I Cardai For nearly ten years, at different times, Mrs. Mary Jinks of Treadway, Term., suffered with womanly troubles. She says: "At last, I took down and thought I would die. I could not sleep. I couldn't eat I had pains all over. The m doctors gave me up. 1 read many, and I began to take saved my life! Now, I can do C-jjTAKE . . The ARDU ! WomanVTomc If vou are weak, tired, worn-out, or suffer from any of H ?4 the pains peculiar to weak backache, dragging-down feelings, pains in arm, side, nip Ea nr Hmhs. and other svmotoms of womanly trouDie, you M chnniH trv Cardui. the woman's ;'3 . . ... . fectly harmless, vegetable mgreaienis, caraui is me uesi remedy for you to use, as it can do you nothing but good. It contains no dangerous drugs. It lias no bad after-effects. Ask your druggist. He sells and recommends Cardui. V.'rI'eio- Ladies' Advisory Dept., Chiftanooca Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., for Special Instructions, and W-page book. 6 17 A. And feed it properly, yields and large profits, Hlgh - Viratfnia-C OTiiizers liberally before planting. Also make, during cultivation, second and-third applications of V.-C. Fertilizers, and vou can be sure of results if your farming methods have been proper. Our 1013 FARMERS' YEAR BOOK or almanac tells you how to get more than a bale to the acre. It's free. f 6 t turroughs-Pittman-Wheeler Co. (Successors to N. E. Josey Company's Undertaking Business.) ns Caskets. A Complete Line of Undertaker's Supplies. HEftRSE SERVICE AT ANY TIME. Burroughs-Pittmaii-WheeSer Co., Scotland Neck, N. C. t "B for The farm and Garden. Our New Descriptive Catalog is fully up-to-date, giving descrip tions and full informati the best and most profitable seeds to grow. It tells all about Grasses and Clovers, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Soja Beans, The Best Seed Corns and all other farm and Garden Seeds. Wood's Seed Catalog has long been recognized as a stan dard authority on Seeds. Mailed on request; write for it. T. W. WOOD & SONS, SEXDSMLN, RICHMOND, VA. CHICHESTER DIAMOND LADIES ! 0-r i Hi yonr i-'m.rrlut for CHT-CHES-TER S xjkaimu fluids in red 8ndA I Gold metallic boxes, sealed with Blue(Q ! Ribbon. Takb NO cider. Buy or yorWi rural" and ask far cm.CUS.'J.R 8 V ! iamom bbasd pills, for twpnty-flco ! C nTn ? n fv I n'n unTo ! oULlj BY ALL LfnUuulSTS tried n sin k! mvu ulul woktu i lilhiiiiiliil TESTED I TRADE-MARKS and copyrights obtained or no fee. Bend model, sketches or photos and brief description, for FREE SEARCH and report on patentability. 26 years experience. Send 2-cent stamp for NEW BOOKLET, full of patent information, it will liulp you to foi-tune. READ PACES Hand 12 before applying lor a patent write to-oay . D. SWIFT & CO. PATENT LAWYERS. 03 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. BRAND 1 m iS"' "l,MJ"IL MB Cared Me59 1 K3I mat uaruui naa neipea so it, and it cured me. carom anything." women, such as neaaacne, m tonic. Prepared from per- - i j( t x "Home Treatment for Women." sent free. J 64 Pais Your Cotton That's the only way to get big Apply Carolina Grade Virginia-Carolina onemicai u. Bos 1117 RICHMOND - VIRGINIA IB v"v"vtv' iffflpT Burial Robes. The Great Jlntiseptic 'Pain Reliever for MAN and BEAST. MEXICAN tan ment ; "hc flest Emergency Remedy for l Farmers, Stock-raisers and Household j use. Speedily relieves Spavins, Sioin- j j my, Harness Sores and Galls, Shoe I Moils, Strains and Lameness in Horses ; ; t K,ccd Udder and Sore Teats in Cattle and Ailments of Poultry. SAFE AND SURE. r j r -i . i j i being made of oils it soaks down . straight to the bone, banishes pain ana saves suffering. Kjniy oil lini l rr - i .1 , ments can soak through muscle and tissue. Alcohol liniments evaporate ' before they can be absorbed by the j flesh besides they are dangerous 1 VAUS ! If e when used near a fare or lamp. vvicKes uunno. rroDanly some Mexican Muslang Liniment will not one who ot a box of '.em by Parcel burn even though a lighted match be applied. Mexican Mustang Lin iment is THE SAFE as well as the ci tdc nrr r mr i i remeay, COMMENDED BY A FARMrp u A AKMfcK. fiRrpvqnnBn r UREENSBORO, LrA- As Ion? ago as I can remember 1 have known Mwrtang Liniment. I It ways keep it m my house and if any of my "" Kci in uiai in tinv wav. SUCH sprains, cuts, bruises, and.'iu fact, in many :.caenxs mat nappen 1 alwaysuse Mus tang Liniment. On my horses and stock I never think of using anything else it is far cheaper than doctors' bills. I com mend it to all farmers ; it will keep their families and also their horses and el; -k in condition. Very truly yours, J. D. ANDREWS, farmer. FREE ScnJ for "'Prayer of a Horse. " Large type edition on card 7rQ- .v..A... J hundrtdt of thousands of this famnu- Horse's Pro'jer. Evers lover of horses nanls one. LYON MFG. CO., 2 1 South Fifth St, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Hurried Eaiiag and Constipation. Hurried eating is a common con tributing cause of constipation as well as other ills. When the food is not properly masticated more ener gy is required in the upper part of the alimentary canal to reduce it to the condition necessary for complete digestion, and in cases in which the vitality is depleted this may seri ously cripple the activity of the lower alimentary canal as to con trioute largely to the atonic condi tion, which is a large factor in such cases. When the food is not fully masticated it is held back in ti e stomach, and this also has a ten dency to establish a sluggish action, which contributes to the condition favorable to constipation While thorough mastication will not cure those cases which may be largely due to bad mental condition, exces sive mixing of food, lack of exer cise, overwork, too concentrated food, or some physical defect of the intestine, it is an important factor, and more careful mastication will contribute to improvement in all cases. Cocgbs anb Consumption. Coughs and colds, when neglected, always lead to serious trouble of the lungs. The wisest thing to do when you have a cold that troubles you u t) get a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery. You will get relief from the first dose, and finally the cough will disappear. O. H. Brown, of Muscadine, Ala., writes: "My wife was down in bed with an obstinate cough, and 1 honestly believe had it not been for Dr. King's New Dis covery, she would not be living to day." Known for forty-three years a3 the best remedy for coughs and colds. Price 50c and $1.00. Recom mended by E. T. Whitehead Co. Lady (to Messrs. Cook's official) I have nothing to declare. What shall 1 say? Official Say, madam, that you have nothing to declare. Lady Yes, but suppose they find something? Punch. For Buret, Cruises cd Sores. The quickest and surest cure for burns, bruises, boils, sores, inflam mation ar.d all skin diseases is Buck len's Arnica Salve. In four dr-ys it cured L. H. Haflin, of Iredell. Texas, of a sore on on his ankle which pained him so he could hardly walk. Shou'd be in every house. Only 25c. Recommended by E. T. Whitehead Company. "I have real three novels by your Cousin Amanda. In none do the lovers marry. Now, that is peculiar.' "Oh, not at all. She is much too envious t give others such a happi ness." FiiiegendeBlaetter. Lcck to Your Plumbing.' You know w hat happens in a house in which the plumbing is in poor condition everj-body in the house is liable to contract typhoid or some other fever. The digestive organs perform the same functions in the human body as the plumbing does for the rouse, and they should be kept in first-class condition all the time. If you have any trouble with your digestion take Chamberlain's Tablets and you are certain to get quick relief. For sale by all dealers "Success is very difficult to at- tain. "True enough." "Fortunately, when a man does attain success his entire family can go through life hanging onto his coattails. Kansas Citv Journal. Ceng !i Medici e For Children. Too much care cannot be used in selecting a cough medicine for chil dren. It should be pleasant to take, contain no harmful substance and be most effectual. Chamberlain's j Cough Remedy meets these require ments and is a tavonte with the mothers of young children every where. For sale by all dealers. Gladys Helen certainly looked ! happy in church this morning. Mae Evidently sne had nothing on her mind but her Easter hat. Judge. uc a Cure For Rhenmctisa. "I suffered with rheumatism for , vvw jcaiD ouutuumimigei, iij.v rigni i : -1 irnntn -i -i . J . . 1 ,1 4- i. . 1 i. hand to rry mouth for that length of time," writes Lee L. Chapman, Mapleton, Iowa. "I suffered terri ble pain so I could not lie still at rive years ago i Degan using Chamberlain's Liniment and in two months I was well and have not suf- :lt-t- it: t i . fe-ed with rheumatism since sale by ail dealers. For Hicks Who was it sn'd that you can't unscrambles eergs? post. Boston Transcript. Ladies Can Wesr Shoes one size smaller by using Allen's Foot-Ease, the antiseptic powder for swollen, tender, achinp; feet. It makes walking a delight, relieves corns and bunions of al! pain, and gives rest and comfort. Sold every where, 25c. Don't accept any sub stitute. Sample free. Address, Al len S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. and ey ITHSLU !! AND Ml THROAT 80 tt'KG TROUBLES I T-iaTiClfc 3 Of? f'70ffV f?T.rcjfDD. GOOD NEWS. Many Scotland Neck Head ers Have Heard It and rroflted Thereby. "Good news travels fast," and the thousands of bad back sufferers in this vicinity are glad to learn where relief may be found. Many a lame weak and aching back is bad no more, thanks . to Doan's Kidney Pills. Thousands upon thousands of people are telling the good news of their experience with this tested remedy. Here is an example worth reading: J. T. D. Rawlings, Second St., Weldon, N. C, says: "You are wel come to use my name as a reference for the merit of Doan's Kidney Pills, as I have tested them and have found that they are reliable. I had back aches and pains through my kidneys and was bothered by irregular pass ages of the kidney secretions. I finally got Doan's Kidney Pills and was not long before they gave me entire relief." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-MilburnCo., Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. He Why is it that grind is never subject to colds? She He is always wrapped up in his books. Yale Record. Pain: in the Stomach. If you continually complain of pains in the stomach, jrour liver or your kidneys are out of order. Neg lect may lead to dropsy, kidney trouble, diabetes or Bright's disease. Thousands recommend Electric Bit ters as the very best stomach and kidney medicine made. H. T. Alston, of Raleigh, N. C, who suffered with pain in the stomach and back, writes: "My kidneys were deranged and my liver did net work right, I suffered much, but Electric Bitters was rec ommended and I improved from the first dose. I now feel like a new man." It will improve you, too. Only 50c and $1.00. Recommended by E.T. Whitehead Company. Nell Whv do you use make-up? Bell To tell the truth, I haven't the cheek to do without it. Phila delphia Record. For earache, toothache, pains, burns, scaM, sore throat, try Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil, a splendid remedy for emergencies. Clara Rose told me that you told her that sesret I told you not to tell her. Belle She's a mean thing! I told her not to tell you. Clara Well, I told her 1 wouldn't tell you she told me, so don't tell her I did. Lippincott's. Straight At Ii. There is no use of our "beating around the bush." We might as well out with it first as last. We want ycu to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the next time you have a cough or cold. There is no reason so far as we can see why you should not do so. This preparation by its remarkable cures has gained a world wide reputation, and people everywhere speak of it in the high est terms of praise. It is for sale by all dealers. The Boy Quick! Bringahambu lance down to Paradice Court. The P. C What for? The Boy Mrs. Murphy caught another lidy sneak in' 'er broom. Sketch. PN!KEAHDIR3-TI1EM0ST ElECML GENERAL TOiiiG Gr jvt's Tasteless chill Tonic Combines both in Tasteless form. The Quinine drives out r.Liioria and the Iron builds up ibi System. Fo? Adults and Children. You k?iow what vow are taking when you take GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONTC, recognized for 30 years through out the South as the standard Malaria, Chill and Fevr Remedy and General Strensjthening Tonic. It is as strong as the strongest titter tonic, but j'ou do not taste the bitter because the ingredients do not dissolve in the mouth but do dis solve readily in the acids of the stomach. Guaranteed by your Druggist. We mean it. 50c. There is Only One "BROMO QUININE" That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Look for signature of E. W. GROVE on every box. Cures a Cold in One Day. 25c. PUNNING- Can at a" Small Cost Have Modern Water Conveniences in YOUR HOME Wi-te fJr our Free Catalog. Buy your nxtures direct from us and save money. A little mechanical ingenuity on your part together with our up-to-date fittings, our instructions! prints mS cuts, you can install the system yourself. ' Home Water Snnnlv Red Horses. Sometimes a horse after an illness turns a different color. A lady in France who possess a splendid sorrtl horse found on its recovery from ty phoid fever that its sparse hair grew an intense black. A young black horse trained for the race course wfs recently taken ill, put out to pasture and doctored for some time. It ultimately recovered and was as well as ever, but its shining black coat had become an unusually spark ling red. A young lady in America at 16 possessed achesnut horse, went away to boarding school and on her return found that the color of her horse was changing, as she called it, "like a regular checker-board," with no definite illness to account for it. Veterinary surgeons give all sorts of explanations for the changes of color observed in the hair of horses. One, at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, has announced his opinion that the coloring matter is affected by little changes in some minute and mysterious organs in the abdomen answering to the suprarenal cap sules. When theses are affected the horse undergoes some developmental change, the nature of which is not yet precisely understood. The same thing, to some extent, is noticed in the skin of man. Cobalt mines seem to affect workers to tint their complexions and to change the color of their hair. And this also happens in factories where dye- stuffs are handled, the hair of such men and women often taking on a distinct bluish tint. Braziers and copper smelters now and then find their beards and mustaches turning green. London Lit-Bits. One way to relieve habitual con stipation is to take regularly a mild laxative. Doan's Regulets are rec ommended for this purpose. 25c a box at all drug stores. Big Letters on Green Paper. Griggs Say, did your wife ever find any letters in your pocket and raise a row? Briggs She found X's and V's, but she always keep quiet about it. Baltimore American. Drives Sick Hf adache Away. Sick headaches, sour gass3r stom ach, indigestion, biliousness disap pear quickly after you take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They purify the blood and put new life and vigor in the system. Try them and you will be well satisfied. Every pill helps; every box guaranteed. Price 25c. Recommended by E. T. White head Company. "So you are going to do less trav eling?" "Yes," replied Miss Cay enne. "I have come to the conclu sion that the fatigue of travel isn't compensated by the satisfaction of making friends envious by sending them picture cards." Washington Star. Itching piles provoke profanity but profanity won't remove them. Doan's Ointment is recommended for itching, bleeding cr protruding piles. 50c at any drug store. Ethel Why do you wear gloves while learning to play whist? Edith Oh, Jack says I must never letsny one see my hand. Boston Tran script. RELIEVES PAIN AND HEAL AT THE SAKE TIME The Wonderful, Old Reliable Dr. Porter'r Antiseptic He-slirg Oil. An Antiseptic Surgical Dressing discovered by an Old R. R. Surgeon. Prevents Elood Poisoning. Thousands of families know it alreadv, and a trial will convince jtou that DR. PORTER'S ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL is the most wonderful remedy ever discovered for Wounds, Burns, Old Sores, Ulcers, Carbuncles, Granulated Eye Lids, Sore Throat, Skin or Scalp Diseases and all wounds and external diseases whether slight "or serious. Continually people are finding new uses for this famous old remedy. Guaranteed by your Druggist Wemeanit. 25c, 50c, 1.00 WATE.1? J YOU -8i A Norfolk v:.x:: I M ; ! i I ALCOHOL. 3 PER HENT 1 ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. ASgetahlcIVeparalionlbrAs similating the FoodandRedula tingtiic SiomatlisaiidBo'dsof Promotes Digcslion,Cfecruir 1 ness and Rest.Contains neittor Opiuni-Morphine nor Mineral. Not NAnc otic. Imikm Sftd ji!x.SaiM Jippaniat- , Hi Larkiiwle Ma Worm Seed Clarified Si'tpr Aperfect Remedy for Consfipa Hon , Sour Stoiaach.Diarrhoea Worms jConvu!sions.Feverish ness andLoss of Sleep. lac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. Sto-os Ba Sloan's Liniment is a splendid remedy f ur bnckrv joints, rheumatism, neuralgia and sciatica, iou c!l:i ; to rub it in just laid on lightly it gives comfort and cave ut tnce. Best for Pe!n erni StiTnc:s T-IblGeo. BncilANAM, of Welch, Ckla., writes: "I have uses! yurUv. irr.er.t for the past ten years for pain in back and Etifncsand ii s! l.-.: t Liniment I ever t:icd. I recommend it to anyone fcr pah.s of a:r,- klr.u.' rs? - is good for sprains, strains, braises, cramp or soreness of the muscles, and all affections of the throat and the-t. Mr. J. Chicago. Notice of Land Sale. By virtue of the rower vested in me by a certain deed of trust exe cuted to me by Harold Johnson and his wife, Henrietta Johnson, which u recorded in Book 146 on Pajje S50 in the register of deeds' office of Halifax county, I will on the 18th day of April, 1913, in the town of Scotland Neck, N. C, sell at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, the following property, tc wit: Beginning at an iron stake on the east side of a path. Mptv Ed munds' S. W. corner in P. C. "Greg ory's line; (hence S. 08 W. 34 10-100 chains to the main run of Buckhorn Swamp, or Deep Creek, a corner with 3 sweetgum pointers; thence h, 32 V. 95-100 chains to 2 Iare sweetgums. said to be North Caro lina Lumber Company's corner; thence along an agrctd line between said company and P. C. Gregory N 40i E. 12 02-100 chains to smali blackjack; thence N. 80J. E.; teence S. 82 E. 3 65-100 chains to the he ginning, containing 13 acres and be ing same land sold to Harold John son by P. C. Gregory. This March 14, 19d3. a r, , ,9: W GREORY, Trustee. A. Paul Kitchin, Attorney. Notice! All persons are hereby forbidden to m any way obstruct the drains on I either side of the public roads in ' Concconara, Scotland Neck, Rose neath and Palmyra townships, under penalty of the law. Those who have oubcruccea by hlling in said drams with poles or dirt are hereby notified to immediately remove said obstruc tion Do not allow your plows to be dragged over the drains. Ob struclmg the drains is against the roau .aw we cannot have good roads unless the drain a Orifn Wa i ..11 .T ... v I 5 , . i "."di tu an me citizens of said townships to co-operate with times Plng Said dra'ns pen at a11 J. H. Darden, bupt. Conoconara Township. I. H. Smith, bupt. Scot. Neck Township. W. C. Allsbrook, bupt. Roseneath Township. R.H.White,' 0 3s"e mk. T xauuyra iownsnip. This January 7. 1913. For Infants and CKprni ' The Kind YealSj Always Boughi Bears the Signature of nr sluo Thirty fears 3 ne 3 t-i s w t PHI I? & 3 si iM THC CCHTAUn COMPANY, dew YCO crrr. Tim C& a & IC t: 1 w Cot Eivtre Relief R. D. Burggyn:, of Maysviilc. Ky.. Ki:. i. Ibx 5, writes: 4,I had severe pains l.ftwttn : iiou! ders; I got a bottle cf your liniment a: 1 vie relief at the fifth application.' R.e!i3ve! Severe Pain in ShcuH -3 Unit.rvood, of rcco V.'; r 111., writes: " I am r. piaiv Ave., li-hcr by occupation, and since last Sop: n.' r : a- e suffered with severe pain in !' ?!. honl.ts. I could not rest l ight or d;y. ')' friend3 told me about voi-i ' ' Three appHcations con-. h--'; '-;'d and I will never K- v:' ' - TriccZ'iC, 0., an.! 1 ' ) f.t All UcrJcvs. S.50.1 for Kluau's fn-o - k "io:5. I. lulro.-s Dr. Earl ?. Sloan Bcstcn, Hcs. v For ft!S fcrr-.T t. 5 KliK2!,:.v.,,.:3 y Lumbacs, SrtetJca, C: 'A r - .... : i Qlvea Ouio'i He I lot It stops thn acli.-i an'! 5. re- S iievea B.rciln ' actsalmoxt r.ri ,; the excess uri3 aon! : .- . f . ... , i . .. . ' . ' - ram unci bur-j in i. ' ' other remely lAi !' free on request. SOLD DY DFi'J.w:-'71 One Dollar perb-v.;:-;. ' ',7 paid upon r'-efi;'! ' ! '." " obtaluab'.o u yo ;i . SWAMSON KJISt..?;.".! 1S3 Lc!c3 Si: m :..! it tk. ret' near. pms. Hf BURNS, W00RDS. SALT & .- 2 WORM, Ets quit!.! !ic:..'ci t y ' 3 "5-DROPS" Europe's Vsst Arrrei Fr &jt It would taUo nine an- a t r the arrcles of Kmt? ,0 ' il for the armies of K'lrc given point, ircl"t r: , ri,!e fl f 2 Jp Best Ken I A Sour StamacH, I V.'jL tler Troisk"' y-fi Bok at 0-i inches apart, ax nu