.1.. , : i - . 1;. '" t: 4 ,1. fir, ? 5 ..TAX 3U?. it' . 'l'jf .n;.::-", i :: ilk' .ijif..;' r::!i i.4 ' mm Ifei Stubborn Case "I was under the treatment cf two doctors," writes Mrs. R. L Phillips, cf Indian Valley, Va., "and they pro nounced my case a very stubborn one, of womanly weak ness. I was not able to sit up, when I commenced to take Cardui. I used it about one week, before I saw much change. Now, the severe pain, that had been in my side for years, has gone, and I don't suffer at all. I am feeling better than in a long time, and cannot speak too highly cf Cardui." ARDU I WomarisTonic if you are one of those ailing women who suffer from any of the troubles so common to women. Cardui is a builder of womanly strength. Composed of purely vegetable ingredients, it acts quickly on ths womanly system, building up womanly strength, toning up the womanly nerves, and regulating the womanly system. Cardui has been in successful use for more than 50 years. Thousands of ladies have written to tell of the benefit they received from it. Try it for your troubles. Begin today. Write to: Ladies Advisory Dept. CMtanooga Medicine Co.. ChaUacooga, Tenru. ctions. and 64-paae took. " Home Treatment lor WorotV sent free. J i tor Special Instate Where Grow IV2 Bal Only 1 G Before One to onc-nnd-a-half and even two bales of cotton, or GO to 90 bushels of corn per acre, require little more labor than smaller yields. Simply use liberally the right fertilizer or plant food to the acreage you plant, and cultivate the crop more thoroughly and oftener. You cannot be too careful in selecting fertilisers and seeds. Your soil deserves the best plant foods which aro Virginia-Carolina Hish-Grade Fertilizers ' They are made to give Available Phosphoric Acid, Ammonia or Nitrogen, and Potash in the right combination for greatest yields. These fertilizers produce big crops of COTTON, CORN, KICE, TOBACCO, FRUITS, PEANUTS and TRUCK. .Mrginfo-Caroli Surrougns-Pittman-Wheeler Co. (Successors to N. C. Josey Company's Undertaking Business.) Coffins , Caskets. A Complete Line of Undertaker's Supplies. J HESRSE SERVICE AT ANY TIME. Burroughs-PittniaR-Wlieeler Co., Scotland Neck, N. C. i Wood's Seeds Tor The Farm and Garden. Our New Descriptive Catalog is fully up-to-date, giving descrip tions and full information about the best and most profitable seeds to grow. It tells all about Grasses and Clovers, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Soja Beans, The Best Seed Corns and all other Farm and Garden Seeds. Wood's Seed Catalog has long been recognized as a stan dard authority on Seeds. Mailed on request; write for it. T. W. WOOD & SONS, SEXDSMHN, RICHMOND, VA. AlHAIlPAVPn a CHICHESTER PILLS DIAMOND BRAND I-Anrps t Aft 7."!r?,'li"t or CHI-CHES-TER S gold metallic hoi Ribbon. Takb no UMOND BHAND PILLS, for twenty-fiva o 'n.v, x t w ay a jv.ci luuiC SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS gL EVERYWHERE JgS! TRADE-MARKS and copyrights obtained or no fee. Send model, sketches or photos and brief I dedcription, for FREE SEARCH and report on I patentability. 20 years experience. I Send 2-cent stamp for NEW BOOKLET, f fall of patent information. It will help you to i fortune. READ PACES 11 nd 12 before applying H for a patent, vv rue Kwiay. D. SWIFT & CO. PATENT LAWYERS. A tes, sealed with Blue OTHER. Tiny oF yonpVTi i iiyi-s in x.t.d anaA mmm - - r. -Lvi es Cotton rew Chemical Co. Bos 1117 RICHMOND 1A. VIPvGINIA Burial Robes. V The Great Jlntisepiic "Pain Reliever far MAN and BEAST. MEXICAN he Best Emergency Remedy for Farmers, Stock-raisers and Household use. Speedily relieves Spavins, Swin ney, Harness Sores and Qalls, Shoe 3oi?s, Strains and Lameness in Horses; Caked Udder and Sore Teats in Cattle and Ailments of Poultry. SAFE AND SURE. Being made of oils it soaks down straicrnt to the bone. banisKc i.al i and saves suffering. Only oil lini ' ments can soak through muscle and j issue. Alcohol liniments evaporate before they can be absorbed by the sh besitsthe dan-- "-" uocu xiccu cx lire or lamp. Mexican MusStang Liniment will not burn even though a lighted match be applied. Mexican Muitang Lin iment is THE SAFE as well as the SURE-TO-CURE remedy. COM3IENDED BY A FARMER. Greensboro, Ga. As loriff ago as I can remember I have known of Mustang Liniment. I al va3'S keep it in my house and if any of my family get injured in any way, such as sprains, cuts, bruises, and, in fact, in many accidents that happen I always use Mus tang Liniment. On my horses and stock I never think of using anything else it is far cheaner than rirvrrrc' K;iio t . mend it to all farmers; it will keep their iamuies and also their horses and stock in condition. Very trulv vours, J. D. ANDREWS, farmer. FREE Send for '"Prayer of a Hone" Largmlypc ... cara x nave circulated hundreds of thousands of (ha famous- Hone's Prayer, t-ocru IbOer of norses aants one. LYONMFG.CO., 21 South Fifth St, BROOKLYN, NT. Y. IMnstaiiff iiolmeot LANDS OF FIRE. Yet Iceland and Tierra del Fuego Aro Glacier Bound Regions. It is rather singular that both of the "lauds of five" are near the cold extremities of the globe-Iceland, far to the northward, and Tierra del Fueso, remotely south. Iceland, to the eye, seems at first glance to bo better named by the cold appellation. Its glacial fields are not only numerous, but iu some cases these and the connected snow stretches are hundreds of square miles in extent. But only a iUtle travel into the in terior, say to Iho site of tlie ancient Icelandic parliament at Thingvallavatn, discloses miles noon miles of such deso lation as is possible only in a "laud of fire." It is a very island of volcanoes, and, while they have been exceedingly well behaved for a hundred years or so, the great hot springs in the neigh borhood of Reykjavik, the capital, in dicate that the subterranean heat, it passive, is still very much alive. Huge glaciers also mark the "cold land of five" at the other end of the earth. Thus each of the two parts of the universe is properly named, wbelh er the name be warm or cold. New York Tress. How Frostbite Comes. The first effect of cold on the skiu Is to contract tho tiny vessels that connect arteries and veins. Arteries are ves sels that "take blood from the heart. Veins are those that briug blood back to, tho heart, and the connecting ves sels are called capillaries. While these little vessels are contracting the skin Itself becomes tensor. In a few mo ments or minutes the effects change. Tho tiny nerves who3e stimulation caused contraction of the capillaries are more or less paralyzed, and the ves sels dilate so the skin gets red. Soon the veins are dilated, aud the skin be comes bluish. Then the nutrient fluid in the skin (the lymph) is coagulated, and the stretched skin ruptures or "chaps." If the cold is more severe its action is deeper, and the blood itself may be coagulated. This is frostbite. riust Voa Be Bald? What have you done to stop your hair from falling? Have you tried RexaJl "93" Hair Tonic? If not, wo want yoa to try it at our risk. If you have dandruff ; if your hair t3 falling out and your ecalp 13 not plaiod and shiny, if you uso licxall J'C3" Hair Tonio according to direc tions for thirty days, and at the end cf that time you aro not thoroughly eatisfied with the results and will tell U3 eo, we will immediately hand bac1? your money. We won't ask you to promiso anything. We won't even Question you. Wo will take your mere word and return your money. Doesn't it stand to roason that Rexall "93" Hiur Tonic must bo a mighty good remedy and havo si'-?n great satisfaction to our customers if we endorse it like thi3? Wo know of no similar remedy that is as good. 1 1 is because of what Resall "93" Hair Tonio has done for others that we back it with our own money. y Why Buffer scalp and hair troubio or bo bald, when Rexall "93" Hair Tonic will removo dandruff, maka your scalp comfortable and healthy, promote hair growth and tend to prevent baldness when wo will pay for the treatment should it fail to please you? F Wo don't obhpt-j you to any thing. You simply buy the treat ment; use it, and il not pleased, come back to us empty- ianded and we will hand bad- what you paid us. Two sizes, 60e and $1.00 a bottle. You can buy Raxall "93" Hail Tonff n this comcuaity onlj at ou store; E. T. WHITEHEAD CO. tJ- Carolina There is a RexaH Store in nearly every Town and city m the United States, Canada and Oreat Britain. There ia a different Itc-xaH Jvemedy for n-arly every ordinary human ill each especially designed for the particular ill lor which it ib recommended. The Resell Store ere America's Greatest Drug Stores Thera Are Others. In our adolescent inexperience we cherished the notion that hotel clerks and book store attaches were th most conspicuous of the unintelligfnts. Yesterday, however, a telegraph oper ator objected to our using "juxtapose" In a eight letter. "We dc-n't f-llow code words," said he. And for thf life of us we couldn't thirdr. cf a sn ippy comeback. 5st For Skin Disease. Nearly every skin disease yields quickly and permanently to Buck len's Arnica Salve, and nothing is better for burns or bruises. Soothes and heals. John Beye, of Gakhvin, Mich., says, after suffering: twelve years with tkin ailment and spend ing $100 in doctors bills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him. It will help you. Only 25c. Recommend ed by E. T. Whitehead Company. Live Australian Freaks. A calf, somewhat cf a freak of na ture, was horn on T. G. Ware's farm at Little Akaroa, Australia, recently. It has five less, the extra one work ing in a socket in tho breastbone. The calf is thriving, and i3 strong and healthy. Another freak, a lamb, is re ported to have been born at Plat Point Station. It ha3 three ears and eight legs. It did not live. When baby suffers with eczema or some itching skin trouble, use Doan's Ointment. A little of it goes a long way and it is safe for children. 50c a box at all stores. Notice of Registration. Notice is hereby given that there will be an entirety new registration of voters in the town of Scotland Neck, N. C, for the election to be held on the first Tuesday in April, 1913, Under an Act of the General Assembly of North Carolina, En titled, "An act to authorize an issue of Bonds for School purposes, by the Board of the Graded School Trustees of Scotland Neck, and to nmvihp nn election therefor." Notice is fur ther given that the Registration Books for said new registration of Voters will be ODened on t.hA 99.nA day of March, 1913, at the Mayor's office, and closed on the 29th day of March, 1913, it being the Saturday preceeding the said election, as pro vided by law. This the 19th day of Feb. 1913. By order of the Board of Commis sioners. Chas. L. Staton. Registrar. GOOD NEWS. Many Scotland Neck Head ers Have Heard It and Profited Therebj-. "Good news travels fast," and the thousands of bad back sufferers in this vicinity are glad to learn where relief may be found. Many a lame weak and aching back is bad no more, thanks to Doan's Kidney Pills. Thousands upon thousands of people are telling the good news cf their experience with this tested remedy. Here is an example worth reading: J. T. D. Rawlings, Second St., Weldon, N. C, says: "You are wel come to use my name as a reference for the merit cf Doan's Kidney Pills, as I have tested them and have found that they are reliable. .1 had back aches and pains through my kidneys and was bothered by irregular pass ages of the kidney secretions. I finally got Doan's Kidney Pills and was not long before they gave me entire relief." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-MilburnCo., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Constipation causes headache, in digestion, dizziness, drowsiness. For a mild opening medicine, use Doan's Regulets. 25c a box at all stores. Women hi Suicide Epidemic No fewer than five suicides, ail of women, were commuted in Paris on recent: day. A mother and her daugh ter took cyanfde of potassium because they had hrd ro food for three days. The daiifrhtrr was a lyric artist. A young Austrian girl of 18 threw her self cnto the rrils as a train wfss en tering the Mrnber.f station of ti Me tro. A woman of 40 took arsenic, ar.u the fifth, who was 27, shot b'.jrsU through the heart. Never can tell when you'll mash a a finger or suffer a cut, bruise, turn or scald. Thousands rely on Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil. Your druggist sells it. 25c and 50c. Stork Fnrtiai to ftlhisr's Domicile. Thero seems to bs an especial af lr.Ity be! ween tho etork and the fam 1;' cf Fraulc uartofski, a miner at 2ickson City, Pa. In ten years tho ilrd has brorgl't 12 babies, including hree pairs cf twiiis, and or.e ret of riplets. Tea cf the- children aro liv- Chronic Stomach Trouble Cured. There is nothing more discourag ing than a chronic disorder of the stomach. Is it not surprising that many suffer for years with such an ailment when a permanent cure is within their reach and may be had r'or a trifle? "About one year ago," says P. H. Beck, of Wakelee, Mich., "I bought a package of Chamber lain's Tablets, and since using them I have ftlt perfectly well. I had previously used any number of diff erent medieines, but none of them vere of any lasting benefit." For .sale by all dealers. Banana Skin Law In Erszil. During a Southwark inquest, In which it was suggested that an old ir.?n had slipped cn a banana skin, a jurcr said he had been In Brazil, and there if a policeman saw a person throw a banana or orange skin on the roadway that person was at once ar rested and fined or sent to prison. London Doily Graphic. The Mobter'i Favarile. A cough medicine for children should be pleasant to take. It should be effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is all of this and is the mothers' favorite everywhere. For sale by all dealers. 1 -prams, Dnnsesi are relieved at once by an applica tion of Sloan's Liniment. Don't rub, just lay on lightly. " Sloan's Liniment has dono mora pood than anything I have ever tried for xtift' joints. 1 got my iiand hurt so )j:nliy Unit I had to Ftop work right in tUs Icisiost tiiuo of the year. 1 thought at Jii-st that I would ll;ivo to have my h ind taken off, but I got a bottio of fcio;in's Liniia. iit and cured iny baud." Miiutos WnaLXEK, ilonia, Ala. Good for Broken Sinews G. O. Jones, Baldwin, L. I., writes : -"'I used Sloan's Liniment for broken sinews above the kneo oapciiud by a f it il and to my great satisf action was able to resume work in less than three weeks after the accident." r Fine for Sprain Mb. Hert A. Voeiil, 84 Somerset St., Plainfieid, N. J., writes: "A friend eprained his ankle so badly that it went black. He laughed when I told him that I would have him out in a week. I applied Sloan's IJniment and in four days be was working and said Sloan's was a right good lini ment." Price 2Se., 50c, and $1.00 Sloan's Book on horses, cattle, Fheep and poultry sent free. Address Stiff Joints 1 Wb a El SiOAM'S L1MIMEMT rs il 1 EarT's. C JhL.TX I jj Sloan jj Putting It to Good Use. I s'poso you've been very careful about tli books you let your children have." . "Oh, yes, indeed! There s onr Jim we intend him for a statesman. Jim was raised on tbe Congressional Rec- "Tbe Congressional Record! Well, well!" Tes; we let him sit on it for years so he'd be raised enough to eat from tbe table."-Cleveland Plain Dealer. The Aleutian Islands. Until the time of rctcr the Grea. the Aleutian islands were unknown The famous Itussian monarch, con sumed with curiosity as to the dis tance between Asia and America, smarted, in 1725, the first of the expe ditions that nt last revealed those haunts of the bear, the beaver tbe er mine and the seal. Hut Captain Cook told more about tho islands than die all the Rnsslan explorers before him. Opportunity. "Opportunity really knocks at many a door." "Then why don't more of us succeed better?" t .. "T'i trouble is that Opportunity wants us to go to work'-Pittsburgb rost Anticipation. Mrs. Jtistwed-Just think of it. dear est one! Twenty-five years from day before yesterday will be our silver an niversaryl" Judge. Never Tried, neck Does your wife get angry if she Is Interrupted, while talking' Teclr Flow should I know? Boston Transcript. The Song Bird. They say the birds are timid. Great' heavens, to be so small and lovely in a world of hawks and snares end yet dare to sing as if tho gods were good: In all tbe wide creation there is nt!i Ing braver tban the heart of a singini: bird. Chamberlain's Tablets for Constipation. For constipation, Chamberlain's Tablets are excellent. Easy to take, mild and gentle in effect. Give them a trial. For sale by all dealers. Notice of Election. Notice is hereby given that on the first Tuesday in April, 1913 (it be ing April 1st), an election v. ill be held in the town of Scotland Neck. vnder and by virtue of the provis ions of an r.et entitled, "An act to authorize an issue of bonds for school purposes by the board cf graded school trustees of Scotland Neck, and to provide an election therefor," passed by the general assembly of North Carolina at its session in the year 1913, and ratified on the 4th day of February, when and where the provisions of sections 1 and 5 of said act will be submitted to a vote of the qualified voters of bcotland Neck graded school dis trict. Sections 1 and 5 of said act above referred to are as follows: "Section 1. That the board of graded school trustees of Scotland Neck shall be and arf herebv au thorized and empowered to issue bonds of 'The Scotland Neck Graded School District,' to an amount not exceeding, sixteen thousand dollars of such denomination and of such proportion as such board of trustees may deem advisable, bearing inter est from dfltp nt n rnro nnf dvowil. L. " " l.w V I 4 ing six per cent per annum, with interest coupons attached, payable annually at such times and at such place or places as may be deemed aavisaoie oy such board of trustees; Said bonds to be of Rlir-h fr.rm anrl tenor and transferable in such way and the principal thereof payable or redeemable at such ti nifl or timta not exceeding fifty years from the aaie inereot, and at such place or nlaces as said hnnrH rf f mcfoatj n may determine. Said bonds shall rje signed by the chairman of said board of trustees and countersigned by the secretary thereof, and a record kept of all bonds issued. Section 5. That for the purpose 01 providing lor the payment of said bonds and tht inl and of defraying the expenses of uie puonc graded schools in the town or Scotland Nerk- tho K.o of commissioners of the town of scot land pjeck shall annually, and at the time of levying the municipal taxes commencing with the fiscal year beginning the fu st dav of June one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, levy and lay a particular tax (in addition to the tax provided lor said graded school district by chapter four hundred and fifty one pf the laws of one thousand nine hundred and three) cn all persons and subject of taxotion within the limits of : the said Scotland Neck Graded School Dirtrict, on which said board of commissioners may now or hereafter be authorized to ay and levy taxes for any purpose whatever; and said particular tax shall not be more than twenty cents cn one hundred dollars assessed val uation of property, and not. more poll " n e taxable And notice is further given that . l. btaton has been duly selected r TreTStar f?,r said ejection, and C L. McDowell and W. H. White as judges for said election. Board of Commissioners, Witness: iy J. jl,. Shields, Mayor. A. L. Purrington, Sec'y. AD ' SbE& Wjmi PCTTIE REE g - O.r? MOAf& tertfijkZr mil l The KLid You Ilavo Always Bought, nuO, ia use for over 30 years, lias Ior:;o y All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just :, Experiments that triiie Avitli andem'uji Infants and Children Experience nvi: What is CA! Castoria is a harmless substitute for oil, gorie, IropS ana foootniiis ojiup, j:. . contains ncitlier Opium, MorpTiino ror Kubstancc. Its ago is its guarantee. H and allays Fcvcrislmcss. It cures J!.tr: Colic. It relieves Teetliinff Troubles, . m pud Flatulency. It assimilates tlio Tho Children's Pauacear-Tho 3Zothci-f. . u!. QEfiUINE CASTORIA WAl; A SW jF JSI Jf mi I- it Here is a smoke with the real, pvrmine to bacco taste that beats all artilidil t; .s Every grain of it is pure, clean ifhiicco. Tucked into a pipe, or rolled into a i iprctte, it makes a delightful smoke. If you have not smoked Duke's Mixfw: i:i;n!c If Liggett & Myers at Durham, N. C, try it iic'". w4 3 & In addition to one and a half ounces o and North Carolina leaf, with each 5e fu! Mixture you now get a book of cigarette pnp A Free Present Coupon These coupons are good for hundred.-, presents. There are shavinc sets, ipwrlrv.fnl I aus, tennis racquets, talking machines, furutt :.n , anv eras, and dozens of other articles suitable for cv.-:y mcnii-r: of the family each cf il Notice ! All persons are hereby forbidden to in any way obstruct the drains on either side of the publie roads in Conoconara, Scotland Neck, R6se neath and Palmyra townships, under penalty of the law. Those who have obstructed by filling in said drains with poles or dirt are herehv notify WVB.U to immediately remove said obstruc tion. Do not allow VOUr nlmva tn, be dragged over the drains. Ob structing the drains is against the road laWi We cannot have good roads unless the drains are kept open. We appeal to all ihn nit; of said townshi D3 to rn-rmsrnti us in keeping said drains open at all umes. .T TT FlA n nrT oupt. Conoconara Township. I. H. Smith, upt. Scot. Neck Township. W. C. Allsbrook, bupt. Roseneath Township. R. H. White, ThisJanuaryP7;i9l3myraTOWnShip- 11 and lias uecn ?. -:tii!f! il. II r:'i;:M! "l i;!V,-, Bears the Signature c" if i M You Have Mm M In Use For Over 30 Voars. TMC CCNTtUR COMPANY, TT TTCT, Hivl vt'';i K.rt, X 1 1 aaaea peasure for smokers of A lie irj fac t:.J val'M!1 , worth saving the coup lt;r. ! a special ( er, flXtT' March and April J snpri.il cr. OUT' ; zve zci'U send our v illustrate d cata logue of these presents FREE. Jut is y..ur name and adn- n 1 tal. Cpupflns hem P Pf as "rir,: ut i . r v . TWIST, c ' " hZ ROSES ( .' PICK PI ' pick rt ' ' VTx MONT CI ; ' ' ' Fs.U' CICAKLIIL-. tart or u: i ' "' ' nil'- Frcma-n Dept. Notice cf LandS . Uy virtue cf ! me by a cci i si cuted to mo b ' his wife. Ut'ni i : is recordotl in i in the regime" Halifax court-., day of April. 1 ' Scotland Nee' auction, for bidder, the f wit: Beginning the east side f rounds' S. XV. i-1 ory's line; tlioiu-t chains to tho i Swamp, or IV I0V.T" ,,1.1 J'!;r lit't'i ."in t' tu t'1'-' ;,yr prt'!' i r. V:S. r ir '. .v: v,. -;. ;un 'if l!i'!:''!t'r-,.i':.: with 6 sweeiirti N, -32 w. i-vi- Una Lumber thence along r.n said company i' 40 J E. 12 02-1 i :::il"':-. L'.i,r.v v. blackjack; ur.'i' 1 ,,.,;rut'1-j S. 82 E. 3 (r-l"" ginning, confab ' .Vii;iro;d J ing same lantl u son by P. C. Hi-oiT'-r; This March It. 1 rt.: C W. tlii'-'i,t 1 , A. Paul Kitchin, Attune.-

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