The Largest circulation J F ANY ; r Cjii.ity Newspaper. Commonwealth. If U Tl The Largest Circulation OF ANY Halifax County Newspaper. H K HARDY, Editor aatf Proprietor. 'Excelsior" is Our Motto. Subscription Price $1.00 Pet Year j VOL. XXIX. f A Severe Sickness Leaves The Kidneys Weak. M;: far l mv u rr.en :.: recovering from a severe ' sickness some time ago, I rin down and suffering from I would have pains in and hips and my kidneys '! ,,u a!! the time. I started ''.vamp-Root upon the recom i if n friend and found it v!;at I needed. My blood : ; riuht and after taking a : 1 was surprised at the :,;vJ on my kidneys. They ,: rely cured and I have much .1:. i ,' !( L'Ji iC'i Wtntt. fct-tv for me. Yours very truly, V. O. Blackmon. Phenix City, Ala. to and subscribed before the 11th dav of July, 1909. W. J. Birs, Justice of the Peace. S.vorn th Letter to nr. Kilmer & Co BinjhamtoE. N. Y. I Prove Wha! Swamp-Koot Wiliuo ror ion. 1 crJ t(! Dr. Kilmer & Company, . W r V rBinphr rbitt!o. n. N. Y., for a sample will convince any one. a'so receive a booklet of information, telling all kidnevs and bladder. -valuable janout th When writing, be sure and mention i.i n i r. ct... T.k? C r.iiionweaitn. rveguiai miy- nt one-one uoi:ar size uumca iui ie at all drug stores. . A. I. LIVERMON, DENTIST. Office up stairs in White head Building. Office hours from 9 to 1 o'clock and 2 to 5 O'CIOCK. mi. A. D.Morgan j Physician and Surgeon 3 Sc-tland Neck, N.' C. I Ouiv in the building formerly Wdlv Dr. J. P. WimberW 3 - Ciias. Staton, fiiiorp.ey-ai-Law, Sot'aad Neck, N. C. ;rac:cos v.'P.erever-ms teivitca lv required. Asiihy Dunn Scotland Neck radices wherever his N. C. services are required. ,. " lion loan on approved security. J)2. R. L. SAVAliE 0? ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. ., jVill he in Scotland Neck, N. C, on I;i2 third vY-r)e-;day of each month 1-. the hoV; t ttvat the diseases of he E.-e, Ea X .;se, Throat, and fit t'msses. I- o. Smith Plmkii apJ Suroeoa jpiF.ce in The Ci e-seent Pharmacy, Inc I Scotlani Neck. N. C. THE PEOPLE'S j lunijiiiti-!.')! to keep your tock in ., l:!.;itliier and bet- st!?! C()ll(lit inn THE PEOPLE'S Stock Remedy I'nxlueor ind Disease Pre live. Wi-vy Pankae of above JU'inefliHs sdIi! mi Li UK In Personal fiii;.ranteeV liack- Grocery Company. PARKER'S KLlii BALSAM i'iZy er.l twntifieg th hit luxuriant Rrowth. KBSJSa'6' to tore Gr ax lioiac. . 1.'. nAw i; th.,: time to set out J''winfflJuibs to bloom next n-iag; al.,o to p,t or box some Soq.1t r ff,rcin" in the con!!;. 1 haye received a large and nanv nth r varieties at cps. Place also fin J" or Kosos. Carna. "'US an- j, snd for pric list. 1 1. ri I hlMy crr t- ' '-" ' I I i . 1 JL. FLORIST Raleigh Vnrtv, fV,,i;n --"ne iViar Local Agent, C. to 14 Davs money if. PlZO CTWitfiB V..cur.c "7. of Itcw, w nS. . : cuVU(Jing Piles in 6 to 14 day.' E mi of LBS v - it atiit iNtCk. N. C. Pii(rT? - vc5ase and Kest. &0c TWO SOCIAL FEATURES. Preceeding the Marriage of Miss Sallle Dunn to Mr. J. G. Elmore. On Wednesday afternoon, April 2nd, Miss Olivia Lawrence most de- lightfully entertained the Scissors Club at her spacious home on Church! street. After the usual hour of conversation and sewing, a two course luncheon was served, after which the surprise of the afternoon came. Miss Salhe Speed Dunn, who on Tuesday of this week became the bride of Mr. James Grey Elmore, of Norfolk, was showered in a cloud-bui-st of linen articles, which she most gracefully accepted, wishing to each a similary shower before the end of 1913. HOSE SHOWER. Mrs. James Harper Alexander, Jr., was at home to her friends from four to six Saturday afternoon, April 5th, in honor of Miss Sallie Speed Dunn, an April bride. The guests were met at the door by Miss Dorothy Dunn, who ushered them to the east parlor to register. From there they were ushered into the west"parlor where they engaged in merry conversation for a short time. The guests were then given pen and paper and asked to write advice to the bride "How to Train a Husband." Very good advice was given along this line, and at the end of the contest it was decided that Miss Stella Hoffman and Mrs. G. E. Pendleton had given the most help ful hints and they were awarded the prizes, which were presented by little Miss Marian Dunn, of Enfield. A delightful salad course was served followed by delicious ices and heart shaped cakes. Next a mail bag came which held for the bride a request to lead the way to the east parlor where a sur prise was waiting her. On entering the room she found a rubber boot profusely decorated and filled with silk hose of various colors. Here punch was served and toasts given t:e inqe, to which she most grace fully responded. The favors min iature trains were most attractive and appropriate, reminding the guests of the absent groom, who is a conductor on the A. C. L. train from Norfolk to Goldsboro. Mrs. P. A. Rasberry, at the front door, gave to each departing guest a tiny wedding slipper filled with rice, with which the bride-elect was showered as she left the house. Mrs. Alexander, who is always a charming hostes?, was at her best on this occasion, exquisitely gowned in white marquisette over blue satin, mnde each guest feel glad to be numbered among her friends. Mits Dunn wore black crepe de chine with picture hat, worthy of the reputation which she bears, ss one of the most beautiful and charm ing daughters of Scotland Neck. Ladies Can Wear Shoes one size smaller by using Allen's Foot-Ease, the antiseptic powder for swollen, tender, aching feet. It makes walking a delight, relieves corns and bunions of all pain, and gives rest and comfort. Sold every where, 25c. Don't accept any sub stitute. Sample free. Address, Al len S. Olmsted. Le Roy. N. Y. "Waiter, this is outrageous, dered some potage." "I beg pardon, mister; I tink say sapo;age." The Masses. Ior- you Bertie What makes you think I've got a sense of humor? Gertie Your self-appreciation Harvard Lampoon. Multitudes of People take SCOTTS EMULSION regu larly to repair wasted vitality and enrich the blood to withstand winter colds and exposure. It contains the highest grade of cod liver oil, medically perfected; it is a cream-like food -medicine, scrupulously pure and healthful without drug or stimulant. En dorsed and advocated by medical authorities everywhere, SCOTTS EMULSION drives out colds nourishes the membranes of the throat and lungs and keeps them healthy. Nothing equals SCOTT'S EMULSION for lung and broncktal weakness More, tight chest and all pulmonary, troubles. Equally good for infants, children or adults, but you must have, Scorns. 6COTT ft Bo WE, Bloomfield. N. J. i-56 GOGD ROADS AND DEVELOPMENT. omc Striking Facts and Figures of Results From Road Improvement. Davidson county, as far as natural resources are concerned, is one of North Carolina's greatest counties? Our county has 347,669 acres of land, the most of it fine agricultural land. On the farms of the county are less than 20,000 people, counting men, women and children. There should be at least twice that num ber, and even three times that num ber would not seriously crowd us. We crow a great deal about our growth and we point with pride to the fact that Davidson county gain ed in population 6,00,1 between 1900 and 1910. Did you ever stop to think where the gain was? It was in Thomasville and Lexington. The country population of Davidson in 1900 was 21,208. The country pop ulation of Davidson in 1910 wes 20,914. This is a clear loss of 294 for the county outside of the towns. Lexington township, outside of Lexington, lost 230. Bocne, Con rad Hill, Hampton, Jackson Hill and Yadkin College, lost in popula tion, while the other townships made small gains, ranging from 32 for Silver Hill to 225 for Cotton Grove. Emmons, on account of the growth of Denton, which was not an incor porated town in 1900, shows a gain of a little more than 400. Glancing over the census reports one is struck by the very noticeable fact that no bad roads county in the State of North Carolina made any appreciable gains in population. Ashe county, a county of bad roads, shows a clear loss in the ten year period of 507. Guilford, which bu:lt good roads seven or eight years ago, shows a gain of 21,423. Clay county lost 623. Rowan, a county that has waked up to the importance of building good roads, made a gain in the same period of more than b.OOO, and every town ship in the' county showed an appre ciable increase. Lexington Dis- N KEslOSIAM. Oh, death, what a mystery! Such were the thoughts of many as they gathered at the home of Mrs. Cath erine Bowers on Saturday, March 29t.h, to take the last lingering look at the remains of our departed friend and loved one, Mr. Jesse Maran Butts, who died in a Rich mond hospital Friday, March 28, 1913. It was heart-rending to see the dear ones bow down and drop the bitter tears on the casket that contained the precious form so cold and still in death, who just a short time ago was in the bloom of health and prime of young manhood, and the joy and pride of his home where death had never before laid his icy hand. It seemed to us the clouds in the future' were far away, as his prospects for happiness were so bright; but the blessed Lord who doeth all things well, is too wise to make a mistake, saw that his work was finished and his life must end, called him to come up higher, we hope and trust, where the clouds will never darken that bright eter nal day. Y'e would say to his loved ones, weep no more for your darling boy and brother is not dead but asleep in Jesus; he lives again, and when all life is over the re-union in heaven will be stilt sweeter by his going first. May God in His tender mercy send divine grace to each of the bereaved ones to heal their wounded ar.d broken heart? and help them to say: "Thy will, oh God be done." ' ! What tho' in lonely grief we sigh For one beloved no longer nigh. Submissive still we would replv Thy wiil be done. Renew our will from day to day, Blend it with thine and take away : Al! now that makes it hard to say Thy will be dime.. A Friend. And ths Fool Killer Umckles. Another chapter was written of the silliness, the pitiable ignorance of human beings, and which the Fool Killer will enjoy with loud guffaws, when a thief broke into the home of a woman up north and ripped open a mattress and stole a role of bills amounting to $1,000. This wise (?) soul, who had shunned banks, in her denaentss, felt secure, but she soon awoke with lan awful headache. So will others who think that a tin box hidden in a corner, a wallet secreted in an old trunk, or a slit between a mattress safer than a i bank. Whatre does not do, thieves will, sooner or; later. Wilmington j Dispatch. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1913. CHANGES iN PUBLIC SCHOOL LAWS. New Plan fnr Appointing Committeemen and Electing Teachers. Hereafter, the county board of education is required to appoint the school committeemen for each dis trich as follows: One for a term of three years, one for a term of two years, and one for a term of one year, and their successors each for a- term of three years. This method is similar to the plan now in effect with respect to the appoint ment of county boards of education, except that the members of the county boards are appointed for longer terms. This plan makes the term of only one member expire each year, thus leaving two experi enced members holding over each year. Section 4161 has been so amended as to require the applications for a position to teach in a county to be filed with the county superintendent of public instruction, and it further requires the county board of educa tion to fix a day in each township for the election of teachers, at which time the committeemen of the vari ous districts are to meet with the superintendent for the purpose of electing teachers for all the schools of the township. Section 4164 has been so amended as to authorize county boards of ed ucation to provide for the payment of teachers' salaries promptly at the end of each month. This provision will prove a great convenience to the teachers in the rural schools, many of whom frequently have to wait for their salaries several months until taxes can be collected. This change simply means that the coun ty boards of education are author ized to borrow money when neces sary lo meet the teachers' salaries promptly at the end of each school month. Hereafter no assistant teacher shall be employed m any school un til the average daily attendance reaches forty, and provision is made whereby an assistant teacher may be dismissed when the average daily attendance for four consecutive weeks drops below forty. The State Journal. LiUle M3ry Eiizaoelu Bryant. The death angel entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Bryant, near Hobgood, March 15, 1913, and took their little girl, Mary Elizebeth. She was sick only a few day3. All was done for her that the loving parents and faithful friends could do. Tle Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord. She was laid to rest in the family burying ground Sunday afternoon. Weap not, dear mother and father, for your child who has gone from us forever. While she is laid in the deep cold ground her soul is safe in heaven. She has gone to rest, to be with God forever. We hated to part with her, but God wranted to take her home with him. She was born February 28, 1913, and died March 15, 1913, making her stay on earth two weeks and one day. She leaves mother, father, little brother, and other relatives and friends to grieve after her. Asleep in Jesus far from thee Thy kindred and thy grave may be, But thine is still a blessed sleep From which none ever wake to weep. Patron I have just been admiring your picture but what does it mean? Artist Ah, that's it. The title is The Mystery.' " Judge.- HOW CHRONIC DOUGHS Are Being Cured by Vinol. Did you ever cough for a month? Then just think how distressing it must be to have a cough hang on fo? three months. Mrs. Maria Primrose, of 87 Newell Street, Brooklyn, N. Y., 'says: "I had a very heavy cold which settled into a chronic cough, which kept ma awake nisM-s for fully three months, and felt tired all the time because m7 rest was broken so much. The effect of taking your cod liver and iron rem edy, Vinol, is that my coush is gene. I can new get a good night's rest, and I feel much stronger in every way." It is the 'combined action of the medicinal elements, cods livers, aided bv the blood-making and strength- creating properties or. tonic iron wuica makes Vinol bo efficient In curing chronic coughs, colds and broncnitis at', the ' same time building up the weakened, run-down system. Try a bottle of Vinol, with the un derstanding that your money will be returned if it does not help you. p S. For rough, scaly skin, try our Saxo Salve. , We guarantee it. E. T Whitehead Company Scotland Neck, N. C. ELM08E-BUXN KEDDIKG. The Baptist Church Scene of Happy Event Tuesday Morning. One of the prettiest marriage ceremonies that has taken place in Scotland Neck in many months was that of Miss Sallie Speed Dunn, the accomplished and charming daugh ter of Mrs. W. A. Dunn, and Mr. James Grey Elmore, of Norfolk, Va., which event was celebrated at tne uaptist church luesday morn ing at nine o'clock. The church had been beautifully decorated for the occasion by ad miring friends, the color scheme be ing pink and white. The pulpit was banked with hot-house plants and ferns, in front of which were the initials D. and E. While these dec orations were simple, the contrast was exquisitely beautiful, showing the remarkable skill of those having the decorating in charge. While the great audience was awaiting the approach of the bridal party, with Mr. John Josey at the organ, Mr. li. I. Jones sang beauti fully "Because". Soon the familiar notes of Mendelssohn's Wedding March announced that the hour had arrived, and the bridal party enter ed the church in the following or der: Miss Myrtle Jones, of Kenans ville, and Mr. Ashby Dunn; Miss Louise Josey and Mr. Win., of Raleigh; Miss Olivia Lawrence and Mr. Judson Blount, of Rocky Mount; Miss Belle Doggett, of Clarksville, Va., and Mr. Chester H. Prince, of Norfolk; Mis3 Estelle Williams, of Everett?, and Mr. II. G. Brown, of Conetoe. Following these came the dames of honor, Mrs. W. O. Law rence, s:ster of the bride, and Mrs. II Alexander, Jr. Then came Miss Mary E. Taylor, of Whitakers, the maid of honor. The bride en tered ,vith her brother, Mr. Albion Dunn, of Greenville, and the groom with his brother, Mr. Edward R. Elmore, of North Wilkesboro. At the altar they were met by Rev. R. A. McFarland, of Suffolk, Va., former pastor of the bride, who impressively took from them their betrothal vows, the ring cere mony being used. The bride was attired in a beaut i-1 ful coat suit with hat and glove3 to match and carried bride's rose3. showered with white and pink sweet peas. The dames of honor were dressed in white serge with lace and satin trimmirgs, "and wore black picture hats, carrying white carna tions tied with moussaline. The maid of honor was attired in white serge with lace and satin trimmings and carried white carnations. The bride's maids wore white serge with lace trimmings tucked with pink, and carried pink carnations tied with pink moussaline. Immediately after the ceremony the bride and groom, amid a shower of rice and good wishes, hurried away to the Atlantic Coast Line sta tion where they boarded the train for a bridal tour to Baltimore, Phil adelphia, New York, Niagara Fa'ta and Toronto, Canada. Those attending the, marriage from a distance were: Mrs. S. K. Elmore, of Wilmington, mother of the groom; Miss Edna Hutchinson and Mrs. J. G. Kornegay, of Ports mouth; Mrs. P. J. Heath, of Mag nolia; Mrs. Julian Warren, Mr. and ! Mrs. J. P. Ellis and Mrs. J. R. Simp son, of Conetoe; Mrs. P. N. Stain back, Mrs. A. F. Stainback and Mr. A. C. House, cf Weldon; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Horton, of Tarboro; Mrs. Thad Jones, of Kenansvilk; Dr. and Mrs. Jno. D. Biggs, of Wiiliamston; Mr. and Mrs. Albion Dunn, of Greenville. Maqy useful and valuable presents were received by the couple, attest ing in a slight way their great pop ularity among their friends. After the rehearsal Monday even ing the party retired to the elegant home of the bride's mother, Mrs. W. A. Dunn, on Depot street, where j she gave a splendid reception to the bridal party and the out of town guests. The attractive bride was becomingly attired in white chai mo use trimmed with crystal; the maid of honor, Miss Mary Taylor, wore melrose satin with black chiffon overdress; Miss Myrtle Jones was dressed in yellow crepe meteor with lace aTd crystal' trimmings; Miss Louis Josey. pink messaline with spangled lace overdress; Miss Olivia Lawrence, crepe da chine; Miss Belle Dogged, blue crepe meteor wnh pearl trimmings; Mrs. W. O. Lawrence blue crepe de chine with satin trimmings; Mrs. J. II. Alexan der, Jr., white lace over blue messa line; Mrs. Jno. D. Biggs. Jr., net over blue messaline with crystal trimmings. For Weakness and Loss of Appetite The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out Malaria and builds up the system. A true tome and sure Appetizer, for adults and children. 60c ml BISCUIT, hoi cakes, made with ROYAL Baking Polities are tlelieiozs, health ful and easily nade. Tne Legislature. More than three-fourths of the population of North Carolina are farmers, yet in the legislature of the State they are represented by less than a fifth of the membership, and this is a larger per cent than they formerly had in that body. By occupation the Legislature is made up as follows: Lawyers 82, far- mers 35, politicians 24, merchants li, pnysicians o, bankers 5. The others tollow various occupations. The lawyers and professional poli ticians, having a majority of the membership, should be given credit for the good laws as well as the ob jectionable acts made by that body. They are also responsible for the sins of omission. There should be no crusade against, lawyers as such a majority of them are among our best citizens, but it li not the best policy to take a ma jority of the membership of our legislative body from any one pro fession or vocation. Self-interest is a strong factor and sometimes un- consciously influence us. Witness the legislature increasing the num-' .If c1 buy, a botl,e of Dodson'n hero, iudses 8d soUci.ors SUi'VMrS 121 there was no need or demand for j family relief from attacks of consti the increase.--R:ch Square Chowan-( pation, li. loudness, lazy liver and Times. i headache. It is as beneficial and Most disfiguring skin eruptions, scrotuia, pimples, rasnes, etc., are due to impure blood. Burdock Blood Bitters as a cleansing blood tonic, is well recommended. $1.00 at all stores. Cook Look here. What d'ye mean by bringing me this? Missis ordered lamb, not mutton." Butcher Boy That's all right, ole dear; prime cut of last year's lamb." Punch. For Loss of Hair We will pay for what you us If RexrH '93" tia!f Tonic does net promote the growth of ycer hair. In all our exponents with Lair tonics the ono that Las done niont to Rain our confidence 13 Rcxall "S31; Hair Tonic. Wo have euch well founded faith in it that we want you to try it at our risk. If it does not satisfy you in every particular, we will pay for what you use to ta extent of a SO day treatment'. If Rexall "Q3" Hair Tonic doc not remove dandruff, relieve scalp irritation, Ftop the hair from failing and promote a new growth o come back to U3 and ask us to return the money you paid for if, and we will prompUy hand it back to you. You don't sign anything, protnke any thing, bring anything back, or in any way obligate yourself. Isn't thatf.'ir? Doesn't it Etand to -cvti; that wa would not iiiako such a li-rai offer if we did not truly b?!iove that Rexall "93" Hair Tow's wlil do ail we claim for it that it wiil do a!I and more than tiny other remedy? Wo have everything tht o ia a de mand for, and are able to j'iige thu merits of the things we sell. ut tomara tell us of their succe;-. Thers are mure satisfied users of Rexall rli3" Hair Tonio than any sia;.lar preparation we sell. Btart a treatment nf Rexall "93? Hair Tonic today. If you do. wa believe you will thank u for thij advice. Two sise bottles, 60c and $ I . You cr.n buy Rexall "93" Hair Toala la this comiiiunity only at ou eroro; E. T. WHITEHEAD CO. Scotland tnfJL to North Keck 77,0 35222 Stor Carolina There Is a Rexall Store in nearly every town end city in tho United States, Canada and Grckt Britain. There is a different Rexnll Remedy for nearly every ordinary human ill each' especially designed for the particular ill for which it is recommended. Tbe Itesail Store ara America's Creates Drue Stores SfFH ':-A PURE PAINT Is made with 1VHITE LEAD. ZINC and LINSEED OIL that's Use way the L.& M SEMI-MIXED REAL PAINT Is made. But ALL the OIL needful to make the L. & M. PAINT ready for use is NOT put into the Paint vhen it's pre pared for the Consumer who buys it. The ADDITIONAL quantity of OIL is put into .the Paint by the CONSUMER, as by so doing he SAVES MONEY. Therefore buy 3 gallons cf LINSEED OIL, with every 4 gallons ot L0. xvi. rvin j. and MIX the OIL with the PAINT. the' Paint thus made costs more than $1.40 per galton-q. the Paint as you use it is not perfectly satisfactory Then return whatever you have not used, and tret back ALL you paid ' far the WHOLE of it; and besides, the monev you paid to the Pointer. Hardy Hardware Company, Scotland Neck, N. C. If If NUMBER 15. Tbs President's First Cneck. Washington, April 1. Woodrow Wilson will receive his first pay check as president of the United States tomorrow, when Secretary McAdoo will present him with a treasury warrant for $5,625 repre senting his salary from March 1 to 31. On payday hereafter, however. At.- T 1 A Ml wie ricsucnt win receive fb.ZoU a full month's proportion of his $75 000 annual stipend CALOMEL IS UNSAFE. Tbe Local Druggist Who Sells Godson's Liver Tone Guarantees It to Take The Place of Caicmcl. If your liver is not working just r'Knt 'ou do .not neeil to tak a chance on getting knocked all out by a dose of calomel. Go to E. T. Whitehead Company, who sells Dod son's Liver Tone, and pay 50 cents for a large bottle. You will get a harmless vegetable remedy that will start your liver without violence, and if it does net give complete sat isfaction the druggist wiil refund your money with a smile. i'afe tor children as for adults. A bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone ia j something every man or woman woman .should keev in the house. Your money is safe because you can return the bottle if it faiis to satisfy. Cunning people are more often deceived than those who go quietljt along with a moderate degree of confidence in the world and its in habitants. It is now possible since the intro duction of the moving talking pic tures for a man's mother-in-law to live with him forever. Cough Rfib CcnJumptico. Coughs and colds, when neglected, always lead to serious trouble of the lungs. The wisest thing to do when you have a cold that troubles you is to get a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery. You will get relief from the first dose, and finally the cough will disappear. O. II. Brown, of Muscadine, Ala., writes: "My wife wa3 down in bed with an obstinate cough, and I honestly believe had it not been for Dr. King's New Dis covery, she wouid not bo living to day." Known for forty-three years as the best remedy for coughs and colds. Price GOc and $1.00. Recom intnded by E. T. Whitehead Co. Sir Thoma3 Lipton is surprised that his challenge has not been ac cepted, but by this time Sir Thomas should be accustomed to surprise". Kotber Grey's Sweet Powden for Cbiidrea Relii-ve Foverishr.ess, Bad Stomach, Teething Disorders, move and regu late thii lijvvels and are a pleasant remedy for Worms. Used by moth ers for 22 years. They never fail. At alt dtuggists. 2."c. Sample free. Address. Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, Carmen SyJva once said that a woman should possess great virtue, for she often has to provide enough for herself and her husbaed. For earache, toothache, pains, hurr.s, S'ca'd. sore throat, try Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil, a splendid remedy for emergencies. 1 Use PURE Paint and Use r ure uudCAU uil to aaa to it at cue-half the cost of Paint. I 1 I Hi 1 1 ' V ,t i t, ft it .V. M st ir. if

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