7 1 8 Commonweal: . Largest urculahon j ittrrix CJ-ity Newspaper. The Largest Circulation OF ANY Halifax County Newspaper. i5 i;C HARDY, Editor and Proprietor. vcv :X "Excdsier" is Our Motto. Subscription Price $1.00 Per Year SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1913. NUMBER 7. V A Valuable Suggestion. Important to Every One. ItiaJiov co -ceded by physicians that the Uir.evs should have more attention a:; they control the other oreans to a remarkable degree and do a'tremeiid-.m amount of work in renting the poisons and waste matter from the system by filtering . the blood. - Daring the winter months espeei- -jjy when we live an indoor life, - tha icldnevs should receive some as , .;;oe when needed, as we take les exercise, drink less water and ' eatrore rich heavy food, thereby forci-Z the kidi-eys to do more work than Nature intended. Evidence of kidney trouble, such as lame back, inability U hold urine, smarting or burning, brick-dust sediment, sal low' Complexion, rheumatism, may ' be weak or irregular heart action, ' warns you th:it vour kidneys require help imn,-: Hately to avoid more se rious trouble. . . An herbal medicine containing no minerals or opiates has the most jiealfoy infi.ionee. An ideal herbal that nas r.su muni, n. i i ... ,i markab! 'bladder : Swamp r. 't as a Kianev a:iu is Di Kilmer's I I You m receive a sample bottle of Swam '-Root by mail, absolutely i A(',ii-os. Dr. Kilmer cc o., , 'Eastern ton, and mention TheCom "tnonwea!:!.. ' D I.iVLiil i 11 nzix DENTIST. Chli-.-e up stabs in "White head Building. Office hoars trom w to i o ciolk au'l 2 to 5 o'clock. Dr. A. I. Morgan . Physician and Surgeon ' ' I S'-:tlnd Neck, N. C. , Oe in t.:by Dr ihe bui'eiing tormer.y TATON, Sc, N. C. ice: --rever his required. services are Attcrncy an?J Counselor at Law -Scotland Neck, N. C. Practices wherever his services are required, llunsy to loan on approved security. D ft. L.. UJ 7 1 V. p O? ROCKY MOUNT, N. c. ' Will be ia S.! )thtn 1 Neck, N. C, on 'the thiil Wed no -day of each month tlC t hotel to treat the diseases of th3 Uye, Ear, Nose, Throat, and fit UB3. Dr. O. F. Smith " Physician and Surgeon 0e hi The descent Pharmacy, Inc v. Sc-jtland Neck, N. C. ; : THc P0PL'S ;. ock Remedy -' ,'funi;uiteed to keep your tl' ck hi ;i lu'jiltliior and b't - t 'condition. Ti! PIXPLE'S A i ) r f p p m f$S Ln;;i.td ilt-BEST Ejrjr ii!-!vr at d Disease Pre sir Itiw. Ewrv P.ioknye of In ove Remedies sold on -onal riuumiitee, back- a!; ri5;;n Grocer Company. HA? BA1.3AKI y.A .fePrtv, ;iU hair taMng. b ij LA 3 I Now is the time; to st out f !,.verin-.r D-i'bs t.i 1)1. -om next pp al-i-s ro i)or or box some Sf 'h -m for f'lrc'r.g in the fi'i-c I haw r- c-ived alarjre " 1 -r-ti.in f,f i-'.pirt-d Hvh- M-i 'v--, D . tt-.-I ills, Narcissus Itid rrui-iv o'ier varieties at ti'is -n-di'e pr-fS. Place also our .r-'(r for Roes. Cnrna- i'ns and other Choice Cut owrr-s, Flo-al Designs. Palms t pd Fern-i. S-nd for pric list. H. STEIN METZ : Raleigh, North Carolina. I ivjuuine ttiaarj, juocai Agent, fccotiawa Neck, N. C. A Good L'emozra ic Measure. A measure pending in Congress and giving to the States absolute power over the shipment of liquor is good and ought to be enacted into law. It is call i d the Kenyon.Shep pard bill and proceeds upon sound Democratic theory. Long ago Mr. Bryan favored such a measure, and in The Commoner, April 22, 1910, he wrote an editorial, in which he said: "Interstate commerce is used to override State laws. What Dem ocrat is willing to put himself on record against the proposition that the right of the people of a State to control the liquor traffic is more sacred than the right of liquor deal ers to dispose of their product in dry territory and in violation of the law? Mr. Bryan believes that Congress should pass a law recognizing the right of each State to prescribe the conditions upon which intoxicating li ;uors can be transported, sold and used within its borders. He also belifvcs that the Federal govern ment should dissolve partnership v, hp. law breakers and no longer i-ue license for the sale of liquor in communities where local laws pro j.ji. ,ta paie. If it is thought un- constitutional to discriminate in the K-sue of licenses between different communities the same end can be reached by reducing the license to a nominal figure and requiring the applicant for a Federal license to give written notice to the local au- thorities, and newspaper notice to I the local public of his intention to ! apply for a license. Now let those : who eppo e these proposi.ions meet j them with arguments." The Com moner. Gofid Roads Fever Spreading. The good reads fever is spreading. Cleveland county is determined to keep abreast of the times. No. 2 t iwnohip led off several years Ego ..kh p. special tax. No. 6 township followed whh a bond issue of $100, 000, and to date our .convict force v.- crrv-imote-'l between 18 and 20 miles of fine sand-clay roads. King's Mountain precinct wa3 the next to take a forward step with a bond issue of $23,000 and is now eor stiuctiLg splendid highways by means of hired labor. Movements are on foot in Nos. 7 and 9 town- ! ships for belter roads and petitions ; arc being circulated for I asking for elections to j,b3 called by j P the commissioners. No. 5 has a bill already prepared for Representative Mi.lcr to iiitroduce authorizing a bond issue cf $50,000. The amount of the bonds and other de2ails will be discussed at a mass meeting at Waco tomorrow n-i;ht. bo 'you see I nracticallv a:: ciaod is aroused to tue great importance oi goou roads, and before many years ve expect a veritable network of grad ed and surfaced roads throughout the county. Our people are seldom found lagging in anything that tends toward progressive improve ments. Cleveland Star. Rating at Bancroft Hail. John Paul Jones, father of the ! United Staes Navy, fear le.-s fighter I .. . .J rfnr- fl tTi.r, t 11 1 M Clt fi P !' CHILI KCliCI rtUtl v... . ma li-ds, has found H r'g. tf,l snd luoiore-J resting I h e it last. The slfpn fron iiancroft Hall ""-j . i , i m the f aval iCdieroy- aim p:&cc.u in its marblecrypi at the Academy, tne exerci.-es being simple, unosten tatious and fkting, such as would have pleased the dauntless seaman if he could have known. Charlotte Chronicle. . , ' not only keeps cold out, but conservesbody-warmth; body fat serves the same purpose, it e nrdfs us to resist unsettled J elements and serves as the great source of our body-heat. Greater body-warmth means richer blood, more fat, not 3 obesity but fat which the body consumes ror ...u,, resistance-power as a furnace resistance P" i,Qf isumes f or warmth, vitality. Consumes tuai iw r4. heal Scott's Emulsion does this. A teaspoonful after each meal makes body-warmth healthy, active blood sharpens the appetite and makes all good food do good. It drives out and keeps out colds by raising endurance-power and creating strength. Reject substitutes for SCOTT'S. Scott & Bowse, Bloomfield, N. J. 12-61 CLD HICKORY CHIPS. Short an3 Pithy Sayings on Subjects Past and Present. Are we treating ourselves honor ably in the matter of Panama Cana 1 tolls? That Kansas man who hasn't had a a hair cut since Bill Bryan was beaten in '96 is now preparing for a downward revision of the wool schedule. "If . Washington can't hold 'era March 4th," says the Baltimore Sun, "there's plenty of room in alti-j more." Baltmuh must have en larged her reception facilities con siderably since that convention was pulled off. The Ute Indians are going back on the warpath again the first films were a failure. Unfortunate for our army and navy, invisible aeroplanes are the kind we already have. A girl's idea of holding party is a good-looking young fellow with a comfortable pair of knees. NewiYork averages seven violent deaths a day, from which it will be observed that the New Yorker dies just the way he lives. A three year old New Orleans boy smokes big black Havana cigars. That's right son, don't you use those terrible cigarettes. There ought to be a society fcr the suppression of useless information, as, for instance, "the work' of con gress goes slowly on." It may be a hard year for the rest of us, but Colonel Goethals is ex pected to make both ends meet in Panama. There are er ough editors in con-U-e?s to impart some journalistic style to the Congressional Record. An irascible Moro with Bolo habit is not a convincing argument fer Filipino independence. Those Arkan sas senators are com ing and going so fast in Washington they look like sort of a parade. Tl.i cc .-i.udcii(.o naye opened a shoe shinning parlor at Princeton. Won der if they shine in the classroom? Deer hunters in New York are to be required when in 1he woods to wear red hats. Dn't they find it easy enough to shoot one another as it is? The Long Island Factor who has ohibited the throwing of rice and I. . .-I ? L snoes at weaamgs is enureiy right there should be no vulgar display cf wealth at cur churches. After the women secure the ballot we look to see bald-heads and whisk ered gents disappear forever from political life. The Turko-Balko war is a com plete fizzle, not a single new name for a cigarette or a Pullman car having been suggested by the whole campaign. Members cf the Ways and Means comm'ttee who are trying to decide whether Paris gowns are lux urier or necessities might get a few tips by asking their wives. Chase Osborn, one of the seven little governors says that Wilson is the grandest man in the world, that he is for T. R.. and likes Taft to death, from which it will be obser ved that the chastened Chase in now p'aying safe. All men. may -be equalbut wo men are superior so says a fcuffra gette. Some men are born great, some achieve greatness, and some manage to-put up a successful bhiff. A good why to respect people is not to be intimately acquainted with t'-.cm. Second thoughts may be best if i hey arrive in tinie. -Washington is doing its best to provide u climate that, wiii make po- l.nVl conferences on the verarda possible the year round. live Bl?y fcy Pare. I Post. Bataviu, Ohio, Jan. 26. Vernon O Ltle, a mail carrier en rural route No. 5, out of this place, is the first man t ) accept and deliver un der parcel post condition a live baby. The baby, a boy weighing 101 pounds, just within the ll-pound gUveight limit, is the child of Mr. and H ; cs " u . 11 Mrs. Jesse Beagle, near Gien Este. it, . .U lBri.nn.H and ready for "maiiin-" wnen the carrier got it today. Its measure ments reached 71 inckes, also just within the law. which makes 72 inches the limit, and Mr. Lyttle de livered it safely to the address on the card attached, that of its grand mother, Mrs. Louis Beagle, who lives about a mile from its home. The postage was 15 cents and the "parcel" was insured for ?50. THE WEBB BILL PASSES. Tns Vote Was Overwnairaingiy In Favor ct It. ' Washington, Feb. 8. By a vote of 240 to G5 thelhouse late today passed j the Webb bill to restrict shipment into drv territory of intoxicating ; liquors in violation of the laws of any state or municipality. Seven hours of spirited debate preceded the passage of the bill, which was drawn up under a special rule re ported by the rules committer. The Webb bill is designated to in crease the restriction of the states over liquor shipments crossing their borders and to direct such shipment of an interstate character when this would conflict with state laws. The bill carries no penalty ;:o far as the federal government is concerned, and the enforcement c the law de pends largely upon the activities of the state officials in prohibition ter-ritoi-y. Each amendment to the bill was voted down. The prohibition forces in the house were fearing to encum ber the measure with amendments as it might become into the senate, or in conference, and thus oppose the principal of the bill, voted against all amendment-?. Especially bitter debate occui'ed before the adoption of the special rule, and Chairman Fitzgerald, of the house appropriations committee, and Minority Leader Mann lectured the democratic side of the house for wasting time on special legislation, instead cf considering the annual ap propriation bills, seven of which are left to pass the house before March the 4th. Da sieis sure 81 a riace. Trenton, N. J., Jan. 30 In s.pite of strenuous efforts on the part of President-elect Wilson to prevent any leaks as to the make-up of his cabinet, it has been learned here that three selections h:ve beenprac ticzlly determined. The selections substantially settled are as follows: Secretary of state, William Jen nings Bryan; secretary of the treas ury, A. Mitchell Palmer, of Pennsyl- vania; and attorney-general, Robert L. Henry, of Texas. The other selections tentatively mada bv Pi-psidont-eleet Wilson, sub- ject, however, to. further delibera-1 tion, are: Secretary of the i.avv. William G. McAdoo, of New York; secretary of the inteiior, former Govern r Norris, of Montana; and secretary of f-griculture, Obediah Gardtier, of Maine. It has been de termined for some time that Jose phus Daniels, of North Carolina, shall be postmaster general. Gover nor Wilson is still canvassing the other positions secretary of war and secretary of commerce and la bor. Lost $640 Taken Out ct Bank. Mr. A. J. Jones, a farmer living near Speed, N. C , lost or was rob bed of $640 in currencey while in Tarboro Friday morning. Mr. Jones received a check on the First Nation Mr. Momsette, who waited on him, asked him if he did not wait to leave the money on deposit, but he would rather carry the cash with him and was paid $640, mostly. in $20 gold certificates. With' this big roil ot mor.ey Mr. Jones started to pay eff some of his bills and settled his ac- count with several of the storekeep- VJhV.o o-r.injr into a store to vav X O if j i i 1 his account he d;scovered that the roll t ad disappeared. Southerner. BRONCHITIS SUFFERER Takes Druggist's Advice With Splendid Result. If anyone should know the wortb. of a medicine, it 13 the retail druggist who sells it over hia counter every day in the week, and is in a position to know what remedy gives the best satisfaction. Mrs. Frank II. Uline, of "West Sand Lake, X. Y., says: "Fcr a number of years I was a great sufferer from bronchitis. Last July I had aa attack which was move- severe than any, ana my frientts tiiought I could not recover j from it. Then l was advised oy my druggist to try Vinol, which I did, with -wonderful results. My cough, has left me; I have gained in weigh-; und appetite, and I ai.as strong as ever I waa. I advisa all who have bronchitis, chronic coughs, or who are run down to try Vinol." It is the combined action of the medicinal curative elements of tho cod's liver, without the greasy oil, aided by the blood-making and strength-creating properties of tonic iron that makes Vinol so efficient. Remember, we guarantee Vinol to do just what we say we pay back your money if it doe3 not. P S. Stop scratching, our Saxo Salve stops Itching. We guarantee it. E. T. Whitehead Company Scotland Neck, N. C. - al Bank for $640. the proceeds of t ,t r ir a .. tt . i of 4 u0 of Speeds, Mrs. J. II. Stalhr.gs and his crop. He presented it at the ; ,. ,, n , , , , , , i Mis.3 Annie S takings, of Hill, Mr. C bank and demanded the currenev. i A Kew Iucoue Tax Law. It was twenty years ago under the leadership o! William Jennings Bryan rmd William L. Wilson, of West Virginia, that the Democrats placed an income tax provision in their tariff bill, taxing all incomes exceeding $4,000 at 2 per cent. The Supreme Court of the United States, however, in obedience to the wishes of the bloated bond holders, wealthy malefactors of th? country, kindly declared that law unconstitutional, and so the constitution having been amended the Supreme Court can no longer interfere. - It is quite cer tain that an income tax will be pass ed in tee extra session, which will be called either in March or early in April. It is the belief that not only will all incomes exceeding $5,000 per year be taxed 2 per cent, but that the rate will increase on those hav ing excessively large incomes. For instance, the tax will probably be 3 per cent on incomes over $10,000 per annum, 4 per cent on incomes of $50,000 per annum, and 5 per cent on all incomes of over $100,000 per annum. The Standard Oil Company ; has just declared a dividend of $40, 000,000, of which Mr. Rockfeller re ceives $10,000,000. This, however, is only a small part of his entire in come, and there is no reason why Mr. Rockfeller should not contribute 5 per cent of his money for running the government. Washington News Notes. DGKartMtaiijht. Speeds, N. C , Feb. 10. On Tues day evening Feb. 4th, at eight o'clock the home of Mrs. A. D. Knight was the scene of a pretty home marriage when Miss Margaret Knight, the oldest daughter of Mrs. j Kn-ght, became the charming bride j of Mr. Ocie N. Howard, the only ; son of Mrs. D. S. Williams, cf Lav-j rence, N. C. j The young couple is very popular j and count their many friend? by the score. The home was beautifully decora ted for the occasion. The bride was gowned in white messilain with hat, gloves and shoes to match. ' The wedding march was tastefully rendered by Mi?s Agnes Ivey, of i Scotland INech, punctual at eight o'clock. The couples entered as i foHiiWs: Miss Mol!io Knight, sister i f , 1 1-1 il If T T A l 01 tne KriJe Witn iVir- J- J'.An(,cr son, Tdiss Jennie liowara, siuter the groom, with Mr. G. N. Hr.ckncy, Miss Nonie Howard, sister , of the groom, wi'.h Mr. W. II. Knight, brother of the bride, last came the bride and groom, and the solemn words that made them husband and wife was spoken by Rev. Mr. Alex ander, of Tarboro, pastor of the Bap tist church. After receiving the con gratulations of their many friends, Mr. and Mrs. Howard left on an au tomobile for their home in Lawrence where a most delightful luncheon was sewed. They received many beautiful and costly gifts. The out-of-town guests were Mr. and R. II. Lsngslon and daughter, G. P... Battle, of Rocky Ahunfc. The many fiienls of Mr. ar.d Mrs. Ho vard wish thm a long, prosper ous and happy life. A Progress!) e Idea. j . New ideas m newspaper work are j ! raro and nnv idei that proves a big ! SUCcess fro ftf nr,tjce m the first trial is worthy The Charlotte Somi- Weekly Observer recently made an offer to farmers by which any farm ers by which any farmer could run any kind of a 20-word advertisement free of all charge sor three issues. On the date on which this announce- men? was made th pspf-r had on! v two dfts.Mf.Hd advertisements in tre "Farmers' Column." W.thm lour i weeks the paper is carrying two full j columns of udvertir-g v.ndcr this heading and many of them are now j paid advertisement. Aiter u;e s I parcel post went into effect a "Par ed Fo-t Column was op-.-neu up ior tie meic-iants and they are allowed a 20-word advertisement tnree times free of charge, with the result that j the merchants have been attraeteu to the columns of the Semi-Weekly nbrvor and they are now using ! not only ihe classified but big space, i i The elu-ct ot the tree aaverus- men is u uii jhi:c.o i. stimulate them and every maw now brings new subscribers and the oio ones are paying up gladly because they appreciate a gcod thing. Ihe Semi-Weeklv Observer gives the farmer all the best news of The Charlotte Daily Observer and it is the aim of the Observer Company to make it the greatest semi-weekly newspaper in the piedmont section of the country. Compa JJisresra cf Foo Blade with dOfereni Baking Powders From a Scries of Elahoralz Ckzmiccl Tests: An equal quantity of bread (biscuit) was made with each of three dilierent kinds of baking- powder cream of tartar, phosphate, and alum and submitted separately to the action of ihs digestive fluid, each for the same length of time. The relative percentage of the food digested is shown as follows : Bread niade with Royal Cream of Tartar Powder: 100 Per Cert. Bread made with phoaphale powaer: ejPer Ceni. Bread made with alum powder: I 67 Per Cent. These tests, which are absolutely reliable and unprejudiced, make plain a fact of great importance to everyone : Food raised with Royal, a cream of tartar Baking Powder, is shown to be entirely diges tible, while the alum and phosphate powders are found to largely retard the dotation of the food made from them. Undigested food is not only wasted food, but it is the source of vs ry mar.y bodily tiiiments. Frtsii iSl? Seeded. The following experiment shows ' the value of fresh air ami sunshine as agencies for the cure of cc-nump-tij:). Heiv it i.-: Tvelve rabbits, all in g K,-d hialih. ,. were mocuia.ea wiui me j;eunb i , i 1 1 ,i e tuberculosis; six of the raobits were turned loose to r jn in open air and sun; the other were con 3 nod in a dark cellar basement. At the end of a given period a!l the rabbits were killed. The rabbits that had been allowed to run wild had nearly recovered, only tv.'o showing any signs of the diocese. Tiicse that had been confined in the cellar rdl had tubeiculosi-;. Doa't Yoa Believe It. Some say that chronic constipation cannot be cured. Don't you believe it Chamberlain's Tablets have cured others why not you? (jive them a i trial, iney cost on:y a quarie. . 1 !.! -. I 1 I ! .1 . . I' or bitit; uy tui utaivia. Best Form of Prayer. "When the hearts of men and wom en are filled with heaveniy love, a power which makes for ris'ifcor.sr.esfl constantly emanates from them. Those who pray witho their liven of fer the most effective prayer, even though they do not utter a word. Chauncey Giles. For any itching rkin trouble, piles, eczema, salt lheun-i, hives, itch, -cald head, herpes, scabies, Doan's Ointment is highly recommended. j 50-. a box at all stores. A Natural Questicn. "liulby, I'm going in lor the simple life a'Ll!e." "All right, my dear," enid Hubby, as he reached Tor Ma check book. "How many gowns wuJ that require?" ' Ifchtin? device I MM $t WiU not blow out or jar out. Iiqurppea wiui thumb screws, so that it is easily attached or detached. Throws -a clear H?ht 200 feet ahead. Extra large red danger signal in back. It is eauipped with handle, and when detached makes a gcdSndSern.. Strong.' Durable. WU1 last for years. At Dealers Eoerywhef STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Ioearporatad rafive 5 oH - mtity Digested Digested"! 0 Digested Beauty Hint. Red dbov.-y, fuys ILo Uveiilus News, p. re liapjiHy a thorn -which may Lo re- moved. Saw off the red elbows, Boak In a !k'w,Vrg rust'. o ?" T' I slalcl Hmo, sUrp them In carbclSc toiJ, c?!: l tc-y v ill rcver trouble you Uain. Cold feet may bo treated sim ilarly. Suipiijc Yctr Frictdi. For four weeks regularly use Dr. King' New Life Pills. Theybtimu late'the liver, improve digestion, re move blood impurities, pimples and eruptions disappear from your f:co ;-nd bodv ar:d you feel better. Begin at once. Buy at E. T. Whitehead Company. New Kcrcines. The novelets of the 'Imj' crc taking the "new" women for their heroines: women wi:cm llfo has struck bio-? Rftir blow until thy 1-avo leamed tlio art of iP.i'Rittor; women who know hovt to Jost in tho tne ot disappointment; women who have a comrortins sens of humor. Sluice Ir.to Ymr Sheet Alien's Foot-Ease, the antiseptic powder. It reiieve.1 tired, aching, swollen, .veatir,g feel, and. makes walking easy. Takes the sttrg out of corns nd bunions. Over 20.000 testimonials. Sold everywhere, 25c. Don't nccept any substitute. Sam ple Free. Address, Allen S. Olm sted, Le Roy, N. Y. For a mild, easy action of the bowels, try Doan's Rep,ulets, a mod ern laxative 25c at all store. Titers Are Othsrs. In our r-doiesrent Inexperience w cherished the r.otion that hotel clrrks and bcok store attarhes were th most conspicuous of the tir.innclligriitn. Yesterday, however, a lelcRraph, rpcr Jtor objected to our using "juxtapW tn a rdgU letter. "We den't hWovr code words'," said he. And for lhf life of us we c-jul'Jn't think cf a bi; irry Domeback. For the Road rtJR RAYO DRIVING LAMP is 'the most compact ana erncienx for rdl kinds ot venicies. i Nw Jry) Baltimore. M J.