tr I i g.?.--",:.. rtic LiW$ Circulation o r a ra y p'Prt County Ncwspspsr. Tfte Largest Circulation C F ANY SMifax Cctr.ty Ncvspafcr. f SC. UUDY, dJHor and Proprietor. "ExccJsicr" Is Gut Hollo. Subscription Price S-I.CO Per Yccr SCOTLAND NECK, H. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 191?. NU&SEfi 2. i HE COMMON W K A T TH. W!: Is Grateful . it : IV. So v pp. u io 1ft ou Swamp I V.T? both months v. it'' " P.r sa . id : ' , d i ho! .:::' :vr y trouble, a!s. :! va- had!y -p. A. lor useng rw-mp-r. ; l iiea'tli. I pm : ribu'nr of Pari:' and can't ma-di for Svsmp-Root. I in !; o health. ll'li ours, J. DOPr, p. St.. Par's, Texas. a and suhser kr-d to bfifo' to ihPh day of February, A Of .VS. A. NF.OTHEKY. ,f the i nee and "x OSoio. hV in and for Lamar 'P'XOS. K Per & Cd.. -.,., a. y. . Vv! T'o For Yua. i p., B--. Kilmer & Co.. Bing- rg 1'-. V., for a sample bottle. convince any one. You will k-oP a a P'-ok'ct of valuable .v.tb-rt, to! bag all ?;bout the and k'r-dder. When writ- -are and mention The Com P.h. lu-gular fifty-rent and ."are size bottles for sale at all "on S. c. l;voon, DENTIST. -e i p :;,.;. np stab in White- 1 .:. .1 Ru'ddhirp h- a - s from n to i o'clock . r. to ? o'clock. . Moiia AX fin r. and Surgeon nd Nock, N. C. bunding former! v . P. WimPerley. P . bTATOX, PTh:rnet-st-L:W, , .S.uP Neck, N. C. -: sever his services arc vv asir.-i. " : I Counselor L2V' -o Neck, N. C. rev:-r ids services are : - . r !. i -. anprovea " Y MOUNT, N. C. nl Ned:, N. C, on -Hyyofeaeh month eat toe diseases of -so. Throat, and fit 7- 7 4SI . TTT'tf ir ! ' - ,-r i nwnn" & Commercial i ...-.. t -.. -., . ! !- -.i-v. i I - - no; ' , : ! Neeit, N. C. o,',l t j :cop your lo Jili ltjcr Imt a:i. ran Tip t h( UIOST J'vo-! '"' i ;t:i(l ilisonx" Vr j 77 !.: v 1 Vs algtgo of 1 IhotoMiios sold OI1! i o : 1 (li;:rmitr', baek- t Grocery Oofaany. ". -- r.ii'-is' -MP.o.r; ,1 : L- !--. v -' . 1 S'-:i'jr C'ryl Pa5 C1 in Lis z ! 1 t..' ; .a: a ; to sot ou 00 ; ' os t.; b; tam r,--- joo: or hr.v- :;ome i'-oeiag in the ! -I ah r n1 ! 3. I s' ; T.- ;-! : d ;!'- ' 'an- ve- m; ' s; Phe-e ah ) ;s o;r hi-..-:, a,,.,.. 1 '.ther Ch..i'-o Oat lPe a! it-signs. Palms , 1 f-i tv ,! v'-r p-f jia H. STEIN METZ t FLOkIST "td:, North Carolina ar (,,1-,r:: Madrj, Local Agent, Scotland Neck, N. C. 9 f.S:Sl2!lGn fa no Aj&sd Tor Ly Tim rr?hi:h n forces. Ihe weak of temperance reform i- mo, on. Tho Anti-Sr.-ocr. League r.v. raised Uviea r.s much rnonsy and dono twice a? nvaeh wo: 1 thi- year as last. The txecutivt ccmr:.ittce ft its annual Inp on N-)vem,-?r 23th sto"l for a search and feizurs hxw for the bai ter tdiorceir.ent cf the State-wide prohibition !a,v, and a convention to meet in Hnleigh January 30, 1013, to endorse this action. This st?cms to be the true inter pretation of the centiment. Ti:e Bapt::,t Shite Convention, the N. C. Conference, the Western N. C. Con-fHi-or.c, tho IJethodist Proiestftnt Coifv-ivnoe, tho Christian Church (Di'dp'e), and the Cliristian Church (O'Kthyite;, in their annual lroet-inj'- ';;( November 20th have mernorialhioi the General Assembly to pa.-.s this mousure. We tlr:s 1( nra-ro from one of the reports: "After a slu ly o the temperan:e situation in our State and Nation, your committee believes that the Legislature ought to onset a law giving authority to police officer.-; to ! by the Southern Fertilizer assecia cearch places suspected of &ehiry ; t'on of Atlanta, Ga. Many counties 1 kia or and to seize such liquor when will also send hoys to this Expcsi found. That the Congress of the ! tion. United States ought to pass a law that wiii restore io f aeh Stale the right to protect itself against liqur r shipped from other States, there fore we recommend: j "Thai this Conference memorial-1 ize the General Assembly that e-n- j venes in January, 1012, to enact a search and seizure law as a means to the enforcement of our prehibi U m iav,-." The J :1 '.:n n' the police officers r.nd lemp..-; anee v orkers is that this leg; -:a::on is necessary at d the law makers ought not to delay in pass-' j ing it at om e. Tito passage of ti e: Washington, D. C. Jan. G. Al j Woht-S::eppard-Kenyon Bill, which ready the "elder statesmen" of the ! eve 2 body now predicts, will make 1 U. S. Senate ar j 1 c-ginning to dis i soe!i iep ithttion necessary in order i cuss the make-up of committees, in ! -t.t h- .ilh:;:rx -vib :-!i"s;'h loc--o!i(i!:Oif,Ti r f i assemhline of lation .eees a;y hi oid.r that the 1 oliieers may sriro this liquor when about March 20lh, next. Whh ti e it is in the possession of the railrer d ! reorgasdzation of the S-oale aecom and eypr-.-:r, coiupaaics to try the j phshed, in so far as its ofheers are licpor fmd ifr.ow it; int-nt. The ehurchi-s io their reports ad v ?se 'ayoi-.-.n nnd pastors to ai tor d the tmipejance g-idiering in Raiehdi January 00th, and Superintendent Davis is looking for a large, repre- to t-ioee who rave e: reed ehairmrn sentaHve, and enthusiastic gather- ships threugh long? h e-f service in ing. Ihe need patent t c-w of this legislation is :ry man who has noted the shipmc-nt of liquor into his own territory i.. the j net thirty dt.ys. VviVAK PrOsr-esUil V.aQ. : that he will not he abl : to give that The i opular vote for President in I very important comrniite j the tit e th : t-'ect'on of 1912 shows thatW il- or -onsiJeration it desc-rve V. ith so i ivcvivel a total of G, 156,748; Senator Bac-n at the head of for Rocs:vrltp,,02:l,ll Taft, 3A7f,422; e'gn affairs, S nator Culb:rtson, of Jpd;s,C7:;,7,;'; Chatin, 100,Gi4. While ' Texas, will became the head of the this vote -'s not complete, officially, ' it s pis ctica;iy accurate except as Debs and C'rudhn, whose vote has not ben r-n-rtei in scveriil States Wlrhe Bryan nas overwhelmingly defeated in the electoral college the th'tee times he was a candidate, his popular vote every time was more than Wilson's. Wiison eatried 41 1 ,j;i'0P? v.-im 44 eifcorai votes; f!no!"vplf. r-arriod f:vo Strops with electoral v., to, and Taft carried two Statos with ei;t!:t - ieclorat votes. - rhamSun. Miiliilties of People take SCOTT'S EMULSION regu larly to repair wasted vitality and enrich the blood to withstand winter colds and exposure. It contains the highest grade of cod liver oil, medically perfected; it is a cream-like food-medicine, scrupulously pure and healthful without drug or stimulant. En dorsed and advocated by medical mehoritiet everywhere. SC D71 . "L7.rCc"nvcs oat . Ids o erishes the ioc:-:branea cf tho "T rent and lungs and keeps them heal. h y. ;PiP-T. caefs SCOTT'S fx '1-..PYTer .:m iP-ocoP s,--i'.r;-ri .-we, lighC'chssts! ell pal.xc:iery (roiles. Eejually good for infants, children or adults, but you must have SSOTP'Sm Tcott & Bo-vxF.,.BIoomf.eld, N. J. 12-55 Although a 'arjee part of the Si ate experienced the most fevero drouth in many years, the result of the Boys' Contest shows an m creased averar c yield above 1915. Six hund red and thirty-five boy:? have if ado their report with a tohil yield of 39,'iOO bushels or an avevan yl. 1J of 62 S bushels per acre. ' In 1011, four hundred and thirty-five hoys i-:v.-ort-ed with a average i l l of CO. 7 hn t heli". The average cost in 1012 wr.:.; 47c while in 1011 it was 45c. This increase cost is due largely to t he severe drouth in the Piedmont ?ec t't n, which reduced the yield and thereby increased the cos; per bushel. Tvvo hoys made above 175 brssheb, five above 150, twenty-one above 125 and seventy-five above 100. The largest yield was made by Richard Brock, in Wayne county, but his cost of production was so htre that the championship of the State goes to George West, Jr., of LPnstcn, with a yield of IS 1 bushel-. The tvvo boys making the be-5t re cord in eachjj'strict, twenty i.i ah win free trips to the National Corn exuoM'ien. These trips are given One girl, Mi-s Ethel Smith, of Stanley coenty, competed with the boys and won third prize in her dis- trict. There we: e two ether girls i in the contest in the Slate, but their yields were not large enough to win district prises The work is in charge of I. O. Sehaub, of the U. S. Department cf Agriculture and A. & M. College, assisted y A. K. Roberts-ai, of the State Department of Agriculture. Congress in extraordinary session concerned, the Sergeant-at-Arms, Secretary and chaplain, the Senate, throaah a committee on eoamdttes. win tare op the task of parr lli?.-g oat the de-ir:J)'e eom:nitt:e places the v.pi cr branch of the National Le;;i3'a-ure. Senator Racer, who is senior on both the iudic'ary and foreign aria its c-'tnmittoes. has been elected t take the eh armanship of foreign affairs and will quit the judiciary committee entirely, on the ground jud;ciary committee. Other committee chairmanships will go to the following: Finance, Senator Simmons, of North Carolina; Navy, Senator Tillman, of South Carolina; Military Affairs, Senator Jos. F. Johnston, of Akbama; Post Offices and Past Roads, Sena tor John II. Bankheae, of Alabama; Appropriations, Thomas S. Mat tin, of Virginia; AaricuUure, Thomas P. Gore, of Oklahoma; Commeiee, Franc's G. Newlands, of Nevada; Puhdc Buildings as (hounds. Cauda A. Swrns'a. of Vuvinia; Rides, Lee S. Overman, of North PProbra. We hpe ir-S'-.y of oar farmers are ! starting bank aee mncs row that i money from the year's cr ps is e .nt ! mg in. A it an it r ore likely to ! save, his money if ho has stared I putting his sm plus in a h--.:P.: aod it i is a gre-at convonieneo to be- aide to faake payments by e.acea. oiaa yon pay a bio v-itn easu you na y : a. m )-o-ovd of its nivmeot: ut ' a returned eheek whh the i ; -vee s i emmrsome at on tne nas;. o o surm e- . la good receipt - r 1 , . . ri";'5.n!,t of prc-o a j n ho have f ; ho-wover. are r 4 .-,.-1 U-viJ' nt-n'.f.'c- ; rted bank aeeoaolsj us car-efal as t) ey ' ioa'd bo in writing checks. We have just leeeived a check o n sat - so? iotion writ'en in leed pencd. 00 : check should ever be written m pen-, tj,ey czn ;vivaaced, and it gives cil. It must frequently pass through opportunity to test every o.licials several hands before reaching the , faithfulness. At any rate a change bank, and it, written ih pencil it is i is j,iways poniethirg definite jipan easy for the amount to be raised. '.which to work. Wilmington .ids Progressive Farmer. 1 patch. S0S8 ZWiVt fr, S"!:ha;: ttxq V:.'Ul li for Thy The year j i .t fined has marke I many improvements in Heoi!s:-d Neck along in in rial hr:'-s. Whlh there lias rot Ixn any hing very remarkable in the growth an! de velopment here, y;.:t the oh town has not bet'n as:eep by any mean?. The farmers in this region were blessed with an abundant crop and soli the same at a rp!e;'uid p:io. thus get tin:? g )!-d r-.ntnmratien for their tuil, and t'e., h.cerly aii have money. During the year 'here hive hi or. many ihou f nds (f dollars spent in building, rfmoeeiing and repairing. Among the mod noted rtmclure? erected or completed during the past year we:e the n pgrblecnt graded fcho-jl building that cost the ta"-payers nearly 23,00), and the beautiful new Baptist rarronage on Church : '. "-t at an expenditure of more then $,000. Besides these splen;li ! etru-tures the Atlanti-: Coa-t Li. io Ihii'raad Company has erected on then- property an elegant passenger station at a cost of sever al thousand dollars; and tiie year closed wi'h the work of building the splendid r.'wr t -lephcne ex- enan;z(; budairg by the Carolira Telephone & Telegr.vnh Cmsany he'-S rm;; forvard with good Progress, r.tvl it will be conmhted tiei ):o many m nths rf the new year have passed into hi-story. There have ahss H on ore r e 1 sove:al beautiful eottg:s in d'hk-renf parts of the- town. Tho municipal c'orlrh; light plaid, ins'a'led in Sc ahm d Mc:-'-: several years ag ,, h;ng since re; ehed its capacity :imb, an;l' it brcamo roe-os-sary to j-.artia'Iy r-l-uild that and pot in some new'-in-r-y. Thi w,s foa.e durirg tiis aunmc-r, and the sy; t m ehang- d from an alter nating to a direst cm rent, thus al ums" dsm dog its capacity and mak ing it p-.;.-rh?Ir-ro meet any cfe-m; nds ti nt may I:-.- made i p;s i; ;-!snL. There fa-" 1. n iru!.:h ae'iviiy ir the pernaatvnt iarprovarnent of the county Id '.ways, ; n:l hy.-;b;ad of jest a f.-.-w mdes a caatdy, as ir w:;s of the old year, P: g . d ; i a 1 in the .t t!--e b-cvioi.:n:i re oo-v m n-.- enie 5 oi nape, and en? can n V''" I ef-m-ty h'y h'.v-; -. r.r tr ivP ahnost "roin one en- of the county to the- other over soma : pp-,. did a: PaP h on-'j- en dnrlr.g the y ar ja t clo-a-h Tirere hm ; Is been m-ard-el sioee tho beabming of 1012 a healthy ptdm'c nt intent in favor of the good ro;als q"o. tion, and ere another yta v redis a our a these is re :sonah's probaldiify of tim eenr.ty being one of th- iaf.-.-t eathtmhtsiie g sod roads counties any v. en-re with in tho loiakis of Eastern North Carolina. In Scotland Ne' k the various busi ness h su -es and fv.etoi ios have had a r.ear-"nfd'y p, osaareus year, and th y have all done a splend d btts; ness. Tin re has botn but one fail ure in the tovvn dt-ring the year, bat that was promptly adjusted and the business continue 1 almost with out in t r rti ption . Aaothf-r thing worthy of note here is the exceedingly small num ber of business ehangos made a I the b g'naiag e-f the year. Heretofore, there have boon quite a number of changes made at the opening of a new yea5-, but this year thorp have been less than a. ha'f a d ;ron. Altogether Scotland Nock has had a msst. prosperous year, and wl.iie there are many ihinas of great ?m portnnee that Paadd have been h . us s i h 'pe ior gi'oa cr ! hev-; v-r . . s .pmeat and more industrial er;iy during ihe year 1010 (ban ever be"- r aPP'V . o rs wo h-ivi been able to ; lea-n every ea t Py lh-d; has ad- pted ; ; the fPiary :steo. ;-h;ng:ng f i cm ' i-rrovldri f--a - vs'ert. ti.aP o'Pei'., tktP ; a?o tax-p syees : i breedD diic -r ; ami k i . . . . 4. :.. ..-;. bu me-s? Pas save.; i v. -m-y. Evory comity ; that wiii make ti-e switch will do ; uo'e-:, of eeouse, the work ..r: .---r.- , a no iho In other words-, th, ie w'il be a sav- .-. ,r- rivs a-x- ret made all J A . . . ..1 o i mo v ara arm, ev. a i aO -. ;; . a . i tor i : - . -eocevc . Iho jnr, : oy tides i event a- e 5 an go or, pin:, ot ?a'sou i,,;;,. too togt tia-y cati be eat: a n- ev :i too law . . t Br'i:l:hyville, SO-On De- eemhei- j 2th our l-.oloved brothe r, Rov. J. Pritehard, pa. tor cf the M. P. Chorea " liore, was 1 appi y iusirled. Idiss Laura K. Venter, el .'j-'k-r City. wa r nrmi:ig k; id.-. On the rirl.t o" the 14:h !.e 'ariiee:1 :h his I r:d and giac i r: :, hee; l we'eome was extemd.-d the n. The parsonage ha 1 been i flitted rnd beautifully furnished. Each ehr.r- b on the eircoit fitted up a room, ' the pastor v;?s bountiful-y poundo l wiih fteur, f -agar, coffee, hams, fruits, wood, and tl.e like. He is kj orvedly popular with his prop's is well as the people gpnerally. May his ve-efulness increase wit: his ears, and may be be a "eh:-ceo vessel to preach the gospel to dying men. TliC coming. f the gladsome Christ mas tide brought joy to tl.e hearts of our people. Lkv. N. M. Harrison ami. s'.-,ter, Miss Frances, of Westminster, Md.. 4T& at home for the holidays. Hiss Fila Will', of Sanfovd, is spending the wetk with h v loved one. Miss Beriie Nicholson, of Faim ville, Va., sister of our beloved phy--ieian, is visiting Panthea Harrison. Mr. Ben Vinson, of Richmond, is vkitmg his uncle, Air. W. C. Vinson. air. Ton: C mist io: of Noifuiie. and Mr. ami Mrs. Charlie. Smith, of il-l-iiard.Poa. is visiting : Ir. G. S. Smith, Jar. and airs. Moore, of Durham, are- rn -ading a few days in the home of Mr. Ja'.. Saunders. Rev. N. M. Harrison pr. ached to an appreciative eongrogition BoUte-'da Nat is a ponerai favo: ite. Miss Hamlet, of Roan he Rapid-, daughter of Mr. Ch;:. Haralct, one of our boys, i; vh-itieg Mr. Ed. Ayeoch. Christmas ;- ;ro v. as la evident. -amoiig the Colo; od a roe. vitae-s'-; before in our midst for ye -re. This fcrihe txU nda foy ai and to e .ch of voir read' rs the r ish that the r.t-v.' year may bring joy .ml ip.eno-i and gjeat p: e: ::oi ity sou7 at .d body. W. G. A. D;:po:;rs 1 Ch do I'fiHS. Drarars X Roads, iP:c. 00.- The Chtistmas holh'sys are ah- ut v- r and our good ne;ghl or 3 a id beio mahirg Nee. Yr-r phaoa Times have been (pair I : round he. dt;ri:g- PhPsPnaa Brn-iybo-iy have more or las; e.)j-.-yed th-.- occa sion. We l.-ave h ard of ; rdy one acci dent. On the aftern'-on of OhPP. mas da-, whhe mt i iiating a r.e-g r i .:o Sin herd 'id;a:'.:: va aeu-d-.-n tally shot thro.-gh the heml and killed instantly. On Monday idj-ht, December 20r,', at 1 o'clock, doaih case in'o tl home of Nick Fox, colored, nej Rocky S.vamp L-ke, and claimed b' -a?ed father, a co'ored man uide-h known by white and colored .' "Undo Tom Fox." He was barn about ore milo : outii of this plaoe August 1 1, 1P3I. malting his r-try (-r earih 77 yi ars, A mondts and 13 days, ile spent Ids life on this community and around Iktllold. He w at with ids mas er t tho! War and shared the hard-hips with him. More than once he mi aero-s the bit tie f. Id with his master's bag gage while t he erapeshotfed arotmd tdm iii-.o hail. Re v. a:; lai.i tores' i.i i ' ii. - near his birth idace on the afternoon of Christmas day a m-rig a h.rgf ga' be? log of ids t 'hite iPeadt as; v.vll as e ahmed, and net.h iag hot vvods ,-f ra''.; could be ! eard. IP1 vs t.aaonP weti by oh wh knew him. He wa an hon ed man, ar.d be d of ail he rested in God. ; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. King. f N.e- i fidk, are at h;a:e fp-- '. g the hoii- : das wnii ti -e-ir pe"p.e, ,ar. ano ..-ra. i.T. D. Kinr. of this tdae -, a;oi Mr. and Mrs. il. L. Adc eh, of GPnviw. MPs MiePe Kiisg. who has been snendm .-; : one time i ; Norfolk, has ..pandmg :ome tim. refurned heme. J. R. Browning, wl;o has bi-en at school at Tabor, came borne Sat-; urday, the 2Is to spend C ? istraas B.ovudag. Mr. C-: orge Ea'ger will move, fro-o h-me to'-w this week. To- public school veil Id m'oea .Prmary !, ibid. A Peppy New Year to all re-open Jjfj CeP-S DC2Q. Litt'e Rock, Ark., Jan. 3 United States Senator Jeff Davis died sud denly at his home here at one o'clock this morning as the result of an at tack of apoplexy. Ere Yei3 BSxc is.-.i 7oys ? ...e o: iho time rcr::-- P! Gv.t-. er.ld cr.silv cnl !! i?:TfC f.-on bj'iousrtcss vr icii.!aciie ? V'i.e r.;vii 1, i'.: ;i yur tysicm t'oes not rij itieK cf the poiifw in the L!ooJ; ja-.i ft i..-oj.;''ij.- c; it :i fcf ti'r f.ta'.ani tt. ve fo r: j irseit oi cio.iers. ii-.j 'vaf.ift cuc-i to y? c. make the iirps Pure low unt'.i r.r.v.'U cP' its burning s?.t s3!.. Your i'v;-r i.i s: 'Xh'i rest, nor js fr:oa cr.tZiaf. '.i tcrt' Opide r.I;-JLja? I;iscovciv s::-C',i.l-..3 .i ; :n the l.ocy a ';i;-ccrlc nlJcr etive '.st.-uct nu. rori S-loccVoo-, iiiut 6--! ;v.J n?iijrr.k root, stcti! and idea's rcct, without tivi i::?. f a-;.,:.-'. I nr::cr Low e-w.: tin const Uutton 4;::e f f J' Kn?. rncj. -r, cf t lrn ;rct ?t:e'.'.'-'r .';u'ai :'. f ct... 'c ii fi-iSc:, t .S.i . i t: 1U lC'i, :!. : ii1.' . T X: I: f r, nr. I ;.t ; ,j- - ' !.'.. . . ir- : S f i'v : ' : ... boiti.-'3 .-i' ' !-. S. . ..' t..!:: U!.-t i.. 'v . :. Er. Phr Jif.l SSO enf-tar.; Z'dB ail fizz;- iy 2,m rciaty Fi'i&aiun- -300 Ihe tat: 1 r.undxr of coadts, county and State, in North Csivliua is in r-ii nj nvmh-rt; 2,801, of whom HOG a' e ikate prisoners. T. o coun ties send to the State prison the veakiings, -and in two jcam 4-! of these have been received. There are really oa'y about S00 ab'o bxlieJ Stale c.nvicts and these are a', work on railway construction. There is a Prong sentiment in favor of v-r!a. g a'l of the able-bodied men on the public highways, but there is ror-v-thirg to be esprMahy considorv d in this connection. T:os is that by f-n- the greater part of t hese are io far life or for very long lerr.v-'. and that they form the mor-t dangerous e!a s of peisoaers. iherp-esdoo is w't "thcr the eetudy convict gt ar-P are al io i. beep these nn n fr;:-pa - -ctpir g. It t;;kos traine e! or d cxprit an v ds Pi do thi Of c urse ih-p-Poners if at liberty are a dhdiwt nontce to soc'tty. It is really a matter to bo n iai attention hy tho Logiskdore. Thorr? appear-: to boa strong impression m favor a S ate pardon board and also f , tho a role sf---ro. Tho latter U de ela.od to work admirably within the mmi'-ro-a' t: tote - in ehiea it is in of fset. A vrr-.'en la ard can give, s'.a vt oal! c .c-o.-, f era-h convict : and c-.ti! boat el! vhtthe r el .money is me: P-d, as O' Lo"i '' on-? and CO:;!' i iO a Tim: s. llta. La P. s. hiPa.-,. IcrrJ In :;:! Col. W. II. S. Burgwy:-, of PP hhm, dia l t;-lay at the home of his he rn ow, Dr. II. B. r ' m'-n-k 'y., aft " wrehs. Ho v s " . ' I a. d a survival by ' : - 1 . ' -e v '.' 1. . Margaret 3 P : a two amro 1 P .. r- ; ' !. ;-. Mr. Collir. ' a will arrive i - P. a ';' : '-. - a ran?o for tl . Col. But '..- aai ' business dm e : . ' : . ' ; e owing to ' .a PP.: e : taday w- P Though a - ' - wr was in pr :. -rn io '-.d m. tho confohoa: e- a-:: -, k. -. ' r i! Col. Hatty Ba- t: .;. I Gcttysbo-g. (' I. ' . wyn cor n a 1 '' - 1 i he ! at :-. 5 osg- .;. N- .h Ci-'ohn: ' ' i i ' - - :''''.''- ' ish-Amm i vr. a . ' v. d th : P' of a si : R - i as -ah.. r of t'm r.ati- na! ; :-od id- death. Ho va s a a l-o a :a;.:-r county : no -vr- o ooi-K-r of the Eplco dim ::h i.t '.Vt.ldon. T'ic funera! whi i o hoi 1 In RP-dgh, though ihe time v. us md kuo-vn this afternoon. Ral-dgh Time:', Ord. . you take The ('ommonealih. j&p The Reliable Household Lantern The is always need for a good lantern around the borne in the yard, in the cellar, in the attic wherever a lamp is inconvenient cr unsafe. Th- RAYO is ideal for home use. It gives a clear, bright r-rht-liko SUnight on tap. It is strong, durable, compact, handy. Doesn't leak. Doesn't smoke. Easy to light and rewick. Will last for years. Ask for the RAYO. At Dealers Everywhere. STANDARD Newt. N. J. 7 WoprEad? r.a v.i.uj c c:m.-:crs do to tt-.c stave ; Lo.3 l avi uizv, hsc anj then prevent 'i ;e Ltavy s'.rep Jo rs nut - 'df - i: S. . : J-licU-r I'U rce'i tlte otorsr.c:- : . I r ... " c I.Sr. r .j S.mtv ; r: conse r cz t'nc i P...;- i i : cL.-s .Lrr-J, j .-i- t!:c f loir.cch ij tLc Iibt iuJcry fir th cc:;str,'.: ;r r.-.-rtu-jlarc t 1 !coJ. .'j -. t. .t i.ui!o,(;.:irib, ini'isroiition. e.4i.-. -.: a..-.", o'-at:.-. :.--. !. tm 1 would :tS-. V ':; '. uSri- ,v,, tiji'.jr.Kii tMtor ; i. .'.'-j v.-'-'tlc, Vi-n I 'Viii'lW CTUown with " S; t.:;;. 1- .- n-r:- t- . ; y: :u'fl 1 h.ld thij ; v- iv.- -v.'c-'.-f.-t- in-r i ".! wo'?r. I read - S a,--iifi- t.t Ze. Pii re's Cokli-.i O -r -. S : 'Jr. .'r. s '-v'stri h f;mf-Jy. I tiave talwn th ..- 'i-l a i. ..i. c 1'i iii-tM,' nnl hiivo unl flv i.:ir ' . .. I Hm r,vv f bic to iM: ?'iy worlc ( l - c .. .- ..(.-.en. I njoy eveiythinr? ' ; - -. i..- ..-!c,i;,ti to linU boi-o rf rprsiitition. Be en the lookout for consump tion. Four out .f five early cases can be cured, luit only ab,ut one out of five I it.-? cases survive. Tho mott-lity fr m c nsumption would be reduced immenroty if the diseasn v.ere easily recognized in its early stag s. Uafurtunaic'y, many con-sumpdivesg-) to their graves with out hrr , ;.Ing that ihey have 'be dis ease until i: was to i late to make much of a fight. Toe:e are a r.umbor of srgn of consumption, bat hot.o of thorn a!e infallible. Om- :,f the eiriiev.t signs i; an un'.var: and d tired fcelin; . Tn ing e r i y is always sug-estive of ' um-a i' r , but it r.vey bo an indl eoi 'T f in.eny ether thirgs. It may suggo-t l;ook--v:rms, and wc know t! at s-a; ' poor .. are "marked f.-r rost ." 1 f one is very su- eeptible to folds an ! has difficulty in ' Ihrow i, g ih -m ( or catches "one cold ( n to;. !' a:;;.; her," he should be on hi gaar.i. Whatever sut-ptelon i. avoti.v 1 tl e bod.y t.-aro) oaP uro shou'd be note I live or ; -; t iu:es a d ;y, and it tl a morrPi ' o--np era' ur" is as low as Vil and the .-Pm !,. n toraporrd ure i s 1' a, e ult a doetor at orcy for a m. ro ih.ii :gh eainination. While tho temp l.ouro ti .':t is in t conclu sive, it is n-.o-o rtliable than the ea -i;y t irod sympl era. Wlanihe germs of corstimi tion are found in th :rut iiu?rT".ia-tl:e.- i e iiience of tho pre sence of the di - , e as- n .: s'ny 1 i.e o'dy trouihi Ids ;.; n L a a iy ee.i ly : ia.i. pom.-;; ; Pdag is I i-coguizo o. -..: .-. .-. that wo may j ae ; h no .!:, Aeeid wl:i hm a, )-. ti-. la at r- g.'hm- fan il s k; ) I r. It.o: sa ,' 1 dt .--i Oii r - .(. ; i.o'i -geneies. Tv.o i-i.-:e L'o aid 5 )a i:t ..'I stole-. Ooa of the i-: t i tv.'stmenas out Io city ha-: ter lias been at of v.oihhg eo. vie:.: on its rests. Kills h ivo b a-n iitoialiy wed dovn, .tree's kvehd snd :od 'grades o: tabilshe I on ail points ithin tho boats Tho :-mr'n-den!, Mr. J.i. II. Ckfrnford s on . t un ietstarois the work r.nd ho . a most ih i:-i;t m-mnerr the . o under 1dm. Wo una. . e t the appropriations for this work a- pr.-.clcaUy exhausted, ar.d that e')7tiv ill not to t.b'e to k-fp up . , 1 a- i fu - s: ! .-. , ' o May rgar izeu iorce unieas ! s. aro f.-V.--. to supp'y 'ih? Enter; : ; .. tld sug a tr t . .t : ; :nbni3 '.. "v ' .. acnun- '- . . I o .i:r r ; Pr a t t o . .i.o in tl.e o- v o " a on " u i ;: ij-.n-d duty oif 'di h'vs. Ho is too i'o .! .. o n in th s line of w r!c for t..c , oortv io h-t ltd. Good read.s are c. oiiag, and me of the first eoivsi-0-i a;io as to be met. is tho em ployment of m n f kilif-d in rofcd be 'id r g.- Alia n tale Etitnrprise. OIL COMPANY ; in New Jr.y)

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