IHE OOMMOWWI The roesl Circulation Or ANY ,,.:v fount; Newspaper. The Largest Circulation OF ANY Halifax County Newspaper if 77 HARDY, Editor end Proprietor. VOL. XSfX. "Excelsior" Is Our Motto. Subscription Price $1.00 Per Year SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1913. NUMBER 40. Advice to mducy Sufferers ,.,.or.i:"'- the wonderful curative Sivamn-Root. I can- rl5-!0.,;, Much. After sufferinj rot-'-: ,r ,. t;,rPp vpars or more . ; V n l . . 5 :-Vi -i-r-- r-rins caused by weak vit'! vi - finally induced to try K'K t through a testimonial ? in u,e of the newspapers. I 1 c .i condition that I was V-Ss h:.d M' t'1 ? V.'i'' r ji'f. Si.:;-1- f ex. -,-; -p from mv bed six or overy night. I purchas- ..... nt bottle and bctore it i : ;v!f so much relief that I -. i ae-doliar bottle and by )vs was taken the old pains '..iv liMck and I could sleeo niivht through. I am a !:iMv.': 70 years of age, and , !':. kihner's Swamp-Root, be best of health and feel : 1 hin always glad to :.J Swamp-Hoot to those ;n r.ocd of it. Sincerely yours, (1 E. Uspery, Bowersville, Go. -:'v r-"'"eared before me, ',.' September. 1909, C. E. vv-'v! Ki .scribed the above i-v.cie oath that the t in substance and in T. II. McLane. Notary Public. L;tt?r to Dr.X:h:: Co.. ?ro?e Whit Sw3'n?-r.ooi nuik-u vu. 5-r,. Dr. Kilmer & Company, l., ior a sampie convince any one. B'.n?hnniton. It ' vrcrive a booklet of information, tellinpr all Wh-n writin-r. be sure and mention cent a -A " a'e at a!! i . i r .loiiar size Dotties ior ! : tores. DUBOIS 0uhln Analytical Textile and ';7r: :!, (':., raiit. Office and "l"V';: rv .'OS N. 9th St., - f anything, particular 0...;-.r, 4: ; VrLiiizers, Cotton Seed rTr'tt.in S.-cl Od Products. Well Water. S;v i-:v and Mineral Water, fon-M r'.nvi Products, Dairy Pro- l.e and Earth, etc. Farm::"" :hoall have heir Well Water vxamlnad at least once a year, rUH th?.c "nrt 'f their jtf-vg ,K)0i. V; ;p?, analyzed to find, whit mi.s.-ingr. so it can be added b the::- ! n.i to n.a!:e it seed ar-d A?k Lk- r.-ja ic i :-i analysis, which is nui h:;;:a and may save you lots cf :roub:e. f..r5Xi;r?:-' il?l BALSAftl 3 tri Vavni.es tr. nmi . . . t:; Lit-: v- ! -..Iniu . nr. i iV '".C !tv H ?.? L.ri v ii DENTIST. O ii.-.- upstairs in White h.f-v DuiUing. Oidce hours from S to 1 o'clock and - to ." o'clock. Dk. A. ia Morgan Physician and Surgeon Sutler:-1 Neck, K. C. "See iii th ' building formerly 0-5 -1 by Dr. J. P. Wimberky. ClIAS. JAa Staton, fftiorsev-at-Law, Scwt'ar.d Xeck, N. C. fwt'c.?."!! trover his services are re;uired. Akiiisy lUNX. " Af.orrtey r.vl Counselor at Law Scotland Neck, N. C. 'i-acos win-rever hi? services are required. iion?y to lo-in on approved security. B. L SAVAGE 0" :;0-KY MOUNT, N. C. pibo!, -.:.i:.:; Neck, N. C, on tn:ra ,V,,!.;,; ,,idy 0f eaah month f.'-r'":;-: t-; treat the diseases of l;;5e Ear, N.,:e, Throat, and fit o. f. smith frfskiw npj Surgeon Office I-iThe Crc .-nt Pharmacy. Inc Zjt-rTrr v a -' ' 9 Vj? p lil?' CA'ti - rr mcfe J S 'x v. f j.;-"'.-? r .v v e' t r J" ; ; : ; r-j r m h& s ??lH?i;-V. fKOver..00 ';''--:; :,';'. ,' .- - v. . .. f,0 , - ' .,.. --t ; v .';'..' ' V .' .'A'.'VV. - .veorR,iAor CHILLS & FEVR. J. 'l , 1, T ' ' " " " A QUEER LAKE. With Neither Inlet Nor Outlet It Has a Mysterious Tide. There is a curious Swiss lake, Lake Marjelan, which at regular intervals completely disappears nncl does not be gin to reQll until the following winter or spring. Oa these occasions it emp ties itself so rapidly that the Rhone rises several meters in a few houra and overflows Its banks. But it is not necessary to go to Switzerland in order to find a freak ish lake. There is a pond in the center of L0113 Island, at the present end of tao Motor parkway, called Lake Ron konkonia. It has neither Inlet nor out U't and lies at the foot of the hills that form the backbone of Long Island. Hound its shores are many pretty sum mer homes. The trees about it are much larger and more beautiful than elsewhere on Long Island. The waters of Ihe hike are very clem- and cold. .In sorae r-Iai'es it seems bottomless. The strange thing about Lake Ilon konkoma Is that it has a tile; not a tide like the ocean that rises and falls every twelve hums, but one that takes seven years to rise and seven more to fall. The difference between high wa ter and low water mark is between thirty and forty feet. Many scientific men have studied the curious phc r.oinenon, but no one has found out what causes this mysterious tide. Nei ther long continued rains nor severe droughts affect the quantity of water In the lake. The Indians used to hold the lake in great awe, and few dared to cross it l- a canoe. There is n legend of one I rave who, while fishing, was drown ed in the lake. Ills boa- was found six months afterward nearly ten miles away in Long Island sound. Youth's Companion. Announcement of Clean, Snappy Voting Contest for Hustlers of Halifax County. Automobile, Diamond Rings, Watches and Other Valuable Gifts Given Away as an Inducement to Add More Readers to The CommonwealthGreatest Opportunity to Earn with Little Effort One of The Very Best Up-To-Date Machines. Telephone or Write to The Contest Manager To-Day. Would you like to own an auto- back subscriptions to hold back your mobile? Have you got the real , votes. The territory has been divided into j . 1 : 1 uisuicls aa luuuws; DISTRICT NO. 1. Amer ican craving for a benzine bug-' gv Then tell your troubles to the J Contest Manager of the Common-j wealth. They have a Ford, 1914: Model, Touring Gar, fully equipped i to give away and its yours practical ly for the asking1. All of Scotland Neck township. DISTRICT NO. 2. All territory outside. THE AUTOMOBILE. The automohile to ba triven awav Usually when anyone offers to give ; VnrA M0flol ,n14 Tnnr rr Ts HIS BACKING WAS GOOD. And President Tyir Found a Place Fer Old Jack.Dade. Trcsident Tyler had a curious office peeking experience at the very begin-' nlng of his administration, 'Old Jack Pade, a character about Washington, who had been the president's class mate at college, went, to the White House, and said ho, "Jack, I want an office." "Yu do?" said rre-ident Tyler. ' What office on earth do you think you Scouts Help Mao in Want. STAY ON YOUB FEET. Taking Calomel Means Staying Heme for tne Day Take Dodsoa's Liver Tone and Save a Day's Work. if an attack of constipation or bil iousness hits you, there's no need to take a dose of calomel and spend at least a day getting over the effects of it. E. T. Whitehead Company sells the liver tonic, Dodson's Liver Tonic, that takes the place of calomel and starts a lazy liver without any bad after-effects. Dodson's Liver Tone does all the good that calomel ever did, yet it is absolutely harmless to young people and old. It is a pleasant-tasting veg etable liquid that will relieve consti pation or sour stomach or other troubles that go along with a lazy liver without restriction of habit or diet. You don't leave off any of the things you regularly do when you take Dodson's Liver Tone. E. T. Whitehead Co. sell Dodson's Liver Tone and give it a strong per sonal guarantee. They say, "A large bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone sells for 50 cents, and we will hand any person back his 50 cents if be tries a bottle and doesn't say that it does all that calomel ever does and does and it pleasantly. Get the gen uine Dodson's Liver Tone fnd if you are not pleased with it we will g've your money back with a smile. fit for?" 5Yhv. one o" these 'sinecurees' I hear i big contest in order much about no work and good delibly on the mind of the English BO Vi'," TV".!.; premi-ily replied. "Well, Jack," said Tyler deprocating ly, "you know that I am president now and must have some kind of war rant for making an appointment. Can you get anybody to indorse you? Could you bring me a letter of recommenda tion?" "Oh, yes." said Dade. "I'm fixed for that," and he produced a letter of f-mr pager, written by Tyler himself ta President Harrison, whom he had just succeeded, urging the claims cf his dear friend and classmate, Colonel John W. Dade, for a pood, fat office. ' Ca?t your eye over that!" he exclaim ed In triumph. Tyler read the letter attentively to the end, folded it carefully and said: "Jack, your backing is irresistible. Come up here tomorrow, and I'll have a place for you." The next day Colonel John W. Dade was appointed keeper of the Federal prison of the District of Columbia. Louisvii !e Courier-Journal. Appropriate Excuse. "Before the establishment cf right eous courts and trials by jury where justice could be obtained," explained the teacher, "pen-ons suspected of cer V?h crimes were tried by what was known as the 'ordeal.' One of these was the 'ordeal of fire.' Hot plow shaves were laid at short intervals along the victim's path, and the sus pected person was blindfolded and compelled to walk over them. If he succeeded in doing it without stepping 0:1 the hot irons he was deemed inno cent r.a.t if he received burns he was adiudged guilty. Who would submit to such an ordeal now? Johnny, wou.a you?" "No, ma'am," said Johnny. "And why not?" "I'd get cold feet.' Cleveland Tlam Dealers plilaiQIfF BREAD 'if&wJs--' r re pars to 1 .j i . roy r f rests by nrr," ar.il active iy ppff vent co ids, grippe and rheumatism. Good blccl prevents sicKneSS and ScoteoEmtzlsionvnll energize your blood strength, to season-. S CO it' 3 ana cicaic - - endure changing contest back a large p r.mtdsion is not an cement but has served humanity the purest cod liver od-frce irom 1- A,l etimefvinst drugs. Sco t', EmUm i. gree"blood-maker and tomshg LhAn c. 77 substitutes and demant JSTW DRUG STORE reading public in this Territory the name of The Commonwealth and for this invaluable privilege we are will ing to pay royally. While we know the trouble and expense of such a contest is enormous, nevertheless we feel justified because of the tre mendous amount of advertising which will results to our paper. THE PUBLIC IS TO CHOOSE Question of determining the win ners to be put squarely up to the people of Halifax County and vicini ty, and they decide who will be the prize winners. Balloting is open to all and it costs nothing to vote. Start to day and clip the coupons. HOW THE PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED. The Ford automobile will be a warded to the person having the largest number of votes at the close of the contest. After the automobile 1ms be?n awarded the person having the next largest number of votes in each dis trict will be given a $b'5.00 diamond ring. The person having the next high est number of votes in each district . 11 1 i will be given a $25X0 gold waicn, either en Elgin or Walthan. The two people having the next highest number of votes m each dis trict will be awarded a handsome di piece dinner set. All candidates who remain active until the close of the contest and fail to win a prize will be given ten per cent, of what money they have turned in. HOW VOTES ARE SECURED. Votps are secured in two ways. There is a ballot printed in this issue good for 25 votes if voted within two weeks. The date on which they ex tvp is on the bottom of each ballot, and if the time is expired the bal.lot will not be counted. A nomination 1000 votes. Besides this coupon and the 1000 votes which o-ns with the nomination votes will hscrintion to DC glVCU VY 1111 v-.v-.j . n0 Commonwealth, according to ,i 1 v. lbo subscription. This ine 1BU15111 "a , ,wi;r,Pd in the vote schedule. rprtificates may be held i icot. , J as long as desired and may be voted any time up to the ast aay In fact, it is weu l n. r cent of your vote , 1 . mi nnfl irnnws nuw coupons, lneuxi"""- - many votes you may have, and you are less likely to have someone who knows how vou stand step m at the last and by paying a great many ,w;ntinrlS. secure the prize you If you hold a part of your I votes back, no ona can do mis. xney will not know how many are ne el ary to win. and will not take chances on spending money for rothing. It is not necessary to hold The incentive furnished by the Boy Scout Movement is pictured by J. L. Gibbons, Scout Commissioner in Lexington, Kentucky. He tells of the faithfulness of Charles Cheek, leader of the Beaver Patrol, Troop No. 1. In a letter he writes: "Cheek and his patrol are all hustlers. Several days ago he salu- . -l -i -1 i l; - Ti. ,vn enmotHr(r fnr nntl,i'rr ?f ?o a rr A 1- J A :il Tea me anU SnOWea a Clipping. lb you something ior nothing it is a a 5 passenger 4 cylinder and will , . L . . , good policy toyed for the police, but be given the winner fully equipped of m5ddIe years was in urgent need. in this case you are expected to do a which includes extension top top Hfe Jn one little work for Tne Commonwealth cover, automotic brass wind-shield, , , ef cc t ivinnti , ,. . , . , n . . , , of the poorest sections of Lexmgtion. that you will imd pleasant and light, speedometer, 2 six men gas lamps, . o, , You wi 1 he p this paper to build up generator, three oil lamps, horn and . , . . , , , K , 1 ... , i Z i i -i rri,- :ii advice in regard to trying to help a circulat on and you wid be reward- tools, including jack. This car will mara n. . v. j'i - -u' -i j him. 1 told them they were on the ed hanusomeiy for your efforts. soon be on display in this city and Besides this High class Ford Auto- every one is invited to call and see it. moune, vw - '""8s: inr-maiviuio. j went on. Several days afterwards $25. watches and four elegant dinner The diamond rinKS win be on dis-' i found out that they had recieved sets- play in a few days. They are gen- help from several places and had WHY WE DO IT? uine diamonds and , are sparkling taken the old gentleman a barrel of We will give away all the elabor-' gems of beauty set inj gold mount- good things and a world of good ate schedule of prizes named above j ings.- These rings fnfve been pur- cheer. The boys said he exclaimed, in order to get the name cf The ! chased from E. T. Whitehead Co. 'God bless the Boy Scouts.' "Ex Commonwealth before all newspaper where they vill be shown to persons change, readers throughout thi.s section. . interested in "the contest. They are , We have therefore, resorted to this indeed beautiful and the name or . A0U-SO3 Caolera ierani. to engrave in- i Whitehead is a perfect guarantee thathey are justf;a3 jh-epresented ; The North Carolina Department genuine diamonds: " of Agriculture ha3 for the past three THE WATCHES. ( years prepared and distributed to These watches are also purchased the farmers of this State anti-hog of E T Whitehead Co. They will cholera serum at cost of production. ; Agent, 00 acres, $1.G6 be either Elgin or Walthan fitted in ' , This serum is used as a preventa-; 20 year cases suitable for 'ladies or tive for hog cholera, and if injected gentlemen. They are valued at $25. before the hogs show any signs of Here is the subscription rate and cholera, it will prevent mem irom Good Pictures require skill in the making, and best quality materials handled by experts to merit your approval. Our photo finishing department is thor oughly equipped our men are skilled experts our materials the finest procurable and your pictures have the HALL stamp of quality. Send for price list and give us a trial order. Kodaks all prices. i9bi(.M'cwai' o Willie H. Alisbrook Life Insurance. .epresenting The Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., of New York. Ordinary and Industrial Policies written. Scotland Neck, N. C. Sale of Land for Tax or I shall sell to the highest bidder at the court house door in Halifax on Monday, Oct. 6, 1913, for taxes and cost in Halifax county. N. C., for the year 1912, the following parcels or tracts of land: L. R. Morris, 145 acres, $20.00. Lovender Estate, T. F. McQuire, N. R. Newsom, Tax Col. Butterwood Township. Soccessore to TUCKER, HALL & CO. Opticians of The Best Sort 146 Granby Street, Norfolk. Richmond. LynclWf. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take LAXATIVE PROMO Quinine. It tnptlie Courli and Headache and works off the Cold. DruKKis''- refund money if it fails t cure. . VV. CrROVK'S siaature oa each bux. 25c Notice of Election. Pursuant to an act of the Logisla f ure of North Carolina, session 191i!, House Bill 2000, Senate Bill 130'.. entitled "An Act to authorize the hsue of township bonds for improvi -n-.ent of roads in Halifax county," j upon petition of one-fourth of the voters of Halifax township, notice.is hereby given that an election is called to be held in Halifax tovr phip, North Carolina, on the 11th day of October, 1913, to determine the question of whether or not Ha! ifax township shall issue bonds t run SO year?, bearing 0 rer cent, payable semi-annually, to the amour I of $40,000 to make improvements on the public roads of paid township. Done this the 1st day of Septem ber, 1933. Board of Commissioners of Halifax County. By W. R. Harvey, Chm'n. J. II. Norman, Clerk. vote schedule which will prevail developing a case of cholera, even during the contest Term: . Ten years, Nine years, Eight years, Seven years, Six years, Five years, Four years, Three years, Two years, One year, Price: $10.00 $ 9.00 $ 8.00 $ 7.00 $ 6.00 $ 5.00 $ 4 .00 $ 3.00 $ 2.00 $ 1.00 Votes: 150,000 124.000 100,000 80,000 64,000 50,000 40,000 29,000 14,000 5,000 if thev are exDosed. It is not claim ! ed for this serum that it will cure a ' case of cholera, as it is a preventa ' tive and not a curative measure. ' We begun the preparation of this serum in a very limited way and have found that it has met with uni formly good results. The demand I for it has continued to increase until it was impossible to meet the de- mands at the plant where we first begun the work. In order to be in The contest editor will be in the of- position to meet all demands made fice of The Commonwealth every day by the farmers of this State for the after 3 p. m., and contestants are in- j serum, we have built and equipped vited to call and get acquainted. 1 a large new serum plant which will VOTING RULES jba used exclusively for prepanng ... j . 1 anti-hog cholera serum. Candidates are not permitted to ; information and direc- cast more than 10,000 votes each , . wees more man uie itauci uu the proceeding count of votes. The contest opens THE CONTEST EDITOR closes Nov. 25th at 9:00 p. m. In case of a tie for any of the prizes between two or more candidates the value of the prize will be equally di vided between the tieing contestants. (Continued on fourth page.) the North Carolina Department of n V i V nH Agriculture, Raleigh, N. C. Oct. 1st. and 6 0 Director Veterinary Division. PLANT SCUPPERNONGS (NORTH CAROLINA'S GREATEST FRUIT.) A SURE CROP FOR A SURE MARKET We will mail you a booklet on Arboring and Care of Scuppcrnongs, pro vided you own or consider planting a vineyard. SOUTHERN PINES GRAPE NURSERIES, Southern Pines, N. C (Largest Produces of Scuppernong Vines. Tbe Longest Word. A little town in North Wale3 is said to have for its name the longest word in the world. A writer in Philadelphia Press tells us that it is Think of it, and pronounce it, if you can. On an address it is usually written Llanfair, P. G., for short. Our au thority says that its meaning is to this effect: "St. Mary's. Church by the white hazel pool nearby the black The Family Cough Medicine. In every home there should be a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, ready for immediate use whn any any member of the family contracts a cold or cough. Prompt use will stop the spread of sickness. S. A. Stid, of Mason, Mich., writes: "My Si?. New Discovery as" the ! whirlpool by St. Teilh's Church ne r foufh and cold 'medicine in the the red cave ' No wonder it akc-s worid Two 50c. bottles cured me a word of 58 letters to give all th s rPneumonia.'' Thousands of other , informationl-Biblical Recorder. families have been Thty Make Yoa Feel Good, and depend entirely upon Dr. King a- ' New Discovery to cure their coughs, The pleasant purgative eftect pro colds throat and lung troubles, duced by Chamberlain's Tablets an 1 Every dose helps. Price, 50e and the healthy condition of body and ?1 00 All druggists. H. E. Buck- rmnd which they create make one len & Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. feel joyful For sale by all dealers. ooooooo INFORMATION BLANK. Contest Manager, The Commonwealth, Scotland Neck. N. C. Please send me detailed information concerning The Common wealth Great Auro Prize Contest and the method to be pursued to win one of the many valuable prizes. Name Address... Telephone cut out and send to the commonwealth. The Habit of Saving. ?i - 3 Habit is the deepest law of human nature. It is c ither our supreme strength or our most miserable weakness It will make or Lreak us Our whole scheme of civilization arote from cur habits. A b&by born today, in one or two score years will be the victim or triumph of his habits. And you, also, through your habits, are moulded from a pulpy baby into a successful man or a noble woman. Now, of all habits, the habit of wasting is the most ruinous, and the habit of saving is the most precious. You can waste your tal ents, your time, your strength your whole life if you do not form the habit of saving the profits of your labor. This habit of saving is not an easy habit to form. But once formed it replaces the old fear of the future with confi dence. It creates ambition and provides the mind with the elation of independence. To spend all we earn seems to be as natural as breathing until we grow so wise as to reflect that U we will stop earning long before we stop breathing. fc! The habit of saving is real pleasure when it is once acquir ed. Indeed, there is a real fascination in it, just a3 there is in watching crops grow in the field. But it is not in holding the habit that there is difficulty, for if it is once formed it is likely to have a permanent and beneficial effect on the character. The difficulty is in creating the habit. It has been said that "an early and provident fear is the mother of safety," and this fear will cause the wise to protect themselves with an armor of defense and no armor i3 more secure than the saving habit. Oat of the saving habit v.iil gr.nv other 1 abits that are cal culated to add elements of strength to your chaiactcr. You will learn the habit of self-den'al, of self-reliar.ee. of prudence and of making your own life-plan. This is the essence of free dom. No securi'y is'felt by the expenditure of every dollar of income by the w sge-earner. But greater earning power 13 created by the raving habit, and thus there will he more p -wer of enjoyment, a wider sphere of mental and physical consump tion, av.d, what is most imporr.' of all, there will hi more to save. WE WILL m:LP YOU TO SAVE. CALL TO SEE US. EVERY COURi LV EXTENDED CONSISTENT WITH GOOD BANKING. I OUR PER CENT ALLOWED ON SAVINGS -- ACCOUNTS. TIME CERTIFICATES ISSUED, PAYABLE THREE, SIX, NINE OR. TWELVE MONTHS ALTER DATE. THE SCOTLAND NECK DANK, Scotland Neck, N. C. Capital, $25,000.00. ' Surplus, $13,500.00. A. McDowell. President. J. Harper Alexander, Jr., Cashier. P. C. Gregory, Vice-Pre3. Hugh Johnson, Assistant Cashier. t..MV W. WVB.VU.