The Largest Circulation OF ANY Halifax County Newspaper. WEALT The Largest Circulation OF ANY Halifax County Newspaper J. C. HARDY, Editor and Proprietor. "Excelsior" is Oar Motto. Subscription Price $ 1 .00 Per Year SCOTLAND NECK, N. Cr, THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1913. VOL. XXIX. NUMBER 13. Mistaken Diagnosit Doctors j Guess Wrong Again I About five years ago I wrote to L. ... i,nf T ha A hppti a terrible suffer- I cr f'om kidney and bladder troubles land that my physician informed me that my lcit kidney was m sucn con dir'oa that there was no hope for mv recovery. I was advised to try your Swamp-Root as a last resort, end after taking four fifty-cent size i,.!rtips. I nassed a gravel -stone which weighed ten grains. I after wards forwarded you tnis gravei stone. Have had no return ui any trouble since that time and cannot f.-w miirh in favor of vour won derful preparation, Swamp-Root, which cures after physicians fail. Very truly yours, F. H. IlCKNE. Route 3, Box 30. Rcseboro, N. C. Personally appeared before me, this 31st 'V o if July, 1809, F. H. n ,r-.a ivn , c?:ih.rir.pii the above 1st foment and ma-!e oath that the is true 2u substance and' in fa cr. JAMK3 M. II ALL, Notary Public. Letter to Dr. Kilmer & Co., lisigbrsnlc!:, N. Y. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You. -id to Dr. Kilmer & Company, uhamton, N. Y., for a sample ,'.'. It will convince any one. i will a-so receive 'a booklet of liable information, telling all .-at the kidneys and bladder, 'i on writing, be sure and mention Commonwealth. Regular fifty M one one dollar size bottles for I- at all drug stores. V j)R. a. I. UVERMON. DENTIST. jj Office up stairs in White 'X'cffjfr head Building. Oillce hours from 9 to 1 o'clock and 2 to 5 o'clock. Physician and Surgeon Scotland Neck, N. C. Oi'ice in the building formerly y,., ,i hv Dr. J. P. Wimberley. ClIAS. I. Statox, flttorncy-at-Law, Scotland Neck, N. C. LlV "'icf " ",,.:'!".v"" 5c"v:ws ax- required. AsuiiV Dunn A Homey and Counselor at Lav Scotland Neck, N. C. Practices wherever his services are required. I! i:v y to loan on approved security. ) . R. L. SAVACiE OF ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. V-'ili W In Scotland Neck, N. C, on th third Wednesday of each month ai the hotel to treat the diseases of tii- Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, and fit Dtt. O. F. SMITH Physician and Surgeon O.iice in The Crescent Pharmacy, Inc Scotland Neck, N. C. THE PEOPLE'S C 3' K en ii;nnnt'Cl to keep your M ;(!; in n liealtliier and bet t'ir l-( unlit ion. THE PEOPLE'S Stock Remedy (iu.'ininUTd tlioBESTES I'nxlncrr and Disease Pre ventive. E very Package of t !! ;i!j(,r Remedies sold on iVr'onal Guarantee, back ed by lbertson Grocery Company. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleanse and beautifies the bite Promote a. lnxuriant erowth. Kever Fails to Bestcre Gray ...V .S Pre vents hair fatiintr- TTa - -it a Vnilthl 11 1 UfllCE. V Aw is the time to set out 1 lowering Bulbs to bloom next spring; also to pot or box some of them for forcintr in the house. I have reeeived a larcrp ft !!,. J? T L 1 TT -'' nii-Liun oi importeu Hya cinths, Daffodills, Narcissus and many other varieties at reasonable prices. Place also your order for Roses, Carna tions and other Choice Cut Plowers, Floral Designs. Palms :tnd Ferns. Send for price list. : H. STE1NMETZ t FLORIST Raleigh, North Carolina. Guthrie Madry, Local Agent, Scotland Neck, N. C. dy am BULBS! KEW OFFICIALS CHOSEN. Mann Succeeds Lsughinguouso, Mo CuHouch Succeeds Fenner. . Raleigh, N. C, Mar. 22. Ex-Superintendent J. S. Mann, of Hyde, who guided the penitentiary to un denied success in the years from 1901 to 1909, was chosen again last night in the meeting of the prison board. E. F. McCulloch, cf Bladen, is his chief clerk, and Dr. J. H. Rodgers, of Raleigh, is prison phy sician again. Warden T. P. Sale, whose candi dacy for re-appointment has been so heavily endorsed, was not re-elected but was not defeated. The new prison board wrestled long on this question. It was the knottiest of them all. From 8 o'clock until 11, the fight went on, never becoming bitter, and ending with an adjourn ed session to be held April, when the warden will be chosen. All the members of the new board were present. Governor Craig set in the deliberations, and II. B. Var ner, chairman of the board, Richard M. Chatham, Thomas Gilliam, R. H. Buckingham and N. E. Edgerton were with him. There was nobody admitted during the meeting except those who participated in the elec tion. FENNER NOT SORE. The lateness of the hour last night prevented the obtaining of a suita ble sketch of each man who had the fortune to be elected. When the generous words of retiring chief clerk T. V. Fenner are read, the wish will be universal that he might have known who would be his suc cessor that a good account of the lucky man might be given. Mr. Fenner was in supremely good humor. Five minutes after the election cf Mr. McCulloch, he said to the newspaper men: "By George, it was a good fight, wasn'tjt? I have nothing. but. con gratulations and good wishes for Mr. McCulloch, my successor, and shall be glad to be of any service to him that I can in his new work. I shall always have the good of the institution at heart. "I have taken great interest in it for four years and the interest will continue. The appointment of Mr. Mann as superintendent, I think, is a happy one for the institution and for the State of North Carolina. "In his eight years there as super intendent he worked it out of debt and put it on its feet. When he took charge every department was systematized and disciplined-and we had nothing to do but continue his good work' CRIME WAS ECONOMY. "Mr. Man's only crime was econo my, and no man was ever jailed for that. He did not- have 14-cent cot ton, 50-cent cotton seed and $1.20 peanuts to justify him in outside ex penditures toward permanent im provements. "I thank Governor Craig for his courtesy to me and I am his friend. I think he did the best he could for me under the circumstances. When four horses enter the race only one can win. 'To my many friends in Raleigh who endorsed me so enthusiastical ly. I give my sincere thanks and the day will never come when I will for get them." Mr. Mann has served so well ss everv day. Post-mortem examinations often show that tuberculosis had been arrested by strengthening the lungs before the germs gained mastery. You can strengthen your g resistance - power by taking Scott's Emulsion. It con tains available energy in con centrated form, which quickly nourishes all the organs of the body. repairs voaste makes rich, active blood and supplies energy to the starving cells. It's timely use enables the body to resist tuberculosis. For stubborn colds and bronchitis nothing compares with Scott's Emulsion. Refuse substitutes insist on SCOTTS. Scott & Bowne, Bloom field, N. J. 12-67 ir-" m IS THE LIFE AND SPEECHES CHARLES B. AYCOCK By R. D. W. CONNOR and CLARENCE POE. Every man who followed and voted "for Governor Aycock in that wonderful campaign of 1900 ought to get this book before it goes out of print. It is a biography of the greatest ppssible human interest and the most popular North Carolina book'ever printed. This stirring life-story of a great spirit and great leader among our people should be read and read ajain in every home in the State. The 4th of April will be a year since Governor Aycock died suddenly in a distant State. Before that date we want every read er of The Commonwealth to have this splendid biography, and in order to help you get it we have arranged with Mrs. Aycock's sales managers to supply it to our readers in the following Remarkably Attractive Offer The Commontltrr one year $1.00 The Life and Speeches of Charles B. Aycock 1.50 Total $2.50 We Send BOTH for Only $2.00. Send or bring the $2.00 today. We will have the book go to you by next mail and send paper as promised. Address THE COMMONWEALTH, Scotland Neck, N. C. prison superintendent that his ad ministration was one of the bright parts of the Aycock and Glenn ad ministrations, following the scan dals of the regime preceding his, it was especially strong. Mr. Fenner speaks well of it. The new clerk is a member of the State Democratic executive commit tee, has served in the legislature, has been a nelegate to the national convention and always been promi nent in North Carolina politics. He is said to be a good accountant. Dr. J. R. Rodgers, the new prison Thvsician. has held the nlace before, and his practice in Raleigh has made him known to substantially jJl the people in Raleigh. Chairman Var ner last night declared that the board had been painstaking and done the very best it could. "It is a hard thing to turn anybody down endorsed by such strong friends as all were," he said. Eric V. Tillcry. Jrc death angel entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tillery, of Rocky Mount, N. C, March 13, 1913, and took Eric Victor, their oldest son, age 17 years. He was sick only one week with pneumonia. All was done for him that the very best physician and loving friends could do. "The Lord giveth him and the Lord taketh him away, biessed be the name of the Lord. The remains were taken to Pal myra and gently laid to rest in the family burying ground. Weep not, dear mother and father, for your child Who has gone from us forever; Awhile he is laid in the deep cold ground, His soul is safe in heaven. A place is made vacant in your happy home which never can be rilled. It is a great consolation and comfort to know when death comes to us in youth it gives us the more years in heaven. I know it is hard, oh, so hard, to give up his bright life, but I believe your heart is too consecrated to God, "who doeth all thinjrs well," to feel that Eric is not better off in his heaven of rest than on earth, where only trials and bit ter temptations are ours. 1 here we know he is safe from it all and has simply paid the debt we all have to pay, only a little while before. . Msv God be with the heart-stnek- ened parents in the daiiy lonely hours of their bereavement, and show to them that their los3 is his eternal gain, and he needed him to complete his "group of angels and he is now wearing the beautiful golden wings, viewing heaven in all its glory to tell his Joved ones as he meets them at the gate how beauti ful it is and how happy he will be to dwell together on the shores of eternity in everlasting peace and love. "Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep, From which none ever wake to weep! A calm and undisturbed repose, Unbroken by the last of foes. "Asleep in Jesus, far from thee Thy kindred and thy graves may be; Rnt thinA i still a blessed sleep, From which none ever wake to His 'cousin, Nettie Britt. Cotton Drop gI 1912. Washington, D. C, March 10. The 1912 cotton crop acounted to 14 295.5000 bale, equivalent of 50C- pound bales, including linters, the Cpnsus Bureau announced toaaj Running bales includedl 4,076,430. The production by states in 500 d hales showed. Texas 5,120,252, South Carolina 1,215,993, North Carolina 891,880, Viringia 24,382. AcnusI Visit oi I8 Orphans. Roanoke Rapids, March 24. The opera house at Roanoke Rapids was well-nigh filled with people from Rosemary, Patterson City and Roa noke Rapids about 8 o'clock Monday evening, March 17th. The manager of the orphans mounted the rostrum and asked Rev. William Towe to open the ex ercises with prayer. That large crowd sat and listened to the chil dren with interest and earnestness for nearly one hour and thirty min utes. The manner in which the children acted showed their excellent train ing. Every one present seemed to enjoy the various parts of the exer cises, and the dear little orphans acted their pieces with perfect and self-control, and during which time the writer was often impressed and urged to offer a sentence of prayer for the little ones and say, "God bless the children!" Every true Mason in North Caro lina should feel proud of such a grand institution as the Orphans' Home at Oxford, N. C, for the ex cellent training the children receive there and also the true Christian in fluence which is being thrown around them will doubtless mould some of the noblest type3 of character that our State will ever own. Truly they can say with the Psalmist, "When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up." May God continue His great bless ings upon this grand old Masonic institution and all the children is our prayer. Who Will Be tfia Next. Washington, March 11. Who of the Misses Wilson will be the thir teenth White House bride? The rec ord to date is: 1811 Lucy Payne Washington to Judge Todd. 1812 Anna Todd to Representa tive John G. Jackson. 1820 Marie Monroe to Lawrence Gouveneur. 1826 Helen Jactson to John Adams. 1329-37 Delia Lewis to Alphonse Yver Papeot; Mary Easton toLusien P. Polk; Emily Marlin to Lewis Ran dolph. 1842 Elizabeth Tyler to William Waller. 1874 "Nellie" Grant to Algercn bartons. 1878 Emily Piatt to General Rus sell Hastings. 18S6 Frances Folson to President Cleveland. 1906 Alice Roosevelt to Represen tative Nicholas Lonsworth. Next? DO YOU ENJOY EATING Or Does Everything Ycu Eat Distress You? Experts declare that the reason stomach disorders ore so common, in this country is due to hasty and careless habits of eating. Stomach troubles and run-down conditions also usually go together. John Lind, of Oneonta, N. Y., says: "I have been troubled with a bad stomach trouble for fifteen years, and tiecame so weak that I could hardly walk or do any work. My appetite was very poor, and it seemed impos sible to get any relief. Since taking two bottles of Vinol I find that it has already made a remarkable improve ment in my health; my digestion is much stronger, and I have gained in weight." Vinol makes weak stomachs strong because it strengthens and tones up the weakened, tired and overtaxed nerves of the digestive organs. Vinol is easily assimilated by the weakest Etoniachs, and is delicious to the taste. Try a bottle of Vinol with the understanding that your money will bo returned if it does not help you. P. S. If you have Eczema tryour Saxo Salve. We guarantee it. E. T. Whitehead Company . Scotland Neck, N. Q. THE WAY WILSON DOES IT. Tbe New Present KnocEs TR9 Preps From Un2cr Prrcedea!. Washington, March 16. Inaugu rated twelve days ago, President Wilson has broken sixteen prece dents. First Came the downfall of the inaugural ball, with its money dhangers and turkey trot3. Second The favorite barber; President Wilson shaves himself. Third (the blow that killed fath er") The antiquated custom of parading office seekers at the White House; no pie hunters are admitted until sent for. Fourth The President is going to run the government; politicians may make suggestions, but need lot ex pect to see them carried out unless, perhaps they coincide with the White llousa view.3. Fifth The President goes to church to worship, not to be seen; crowds may gather about the Presi dent's church door, but if he sees them first they will not see him. Sixth The gold braid and lace business has besn eliminated; Major Rhoades, military aid, inherited from President Taf t, dresses like an everyday citizen when he goes out with the president. Seventh The khakki-clothed mo tor cycle policemen, who used to fol low the White House automobile, have been given other employment; the President rides without bicycle escort. Eighth The ancient custom of draping the President's bcx at the theatre and playing the national an them when the President arrives has been put in the discard. Ninth Old "It Is Said," has dis appeared from White House news, and instead appears "The President Said." Tenth "That was said in a cabi net meeting and can not be ' made public" is of the past; what trans pires at cabinet meetings is public property. Eleventh The bi-weekly cabinet meetings are under ban; the cabinet will meet when there is something to be dens. t Twelfth The nromiscuous use of ' the "executive order" has been stop- - ped. Miss Alome Tarr, barred by the civil service requlations from the Whith House stenographer's corps, could have gone in by special ap pointment from the President, but the President refused to exercise the power in her behalf. Thirteen President Wilson rests the seventh day; he puts the bars on the White House up Saturday night at 12 o'clock and lets them stay up until Monday morning. Fourteenth Cold suppers are to be the rule at the White House. Sun day evening; the old Presbyterian rule will prevail. Fifteenth The President declined an invitation to join Chevychase club. Sixteenth John Barleycorn and all other sorts of intoxicating drinks have been tabooed at the White House. To Consider lbe ConsMtation. The commission created by the last General Assembly for the purpose of considering and recommending changes in the Stata Constitution will hold a pre.'eninary meeting in the city of Raleigh on Arril :nd. The commission will report its re commendations to an extra session of the General Assembly to be called by the Governor. The following compose the com mission: Appointed by the Governor: A. M. Scales, of Guilford; J. W. Bailey, of Wake; D. Y. Cooper, of Vance; H.-Q. Alexander, of Mecklenburg; N. J. Rouse, of Lenoir. On the part of the Senate: II. W. Stubbs, of Martin; A.' D. Ward, of Craven; T. M. Washington, of Wil son; A. D. Ivie, of Rockingham; A. T. Grant, of Davie. (The last-named is Republican leader in the Senate.) On the part of the House: E. J. lustice, of Guilford; R. A. Dough ton, cf Alieghaney; H. A. Page, of of Moore; W. A. Devin, of Granville; C. S. Wallace, of Cartaret; E. R. Wooten, of Lenoir; R.It. Williams, of Euncombe; R. L. Haymore, of Surry. The last-named is Republi leader in the House). The State Journal. Nature's Law. The law or nature Is, that a certain quantity of work i3 necessary to pro duce a certain quantity of good of any bind whatever. If you want knowl edge, you must toil for It; If food, you must toil for it; and if pleasure, you must toil for It. Ruskln. Sir ii J 0$ W Economises Eqs Eiaatses The only BaZ;?nfj frcsn Royal Grape Misquotation. It Is very surtiirin:? to find In tlio Charlotte Observer this irisiiuotatiou of an old Thrace, "Everylhin;.? wus lovely and the goose was liang'rs high." This is the way the unin formed commcnalify have come to write it, but in the Tar Heel ccin try they know better. The right ren dering is "the goo?o honks high,"" R3 the wild goose docs when the weath er is fine, or, in other words, when "everything is lovely." JCacLvilte Banner. Don't Get A's Run Down. Weak and miserable. If you have kidney or bladder trouble, headache, pains in the back, and feel tiled i il over and want a pleasant herb re ire-, dy, try Mother Gray's AROMATIC LEA f. As a tonic laxative it has no equal. All Druggists, T-Oc. Ask to day. Sample Free. Address, The Mother Gray Co., Le Roy, N. Y. inspired Famous Hymn. "Jesus, -Lover cf My Soul," 13 a hymn around which many tradition? and c.icred airuocicticns cling. The fctoi'y connected -wi!li its-orkkt may be legendary, but it i3 no les.3 beauti ful. Its author, Charios We-Joy, waf Eitting at c!c:;!: by an ct:c:) w!:i dew when n Mrd purs?;:d l?y a hav.i. flew in. Ti e bird x;nz, ftr thfr hawk feared .to fo'.iov it. Th inc! dent Inspired Wesley ta write Lift famous lines. The Forty Year Tet. An article must have exceptional merit to survive for a period of for ty years. Chambern-.m'ts Cough Remedy was first oiu-red to the pub lic in 1872. From a small beginning it has grown in favor :u:d populari ty until it has attained a world wide reputation. You will find nothing better for a coush or coid. Try it and you will understand why it i.5 a favorite after a period of more than forty years. It not only gives relief it cures. For sale by all dealers. Beau-ty Hint. Red elbows, cays tho Kvcning News, are happily a thorn which may be' re moved. Saw eff the red olbows, roe!: them in a bleaching mixture cf un slaked lime, sleep tbein in carbolic acid, and they will never trouble you again. Ccld feet mrty bo treated sim ilarly. Are Yea Consisted ? If so, get a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills, take them regularly and your trouble will quickly disappear. They will stimulate the liver, im prove your digestion and get rid of nil the tfoisons from your pystem. Thev will surely get you well again. 25c at E. T. Whitehead Company. Eye W?.tar Eefcrs cr Aftsr. "I thought that in the fifteen yc-3r3 of my practice of medicine," said a physician, "I had answered almost every possible 'fool' question; but a new one was sprung en me recently. A young man came in with an in flamed eye, for which I prescribed medicine to to dropped into the eyo three times a day. He left the ofliee, but returned in a few minutes, poked his head In the doorway, and csked "Shall I drop thi3 in the eye before rieala or after?' "Everybody's Ma PURE PAINT is mfic Willi WilTE LEAD. ZINC Nmd LIMSEED Oil. tfcat's l?re v;ay Use Ri. tEiII-MIALU REAL PAINT Is nia-Je. But ALL tho OIL needful to make tho L. & M. PAINT ready for use is HOT put into tho Paint when it s pre pared for the Consumer who buys it. The ADDITIONAL quantity cf OIL is pu t into tho Pa int by the CONSUMER, as by so doin?, he SAVES MONEY. Therefore buy 3 gallons cf LINSEED OIL with every 4 gallons of L. & M. PAINT and TJOX tlic Gil. xvlVt tl.a PAfNT. If the Paint thus made costs more inuu .--. -aw If the Paint as you use it is not perfectly satisfactory Then retr-rn wbitevcr you have rd tuc.i, and fret bac ALT. you paJJ torthevliOLJL of it; and Asides. tUc money you puul to t.ic latnter. ! Hardy Hardware Company, Scotland Neck, N. C. m m ess 2?isller, Flour, ih.e foot! more PoivsScsr crcle Crcsia of Tartar Best Form cf Prayer. Vv'licn tho heart! cf men and wom en fil!od with lieaven:y love, a power which wnkoSt for righteousness constantly emanates from them. Tl;rt?o who pray wltho their lives cf fjr the most effective prayer, even tf ongh tVy Co not v.ttor a vcrJ. Chaunrcy Giles. 1 Lis Infirnt Mothers. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children relieve Feverishness, Head ache, Bail Stomach, Teething Disor ders, move r.iid regulate the Bowels and destroy worms. They break up Colds in 21 hours. Used by mothers for AH Druggists, 2.. Sample Free. Address, A. S. Olm sted, Lc Roy, N. Y. Europe's Vczt Armed Force. It would tn'Ko nine Jind a half Uay for tl armi;-.; cf Kuropo to pa3 a given point, marching five abreast, 15 inches apart, ct sn dght-inllo gait. Ct-si Known Cosgli Rer.eJy. '". Forfoi ly-tiaee years ivr. King's New Discovery br.s been known as the most reiiabk cough remedy. Uer three million bottles were used 1--t yc.'ir. Isn't this proof? It will get rid of yrur cough or we will re fund your money. J. J. Owens, oi Allendale, S. C, writes the w:iy hundreds of others have done: "Af ter twenty years, 1 find that Dr. King's New Di-eovery Li the best j remedy for cough and colds that I have, ever ustel. l or cougns or (Mid.-; t'.rA till throat find lung trou ble r. it han no equal. 50c and $1.00 at K. T. Whitehead Company's. A Nature! Ciusstlcn. "llulhy. I'm iri.l--il in lor lha Elmplo lire n while." "All rl:iht, my dear," Ik:M,y, as he reached lor tla j check beck. "!!ow many gowns wiU that require?" Tiie Cauie cf Rbeam:.ti:5. S'ymr.fh trouble, lazy liver and deranged kidneys .are the cause of rheumatism. G t your stomach, liver, hidnevs and bowels in healthy condition by taking Electric Hitters, iand you will not be troubled with the pains of rheumatism, inaries B. Alien, a school principal, of Syi vania, Ga , who suffered iudescriba I1 i torture from .rheumatism, liver an 1 fctomfu h trouble and diseased kidnevs, writes: "All remedies failed until I u-:td Electric Bitters, but four 1 .'it ties of this wonderful remedy cured me completely." Mavbe your rheumatic pains comes frcin stom;.eh, liver and kidney troubles. Electric Bitters will give von j .Tomtit relit f. "ie und $'.(;). R-c. mm. nded by E. T. Whitehead Company. "Had dyspepsia or indigestion for years. No appetite, and what I d 1 eat distressed me terribly. Burdock Blood Bitters reached the cause." H. Walker, Sunbury, Ohio. A 1' philosopher says it is not wror to say what one t hinks. homeurm however, it is not prudent. Paint Use PURE Paint and Use Pure UNSEED OIL to add to it at cse-haif &e cost of Paint.