0 II i: H O U S 1 P O U G O O I) GHOCERIES Molasses and Syrup. Just received another shipment of that HIGH GRADE MO- K r.ASSl'X Just give the by your bucket or jug and tell him to A brins yu a gallon. Also a shipment of KARO SYRUP in. 10, 25 and 00 cent cans. Yours to serve, J. W. ALLSBROOK. J We Thank You for Your Trade. Telephone Number Eighty-One. t to 81 Shirts and Collars. Our Spring Stock of Cluett and Arrow Brand i ts has arrived and we invite your inspection. ne in and look them over. You are not obliged bny. Shirts 1.00, 1.50 and 2.00. Collars LOCAL NEWS. items Gathered from the Town end Country. DO per dozen, i On ALI-SiiROOK S BOYETTE, ' ordial Welcome to All. Men's and Boys' Outfitters H;;w li's Ma3e. The L. o: M. Semi-Mixed Real I'a'r-t is a t-ure paint. One thous and p.-und.- of pure White Lead, Zinc and Linseed Oil are put togeth er v. an immense mixer; then large mi:'? grind it, and machines fill it into can.- ready for market. But the u:.-tr adds three quarts more Unseed Oil to each gallon to make lv trallons of Real Pure Paint for i. io per gallon. It is the uery highest quality paint. S Id hv Hardy Hardware Compa r.v. Scot lard Neck. N. C. Small Fire Tuesday. The dwelling occupied by Mr. R I. Jones, in the Clarksviile end of town, came near being destroyed by fire Tuesday about 11 o'clock. The fire originated around the kitchen flue and with a strong wind blowing it took hard work for a few minutes to put out the fire. The damage both to the building and furniture is covered by insurance. The fool imagines that the world is laughing with him when it laughs at him. 0 A V 0 r 0 0 0 r 0 A 0 THAT & 0 t won Id A 17 VAIIPQ A M J 1 KJ 0 highly appreciate a Nice Box of $ Candy, especially a box of J G5 A fresh assortment now on display at $ the New Drug Store. Drop in and let us tell you about its fine quality. A j Crescent Pharmacy, Inc. 0 Telephone Number Forty-Six. as i i jumm mns rk mmrmum I H II i,l I f ijtt V- . -- r-H HsffiS rr5i J F-t K- J llliii LiJ F1 Prirri i 21 IE"k- N making your selection of mattresses the first thought should be, how and under what conditions were they made ? Sanitary mattresses are essential to good Health. Poorly made bedding, . stuffed with dusty and questionable materials by underpaid workmen in unclean shops, is a menace to health. Your physician will tell you that. T1m mattresses offered in this Kale come to us one of the best known manufacturers in the eountrv and are guaranteed strictly sanitary in eve ry particular. Here an; souk; of the prices: $15.00 at $12.50 12.00 at $10.00 10.00 nt f 7.50 Just Received Two Car Loads of Furniture. Cash or Credit. Scotland Neck Furniture Company, THE HOME OUTFITTERS. How about the fruit? Now is the time to swat the fly. It will not be long now before we will have electric day current. Rev. J. K. Henderson preached at the Baptist church Sunday night. Mr. W. L. Harrell received his handsome Buick five passengar car this week. Mr. L. Wilkinson now has his shop located in one of the buildings near winslow's sales stables. ine county commissioners and board of education will both be in session at Halifax Monday. The new telephone building will soon be completed, and then we will have as nice a telephone exchange as any town in the State. There were heavy frosts Friday and Saturday mornings of last week but no ice and we are in hopes the fruit has not been damaged. The Daughters of the Confederacy- will meet at the graded school this (Thursday) afternoon at 3:30. All members are urgently requested to be present. Mr, Chas. E. Steptoe has changed his position from L. Waxman's store to N. Herring, the groceryman, and will be pleased to have his friends call and trade with him. The County Teachers Association will meet here in the graded school Friday, April 11th. The public will be especially invited to attend the the sessions of the association. Rev. O. P. Campbell, of States ville, has accepted the work here as supply pastor of the Baptist church, and is expected here this week, hold ing his first service in the church Sunday morning. Read the advertisements as they appear in The Commonwealth from week to week. By doing this you can find the merchants that appreci ate your trade enough to spend a few dollars in order to let you know what they have for sale. Rev. J. E. Lanier, who served the Scotland Neck Baptist church as supply pastor last summer, has ac cepted a call to the Baptist church at Smithfield, and will go there about the first of June. Mr. Lanier wiil graduate from the Seminary in May. ' . J. L. Boyd, who lives near Hob good, some days ago prepared to move with his family to Suffolk, Va., and when he arrived at Hobgood, his horse became frightened, ran away, throwing Boyd from the buggy and wounded him very bad ly. He was unable to make the trip and says now that he wiil have to re main on the farm. The high school base ball team will go to Tarboro Friday and play the second game of the series with Tarboro high school. The next game on the local diamond will probably be played on Friday, April the 11th, with Rocky Mount High School. The high school team is practicing hard for these two games and is confident of winning easily. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. The Conrslng, Going and Whereabouts of Our Peepfe and Other Folks. Mrs. H. C Worthen, of Atlanta, Ga., is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. B. Aiken. Mrs. Lucy Lawrence, of Whita kers, came Sunday to keep house for Mr. D. A. Madry. Miss Hattie Leggett spent last week in Franklinton, the guest of Miss Josephine Henley. Rev. N. C Yearby visited the Washington District Conference in in session at Greenville last week. Mrs. L. B. Thigpen and daughter, Miss Virginia, of Washington City, were last week the guests of Mrs. Thigpen's sister, Mrs. W. R. Cherry. Mr. C. Frank Allsbrook, who re cently went to Grimesland to live, was here last week and favored The Commonwealth with a subscription. Mr. P. Q. Bryan, who is changing his location from Oxford, N. C, to Moultrie, Ga., spent a few days here this week with his parents before going to his Georgia home. Messrs. Geo. W. Andrews, T. L. House and A. Strickland attended the Skewarkey Union in session at Bear Grass from Saturday to Sun day, ihey report a good union. Rev. W. J. Gordon, of Spray, visited friends here several days the past week. Mr. Gordon conducted services at Trinity church Sunday morning and night, preaching inter esting sermons. Mr. Archibald Johnson, editor of Charity and Children of Thomasville, was here Saturday night and Sun day, and conducted the services at the Baptist church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Our people are al ways glad to see Mr. Johnson and they give him a royal welcome. Trust Busting Tariff Revision D O W N W A R D WAR IN EUROPE AS WELL AS MEXICO are all of great interest to us, but it is far more important to watch and study carefully our daiiy expenses, and no part of which is more worthy of care ful study than the buying of what we eat. Intelligent peo ple demand Quality and Purity and will not be side-tracked by cheap, shoddy goods. Your grocery-man should not take advantage of your desire for Quality and make you pay too much for it. The public de mands Quality at the right price. You shall have it. With your help, I N. HERRING. i Telephone 124. NOW! WHILE IT'S EASY. i Now is the time to save, when you are making more than you need to spend. Lay aside part of yourjpres&nt earnings for future needs. It works no hardship and insures a aire sum to your credit at a later time when it will he most help ful, fcstart with us to-day. four Per Cent Interest, compounded quarterly, allowed in cur Savings Department. PLANTERS 8c COMMERCIAL BANK. Scotland Neck, N. C. COMING ! The Rsusd Ta5!e Clal). Early Hosing. The Retail Merchants Association held a called meeting in the office of The Scotland Neck Bank on the night of March 31st, and it was agreed that the general stores and hardware stores close their places of business at 7 o'clock in the even ing, beginning on the first day of April and continuing until October 1st. Saturdays excepted. Below is a list of the firms that will close: W. T. Hancock Compa ny, Edwards & Company, Pittman & Bishop, Scotland Neck Furniture Company, Allsbrook &, Boyette, M. Hoffman & Brother, J. L. Josey, Hardy Hardware Company, Josey Hardware Company, White &Paull, R. C. Josey & Company, Burroughs-Pittman-Wheeler Company, J. W. Madry, L. Waxman, Mrs. A. M. Riddick. How's This 7 We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured hv Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the l;ist 1" years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially iiblo to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh . Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists, Take Hall's Family Tills for constipation. The Round Table Club was enter tained Saturday afternoon by Mrs. . B. Aiken. ' After the quotations from Shakes peare the study oi Macbeth was begun. Mrs. Bond gave a very in teresting synopsis of the play which was followed by the reading of sev eral scenes from Acts I and II. Current events were given by Mrs. R. C Josey which brought forth very animated discussions. After the regular meeting Mrs. Aiken gave a Shakespearean contest. Mrs. Bond won the prize, a copy of Hamlet, which was presented by Mrs. Aiken. ' :- - After the meeting delicious re freshments were served by Misses Aiken and Mayo. Every member of the Club was present together with the guests, Mrs. H. C. Worthen, of Atlanta, Ga., Mrs. W. L. Hall, of Greenville, and Mrs. Purrington. Know Paint. There's a paint-education in this advertisement. Buy by the job, not gallon. Buy by the paint put-on; that's the jab. The price of paint is so much a gallon; that can't be, helped, but amounts to nothing. The price of painting is so much a day; that can't be helped, but amounts to nothing. Put them together. How can you do it? You've got to or lose per haps half of your money. Devoe, 10 gallons enough for the average job; an average paint, 15. Now reckon your costs. Count la bor a day for a gallon. Devoe 10 days; the other 15. Devoe about $50; the average paint about $70 or $30; the dearer the labor the bigger the difference, always that way. But that's for the job. How long is it going to last? One twice as long as the other. Devoe. E. T. Whitehead Cr. sells it. j Mutt and Jeff Will put on their j new play here soon I They have rented the Cen tral Market Building and the J. D. Stewart Ice House. Their first scene will be a car load of Washington Crystal Ice They are hoping o have very good patronage. Tickets are now on sale. Terms cash. Good Night! Leroy Allsbrook, Chas. L. Staton, Managers. ! If 9 I ! Tb l Ifleii s. Ladies 9 Boys w TlIK HOME OF IURU niHGS' The Summer of The Heart Wedding Time! OF all joyful occasions we know of nothing to equal that of the Wedding Season. There is nothing which brings to bride and groom alike a sense of happiness like this jovful time, and friends and well wishers strive to make it more so with Gifts Appropriate. When you wish to increase this joy and happiness see that your Present is purchased here for there is none so valued as those seen in packages bearing our name. Our stock is fairly teeming in rich, bright Silver, Cut Glass ets., at prices incom parably low. It Is Gardening Time, too, and we have a full assortment of New Garden Seed. E. T. Whitehead Comp'y DRUGGISTS, White Coods: Lawns, Muslins, Dim ities, everything in white goods. Nice assortment of Linens, white, tan, blue, pink, in fact anything you want in Linens. Laces and Embroideries, Flouncing and Bundeys and Ail-Overs. A dandy stock of Baby Sash Laces, All-Overs, Edgings and Insertions. Ratino, Rep and Piquet, anything you want and in any colors. Burroughs-PiUman-Wheeler Co., Everybody's Store, Scotland Keck, N. I. Besioired and Patented 1887 Use Standard Ever Since Rnnf mil nn twnitv.six VC3T3 aeo &tQ as good as new to-day, and have never needed repairs. What is the result ? Why practically every other shingle manufacturer is trying to imitate it, so be not deceived look for the words "Cortright Reg. U. S. Pat. Off." embossed on the corrugation. It'is put there (or your protection. Accept no substitute. dSf in . iiaiiiiiiiinEsaeBsa' 'ii- ff T. W. RUSSELL, Scotland Neck, N. C. jThe Cmomonweaiih one year for one dollar. QKKK0KKKH)0-C-0 KK0KKKK)0KH0K0K0 MANUFACTURERS OF To Care a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It stops the Cough and Headache and works off the Cold. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W". GROVE'S signature on each box. 25c 6 .1 1 M 6 SlUfl I Cotton Seed Meal r i Guano Co. si' Si ran tjiiano A Hfivoyou stopped to consider how IMPORTANT it is tlmt KVEKY fanner should KNOW what ingredients constitute the FKIiTI LIZKKS that hehu.ys? 0 Your year's labor, your crop, the wipport of your family all depends on the Special Announcements. FbrRbsulis in i ii i 1 ray LsiA8Sh EARLY CLOSING. WE WILL close our store at 7 p. m. from April 1st to Septeznber l-.t. Josey Hard ware Company, Pioneer Hardware Dealers, Scotland Neck, N. C. FOR SALE. TOMATO PLANTS ready for delivery ! at any time, j Ponderoso.Earhana and Lai ly Acme. Phone Mrs. Norfleet Smith. Scot land Neck. 4-3 2t l Resells of The PertiE 6 Izers Used CLEE VAUGHAN, DEALERS' agent for the large-stand best Tomb stone Quarries in America. Quality best. Prices lowest. FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE New L. C. Smith typewriter, Stand ard Machine snl latest improve ments. Manufacturers get $105.00 for this machine. Reason for sell ing, ordered two and party did not take this one. Price $55.00. See it at Scotland Neck Bank. Chas. J2 Shields. INDIAN RTNNER DUCK EGGS per setting of 13 for $1.00. J. B. j Hall. o-u-ti It does NOT pay to buy a FERTILIZER because it is CHEAP. Some FER TILIZERS on the market are made of LOVv'-prieed material ami have VERY TJTTLR nlant-food dualities: heiice are COSTLY nt ANY price. Ye are making the BEST class of FERTILIZERS, in our opinion, that are sold in Use South. 0 XVc give you TWO THOUSAND pounds of the following material in each and X every ton: Cotton Seed Meal, Fish Scrap. Dried Rlood. Nitrate of Soda, Hih Grade Phosphates, Muriate of Potash, Manure Salts and Kainits. Our Goods Have Lasting QualitiesEnriches The Soil Call for booklet which tells you what others think of our COTTON SEED MEAT, AND FISH SCRAP GUANO. Put in your order for OUR tfoods to-day. If vnur merchant, will not furnish them to you call on us. V 1 i.v.n ii v - - - EGGS FOR HATCHING. INDI an Runner Dncks (white ejrjj strain) $1 00 for 12; Barred Plymouth Rock Eggs $1.00 for 15. T. D. Kitchin, Scotland Neck, N. C. 3 20-6w Scotland Nec k Guano Comp'y Scotland Neck, North Carolina. 6CM00OCKOK 1 Ml I'J i !1 'ii ''I , id i.t .. i . 'ji f it '4 A; !! T rw ;, ii 7 .. A if- 1 . .. r ,'t'- it' It if' i K ".i

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