! 'I i f w t'.' r.ri ta spa" Era, 3 Ail women, who suffer from the aches and pains, due fe tn female ailments, are tir-ed to try Cardui, the reliable, $A . i-. . : 1,r IK. 2 scientific, ionic remedy, for women. Catdui acts promptly, B et gently, and without bad efi - cts, on the womanly system, p. clieving pain, building up strength, regulating the system, & 1 y re -ri f.-mina Tin the nerves. D-jrinsr the past !:aif century, m thousands of ladies have written to tell of the quick curative p results they chained, from the use oUhis well-known medicine, jp TAKE r iftiB Msd? Cast d Brown C-i'3-.r. ! In tie ccursa o;' a recent statement ! before a house ecrnmir.tee Dr. II. W. Wiley, the government's food expert, declared that people -would enjoy bet ter health if they ate lr.ore yellow sugar and less of the refined variety. This remark appears to support the i belief that sugar loses something m i the process of refining which it would be well to retain. Certainly the beau- tit'ul -white sugar now in use lacks the i sugary taste of the old-fashioned gold- en brown sugar of other days. And those who remember- the soft, clean ly brown sugar of their early years I will probably agree that it was quite j as attractive to the eye as the granu- I latcd white variety commonly used I today. And who that remembers pas try made with the old-fashioned sugar will admit that it is equaled by thnt made with the bleached and insipid commodity of the present time? Mrs. lane Callchan suffered from womanly trouble for M. m nr'v ten v?ars. In a letter from Yvmtcvuie, in. u, sns fey savs : l was r.oi auic. vj uu my vwu i;uu..w.u. stomach was weak, and my bi-oa was wrong, i uaci oatK- p ache, and was very weak. I tried several doctors, but they ?i r'id me no rood. ! used Ccrdui for 3 or 4 months, and now & I am in the best healtli I have ever been. I can never praise g l-S Whether seriously sick, or simply weak, try Cai fej CURED A BAD h -'-a u.-cr a. p: uv ;v -t.' !: W (-'.ll-wt: r-, is.'J .i fro s v .v. i:i!t:iit-:v- 1 T-v:i1;:v. .1 i f .f! :' i Mountain of Csr.s. Tha results from an appropriate prize of a goat, plus harness and wag on, offered by ''The Sentinel" to the ; boy who collected the greatest number ! of tin cans, surprised Kuoxville. The ; winner, a six-year-old lad, gathered in ! yards, alleys and streets almost a j thousand cans for every year of his 1 age. Other competitors had scores ! only a little less amazing, so that the ! total effect upon the aspect cf Knox- ville must have been great. The pres- sup- inel" : with consolation prizes for the boys in the second, third and t number. Although DrLL$RS 1 tJioxvillo has reasonable access to .'very year to poultry and hog fg ' fresh, goods from farms and market raisers." Last year thousands of fa ; gardens, a miniature mountain of cans $ HZXS StS3S3 Paufif P i F0Pe bjs5dc "Tiie Sentinel" building. H were saved from c'i.j'c.-a and other diseases q durlrs the hot weather tiy the use 01 -1 Bi -e.) i fj " :1 i'iiui'l"! Hi Perhaps in no other country in the -4."' r ! ' i & , -i.-i x iu. t,u!i: ; S- p; v. oi iu e.xceuu mo 1 iiiiiijymes aru to i concjias used as a substitute for win- ;iaar.derat3 i i y round, and edges are trimmed off, Y.'rCt to: l.?-i'cs' A-i-'.- r rep., Chiaioosa MtJ-lcir-s Co., Chs'lanooja, TcHn., "iaUns'n-cins. amlW-p'rabook, "Tfome Turner.! for Vir.t n." sent 2rs. J C3 Fp .--:-jrr'i'?r-S5;-: - ri;-. 'TspMS i ident of the City Ueautiful league piemented the offer of "The Sent , , , : with eonsolati VCf.V; -". fh li'lS'l' : who bought i : :.:- .:-iy'-'-:; ' , .. ;..:;-LiaIiifeCa W 1 fourth larges is9 '-A Ran rsis r.s f"-3-" ran The Survey. t?l V i: .m!1 -y v. -1 ' tii.i.' until tiieyisci-i ; so as to leave panes aDoat three inches v ' h' il With to...? 'il ri;uiiic, lIjju luf iu c si'i in iHUiuvt ? strips or wood. The shells are, of i ;j ; parent, ard th.e result is a soft, opal- HEARD IN SCOTLAND NECK. Bad Hacks Made Strong Kidney Ills Corrected. All over Scotland Neck you hear it. Doan's Kidney Pills are keeping up the good work, curing weak kid neys, driving away backache, cor recting urinary ills. Scotland Neck people are telling about it telling of bad backs made sound again. You can believe the testimony 'of your own townspeople. They tell it for the benefit of you who are suffering. If your back aches, if the you feel lame, sore and miserable, if the kidneys act too frequently, or passages arepainful, scanty and off color, use Doan's Kidney Pills, the remedy that has helped so many of your friends and neighbors. Follow this Scotland Neck citizen's advice and give Doan's a chance to do the same for you. . L. Wilkinson, Eighth and Church Sts.,-Scotland Neck, N. C, says: "I have used Doan's Kidney Pills which were obtained from E. T White head Co.'s drug store and have re ceived splendid results. This reme dy relieved me of a larr.e'and aching back and also regulated tha passages of the kidney secretions. I recom mend Doan's Kjdney Pills whenever I have an opportunity." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. rw 1 r . - , - - - "? . !. i ijc to V. try where the glare of the sky would be intolerable if ordinary glass were 13 ueu. io obtain the maxuntim win fa ! clow openings the sashes are made to ; i 1 : .-:tts ' 4 1 suae norizoni any en w i; e sills ot naru 'i' ' .-fJ ! wood in a manner similar to that ZfZi vor U 13 adopted by the Japanese. I : ... a i-.'-v. ii.i.i.;. 1 : i. L ; U. I - I ci iv m tor "viiif: Bones. Spavirs J-iC"'5'.'i"5 3fst3 CO. ?jic) ;;r.;'uJo r-.ti.; tJ. s By this means openings as wide as twelve feet are obtained. The Century. 3 v oih-.n- towns. .cupany, ecot-1 Acvnt:; wanted m Cana! Centuries in Digging. Canals nr-e not a now thing: in the "TV-.: : - t ir.n.i.; r.-re5 '-f'tl- :4 C, vntej: ' -2 iw p w 1 8 9 1 fe' 'd i 1 y : I : i ; - r ; .-MJ.- t--- :1 ...... O - o we il. to yourself and family to Fee the P I A M O work! today. Nero in his younger days dreamed cf digging one, and he even started the work on the Corinth canal, but the project was not com pleted until the last century. It is cut through the Isthmus of Corinth and enables ship to go to Athens and then on through the Aegean sea to Constantinople without having to sail around tho rocky coast of Morea, in the south of Greece. It is SVa j miles long, a hundred feet wide and 26 feet deep, though iu some places it was necessary to dig through cliffs 200 feet to reach the sea level. Live Australian Freaks. A calf, somewhat of a freak of na ture, was born on T, G. Ware's farm at Little Akaroa, Australia, recently. It has five legs, the extra one work ing in a socket in the breastbone. The calf is thriving, and is strong and healthy. Another freak, a lamb, is re ported to have been bom at Plat Point Station. It has three ears and eight legs. It did not live. Regulates the bowels, promotes easy natural movements, cures con stipation Doan's Regulets. Ask your druggist. 23c a b,ox. Eye Wr.Ter Be "ere or After. "I thourrht that in the fifteen years of my practice of medicine," said a physician, "I had answered almost every pct.-ible Tool' question; but a new one was sprung on me recently. A young man came in with an in flamed eye, for which I prescribed medicii.e to bo dropped into the eye three timet; a day. lie left the office, but returned in a few minutes, poked his head in the doorway, and asked 'Shall I drop this in the eye before meals or after?" Everybody's Mas- Lumber Carried Burro Back. Th forests of Mexico are situated chiefly in the mountains at altitudes of S,000 to 12,000 feet. In the low lands of the tropics there are scat tered mahogany trees and 'a variety of other hardwood timber. Owing to tho inaccessibility of many of the tracts of timber in the mountains, comparatively few railroads have penetrated them. The chief means of getting out the roughly hewed tim ber and bringing it down from the higher altitudes Is by burros. These little beasts of burden have powerful strength and endurance. They follow the narrowest and most dangerous mountain trails even when - their bodies are loaded with the weight of enormous timbers. It Is upon the hacks of these burros that thousands of railroad crossties were brought down from the mountains, thus en abling the construction of the more modern lines of transportation. iujj.WM !tJl-B yt n" Finest Coat in the World. Anna Held, famous French come dienne and cantatrice, is the proud possessor of a wonderful garment cre ated from skins of Russian sables which cost $25,000. The coat was made in Paris and required 110 skins, perfect in every detail. Their color ing Is most uniform, and the pelts are of the same even texture. This valu able coat is made up on the kimono pattern. At the neck, instead of a collar, there is a scarf composed of four choice sable skins, all lined with ermine. There are four ermine tails on one end of the collar, "and a head and three tails on the other. The scarf is fastened about the shoulders and neck by a hook. The coat when finished was said by experts on furs and their wearing to be the finest coat in the world owned by a single individual. , to get acquainted with its $ o beautiful rich tone. Hearing Pioneer Tobacco Growers. The original planters of fine tobacco ! ii . in iiuiiuuias were vjueans, wno brought their seed and methods of cur ing, and. with favorable soil, climate, Administrator's Notice. Having qualified n-i ahv.'hv.-r.tor of J.jhn. H. Ni-ah fhcc-.--as,;:.l, it-.'-t! of llHiifr.x county, Nrf.h C:iroh.;"i, thi.s is to notify p.li person '.-.avin:.-' clalia? -igairiot th- esta:?: of h;; tj..-ciiscii to prcnt thstr.i to ijie i.n'ler-Vnod within oiio year frum tho of this notice or saM no1 ice i! bo pleaded in bar of thoir recovery. AH perfsons indebted to ?-aid er.tate . will piease make imrr.ediato stttle mont. Julv 11, 1912. R. S. NEAL. Adm'r. Kitchin 8z Smith, AttVs. JHE NORTH CAROLINA Stale Norma! - and Industrial College I au! seeing U believing; con:e a. itions were successful, j choir tobacco taking first prize in sev- C nnv XZ7'-- T. i -rVi" ri c-r.n onI ,rl 4 ii ; - l T-.m j j ; is ?,Iaintained by the State for tlv- wo men of North Carolina. Five; regu lar courses leading to dgrevs. b.ieciai coin for tend Frt to our ware rooms, fee l-.'-av for Y(.)UR?EbF. You v difference; particularly at the price and teiins. be surprised .at tho Buy From The JVIaker. 3-nd for Catalog. Leon II. Steele, Mgr., 114 Granbj Si., Norfolk, Va. tics were exported to Cuba and sold as Habana tobacco. Th-ese planters became well to do and retired. One of the most common ailments that hard working people are afflic ted with is lame back. Apply Cham berlain's Liniment twice a day and massage the parts thoroughly at each application, and you will get quick relief. For sale by all dealers, !ns.-ir?d Fprrous Hymn. "Jesus, Lover ci' My Soul," is 6 hymn r.rrru:- I v!:?::h rnnny traditions cd sr.f.-cd .irr.ociations cling. The story ccr: u ctcl with its origin may be legendary, l;::t it is no less beauti ful. Its author, Charles Wesley, was Sitting at Lis desk by an open win dow when a bird pursued by a hawl flew in. Tho bird was saved, f-ir th. bawk feared to fo'low it. Thf; inci Sent inspired Wesley to write hir famous liner:. Arc Ever At War. tuition to tuos'3 who aree to bc--coti? toacher.i in t.hp Statc. F-iU sf wion begins September IS, 1012. For catalogue ar,d.othcr ir.formfe tion, address, J JUUS I. F0U3T, Pesideat, Graen.hiro, N. C. Seaside Excursion Fares THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE The Standard Railroad cf The South WEEK-END RATES For Saturday end ounijy fore noon trains, June 1st to September 8th, inclusive, limited to midnight of the following Monday. Wilmington, N. C, and re! are, $5.00 For further information call en local ticket agent oraddrcs T. C. WHITE, General Passenger Agent, Wilmington. N. C. 1 Aiirn nn, 1 8UV8li I am prepared to move houses with or without chimneys. Reasonable Prices. For terms and further informa tion, apply to R. V. KITCHIN, Scotland Neck, N. C. Will It Jose v Scotland Nf.ck, N. C. INSURANCE of a'.S kinds written. Why insure in companies that, 1 . . . . . -. . ; . -. ,i jj o r ti.t; r i lay vvir-.ii tu j;?.iy ana can 1 1 i j ciiiiK, irriisiiion, lniiamation or rej-irescnt the strongest and swelling. It gives comfort, invites There are two things everlastingly at war, joy and piles. But Ruck len's Arnica Salve will banish piles m any form. It soon subdues the it- ' .'i.i! ri , most iiDerai companies nt America. Life and Accident, Mutual Benefit and National. Fi RE THE HOME. As3otsovcr.il million. THE CONTINENTAL., Assets over 24 million. THE PHILADELPHIA UNDERWRIT ERS, Assets over 2 4 million. THE K1DFLITY-PIIENIX. AsboIs over J r 10 mi!!ion. g TIIE GLOBE AND RUTGERS. Assota over 5 million. Should von vvinri incnrariTO of any kind poo me. Will see that lo,s is paid, unless by fraud ' f: AppHcsiion for Pardon of ?A. Suggs. Application will be made to the Governor of North Carolina for the pardon of Ed. Suggs, convicted' at. the November Term, 19 1, of tlv Superior Court of Halifax county of the crime of murder in the second degree and sentenced tothe State's prison for a term of three years. All persons who oppose the grant ing of said pardon are invited to forward their protests to the Gov ernor without delay. This the 18th day of July, 1912. Ashry Dunn, Attorney for Petitioner. ; joy. jtieaiesL ueuier oi Dlirns, pons, r ! ulcers, en In. l)niisi-?'o,-7rmn scalilo pimples, skin eruption. Onlv 25 cfs at E. T. Whitehead Co. There Are Others. In our adolescent inexper'ence wo cherished the notion that hotel clerks and book store attaches were th most conspicuous of the urintclb'tifnts. Yesterday, however, a telegraph rper ator objected to our using "juxtapose" In a night letter. '-We don't Mlow code word:?," s?a!d he. And for thit life of us we couldn't think of a snappy comeback. Indian Killed On Track. Near Rochelle, lib, an Indian went to sleep on a railroad track aud was killed by the fast express. He paid for his carelessness with his life. Often its that way when people neg lect coughs and colds. Don't risk your life when prompt use of Dr. King's New Discovery will cure them and so prevent a dangerous throat or lung trouble. "It completely cu red ine. in a short lime, of a terrible cough that followed a severe attack of Grip," writes J. R. Watts, Floy dada, Tex., "and I regained 15 pounds in weight that I had lost." Quick, safe, reliable and guaranteed. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free at E. T. Whitehead Co. Baby went suffer five minutes with c roup if you apply Dr. Thomas' Ec lectic Oil at once. It acts like magic. Apis. It is difficult to believe what early writers tell us of the divine honors lavished upon Apis, the sacred bull of Memphis, and upon Mihevis, the sa xed ox of Heliopolis. Yet perhaps some of our customs of deeds of to day, as handed down by the uninitiat ed, may ceem just as incongruously absurd when heard and understood from an equally proportionate futuro time. Her LIttfe Knowledge. The lady was reading a nautical novel. She struggled along bravely for a few minutes, but finally had to appeal to her husband. "Gerald," she said, "the author says that the boat was sailing 'wing and wing.' What does that mean? I've been on a yacht, but I never heard that before." "That means," answered Gerald, re joicing in the fact that he, too, had spent several hours on a sailing ves sel, "that means that the schooner had her mains'l out to port and her fores'l out to starboard or vice versa." "Oh, I see!" cried the lady. "It's just like a chicken a wing on each side. And now I understand why they call those little sails in the middle 'jibs. It's short for 'giblets' of course. Isn't sailing interesting?" - Tlie Kiad You Ilavo Always Boil, in use for over 30 years, J::.s ou j and ?:f:yi. All Counterfeits, Imitations n:ul n.vperhnesits thut trifles v:Hi f;:: l e i ' Infants and Cliiklren Kxpcr'- iK"! ; What, is CAB'" ' Castoria is a harmless tntatHnl. : goric, Drops and Suolhhi? fcyri: ;t5. contains neither Opium, 3I. ph' , Kubstaiiec. Jt3 ago is its pilars; u! -v. and allays FevcrlshnchS. 11 cur-:; i" Colic. It relieves Tccthhiff Tr.-.;l.;I. and Flatulency. It a.-wiiii:iaes t; Stomach and Bowel, ii"g hail: : . Tho Children's Panacea Tho TIoi' GENUINE CASTCK: Bears the Signa-;.. In Usa For Over SC thc ccntaua connm, tt wiubhay OTrcr, m. The Kind lou m Determined to Visit Birthplace. "It was the only way I could visit my old home before I die." This is Henry Sack's excuse for disappearing from his farm near Oak Mills, about three weeks ago, and sailing fo Eu rope. His son, John Sacks, received a letter from him recently. This was the first word his family received from him, although they learned that he sailed from New York on a trans atlantic liner. Mr. Sacks is now at Uheline, Trussia, his birthplace. He is staying with relatives, he wrote, but he expects to return In a month. He often expressed a wish to visit Germany, but his relatives objected ; on account of his age. He Is eighty- two years old. Kansas City Journal. "Doan's Ointment cured me of ec zema that had annoyed me a long time. The cure was permanent." Hon. S. W. Matthews, Commission er Labor Statistics, Augusta, Me, Mountain Stops Wireless Message. It has been observed repeatedly on board vessels stationed west of Cape Otway (at the southern tip of Aus tralia) that it was impossible to com municate with vessels situated in the port of Melbourne. This has been attributed to the fact that the moun tain which forms the cape contains large quantities of metallic mineral which absorb electric waves. Impure blood runs you down makes you an easy victim for organ ic diseases. Burdock BUnni Bitters purines the blood cures thc cause builds you up. Knew Whose Room It Wa3. A Chicago business woman has re cently returned from a trip through Pennsylvania. At a small town there is a hotel where it is said George Washington used to stay when he was in that part of the tountry. The Chi cago woman arrived at the little hotel after a theatrical company had been assigned rooms. She was assigned to a poor room on the top floor. At the breakfast table an actress who had a comfortable room said: "They gave me the room they used to give George Washington when he earns here." "Well," said the Chicago woman, "the one they gave me must be the one they gave Benedict Arnold when he came." East Carolina Teachers I A StMt. school to tr;in T- '. schools of North Carolinn. Kvr . cil to this one ymiposc. Tuiti;:; n&rve to teach. Fall Tci :n tirpi:. For catalogue and other inform-; : : Robt. H. Wright, President, Caret r ! Q OO-C OOO O-O O OOO OG O-O W h'olesale a n d MANUU FACTUM El PLOW BEAM SINGLE-TREE FARM CART: And Dealer in Hai nes. "! W. A. BRANT?; Scotland Needs, . . . . 6-000000 c-oooo o ooo or Burreuglis-Pifiinaj!- vV v (Successors to N. Ib Josey CVmpnrj V. Stork Partial to Miner's Domicile. There seems lo be r.a especial af inity between the stcric and the fam ly of Frank Eartofsl.i, a miner at Dickson City, Pa. In ten years the )?rd has brought 12 babies, including hree pairs of Iwiiis, and one E.et of riplets. Ten cf the children are lives. "Were all medicines as meritorius as Charnberlin's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy the world would be much better off and the percen tage of suffering greatly decreased." writes Lindsay Scott, of Temple, Ind. For sale by all dealers. Beauty Hint. Hed elbows, says tha Evening News, are happily a thorn which may be re moved. Saw off the red elbows, soak them in a4 bleaching mixture of un slaked lime, steep them in carbolic acid, and they will never trouble you again. . Cold feet may be treated sim ilarly. Flying Men Pall victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles just like other people, with like results in loss of appetite, back ache, nervousness, headache, and tired, listless, run-down feeling. But there's no need to feel like that as T. D. Peebles, Henry Tenn., prov ed. "Six bottles ot Electric Bit ters" he writes, "did more to give me new strength and good appetite than all other stomach; remedies I used." So they help everybody. It's folly to suffer when "Tin's great remedy will help you from the first dose. Try it. Only 50 cents T. Whitehead Co. Sleeping In Doses. Doctors are now studying the Idea of sleeping for a shorter time and oftener. 15y divtelon of the hours of Bleep new stimulus for work is gained and new energy both physical and mental must result. Harper's Weekly. A vast amount of ill health is due to impaired digestion. When the stomach fails to perform its func tions properly the whole system be comes deranged. A few doses of Chamberlain's Tablets is all you r eed. They will strengthen your digestion, invigorate your liver, and regulate your bowels, entirely doing away with that miserable feeling due to faulty digestion. Try it. Many others have been permanently cured why not you? For sale by all dealers. Caskets.-)! Stained Boards. Boards that are stained are apt to eccme lighter after, a little wear; )ut if rubbed with paraiTin oil they viil again become darker. They may hen be rubbed with beeswax and tur pentine, when they will lock as we'l is ever. "I was cured of dirrrhoea by one dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera a..uy,ii,ea nemeoy," writes M r,, eDnart Oriole, Pa. There is lers ueuer- r sale by all dea Coffins mmm- A Complete Line of Under" J HEARSE SERVICE AT iU'V Burroughs-Pilfman-Wheelcr Co., orrolk hoi RAILROAD Koute cr "lha Night - New Short Line Throufh Essl: DIRECT LINK BHTWiT" Norfolk, Ra!cijh, New B r1 N Via Washington, Kinston, Crivmi;'', Wilson, to Points North .v- d Electric Lighted Pullman Sleeping Fast Schedules : Best Scr ." - Double Daily Express Scrv; B. L. Bugg, Traffic Manager, Norfolk, Va. W. W. Ckoxto.v. Cen. Pass. Agt. Norfolk, Va. GHIGIIESTERSPIU.S DIAMOND BRAND Mk at EJ T A TTT?f Gold metallic hoS, .? ln Red andXCV Ribbon TakI KOXoiHiaeVUheBluw) years regarded as Best LfeVf i txrS,n- QAl n Bx " , i1-A,wy Reliable. ft II X fcl m LWi. JET- i - rof " Monuments In all First Class Varieties of Jim! ' Largest Stock in ih Remtmbor, we pay the freight ami g As we employ no Agents the item f -eluded in our prices. This enablr u -of material and to finish it better tl ; -: worth considering? - ' When You will find what you want : you are buying, and will i; i ;.i: .. " uls ' ' ;i .... "H it Tv 1 1 ;?, ''I. it ' .tf" :ij "I'l, ; wi. ' Js v. .1 III" i. A A .i . f : r A The Coupcr M irl CEtablislied 181S.)I ?' t il ikied bibninnrKb 'ii