8 I u 1 S 11 H 1S F O It G O O I GROCERIES 5' .Ji! extracts: received a big shipment of BLUE RIBBON tlio host extracts for flavoring in the vjso another shipment of FRESH POUND j,, us have your orders. J. W. ALLSBROOK. 7 , n iTn-To-Pato, Progressive. Telephone Eighty-One. p won SCAK ention ? Ve are in your vicinity for your benefit and it is our sole purpose to please everyone. If you have or have not visited our store we desire that you do so at your next opportuni ty. We do not ask you to spend money, but wish for you to come in and spend those spare moments. Our complete, consisting of everything of a modern icy. Eastman's Kodaks and supplies, Conklin Fountain r ens and viiitn s vanaies a specialty. I our doctor's prescriptions can be accurately compounded. line i LOCAL NEWS. Items Gathered From the Town and Country. I The Crescent Pharmacy, Inc. s Pi ll Felephone Number Forty-Six. - We can fit you better for less money. come in and look over our ex- line of samples? It will pay you. L. WAXMAN, The Store That Undersells, The Baltimore Store. Whv not tensive Sfenftbs Weals Kttl&eyt. Misquotation. It la very surprising to find In the Dost suiter longer with weak kid-i charlotte Observer this misquotation :-v?. Y.m can jret prompt relief by t of r.n eld phrase, "Everything was t'dceEVctric Fitters, that wonder- lovely and me goose was Hanging f , ;, i k ov. i n;sn.' 1QI3 13 me way ido un.n ere. Start with a bottle today, fa T."iu soon ieoi a new .vuuiu ;;ih ambition to work, without fear c! pa:: Mr. Jo;in Dowhnj ot ban ;; vrcnaeriu B'.ter? Troir.Dts me c:rri !.:v -..a G oi f..f ih-i liver us well. Nothing K-'rfi;r indigestion or biliousness. P.ieeSte. and at E. T. Whitc- hd Co. r-v '"Gratitude, tor effects of Electric i . ri to write, it formed commonality have come to write it, but in the Tar Heel conn try th?y know better. The right ren dering: is "tho goose honks high," as the wild gooso does when the weath er is fine, or, in other words, when "everything is loveIy.'-rNashvllio Banner. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It stops the Cough and Headache and worV9 oil the Cold. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. . W. GROVE'S signature oa each box. 2Sc I (f YWJ l I k r K 111 Cotton is opening very fast. When the ice bill stops the coal bill begins. The marriage bells will ring sev eral times in October. It has been very near frost several mornings the past week. The enrollment at the graded school is over three hundred now. Several of our merchants are in the northern markets buying fall goods. Enfield and Halifax townships will vote on the question of issuing good roads bonds next month. -The Roanoke Baptist Association will meet with the Scotland Neck Baptist church on Tuesday, Octo ber 14th. The cotton gin of the Cotton Oil and Ginning Co. started up Wed nesday. They will use their own motor power. Our deer hunters had their first hunt Monday. Captain G. S. White killed one and Mr. James Gotten wounded one but he got away. The Kehukee Association meets with Spring Green church, in Mar tin county, on Friday, October 2nd, and continues through Sunday. It is against the law to hunt for any kind of game, except deer and foxes, before the 15th. of November. Those who are inclined to violate this law had better watch out. Read the advertisement of Bur- roughs-Pittman-Wheeler Company on the first page this week. They are telling you about the closing of their piano and organ contest; also about their new fall goods. The first bale of new cotton was brought to market last Friday, the 12th, by Mr. Jim Downing, and was sold to M. Hoffman & Brother for 12 cents. This is just a few days later than the first bale last year. Mrs. A. M. Riddick has returned from the northern markets where she purchased a large and varied as sortment of fall millinery, which she is now opening up in J. W. Maury's store, just opposite her old stand. By reference to our adver tising columns you will find that she announces her first opening date for October 1st and 2nd. Remember this date and get ready to buy your new fall hat. The series cf meetings at the Methodist church came to a close Sunday night. Dr. Beaman did some of the best preaching any community ever had the opportunity of hearing. He has few equals as a preacher of the gospel. While there was not much outward effect of the sermons shown yet we are bound to think that they have greatly helped the people who heard them and in spired them to a higher living. Dr. Beaman preaches a gospel that is easily understood and practical at every point. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. The Coming, Going and Whereabouts of Our People and Othef folks. Mr. W. L. Vaughan, of Washing ton, was here Saturday. Mr. T. W. Fenner, of Raleigh, was here Sunday and Monday. Mr. R. W. Pittman, of Rocky Mt., was here several days since our last issne. Mr. W. T. Hancock is now in the northern markets buying fall and winter goods. Mr. J. B. Edwards left several days ago for Baltimore and New York' to buy fall goods. Mr. and Mrs. Leon T. Vaughan, of Nashville, were here Sunday vis iting Mrs. W. T. Vaughan. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Jones haye re turned home after spending a week with friends near Littleton. Miss Nettie Britt left for her home near Tarboro Sunday after a pleasant visit to relatives here. Miss Minnie Wilkinson, of Farm ville, spent Monday night and Tues day with Miss Berndine Sumrell. Ex-Governor W. W. Kitchin, of oysters; From now on I will handle Oysters every Saturday and fresh Sausage and Pork through the week. Fresh Cor by's Bread every day. I also handle Cold Metal Butter and nice Mullets, Telephone me your orders foi groceries N. HERRING. Telephone 124. The Convention Will Meet Raleigh, was here Sunday to the de- In Elizabeth City, N. C, Wednesday, light of his friends and relatives. October 15 to 19, 1913, in the unve urancn mpusr, unurcn Miss Ernestine Cherry left Wed- Rev. C. M. Cartwright, nesday for Greensboro to resume D. D., Pastor. her studies ai the N. & I. College. The next annual session of the Gr;u Toi North Carolina National-Baptist Smith and Paul s. . . r.rtvpnt5nn wni mf ;n F.hV.n- White have returned to Chapel Hill beth city, N. C, Wednesday, Octo- to resume their studies at the Um- ber, 1913, and continue in session versitv until the following Sunday night. J mi a (. i 1 i ne minuies oi me iormer session Miss Kitty Foster, of Franklinton, are unavoidably late, but the secre- spent from Thursday until Tuesday tary will send them out immediately here with her aunt, Mrs. Mary W. aflr.he STets them f.rom tl?5 Pre.ss- . tj.,,. . i xms coming sessiuu, wmuii is ui rililiard. Qo4- anA w;tal infaraef mill hn ViolrJ in the spacious and commodious to her home in Suffolk, Va., after a , CQ ocf Ro n, n visit of several days to Rev. and Mrs. M Cartwritrht. is Dresident of the R. A. McFarland. Convention. ,, V. t t . v. People in various parts of the Mr. C. F. Burroughs is m the RfAf p " m.ikintr nrnarations to northern markets this week buying attend this session of the Conven- fall goods for his firm, Burroughs- tion. Those who go by rail should Pittman-Wheeler Company. j'n in groups of ten or more, when ever possiuie, aim yuiuimae a uiutiv Miss Anna Simmons returned to ticket. This will entitle each pur- her home in Georgia Friday after chaser in such group of ten persons c.rv, -fh w to a considerable reduction in the " r I m IwNAii rntn aunt, Mrs. J. M. Morrisett. Messrs. A. McDowell and J. E. Woolard returned Saturday from a trip to Raleigh through the country in Mr. Woolard's automobile. Miss Sallie Neal left Friday for Greensboro to accept ajiflsition as assistant teacher in the English de partment in the State Normal and Industrial College. For further particulars write to the secretary. GEO. M. JAMES, Scotland Neck, N. C. Paul Allsbrook. Corby's Bread! It is The Ambition of Every Father to see his boy some day securely fixed in a nice busi ness. If you save money lor no other purpose, why not begin now putting money in the bank for YOUR BOY'S FUTURE? Perhaps that same money that will set your boy up in business will make a comfort able old age. Do YOUR banking with US. We pay four per cent interest on SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Planters 6c Commercial Bank. Scotland Neck, N. t. EE sai W Jones Sent to The Pen. The man Jones who some weeks ago shot and killed his mother-in-law, in Edgecombe county, was tried last week and convicted of second decree murder and sentenced to the penetentiary for 15 years. He es- caned with a light sentence. Left For College. The following young ladiesleft Tuesday for college: Misses Laura Clark. Nannie Lamb and Ruby Dar den for St. Mary's, Raleigh; Misses Eva and Willie Moore, Lucile Leg gett and Hilda Hancock for the N. and I., - Greensboro; Miss Lucile Kitchin for Greensboro College for Women; and Miss Berndine Sumrell for Littleton Female College. A fresh shipment J of Corby's Bread Give Us Your $ Order. Prompt delivery to any part of town, 2 and wc thank you for your patronage. Jere Bunch Grocery Co. Telephone No. 29. INTER comfort at home lies in the method used in heating the house. Stove heat is conceded by au thorities generally to be the most healthy, but if you haven't a good stove, you'll be almost willing to risk the health part of it, and adopt some other means. THE STOVES WE SELL are scientifically made to consume less fuel and throw out more heat than any others on the market. They are smoke consuming base burners of the latest pat tern and sell at prices to please all. Just received a car of Mattresses and Springs. Sec our Blankets, Comforts and Pillows before buying. Scotland Neck Furniture Company, THE HOME OUTFITTERS. On Monday morning, September 8th, a gloom was cast over the com munity of Roseneath township when Mr orJ Mrs W C, Allshrnok re- LUL. U11U AAAk. . ceived the sad message that their J received every day. son, raui, was aeau, age jlo jc!, o months and 7 days. He was taken ill about three weeks ago with malarial fever, which soon settled in his head and face, causing him to suffer greatly until he -was taken to St. Vincent hospital in Nor folk and underwent an operation. He stood the operation very well and seemed to be improving very rapidly. His father went to see him t wice, and each time the physicians said his condition was favorable, but on Saturday afternoon a sudden change came for the worse. The i physicians stated that the case had terminated in spinal meningitis. A telegram was sent at once to his npnnlp. hut owintr to the fact that -' the office at Scotland Neck was closed on Sunday the message was not received and he passed away be fore his people could get tnere. x sh&n regijm my position in Qeor- The remains were brought to Hob- gja on the 12th and will arrive in good Tuesday morning and taken to Scotland Neck the following week. , - w;oi tii- T shall he with E. T. Whitehead . , aa k Company and prepared to do any tunerai service uems wuuuv- - in jeweiry cr watch repairing Rpv. R. A. McFarland. The floral 0 mnat Rf,iPntific manner. Hold offerings were beautiful, which gave your work I guarantee satisfac ; j rV AQtPPm tor the tinn. U. o. CVJUCiiVC I f Mr. Bennett Here. TtiC tOVl. TAIUOA. Em. I US fimmr tAlof- n rliffrrnrp J m 1 - foxAr r nthes maKe. d B i h II is easier to cam $1,000 a week when you Wear a $! ,000 a war.!. i . mi r i i i i r.y Kiicinoss man I miiie-up!" says Wbert nuDDara, wu, -y- ? - 1 CUi or. publisher and Royal Tailored Man. ana M i0,4t to knr,w-,-n h', cn.r. moments he's earning !,lA'U a m vaudeville-wearing a Royal Tailored buit. The Rnvnl Ta;iB UUrtnU t. Broad way Tailor bhop 1 talking distance of every man in the land For p!ea,e H uwc mat this i; Mr. Geo. R. Bennett, of knheid, paid our office a pleasant call Tues day and 3howed us quite a number of bolls of cotton affected with an thracnose, the disease that we wrote about last week. Mr. Bennett is engaged in the farmers' co-operative demonstration work for this end of Halifax county and he is thoroughly alive to his work. Mr. Bennett tells us that he finds n rrpat deal of this anthracnose dis- the cotton fields in this sec- Sa!: Hp found one field that will be damaged at least ten per cent. He urges the farmers to get busy and purify their seed from this dis ease, for it is only through the seed that'it can be entirely destroyed. Notice! I RUG I: - s a service m maae-zo-ui .... . v.i tf is Hicrher than Price -- "u uuys uumtters. vvneit; - 9 A Caogfcta Fad Cold. "Last winter my son caught a very bad cold and the way he cough ed was something dreadful " writes Mrs. Sarah uuncan, uj. xijplum, Iowa "We thought sure he whs going into consumption. We bought just one bottle of Chamberlain s Cough Remedy and that one bottle stopped his cough and cured his cold completely." For sale by alt dealers. deceased. He was a very industrious boy, al wavs labored diligently at home, nlpo at school. Ne had an excep- tionallv brisrht mind. . .T norl coo nnp rf enfh nnalities. as his, cut down in v.innm of life: but God knoweth ? I have the best assortment TT I - 1 1 A best and doeth all things wen. nis cf ugs i have ever snown will be done, not ours. Those he here about 50, hardly any X left behind should not grieve for tWQ yaue about 50c. $ they have the fond hope that he ha3 5 QO, but for quick sales X .;raA ofornnl rest. . 1 1 J il 81""'u . , j have marnea uicm One year ago he left home as he liav And wentUamong strangers but had 4flc tO S3.75. great success; o w f has called him to rest. I Call in and select what ANNOUNCEMENT I desire to say to my patrons and friends that they will find me with a Full Line of Millinery in J. W. Madry's store, opposite my former stand. I shall have the same corps of help, having added Miss Will Andrews to the work room force. Thanking you for your past patronage, will be glad to wel come and serve you at any time. Opening Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 1 and 2. Public cordially invited. Mrs. A. M. Riddick It are going Every gallon costs a painter s ebt are here yet. day's work. Poor Daint. more gallons; good t paint, less gallons x v.. r.kW Wd Fverv extra gallon aaus io juw ? i es, uiuc "6 , inh its nrice and the painter's day's X are here, two kinds, Larry J J . n-r- 1 ! ? t work; not far irom $o a fllV" t you want of them while they are going ; some of the very ;st are here yet. Cabbage Seed A Charleston. You i There are a dozep good paints and t them noW. " 1 Wilson Allsbrook. hundreds of poor ones uevoe is one of the dozen. The chances re. there isn't another m this town. E. T. Whitehead Company sells i.t. Burroughs-Pittman-Wheeler Co. (Succeadbrs to N. B. Josey Company's Undertaking Business.) Coffins Caskets. CVdf Burial I X Mfc Robes, i A Complete Line of Undertaker's Supplies. HEARSC SCRViCP. AT ANY TIME. i Burroughs-Pittman-Wheeler Co., Scotland Neck, N. C.