. CnoxTON. Gen. Pass. Arc. Norfolk, IS! H tMvMTlie In all First Class Varieties ol lavble and Granite. ..arnest Pormlw. we nsv the p As we employ ro Agents cluded in our prices. H of material and to finish dj1 You will find you are buying, and wiil get ";t quickly. f-1.:?? Tftf . vir-ln VV e r - - im""inDf k Chll!s-ver t severs ; Ilk- CttndHlens n guarantee. Prove our statements for j-curself. Get a bottle today. Give it an honest trial. You will be benefited beyond measure. Your blood will become pure, free from malarial infection. You'll feel like a new being, full of life, ambi tion and strength. Get it at your druggist's today, 25c asd 5Cc Suffolk Drug Corporation,, Suffolk, Virginia BUY AN Automobi FROM Enfield Garage Co., Agents for E. M. F. Flanders 30 20 When you buy an Automobile why not buy the best? We s-eil the best. ENFIELD GARAGE COMPANY, Enfield, N. C. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the wo men of North Carolina. Five regu lar courses leading to degrees. Special courses for teachers. Free tuition to those who agree to be come teachers in the State. Fall session begins September 13. 1912. For catalogue and other informa tion, address, JULIUS I. FOUST, Preiident, Greensboro, N. C. &3 m with a weakness peculiar to & doctors, cur. l grew worse, rinany, g 2ardui for my complaint. . I was so 1 15. Now, I weigh 163, and I am H out i ui;v. '"j as cood as ever. I am in I ft A .sr fs 1L mx SSUS r:WMSdaSS IPs slC i 1 :ch letters, and more an " - ' fi -MFj 3aassla-i j Night Express' Dininq Cars D. V. Coxx, General Asrent, Raleigh, N. C. Va. -ILL. freight and e"varante? sare uehvery. the item of commissions is not in 1ms enables irs to u:-e a metier ra' ;; it reiter t.h'.r. -.incrs'.-.se. Is to.:". what you wane; see and know wh firmer MvhW WnrkK. r or to sic. i a A W' Si W .... J TASTSSiS S 8 t?Ml 1 'WlM!T"S XllHHf . " i - , 1 Tin rani pert Tr r-im M ! w ft ) Chills, LaGrippe and Fevers, or your money cheerfully refunded. know what it has done in thousands cf cases and do not hesitate to make this sweeping- Seaside Excursion Fare VIA THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE The Standard Railroad of Tfce South WEEK-END RATES For Saturday and Sunday fore noon trains. June 1st to Senlfmhrv 'Sth, inclusive, limited to midnight ot the following Monday. Wilmington, N. C, and retarc, $5.00 For further information call cn local ticket agent or add T. C. WHITE, General Passenger Agent, Wilmington, N. C. House Moviiig! I am prepared to move houses with or without chimneys. Reasonable Prices. For terms and further informa tion, apply to R. V. KITCHIN, Scotland Neck, N. C. HARD TO BEAD FACE ONE NEVER CAN BE CURE OF HIS JUDGMENTS. Facial Expression Is Constantly Changing and Correctly to Deter mine Character From It Is a Fin and Intricate Art. The living: face in its relation to tho real character might be likened to an expert juggler manipulating the vari ous articles of his mystic trade. Ex cept in moments of revery or abstrac tion the expression is constantly chan ging; it scarcely remains the same for five consecutive seconds. It is a case of "Now you see rac, and now you dont't," and it is extremely difficult to deter mine when you may be catching a glimpse of the real character, and when the ileeting expression may be a misleading token, involuntary, per haps, on the part of the individual, but cunningly calculated by nature to de ceive the eye cf the spectator. Hence the genuine ability to "read character" in facial expression is much I rarer than ia commonly supposed. It j is not only n line art but an intricate i one. Most persons who fancy that ! thev nossess it in pome degree are really proceeding upon a sort of blind instinct, which is likely to be deceived entirely b3' superficial indications. The accurate judges of men are ex tremely scarce; their gift is one which should invariably leal them to suc cess if they are blessed with half an opportunity. The appraisal of character by pho tographic evidence may be as er roneous as that which is based on the living face, but at least the photo graph gives opportunity for continu ous study and shows none of those shifting moods v.hich are sure to con fuse the judgment. The camera catches its subject as he or she may appear at the given moment. It may be an inopportune moment, the camera may be a poor one, there may be a fault in the plate, or the photographer may lack skill, but something of the true soul and c-haracter of the subject is bound to appear on the surface and to stand revealed to all who see it. The truth may be somewhat quali fied by the fact that the average per son in front of the camera is invari ably mere cr less self-conscious, but in general effect the dominant quali ties are at least partially revealed, so that in r.lmost any photographic por trait one may see strength of char acter, vanity, self-esteem, nobility, meanness, fussir.ess, unserupulousuess or what not, as the c?se may be. When photographs are "reproduced" by half tone process the essential facts of the physiognomy are sometimes ob scure?., especially in the hurried proc esses of newspaper portraiture. Still, in all but the most atrocious examples of such art, these essential facts show through, even if it be with but a dim 2low. Providence Journal. Washington Msn's Whits Fam. Eugene Jacquemin has acquired his heart's desire, a farm on which are pure white animals and fowls, all housed in ppotless shelters and per mitted to roam within bounds of snowy fences. This "white farm'" is unique because it contains many spec imens of albino wild animals and birds. White horses do all the farm wor'i and are the drivers and saddle ani mals. While pon:?s play with the children. White cows furnish butter and milk. There are white hogs, sheep and goats. The pigeons, chick ens, ducks, gees?, turkeys and guinea fovls were imported from Africa. A I novelty is a pair oi ! '.vWtc About the !d0S3 p,ay and TMt of peacocks pure yard three spitz Persian cats leunnre cn the porches. In the orchard j the eccentric farmer has an albino elk, j three- white deer, a mountain f.heep and a polar bear cub. These are in i aviaries a pure white magpie, white j blackbirds, pheasants, wild swan, I cranes and storks. Puyrllup corre ! ?pondecce St. Paul Dispatch. The Defendant's Version. Referring to h:s diary o June 22, 1908, Mr. Studley said it was untrue that, coming home from Lady Glen Coats' ball, he violently pulled his wife out of a cr.h and forced her onto her knees, so that she fell on the pavement. What occurred was this: "About ten minutes to 2, at the ball, I went to my wife and said, 'Cherub, are you ready to go home?' She said, 'Oh, let ice stay a little.' I said, 'Very well; I'll come back shortly.' About Dve minutes past 2 I asked her if she were ready, and she, with very bad grace, said, 'Yes.' I said, 'I can't get up iu the morning if I don't go to bed.' We got into a hansom, and dur ing the short distance to Sloan street she turned on me in a temper and said, 'You spoil all my fun, you brute,' and she let out at me and smashed my hat down over my face all for nothing."' London Daily News. Fores of Habit Strong. At the informal gambol which was given by the Chicago members of the Lambs' club recently, John Drew told of an actor who had the misfortune to fall off a ferry boat at night. Of course there was great confusion, on board. The searchlight was turned round and round in an effort to find the man. lie ea"ne up for the third time just as the light struck him, and from force of habit the actor raised himself and delivered a most ceremonious bow. Then the rescuers grabbed him. ' Eye Water Before or After. "I thought that in the fifteen years of my practice of medicine," said a physician, "I had answered almost every possible 'fool' question; but a new one was sprung on me recently. A young man came in with an in flamed eye, for which I prescribed medicine to be dropped into the eyo three times a day. lie left the office, but returned in a few minutes, poked hiB head in the doorway, and asked 'Shall I drop this in the eye before meals or after?'" Everybody's Mag- ASK YOUE NEIGHBOR. Hundreds ol :-eo, ianu ,mh:k j About It. Home endorsement, the public ex pression of Scotland Neck people, should be evidence beyond dispute for every Scotland Neck reader, j stfmty kmcd. Surely the experience of friends and j Jamison was driving his big neighbors, cheerfully given by them, J tour-n? car to Newells, eight miles will carry more weight than the " fc-j f roni the city, and pulled up the terances of strangeis residing in Lrrade that leads across the Southern faraway places. Read the following: track. In the middle of it, the en David Raw!?, painter, Sixth St., J choked and refused to pull. In Scotland Neck, N. C., says: "I have mnmtint thp freight was seen whiz- taken Doan's Kidney Pills and they have certainly been of the greatest benefit to ire. My kidneys were 1 ;: by disordered and cau-ed my back to become v uk and lame. It was nara lor me lu oi nit uir. j i- r- i , i-i l,..v',. l io.it miseraDie ;n every way. wmi Kidney Pills, procured from E. T. Whitehead Co'?, drug store, relieved my sches and )ains and benefited my entire system. I have no cause for coirpiaint since taking this renk'dy." For sale by all dealers. Price -r,0 cents. Fostsr-ilburn Co., Puifalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. sorrc w n a t C cnirao. etc r. One cc tho v.?? boolzs of reference states in its preface that the "nc.-.noy received t;vo for insertion v.-ili le 'cum! in the cm :id;x." This reminds 3S of an Ausira':nn editor's contemp ;uoiis r.cte to a crrespocilent: '"Your .ettcr is so tcrri'ciis that wo emit iny reference to it.'"' that piles can't be cured. Thousands of obstinate cases have been cured, by Doan's Oint ment. 50 coats at any drug store. Ceajty Hint. Ued e'bows, s.-.ts the Evening Nevs, are happily a t' orn v.hich may be re moved. Saw ofT the red elbows, soak them in a bler.rhing mixture of un slaked lime, stt-ep them in carbolic acid, and they wiil never trouble ycu again. Cold feet may be. treated sim ilarly. For soreness of the muscles, whether induced by violent exercise or injury, there is nothing better than Chamberlain's Liniment. This liniment also relieves rheumatic pains. For sab bv all dealers. Live Australian Freaks. 'A calf, somewhat of a freak of na ture, was born on T. G. Ware's farm at Little Akaroa, Australia, recently. It has five leers, the extra one work ing in a socket in the breastbone. The calf Is thriving, and is strong and healthy. Another freak, a lamb, is re ported to have been born at Plat Point Station. It has three ears and eight legs. It did rot live. r.illious? Fool heavy after dinner? tongue coated': Bitter taste? Com pitxion saliov Liver needs waking up. Dean s Kogulets cure bn:iou attacks. 25 cents at stny drug store. C'nrism? Makes Demand. The Gorman demand for apples and nuts to hang on Christmas trees Is ai voy very The inland roduc- t!on of ?pn!efr, overt in a fr.vorab! year, although large, is. far ten small for the demand, in spite oi the fact that thousands c?f acres cf new trees are planted eat a year. In order to supply the inla-yl market, large Quan-tilie-, of anplc-' .-nd mi's must be im ported from at.vcid each year. Farmer:-;, mechanics, railroaders, laborer?, rely cn. Dr. Thomas' Elec tic Oil. Takes the si ing out of cut burns or hruis?s at. once. Pain can not stay whoT it i-, u ;ed. It Is very surprising to find In the Charlotte Observer this misquotation of an old phrase, "Everything was lovely and the goose was hanging high." This ir, the way the unin formed commonality have come to write it, but ia the Tar Heel coun try they know hotter. The right ren dering is "the goose honkr. high," as the wild gcose does when, the weath er' Is f.ne, or, n other words, when "everything i--. lovely." Nashville Banner. The Choi':c of a i'us!?3nT!. is too important a matter for a woman to be handicapped by weak ness, bad blood, or foul breath. Avoid these kiil-hopes by taking Dr. King's Life Pills. New strength, fine complexion, pure breath, cheer ful spirits things that win men follow their use. Easy, safe, sure. 25c at F. T. Whitehead Co. Women No fewer women, veer recent day. ter took cya in '.'ictdo Epidemic tha-i five suicides, eSl of d committed in Taris one A mother and her daugh- r.:'e cf potassium because they had had no fend for three days. The daughter was a lyric artist. A young Austrian girl cf 18 threw her self onio the veils as a train wi-.s en tering the JIarbeuf fiction of th Me tro. A woman of 40 took arsenic, ard the fifth, who was 27, shot hyrsell through the heart. What Makes a Woman. One hundred and twenty pounds. more or less, of bone and muscle don t make a woman. Its a rood foundation. Put into it health and strength and she may rule a king dom. But thats, just what Electric Bitters give her. Thousands bless them for overominsr fainting and dizzy spells and for dispelling weak ness, nervousness, backache and tired, listless, worn out feeling. "Electric Bitters have done me a world of good,"4 vrites Eliza Pool, Depew, Okla., "and I thank you, with all my heart, for making such a good medicine." Only 50c. Guar anteed by E. T. Whitehead Co. i! Was fio. 13. Charlotte, June 29 -While mak- (j1!:porate efTort to rescue his in tr imnl'v from an impending coUision of an automobile that stopped on the Southern track and a freight train yesterday morning near Newells, John M. Jamkon, proprietor of Srnnpwall Hotel, was struck and in- zing around the curve. Mr. .Jami son had but a moment in which to rescue those in the car. I here were Mrs. Jamison and two children, Mrs. W. II. Bagwell and her little son, of (T . j Jamison and her children jumped, escaping with small injuries and barely missing the crash of train and earr. Mr. Jami son was in the act of removing his "uests when the train struck his car, killing him and badly wounding the Hamlet friends. Yesterday, report has it, Mr. Jam ison took out a life insurance policy for ten thousend dollars, paying first premium with check. He is reputed to have turned to his wife and ask jokingly, "This check is number 13, do vou reckon it will kill me?" No IcterrupHons. In a small South Carolina town that was finished "before" the war, two men were playing checkers in the back of a store. A travelling man who was making his first trip to the town was watching the game, end, not being acquainted with the business methods of the citizens, he callen the attention of the owner of the store to some customers who had just entered the front door. "Sh! Sh!" answered the store keeper, making another move on the checkerboard. "Keep perfectly quiet and they'll go out." body's. -Every Erlht Light in Calamity. Times of general calamity and con tusion have ever been productive of the greatest minds. The purest ere !s produced from the hottest furnace, and the bris-htest thunderbolt is eliclt- isd from the darkest storm. Lacon. If you arc a housewife ycu can not reasonably hope to be healthy or oeautiful by washing dishes, sweep ing and doing housework all day, and erawnng into bed dead tired at night. You must get out into the open air and sunlight. If you do this every day and keep your stomach and bowels in good order by taking Chamberlain's Tablets when needed, you should become both healthy and beautiful. For pale by all dealers. r- il rtJo v otjt m i!un(i js.mij rip si n 'ssn pus iJ i.'u.i.-isn'i livc.s.ip; J' ioq r: 'd.)..;J j ' U Jj)j jlviim 'S it;o lowa rr Ffiiryuf'o -r jl fr: ,;S!p!pr.i:sqiij Jy unaitii; ;s.-qD:;a -i-rji;r.jt L gi T3 I1? .Cut u; at fl.i.--; !?.v.up:i u'p.vnj g 3i pan A.n:ni.v. joj .-ikjdti :t, jy. .'j.uu no iTr,ui!'.in arm'snj-x iiiiOix.T p.vn j,, b ij Mou.iot;jCq StmjsXji'vq si.'.v.oji.Mu S3 Si -:u!'I 3unjstiTi iiwix.irj p.is:i iArq j , f4 y ,.;p.vm .C.i.xl.ucl n o.m.i oi ,-m,s r, :T N li ,vj- iu ;'-J.'n "u i,p r -""oami i ' P J:.MMuiiiiWn Do.;rf a.,., ,V. . . S" Ei '-"'"D-M'aourK 4 ! BHIGKESTBISPitu' DIAMOND BRAND CO' LADIES Ak Ten, . r assess r- SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TRIKU fi vri7 3nr toko as srooa rr s.-wo? t i I 1 i$ mm wtei I' ALCOHOL Z PER CENT. Age(allcPi'cp.'ira!ionror.s simila i iii i!ic Fonif.mf Ri'!u!a iim' lite Siraachs eadfjowelscf Ff orao!cs Bis!icn.Cker;u! ness and Uret'.Contiins neither 0 plirrtt .Morphine nor iiacr il NotNakcotic. jixipecfoMDiiz-iirncm A Jix-Snmit jimscSecd Hi I'arbeuutt Seas Ifort Sifi!- ;. o " n Apr rfecl Remedy for Crawfi?: hVi irtnr i;:nii-;! 'iiarrli!)! 11U1J"" , Worras ,CouvjlsieiiS.i evensti p" and I.OS3 Or i--- zthvii Silnarure of Exact Copy of Wrapper, -'j pell NT..VOIg. MSilttmir t nx East Carolina Teachers irakir 64 A Stat-? school to trnin TomcIi'ts " sfrhools of North Carolina. el to tliis one pm-poso. Tuiiior. IV ai'ivo to toneh. Fall Torm Ii.-j-viiw For catalo'-ni4 and other inforinalioM. Robt. H, Vright, President, p oo-c o-o-oo-o-o v-OO oo-oo-oc co-c o Wholesale And Dia'i' in IFnnnv-s. ''h' '. W. A. BRANTLEY Scotland Xoolc X -i : ' ,- on any Q. D. Cinder til f.t on env V A-' . i- 7 Jirsf as superior to other tires as Mkhdin Red Inner Yzhes clksr fcibcs IN G. C. Weeks Mote Burroughs-PilHtan-W!iac:I; : (Saccessor, to N. B. Joy CompanyV Ur!orlaii-,-' JR. k A Complete Line of Undertaker" s Sirp liurroughs-Plttman-WhecIcr Co., Sec! For Infant.?; r ri7i The Kind ' Always Bears zho Signature of ; p. mm " u ,i THE CCWToun C' Grer n nvi.;. ins r i Q V r . J 1 1 J 1 ri ti ma::i: ufactup: or PLOW EEAfS SSNGLE-TRES FARIVI CARTS 0 e 1 .1 .'! 1.!"T HEARSE SERVICE kT ANY TIN!:. 1 ' 0 , i

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